SNAKE GUARDING GOLD Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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[Music] did you just see that [Music] are you sure you want to do this i'm pretty sure starting off with 25 and quarters what the hell are you thinking i got myself into what is it looks like some kind of spinny wrapped around snake of course yeah it reminds me this potentially could be an incredible snake yeah the longest snake you've ever seen in your life it's not even brown you think you can take the snake i'm gonna try all right snake take that [Music] snake what's the strategy to do what to do all right just uh just to clarify george this is good some of her in-house casino play as far as the chips for the buy-in and so we're not that we're not that worried about losing money even though we're still worried that there's like no way to win this thing it is some giant i mean i think you got to take the end of the snake out all right you go left i'm gonna go in i'm doing it you're going left or right you're gonna go left why left instead of right left is the best it seems to me for me it's the best well you only struggle with the right because you always go left first it just moved it just moved i swear it just moved it's moving it's definitely moving so going to the left was potentially smart good idea there are two mystery bags in the back a black one is that blue or purple on color blind i don't know that's a royal blue okay and royal blue and royal black you didn't know they were both royal did you no i've never heard of royal black did you just make that up baby this is the king of course is going to be royal blue black here we go here we go oh look at that the snake is coming undone i got a couple corners to fall already look at this coming it's literally coming undone it is literally coming undone at the seams it's moving it's kind of unzipping like a zipper it's getting its zigzag on it's whatever you want to call it it's doing it how much more do you have to push it it's moving again it's moving again come on baby then i thought you were going to keep moving bigger bigger movement there don't stop the upper tray dropped a lot that time it's like unzipping the snake is opening up it is it's opening up oh wow george the snake charmer right here this isn't the first snake you've charmed is it george no not at all look at you're actually definitely not my first rodeo when it comes to charming snakes you got some ammo the snake is coming untouched look at that oh my gosh look at that i might lose a couple hundreds what if is it what if you go to the right what if you go to the right instead how much do you have left i have about two handfuls should i go right i don't know what should i do right you got ammo hanging off the edge on the left but if you go right everything looks like it's leaning to the left if you go right maybe go to the left maybe go to the left maybe go to the left see what happens you got to get some ammo right but left was just look oh my gosh the right was just moving all right let me go right how much ammo have you dropped so far um i think halfway i almost think it is all leaning those there's one two three four there it looks like there's five hundred dollar boxes on top of the snake maybe that's it's crazy this could be all whole boxes we don't know if we lose them off to the good news is we don't have anybody to the left of us we don't have anybody to the right to us as of right now but that could change anything the playing fields definitely have been played but they are not empty neither of them are empty oh i'm moving they're moving no that that moved both of them the snake is coming undone oh my goodness you are charming the snake getting the charm on all right what's the uh what what's the key to charming the snake there jordan look at that the right music the right music the right atmosphere there's an atmosphere to determine snakes yes okay yes indeed okay i see where you're going there do you see a movie see what do you see a movie i see the snake going take me george is that the head or the tail i would say tail definitely tails like this snake is all wound up should i switch back to the left i kind of feel like you should go to the right or everything's gonna fall to the left what do you think this is wild go down to two quarters make sure none are hiding in the corner you definitely have dropped some ammo not much but if we have to we still have some more buy-in chips oh nice so we still really wouldn't be out anything if we got to do a second buy-in ready to pull you want to pull on the snake or you want to pull the money the money the money that's looking pretty good i was able to push it up 13.75 i like it i like it what do you think i'm gonna continue to go to the right because if that thing falls [Music] [Music] that snake is definitely oh look at that look at that look at that not bad it's almost too beautiful it's amazing i don't even know how they come up with this stuff this is just i'm so waiting every time we see something new i'm still waiting to meet the person that's oh you're getting money to follow you're getting money fall to the call to the right for the first time you're not struggling with the right you're actually getting money to fall look at that head or tail of the snake what is that tail you think that's the tail yeah you gotta grab it that's also it's all curled up it's boiled well that's what i see what do you see hey whatever where are the fangs [Music] oh come on now you're getting it that was an awesome push now you're getting it i think you got to be very careful it's leaning it's ready to fall over to the field to the left you got to stay to the right you have to stay to the right yeah you got to stay to the right things are falling on the left side and the right side aren't they but they're leaning all the way over into the left playing field if you lose that 500 bucks oh look at that look at that it just collapsed check that out it's like reptile scales on the snake you're getting pushes you are getting pushes oh there goes another push all right i'm down to four quarters just four one two three four yep did my math right come on come on come on drop something drop something come on baby the fifth one is up on the ledge there's no way got to be kidding the only way to save them is if we go and play it where do we go from here i don't know we still have the two we still have the two mystery bags it's not busy tonight i don't all right let's just play it out let's see what happens oh man i thought for sure you're gonna be able to save it a little bit nice pull 50 cents a quarter we got a surprise guess what these fell in the hopper to the left so we've been wondering as everybody else has been wondering if money falls into the hopper do you have to pay the buy-in to actually get the money in the hopper come to find out it's like if you go to coinstar in walmart and people leave money in the change machine or a pop machine that's already been paid for you're allowed to pull anything that's in the hopper we got to pull the 300 in the hopper so we can not get a buy-in and why we were counting more of the snake actually fell down are you gonna go to the right i'm gonna go to the right this is just crazy [Music] getting so close with the bag what's your guess you didn't tell me what your guess was oh i thought there might be a key in the black one okay that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever because it's flat because it's flat there could be a key in there so what elvis's heart i see what you're trying to say now or to a car you know what i'm leaving you here i'm going to florida okay you can have fun with your oh one of my quarters and elvis's heart [Music] you're very funny george very very funny why you no call when i go to florida because you left me here good point that's why i know you're trying to get elvis's heart that's all right i already got priscilla's heart i found it on ebay it was contained in a bottle 750 that was all i had to pay apparently somebody took a jar captured the air around her once she poofed and i own it it's in my priscilla shrine now you have a priscilla shrine well you've got your elvish shrine i now have a priscilla shrine yeah but you actually bought [Music] you don't have any elvis air do you nor do i want any elvis air captured enough no no no what you want is the key to his heart the key to his man i have the charge of her fart [Music] who's got the better collection going on now [Music] i'm pretty sure that mansion is open up to everybody i don't think you need it nice it's getting ready to drop what a push big bush big bush little bush little bush so um you're gonna lock people out if you get this man am i hearing this correctly i'm not sure what i'm gonna do yet are you going to put vending machines right there i could be completely wrong like can i get snacks and pop vending machines put that out on the porch yeah i promise can i stock them every day do i get to stock the vending machines i thought you'd be in florida oh i will i will got the royal blue mystery bag [Music] all right what should i do next left or right what if i dare you to go straight in the middle and try to get that huge hump in the snake so i'm leaning on a stool so you guys can get the best view of all these corners these over the quarters [Music] it's definitely it's definitely moving and falling it's hailing look at how much over the edges it's like is it touching the glass it's like three inches over the edge [Music] it's close to the glass but it's not touching it's not touching it yet there you go dropping money again [Music] come on give me a good push [Music] awesome that thing was hanging like three inches over that's wow wow wow or is it wow wow wow all right she's going to the left going to the after the left black bag next it's king things are moving things are definitely moving without a doubt [Music] how many do you think are still in there probably 500. would that be a new what was your previous record [Music] it was like a ton a lot wasn't it [Music] so maybe not break the record i was thinking maybe you might break the record oh for sure tonight will be another record do you think this is going to be a record yes you just told me you pulled three how many did you say you were still in there another five or six hundred even if i get a dollar more than my highest record it's still a record we'll see we'll see neither of us thought it was gonna move at all that was so cool how it like opened up and then it fell that was pretty awesome we thought we thought for sure it would take three four five buy-ins just to get quarters to fall we would roll [Music] that that was really cool that was really cool now it's a matter of how much money [Music] you don't seem to be hesitating now definitely not hesitating now i do like to see things [Music] it's like dessert some of these dessert cakes are so pretty it's too pretty to eat but can't wait i got no problem my philosophy is eat dessert before the main meal you never know when jesus is coming back i rather i rather go with dessert in my stomach we've done that so many times i always tell you the same thing eat dessert first you never know when the rapture is going to happen that's my philosophy [Music] no i have sweet teeth that's something we definitely have in common is we both are addicted to our sweets that and we both have caramel colored skin yes yes and we're both balding naturally we both have giant noses i have a button nose [Music] if my nose is big as a butt is that what you're saying with i have [Music] all right did you just call me what i think you called me your nose look at that look at that waterfall don't go chasing waterfalls that royal bag will should be yours i just gotta get it to rotate [Music] huh [Music] i don't have to pick it you pick on it enough every time i turn around you're picking it every time i turn around i'm picking your nose [Music] and i'm the one who who puts my fingers in your orchestra pretty much yeah but i was joking yours is real i think it's funny [Music] thank you for jeremy for [Music] well it might be nice if you actually lick your finger and then put it in my ear but you like to go raw dog do you have any idea what that's like i don't [Music] it's fun for me i don't know what it's like for you oh i suppose it has its moments usually with me slapping your hands away whatever puts a smile on your face when you become grumpy grandpa screaming don't make me call the authorities [Music] it's rotating like a rotisserie chicken [Music] you flipped it upside down you almost emptied the thing did it empty i don't see anything you're going to show me your mom moves now show me them [Music] did you love doing your [Music] whatever you need to tell yourself well in my mind i feel like i'm michael jackson [Music] you're behind a dangerous place when i'm dancing [Music] remember our third date when we played and i kicked your butt yeah you did i was winning and then i let you win oh really because i felt bad really that's what happened yeah i'm like this poor guy with his white boobs so you gave me the mercy dance win on day three you gave me the mercy dance win on day three gave me i got my my prize for the dance win on day four [Music] and then the rematch was what day five [Music] [Applause] [Music] second clip [Music] don't nobody wanna see me just dance some things in this world are better than unseen and you have a bad back so i mean i can i can put you in a wheelchair or a walker and you can do your pose i'd like to see if you like the gymnast moves on the horse with your walker so the horse would be your walker you do the gymnast dance moves on the walker spin your legs all around through your arms handstand [Music] that had nothing to do with michael jackson what you were doing over there i'll prove it to you nothing baby you can't prove anything to me i saw it firsthand yeah not michael jackson not even michael jordan you ain't scoring with that you look more like a lane dancing on seinfeld i don't think i've ever seen her dance no you don't want to i can only imagine some things again are the best on scene look at your left all jammed up so you played right first and now your left is all good it's all about the left being jammed now you think you'll be able to save all those orders i'm going to try and save as much as i can what's the black what's the royal black bag close point confusion [Music] see if the key is in there listen if all right truces without the now you're just making stuff up why are you always trying to one-up me and steal my thunder now you sound like me that's what i always tell you mario was trying to one-up me there you go why are you trying to chew up me feeling thunder [Music] why are you trying to bring the [Music] hailstorm it was hailing in ohio it was pretty bad well that's where i rained at home [Music] are you sure [Music] [Music] [Music] left is finally breaking loose you left the chickens at the chicken daycare right yeah and they're leashes yeah okay i'll make sure they go out on daily walks [Music] [Music] it does have uh some type of appeal did you go the bag was all the way to the left and now it's right in the center well there's one thing we can definitely say you are a snake that snake is gone [Music] do you think even though this might be premature but once we actually get down to florida and get a place that we'll find some pythons oh yeah we'll find all kinds of snakes all kinds of wildlife there will be ample wildlife will there be ample parking what about shelling will there be shelley [Music] so ample wildlife [Music] [Music] baby it's not about me needing great hoodies about great hoodie needing me oh i got you there's only one thing that i know that's more clingy than you grey hoodie [Music] do you think i'm clingy that's off the charts [Music] you wanted a good rating didn't you you score so high you're off the charts [Music] that's like an a plus plus plus plus plus plus plus if you were in clingy class are you ready for that royal black bag to fall oh i've been waiting wait without hesitating it's been marinating while we've been dating we could go down to florida and get a bridge property with some gate [Music] it's so close right now couple more pushes and boom it's over [Music] watch it be empty everybody's got a brand we did a good old switcheroo what happened my hands are cold my back is cold i wanted you to wrap her fire and get the remainder of the snake on the left for me all right i'll get that sweet get it just play the rest of my bag and then i don't think we'll need to play the rest of the bags [Music] it's the best it's not bad [Music] all across the board okay [Music] is the left breaking up at all it's got to be part of the physics of it do you think do you think you can trick shot and get that hundred no do you think you can i wish i was i'm not even shooting good right now i'm shooting flanks all right if i can get them lined up right maybe i won't shoot blanks [Music] up you didn't tell me you were gonna put me in coach i usually ride in the back you should always be the mirror you should be stretching with me [Music] by change i mean quarters i'm afraid of quarters shiny borders i dream about them at night that doesn't sound like a nightmare that sounds like a fantastic dream you don't know what happens in my dreams why don't you share [Music] still too soon all right but it has to do with you quarters elvis i see where this is going say no more just continue dropping i'm dropping it look at those pretty bushes right let's see what we got here trying isn't working so everything on the right [Music] and it'll struggle on the other side because everything will go [Music] all right [Music] [Music] it's working maybe a couple more handfuls and then looks like we got the walk on the right is [Music] oh my goodness did you just see that no how the hell how did that happen how far [Music] new life in the machine wow you saw that right so that means i only technically only lost one 100 box wow mistakenly fell into the left playing field that was nice i don't even know if you call it a save that was that was pure miracle [Music] dear miracle luck that was that was insane that was pretty awesome you saw it right here you doubted you doubted that you could even get it i didn't think there was any way in here no way so now you're gonna have to play the rest of the badge [Music] [Music] the key is getting them in your hand look at the wrist that's the thing that should be a good push [Music] how far up [Music] [Music] [Music] bring new life into it bringing it back look at my michael jackson moves [Music] look at you are you checking me out checking you out checking out your border pushing skills [Music] do you think i have skills you deserve a trophy for what [Music] [Music] we're getting there slowly how many quarters do you have left about a handful [Music] it's definitely moving what if i told you i'm getting tired [Music] you want me to finish the rescue mission it's only fitting isn't it sure you can claim victory on this one [Music] oh it just got a nice push we need a whole lot more nice pushes [Music] pushes well every once in a while the issue that i'm having i'm feeding it in too fast and they're just jumping all over the place remember what i told you fast that's how you get the trick shots it's clogging it oh man not only that i think here comes another push you may have a new record where are we gonna put all these corners what do you think we should do the bank is giving interest on the people that turning corners [Music] are they still doing that are the banks still giving the interest to anyone bringing in borders hold on to them until they give up increase [Music] according to the federal government or whoever controls all that stuff apparently there's no coins in the world and yet there seems to be no shortage here none whatsoever [Music] just got to time it you got to time it you think i'm gonna get it look there's a red a red corner [Music] it's coming here comes here comes you got this that was epic wow come on one more good push sweet oh a little bit more a little bit more holy this is so heavy 901.25 now that is definitely a record that's a hails of a record amazing how lost them all and got four that's so awesome that's beyond amazing all right is it priscilla poot royal black bag oh it's got a boogie is it that boogie ready ready ready but i'll take the gold bars [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 327,954
Rating: 4.9059529 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: V9mAVvcLTuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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