WOWZERS Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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look at this look at this promise me this is the last one and then we can go to florida this is it and then we can hit the road promise starting off with 25 and quarters not making any problems three four five six seven eight nine uh what are those those aren't flowers they kind of look they're wowzers they're wowzers you have nine wowzers yes all right this is gonna be interesting she's going for nine wowzers let's get our destroyer i may never get to florida [Music] i'm not even sure what to watch where to start where to start uh it's your last time and then i'm headed i'm headed south with or without you you know how badly i would just want to go center no i have no idea how badly you want to go center it's bad but i'm going to go left what the hell can you believe it why are you trying to throw me off from the very beginning not only is there one mystery bag but there's two back there is that purple or is that blue i can't see purple it's royal blue okay and then the one on the right i'm pretty sure is royal brown okay so we've got royal blue and royal brown and you realize if you keep going to the left oh my goodness things are moving already you might knock it over to another side we've been here so long we have been george lost quite a few and it's so late did you see that i definitely aren't gonna lose those hundreds what just happened it pushed it right into the hopper benjamin came up behind benjamin and was like what now and then pushed them what they're already jumping into the hopper their friend it's like they know this is your last play take me with you unless you stay [Music] nobody knows where i'm going yet but i know you think you know only two people know you think and those two people are you and the realtor and myself i didn't tell you anything else oh my goodness another hundred just dropped and the wowzers are moving wow sirs wowzers i guess that's why they're called wowzers you're gonna lose you're gonna lose it you're gonna lose the wobbler i'm going to lose some quarters but to the left has already fallen over i'm okay with losing some quarters over hundreds i'm telling you george if you're not careful you're going to lose that wow i'm okay with that there's no stopping it [Music] do you want to lose that whole wow i'll lose a part of it you just have been on such a losing streak that now you're okay with losing stuff i'm okay with losing the quarters you just had 200 rolls literally let's let's break the losing streak now you need you need lucky drawers the tidy whities you mean no i mean lucky drawers uh no i think i'm okay i think i'm gonna pass oh man you're scaring me i'm just gonna rely on lucky bag 6.0 to do everything it needs to do and what is brought to this world to do looks like a banana arcane over to the left yeah it does this looks like a cucumber ready to cucumber to get its cute umber on looks like it's going to get its cute topper on you're scaring me that thing is really leaning to the left that thing is really leaning i either keep going left or i go center or right what's it going to be coach let's go to florida let's go let's go down let's forget left right let's forget center let's just go down so just ditch this game and go all right what i'm saying okay i'm calling your bluff right now how you calling my blow all right i'm down to six quarters you're about to lose 60. that thing is crazy george be careful if it does a 360 and fall right into the hopper really a 360 into the hopper actually i probably i'd probably you never know you never know 100 bills did already why not that not a bad start for the first round two hundred dollars in paper money hold a second two hundred dollars jumps into the hopper and you're going down not a bad start eighteen dollars and fifty cents in quarters uh an incredible start two hundred dollars jumped in the hopper 200 although i'm still scared what do you think should i switch it up you're going to have to do something you might as well just i think whether i go left center or right that thing is crashing into the next playing field i don't know i think i would probably go how much 1850 i think i would go straight center and see if those things will push anything straight into the hopper and get some ammo oh oh my goodness another see what i'm talking about who's your coach who's your coach i said who's your coach [Music] don't you forget it believe i just called you doctor i mean [Music] [Music] see look at these pushes already that hunter just slid back now it's hiding behind the wow what did it do that for i think it got scared they wanted to take all the faith and then it got scared and second thoughts uh got cold feet yeah you've done that before you've gotten cold feet right my feet are always cold feet are always cold your hands are always cold nose is always my nose is excuse me nothing my car your car is always cold yeah it is that's why we're going in the winters sure that's why we're going to warmer places warmer climates is about to happen i can feel it the royal blue bag the royal blue back towel elvis is singing and the towers i mean the wilderness did you just say the wow there's a wowzer leaning into the other wow and then there's another wowzer leaning and then the other wowzer is like cucumbers leaning everywhere to dessert would i tell you about going to the middle you've been you've been starting left all these times oh you've been starting left all these times and you were losing and now i'm down to three quarters i'm gonna drop them all down the center everything is going in slow-mo for me right now i can't i can't look away don't look away something's gonna happen something's gonna happen right now right now it's gonna happen can you pull i'll keep watching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] two more 200 paper money yeah you got lucky at the end there and i kept looking 11.50 i told you something was gonna happen and i don't know how you've done it so far wowzers is all i can say but every quarter is still in the playing field i think middle is where you want to play your fiddle middle is where you get your final one middle is where you're going to get all settled let's see what i'm talking about the entire playing field you see you see the whole oh here we go here we go okay see what happens now here we go here we go oh i can't believe nothing fell beautiful things are getting destroyed oh man as i continue to play to the middle still have every quarter in the playing field but the wowzer to the left back is leaning so far over to the left playing field i have no idea how has it not fallen yet you know what you probably should do i was probably wrong you should probably go to the right you know what i'm saying go after that royal brown bag yes you can get that oh look what's happening did you just see that to the left and you're pushing to the right i saw the move [Music] here goes your old seat [Music] everything oh it's all up against the glass oh everything everything is still in the playing field goodness i'm down to three quarters everything is still in the plane yeah it is how wales are you doing this all right actually down to four quarters are you doing this should go right i think you should stay right coach always knows best how are you doing this come on baby this is crazy come on oh man oh man oh wow wow this is crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no paper money this round but 82.25 you have more than enough ammo to do a hails of a lot of damage who's your coach who's your coach who's your alibaba should i go to the right left i'd stay to the right that's the area you always have trouble with knock it out first you got the ammo now then you got the pressure to the middle there that's what i'm talking about that entire thing just jumped you know what i don't even know why they say wow i don't know why i coach i should be playing pure and simple that's just pure and simple that's the facts i my talent is wasted on coaching look at this look at this my talent is being wasted it's pretty and watching it come down that wasn't bad that was nice i'll give you that i'll give you that it was nice now what can you do to the rest of it [Music] oh man every quarter is still in play that far left while they're still standing i thought [Music] five she's only lost six corners now if she was wearing lucky drawers obviously this would be a much different scenario situation there would be no quarters on the edges whatsoever you know what i'm talking about is that what you think you think you know you solved you witnessed the power of lucky i was a part of it did you feel the power resonating it was a great experience being a part of that look at that push royal brown bag has rotated on the pusher and that hunter just fell that hunter just dropped drop it like it's hot i can't believe that left wiser still standing tall and proud i can't believe that you don't want lucky drawers again it felt really weird well i forgot to tell you after you wear lucky drawers the power is so intense you're still going to feel it for quite a few hours if not days afterwards oh good to know i forgot to tell you that so that explains my winning streak well that explains it when you were winning oh my goodness it doesn't explain anything when you were losing me oh not one not two not three not four not five but six it's not bad that is not bad i would have much i would much rather lose six quarters and six hundred dollars or an entire bundle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know if you could if you could only just lose those sticks i gotta tell you i um that's gonna be i'm gonna be impressed i'm gonna be impressed to save those least but you still got that cucumber leaning over to uh that's what i said i'm gonna call the press at the least i'm gonna call the press we're gonna do a press conference [Music] [Music] massive victory only losing a dollar and fifty cents so she has lost nothing nothing to the right six to the left for those keeping track wow [Music] what a way to go out what a way to go out after all those you just lost what a way to go out you are going to be done after this you promised did i promise you promised and i'm leaving regardless [Music] now you don't remember promising just like you don't remember how i ever let you play [Music] [Music] you told me i was a coach that was my skill set that was all i was allowed to do you said egyptians were naturally born with a click of the wrist i thought i told you that you were born to be the water boy yeah you did who gives you your water so i fulfill my obligations [Music] come on that thing's gotta go oh you're gonna get it for sure one way or another you're gonna get it o-m-w [Music] something's about to come crashing down you know what i bet you there's a priscilla presley machine in florida oh that would be awesome why why is elvis singing that as soon as i mentioned priscilla why's he gotta be like that he's got eyes and ears if there's a priscilla machine i'm gonna be all right [Music] look at that pile of quarters my goodness [Music] thanks thanks for tooting my horn appreciate that yeah next time don't don't squeeze so hard [Music] that's not enough kudos i'll make you a dozen a baker's dozen of your favorite cookies really oatmeal butterscotch what about a jeremy dozen instead of a baker's dozen i can make a jeremy's dozen what exactly is a jeremy's dozen 36. 36. all right to be eaten all in one sitting in five minutes you would wouldn't you yeah i would as soon as they come out [Music] why waste space with what you said [Music] that's the oatmeal butterscotch cookie eventually you're going to get thirsty if i get thirsty you're right there [Music] crystal oh i thought you meant different kind of thirsty one two three four five six seven eight nine i see ten i've lost ten all right i'm down to four quarters i'm gonna drop them all to the right see what happens that was pretty good that was a good driver [Music] 100 roll and [Music] cents in 355.50 yeah i'm gonna say that's pretty good that's a lot of quarters uh i'm dwelling in quarters wait you're drowning in quarters that's a good problem to have right tell me more about this coin shortage i mean i know george is short but i haven't seen any shortage of coins anywhere i mean i hear it but i definitely have not seen it or experienced it now here's where everybody's gonna put the comments you don't know what you're talking about they wouldn't give me coins at the supermarket or at my bank again i hear it oh but i don't see it like i just saw that fall that was pretty man that was awesome [Music] okay which one's next left or right one on the right because there's a hundred roll hiding behind that wowzer that one's kind of like half a wow now it's just a wow or it's just a that's what it is i want to see that epic drop again that last one in slo-mo we should do everything in slo-mo every video we do from here on out we should have incorporated a slo-mo you think people would enjoy that i mean i do whenever there's a replay they do it in sports where they'll do a highlight and a replay in slow motion well i'm just saying i mean the most epic box or tote that we opened [Music] slow mo that opening make it last and then i'll talk real deep and i'll talk real quick [Music] although we do still have mystery bags over here too no boxes not one mystery bag but two that's pretty exciting i have my eye on some storage units in florida which isn't difficult to do because they're literally i don't know five feet apart from each other you go five feet another one five feet there's another one five feet there's another one those who are not aware florida is the storage unit capital of the universe there are more storage units in florida than even mars or uranus and you can store a lot of things on uranus but i'm telling you florida's where it's at trust but that's not the only reason why we chose or did we no because you kept saying you were cold it's not fun being cold all the time you're cold when it's 100 degrees i don't know about that you're right you're cold when it's 110 degrees that's more accurate exactly where's my blankie i need my parka [Music] she literally will have a blanket on and i'll be like get that thing off me i don't even want it touching my skin why don't you want to be with me why don't you want to be with me i don't know if it's like 110 degrees i'm dripping with sweat and you're throwing blankets on i ask you like can i sit by you is it okay if i sit by you and you're like sure but don't you dare bring that blanket over here i will be your blanket i'm your blanket you don't need that blanket but did you forget that's the blanket you brought home for me yeah for when it's 30 degrees not 110 degrees [Music] you gotta have proper usage of the blanket [Music] and i have brought blankets home and cleaned them up for george so then i'll ask you why won't you cuddle with me and my response is don't touch me woman get away from me woman get out of here with that blanket [Music] and then i try to sneak it back in and then i throw it 50 feet away yeah he'll take it and just chuck it across why don't you throw my blanket the blanket that you gave me as a gift [Music] boy hindsight i should have never given you a blind head i would have given you a cooling mist [Music] well to be fair you bought that blanket before i started taking my heart meds yeah because you were freezing cold before then too not like this [Music] i was cold in the winters now instead of buying her a blanket because she's cold all the time i bought her a ranch a gator ranch i can't wait to see you wrestle your first gator did i ever agree to that because i don't recall all right you're staying here with elvis then you can adhere to the agreement that you get to stay here with the king and the little popper the jester will head down and wrestle gators without you [Music] you agreed wrestling gators in the mud was this a dream you had because i don't remember any of that i don't sleep you can't dream if you don't sleep you think you don't sleep i hustle i hustle all day i hustle all night it's like my dad he says he doesn't sleep and then he did some sleep studies and they're like sir you slept for like six hours straight [Music] maybe you should do a sleep study why would they want to do a study they'll be like holy cow you hustle i didn't sleep your hustle game is on point jeremy i didn't sleep sleep study sir you slept for seven hours straight i told you i don't sleep seven hours straight i can't even sleep for 15 minutes without having to get up and go to the bathroom my prostate's so bad [Music] i think i pee more in the night than i do today [Music] at that point you're just sleepwalking [Music] every time you go to the restroom in the middle of the night you're just sleepwalking that's sleep tripping jumping over stairs jumping over power cords all the av equipment for youtube tripping in and getting tangled thinking i'm georgia the jungle [Music] swinging from vines but it's just it's just power lines from lights and cameras maybe you should go to the left you ain't doing too good for the right yeah trapped on the right again the 100 is stuck on the oh it's moving now moving down i think it'll go probably once i start dropping to the left things on the right will move [Music] that two wowsers remain standing which will fall first i'm going to put my money on the left i i say left wilder falls first left which means you have to go right by default [Music] i'm definitely gonna lose a bunch of quarters on that left one well you've only lost 10 so far hey i ain't mad i didn't lose any of the hundreds which makes me happy both of the mystery bags are still in the playing field which also makes me happy you almost have the one on the upper tray ready to drop it like it's hot [Music] have we seen two mystery bags before one other time it's been a while i can't remember i've done so many so so many the hardest part is remembering the ones that were winners versus ones that were losers because you've got four times as many losers trying to remember they go okay well what was that what was that what was that mr bag's getting really close you did call that one which number did you call when you called it was it the 4-1-1 were you laying down the info yeah [Music] she's only got i don't know 300 more dollars in quarters to drop i think she'll be alright maybe that'll help to push us a little bit yeah the royal brown bag is moving right along you sure that's royal brown yeah it's royal brown you don't see it [Music] i mean i've seen marks like that in lucky doors before but being colorblind has its disadvantages you know trust me on this one coach i'm gonna trust you but [Music] i can only trust you as far as i can throw you and every time i try and throw you you run away so i've never thrown you so what does that say about how much i'm gonna trust you come on drop them the royal blue one looks like it's coming around the left wowzer as well oh yeah i'm gonna drop it to the left and see what happens go far left all right let's see what happens go hard left left center do you think we should come back to ohio for christmas maybe i was [Music] again this year your family was because remember we were in florida last year yeah we were we're on sanibel island we saw one of the most beautiful sunsets we've ever seen in our lives we got to swim with a dolphin dolphin wild dolphins swimming at my ankles i was trying to jump on his back and go for a ride like a bird person [Music] like all right sacred dolphin take me to your leader take me to your fearless leader we were finding shells we were going to rename the channel to what the shells what's the shelling we made a sandman instead of a snowman first sand man i had tan and fern [Music] that was pretty epic what else happened when we were on santa belle the favorite part was yeah meeting him [Music] yeah i'd say that was pretty easy that was the highlight of the trip did i was it too cold or what no you did once we got to a spot where the water was clear so if we were to go back do you want to go in the deep water look at that bag right on the edge i'm looking at that bag yeah i still have the the shell safe from the last time which shell did you bring there's an entire bag what'd you do with them from what oh they're they're in your [Music] oh where'd you put them in the garage i don't know somewhere in the garage well i suppose we can get more now [Music] we can how about this how about we designate one palm tree and we decorate it with shells all around the palm tree that'll be fun so every time we go shelling and we find a sweet shell we'll bring it back and we'll put it around that palm tree and that'll be our shell injury and um i'll i'll we can dangle them from the from the palms as well like little ornaments shell ornaments i like it i like it you see where i'm going with this yeah [Music] or maybe we should have a hiss and a hers shelling trees and we should as many shells as you find you find your shelling and the ones that i find i put on my shelling tree okay and we see who can find the best shells in the most shelves before we die which i figure i'll probably go with my gator and you'll probably go by malnutrition standing at an elvis pusher so really i mean the reality is you're gonna die first [Music] the odds are in my favor here [Music] the sad truth do you think that's what we should do for a shelling tree yeah i've never done that before i'd be down i don't know anyone else that can say they you're definitely one of a kind well after meeting you i'm almost two of a kind what was that after meeting you i'm almost two of a kind [Music] she's got 100 to the right she's got a royal blue bag to the left two wowzers i don't know from my vantage point i can't see what can you see it looks like there could be one under and that hundred bill on the far right is getting ready to drop any minute one thing is for sure [Music] these two on the ends have been your nemesis this is a little stubborn right now they don't want me to leave they definitely don't want us to leave do you think that's what it is they're trying to keep you here yes elvis is making them do it they follow his lead [Music] i mean how else would you explain it [Music] um i would probably go with common sense you know that those areas are tucked in on the sides and you struggle with those areas you know the common sense approach i like my approach better i mean you can definitely like my approach you can take any approach you want you just ask which approach royal blue bag just moved [Music] you know there's a chance that that entire wilder can just fall just like the first wows are found there's a chance that i could be the director [Music] do you think i should put in my resume for director of shelling [Music] that'd be my guess that's the main parking place on the island get your foot in the door go straight to the library it is i your next shelling i have arrived from ohio i have arrived we have the best shelters in ohio and i have come to teach you to guide you to the record because i said silly and then i could see someone saying it right now like sir no mask no service get out i was wearing a mask during that i just wasn't wearing shoes look how close it is [Music] think you're gonna get it oh yeah do you think you're gonna get those wowzers [Music] there it goes got it now can you get the wow working on it [Music] [Music] live it up right now because you've been coming back well you're in such a hurry to go to florida so let's just go yeah right we can get on the road right now [Music] don't believe a word she says let's go but first let me just finish this bag of course oh oh now now the truth comes out it's all about the bag of quarters you want to finish the cheeseburger and fries too yes please will there be bacon bacon and ketchup well the time of night it is yeah probably moving it's almost morning might as well just get a bacon egg cheeseburger a breakfast burger sounds delicious it actually does doesn't it yeah we can just go over to one of them we'll go to one of the truck stops at one of the denny's that'll be good i do love some denny's and bob evans bobby i thought you said papa top of jesus whenever we go to bob evans jeremy calls it bobby e you mean bobby [Music] you keep bending over to get more ammunition how's that going it's not fun carrying all the porters for so you know there are starving people in this world that would love to carry all those quarters right and they're probably gonna leave nasty comments you're so greedy how dare you i'm starving i wish i had quarters [Music] well right now at this moment it's all about elvis still not budging it's like a strong force that's holding them back [Music] what [Music] do you want to make sand angels with me yes please you don't have to ask me twice i'm in there like underwear yeah you can get sand fleas all up in your hair i'll take it you know how many people are dying to have sand fleas in their hair remember probably the same people dying to carry your quarters oh another highlight of the sanibel trip was when we went magnet fishing and the dude next you almost fought you because he had shark hooks so the dude was fishing for sharks on the fishing pier and you don't get this in the video and i had my magnets and it's a fish appear it's open to the public you can do whatever you want well there's theories out there that magnets repel sharks so this punk this punk what did he say to me he's like you better not get my if you get my hook on there i'm gonna take your magnet so i went as close as i could to him and then i threw the magnet in 6.0 was holding 425.75 yeah but you got cash too come on show me that stack of cash and bam 200 paper rolls that's not the only thing you got twos of look at that and then the two lucky bags the royal blue and the royal browns all right let's see what kind of damage you can do let's see if you can knock them over [Music] which one do you think you'll actually knock down first i'm thinking the right the one on the right will go what makes you think right to the left i don't know the way that it's leaning back yeah but the left has been leaning back from the very beginning and it still has it'll be the last one really the person that's going to be the left the first to lead will be the last looking pretty tight off of science science what science do you speak of physics really physics now so when did we do anything that has to do with so you love elvis and physics my favorite can't get enough of it apparently i rank in steak and taco spell and chipotle why do you say it like that [Music] okay [Music] not a humorous [Music] this is my r s t u v well you took q i took all the letters after q u r f c c you can have w x y and z i'll take baby if and when that ever happens i'm keeping the part of my last name what's this [Music] about to have more winning streaks what do you think is it gonna go sure looks like it's leaning these two [Music] look at it it's rotating oh i thought the one on the left was gonna fall no you told me he's right oh my goodness it's gonna fall it looks like it was right yours is out the one on the left took yours out on the right oh my goodness yours fell straight down there's no remaining no fish scales that was epic you've got to get the rest of this yeah because i want to see if there's anything hiding in between i'm sure there's going to be something hiding in there wow that was that big what a way to end our rain as the coin pushing what went to the pushing pushing egyptian because you're always rushing me to go to florida i don't think you know what rhyming is yet maybe i've got an extra face in it maybe it's my weak area that's all right you're an expert in other things we all have our weaknesses yours is your back your heart yours is also your back your knees [Music] [Music] [Music] feast your eyes on 700 in paper money lucky bag 6.0 did not disappoint i'm holding 500 and 75 cents and quarters all right here's the first it is royal brown was in the royal blue what's in the royal blue yeah don't be stepping on my royal blue mystery bag filled with gold [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 269,044
Rating: 4.8968759 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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