THE SECRET IS OUT Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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so in 2021 i wanted to be able to get certified for scuba diving that would be epic i think somebody ate a little too much fart salad we're on a secret mission i don't want anyone to recognize us that's what we were doing oh we're secret missions okay uh secret mission for everybody at home too if you haven't caught one of these old lights on sale they're on sale till november 30th we'll put the link in the pin comments oh wait what else is the secret mission make sure you subscribe and hit that bell icon i already did twice [Music] 25 dollars in secret orders did you just say secret quarters recorders you heard correct what's the whole deal with the secret because we're on a secret mission um is this one of our last secret missions yeah for a while so are you gonna reveal the secret that everybody wants to know everyone's been dying what casino are you guys playing in and we did say we were gonna make the announcement once we moved to florida but we haven't moved yet so it's premature now what is your deal with prematurely this one is this one's gonna be tough because i feel like no matter which direction i go left right or center i'm gonna end up losing well there's a ton of people probably because of thanksgiving break for everybody and you get what you get and you don't throw a fit there george all right especially if you're on a secret mission let's go center i'm gonna rebel and go center watch me go watch me lose another thing that a lot of people have been requesting is posting all of my blues videos since we won't be able to play elvis for a while that's going to be fun that's a lot of footage how many hours upon hours on hours of footage we have so many because every time we drive drive down to the casino we spend several hours to try and make as many videos sometimes so what are you seeing there are you seeing what i'm seeing what do you see um neckline of a t-shirt okay and two arms reaching out to me saying happy happy thanksgiving jeremy is that what you're seeing [Music] i see an owl an owl with monster claws it's got like brownie eyebrows got a unibrow and the gold bitcoins are his eyeballs and then the money is his nose his beak what are the things on the end it's his ears wait hold a second i didn't think you could see an owls either well on this one you can or it could be his his wings the wings reaching out yeah reaching out snatch you up yeah whatever it is it's very artistic yeah it's pretty awesome i guess it's like an ink blot when when you go to the psychiatrist george and they open up the egg george what do you see well i've never done that before but yeah or if you're watching clouds your other person you're watching oh there goes the mystery bag if you're watching clouds moving along in the sky trying to figure out what the shape is you do that could be like that a lot yeah oh my goodness did you still see an owl um [Music] i thought it was a charm on a necklace it could be a charm on a necklace i'm gonna go with b isn't that what you see [Music] what do you guys all see let us know in the comments with this inkblot test oh my goodness the money's moving on the edge oh nice those hands kind of look like oh they're girls the money's just dropped those hands kind of look like um if you go to a family if you go to a family function and you got the one ant with the hairy bowls that looks like the ant that's always reaching out at you like yeah sugar i don't want no sugar i don't want no sugar [Music] sometimes sugar ain't good my my grandma on my mom's side so i would fear when i was a little kid i would fear when my grandma on my mom's side would come over for family function she was me was that the first time you experienced spear parts maybe she was a girl oh wow did you see that unibrow he's awake now that unibrow just went actually the neckline on that shirt just got pulled up it's like a shirt just went off [Music] oh my goodness now i'm making moves but uh grandma used to come over and she was we'll say a voluptuous woman a very um all the way around and i was her favorite grandkid and she would literally hold me and suffocate me in her hole it was why were you her favorite same reason why i'm your favorite you didn't have dad jokes back then i didn't have a dad bod either but you didn't all right that was my last quarter actually got some quarters i got a couple quarters that's not too bad not bad at all there's the owl's week 200 in paper money the charm the necklace if you saw a necklace charm that was the charm i think i want to keep going in the center actually that for once worked for you maybe maybe it's actually because all the resistance is to the left and to the right and it's coming pushing in towards the center with those grandma arms reaching out to me to suffocate [Music] you've always been a rebel is there ever a time in your life when you can remember where you weren't a rebel [Music] you've been doing nothing but rebelling all day today and now you're saying you're not a rubber that's true i thought it was self-evident i just literally said it says that's really not a question that needs to be asked the answer was right before you look how close those bitcoins are getting to the edge but you're right rebel's gonna rebel look at your um your mystery bag is like flat as a pancake yeah it is looking a little thin like me [Music] like you when we first met yeah i was pretty [Music] remember when you went down that big slide yeah in the slime six months after i met you it wasn't six months it was like a month you disclosed your weight in that video six months after i met you how much weight have you been have you put on since you met me maybe is that your freshman five put on a little freshman five there you go down to one quarter you've done your freshman year with me and your sophomore year you're on your junior year now but you're claiming the freshman five 17.75 that's pretty good yeah i'm impressed i thought i would lose compilation you ain't out of the woods yet here george i'm gonna go straight center [Music] you know what maybe that was the owl from winnie the pooh and the hands reaching out maybe that's a hufflepuff you know you know what a hufflepuff is you don't know what the huffle lump is from winnie the pooh so much to teach you so little time [Music] i haven't watched winnie the pooh since i was [Music] that's what you're claiming now i've been claiming it small body huge personality there goes an eyeball that i mean you could just poked it out with a stick but instead it threw quarters at it that was kind of rough there you're gonna keep going center i like where this is going you have ammo why not go to the left or the right and see if anything will actually switch it up once i finish playing this bag [Music] i'm just saying you may need the resistance to get those grandma claws oh my goodness do you think i should go to the left now yeah because you may need the resistance for something to move all right i'm gonna start rotating the i thought i just saw something move i didn't see it quarters did drop but i [Music] i could be wrong oh really now we got a jess [Music] you get overly excited a lot about what everything anything and everything i do yeah since when it's always down to two quarters [Music] what do you get overly excited about anything and everything time to pull got that left eyeball was that part of the secret mission today yeah 51 quarters all right secret mission bitcoin recovery i'm coming after the right eyeball do we have to destroy the secret mission messages after we're done with the secret message yes absolutely we're destroying all the messages we have to destroy the video too video what else are we doing on our secret mission we're gonna try to win and take over the world she wants to take over the wall [Music] oh [Music] i've got this owl in the palm of my hand careful she's gonna try and put us all in the palm of her hand what are you saying over there are you mumbling again what are you mumbling [Music] [Music] that's usually how i play i played hard left and the right eyeball came down [Music] so it's opposite days basically we're opposites sometimes it works most of the time it doesn't oil and vinegar i was thinking coffee and creamer no coffee cream go well cat dog opposite what are you the cat or the dog i'm the cat really yeah so what am i the dog i thought it was the sphinx [Music] you're the alpha dog i'm the wolf you're the sphinx [Music] sure is that part of your secret the secret is out [Music] a phoenix rising from the ashes okay um a unicorn a magical creature what's the opposite of a unicorn uh not a corn you're a unicorn i'm a non-horn i'm an acorn unicorn acorn that might work if you're acorn i'm a b corn [Music] you know who taught me how to my letters lamb chop really yeah pot you taught me i mean if you're a cat i'm a cat oh my goodness look how close mr vegas look the quarters are surfing on that black bag my big fear now is you don't have enough pressure in the front to get those uh grandma talons you're thinking the quarters are just going to keep going around well that's my fear because you went you had to get the ammo one way or another had to get the ammo which worked but now i'm wondering oh it's gonna drop soon it's gonna drop will there be enough resistance and it's leaning in my favor [Music] [Music] [Music] well if you move it too much it might fall on the thing next to you no i've got it where i want it that's what she said to me when she met me [Music] after day three i was like yeah i got him she was like you may see me on weekends if you're lucky and then i never won a date without sanders just kept showing up she's like a lost dog hello can you help me find my owner i'm [Music] i thought i would never see you that you had a social life and you're not north and work crazy hours [Music] and i baked some cookies for you don't use all my cookies yeah but i'm too fat for them now i can barely tie my shoes anymore i asked him what his favorite cookie was and he told me [Music] you know what what was your favorite cookie uh oatmeal butterscotch yep so i made an oatmeal butterscotch and that's when i got [Music] since we're on a secret mission i think we should tell secrets about each other no no we're not i think we should it's a secret mission it wouldn't be complete if we weren't telling secrets on each other i'll let i'll let you go first what's the first secret you want to tell you've already told everyone my secrets oh no there are so so many more all right down to my last order it's time to pull [Music] there's the right eyeball and the mystery bed incredible push and 94.25 in quarters wow all right what's your plan tell us the secret so i rapid fire to the left nothing happened i think i might switch it up and go to the right see what happens that's your secret yes switch it up to the right okay what's the first seat that but i make jeremy sleep with both eyes open at night because i'm scared it used to be one i always used to tell him you better sleep with one eye open and now it's two that's my secret that's all you got [Music] all right your turn a secret about you yeah george isn't really egyptian she's asian okay that's sarcasm i didn't say sarcasm i said secret oh i thought we were sharing secrets about each other um [Music] george isn't really five two if you stretch her out she'd be six foot five i kind of like six foot two i'd be an inch taller than you only because i'm shrinking the older i get [Music] that's the only reason [Music] all right i want to know the secret of your favorite date we ever went on all of them which does not count your favorite date well i think a lot of people already know the answer to that i don't remember three day three that was a turning point when we were just dancing yeah okay the most annoying thing hold on a second yours this ain't about my secrets this is your super mission the one thing i do that annoys you the most is that when i don't say yes i say i suppose oh my gosh i'll ask you a yes or no question and instead of getting a yes you respond back with i suppose and the one day i finally i finally openly told you oh my gosh i can't stand when you say that and you're like well i suppose i got it from my dad so i can remember being a kid and and we would ask our parents questions and my dad would yes i know it would always be i suppose and we used to get frustrated like crazy and obviously you pick up things from your environment when you're where you were raised so i didn't even realize i answered the questions with i suppose instead of yes which used to frustrate the living daylights out of me [Music] i believe i believe it's frustrating i remember being a kid i think it took me six months to build up the courage to finally tell you that it hurts me so then i just now it's a joke if you ask me anything i always answer within i suppose and then whenever you ask me something and i don't want to be rude and say no i just say i suppose no she does not care about being rude that's one thing about george she does not care about richness well i guess i guess the feelings mutual i feel the same way about you she doesn't care about rudeness crudeness dudeness [Music] she don't care i'm getting quarters to drop but is that the most annoying is that the one thing i do the most that annoys you yes that's the number one that's number one [Music] another thing that you do that annoys me what's number two i'm trying to think right now there's so many but i'm trying to think of a good one [Music] i know it's not my ability to part on command what's the one thing about me that annoys me yeah i can't narrow it down to one thing well what's the top thing i'm sorry i don't have tops we both have i don't have pops that's what annoys me that's what annoys me you always say you don't have favorites that don't have tops and it's ridiculous i do tell you a ham top no i always ask what is my favorite but i do have like what's your favorite i don't have a favorite i have a my favorite that's the annoying thing right there i don't have favorites but let me tell you my favorites but here's my top five i suppose he probably hates it when i roll my eyes because you can hear my eyes crunch every time i roll my eyes when aren't you rolling your eyes when aren't you rolling yours [Music] all right here's another thing that i cannot stand that drives me insane i have many secret drawers hidden in jeremy's house and i'll hide my favorite candy and snacks in those drawers because he will eat the entire thing in one sitting if you let him and so i started hiding them and he would sniff out my secret drawers and still eat my snacks or my sweets all in one city how did you have secret drawers in my house where else am i gonna hide it you have secret stashes and secret doors in my house in your own house yeah and then you hide any secret money in the house so then here's something that goes hand in hand with him sniffing out my secret drawers and eating all my sweets because then he blames me for all his weight gain because she is hiding secret snacks in your secret house you know my house is secret that's another secret i don't have house numbers on my house so fans can't find it i'm gonna have to start hiding i'm gonna have to come up with like a secret compartment in my car i have no address anywhere on my home so nobody [Music] we're gonna drive on the street and find the one house that doesn't have numbers [Music] [Music] all right i've been going at the right wing for a very long time maybe if i should go maybe i should go center again so you admit my house is secret though [Music] top secret i suppose [Music] i'm rolling my eyes at her because she's rolling right back at me oh yes that was a good drop all right let's go the other direction on the secrets what's the one thing i do that you look at the quarter that got stuck you think i can knock it off i don't know i suppose here we go what's the one thing that i do that you can't get enough of it's not annoying it's the opposite of annoying you're addicted to it [Music] let's see that's a long list too i suppose it should be we never kiss on camera we've been talking about i've never kissed you ever but i can't get enough so that's my favorite imagination [Music] you can do anything with the imagination all right i'm getting low on borders i'm probably down to two handfuls now i'm going right right center so you're saying kisses what else [Music] if you're watching this i do not cuddle your daughter or kiss her all right down to six quarters oh is that a part of my imagination more imagination down to the last quarter that was a good push i did really well this round 109 and 50 cents in quarters not bad at all look ben franklin is looking at you over there he's like i see you george i see you sharing secrets [Music] what's the next secret you want to share oh are we back to secrets you're the one that started this and oh are we stalling addictions okay because here's a secret george's obsessive compulsive so she's addicted to a lot of things [Music] okay i didn't realize this was the rumor segment oh [Music] what do i have to answer the same questions you're asking me what was the question don't be silly jeremy what was the question what was the question things that you can't get enough of about me um your hair all over the house so that he can continue to make so i can make a voodoo dollar so it's like an obsession secret that's a secret oh [Music] okay real answer can't get enough [Music] three [Music] now she makes me laugh other times like when she's mad i'll just laugh at her like when he finds my secret drawers and he's eating it right in front of me and i'll be like baby this is my secret house i'm the man when he holds it up above his head when he holds up something above his head that i can't reach he thinks it's funny or when you hold something too low and i can't reach because i have a bad back and you think that's funny [Music] do you think we tease each other too much no one [Music] you read the comments you know most of the viewers that had a relationship like this yeah we do get a lot of feedback that uh what we have is rare which to me i think is normal i think in my mind i think every relationship is like this really every relationship has somebody hiding secret candy and secret drawers in their significant other secret house yes of course i suppose couples are always joking around with each other or teasing each other or laughing together [Music] in a good way [Music] he means that in a good way [Music] don't you be rolling them eyes at me that's too bad i already did i didn't think you stopped from the last time and it'll never stop the eye rolling it comes with the [Music] territory all right another secret this is your secret mission [Music] jeremy likes to pop my pimples george won't let me pop her pimples she'll leave her pimples there for two weeks and won't pop them i'll be like would you just let me pop that that's the correct way to pop pimples okay here we go here's the secret if you do not know this george is about to share with you the correct way to pop pimples george take it away the correct way to pop a pimple is to soften the pimple whether it's in a shower a hot shower with steam or a warm rag you put it on at first and then you can pop it he just wants to get straight too with dirty fingers that's only because i've been looking at it for two weeks it starts to wink back at me its eyeballs are rolling out just stop right now [Music] within like the hour to two hours of noticing it [Music] you tend to exaggerate a lot which kind of annoys me at times too but at the same time it's funny you tend to get annoyed a lot which annoys me a lot you know what we should do we should have our viewers submit questions that they want us to answer [Music] and then we can make a video of it like random push is not commonly asked questions that people ask all the time what do you think okay if you want to submit a question don't ask questions like when are you two getting married what's george's first name don't ask questions like that ask us like a random question because we're both big fans of randomness don't ask questions like is george really her real name because we answer those all the time yes you're just my real middle name i've always gone by my middle name once you met me no before way before i met you my co-workers would call me george [Music] my family calls me george is it my turn to share [Music] all right hopefully i don't get in trouble for this one then maybe you shouldn't say anything if you have a feeling you might get in trouble maybe you shouldn't say it and we'll watch something else maybe i should [Music] maybe i should [Music] the money that llama is barely moving i'm dropping quarters as fast as i can it's almost like it's stuck [Music] [Music] what's the most random thing about you there's a lot of random things about me see george is scared of heights [Music] george gets seasick on anything that moves i do get motion sickness but none of that is not just me what's the most random thing you can think about yourself [Music] well it may be random to you but it's normal to me so you're only you [Music] i'm thinking [Music] everything is random about you [Music] i think the llama rotated oh it's moving a little bit i know what to ask you what's one secret you've never told anybody else well it wouldn't be a secret if i shared [Music] i thought that was uh i plead the fifth now it's moving [Music] nice you're getting it to move now [Music] swimming now [Music] what'd you say it was a llama you're my little llama mama [Music] all right what's one secret thing you want to do with me in the future that nobody knows about let's see [Music] we do have a long bucket list [Music] all right [Music] but today i went center today a little bit you entered in the center but the truth is you're a rebel that's the secret george doesn't want anybody to know she's an actual rebel [Music] what just happened just happened what just happened to the money boat where'd it go it just disappeared what just happened i think i lost it my quarter must have bounced i lost it i don't even know what happened did it go in the next playing field i don't see it i don't see it next to me all right one secret i need to know your top five things that you want to happen in 2021 all right so one of my biggest fears is deep waters we already talked about why i'm afraid of these waters so in 2021 i wanted to be able to get certified for scuba diving that would be epic oh my gosh did you see what just happened i lost all of the talons in the wings look at them they're right there on the ledge wow i for sure thought it would play in my favor and i'd be able to keep all the money but maybe i have a chance of saving them or they can roll into my playing field [Music] wow that just happened oh man look at these pushes now elvis just moved elvis just started singing i saw the llama how'd you get your bonus [Music] i didn't see that i'm not complaining i'm gonna take it and run look at these another thing that i would like for to happen in 2021 is to go on my first uh what are those boats called with the air boats fans propeller boats i did see that did you just swim the talent fall out yeah oh there goes another one it's raining now [Music] things are starting to happen wow [Music] i've always wanted to [Music] nothing fancy i just want something simple i want i definitely want open floor layout open floor layout definitely yeah i don't want a two-story home just one story living don't need a basement they don't even have basements in florida [Music] because of moisture issues [Music] alligator i think that's it those are my top lines what about you [Music] number one have fun number two have more fun number three don't have any favorites or top lists number four oh one of the monies just fell down say i suppose oh [Music] oh what do you want to happen in 2021 that hasn't happened yet in your life having fun is like a given having more fun that's not anything new [Music] um [Music] you know what i know definitely wrestle gator would be one for you build the what the asmr channel yeah wrestle gators [Music] build an awesome thriving youtube community of content creators and viewers in the florida area in the world [Music] [Music] so you think you can in order for me to i can't hear you i'll like you again you're going to dress up as elvis i can't hear you you can hear me [Music] that's his polite way of saying he's ignoring me that's the secret about him no when i ignore you i just completely totally ignore no you say i can't hear you i'm on to you [Music] or jeremy literally get in the vehicle again after the warehouse see you later [Music] good times [Music] my grandma's talents trying to suffocate me those are rough days rough days my friends [Music] your grandma never tried to fluff it [Music] no this would be grandpa abbott's ex-wife my mom's real mom [Music] grandma noreen he's no longer around she just loved a little bit too much she had so much love to get [Music] she was clingy like somebody else i know [Music] who's that somebody you [Music] no i don't like needy i like is that the same [Music] i much rather have somebody who wants to be with than someone you don't hear from like when i first met george she was like she's like you'll be lucky if you see me on weekends i never said that she absolutely live so there's no way we can see each other during the week and then i call her every single day so then i said we can make it work by seeing each other every weekend shaking her head [Music] i'm gonna say i suppose right now and see if i get killed or not i suppose now would be a good time for you to get in the truck and just drive away do what i can't hear you see i can't hear you i just got a paper talent money camper [Music] how many more [Music] [Music] handfuls can go a long way in this game [Music] you did a good job getting all those pushes now you can get well you got the talent even if you don't get the quarters you got the top well i guess still pretty uh pretty epic in regards to bushes yeah i'm doing pretty good honestly i thought that was gonna be a loser [Music] and the good news is the thing fell and knocked that in the bad news is we missed it why we're counting all of all of 260 dollars in order this is why we need two chest harnesses and i need to stop help counting go for it man i can't believe i missed it i cannot believe i missed it oh man all right because i like to see beautiful things all the time except on something is the real secret that everybody wants to know it's like muscle confusions [Music] surprisingly enough look at that surprisingly wow wait i thought it was i thought it was an hour [Music] we got so lucky that that thing didn't go over to the right come on george share with us your secret how do you get it in there yeah a couple of them are smart and they found the location a couple have played next to us [Music] let us know where everything is oh you still got to get the bundle you got to get it off the actual uh divider you got it you got it you got it not bad you going quarters i can't might go you can get all the quarters to the right it's not gonna hurt unless you stuff your thing your finger because you didn't stretch it you're looking at the wrist oh i stretch that's nothing did you just say moist [Music] what's wrong with me i don't think those ones check out them eyeballs i thought those were bitcoin bitcoin eyeballs that's not what i saw when i was looking at the setup that's a nice seventeen hundred dollars total in paper money did you say seventeen yeah wowzers that's a lot of orders 410.75 and we still have the mystery bag left welcome home buddy is it heavy or is it light all right ready uh i've been ready yeah peekaboo oh yes it's like a frightened turtle head [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 216,643
Rating: 4.9261827 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: dlyNssY_GEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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