IELTS Live - Band 9 Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

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today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had an awesome week and i hope you're all looking forward to a great weekend uh students in this class we are looking at an ielts band 9 speaking part 2 sample answer that's what we will be working on today and um you might hear my voice is a bit raspy i'm trying to get over a cold and it's attacked my vocal cords so bear with me i hope i will be able to last in the class i'll do my best um welcome carolina our moderator hi janio hi sami good to see our members in this class as well nisa 31 allah ishmael muhammad nice to see many students ready to learn this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts visit us at that's general the websites they look like this students this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background you can click this big red button to join our premium package it's just right above my head right there and it's one time payment for lifetime access we're an official british council outs test registration center and certified agents when you have a student account you have lots and lots of goodies computer-based practice exams a full online course tons and tons of videos and you also have this student partner speaking and speaking interview practice so check that out general ielts looks like this green background click that big red button uh to join us there thank you for the get well wishes everyone i do appreciate that i believe in the power of um the masses so hopefully your get well wishes will help me to get my voice back for tomorrow's speaking classes as well um all right so again websites uh tons of great materials really worth the money that you invest it doesn't cost a lot and the good news everyone is that we still have our cyber monday discount going on so cyber monday uh cyber day that's the discount code so use this discount code cyber day when you purchase our premium package and you'll get 40 percent off which is the best deal of the year with together with black friday antonia i got a cold and it attacked my vocal cords um but yeah i'll get better don't worry i've got my uh warm uh cup of tea here so hopefully that'll help me through this class um students if you have questions um hit me up send me an email adrian that's my email address you can ask me about ielts you can ask me about language english you can ask me how i'm doing if you're curious and we've got a couple more classes tomorrow as well so we've got speaking part 3 for members and we'll have speaking part three for everyone so uh you'll be doing a lot of the speaking that's the good news so you won't have to listen too much to my raspy voice because i will be voice calling students all right let's take a look at today's cue card so um you're in your ielts speaking and um you're doing a good job in part one we had some speaking part one lessons earlier this week and uh speaking part one it's about five minutes and then after the five minutes the examiner will say that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two i will show you some questions you will have one minute to read these questions think about your answers and then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start when to stop talk about an object you use to stay safe your one minute preparation time begins now and then you prepare for one minute it's a very important minute and you have to know what to do you have to use this one minute very very very wisely don't just go oh i know an object that i used to stay safe my helmet and then you start talking about it not a good idea okay you need to do a little bit of smart planning and you need to know what to do so the first step when you see um a the the questions okay is read the questions carefully okay so read them carefully um and very importantly read the um topic statement twice okay so uh let's do that now okay so talk about an object you use to stay safe talk about an object used to stay safe what is this item where did you get it when and where do you use it what could happen if you do not use this object you will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic you will have one minute to prepare what you are going to say okay um so we've carefully read the question now step two okay is to identify the category okay so in speaking part two you're talking about a person a place an object an event or an idea okay in this case um obviously we're talking about an object okay the question says talk about an object that you use to stay safe now when you tell somebody about an object what should you do so what kind of information should you include when you're telling a person about an object that you use to stay safe okay uh miyan says you should talk about its appearance yeah what it looks like absolutely okay um and me and the order is important so after the appearance you should talk about the origin where you got it from okay and 31 allah says the cost the cost would also be a part of the the origin okay mc with me if you want says you want to talk about its function yeah okay so how does it work right what does it do okay and then you want to talk about its significance yeah why is it important for you okay in that order okay so the order does matter one appearance what does it look like let me see it in my head very good uh sammy says the significance yeah two where did where does it come from where do you get it what's the origin who gave it to you where did you buy it right how much did it cost the origin three it's function okay how do you use it what does it do okay what's its function uh significance why is it important how does it help you how does it help society um what does it mean to you this is it sentimental does it remind you of someone right so what's the significance you want to talk about that okay so all of uh those are important okay so um at this point in step two we've identified the category we know it's an object and we should think of one other point here we should think of the tense okay based on the question so based on the question you should figure out what is the most common tense or tenses that you're going to use in your response okay um i know that many of you learned the past present future like talk about it in the past the present and the future that doesn't always work okay so be careful with that some questions are specifically asking you about the present uh some questions are specifically asking you about the past some about the future so if you talk about the past present and future no matter what the question is you could do really bad or badly okay so be really really careful okay all right um so here we go uh talk about an object you use to stay safe okay um let's see what it is so mian says we would probably use a lot of the present simple and present perfect yeah because it's something that we use now to stay safe okay so present present perfect and janelle says conditionals and i agree john neil that's a very good insight conditionals because we have a lot of this if i don't use this object or if i don't have it with me this could happen right so daniel i agree that conditionals is very very important okay all right so um there we go that's the tens so we have the tenses figured out and of course this only takes you a couple seconds right like you shouldn't be thinking about this for the whole one minute when you practice this when you know this you know that when you talk about an object you want to talk about its appearance its origin its function its significance when you read this question carefully you realize okay i've got to use a lot of present tense present perfect have been has been and then using a lot of the conditionals as well okay step three what do i do in the next step this is a very important one and this is where a lot of students make a big big mistake so what should i do in this next um next step okay and this is what you need to do before you start talking okay so miyan says think about two to three items yeah so think about two to three possible answers absolutely yeah okay so select two to three different topics and then choose the best one yeah one of the biggest mistakes many candidates make is they just pick one and then they start talking about it and they realize that they made a bad choice they have difficulty speaking about it um they don't know enough vocabulary about that topic so be really careful okay so think of two to three possible options and choose the one that you think is original easy to talk about lots of content okay so that's what you want to choose okay let's um have some ideas so i think um we had some ideas here masa says emergency supplies masa emergency supplies is too general what do you mean like emergency food or a first aid kit so what are you thinking about okay georgin says a glock 17 so like a gun and yeah i mean um in some places right um for example i have a rifle with me when i go hiking in the forest with my friends or when i go hunting and it helps me stay safe because we have bears and cougars on vancouver island where i live so some of you think gun is funny and you're thinking oh well other people in dangerous parts of the world which is possible like um if i lived in the favelas of uh brazil yeah a gun you know it's not i wouldn't recommend it but that might be something there that saves a person's life right so um and when you're in the forest in certain dangerous parts of the world where there are big animals um then you might have a rifle with you for self-protection right like uh if you're doing a safari in africa right maybe you're not hunting you're not going to shoot a lion but if the lion's going to try to eat you then you might want to use it right now if you choose something like a gun make sure that you can talk about it because it could be very complicated to explain these ideas and it could be complicated to explain how it works okay a lot of you might know the words gun but you might not know the components of the gun of how it actually fires and works okay so be very careful try to think ahead okay all right um okay wallet uh sammy says goggles okay um sound captain says car belt it's actually called a seat belt okay so again if you don't know the right words careful not to choose that okay all right um okay blueberry says an amulet uh if you're superstitious and you believe that you know you were a cross you're religious and you believe that that helps you to stay safe it's possible you could talk about that absolutely miji technique says helmet okay alma says a phone thirty-one allah says a bulletproof vest yeah if you're a police officer for example make sure you know how to talk about it the material used in bulletproof vest is called kevlar okay so depending on your profession right so if you're a police officer it could be a bulletproof vest if you're a construction worker it could be a steel-toed shoes okay uh me says a surgical mask okay anirban says a band-aid yeah absolutely okay uh safety shoes um yeah those are probably called boots okay so boots or steel toed boots okay uh bg tony says safety kit students i'm going to teach you a very important word here okay it's not called a safety kit someone might figure out what you mean by that but it's called a first aid kit and i'm going to teach you another word here a defibrillator maybe like this defibrillator not sure the spelling of that word defibrillator anyway it's pronounced defibrillator used in case of heart attack maybe somebody can help me with the spelling there of defibrillator and another one that you want to know is lifevest and lifeboat okay i know that many people travel the world and there are definitely a few words that you should know in english that could really be useful in certain situations okay um anthon says it's called the defeb ree later the february later there we go defibrillator thank you for that spelling okay um yeah so first aid kit defibrillator and life vest lifeboat those are definitely words that everybody should know when you're traveling the world because you never know and hopefully you don't get into a sticky situation but if you do get into a sticky situation these words can save your life okay all right um so know these words okay all right um let's uh take one of these um let's go with the surgical mask so surgical mask might not be an original answer these days but i think a lot of you will be able to speak about this so let's go with a surgical face mask okay all right um so what does it look like okay so appearance uh can you describe what a surgical face mask looks like okay yeah so jabroni it's not kneecap you're right it's called a knee pad so something that protects your um let me see your elbow or your knee is elbow pad or knee pad okay if you're playing sports if you're playing soccer or football you have what's called a shin guard that protects the lower part of your foot okay all right um so surgical face mask yeah it would be common but we're going to do this one for today because i think a lot of students will be able to talk about it so let's go with uh surgical face mask today so i'm just gonna choose one here so um what does it look like okay all right so daniel it has three layers but try to describe it in a way that's easy for me to imagine it okay yeah so sammy says a piece of cloth okay it's a special cloth okay rectangular shape yeah okay uh very good bg tony thank you for that super chat donation that's really cool of you i appreciate that okay bts love says it's black color so it's various colors it can be black it can be blue right okay uh layers yeah it can have two layers three layers four layers depending on what you're getting okay good okay uh meehan says some strings yeah and when you're thinking strings me and try to take it a step further and try to think about it as elastic strings or i could even add one more word here soft elastic strings right so that they don't harm your ears after long time use or after using them for many hours right okay um sammy says it's about five inches long uh or five inches wide six inches long yeah okay so 10 centimeters by 20 centimeters roughly right okay very good maybe some of you said metal wire now here i'll teach you word contour the word contour means to take up the shape so when you can move it around your nose to take up the shape of your the bridge of your nose that's called contour it contours around your nose okay so you have that metal wire okay um origen where do you get it so give me some ideas where do i um where'd i get this surgical mask okay so hospitals for sure okay convenience stores what else medical stores pharmacy very good or john tohirov yeah sorry about my bad pronunciation of your name uh pharmacy yeah drugstore right is another way to say that okay and you can just say many places these days right and so just about every place has it okay yeah murad that's right almost anywhere okay function what is it used for so what do we use it for and don't say something obvious like um to stop ourselves from getting sick unfortunately it didn't work for me but yeah it's to protect yourself so anthon you're going to remember that so don't write that down okay from bacteria virus okay let's see if we can get some better vocabulary here filter air yeah that's a good one coven 19 sure okay yeah it's filtering the air all of the different kinds of like bacteria or virus or microbes that can make you sick what are they called one word it starts with a p p a oh i even give you the third oh yeah very good sammy pathogens that's the word i'm looking for okay pathogens are bacteria virus all kinds of particles if you will that can make you sick okay so pathogens very nice that's the kind of vocabulary or lexical resource that will give you that high band score right so bat pathogens and it doesn't just protect you but you protect others right like right now obviously i'm going to wear a face mask everywhere i go because i don't want to give this kind of cough that i have or whatever is attacking my vocal cords to other people so you protect others okay in fact i don't know many people don't realize this but the idea of masks is not really so much to protect yourself as it is to protect others so the better function of masks is to protect others from a person who's already sick okay so when a surgeon or when a nurse is wearing a mask oftentimes it's not to protect themselves but they're protecting the patients who are very vulnerable just in case they have some kind of bacteria or virus right so it's protecting others okay it's good to remember that all right and you might want to remember this vocabulary as well airborne illness or infected saliva right so that's basically uh what we're dealing with here so something that's transmitted through our breath through the air okay and also dust or allergies right okay uh chemicals as well right okay um and you when you have to someone you're thinking about the function you're also thinking about how to use it okay so how do you use the mask okay how do you use a surgical face mask this is a great question and there's a lot of debate these days among people about how to use um a surgical face mask and i see lots of good ideas so some of you are saying smells or can be also um so yeah okay thank you for the spelling there uh nishil okay um so how do i use a face mask okay so uh abdul rahman says we just put it on anthon says isn't it um the mass should cover the uh from the bridge of the nose to the chin right so you pull it apart um it covers from your chin to the bridge of your nose right that's where a lot of people got into trouble because they have their noses hanging out of their masks or they have like their lower lip hanging out right so you have all these funny memes and things about how not to wear masks so you pull it apart okay and then you contour to the nose and place the plastic around ears blue side out there's a debate there one of my friends says the blue side's supposed to go in that's what the nurses say i don't know check the instructions on the box okay uh in the ielts the truth doesn't matter so if you have the blue side out the white side in i think most masks are that way one of my friends disagrees he says no the blue side's supposed to go in it's the white side that goes out um because it filters one way right so there is a little bit of a debate on which side is in which side is out okay a b bubba says yeah you need to pinch around the nose okay all right good so that's the function okay wash hands yeah very good someone says wash hands before putting on and don't touch right so now some of you are probably thinking well adrian that's a lot of notes like i only have one minute right so how do i do this um you only write down like the important parts right so you might only write down something like this so don't write down ideas that you're going to remember okay just write down ideas that will help you speak more okay so maybe something like that so these parts that i'm highlighting okay all right bear with me my hopefully my voice will make it to the end of the class i think i'll go about 10 minutes left on my voice so it's a countdown but bear with me okay um all right so something like that okay these highlighted parts you might not write everything down okay all right significance so why is it important to avoid getting sick obviously you might not write that down okay so to avoid illness to slow a pandemic right to save lives right some people are very vulnerable to disease and illness to save lives improve quality of life right so there's a lot of reasons for its significance right avoiding transmission of viruses yeah exactly all right okay ali says avoid infections okay now uh we want to have our first sentence okay so before your one minute is up uh have your first sentence ready that's so that when the examiner says uh your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking you can start talking right away so it's very important and i even recommend students to write this down so i'm going to write this down write down your first sentence everyone okay so here we go all right there is my first sentence and the first sentence answers the part two cue card very accurately very directly miki so miki y uh don't use the word thing okay say item or object okay but don't use the word thing so students avoid the word thing atya toolbari says there are a lot of things which we can use for safety but today i will discuss about a mask it's not a high band start because you're not directly answering the question and it's not clear what kind of a mask are you talking about there's lots of different kinds of masks right so be specific sami says the most useful object that i use these days is a surgical mask which is from pfizer sammy try not to repeat words even though they're different word form like useful and use okay and try to include safety so something to stay safe or to protect myself so the idea of say safe or stay safe should be in that first sentence like protect okay rashika says a surgical mask is an object which i have been using as a safety device for the past two years rashika don't repeat the word object okay so avoid word repetition students so one more time rashika it's a good start just don't use the word object so a surgical mask is an object that i've been using as a safety device for the past two years okay all right and then once you have this first sentence so the examiner says okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking and you say an item that i've been frequently using these days to stay safe is the surgical face mask then basically you just go through one the appearance to the origin three the function and for the significance okay and that's it and so let me do this um as i'm losing my voice i want to try to get through this with you but keep writing students so i'll check with your you're doing okay so so this is a piece of medical equipment that is made of two-ply medical two-ply special cloth um about 10 centimeters wide and uh 20 centimeters long um with a soft string on either end okay um and a a piece of wire it comes in a variety of colors the most common uh being blue and black okay um a person can get a medical mask from just about anywhere these days but usually they are sold in pharmacies and medical supply stores okay uh so again you're just building momentum and fluency so follow with me here um students uh tur uh turtle says not only has this item been sold at several supermarkets but it has also been provided at medical institutions as well as pharmacies okay that's that's good okay ali says it's a three layered piece of cloth that comes in a variety of colors it has two elastic strings which perfectly fit around the ears not behind the ears only around the ears okay sammy says it's blue color 10 by 20 centimeters having two tags to cover my mouth and nose it has three layers a special surgical cloth and it costs around one dollar i purchase it at apollo pharmacy very good okay i usually buy it bulk in a box that has 50 units and it costs around 15 dollars for the bundle okay all right um the correct way to wear a medical mask is to stretch it around the chin and the bridge of the nose um but and placing the elastic bands around the ears importantly the wire at the top part of the mask should be pinched to contour the nose so that the breath goes through the mask okay all right so um here we go uh looking at this from the top again this is speaking just repeat after me so an item that i have been frequently using these days to stay safe is a surgical face mask uh this is a piece of medical equipment that is made of two ply special cloth about 10 centimeters wide and 20 centimeters long with a soft string on either end and a piece of wire it comes in a variety of colors the most common being blue and black a person can get a medical mask from just about anywhere these days but usually they are sold in pharmacies and medical supply stores i usually buy a bulk um the box that has 50 units and it costs around 15 for the bundle the correct way to wear a medical mask is to stretch it around the chin and the bridge of the nose and placing the elastic band around the ears importantly the wire at the top part of the mask should be pinched to contour the nose so that the breath goes through the mask in this way the mask protects me from pathogens such as bacteria and flu and it also protects others in case i'm sick like i am right now um in addition uh it also protects me from some pollutants potentially harmful chemicals and allergens as i'm allergic to cat hair okay or cat fur let's see all right um so again all i'm doing is using my notes and i'm going through appearance function and now i'm going through the significance so why it's important to me of course these days many people are wearing face masks because of the coved pandemic so these masks help to spread this disease which allows scientists more time to come up with solutions to save lives okay and at this point i would look at the questions to make sure you answered all of them okay it's very important if you don't answer all the questions uh you'll lose marks so what is this item where did you get it when and where do you use it what could happen if you do not use this object so these last two questions i haven't really answered perfectly yet so um i might want to do that okay so like others i use a medical mask anytime i leave my home especially when i'm in enclosed uh places like uh my work shopping mall and school okay uh if i don't so or if i wouldn't use the mask i place myself in danger to catch an illness and this could even be fatal okay all right and then i stop because that's about two minutes and you have to be fluent so as long as you're fluent as long as you have all of these elements as long as you've answered all the questions on the card uh you should be okay and you're going to get a great band score now students i'm using some new vocabulary here so if you're catching some new vocabulary write it down and learn it okay azu says get well soon sir thank you all right um okay so let's do this one more time let's look at the card and let's read the the response okay so here we go everyone so this is the card talk about an object you use to stay safe what is this item where did you get it when and where do you use it what could happen if you do not use this object your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking an item that i have been frequently using these days to stay safe is the surgical face mask this is a piece of medical equipment that is made of two ply special cloth about 10 centimeters wide 20 centimeters long with a soft string on either end and a piece of wire it comes in a variety of colors the most common being blue and black a person can get a mask a medical mask from just about anywhere these days but usually they are sold in pharmacies and medical supply stores i often buy bulk in a box that has 50 units and it costs around 15 dollars for the bundle the correct way to wear a medical mask is to stretch it around the chin and the bridge of the nose and placing the elastic bands around the ears importantly the wire at the top part of the mask should be pinched to contour the nose so that the breath goes through the mask in this way the mask protects me from pathogens like bacteria and the flu and it also protects others in case i'm sick in addition it also protects me from pollutants potentially harmful chemicals allergens i'm allergic to cat fur and of course these days many people are wearing face masks because of coveted pandemic so these masks help to spread the disease which allows scientists to come up with solutions to save lives like others i use medical masks anytime i leave the home especially when i'm in enclosed spaces like my work shopping mall school if i wouldn't use the mask i could be in danger to catch an illness or it could even be fatal and it could even be fatal okay so uh before my voice completely goes because i can feel it it's like a ticking time bomb i'm gonna stop there uh practice practice with other topics so if you chose another topic like if you chose uh work boots uh gloves goggles uh try this one again and you can send me your answer to my email and i can give you a score estimate uh just record it as an mp3 okay so mp3 uh send me an mp3 recording of your answer and i'll give you a score estimate so i'll let you know how you did and hopefully by tomorrow i'll have my voice back and tomorrow we'll do speaking part three for both classes and i'll voice call some people so hopefully i'll have a little bit of a better voice for you uh thank you so much carolina for moderating thank you members for your support much love to all of you everyone do check out our website for academic outs gals help calm for general ielts and use the code cyber day for that forty percent discount okay so websites general ielts and academic outs click those big red buttons right there okay have a great rest of your day and stay safe stay strong have a great weekend i'm adrienne signing out from victoria for now bye everyone
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: rdX8dPhwt0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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