DATE WITH ELVIS Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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quarters are definitely moving around it [Music] oh here it comes here comes it's gonna fall lucky bag 6.0 says towers or bus you are apparently looking to bust a tower huh these definitely are towers you know what i think i'm gonna have to bust something else you're gonna have to wait for me i gotta go use the little boy's room okay hurry [Music] starting off with 25 in quarters and it is a tower or bust i busted you do realize your little bathroom break interrupted my date with elvis i would surely hope so you do realize that your date with elvis has interrupted my date with priscilla so these definitely aren't towers they look like creepy eyeballs eyeballs that's what they are they're creepy eyeballs yeah i definitely want to go to the left this time just this one time why would you want to go to the left it just seems so right would write seem right no right's not right at all [Music] yeah i guess that makes sense and if not since hopefully it makes dollars right right wouldn't be the right time right now [Music] let's count how many times we could say right [Music] you ain't right george you ain't right so far i've gotten a couple right quarter lances to drop but these eyeballs are [Music] they're not budging you know when um you wanted viewers to ask random questions for you to answer yeah you know they've been submitting questions i saw a couple like toilet paper does it go on the roll over or under um we have answered this question we have answered this one yes so that was one question that was the deal breaker dating question i told george if she answered wrong [Music] i wish i would have answered under feet all to myself right now i get about two and a half square feet you've taken over the right [Music] that's okay if it was me singing they would say don't quit your day job which i don't have neither of us have day jobs we're fun and boys better recognize if it's you they'll be like oh that was the sweetest thing your point is and that's just the men trying to get at you the women [Music] the way it is oh did you see that it hopped forward it was a little hot i didn't see a single thing did you see that that time [Music] uh see what george say what do bunnies hop i suppose you've dribbled money now you're making money what's going on with your uh crazy eyeballs all right down to five quarters just five i don't even think any quarters drop do you yeah i just watched them there they go all right last quarter bear hope something drops i know i'm still in the game i was able to push off 14.50 just like if you went middle have you ever thought about just starting at the middle center right now in this type of structure would be a suicide mission how would that be a suicide mission all right [Music] i don't think anything will happen well you just got quarters and you got elvis to sing it must be the date must be going well he's singing [Music] just so you know every step you take every breath you make i'll be watching you too even when you're in the bathroom on your date with the porcelain throne [Music] yeah i see everything moving [Music] looks like middle [Music] i don't know i thought maybe you would know i've never heard of that word are you just making up words now are you trying to be little [Music] all right down to four quarters [Music] one two three and four know those chips haven't even moved yet if you get those chips off i bet you those will help you with your mega epic pushes [Music] twenty dollars and twenty five cents i am oh well now you give me a paycheck for coaching you this far in your career i take 25 of all of your winnings before i walk what's it gonna be a date with priscilla all right i'm you're blowing up my phone priscilla take him away i had to go sir take me away did your mom ever say that growing up when you and your brothers were acting did your mom ever say calgon take me away no i have no idea what you're talking it's a about made by calgon by what gal gone never mind calhoun [Music] cowhide just forget it jeremy it went over your head remember what you guys trying to say i'm too tall again it went way over your head oh must not went too far you wouldn't be able to reach it [Music] cow tails yes cow tails [Music] so what was your strategy what did you end up doing i'm just i'm dropping two to the left you to the center to the ring you're doing point confusion yes this early in the game [Music] are you sure you have enough ammo i don't know let's see i just dropped my last order [Music] 12.75 um point confusion work is that successful a little bit what's your plan now [Music] i'm gonna try and attack the corners the corners [Music] whichever one comes first but first i gotta get one of these chips off to help me with that if you're gonna attack both corners with twelve dollars you're gonna end up with no dollars zero dollars [Music] well you know every time i drop things to the left and every time i drop things to the right things on the opposite end end up moving [Music] so that's the method to my madness okay i see where you're going with it you're saying you want to add to the [Music] [Music] that's what i heard what did you say i said i have to get the casino chip to help me with that you know what i'm thinking about for dinner nice popcorn shrimp smothered and sweet ketchup [Music] okay you can have that now it's time to pull [Music] 16.75 that's a little better a little better you can almost smell chicken nuggets somebody's hungry nice warm are you aching for some bacon [Music] smothered in sweet ketchup do you smell french fries right now no you don't smell french fries i wish i did but no salty fries drowned in chip is delicious as a shovel to deliver the ketchup into the mouth to where the savory glands now you're making now you're making me drool i'm gonna have to use lucky bag to catch all my drool you don't smell those fries [Music] am i just dreaming i think you're you're just imagining them you really think i'm imagining french fries right now yeah is anything possible what about imagination what about big old chicken breast fried chicken peel the skin back give me a big old hunk of white meat and drown it in some ketchup oh yeah i prefer barbecue sauce you prefer to just eat your skin and chick-fil-a sauce with mushrooms now i'm thinking about chick-fil-a nuggets chick-fil-a nuggets 30-piece box drowning in some sweet delicious bread down to two quarters one and two couldn't get the chip to fall this round but let's bowl 14.75 oh some garlic toast garlic better on some brick olive garden that's what you want right now [Music] you know what you want you want olive garden their lasagna their chicken farm and their chicken alfredo yeah all really good with beautiful red [Music] mahogany creamy delicious [Music] life's better with ketchup for you i would never dream of life without ketchup choose okay one would you rather have ketchup george sketchup journey out the ass head [Music] alrighty then good job do you remember when they had purple ketchup and they had green ketchup i don't remember purple but i do remember green do you think we could still find some purple and green ketchup oh you could find anything on the white web you can find anything with imagination when i worked as a speedboat driver up at camp patmos on kelly's island the cook found out that i like ketchup and christy actually ordered special ordered the green and purple ketchups for me which i thought was pretty awesome down to one quarter [Music] i didn't do much damage this round are you gonna try again next time oh wait wait something might happen i couldn't even get a chip off the pusher could you get a chip off the old block trying wait wait 16.25 now let's see if you can take one of these uh would you call them creepy eyeballs out creepy eyeballs those are pretty tall for creepy eyeballs they're like eyeballs those have got to be at least a foot tall don't you think remember the cartoon eyes they used to pop out of the cartoon's head when they saw something crazy that what your eyes did when you saw me the first time i was like man there was some big eyes like holy cow them some big eyes these old things i was like you're getting cartoon eyes on me already got the chip to shift a little to the right well we all know shift happens so it's on the edge shifting good the shifting will help clean out the [Music] machine oh elvis is gonna sing what do you think he's gonna sing again come on baby rotate and fall off okay but if i rotate then they won't be able to see what's on the so random question uh people often ask as far as viewpoint and on on the videos and we actually we showed some of the ways that we record on another video and so the beautiful part is we record from a chest and nobody's next to us right now so we can tell you we record from the chest all right time to pull 12.75 wow wow wow wow not bad not bad not bad at all still in the game trying to get chip number left a lot of times you can tell who actually is uh who actually is the one that is filming because if it's a high shot you definitely know it's me if it's low then what we probably would typically tell you when we're switching anyway but the lower is always going to be yours and then a lot of times i'll kneel on a skull and then others want to know all right what about stabilization well your cameras already have stabilization built in and what they do is they take they take a lot of frames and then they crop all those frames down so when you're actually recording you're recording a much bigger area and to stabilize it the program plops it down and then utilizes that as the still image and then in your what's called post-op post-production or your editing you can further stabilize there as well and one of the things one of the things that we just did [Music] recently a couple weeks ago three weeks ago four weeks ago we got we got another camera for the first time down to my last quarter that has the most amazing stabilization ever ever like ever ever ever 11.50 going down instead of up yeah but i'm still in the game and down and up is why we actually started using stabilization because when we started this the viewers kept telling us over and over and over again they were getting nauseous i think it was more uh veteran users our vintage viewers who aren't accustomed to things moving as much they were getting they were getting extremely nauseous so that's what actually launched us into trying to figure out all right what stabilization programs can we use how do they work and literally [Music] literally launched us onto really a lot of what we're we're headed to in florida as well with with new equipment did you see the right eyeball move it was rolling at me it just moved the left one was rolling at me too so the reason why we do what we do is because we took the feedback from the viewers and we went okay how do we make this better how do we make this better how do we make this better how do we make this better which is the exact reason why we are actually headed to florida is to make even better videos better videos better atmosphere better weather better equipment there's going to be a lot of amazing things the right eyeball just moved i saw your eyeballs rolling at me like always still in the game with 11.50 that's not getting any better we're supposed to be doing better stuff and other things that won't get better as we head to florida the jokes they won't get any better not at all jokes what jokes um what else i didn't realize what else won't be better your hair no that probably won't be better what else your bad back i do have a bad bad you're bad heart do you have a bad heart you're bad everything my health won't get better it's slowly declining every day [Music] uh you know that's the same way for everybody right yeah we're all dying couldn't get the right chip to move the last one i'm getting to shift left right up and down but it just keeps sliding back i got a quarter lane on top [Music] i recognize it from a certain egyptian lady i'm down to [Music] oh i got some good pushes but still no chip it's like a lazy eye now maybe it's twitchy i don't know it's doing something weird still hovering at that uh 12 mark 12.25 better than going down yep still in the game i think you need to go completely and totally to the left completely and totally to the left and see if you can knock or poke that eye in knock that eye out punch it right in the eye stick a noodle in that eye poke it with a stick [Music] show it spa because it's getting roly-poly it might actually fall down for you and start pushing some things you're not getting much action anywhere else although you have been going rogue this [Music] she's been going vigilante not wanting any instruction not wanting any coaching what do you mean i've been going to the left most of the time i went center when you told me to go center [Music] my fees are now doubling all right down to three quarters [Music] we'll go we'll go is it just me or does it look like it's gonna fall no i don't see it auburn at 12 even in morning again in the twelves interesting i'm telling you hit that left part just hit it hard it driver dropping quarters on their heads take it from somebody with experience the harder you hit the left the more you win do you like the writing [Music] let's see what happens it just bunched a little bit i swear it looks like it's gonna fall for me it's more triangular shaped [Music] than eyeball shaped i've just moved the left eye just moved it had a twitch i'm not blinking but there are no creepy eyes i'm not blinking [Music] something's got to give all right i'm down getting low on quarters out down to four quarters you just made elvis thing oh still no chip i'm down to eight to eight dollars in quarters i think your only hope hit the left hard [Music] i'm gonna hit it hit it to the left [Music] that's my only suggestion this is getting intense not in campers intense that's a good push but you're gonna need a bunch more all right i'm down to three quarters make them count make them count that's going to be a good one push but still no damage no chip [Music] you're gonna have to make every single one count it moved a little bit it moved a little bit come on come on i need it to wink you're gonna need it that i the wink okay so first you're going on a date with elvis and now you're winking at the coin pusher it needs to wink that means it'll fall do you think you got a little bit of an issue here george then i'll be winning you need intervention that's what you need oh now elvis is coming on the stage here to help you out [Music] i didn't think he'd be here i don't i think he's enabling you i thought i had one more quarter hiding in the corner of the bag but that was my last quarter nothing all right that's cool [Music] no i saw it oh man i saw i knew it was gonna go i knew what were you down to 4.75 i knew it was gonna go where right on the edge i see gold i see gold i see a gold rim too i see gold i definitely see gold oh i don't see gold anymore all right down to three quarters three quarters you're down to three quarters three quarters well you ought to have a little bit more ammunition now to do some damage i would sure hope so these two little gems were hiding inside the left eyeball [Music] so two golden eyes is basically what you're saying in one socket yes two golden eyes one socket look at all that ammo 115 and 70. that is better than four dollars wait 100 what's your strategy now i'm gonna go hard uh so you're saying that's what my favorite was was hard right should be the right time to go right how many times have you said right so far when the timing's right you say right [Music] [Music] do you think there's more bitcoin down in there there could be [Music] spectacular oh look both of the chips are both rotating at the same time it does look like they are rotating they're insane if i can hear the crunch of the right eyeball it's getting ready to fall off there it goes that may be good use for pushing that could help a lot how'd you rotate that the timing was right that's one more time she said right for all that we're keeping count we expect tallies at the end of the video in the comments how many times was wright said [Music] sounds like a good trivia question [Music] for a sunday night live a good question well if they get the answer right i wonder how many people will get it right [Music] i mean it's a hard thing to get right yeah you're right you right you're right you're right [Music] do your rights count i didn't know i didn't know that [Music] oh they do yeah okay well then i guess i guess i i matter in this too so what the george let's see if we can get that chip to come around the corner it's gonna be a tight squeeze will it go through or will it get stuck hopefully it gets stuck and it doesn't push it [Music] would be nice either the quarters are going to go around the chip or get launched underneath it looks like they're just being pushed up from underneath it's [Music] [Music] it looks like something's happening did you see it peeking through [Music] [Music] the right chip that fell off the right part of the pusher now right around the right eyeball well would the left shift now be the right shift too so [Music] which would be right yeah you're right oh yes you are [Music] look at that thing it's inching its way they didn't do anything to help you push that eyeball oh it avoided the eyeball yeah you got eyeballs you're still standing pretty impressive that you got to get away that was a good push [Music] that was the right push the right amount of push was that the right stuff baby oh oh oh [Music] i'm believing [Music] keep doing your thing chip you're doing your thing you know what would be really good with a nice warm hot chip right now [Music] i ever tell you that i love ruffled potato chips so much and then i used to get peanut butter and melt the peanut butter in the microwave and i would get my breakfast chips into the peanut butter so grease oil salt and peanut butter melted peanut butter that sounds like a good combo that's how that's how i got all these muscles like a sweet and salty taste that's where all these mussels came from from eating chips with peanut butter all that protein [Music] uh what protein peanut butter is protein what like the two grams out of the 98 grams of sugar yeah every gram counts just like every quarter counts that's good you can keep battling to the right while getting money to the left [Music] fried bologna i used to fry bologna up in the in the pan and then i would put it on peanut butter toast so good what's peanut butter toast it's toast with peanut butter peanut butter toast you know kind of toast i used to make you mine with peanut butter minus the special additives i put on for you for your odd request [Music] butter toast what do you think peanut butter toast was like peanut butter flavored toast yup that's what peanut butter toast did it's toast with peanut butter peanut butter toast [Music] toast with peanut butter spread on it oh did it just move it just otherwise peanut butter toast okay [Music] quarters are definitely moving around oh here comes here comes it's gonna fall anything hiding is there anything you might get you might get a chip look at the top tray look at that on my boy that might bring it all in oh come on it might bring it all in if you keep pushing you could pull that whole thing in with all that weight [Music] that might bring an extra chip in that would be awesome how'd you know that was gonna fall i saw it coming down i didn't see it how did you see it with my own two eyeballs especially the right one what are you doing staring in somebody else's eyeballs what you think is so funny you're very funny why you no call you make me ha ha you're very funny george you're very very funny very very very funny george why are you looking [Music] you think you're going to be able to pull that top you uh know what the hell is going to happen look at all the weight on it it would be nice if it fell it'd be very nice do you think anything is high i don't see anything surfacing i definitely need to get that 500 chip keep pushing that ammo and you'll get that chip in no time [Music] you're finally getting low yeah remember your roots where you come from getting low low low where'd you come from four dollars don't ever forget it started at the bottom now you at the top don't forget your roots started from the bottom now we're here [Music] where's here at right here right now with elvis [Music] better make them count yeah those counted just counted for a lot i like i like i like it there he is chip chip tippity-doo and 257 25 cents did you say 257 yeah wow not that you asked me but i think you actually should stay to the right and see if you can keep those points moving that's mine get a bonus trip [Music] i'm gonna go for that look some points are falling [Music] there are some coins falling and more are falling down i mean the reality is you want to stick around and play right yeah well that little extra bonus is going to help you do it look at it look at it there's definitely still weight on it and i think it could slide in i don't want this date with elvis to end well something else is about to end george was i thinking out loud something else is about to end for [Music] i think you're funny [Music] you chose ketchup over george so you're right [Music] nice hot french fries [Music] warm chicken that how's that how's that get better with ketchup you wouldn't choose ketchup no do you like barbecue sauce you would choose barbecue sauce over me any day i would even choose ketchup and mayo fancy sauce [Music] and you know what i take barbecue over jeremy well after your answer yeah that's going to be my answer now now you're stealing my thunder yet again that's what you're saying why are you always stealing my thunder george i can ask you the same [Music] somebody i'm still waiting for something somebody can dish out the date with elvis but can't take it if i choose ketchup it's all putting games until someone chooses a condiment over their loved ones [Music] do you see anything shiny and gold really hoping there's more bitcoins maybe it already fell on the hopper [Music] i see the weight over onto the right the corners are sliding yeah i'm trying to get a bonus now if they can actually slide with each other you need to try my rapido [Music] going slow [Music] you want a rapid fire so you can get a bonus no why don't you just try and get your other chip to the left and then when you're done then i can rapid fire oh look at you trying to trick shot look at you trying to trick shots so close to getting in no no go to the left i'll repeat oh later just get that one [Music] coming for you left tip making moves now on elvis and elvis is singing making moves now are you making moves on elvis is this something i need to be aware of no nothing at all meant nothing by it all right well nothing's happening between me and ketchup i'm not tonguing ketchup right now either just so you're moving on the pusher do what [Music] say what now me and ketchup got nothing going on sliding it's just swinging and sliding shifting and sliding and if being ketchup did have anything going on it'd be on a nice hot burger [Music] are you trying to get me jelly is it working oh here comes chips here comes the tip tip tip tippity roo ride come on chip chop chip now [Music] [Music] not bad not bad at all now it should be smooth chipping from here [Music] chip away chip away chip away [Music] do i recall correctly you have no idea what chip chip is i don't have a full of what [Music] we got one pop and uh i do remember you saying that you could have anything from the deli and then one time yeah what's the difference between ham loaf shaved [Music] you know what there's just not enough time in the world to explain this all to you is it just a jelly bean our grape leaves just grape leaves is it a deli meat or is it better because your mom makes them no no one makes them better than my mom or my grandma because nobody else in your life ever made them right actually george george has made them and they've turned out to be just as good so basically anybody who's ever made trade leaves makes them good no i've tried all their great place at restaurants and they're just plain [Music] is it bitter or would it be sweet it does have an acquired taste it's not sweet i personally don't eat it i'll unravel it i just eat the rice and the beans on the inside but you can it still leaves that in that flavor of the grape leaf around the rice and the beef so you cook in the grape leaf you don't eat the grape leaves you're supposed to eat the great leaf but i don't because it upsets my stomach you ever have cabbage rolls stuffed cabbage is that even a question you can answer that without me ever telling you you've never once ordered some cabbage i don't even know what a cabbage is good burger b-o-o-g-e-r fry f-r-i good how do you spell ketchup [Music] good job it was a little bit of a struggle there for you but you got it [Music] oh man [Music] sure and you have to use it you have to spell it and use it in a sentence i'll have the stuffed cabbage please [Music] well i don't know how to spell cabbage so i don't know if that's right or not just go with it go along with it that's what you said to me on day three oh did i let's have a dance-off i don't know how to dance i'm old fat and white just go with it don't ask questions jeremy just go with it [Music] oh come on let me get a bonus let me get a bonus [Music] you're working it but are you twerking it you're getting good drops they're both on the edge [Music] that bonus chip wants to join the crew i thought you were saving that for me i am gonna save it for you but if it happens it happens so basically you're gonna go for it and if it's still there then you're gonna save it for me all right just got a really good push on the chip close to the edge [Music] you are killing it started off slow but here [Music] the other one up at the right has definitely been sliding in oh there he goes you ready to switch serious yeah you're serious that's all you all right let's do it let's switch i'll get you that bonus how long do you think it'll take me um i'm guessing two minutes i'm gonna have to warm up did you remember to stretch no i didn't stretch a mole we don't stretch it you got to let me get my warm-up off you got to stretch some fingers calisthenics okay that's all i needed to know okay so i'm getting them in okay now i gotta overwhelm the machine yeah see if i can overwhelm it and lining it up in your fingers and getting them in the slot that's the hardest part here we go make it happen baby [Music] okay i got it overwhelmed that time let me get another good chunk in my fingers remember jam them and cram them right crack them and stack them stack them and jack them i got it to spit again okay let's see i'm getting another another handful you're doing good whoa there it goes okay oh man oh it's not completely on the pusher yet oh now it is now it is so does that count as um was that two minutes yeah what do you think that was definitely two minutes all right maybe two minutes and 15 seconds even though i'm out of shape and out of practice i'm like tyson in a fight you're doing good you came out of retirement to get a bonus chip you're killing it you're gonna take it the rest of the way home you can either play or i can play oh please you both know you're going for it let's see what you got you got the other team you gotta be able to get this one that was actually it's coming off the edge without rotating that'd be nice wouldn't it look like it's hitting the edge it's rotating a bit that would be nice if it just jumped on it might actually do it buddy don't be scared it might actually just jump off oh my goodness it actually did you know what for a bonus that was a pretty easy bonus yeah a bonus to the bonus [Music] i mean i thought it would be a struggle to get it off like the other two we were playing for over an hour before you got the other ones off the top tray yeah that was wild [Music] this rod this part once it comes off the hopper or the pusher the part where you get into the hopper is probably the easiest part especially if i'm using mind control were you using it the last couple times um when you were trying to get it off of the right side up there i was using mind control to keep it up there i'm an enigma i'm a mystery i keep you guessing don't you think you know everything you don't know me you don't know me you don't know my pain already then [Music] every day will be different except it's the same every day we hustle just like my clothes the same keep guessing what outfit what outfits jeremy gonna wear today you keep them guessing honey you know instead of honey i think you should start calling me ketchup why get some ketchup why discriminate from the best tasting condiment there is why go with honey why not just ketchup and i will call you my feisty brown sugar okay not spicy brown sugar sweet excuse me what brown sugar is sweet okay i will call you my sour brown sugar raw sugar isn't sour though pickle juices i will call you my pickle juice but you don't even like pickles [Music] true true i don't but i hear chick-fil-a just call me your better hawk i can't call you my better half you're only about a quarter of me i'm your better half i would call you my better quarter i'm sorry you're short i am short this is my better quarter i tell you all the time i have short girl problems [Music] this is george my better quarter you should like that better since you like shiny corners i do love shiny quarters [Music] i get excited when i find a shiny porter randomly somewhere outside on the street how do you feel when we find shiny corners and storage units that's pretty exciting when we when we bought those vending machines and there were stacks of shiny borders that was pretty awesome that was exciting oh look how close that was that was this past one more push and boom later half of the summer when we got the vending machines yeah and then mitch came in and busted my pop machine i wasn't very happy about that i still have the pesky mission though come on baby come on baby oh i for sure thought it would drop trying to drop it like it's hot or drop it like it's cold let's see if i can get it to fall before i finish the bag full of quarters how much more do you have oh you got it [Music] unfortunately there wasn't any more hidden in there that we found uh you're going to put that in the pocket for later or is that going to all happen today i want to redo it now lucky bag 6.0 is holding 437 dollars and 75 cents and quarters that's not bad a lot of quarters that's not bad for the first run that's not bad started off ended up amazing [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 136,397
Rating: 4.9120531 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: cz10Qv3iSLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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