CASH TOWER Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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starting off with my lovely lucky bag filled with george quarters elvis was literally just saying i was just singing you just can't get away can't you no we're trying to get in as much in before we head south for the winter a big problem how big is the problem it's elvis size problems that is a king sized [Music] problem [Music] you got a plan man strategy something tells me that if life doesn't seem right just go to the left okay but just to be clear this is not a tower no it's not you know what it reminds me of uh empire state building it reminds me of a multi-layered beehive excuse me what a multi-layered beehive excuse me what look i already oh i've already gotten i've already got things moving oh wow [Music] nice going to the left was the right decision i think i think you're right even though you're left right now oh you know what the challenge is going to be here look it's moving right up against the glass all of that is going to press up against the glass and get stuck that's what the that's what the oh my goodness it's all shifting towards my phone careful careful you need to rethink this what if that bundle falls into another playing field should i go center left center left center [Music] i'm just saying that's really really dangerous you need to try and get it to rotate just a little bit slow it down breathe left center gotta time my drops don't do too many at once or you're gonna lose that bundle you want it to fall forward or oh man oh man be careful so dangerous this thing is dangerous these are all hundred bundles right no no no no i see twenties i see twenties for sure is that why you think this is a beehive because it could sting you it'll hurt it'll definitely hurt if i lose a bundle or a part of the beehive oh my goodness george sure he's gonna come down he's stressing me out careful i'm stressing myself out george you need to slow down you've got quarters to drop look at everything is going everywhere [Music] mystery bag's about to drop drop there it goes it just drops wow that that was intense that was calculated drops i bet you triggered elvis he's proud of me are you proud of me that wasn't epic that was pretty awesome that could possibly be there was a chance of losing that very top bundle no there was a chance of losing everything that thing was going left right up you had me scared wow i stressed you out don't i well that that's besides the point or is that an understatement that would be the understatement of the [Music] [Music] what an epic first push my goodness now the real question is do you think you'll be able to get everything i think you'll be able to get everything in the hopper the challenge is like it is right now everything that didn't fall is pushed up against the clouds it's all pushed up against the glass the glass she's gonna have to figure out how to get it to move and and to drop if it's pushed up against the glass it's not a win she's got to get it to move and drop it but if there's one thing we've learned somehow george knows how to move things with quarters it's all about the rotation i thought it was all about the flick of the wrist that too so is this like the rotation of the earth rotation of the [Music] it's a 20 bundle it's stuck up jammed up she's got more than one three quarters an upper one all jammed up on the glass already that's the difficult part of this one oh man already already okay at least there's a bundle in there [Music] [Music] [Music] this bundle is 700 and 15.25 i guess i'm just in awe that that thing came within your first round of pushing it was pretty awesome and what makes me more happy is that i didn't lose any of the bundles that was what kind of push would you call that it's not miraculous would you call a scale it was a calculated [Music] calculated she just got one that was stuck on the edge ain't stuck no more stuck anymore you know you might you might kind of call that um good coaching what do you think sure you want to call a good coach do the coaches in the olympics do they get a gold medal to if their athlete gets a gold medal good question i mean i'm just saying if you pull out a thousand dollars maybe the coach should get a thousand dollars [Music] you did say uh quote me if i'm wrong but you did say that um you would be an olympic champion you did say that you would be an olympic champion in coin pushing if it was an officially recognized sport in my head yes absolutely what about the rest of the world i don't know let's ask them um how do we get the rest of the world on the phone ring ring hello viewers or do you disagree that easy huh you've got like one two three pressed up against the glass right now [Music] i'm impressed i'm impressed too i'm definitely impressed going left is always best you're gonna have to get ammo though you have to get ammo if you're gonna stay in this you know as well as i do those things are gonna get stuck up on the glass yeah and if you don't have enough ammo you're not going to have enough to bring home the bacon speaking of bacon do you think we can catch some hogs on our florida property and uh butcher up some bacon yeah i heard that um not bad we could take it to a local butcher and have them cut up bacon you do realize i grew up in a family grocery store with a butcher shop right yeah i do know that that was my last order and you're right i did spend most of the time in the basement sweeping dirt i'm calling this your luckiest day ever this is a pretty lucky win this is but i came up short on quarters i only got 12.50 got to go left and get ammo go left and get ammo then worry about getting cash and while you do go left enjoy elvis as he sings to you but you'll probably get one of those bundles yeah the one no price a bundle or two will probably fall don't get don't get hungry for the cash that'll come as when it comes get the ammo don't smart george i think this is your luckiest probably your luckiest day ever it's pretty awesome you have a bundle literally jumped in head first was that the the very tippy top one i think so the one that was most worried about going into another field for sure thought i would lose oh she's talking about an old nes game it would be excite bike super exciting for the old nintendo entertainment system for all those big fans out there [Music] were you a nintendo lover or a sega lover we couldn't afford to sneak up so i don't i want to say we've had just about every game console growing up except for sega i don't remember having sega i don't even know you anymore i could be wrong i don't think my brothers were more into video games than i were i don't think a sega lover oh my goodness there goes another bundle look at the look at those just up against the glass two of them are i'm not sure a sega lover and a nintendo lover can be together long term if they could only see my face right now with the raccoon circles because you're crying and your mascara is running because you're a nintendo lover and sega's better it's time to pull 220 bundles that means that's 280 dollars of paper money and 11.75 got to get more quarters even though it's your best day ever [Music] what did i say when we first started i said if life just doesn't seem right [Music] and so i went to the left and boom here we are boom encouragement [Music] encouragement yeah you've had the uh oh look at that elvis is championing again you absolutely have bundles stuck oh that one that one totally moved that was awesome getting some awesome pushes remember you still have a mystery bag too yes yes i do are we gonna take guesses of what's in it i'm guessing [Music] vintage air wait wait wait wait wait if it is your luckiest day ever which is definitely turning out to be on the coin push-up i'm gonna say it's your favorite coin ever the 1943 copper penny that we have been in a hot pursuit for we have been chasing that 1943 copper penny for years now it looks a little too beefy to be a 1943 penny though you think so yeah all right what was the bad guess based on thickness to the bag it's a bad guess i admit bad guess i admit bad guys but all right second guess it's a chase i'm thinking it's in the shape of mother mary it's a bitto honey candy i'm thinking cheese puff in the shape of mother mary worth probably a million dollars on ebay see what happens that was my last order yeah we've got to get you more quarters gotta keep pushing 20 bundle which is 140 in paper monies and going down in quarters again i got a 10 okay let me throw an idea by you what do you think in coach it is your luckiest day ever yes and we always have good luck once you go right what do you think you want to go right i can go right okay you can switch it up and go right get a little crazy not too crazy [Music] i'm just saying maybe there's more quarters over there [Music] i'm already thinking making things move that's always good you don't have much to work with but yeah because i'm low on quarters i'm gonna have to time my you're gonna have to time it for sure oh there you go there you go you're starting to get something if you drop it too soon then none of the quarters come off the busher and then you're down [Music] i mean there's more quarters over there on the edge since you pushed the left already [Music] did you say right might be tight yeah okay right might be tight apparently don't worry this started off as your luckiest day give me a good push yeah you need some good pushes [Music] yeah there are a lot of coins in the middle as well but we both know what happens every time you push to the middle they get stuck and those bundles if you if you push towards the middle those bundles are going to hold the quarters back you'll just get yeah underneath the bundle so going center would be too risky at this point until you're able to point in the game but if you get low guess how many quarters i have now uh five i'm down in two [Music] good pushes no paper money this round but i've got eight dollars and 75 cents in quarters you know what i'm thinking what are you thinking tell me coach tell me you're gonna have to try and go middle all right even if you don't want to i really don't want to i know you don't want to i'm going to follow your lead code but let's just your numbers are getting down let's see if it actually pushes enough to keep you in the game there's no that's not bad that's not bad it's alive that's not bad we gotta keep you in the game with ammo just gotta gotta get enough ammo to go after the bundles [Music] making it metamucil on itself your bundles are moving too yeah they are yeah there you go [Music] that's a decent push there there you go there you go you're getting some getting some points now don't worry about the bundles they focus on the silver the bundles come they come we need silver to get them all right guess how many quarters i have left seven five hundred one two three four five quarter last quarter i cannot believe that do you think it's gonna fall the next round it will wow wow 15 quarters this round so it worked they work what do you think you want to go for those bundles on the left i do i want to go left you know what if you go like left middle left center okay center whatever you want to call it you think something good would happen yes yes indeedy [Music] that pile actually got back in it you're taking mental notes on all of this right of course making sure [Music] i'm your coach it's my job to make sure i have mental notes on all of this oh it just rolled back [Music] i don't like that what are you thinking [Music] are you thinking left or center left center i just saw it move forward george i saw it move forward again i mean they're they're obviously binding up on each other but they are moving forward i'm switching it up i'm doing left left center i don't think coin confusion is a good idea right now you don't have enough ammo [Music] there's no confusion baby oh okay you were right you were right do what you were doing without making that face if they could only see my face right now that's the last thing they want to see in their life because that face that you make when you do that so now what oh oh man someone did a cartwheel did you just see that the one that did a cartwheel luckiest day yeah but that one is going to get stuck up on the glass oh my goodness stuck [Music] [Music] are you no never are you down to one corner i mean till jail is something you do at the altar and i'm not a machine oh we got some force to drop time to pull [Music] 700 bundle of joy and down to 9.75 that time what do you think center again yes yeah go center again no go straight center that got you back up to 15 last time remember i'm your coach [Music] things are moving making it happen wow it's been pretty good so far considering that every round has been a low amount of borders [Music] and here i am still in the game because i'm dropping the quarters calculated drops with my elvis and of course my coach more importantly your non-lucky bag right shout out to lucky bag whoa whoa whoa this is a one gallon sandwich bag it's like the biggest bag for the biggest sandwich in the world how is this bag have anything to do with luck right now because it's holding it down it holds all the quarters for me really look at that bundle i see it i see it look what it's doing you got you got 100 bundles stuck to the left you got a 20 bundle you got 220 bundles stuck to the right you got another 100 bundle all the way to the left left left on the edge just dying to come home that's a tongue twister what is it 100 bundles [Music] one of your bundles that is stuck that bundle that's stuck is definitely gonna hold mystery bag back get the one on the pusher to rotate nicely yeah but look at look at your hundred bundle stuck to the left it's actually on a lip of quarters that's the quarter i'm not so sure quarters have it pinned to the actual [Music] glass oh man it moved me crazy do you think it's going to fall when we pull no i don't think so you got so many i pushed off another 700 bundle this round and 12 and 25 cents in quarters so going center helped going center definitely done what do you think go center which not only in the front in the back upper tray and mystery bag and bundles i mean there's a lot jammed up in the right but she's gotta have ammo [Music] hard to do anything without ammo it really is so you really really really have to think through where you want to drop it [Music] how about you drop it where you get the most quarters that's [Applause] were you trick shooting wow were you twitching no i just dropped my order in luckiest day ever did it 500 fell off because of like a vibration wow just wow this is amazing wow wow all right guess how many quarters i have 20. one just one 21. should i go left center or right [Music] go to the right all the way right like hard right if you can get those chips off then maybe it'll hit a bundle which will hit a quarter which will hit the mystery bag which will hit the bundle in oh it did nothing time to pull [Music] [Music] [Music] while i was counting a bundle decided to just join the party you know what they fall all the time so i've got two 100 bundles and two 20 bundles giving me a total of 1 680 in paper money the hard thing is if she ever loses a game and then we walk away we always wonder did something else fall at some point how many 14 and 25 cents a quarter not bad what do you think and go right i'm thinking left or right and right center i i'm thinking you're right to go right that's what i'm thinking i'm thinking right is definitely the right way to go it looks like there's a bundle of quarters still like in the left center but you're getting a lot of them bundles out for sure [Music] shockingly what will all those quarters yeah they'll somehow manage to shift shift happens we've learned that over and over and over again happens every day it always happens one way or another [Music] you think those i think those chips are crisco oiled up so they don't they just surf and he's just saying so they stay on top and here they come flying off oh my it's just we're stuck anymore george this is your luckiest day ever this has been incredible oh my goodness there it goes while you may not have an abundance of quarters or ammunition what you do have you're killing it you are killing it with a small amount of ammo you are making what i gotta work with shout out again to lucky bag holding it down like usual holding all my quarters nothing lucky about that down off the jeremy's drawers [Music] holding all the real goods all the money money you're not the wait you can see all right lucky sock doing its job wait a minute where did lucky slap come into the equation lucky sock has never been out of the equation ever ever never know don't ever try counting lucky with heinz ketchup it's a good push though when did ketchup ever come into the equation when is ketchup never been in the equation it was there with the sock the entire time [Music] we'll save mystery bag for the end but i just want it white or heavy very very light [Music] so it maybe is a cheese puff maybe empty or vintage air like you said earlier i'm not gonna put an empty mystery bag hey mistakes happen okay i'll give you that mistakes happen i still don't think they're putting i still don't think they're i honestly didn't feel anything in it nothing no at all there's has to be something maybe there's a piece of glitter in there so that's your new guest or like a sequence off of elvis's suit now that would probably be worth the wait worth something i was kind of hoping for the 1943 copper penny but hey you know what if it's a little sequence off of elvis's uh jumpsuit hey we'll take it [Music] what can i say except hi hi hi hey hey hey all right wow those casino chips move quite a bit actually you did you did move them a lot and they just moved again the one chip is merging to the left [Music] going the wrong way that's never good [Music] never good when they go the wrong way yeah mama don't like that you give them gps you give them a map they still go the wrong way what's up with that that make no sense none at all but the wrong way going the wrong way you know what i'm saying wrong turned in a wrong turn just like scoffer's going to scoff yeah tater's going to take [Music] oh nice push nice punch [Music] oh that bundle is getting close and i bet you it gets stuck on the glass [Music] at least i'm thinking what are you thinking stuck on the glass or not stuck on the glass it may or may not but if it does get stuck it'll be a short a short stop the thing is if you can get them the one in the middle is kind of going up and down horizontal or vertical if you can swing them horizontal they just roll in if they're vertical they get stuck on that glass and that's the trick where george is talking about well i gotta rotate it i gotta move it around she's learned what things do and i don't know how she's learned to drive and control with dropping quarters but somehow she's learned that too it's like driving a car the more you drive the better you get so you're driving this car [Music] 16. [Music] oh wow the i keep on calling that token the chips just but what i keep wanting that that definitely worked you see how you just transitioned that turned it and then it just rolled how'd you do that that was pretty awesome how did you do that [Music] no no no luckiest day ever but how'd you do it seriously how did you know a quarter would do that skill calculated drops you calculated that drop listening to the codes what kind of calculator are you working with there the one in my wrist look at the look at the casino chips they're both gonna fall at the same time you know that right i think so yeah all right i bet you i bet you an ice cream cone they don't you say they do deal i say they will i say they won't so if i if if i'm right i owe you [Music] if you're right i owe you an ice cream cone if i'm right you owe me both of those 500 chips so that i can play a going butcher all right deal deal ice cream versus buy-in play yeah all right deal deal she doesn't know i'm about to break out my control what are you saying are you trying to fart on command that is another one of my skills listed on my resume but not using that right now [Music] for the ice cream or for jeremy play in a game [Music] the big five [Music] what are you gonna do you're gonna push them you're gonna push them [Music] oh [Music] look how pretty you're right you won i owe you ice cream how'd you do on quarters and then i've got 16.75 in corners that's not bad you think you can get it this time with that round uh i'd like to say yes but i don't think i can get both the chip and the bundle i think the bundle might get stuck because it's standing up i'm just curious can you fall it like a tree and then roll it like a log so should i go left to try and get it to lean to the right i don't know how you do these things i would think you would want to go right center to push it no [Music] it just started moving forward oh wow it may just drop i don't think it's gonna drop it looks like it's gonna get stuck on the glass just like how you thought the chips wouldn't drop at the same time look at that you owe me 500 chips i was right we should have had a bet on that one stuck on the glass stuck on the glass i'm not done with my round of borders so okay oh so it's just gonna fall with the amount of quarters that you have yes to try and get it off during this round okay i see what you're doing there i see how you're justifying it i see a csc but it's definitely stuck and it looks stuck on quarter you know what you might be better just going straight middle center okay center okay i call i say middle you say center tomato tomato [Music] i say tomato you say ketchup i mean i'm just looking at the i'm looking at it and i think that might freeze up more well you kind of just hit out what i thought was keeping it you're just trying to win the bet why are you going left because okay then go right left is not going to help you anyway i feel like i'm on a game of survivor right now you're trying to trick me you think so oh man that's how many quarters i don't know but that thing is holding on by a thread all right two quarters you might get it you might get it you know what's gonna happen we're gonna pull and it's gonna oh wait wait wait we're gonna pull and it's gonna fall 16.75 like you can get it yeah for sure all right um right or right i think you call it center yes right center you're going right center yes yes why don't you say middle is that an egyptian thing it's personal preference okay [Music] i just you know really nothing rhymes with center but there's a lot of things that rhyme with [Music] [Music] okay you going for going for the chip the five going for the chip jupiter you think you can get it yeah i gotta get it to rotate and then it'll fall off the pusher you want me to use mind control sure i mean why would you need to use mind control if lucky's [Music] admit it you like to keep guessing yeah i do it keeps life interesting how many more quarters do you know i have a handful right now can you get it with a handful probably not it likes to float doesn't it yeah it does all right down to one quarter this quarter was hiding in the corner in the back you got some monies all right let's pull rescued the last 700 dollar bundle and 12.75 in quarters ready to get the chip i'm ready are you ready let's get the chip chippity chip chip chip chop chip now [Music] [Music] [Music] so that is beyond incredible i'm surprised you can even hold it all in your hands barely can barely hold it you're gonna need another lucky bag shout out to my lucky bag for holding it down 11.75 not a lot of quarters a lot of cash i gotta know what's in the mystery bag it feels very very light it does look puffy i mean there is something in there i knew there had to be something 100 more what a lucky day you need to play again that was too much love pretty awesome let's see if your luck is still there thank you elvis playing vermont [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 169,505
Rating: 4.9253373 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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