IELTS Speaking test band 5.5 with feedback 2021

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okay if you're ready we can begin yes of course brilliant so this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place at ross ielts academy the candidate is sheen shimo farahani i pronounce that right and the candidate's number is 368068 the examiner is samson sees examiner number four four three five three three good morning my name is samson and good morning my name is shima all right that's brilliant what is your full name my foreign name is farah honey okay thank you very much may i see your identification yes sir here you are thank you very much okay wonderful thank you to have that back right now so in the first part of the exam i will ask you some personal questions first i'd like to ask you about your job what is your job i work for a commercial company and i do administration there and uh and sometimes i record their financial records and i check their um records of the our company and i checked the um personality of their staff and uh and and i do whatever our company needs it okay and why did you choose this job uh it's uh it was accidentally my uncle have worked in this company and he offered me to employ here and and i i accepted it happily and uh and i um i have worked for uh about 10 years okay and do you get unwell with your colleagues yes uh i have i have a good connection with them and we are really happy together and we have a company in specific tasks okay so let's move on now to talk about art are you good at heart would you say uh unfortunately i'm not a talent in art but i love art one of the reason i didn't um i i didn't have an opportunity for a learn learning uh art is uh uh is um i didn't have enough time because i um i dedicate my time in my work and actually i didn't have enough time but i love art and i love to visit the masterpiece works in museum or other place okay so have you ever been to an art gallery yes uh i have been um in um in i i have been in paris and i have visited louvre museum that was very interesting and that was very a beautiful place and it has a masterpiece and very very good works from the benefit artists okay now do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries of course yes i think it's better that we we try to bring up our children uh close uh bring bring our children out with art because they can uh show our and our doubt about their environment about their future purpose on and their painting or some things they create okay thank you very much that's the empty first part let's move on to the next part of the questions here right so now i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for up to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes if you wish do you understand yes okay great so i'm going to give you a piece of paper here so you can make notes thank you and here is your topic describe a person you know who speaks a foreign language well there your bullet points so you'll have one minute to make notes go ahead okay that's the end of the note making you can start speaking go ahead yes a person i know who speaks a foreign language well is my boss and he graduated from washington dc and his major field study was economic and his uh his very smart and hap and his uh and uh smart and have a talent about her proficiency and he he lived in a united states it's uh it caused to improving his language languages as well and uh he uh also he tried to improve himself by reading news a time newspaper or foreign texts english texts and actually he interaction he has an interaction with the um [Music] with the english company and uh and commercial company and it uh it it caused and he improved himself yes okay and um um i well uh he used uh his language professionally in uh in in in his connection with the other people okay thank you very much that's the end of the two minutes now okay brilliant let's move on to the next part so uh i'll take back your task and your paper thank you very much so let's uh move on to the next part we've been talking about a person who speaks a foreign language very well and now i'd like to ask you some questions related to this so first let's consider language learning do you think if it's possible to learn a language perfectly uh yes uh if uh in my opinion uh if you uh study uh um english text and you have a enough connection with your friend or that they all lived in other country in in in other country you can improve your school about your english and i i think one of the necessary items to your improve your english languages depends on your willpower if you have a real power uh feel power and uh continue your uh your goal you can be succeed in your uh aims and your purpose um actually i i thinks and the other factor it can help you to improve and learn your english better is it's your it depends on your place which you live in for example if you live in the united states or united kingdom you then the environment has a benefit effect on your languages and it can um it can help you completely to um to expert yourself as a better yeah okay thank you so do you think who do you think learns a language faster children or adults definitely children because their children is have a have a good talent about learning some things better than others because uh they uh they are not busy they are uh and they have a um they have they curious they're curious about their environment and and about their family or about their um about their play their playmate and they can also learn and some things more than older adult and they are they will we can teach them um we can teach them well because they are in the age which is can learn perfectly right okay so what benefits for one's career does knowledge of foreign languages bring please come again okay so what benefits uh in one's career does knowledge of a foreign language bring to them yeah uh the foreign language helps them to to have a connection with the other and they their foreign language expand their world and open the new light in their life and they um actually they can um they can experience a new um a new opportunity uh in their life and they have they they eager to obtain some things which is benefit uh for their future okay thanks very much that is the end of the speaking test how do you feel i don't know you don't know over here i'm that happens all the time so give me a second here i'm just going to uh you know add up your band score [Music] silver and vip this package is comprised of the offline educational videos for the four skills including listening reading writing and speaking in these videos you will learn all the necessary techniques that you will need to apply for the ielts exam apart from the educational videos you will have full access to enormous resources to practice the strategies that you learn once you finish your course you will have two and four online mock tests of speaking along with comprehensive feedback under the same conditions in silver and vip courses respectively also you can send us your writings to be checked out and receive comprehensive feedback on those you will also have 60 three-level british-based podcasts produced by the academy not only to help you improve your listening but also to enhance your vocabulary range and pronunciation in addition to all the mentioned resources you will be provided with useful grammar and collocation files to get your target score with a better level of knowledge join us and become our next successful candidate [Music] uh we're looking at an overall band score of 5.5 so that's not too bad i mean you can you can definitely improve that you can increase one band score especially without all this stress that that can definitely be achieved so we're going to go over now we're going to talk about you know what what you did and what you can do to improve so let's start with your you know fluency and coherence so that's your flow of speech but i kind i liked the way you actually you know you kept your flow of speech you didn't go too fast or too slow i mean that that that provides good concentration so keep that uh the problems that we we do have is the uh fillers you know we really had lots of um this you know what sometimes when it happens just a couple of times that's okay maybe you're looking for uh in some idea or content but if it happens frequently if it happens a lot then the examiner will think okay this person is hesitating you know with the language so i mean yes the best thing to do maybe use some linking words i would also say speaking of which i also would like to point out you know there's many ways you can do that to fill in those those little fillers of um when you're when you're talking trying to keep the flow of speech the good thing is is that you mostly understood the questions i don't think you had problems understanding the questions but you know it definitely you know with the way you continued you could definitely use some more fillers and just to keep the flow of speech maybe you know work on maybe raising your voice a little bit to reduce the stress really hurt we'll talk about the intonation more actually in a second so uh definitely with fluency incoherence it's mostly the fillers it's you finding that you know the next sentence and keeping the flow of speech even though you you did very well i think another thing i'd like to mention is that what also will mark you down is if you stop in the middle of part two you have to talk for up to two minutes and there's many you know there's many ways you can you can work on that and especially if you've if you're talking about the topic don't think you have to stay in that topic if you've covered all your bullet points and you've answered the question go on to talk about something else you can go off topic you don't have to be as long as you've answered the question and there's been enough relation to it and cover the bullet points go off topic and you can even lie because ielts speaking is not based on you know facts they're good they're not going to check if your story is true or false you can you know if it's just answering the question go off topic as well lie if you have to but make sure you don't stop when you're talking for two minutes and that's another thing that's that's another problem we had that's why your your bad score came down it's because of you you would not you spoke for about uh one minute and 35 seconds in many ielts speaking practice sessions you know they tell you to um speak for one to two minutes that it actually means speak for two minutes that's that's something to keep in mind okay so let's talk now about the you know lexical resource uh so that's vocabulary i didn't have too much problem uh you don't have many problems with your vocabulary i think you managed to express uh you know enough words to portray what you wanted to say and uh talk about the the subjects but you know in relation so i don't think they were misplaced it wasn't the vocabulary that was a problem in particular maybe you could uh add to it and make it a little bit more complex um because it was simple a lot of the time but uh you know you can you can start going for more complex words um just to stop get you going off that self-repetition you had some self-corrections and self-repetition using the same words again so you could do that you could expand on your vocabulary to avoid the self-repetition use other words and it helps you paraphrase and you know uh that shows the examiner that you can you know actually work around different structures of sentences and different words and it just basic basically shows off how you know wider your language can be it has a stronger range so maybe work on that uh grammatical range and accuracy now this is where i i did have quite you know some problems here when you were talking about art i think it was in part one he said i'm not talented uh you can say i don't think i'm very talented so you can you can definitely expand on your sentences make them longer and they obviously avoid the errors like i'm i'm not talent i'm not talented or you can make your sentences longer saying i don't think i'm i don't i wouldn't consider myself a talented person so if you if you work around those build on your sentences and structures and obviously make sure you're not making grammatical errors then you can you can really improve in this part um so uh you said he he tried uh it was like you were talking about the past he tried i think you were trying to say that he tried he he tries or if you're talking about the present tense it's going to be he try he genuinely tries or if it's in the past then he tried you know so make sure the the past present and future tense is correct most of them lots of it was uh but you know there were a few things and that was one of them so you know make sure you don't have these uh areas so do you think uh some of the uh mistakes is related to uh it is yes they are with you you know some of them are language related uh if you can improve on that also you you can improve your on your stress levels definitely you i mean the speed is fine with you this because you're not rushing which is good that what you need to do now is speak up a little bit more speak louder and maybe you know warm up and listen to podcasts in english before your uh your test day before the the speaking test and that will definitely help you improve and keep you know get your brain into english mode thinking and speaking in english uh let's now just quickly go on to pronunciation this this is actually this is very important for you uh i think maybe even more than the stress pronunciation intonation uh it was it was good at times but you you kind of may kept the same sort of monotone a lot of the time because english is a stress related language so make sure you can change the stress maybe listen to native speakers and their sentences try the shadowing technique so listen to a native speaker listen to their words how they're wording and how they're stressing the words and then copy it copy in the way that they're speaking i'm not saying to copy a particular accent it's it's the way of the stress stress of the words there were some mispronunciations here you had wizard instead of visit you had wary instead of very and you know you had i think economic uh economics that would have been the subject that they're studying uh so make sure that there was another little error on the end make sure you finish your word that will help your pronunciation so he studied economics oh it says economics yes on the end and then uh you said success instead of success so make sure you it's all about the the stress and pronouncing these words and uh a couple of times you said adults instead of adults i think the third time you corrected it and you realized that you weren't mispronouncing it but yeah it happened a few times so i know with with your situation again yes work around warming your your mind up in english and thinking and speaking in english but most importantly i'd say out of all this with all these techniques that i've told you work on them pronunciation definitely work on the pronunciation of these words this is the part where the examiner will start you know picking on you like i have unfortunately so i know you'll i mean you'll be all right just you can increase one band score just follow these techniques and you know you'll see a big difference do you have any other questions for me no thank you for very much oh it's my pleasure and uh i hope this was helpful and good luck with everything thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 6,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Test of Speaking, Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS Listening, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, Daily english, essential english, Ross IELTS Speaking, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing band 7, Ross IELTS Academy, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking 2021, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Cue Card, IELTS Speaking Part 3, ielts 5.5
Id: LY173AvOBFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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