THE WAR OF 2020 Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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i see like three thousand dollars in there really no wonder why they're fighting [Music] this has got to be one of the coolest things i have ever seen by far the coolest playing field i mean being here at the casino never gets old they keep us guessing this is amazing i have an idea okay okay uh here's my idea you've got army men versus army men here's here's the deal we split all of the money you get half i get half any coins that we push your side versus my side you pick a side either the left team or the right team looks like they're guarding a ton of money i even say a bar of gold and whoever takes the whole other team out gets to keep all the money all right you got yourself a deal welcome to the war of 2020. [Music] george can only play the left to try and take my army out i can only play the right to try and take her army out i'm gonna go with red since you're colorblind and you can't see red plus it's on the where's red what are you talking about exactly and then whoever takes all the army men of the other side out first gets to keep any money do it drop it i think that's pretty fair drop it like it's hot i see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten moving things already [Music] i see like three thousand dollars in there really no wonder why they're fighting one two three four the bundles are for sure eight nine 10 11 12. no well every bundle of joys almost oh it looks well it depends on if those boxes have bottoms on them yeah we don't know that you better choose you better choose your drops wisely choosing them wisely because this war be on it on like donkey kong oh look there's actually there's hundreds up by uh the end too we may get some quick bonus shots i just saw those i was looking at how cool this thing was [Music] it is pretty awesome it's it's almost too cold to destroy uh for 3 000 ish i think i can destroy it you're going down you're going down george remember if you don't if you don't drop any quarters though we're both out of it no but you could come back and save it oh you just took one of your own guys down oh you just jammed him you pile drive him nice this is gonna be so i pretty much have to rescue my own men no no your guys are the guys on the on the right you're killing me on the left and then i'm killing you on the right by dropping to the right so i was wrong you took me out i'm the reds okay you're the desert cam oh my goodness which is pretty much which is pretty much like reality down to three quarters i'm gonna time them good she hasn't dropped any of my guys yet getting a push i've gotten a couple to fall down oh she took another one of my guys out that's right lucky sock is back all right 12 50 now to take george out here we go i'm going all right because once you go right you finally went right right i don't think they're oh no my things are bouncing to the left my own i'm taking my own my now that's not good come on come on take her out [Music] there's a way to get there oh we got 100. [Music] there is a way to keep them from bouncing to the left but i'm not going to share that secret with you this is war bald eagle bald eagle this is bravo yeah yeah you better believe this is war you better believe this is war i'm going to bounce one out and take your helicopter and your tank out this means war here we go look at this push oh i got her i got her guys so close you took down one of your men took down one of my guys phone yeah but you didn't see it because they're colorblind did you do that on purpose did you take one of my guys out i don't know how to use mind power like you do oh i just knocked one of our guys off of the hundreds here we go come on come on best 1250 i've ever played right here i want to drop one of your guys this all is fair and love war here we go rapid fire in it and come on give me the push give it right here right here right here oh man so close to taking you out so close to taking you out we better pull another pow right there just remember i knocked him in he was a casualty of friendly fire on accident 15.50 15.50 and the war continues now i also have 15.50 you better choose wisely i still have a hundred uh up on the upper tray the the hill that the two tanks are protecting we also have the gold bar up there no doubt that's what started the fight at the barricades of all the hundreds the blocks of it just goes on and on the barbed wire the shot has been fired shots have been fired pushed another red man down there's another casualty there's another casualty on team hales oh she's bouncing oh you better be careful because you're actually about ready to drop one of your own men it looks like it and i i ain't gonna feel bad for you not one little bit come on i don't blame you because i didn't feel bad for you when you knocked down your own guy come on remember winner takes all [Music] oh yeah friendly fire has never been better look at that now would you say this is a friendly competition no i would say this is all about war war okay this is war so you and i are not friends right now absolutely not i'm not even sure we ever were all right thank you for clarifying i can't remember a time when we actually work you want to sit there and fire that ammunition at me like that [Music] and she wants to claim friends i think not yeah oh that hurt that hurt you mean the one unit where we bid against each other and there was fifteen thousand dollars worth of jewelry and i outbid you yes um no i know they weren't friends at that time we were not friends then what about you just took another one of my guys out what about what about when was it one of my guys or your guys oh wait that was your guy that was amazing you're confusing yourself yeah i am a little bit confused what about when we bought it [Music] better make it count better make it count if you have kids at home just make sure they don't see this carnage 1550 going all out taking you out lucky sock is the reason why you've ever won anything lucky sock is the reason i can breathe um okay that was a little far here we go we're going to time these props perfect because i'm a sniper when it comes to the sniper no sniping i am a sniper and i'm taking you out so does that include the barricade on each side we got to knock that down too all right we're just the men how you're going to knock that barricade down but if you can knock it down have at it or is it just the man just the man okay in the play field i don't know how you're going to knock them out outside of the play field you got some crazy things in mind that's for sure well the wall the barricade ball oh whatever's in the plane okay but i'm about to knock some hundreds in did you see that i saw it here we go here we go definitely saw it can't see it all right well make sure you're looking keep that big eyes open right now you ready i'm ready here it goes in three two call it in let her loose boys oh i just dropped a fence on my own side on that permission permission to proceed based youtube permission proceed from rich and granted roger take the drawer jets out [Music] [Music] it's protecting it oh one of my own guys is ready to fall that works look look i am gonna take your sniper out and i have no rehearse i have no rehearse at all take the wheel oh what's up now george what is up now hurts donut hurts i know it hurts hurts deeply come on come on come on just knock one of your dudes down behind the hooks war is a war is a horrible thing it is it sure is but there's gold on the line benjamin boy is over there protecting the gold like not over my dead rapid fire but i don't think that's a good idea i don't think rampant fire is a good idea okay this is my last two and precision precision is where it's at the carnage the absolute garbage so there's two men it hurts and part of my fence part of my defense that's my defense took part of my defense down as well how much money did we get 15 and 75 cents a quarter so you get 15.75 and i gets 15.75 all right remember she's playing to the left she's she's trying to take my assault out and frankly uh she did pretty well there we've got some hundreds to drop well i gotta say i think i dropped most of those and now now she's trying to take more of my defense out [Music] oh man she's got one of my guys on the edge by the 100 roll he's got the machine gun hang on hang on fire back fire back oh my goodness he took a hit he took a hit to the left teachers are hit to the right come on hang on hang on hang on let go all right i'm sending it first thing i'm sending in medic i've got medic running to him right now medic is running to him he might survive this although i've got men down i definitely have men down [Music] no no his name was not felicia well it was to me it was not felicia have a little respect for the fallen it could have been a female it looked like a femona this is this is rough but if this one oh no no another fallen brother in arms if this brings flashbacks for anyone we apologize beforehand [Music] medic medic the war of 2020 was a horrible war it all started with a virus and then everybody started to hoard the gold the fence was gonna fall next there was those on the left oh and there was those on the right the hundred fell off the pusher down one corner oh right you know you finally went right we will we will prevail fight with me brothers come on give me a good push you got nothing and my defense is still up that's right one two three four gi george's four gi george's out without a doubt i didn't even realize you took that many men uh that's because you knocked most of them out 15.75 is what i got in lucky sock i'm going to the right and i'm gonna take a whole lot more out here we go i gotta plan my pushes planting the pushes [Music] [Music] the machine guns are set up but we're not using them right now come on come on come on i can knock him out so just to be clear we do have to knock the little walls on top of the pen you got to take everything out the first one that gets it out gets all the money honey oh i almost got one of your guys moving and the gold hundreds are moving not only the hundreds moving the one the decorative one up there it keeps bouncing come on come on come on almost i'm gonna take your sniper out too i got that hundred dollars your sniper is holding oh the sniper is holding the hundred that's the push come on here we go yeah got another one he goes oh it's gonna get worse it's gonna get much worse [Music] you think so huh i got my strata just working it up in the back room right now [Music] here we go oh nice that was just that was backup ammo coming we just called in for support we got the helicopter ready to take off and now the backup just arrived it's elvis i called elvis come on elvis take him out with me take him out elvis come on elvis right here right here oh man your sniper is holding that hundred back yeah he is good job guy really you know you can win that too you know all right i got 50 cents left i've got no i have i have 75 caliber left okay 75 caliber left here we go make it count baby make it go here it goes oh man time to pull that hurts two more of your red men that hurts a hundred dollar bill and two fences i don't know whose funds belongs to one i'll exchange two of your men for three of my men and then we're both splitting 13 in pointage we're not splitting 13 we split 26 she got 13. i will exchange two of your men for three of my men i will exchange two of your best men for three of my worst is there a surface what's safe will you yield no well then we shall fly the flag and band of brothers shall relentlessly oh you got your own sniper to let go of the roll but it's still holding on he did a good job and we shall relentlessly plunder your people well look at your sniper he's uh he's got that 100 bundle on lockdown that's my sniper don't ever stop [Music] and i'll give [Music] one of my men is about to guard that money with his life with his life our motto is our motto is so others shall live and get jeremy gold oh you got a fox that was my last quarter my turn taking you out yeah that's right i gotta run and scared right here thirteen dollars ready to do more damage that has ever been done before i'm going to get that 100 roll for sure i'm going to get it out of the clutch of the sniper here we go it's about to go down i got to pick i got to pick my snipe for my shot to go down oh i took your wall down that ain't it that ain't it because i'm coming for so much more i'm coming for you this means well the bundle just found [Music] oh but that ain't the most important thing your god is about to fall don't miss one missed my shot like my guys are expert marksmen 100 bucks just spell yep don't care if you're trying to take all your army men out money means nothing i'm excited when anything falls here we go i'm going to get a push now i thought for sure okay i gotta time it oh there we go this is gonna be a good one this is gonna be a good one took him out took him out yeah i did you got him good all right how many more are your guys all right just a survey of the land one of my guys is on the edge one of george's guys is on the edge we literally it's tied one to one and two ammo shooting bunkers somehow i've got to get george's guy out [Music] come on it is a tie for anybody keeping oh my god he's getting way too close to the edge way too close to the edge if anybody is keeping score it is a tie one to one [Music] that was horrible all right here we go oh i bounced one come on come on come on no it was my last quarter and but that ain't my last drop let's see what happens oh [Music] we each get 11.25 i'll give you a thousand dollars if i can put two of my men back in deal how are you gonna do that what's your total what are you pushing again we both get 11.25 11.25 so we split 22.50 all right one of george's men oh she's got elvis on her side right now george's man is still in the middle but remember we have to push off each other's uh little mound with machine gun yeah get that hundred bucks so we have to we have to clear the field get it get it get it get it get it so i'm still in it even though even though there goes even though george's man is still up there i'm still i'm still in it she's still in it because she has to get the uh the firing gun wall down as well and that gold bar here's the crazy thing that gold bar has not fudged this entire war we're fighting over gold and the and the gold just doesn't seem to care it's it's not picking any signs on the right looks like it wants to drop i think it's just making people crazy is what it's doing it's gold that's what it's doing and we definitely we're losing ammunition we're going down [Music] any idea what goal is up to right now no clue she's down to two quarters got another one of george's men and i got 11.25 time to make things happen here we go here we go lucky sock lucky sock don't fail me now lucky sock here we go i have a strategy stick with me guys okay what's your strategy [Music] oh okay the strategy was go for the middle push the guy off and then go to the to the right but the wall the wall is falling further backwards okay i have got to go back over to the right this is not working my strategist your strategy is a lucky sock and just failed you take it back take one bag lucky sock has nothing to do with this or he failed you take it back for this round come on come on come on take it back nope we said we're not friends so if we were friends i would take it back [Music] come on push them over push them over oh they're gonna drop at the same time that box and the and my last guy here we go here we go and come on i need a push oh my goodness look at the gold look at the three quarters in front of it just hanging on elvis oh my goodness i cannot believe it i cannot believe it george actually might meet me [Music] that's a lot of rewards award though dollars and paper money and then this little guy that fell and then we each get 13.50 no we each get 14.50 math was never our strong points or reading 14.50 each here we go 29. that adds up the divines to 14.50 right [Music] are you checking my map on your toes yeah perfect as a distractor so she doesn't get my wallet all right man on the count of three crop duster [Music] wall versus wall now well i'm gonna get your wall down and there's a hundred dollar roll by my wall by her wall the one that i have to knock down the wall she has to knock down on the left is obviously closer and that hundred and right in the center was on the pusher protecting the gold bar and the gold bar is still there that thing has a fudge oh no oh no she has the wall on the edge teeter-tottering if i'm lucky i'm gonna call in reinforcements and have it get stuck that ain't yours i'm gonna have that thing get jammed rammed crammed no the walls [Music] that wall is gonna get stuck on the wall come on elvis help me out do me a salad help me out don't fail me lucky sock 14.50 we're taking george's wall down and we're claiming all the money here we go we gotta we gotta plan it right we're about to snipe it i got 14.50 cal there we go there we go so neither one of us have to take out the gold bar it's just whatever's on the playing field right gold bar is just part of the rewards of winning [Music] no you don't you've asked me the rules ten times already come on you're right 20. i was going to say 11 times 12. oh i just got your wall to move [Music] things you never thought things you cannot hear all right here we go precision that's what this is about right now [Music] and i think i got it i've got you right where i want you yup right there right there no no no no no was that your plan no i mean it looked like that was part of your plan all right officially officially george gets to keep all the winnings officially george is the winning winner we have 200 more i'm still gonna try and get your wall out though yeah because there's a hundred dollar bill right there it's only fair that you play the rest of your corner see what else can come down all right i got a good handful left here we go good pushes [Music] good question [Music] come on last quarter come on give me a good push not bad not too bad i'm happy with that a little sad that i lost but i'm happy with that the peace treaty i've given george back her men and she's taken over all of our lands no longer will this be called what the [Music] hell's she's working with fifty dollars and fifty cents [Music] or who's got tails or you got males [Music] since george won the war she's now in control of all the money that includes the quarters we at what the hails have conceded she's taken our tank our helicopter and our our wall are we friends now continue we will rise up again and we will have our day we may have lost the battle but the war would it make you happy if i told you i'd be willing to still split it with you oh man call it a truth but not all men [Music] that gold for whatever reason has done almost nothing the entire time except [Music] although admittedly we were more focused on the battle down below it's not like we were dropping to drop the gold although that's what i should have done i should have dropped the gold and had the gold push your whole army out that would have been smart [Music] [Music] it doesn't want to pick a side so it's just staying neutral yeah it's just like the twist [Music] at least you're moving some hundred dollar bills we still have a hundred dollar bill in the middle and there's a hundred dollar bill underneath the wall on the right so there's 200 still on the playing field and the gold and bar looks like there's some men still shooting at each other too i'm seeing some crossfire every now and again it could be coin confusion oh nice that was a decent push [Music] that 100 trapped by the wall is actually hanging halfway over it's hard to see because of the wall the wall is actually holding it on it is buried buried under the wall it's nestled and cozy it just moved forward again and coins just went out from underneath it it's getting so close [Music] that gold bar though [Music] it's being so stubborn that's why it's part of george land everything in george land is stubborn oh is that right yeah absolutely everything you think so huh welcome to georgeland where everything is friendly but stubborn that was my last course oh that was an awesome place you might get 100 on the right you might you might and no it's still now you got some quarters but it's still hung up still hung up look at all that ammo 61.25 that's the hails of a lot of ammo as a matter of fact i should be able to clear this i think you took that when you took over the what the hell's land you took all of our reserves on ammo didn't you not quite she's doing quite confusion you just dropped 100 to the right you just dropped it it let loose from the wall so now you got 100 in the middle you got a gold bar on the upper tray that gold bar is not going to be easy you got a tank to the left to tank to the right you still got you got snipers you got people all around ready to take you out if you get it off although you have declared peace the people are still resisting maybe i'll get them to change their mind what are you going to do give them all free jumbo dogs yes and ice cream sandwiches [Music] that would work for me you want to make friends i'm good with being friends if you want to make friends okay how many jumbo dogs as many as you want how many ice cream sandwiches as many as you want we're good would you prefer to be friends or frenemies [Music] it just makes me excited when things fall you remember that day i fell for you [Music] and you were like god i'm trapped i just trapped them [Music] she literally did she locked me in a room [Music] [Music] send asthma that gold bar oh oh the hundred dollar bill it hates that we're fighting that gold bar does not want to let go it'll probably fall off as soon as that hundred falls off you think so that would be awesome if they both hold off at the same time [Music] i admit that oh no there goes the hundred all right down to the gold bar how much how much ammo did you have this time around a lot the board now isn't with me [Music] they've declared neutrality george has declared outright war [Music] you know i declared these case offerings with ice cream sandwiches did you tell them that because they're fighting they heard me i sent out the memo [Music] maybe they blocked you because of the war [Music] i've done it a number of times [Music] [Music] uh with pasta garlic bread what about meatballs your strategy she's going all middle instead of pulling from the future it just wasn't working merging to the right so do you think you should go right now instead i'm doing center and right see if both sides can push it together join forces and push it together are you proposing an alliance whatever works i'm thinking the only thing that might work is rapido maybe when you finish that bag you should call in your new subject since you took over our land last quarter and put their skills to use and rapido okay oh it looks like you got some good ammo holy nice holy george we used to say rolly hills that was before she took us over [Music] put me in coach i'm ready all right rapid car to get the gold bar here we go [Music] i'm gonna attack it the best i know how okay i have i have confidence in you sir why because i lost the war yes you have a shot of hope in you [Music] i have a what in me a shred of poses i would feel a whole lot better about this if i actually won the war [Music] it's close it's close oh [Music] yeah i just got to get a bigger handful of ammo which is easier said than done all right here we go it gets tricky a little bit here we go [Music] nothing nothing moving around like crazy it doesn't know whether to come or go it's like should i stay or should i go come on buddy you'll be safe with us maybe if i talk like [Music] [Music] it gets pushed forward and then it slides back i got it this time come on come on that was close that was close and then man that is difficult [Music] are you running low on ammo no really i'm not just running low on on patience [Music] rapid fire confusion yeah [Music] all right george wants to take her coin confusion and meld it with my rapido [Music] just going [Music] like [Music] don't be that way [Music] that's it that's the bag come on my goodness what do you think should we walk away i think this is a more difficult war than the war with you let's pull 61. we're going for the rapid fire coin confusion again we're not giving up remember gold always fluctuates just like silver the price always fluctuates so this could be worth up to two grams i've been checked prices lately or it could be worth 1500. the reality is we got 61 [Music] we're going for it we ain't going away we've bloodied ourselves too much from the war already to walk [Music] away oh man it was close again just feel like rapid fire isn't getting it maybe i need more in the rapid fire more [Music] it's so close all right i'm going to try and get more at the it's making my heart race i can feel it did you bring your meds i can feel it in my throat no still nothing oh it keeps sliding back wow [Music] wow wow [Music] i just don't get it remember you may never get [Music] and still nothing no nothing what other techniques are allowed well there's one technique what haven't we tried yet there's one technique but it's extremely frowned upon what are you thinking crop dusted [Music] i can take it do it i don't know if that'll help it'll help i can't just prompt us on command [Music] i'm a lady i'm sorry are you choking on something um yes i was [Music] it just does not want to go the shininess back and forth follow my shiny goodness all right you're starting to freak me out you're now getting oh we haven't asked them to shake at home maybe that'll work when elvis starts singing [Music] i got one more handful all right this is gonna be the one all right [Music] there goes oh my goodness i can't believe it i cannot believe it let's pull 61.75 we're going with rapid fire again we're gonna do whatever we can no gold left behind we're not going home usually it's me trying to get out of here and now i'm coming no there's no way not with that goal i don't know how i feel like we're never we've got the ammo we just gotta push it [Music] excuse do you me any grey poupon [Music] oh i gotta tank besides [Music] a few inches later come finally oh my goodness how many hours did you fight with that way too many way too many i told you no going home i wouldn't call it [Music] oh i just jammed it again this is [Music] way too [Music] got an much push right there [Music] well thank you you're not the first to compliment me [Music] making it rain with the porters we go it seems like after doing this for two hours my repeat gets even better yeah there goes the jam the jam's working itself out the jam is working itself okay there we go now i can get the middle [Music] here we go oh my goodness it's taking forever [Music] i don't know about you oh my god one of your poor dishes i didn't even see it in the other place i knocked the tank over i knocked the entire tank over another quarter bounce and you knocked that other 100 into the other plane no bonus money for us you have got to be kidding me i didn't even [Music] wow [Music] that's all i got that's it that's all i got we're gonna have to pull again at least we got it off the train now 8425 el presidente you got this of what the george is allowing me the honor to bring home [Music] that's how i roll that is landed on the shiny [Music] you know how i do that quarter is weighing it down and barely moved [Music] yeah exactly here we go [Music] nice nice rapid fire i got some more where that came from you got a good push there it goes wow [Music] see what i can do [Music] my calculations could be awesome [Music] see come on [Music] trying to bring the gold home for my new country what the george that was a good push now you just need two more of those [Music] more one few more of i'll see what i got all right here we go you can do it [Music] yeah maybe don't go in the center until it unclogs itself oh no i just lost the other tanks [Music] we just lost our entire military we've lost our entire military [Music] that tank is going to take something out once we get the gold bar we should just get to the chopper oh here it comes here comes there it goes [Music] in paper money not bad for winning a war finally here is the stubborn goal yeah that one was a battle on itself how many quarters 80 and 50 cents in ammo uh i think i'm laying the arms down and i'm gonna go take a nap [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 196,214
Rating: 4.9191537 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: fBFutJDdskU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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