MUST BE MAGIC Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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trying to get the chip down what are you doing i think i'm going to do point confusion see what happens how much money do you have for coin [Music] rest in peace lucky bank 5.0 got my new bag on now hold a second george you said we were boycotting towers i did say we were boycotting towers are you gonna justify this one this is a triple decker bridge triple decker bridge really really a bridge for little people all right there you have it people a triple decker bridge for little people or little people who the hell's knows what she's gonna do this time [Music] what's your plan i'm gonna shoot i'm gonna score i'm gonna hit it to the left oh i can see through the triple decker bridge for um for little people there is a mystery bag back there yeah i see it too now we got here later than typical so weird it's been a long day i got a ton of done today i just want to unwind work and relax get off the road because there wasn't any auctions that we wanted to go to so here we are but at the same time here we meet again elvis how you doing this is this was the last setup that hadn't been played yet so we really didn't have an option even though george likes her bridge doesn't fisher price make little people yeah yeah we've been finding those in storage units those sell really look at your bridges those are made out of buy-in chips that means we can keep on playing yeah the player's gonna play excuse me the great pusher better be coin pusher and i better be the one playing which you'll never remember so remember what sometimes exactly which reminds me of that oh it just moved yeah they just moved part of the bridge the triple decker bridge for little people just moved a little bit just a little bit it moved a little bit forward on the left [Music] now normally you would not go oh got more the structures you're going for ammo right yes because i want to stay in the game now the other danger the other danger is [Music] [Music] there's a little decorative little triple decker oh that's a single decker bonus chip to your right that's a single decker for little people and then to your left looks like somebody over there was playing a pyramid actually it looks like we're smack dab in between two previous pyramids yeah paper paper pyramid i'll give you a hundred dollars if you can hit one of them bonus 100 pyramid boxes in your field but it's going to be it's going to be the 100 that you jump in the field that i gave you all right well if it happens it happens if it doesn't oh wow is that was that your philosophy when you met me no that was yours actually it was she'll do you do like to say that all the time she'll do my philosophy was i've been on dates with three thousand women three thousand and one she'll do [Music] wow okay so [Music] hey those are the words that came out of your mouth not mine i was just joking [Music] you didn't sound like you were joking at [Music] all getting more quarters to grab speaking of some timers i do have a joke okay i'm ready but i'm almost out of court oh [Music] is definitely happening all right down to two quarters [Music] wait now we're playing football dude i did not get this memo without this football i thought we were on bridges for little people now this is i never know what we're doing was they want to push off 28 in quarters [Music] that there is nothing lucky about what you do the luck is all about me it is all about you the drawers it's the drawers it's definitely the drugs and now you think you're actually gonna be able to win anything with my lucky i was able to get an extra three dollars that's not bad all right i'm not in the profit but i'm still in the game are you going to the left or the left right was pretty good maybe i should go left center mystery bag is still up there mystery bag is up on the upper tray and she's starting to go swinging back and forth some of the right just fell off as well it's going to the left it's going to the right the the triple decker bridge the structures the supports the uh the piers whatever the trestles whatever you want to call them half budged which is always a good sign are you going pure left or are you doing i'm doing the left left center you know what happens when you start point confusion early every single time there are the videos that are locked in the vault that you don't want anybody to see confusion because i'm not all over the place [Music] so there were three sisters one was 96 one was 94 and one was 92. the 96 year old went upstairs to take a bath she stepped into the bath and was like i can't remember if i'm coming in or out can someone help me so her 94 year old sister went upstairs to try and help her and her sometimes kicked in she's like i can't remember if i'm going up or down so then the 92 year old sister was like i hope to never be like them and lose my memory and so she knocked on wood i'll come help you as soon as i answer the door [Music] get it she knocked on wood thinking someone was at the door wait this must be one of those intellectual jokes let me think about it let me think about you know i'm not as smart as you sure [Music] if you can get that thing pushed up against the glass maybe even if you can break the bridge apart in between you know if you can get the structures in between to move to collapse well no just if you can get the you know just to get the bridge the little people bridge part the blue chip if you get one to fall maybe that'll help oh yeah i just saw it move a little bit [Music] i'm just saying maybe it will help maybe not but then again maybe these are the things we never know oh there we go there we go [Music] [Music] i think you need to change it up and go right that's what i'm thinking there's a lot of coins over there right if you go right maybe you'll move that tier that pier and then that part of the bridge will fall out that's cool 32 75 and 40. look what she made me do she made me go run up to the truck she literally made me go run out to the truck do you feel better now i feel much better you feel a little bit more you in your skin with your monkey bag now time to do some damage the only reason why you did that is because you don't want to you don't want to admit that i'm the luck it's okay you can admit that my lucky drawers are luckier it just moves it's you know what the top is up against the glass yeah it's fall back it's gonna lean back it definitely moved she's pushing to the right she's getting good pushes she just she just just trick shotted on the mystery bag the mystery bag is still above the upper tray she jumped it from the right of the upper trade to the middle definitely in the middle now oh my goodness you are wow let me guess it's the bag it's definitely my job you're so full of it it has nothing to do with the bag it has everything to do it has nothing to do with the bag it was labeled george's lucky bag i cannot believe that she just trick shot it on the mystery bag and then she trick shot it over [Music] you're [Music] you know what if you were doing this and i wasn't here then you would have uh the walls [Music] what do you call that a bridge support the right leg and the left leg of the bridge for little people oh so now those are legs with those like robot legs that we're missing the torso okay so now instead of a bridge it's a [Music] i see it moving to the left i want to see that chip that you dropped i want to see it move that leg [Music] if that thing can get behind that leg it could really push with enough it looks like you got quarters about to fall on the upper crate too oh my goodness wow nice push [Music] look it looks like she has quarters about ready to [Music] i think she's doing a little point confusion she's trying to confuse the legs the top of this legs of a bridge is definitely up against the glass it's slanted towards the back because it's leaning on the glass whether whether the bonus 500 chip was the thing that did it oh the chip is coming around the corner now oh now she's moving it she moved it somehow [Music] that is pretty lucky i got i got a mint to get that chip to move like that [Music] how did you rotate the chip with mere quarters with my lucky bag of course time to pull bonus chip coming around the mountain here she comes 37.25 minutes i admit it that's more that's more she'll be coming around the bridge lake when she comes she'll be coming around the bridge legs when she comes [Music] oh i see it i don't know how in the [Music] wow all i did was sprinkle some flick of the wrist in there and boom there you have it wow wow [Music] is that the combination center right center center right center center right center right center [Music] it's the combination to get the 500. that's the combination to your heart center right center no just to get the 500 oh what's the other combination [Music] chipotle [Music] i knew it mexican and chinese oh my goodness it's so close [Music] you're getting pretty excited there you know what your rapido is doing pretty well too you're gonna you might get some more quarters falling in the upper trade [Music] well it just moved so it's gonna do something all the portals will just go in between the legs maybe not though maybe it'll actually knock it so that the two legs fall into each other like that like that like that george that's like that lucky bag you the greatest excuse me see what happened after we switched up from jeremy started like the coach had nothing to do with that i'm just yeah you're you're lucky baggage top liver first of all i don't even know what chop liver is second of all who told you to go middle all right who told you to go elvis made me do it here we go [Music] here's the big question do you think anything is hidden oh there could be something look how wide it is it's definitely wide but we didn't the buy-in wasn't high enough to be you know like a gold a gold borrower there's definitely something hidden in that mystery bag yeah there's definitely something in the mystery bag no quarters hiding in the corner and dropped [Music] nothing at all [Music] there's that 500 bonus chip and 42.50 in corners you're going for a leg you want the right leg or the left leg right center i'm a breast man myself when i mean chicken i like the white meat what do you like the legs or the wings i like them what about the thigh i like that too i don't discriminate i'll eat it that's what i figured which is why it works well for us you get you get the legs the wings the thigh and i get the breast and we're all good how do we get on this subject from their legs [Music] you know to get those legs apart you gotta finesse it you want me to sweet pocket for you try it go ahead and try it oh look at the quarters look at the course on the far right it's building a bridge of its own all right let me see if i can get if i can get those things to spread for you okay pardon me have you ever heard of coconut oil um we just want you to slide on out of there bubble down oh it's good it just moved it moved further apart the sweet talking is working okay what else do you think i should try you try mind control yet what kind of mind control do you think i could use in the quarters it literally is building a bridge of its own so you're taking a bridge down and you're building another bridge in the back by the upper train it's happening what are you doing that's how it's going down this is crazy i think i got the mystery bag mystery bag just fell mystery bag just fell behind the left leg of the bridge now all we got to do is get those bridge legs to split apart and fall do a split you want me to try sweet talking it again hey baby come here do you play here do you like cheese balls if you like cheese balls i got a five oh my god [Applause] it works what did i tell you it works the chip that was gonna fall would be the bottom one you know what i didn't have it on date three i had it within three barely seconds from the shoot three pulls from the shoe might have been more it wasn't keep track but still not a bad record so are you going middle for the chip now i'm going left center i'm going after that mystery bag mystery bag's coming around the mountain oh there it [Music] [Music] she'll be coming around the left leg [Music] oh it's stuck in between it's stuck isn't it the chip or the the chip [Music] i don't know that it's stuck i just don't think you've been pushing it [Music] you've been going after the mystery bag i'm going left i'm going after both left and center oh i only saw anything on the left moving you still got that crazy bridge that you're building up top on the upper side wow that was an awesome fish i just don't get it i don't get it at all how do you try and take a bridge down and yet you're building one at the same time it's lucky bag i can't take full credit for it i don't know if this is luck miracles i mean what else would you call it magic okay so we're gonna say this was magical all right last quarter are you trying to say there's magic in your lucky bag yeah yeah yeah so this whole thing was just magic okay that was your last quarter i thought you had one more no i dropped it like you dropped the mic 53 in george's lucky bag then i saw her back i'm still not a believer but i ain't even here did you see it once you go left it's mystery back theft [Music] what if you spread them legs a little further and drop that other chip [Music] i'm trying i'm trying to get both left and left center oh elvis will do it for you let the king do his thing help with georgie out [Music] oh thanks elvis i knew i could count on you [Music] has that chip moved at all it looks like it went back yeah it split back definitely has moved backwards it's too tight it's moving like back to the future do you remember back to the future vaguely you never watched batman i did watch it but i don't remember it michael j popps i do you remember michael j pack i remember the fancy car with the uh the delorean those doors what are those called the hoverboard the door is not rising you know i have a replica hoverboard in the display case at the warehouse you know that right no i didn't don't mess around with hoverboards you have a lot of stuff in that display what's your favorite thing [Music] probably the onesie that was a good one they're all awesome [Music] i think i like the onesie because it's nice and cozy and fuzzy oh from here yeah i was thinking of a baby you were thinking of a big gum it's an adult onesie i guess i would have called it a pajamas [Music] now you're going for the boxes on the left i saw that i saw that bounce where is that chip going it's going the wrong direction you're the one you're going the wrong direction you're the one in control you guys see if you can spread those a little bit further oh whoa whoa i think you're uh your right leg is touching glass now i think [Music] i think it's definitely [Music] the legs are moving closer to the glass but not further apart constant problem but [Music] that just did it again barely came forward [Music] but your chip in the back is going backwards instead of forward but the legs are still coming up [Music] we're starting to get in there like a log splitter i'm trying to hit it from all angles that's the best thing to do hit it from all angles yes you think the pop chip what if the top chip falls and it knocks the the bottom chip and then at the same time that would be pretty awesome oh man what'd i tell you it tried to what did i tell you it tried to take the other one now you got two chips stuck back there maybe they'll move you're gonna be able to save them maybe the weight of the second chip on the first chip that was done back there she rotated the other one before i'm pretty sure she'll be able to rotate this i mean let's see you got all the magic uh she rotated the other one and she created a bridge up on top of the upper upper tray i mean all right down to four quarters only four one two three four and oh oh my goodness that was an awesome awesome that chip that chip is gonna fall look at it look how close it is on the edge of the quarters to the left it's getting there no it's not getting there it is there all you have to do is breathe heavy and that thing is falling forward got that mystery bag and 69.25 wow so what are you thinking to the left to the right i'm gonna go after those chips that left leg looks like it's actually leaning to the left it is it's leaning the right way you know what i just noticed that that lake's name is eileen [Music] there's two more casino chips in this playing field [Music] you gotta be careful not to let that leg drop to the left i gotta get the chips to rotate how did you get them to rotate last time it just moved left just moved i got it to rotate by just going center that was it you just went center yeah and i dropped it to the right you know what go center to rotate a chip just doesn't have the ring to it it's not a really good t-shirt saying there go center rotate the trip definitely go center you don't want to be a dip when are you gonna make elvis t-shirts or is his image copyrighted yeah i don't think that's allowed [Music] well you could always put my image on a t-shirt oh i just got the chips to move dressed up like elvis and you just got the left leg to move they're creeping around the mountain she's opening up to you that ship is ready to fall [Music] are they still riding each other yeah the ones on the other's back yeah [Music] the right leg is definitely pushed up against the glass the left leg is leaning to the left and scaring me quite a bit [Music] it just leaned further to the left and somehow that shift is hanging on [Music] i don't know how it's still hanging on it's not ready yet now it's not even on the left anymore it's mid-air wait wait it might just be touching oh it's gonna fall any minute now it's gonna fall it's not touching it's not touching it's just being held on by the weight of the right leg it is not touching at all if i can hovering to the left and the other two on the left to drop at the same time whatever you're doing you're getting you're getting the leg to the to the left to definitely move the one to the right just moved the one to the left just twisting and shifting shift happens here we go shift happens any minute now left leg is leaning man that's an eye lean if i've ever known one that chip's not even touching it's not even touching the left side of the bridge it's hovering it knows magic what is the deal with that levitating what is going on with that yeah okay it is magic i'm starting to believe it's magic if it's levitating like that it's [Music] same magical every time two chips fall at the same time jeremy gets to play the next game [Music] they can play now if you'd like oh you want me to do another one for uh what the someone asmr a ton of views uh yeah and a ton of people who don't understand that it's our channel don't listen well let's remind them it's our channel what the asmr what the asmr is our second channel so no need to report those videos just the ones on the facebook the facebooker the scammers on facebook [Music] oh man i'm surprised the chip hasn't fallen i'm surprised the left leg hasn't fallen to the left that one's shifting too all right i'm gonna switch it up and go right center what do you think right center is gonna do get the i think the right leg is up against the glass 500 chip hovering in midair it's magic george says it's all about our new lucky bag the only constant thing that george has ever had in the casino is my lucky drawers and my lucky socks that's it it's the only thing that's never changed my wrists haven't changed your flip flick of the wrist what that's been consistent yeah but natural talent will only take you so far you need luck like my drawers trust me i was wearing these drawers on day three and ever since you've never taken them off ever since why would i all right down to three quarters two years plus later still wearing them [Music] oh oh so close so close got the two 500 got a mid i like the looks of that 59.25 that went down what happened to the to the magic it did go down but i gained two royal blue okay that went up that definitely went up all right so are you trying to get the chip now what are you doing i think i'm gonna do point confusion [Music] no no you probably lost fifty dollars and you knocked a hundred bucks and look at it look at it just look at it you've probably probably lost 50 bucks oh the chip yeah you're talking about the [ __ ] oh [Music] holy cow that thing went with so much force you put a hundred dollar cube you put a hundred dollar box in the upper tray the hundred dollar chip in the upper tray and then you put a hundred dollar box on the other side of the tray up on the edge so you lost 100 but you gained an actual cash and the other 500 chip is still floating frankly if that's not magic i don't know what it is maybe okay do you see anything you're wondering if anything was hidden do you see anything to the left not yet not yet maybe something will be in on the left let's see knock all that knock all that in see if anything i love the look it looks like fish scales chain mail looks [Music] if you get enough of this ammo from the left you can take that right side out no problem at all [Music] nice bounce look at you trying to do it look at you trying to do trick shots [Music] again and coins are [Music] we falling that was gonna fall i called it that thing was clean i had a feeling i would lose the chip i never thought you would bounce that hundred in i can't i gotta see that in slow-motion did you see it happen it happened so quickly i i definitely saw that i was gonna lose that chip [Music] this is kind of crazy what'd i tell you are you glad i made you run out to the truck to get the correct bag um do you want me to admit that on camera yes [Music] some of this is really appearing like it's magic like everything that's happened so far i'm not seeing anything special under the quarters but it's anything shiny it could be too soon [Music] now see i'm searching too i'm searching i don't see it's killing me that or is that chip is just hanging can't tell if there's something in there or not there might actually be something buried under there [Music] there's a lot of layers there is a lot of layers there yeah that's a lot of layers [Music] anything can be in there no i'm not seeing anything yet though the fish scales are so precise oh you know what those scales look like alligator scales oh yeah you know what i'm gonna make [Music] maybe a baby one an adult sized one well at what size are they adults when does it become an adult [Music] four feet five feet also you'll wrestle anything under five feet all right no under four feet no you said five feet three feet i said a baby you said five feet nope time to pull 134.75 in lucky bag man all right so the question is do you go for more ammo or do you go for the play i think i'm gonna go for more ammo in that box all right you can never go wrong going for more ammo that's for sure and if you get the box in the process oh you're trying to trick shot she just bounced another one and bounced the 100 box [Music] she is doing some kind of crazy magic tonight weird that all of a sudden you're just on fire from the get-go [Music] probably has something to do with that yeah we got rid of the bag whoa started with the jeremy bag it wasn't really normally you lose in the first round you started with the german guy boom there it is boom i'll give it to you encouragement boom just like that drop look at the chip i'm looking at it i just can't believe it's still up there me neither it's literally levitating where'd you learn this magic oh i just bounced another quarter and hit that hundred [Music] did you go to magic school no i wish i did is there such a thing well i was raised by clowns and i don't even know any of this magic did did your parents go to magic school there's nothing magic about them then how did they learn to be clowns well it's this really complicated process you get makeup you put it on your face you get a wig you put it on your head everybody nicked your clown but where did they get the idea from uh they got that from mcdonald's they said if kids beg their their parents to take him to mcdonald's because there's a clown and then kids will beg their parents to come buy cotton candy because there's a clown oh my goodness did you see it jump i didn't see it jumped so growing up i loved mcdonald's but i never wanted to go because of the clown i wanted to go because it was a yummy french fry there's still a little bit in a happy meal i am addicted to their french fries except it was because i wanted a happy meal toy and eat the french fries you get the french fries you eat three of them and then the rest goes stale and there's nothing worse than cold mcdonald's french fries you know what tastes worse than cardboard that's why you don't eat them cold you throw them in the airfryer air fryer gonna help those things they're just sounds delicious no way have you ever had reheated mcdonald's fries in an air fryer no never because nobody in their right mind re-eats mcdonald's french fries three-year-olds do when they're sitting in the back of an suv and they see their dad's french fry from six months ago i mean yeah they eat it but they eat their boogers too i know i'm not the only one that re-eats mcdonald's you put your boogers in the airfryer no then why are you eating nasty old mcdonald fries you're not three wait till you taste it what about an old burger potato what about burger king tater tots if you found that in the back seat of a car would you throw that in the air no and i would never throw french fries in the backseat of the car for six months in the air fryer either what about wendy's french fries french fries no they're not as good as they used to be so you're saying mcdonald's is best friends mcdonald's is where it's at what about burger king where they weigh in no harvey's with the curly [Music] okay what about kfc french fries afc has french fries yeah they got a nice little batter on them i've never had them never no never when i was in high school i used to go to kfc buy a pound of them and that was my meal and buy a pound of kfc french fries eat them raw i don't think there's anything under those fish skills i got a lot [Music] do you like beer battered fries yeah okay so other than mcdonald's what's the best fry you ever had [Music] i said other than mcdonald's what's the best fry you ever yeah mcdonald's oh mcdonald's again in the air fryer it's like eating mcdonald's this is literally like a three-year-old nasty old mcdonald's restaurant same day not the next day i won't break it if it's the next day it's got to be the same day so what's the maximum time that you won't freeze or re-eat them after you repeat them it's like an hour five hours 23 hours 59 minutes yes 23 hours and 59 seconds but if it's 24 hours no go it's too old [Music] at that point it's just too much what are your favorite french fries whatever your french fries are still i like a good ice i like a good batter dip fry it's got a nice little batter on it filled with ketchup i love my ketchup all over my fries how does it get any better than that you do love ketchup drench them babies in ketchup [Music] but you barely touched the ketchup oh wait what about chick-fil-a fries those are good oh but do they weigh in do they weigh in against mcdonald's or not no i would choose mcdonald's over chick-fil-a really yeah even the crunchy ones yes love waffle fries they're good don't get me wrong i mean it takes two of your great loves and fries they have uh chick-fil-a has this melted cheese you can order it's like a white melted cheddar cheese that's good every once in a while mix it with chick-fil-a sauce you don't go straight straight cheese sometimes [Music] [Music] do you pay extra for the cheese yeah i've never even knew you could get cheese [Music] it's a white melted cheese maybe get the tower the tower will go back and push out what about what about olive garden fries do you like olive garden french fries i didn't know they made french fries i always ordered pasta are you kidding the italians invented the french fries what about the french dude no it started off as italian fries and then the french thought well let's steal this idea and then they called it the french fries little known fact i've got all little bits of trivia if you want more i don't know how true that is you can trust me on this one this one is golden [Music] i have an idea what's your idea let me rapido okay you think i can take it down you want me to finish the rest of my bag no let me repeat though all right let's switch now you think i can do it yeah all right let's try oh let's see oh yeah okay let's switch let's try i knocked this down are you going to admit on magic i will give lucky drugs some credit how much credit is going to get let's see let's see what you can do all right and what's happening right now just because i'm holding your lucky bag [Music] it means everything no no no no [Music] i'm the one in control the motion of the ocean here [Music] i'm surprised it hasn't gotten weak yet and just falling all right let me line them up line them up here we go then you get to keep both of the chips the 500 blue chip plus the black and gray chip that's at the very top the one that i lost earlier the matching one that i lost earlier yeah it's weeble wobbling oh it's moving i'm gonna get it i got enough here to work with it's slowly moving [Music] oh there it goes there it is there's an under chip there's part of it nice nice there's part of it okay i got a another handful here we go [Music] that should actually do some help right there how's that 500 chips still hanging on how is that i don't understand either it definitely just moved all right that was all that was all i had i think you're back up i got the top down you got to get the base i was able to push off 189 and i didn't think it was that unstable so i was helping george count but as i was we lost it we lost the whole thing but it all stayed inside that was a bonus right but it doesn't end here we still had [Music] two [Music] nice push nice push the rescue mission [Music] did you know it was right on the edge but you got a 100 chip in there if you can get the chip and all the [Music] money well it obviously didn't come off there at the beginning [Music] [Music] [Music] well you're still actually in the time but you don't know there's [Music] you would never word would you never is is it an english word or is it like in hebrew or something what words there's a lot of words especially if it's a different language did you know got it one more good point [Music] that's what my name is backwards that's not the way that you get them [Music] you know what [Music] going for [Music] i'll never be able to get that that's not even a real word and you'll never be able to say it pretty smart on my part don't you think [Music] wow four of the five hundred dollar chips and one 100 casino chips 2100 and chips look who decided to join the game it's benjamin oh no bottom [Music] i barely fit all my winnings i think that bag's not bigger but george's lucky bag definitely isn't big enough 378.75 in quarters i want to know what's in the mystery bag and you need a bigger bag here we go here we go here we go what's it feel like definitely feels a little thin just like me a little thin oh add to the collection you just pulled a magic quarter out of your hat i mean bag mystery bag [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 182,408
Rating: 4.9202113 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: NcudX6patvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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