POT OF GOLD Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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i don't know george i don't know a tower it's kind of like a base of a tower it is a base of a tower but we already know that it will never fall into the other playing field because of the height something about this one just attracted to me like a magnet i already know why because they called this a pot of gold that's why that all right let's play are you gonna let me play or are you playing yes it's 25 to start off she says yes [Music] george's lucky bag 4.0 now just says goes you a bag you got to remember to hold the bag the other way your bag it's on like it's code for something all right i'm gonna go to the left i'm just gonna call you chicken little no you got to work around it you got to chip the corners you're going you're going for the ammo aren't you of course [Music] because if i go straight for the center i'll be out of quarters and i as i watch the other people that play here at the casino they try to go straight for the prize and that's how the that's how the house wins and they run out of borders but i thought once you go center you put a denter in the mentor that's what i was thinking i could be wrong oh nice push you see that there i think that that would have never happened if i went straight i think that tower actually moved forward i didn't see it i could be wrong you could be seeing things would be the first time or what it would be it would be the first time i was ever [Music] [Laughter] wrong [Music] oh god knock that box because once you go left your lips aren't cleft no no no i actually thought that one was a pretty good one that was one of my better rhymes once you go left you know the detergent you use is [Music] the baby detergent no i don't like that one either really no i thought that was a really good one no try again you're better than that because because you use gain i love me some games i switch it up between tide and gain once you use gain you'll never be the same [Music] but that has nothing to do with me going left oh 100 and a hole [Music] i think you got to have ammo to take that power base out even though we are completely against towers we would never play a tower again we boycotted it we have boycotted towers that is true [Music] i once boycotted golden corral oh nice oh my gosh it's the whole box you boycotted golden corral yes because it gave me mud but i was like nope never again really and guess who went back to golden corral years later with you well i think the important thing that we all learn here is what mud butt is that's the importance that was my last order time oh that was convenient that's a pretty good first goal i was able to push off 40.75 in ammo that's a really good start nine times out of ten you go well under what you actually start with yes that was a really good ammo push all right what are you thinking i'm thinking you go for more ammo either to the left or to the right and then all right i'm gonna try and push that hundred dollar box off while getting more corners do you think there's anything inside look there's a bottom to that box probably not because it fell off too easily but i could be wrong when is anything falling off well there are those times when things seem to jump right at you yeah and other times where everything they take a leap down weighed it down like they would never ever fall in a million years if there's nothing in it i'll still be happy [Music] it'll make my heart happy that i was able to rescue the box [Music] you just have a rescuing nature don't you i do did you rescue me yes i think i did for what [Music] you rescued me from hails i'm hales i rescued you from yourself i thought you rescued me from basic white rice one of these days i'm gonna rescue you from ketchup that's the only way to rest your basement white rice you're gonna drown in all that ketchup you eat [Music] so you're gonna rescue the box you rescued me did i did i rescue you the thing in the middle just smooth did i rescue you yes you did from what [Music] basic dark chocolate i taught you how to put some peanut butter on it you taught me that wearing crops is not for fools you like wearing crocs don't you i do like to wear crocs mainly around the house or [Music] when we're out and about like kelly's island for example i can wear them while i'm on the beach and i can get in the water without digging holes in my feet it's the comfort factor isn't it they're definitely not comfortable but they're they're quick and easy to slide on they're they're great for showering too i will wear my crocs uh in the shower house on the campground as a matter of fact we are probably my guess would be we are probably up on the island right now while people are watching this if we've timed this video correctly since everything's been recorded yeah so if we were to go into the future while people are watching this do you think you are in the lake right now do you think you're sitting around a campfire eating a jumbo dog or do you think you're on the toilet with bubble gums i love the above and mud fun i would like to thank all of the above so now you're in three places at once yes interesting i've learned to wear myself thin since i've met you look at that box it's inching closer that box is [Music] are you stealing my thunder again sounds like golden corral stole your thunder been a long day here should we tell them how many times there goes all right so she is actually lost what are we on the 10th hour while we've been here i don't i don't know but we have lost four games so far today that's just today yeah which means we probably won't release those videos [Music] oh they'll be released someday they will be released jeremy thinks it'd be hilarious to compile and she won't let me yet to compile all my losings in one video and she won't let me yet but i think it would be hails hilarious what about all the times you lost are you including that in the video uh you would have to actually let me play i do let you play and then you chicken out [Music] you're taking the being a mom of the chickens a little too literally [Music] come on drop that hundred drop that hundred [Music] so since we are probably on kelly's island right now as people are viewing this do you think i've eaten one jumbo hot dog or two jumbo hot dogs technically two jumbo hot dogs is two hot dogs combined together so four four jumbo hot dogs that's a lot of hot dogs in one day and you wonder why you gained 30 pounds oh i know golden corral that's why [Music] who needs an enema when you can just go to golden ground i want the golden corral i lost 10 pounds overnight when did we go to golden corral we went with uh storage legends oh nice you just got the box that's what that one's got a bottom two so it's a full box i didn't even see it so that's pretty awesome it's like waking up to a surprise wakey wakey i got you some eggs [Music] i'm counting one two three four five six yeah i'm counting a thousand what is it little benny is down the well little betty and his nine brothers the ten puts they fell down the well the ten doubloons are down in the well that was my last order oh so close so close there's that box nice is there anything in it definitely a full box it doesn't feel like there's anything in it but i was able to push off 49.75 in ammo not bad 49.75 i'm so proud of you i've never been more proud in all my life with you thank you sir this is the proudest moment i have ever had of you very much what language was that [Music] oh now i'm proud i'm proud right now things are falling on the left and i'm aiming to the right she's aiming at the right and things are falling on the left absolutely insane it's bonkers no i am proud of you i've never been more proud of you than this moment right here right now in history this is the proudest moment this is the proudest moment ever i've ever had okay now you're just overdoing it what nothing [Music] you don't want me to be proud of you no i do but i think you're overdoing it do you want a participation trophy too yes please and a cookie make it oatmeal chocolate chip that's my ultimate favorite cookie about oatmeal butterscotch because that's even better that one's good too i didn't think i'd like that combination but when you told me how did we come up with that because i asked you when we first met i asked you what your favorite cookie was which is oatmeal you said and you said oatmeal butterscotch well i told you i liked butterscotch chips so i will go to all these and i'll buy a bag of baking chips butterscotch baking chips and i'll just eat the bag of butterscotch bacon chips okay but i put them in s'mores too remember i use them for more you do so i think i took it upon myself to take the combination of oatmeal and then to put some butterscotch morsels in it and o omg omg elvis oh my elvis the combination it was a party in the mouth that's for sure it was like a mullet business with you partied with a butterscotch so good i i make i make a mean batch of uh cookies don't i um they've always been nice to me yeah they're really good they might not like you i once i once thought about just auctioning off some of my cookies why are they so mean to you probably you probably give them the stink eye all the time [Music] probably give them that asian attitude that would be my guess for the last time albus even knows this knows what i'm not asian what [Music] i don't even know you who are you [Music] why do why do why is everybody who meet you think you're asian because i probably because i look asian i do have asian features i also have features a lot of people mistaking me from hispanic a lot of people i get that one all the time i get this family a lot of people mistaken me i get i get hawaiian greek god filipina i get greek god filipino yeah i get that one i get mistaken for indian oreo cookie if they see me with my pants you know butt crack or crack if they go whoa where'd that white stuff come from very rarely do people guess that i'm egyptian and i always make people guess because i'm just curious to know what what their first thoughts are of what my nationality could be and only one percent of people have ever guessed egyptian they're like oh yeah i can see it now george actually keeps a spreadsheet so she knows the percentages so just just so everybody knows it's a mental spreadsheet it's a mental i'm still trying to figure out what jeremy is diary please help [Music] you're some type of blend [Music] i think jeremy is mud bun a mud butt blend that sounds like that sounds like a harry potter character they're not muggles they're mud bugs [Music] i don't know that reference yeah you don't know i never got into harry potter i watched 20 minutes of the video and i fell asleep yeah but you've never attempted every video never attempted to go back and watch it lord of the rings never got into any type of disney movie pixar movie i love those i still haven't oh yes i still haven't gotten wreck-it ralph breaks the internet on blu-ray i gotta get that for our collection you're just waiting to find it in a storage unit well yeah i mean i don't i don't buy things like that i just get stuck in storage units and then i keep it the collection that i have with movies at my house wasn't anything about 500 that i've kept it's quite a bit yeah and probably 50 [Music] which a lot of people are probably thinking well why would you ever kick them since we're going back up to the island why would we keep movies on blue right now we keep them because we like to watch them when we go camping so when we're on kelly's island we don't have access to internet streaming anything like that so we do have flat screen tv in the fireplace the dvd player dvd player and blu-ray player so so on rainy days there's been times where we've gone camping and all it did was rain so there's not much you can do so we just pretty much had movie day movie night all day but there are other times i'll just stay up till 2 a.m watch movies while you sleep the movie split i was totally into that's how you got your name patricia that's where he got where he came up with [Music] the nickname of patricia so if you ever hear him call me patricia that's not a nickname it was a name given to me it was a name given to my alter ego which everyone has [Music] patricia was a sweet one what's the sweet accommodating personality in that movie you're actually pushing the base of that tower it's not circle anymore so are you still going for ammo or are you going for the tower i'm going right center you're trying to take you're trying to take the foundation out [Music] yes [Music] [Music] well there are 10 little benjies stuck down in the well we have to save them yeah the rescue mission hasn't been uh hasn't come to a halt yet we've only rescued what four five six [Music] [Music] and there's ten more stuck in the well what's that what's that little little benny is stuck in the well and it's nine brothers george is on the way down to four quarters george has four quarters to save them all i'm gonna go center center center do it i dare you i dare you let's see what happens [Music] and you're gonna have to pull not bad and it feels pretty empty got those to push off hopefully that well that pod is gonna be feeling empty 96.75 okay so what are you doing you're going straight for the well i'm gonna go center center center and see what happens okay so the danger here is she goes center center center she's got enough ammo now so that was the entire strategy go to the left go to the right get as much ammo as you can so she can attack the base of this thing the danger is this thing doesn't move at all and she's out a hundred dollars in quarters no ammo left so there is there is some skill there is some stress like she may push this thing it could get stuck on the glass we've seen things get stuck on the glass like crazy it could fall back it could she could lose all the ammunition that she has she has to play as smart it just just moved forward again it's like moving forward as one if she runs out of ammo she runs she runs out of the game although she's got a nice little nice little nest bag already see everything's going around it [Music] this is going to be crazy crazy [Music] i've seen it buds just a little here and a little there i mean it's definitely moved forward from the beginning oh yeah it's more of an oval now oval shape versus a little egg vega shaped yeah [Music] it's like an entire barrier of george washington warriors trying to save all the ben franklin and to get around that hedge of warriors it's not going to be easy just move a little bit oh who would it be if all the benny boys fell down at the [Music] [Music] your brother pushed you into the freezer i thought you wanted me to use my mind control and just pull them out and dump them in the shoe i don't think that's possible but you can certainly try i'm not going to stop you do you doubt my mind i'm not going to stop you you doubt my mind control to get those to jump out yes okay challenge accepted but i have not had an opportunity to recharge my mind control because as we all know mind powers are recharged by egyptian kisses and we all also know i ain't got no kisses but the mind is behind the forehead so it gets away that ain't how it works do you go with a vacuum cleaner and go oh well there's there's power lines behind this wall i'm just gonna place the cord in the vacuum by the wall yeah no it doesn't work that way in an imaginary world yet [Music] what do you think it's more of an oval now definitely oval-ish [Music] and everything's going around [Music] all right let's try chipping away at the corner the right corner if you don't get this thing down would that be considered still a win or would this be something i can actually show or would it be considered a loss if you don't get it or would this be something i could still show because you did get 600 other benches technically we'd be in the profit so that would be a win yeah it could be a winning video as long as we're not in the negatives [Music] [Music] boy that is gonna be a toffee [Music] and you're definitely running out of ammunition she's not getting as much ammunition back as she's putting in [Music] that's for sure [Music] gotta get around that protective barrier somehow knock it out i'm trying to knock the corner of the oval on the far right while getting more quarters to push i see it poking out there you're definitely dipping away at it she gonna knock you out yeah [Music] come on chip away at it it started slowly chipping away [Music] it'll probably fall back the back wall will probably fall back do you think that's what will happen first yeah that'll release all those [Music] i'm bennies together this one's a tough one [Music] but i was drawn to it i'm gonna go to the left and see what happens is that what you said when you met me you're like this one's a tough one but i was drawn to it yeah that's exactly what i thought that's what you thought how did you know mind control i'm the one that drew you near [Music] do you doubt me are you not entertained didn't jack say that he wanted to impersonate you and say are you not entertained yeah i told him to say it then he it's did some of the things you can get little kids to say kids are like sponges they repeat everything [Music] all right kids are like sponges they repeat everything jeremy's like a sponge he repeats everything jeremy is like a sponge is there an echo we lost a lot of ammo 49.75 there george wants me to rapid fire to the middle so we trade it off we're going to see what happens here we've lost almost 50 trying to take this out already going down the center at first ended up making me lose more orders so did you remember to stretch uh no no i did not stretch is that going to be a problem it's going to be a big problem did you remember to do your finger exercises no but i did punch my backside i mean that may help but i don't know that's only because i was at golden corral earlier today [Music] he's dropping like it's hot is it moving at all no but hoarders are moving around it well we got to get ammo back though [Music] yeah orders flipping around it is definitely [Music] [Music] no not even budgie you keep your eye there i gotta keep going and then i tried the technique of just going off to the sides and chipping off the corners and it kind of helps it helps bring it to that oval shape the paper money is just moved in the center it moved it like popped up okay okay i won't give up i got this his head popped up like a prairie dog and went back down or should i say it came out like a turtle and went back down i like turtles i know you like turtles is it moving [Music] you know we're not stretching and doing your finger exercises you're doing pretty good mama's quite impressed well i naturally stay in shape with my fingers from taking my nose and other places daily daily i think and other places [Music] and the paper money in the center just moved they're bunching up and lifting up higher all right i'm hitting it hard i'm hitting it hard from behind yeah that's the way you should go keep doing what you're doing don't stop don't stop i got it i got it [Music] tell me what happened all right you stay focused and i'll keep an eye on it oh the paper money in the in the center it keeps popping up that's a good sign all right i got one more handful [Music] i'm just worried we didn't get enough ammo well you're definitely getting more a bunch of that's it that's it that's all i have left did i do anything yes all right let's pull going for it one more time 42 25. i think i think we can get it i think you ready jordan yes i am ready all right i'm gonna i'm just gonna fist it you keep an eye on it tell me what happens here we [Music] sit i'm hitting the center hitting it hard from behind doing what i do [Music] got to take it out got it oh my goodness it's moving the back [Music] there it goes yes yes yes oh my goodness got it got it where it needed to go got it where it needed to go awesome rescue mission underway oh man that felt so good proud moment that felt so very proud moment you proud of me very proud all right what do you think left right or middle i think any way you go it's going to be a winner all right once you go right you finally went right once you go left well that's a good thing too let's get some gambling okay we'll get some ammo and that way we can rescue everything [Music] good work so you do realize that you're playing right what i'm doing [Music] right here right now it's happening i did stretch didn't exercise just picking my nose i was ready i was like put me in george pull me in put me in coach i'm ready pull me in i'm tired of being a bench warmer [Music] george do you see what i see look under the benjamin in the front there's a gold bar that's why they called this one pot of gold do you see it yes i see it now do you see it by the front one oh my goodness all right we gotta get this we gotta we gotta pull we gotta go let's get the gold lucky bags holding 53 dollars and quarters let's see what happens okay gold is right right in the center right here how did you see that hoodie has special powers [Music] does your mind control and recharge no not at all but i could see the gold look you can see it even more there was like old bar hiding in there but do you think there's another one if there is oh it's getting close to the edge look at that would you look at that [Music] i'm scanning the field i only see [Music] all right i see that one there are piles everywhere there could be more in here i see i see that one it's so close to the edge right now i'm going to the left and it's making everything [Music] i'm not seeing anything we don't see anything yet yeah maybe wishful [Music] [Music] [Music] yes all right i'm scanning let me see if there's any others all right let's see if they can do some tricks roll over roll over benny you're draining the hundred dollar bills now yeah all right you got 100 bill uh for a hundred dollar bill you can actually have george train [Music] but usually she's teaching the one dollar [Music] all right one two three four five six seven nine more nine more [Music] that and i smell so bad i'm not taking a shower that i'm giving myself a heart attack oh nice there's another one chalk it up for the win did you see it roll over i did i did so i'm guessing i can post this video for sure now right yes okay yes indeed i always have to get approval beforehand if i didn't win then it would have been part of the compilation [Music] but it's gonna be it's gonna be an entire month of december the compilations of georgia's losing all december it's going to be nothing but losses right now in one video it'll be it'll be the christmas special it would be it would be released just in time for the new year right around the corner and then i can come back your 2020 was horrible watch george's new year new me boom let's get it do the helicopter [Music] just remember you never make any of the shots that you don't take you know who said that he said that wayne gretzky but jeremy hills did another one i don't know how that song goes you seem to know it very well and another one and another one you just got another one all right i'm down to one quarter let's see how much one is [Music] yes six more to go i was able to push off 115.75 ammo [Music] no the golden corral that the golden corral is really should be called the okay corral that's what you just realized i haven't taken a bathroom break in a while all right um did you bring some defense well there's a rant there's a random solo cup over here do you wanna no that's too happy [Music] maybe we'll start bringing the pens that define [Music] [Music] we can do that we can make that happen for you should you know what it'd be easier if we just hook you up to a catheter yeah that would be easier that'll solve all the problems [Music] did i tell you about the time i had a catheter yes yeah i don't like to relive that when you were hospitalized for your kidney stones right yes [Music] i'm not sure what's worse the catheter or kidney stones they're probably equally painful probably kidney stones yeah come on push your foot push it push it no that was my dance oh that was the peepee dance oh yeah [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] good training george good training i know it works it would have been better if it rolled forward but good training it's still in training [Music] that's the important thing so that's learning yes yes four more to go that's all we need four more why do you have to stay like that because it's funny trust me i know what i'm talking about i know those forms i'm good buddies with them all four more to go would you rather be best friends with these bunnies three more um me and elvis would have would have rocked out you know you know my secret dream is to be a rock star no that was a secret i never knew that about you because it was a secret me and elvis did you go way back yeah we do [Music] the sandbox he's the one that taught me how to shake it he was like shake it don't break it it took your mom and me in three months nine months to make it my math is a little off today three months sounds about right practice months [Music] i feel bad if we're gonna have to abandon them like we did the other hundred dollar box the last year that was tough you just have to we're losing money left or right we would have lost more money than trying to nice push why thank you [Music] always the last one standing [Music] it's part of our ocd [Music] did i tell you when i was in high school i used to dress up as elvis [Music] so for all of us so like i wasn't allowed to do anything with school but for church we would have like a valentine's banquet for the kids in church and i was the entertainment i would come up dressed so i'm not sure how i got away with that or who let me do it but i would go up in lipstick to elvis songs and boxers so i had the full i had the full glasses scarf jacket the whole deal but the whole funny part was i was boxers which i'm not sure who thought that was a good idea at a church event but i got away with it all the time like that was the funny thing i was a boxer we used to hire an elvis impersonator his first name was kevin and his stage name was kelvis and so he would charge 375 dollars just to come in for an hour to perform [Music] that's a pretty cool side gig well my charge back then just being boxers was one dollar bills these friends how many i could pick up back then i was a stud muffin now i'm just a muffin oh there it goes [Music] like who who was dumb enough to let me go up in front of everybody in boxing at a church event is that now was that an executive decision you decided to make on your own or did someone tell you you need to show up in boxers no that was definitely a jeremy like i know how to make elvis funny boxers were you wearing crocs and socks then two you realized frogs weren't invented then i don't know much about cracks i don't know how long they've been around for i've never owned a pair until i met you prior to you i had no interest in knowing what crocks were well now you wear monsters too keep stealing my drawers stealing my crocs stealing my socks have you stolen any of my favorite t-shirts yet yes [Music] but you don't wear them anymore so they're not really favorite t-shirts they're just abandoned t-shirts that you don't care for anymore [Music] one in the center is definitely going to drop next oh so close [Music] you might have it you might have wellness to sing it [Music] [Music] come on buddy roll forward [Music] that's the same place on the last game where you had the box stuck in that corner [Music] that quarter got you last time oh no come on that corner got you last time too [Music] what am i smelling right now did you just yawn [Music] or did you yawn out at your other end excuse me [Music] would you be shocked if i told you that's you what is that milo that's you i don't believe it i don't believe it that's not my brand [Music] so close come on buddy you doing what [Music] is correct i got [Music] not bad not bad [Music] unfortunately nothing in the boxes nothing in it [Music] 4.0 is holding 153.50 chalk this one up for another win you got lucky this one almost went into the fail compilation [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 215,056
Rating: 4.92377 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: PWokCOT7z3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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