IELTS Speaking test band score of 9 with feedback

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[Music] okay this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place on thursday the 6th of august center number dde120 and the candidate is sarah odama the candidate number is zero one three one three four five eight the examiner is samsung sees examiner number four four three five three three good afternoon good afternoon my name is samson would you please tell me your full name my name is sarah odama thank you and may i see your identification thank you in the first part of the exam i will ask you some personal questions are you a student or do you work now presently i am working as a teacher okay and why did you choose this job i chose to become a teacher because i felt like teaching is part of me and when i am in the classroom i really feel happy that i help my students improve themselves in a wide range of areas and what i like most about teaching is i feel like i'm elevating the level the level of the knowledge of my students okay is there anything about your job you would like to change not really however uh when i come to think of the payment i wish i could go back in time and opt for another career because of the low payment sometimes it really brings me down and it's the thing that really keeps me frustrated all the time right i'd like to move on and ask you some questions about shopping who does most of the shopping in your household well actually it's not only one person who does the shopping for the household i would say it's a shared responsibility and everyone has has a role to play in the household so we should we always tend to go shopping together okay and what type of shopping do you like and why what i like most about shopping when it comes to shopping is buying presents for my friends or maybe people's birthdays or even christmas my favorite store is a bookstore which is in the list of my top priority and uh i believe if i buy a book for someone it is not only considered a gift but also i can help that person gain another piece of knowledge so it makes me fee it brings me a great sense of satisfaction great and is shopping a popular activity in your country why why not it is indeed on thursdays and fridays people pour into the streets and shopping centers it is considered more as a leisure activity than just they are not aiming to buy something practical so i see that most teenage teenagers and people go shopping go sometimes window shopping or they wander around the mall so i don't think they buy something practical for okay so what type of shops do teenagers like best in your country well i haven't thought about this before but uh obviously like any other teenagers they are much more into shopping clothes makeup to beautify themselves or maybe some music stuffs and these kind of things right okay let's talk about films how often do you go to the cinema to be honest with you i don't even get to go to the movies uh i only managed to watch one two two films every week and after a long day of teaching what i love most is you know snuggling up on a sofa and watch my favorite film which really helps me unwind i usually do this on fridays right and what type of films do you like best i'm very much into drama in historical movies because it can help me gain a better understanding of the historical events in the past and even about the human emotions in the past so uh i believe there is always something to learn from the past events historical events and even to pass it on to the upcoming generations in the future wonderful okay that is the end of part one we'll now move on to part two i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make notes if you wish do you understand yes wonderful here's your paper thank you pencil and here is your topic you now have one minute to make notes okay you will now have two minutes to speak about your topic don't worry if the time is over i will stop you after the two minutes you may start speaking now i would like to talk about the time after when i graduated from high school it was at the peak of summer when i had to study really hard for the senior grade of high school on that year i had to sacrifice everything and give up on all the joys and to somehow step out of my comfort zone despite all of this i managed to keep a high spirit because i know that this would end very quickly and on top of all that this would mark a significant milestone on that year so i burned the midnight oil for months on end and after a couple of months when i grabbed my certificate in hand it was i was like over the moon and i could i get the feeling that all the sufferings have come to an end and it was like the time to open a new page of my life and uh for this reason my parents were just so proud of me to throw a graduation party for me and uh to move on more to the details i can say that this party was only a dinner party which only included my own family and some of my friends my parents invited a musical band to perform my favorite songs and we all had a blast together on that night and at the end everyone congratulated me and wished me a successful college year ahead and i was really proud of myself on that night which marked an indelible moment for me that i will treasure forever i think and i am really looking forward for the college life in the future thank you very much that is the end of part two two minutes is over i will take your papers back now thank you very much and the paper you have there thank you we'll now move on to part three so we've been talking about an important event in your life and i'd now like to ask you some questions related to this here we go what days are important in your country the most the majority of the of our population are muslims and that is why muslims tend to celebrate eids and as a as a national festival and it's like a huge celebration they sometimes pay and repaid a visit to one another and sometimes they buy some new clothes and they cook some special cuisines on that day and it is considered a happy moment on that day wow and why is it important to have national celebrations when i come to think of it national celebrations can boost the unity among nations and another thing about these national festivals is the great advantage that it uh it is an over it gives an overview of it reflects an overview of the attitude of gratitude and enjoying every uh thing that we own everything we have instead of the things that we don't or that we want in the future so it's a great moment to be grateful for what we have and how is the way your national celebrations are celebrated now different from the way they were celebrated in the past actually i am not uh very into the celebrations that have happened that people used to have in the past but about today i think people tend to care a lot more about some private parties that people in the past didn't used to have it's something that people in the past i think used to celebrate more indoors whereas today people are celebrating outdoors with their friends like teenagers they are you know more reluctant than ever to celebrate these uh national festivals with their family members or relatives they like to have their own independent lives and uh enjoy themselves independently okay and are there any celebrations from other countries that you celebrate in your country absolutely recently we can easily see that people are celebrating some celebrations that are not part of their culture like for example valentine's day or the halloween's day they are not part of our culture and despite all of this they are they are celebrating it at a large scale right and what are the benefits of having events that many people around the world are celebrating on the same day in my opinion there are a lot of positive aspects involved in this global events it reminds us of the fact that we are all all the people around the world are humans and we all have the same values no matter what race religion entity or or no matter who we are we are all sharing this world together to celebrate together and do you think any new national celebrations will come into being in the future it's a good question i would say yes because we have seen so many celebrations that have been added to our daily lives through history and uh the future is not an exception we can expect any new festival to be added in the future okay thank you very much that is the end of the speaking test everything is spot on your use of grammar is very much like a native speaker the way you use it and your vocabulary your vocabulary is absolutely that is spot-on too i like the way you uh use it your use of vocabulary is very wide it's it's got a great variety and i would definitely say that you're you're a band nine because you're ticking all the boxes that the examiners want in this ielts speaking test i mean when you had these uh you had a few pauses in between but that's what a native speaker would do they would they would pause in between and obviously move on to the rest of their story because you were thinking about your story you were not looking for a new choice of words or any idioms which you were very you were using naturally in in some of your answers um you use them exactly where they they were supposed to be used you weren't using too much of them because we we get this a lot uh especially over here we have a lot of examiners saying the more idioms you use the better that's going to give you points that's that's not the case at all the examiner doesn't want to see someone talking more complicated they want to see that you're natural that's why we call it coherence coherence is is your is your natural way of speaking to be something close to a native speaker being being fluent and your pronunciations are all absolutely perfect 100 spot on so you really don't have any trouble uh gaining this this bad night you are naturally a bad night and you're speaking loudly that obviously helps a lot um if if i was going to tell you to be any better than you are now make any improvements for this test i would say just speak slightly slower to uh just you know just to keep eye of the time or think about the time because uh obviously you have two minutes to speak in the in part two and part three uh the there are questions but if you answer these questions too fast then you're going to obviously limit yourself and it's just better maybe to stick to the first three answers and think what you're going to say more just elaborate on it more that's all you have to do i mean i wouldn't i wouldn't say go after more vocabulary i wouldn't say work on your grammar because they're all spot-on they're all perfect and you're very articulate you're very completely crisp understandable and uh is there any questions you'd like to ask no thank you uh about the coherence and the fluency uh was it fine the fluency that's what i was saying fluency was absolutely spot-on i mean that was something very impressive and close to what any native speaker would do and the pauses are just uh topic related they're not at all language related from what i'm looking at they're all uh they're all in place your pronunciations are perfect um your your use of vocabulary was very impressive because that's obviously going to be examined too and when you have this wide range of vocabulary you're going to have less self-repetition which you absolutely did not have i mean if you were trying to repeat yours you're trying to fix your sentence because that happens uh this is not a news bulletin we're having a normal conversation here um so that all i would say is that definitely just take care of the speed um you can you've got room to slow down a little bit you don't have to rush it this is it's not a race it's it's just a conversation uh split up into three parts obviously part two being more like a monologue followed by part three which is the uh follow-up of the of of part two it's just elaborating more on the uh related topic um you seem to know very much what you were talking about and you're very comfortable comfortable with the topics that you were given
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 4,847,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Test of Speaking, Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS Listening, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, Daily english, essential english, Ross IELTS Speaking, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing band 7
Id: u9cggZHjwS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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