IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 Band 9 Answers that Work

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and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having an awesome week so far i hope you're all staying healthy and staying productive welcome pranjal hi harwinder welcome to our members hello harpreet hi anatoly 31 allah welcome to our regular students welcome carolina our chat moderator good to see you yavo here nice to have you in our general english class as well with yulia good to see everyone um today we are focusing on ielts speaking part one good band nine answers that is our target to give some good answers to get those high band scores for the exam uh we will be using our websites today for academic ielts success visit us at ae help dot com for generalized success visit us at giles help calm on both of those websites we have loads and loads of materials this is our academic ielts website here with this blue background we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents click this big red button to join our premium package or this green button to get a free demo account we will use this today for speaking to connect with some of our viewers to do some voice calls and we will chat with students you will get to hear some of those volunteers and i will assess their ielts speaking i will give them a band score and i will let you know how to improve our general ielts website looks like this with the green background same idea click that big red button to join us there again it's a one-time payment for life time access and great news we still have our cyber monday discount going until the end of this week until sunday so you can use the code cyber day to get a 40 uh discount off of our premium alps package again it really doesn't cost a lot anyway and we also have a new speaking video on our channel uh where i interview a candidate from the state of bihar i believe if i'm not mistaken in india we are basically the world's most popular ielts learning platform if you have any questions just send me an email to adrian at it's right up there yeah there yeah um adrienne a help dot com and i will get back to you in short notice um we've got uh lots of classes for you uh tomorrow as well so we'll have uh speaking uh part uh or so we'll have task one and speaking part two tomorrow and then we'll have more speaking as well later on in the week so lots and lots coming okay everyone so you're in your ielts exam and today i want to give lots of chances for students to speak so remember yesterday's class i said it's really important to focus on these three elements in your speaking to get those high band scores what are they okay so when you're focusing on getting a high band score you have to make sure to include these three kind of components into your responses what are they okay so for high band scores uh focus on yeah very good okay anton and arda are saying you have to give an answer and an explanation and an example okay you want to really give an example focus on a answer b explanation and c example absolutely and um you should always pay attention to doing one more step i talked about this yesterday as well okay um so for a lot of the questions or for most of the questions you should use something what should you use in your question or in your answer to get that high band score okay habibulliev aziz back says you should paraphrase the question okay yeah absolutely that's the second part right so use the question and paraphrase it in your answer okay all right um so uh that's what you want to do okay okay all right so this time even the warm-up i'm going to do with some uh volunteer okay i'm gonna take volunteers today's class i'm just going to do a lot of practice with you and i'm going to take some volunteers right away from the very beginning even from the introduction of the ielts exam okay so you're really going to get a feel for how this works in the ielts test you go to your ielts test your speaking test 20 minutes before it starts actually you go an hour before one hour before and you practice your english with other candidates that's a really smart thing to do then 20 minutes before you register and you keep practicing you keep speaking in english don't speak in any other language except english on the day of your ielts speaking test and then you go into the exam room and you're met by an examiner and we're going to do this [Music] right off the hop here everyone so i'm going to give you instructions on how you can speak with me how you can connect with me okay so your first step is to go to the website and you're going to uh register a free or a paid account up to you um it's worth it to get the paid account and then uh you're going to log into your my student account you're going to click the student partner speaking okay pancham says i'd love to volunteer and everybody make sure that you have your microphone um and your speakers enabled for your browser okay so i've just put the instructions into the chat i'm gonna put it into the general ielts chat here as well muhammad and shalom hedin so i'm going to take people from all both of our channels here and then we're going to really get into it so bear with me while we set this up it's really worth it okay so let's go to the websites uh please go to the website with the blue background this one okay the academic one they actually link together so if you're in the green one it's fine too it's okay but i can see you better if you're in the blue one so and then you create an account you can join the full course with the red button or try it for free with the green and then up at the top here it's like right above my head that way right it's mirror orientation so um to get into your my student account and in your my student account uh you have this you see it's right above my head there it's the student partner speaking okay you can click on that student partner speaking and then if you like this by the way students and you want to book a full speaking interview practice with me that's 30 minutes of speaking analysis feedback you can book that after later on with this yellow button the speaking interview practice that's a paid service of course but for now we're just using the free the free version here which is the student partner speaking okay you have to accept this and i know many students already know what's going on here so you're probably going to be in here already okay and then um you are going to be in this uh page here make sure to keep this page open so i can call you and we have arawind we have carolina we have muhammad we have eleanor so we've got lots of people in here already so i'm now looking for some volunteers and i can only hear people pinging me you probably can too um i see arda um artist says i want to volunteer but for the other questions okay well uh it's good to practice the warm-up everyone so um let's try my i know mai is a regular student of ours um my i'm gonna send you a message and then let's see so hi mai uh would you like to volunteer for a couple of questions great way to build your confidence by the way too students to to do this okay [Music] and um when we start speaking we're only going to use the audio we're not doing video chat right now just because i'm using the video for youtube okay the camera um so uh we're going to just audio chat and there's my my's like sure you're awesome mai um so we're just going to use the audio and uh make sure that when we start talking uh for whoever it is so my for you uh make sure to mute your youtube so you don't get feedback okay all right mai i'm going to give you a call and then we'll get going here so i'm calling my my is one of our regular students so hopefully i can connect with and my me know students if there's anything going on with the sound or anything okay hi mai hi uh hello adrian how are you today i'm doing great thank you for volunteering mai it's good to have you with me here um actually my name is me me thank you for correcting me okay me okay not my it's me all right um okay me uh so thank you so much um i'm going to ask you the first few questions this is basically what happens when you walk into your ielts uh speaking exam have you taken the outs before me uh not yet okay so this is a great chance to kind of get familiar and get confident with the test that's awesome thank you for volunteering okay me let me just switch back to the questions here all right um so we'll get going okay so everybody this is basically how your ielts exam will start you're going going into a room it's just you and the examiner the examiner will be sitting there and then the examiner will look at you and the examiner will say welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test it has three parts i'm recording this for clerical purposes the exam is being conducted in victoria the candidate number is 79531 now we shall begin firstly may i see your identification please gladly this is the id that i used for registration for a couple of weeks back please have a look what is your full name my given name is me and my family name is tong please copy by my english name amy i'm comfortable with that and what do you do for fun um i usually go to the park near my house and i have a i usually have a five or ten minute walk there i really enjoy the clean atmosphere and just like yesterday after studying for the ielts exam i took a five-minute walk there and i felt really relaxed all right um let's talk about the internet how often do you use the internet i use the internet on a daily basis for work study and i also use it to find information on google and watch some online videos on youtube whenever i have addressed and yesterday i went on youtube to find some videos that help become myself before the exam okay me that is fantastic um that's really really good okay i'm going to analyze your speaking and i'll give you a band score estimate i'll even break it down into the components okay so very good start very nice strong start okay that would be overall i would say a band seven to a seven five easily okay so you have some really great fluency your fluency would be like a band nine okay you're very very fluent you basically don't take any pauses in fact me you're speaking quite fast even for a native speaker so for an interview like a job interview you can speak a little bit slower okay so a little bit more methodically methodically means a little bit even more thought out okay so even more thinking into your speaking you don't have to speak quite this fast you can still get a band 9 for fluency even if you speak like 10 slower okay and your coherence score is quite good as well because you're doing all of the right steps so you're answering in complete answers you're giving good details you're staying on the question you're not going off topic after you answer you stop talking giving me a chance to ask you the next question so that's beautiful that's really really great okay so your score there would be quite good also where you're losing a little bit of marks are with um your grammar so at times you make slightly awkward grammatical mistakes where the word form is a little bit off or you're missing a preposition so your grammar would be closer to like um a six five seven or so and that's kind of what's pulling your score down a little bit like some there's just some awkward unnatural grammar mistakes and that's that's totally okay don't stress about that too much that will come with just more practice and time so me what you want to do to improve your score especially the grammar part is when you're practicing your speaking in partners or with others record yourself so record your answers and then after you finish speaking listen to the recording and write down your sentence that you say find the grammar mistake correct it and then say it with the correction okay okay thank you so that's going to be the kind of practice that will help you to just fix those small grammatical unnatural nuances um that will help you to bump your score up even to like an 8 or an 8.5 okay i think you can do that within a couple months of practice okay so don't worry about your speed don't worry about your vocabulary you're fine on all of those okay so let's let's practice this a little bit so my first question was may i see your identification please and you said gladly this is the idea that i used for registration a couple of weeks back please take a look and there you had a kind of a an awkward little pause and a weird little mistake um but it was good for the most part uh so again if you speak a little bit slower just a little bit slower uh then you won't make that mistake and it will be clear from start to finish okay so try it one more time okay i'm going to say it and then you say it okay so gladly this is the id that i used for registration a couple of weeks back please take a look okay uh gladly this is the id that i used for registration a couple of weeks back please take a look good yeah so when you have that comma a couple of weeks back at that comma really just take a an extra half second break so that you can be very clear on the last half of the sentence right so registration a couple of weeks back please take a look it's okay to take that extra little pause try it one more time okay uh i used for registration a couple of weeks back please take a look okay better right so you gave yourself just a little bit of extra time so that you don't stumble on your thoughts or your words okay so take that extra half second okay that was really good me thank you for volunteering to be our first volunteer for today that was very brave um students please give a little bit of an applause for me there that was very brave of her to go first today so um thank you me we're gonna take somebody else here in a moment and keep up the good studies okay thank you adrian thank you all right so uh we'll take somebody else for the next questions and of course these uh corrections in this feedback students that i'm giving you if you find that you're making similar kinds of mistakes uh be sure to pay attention and and do these kinds of exercises as well okay all right um let's see if i can find our member arda because i know art has been patiently waiting to um to practice so there i can see arda okay arda i'm gonna send you a message first uh make sure that you have um your microphone enabled so hi arda okay so i'm just going to give lots of feedback and i'll give you strategies and tips as we go along um would you like to volunteer for a couple of questions i should be putting my punctuation there let's see okay so arda says yes okay arda perfect all right so i'm going to call you arda and then uh hopefully we can uh connect here let's see where is arda there's zarda okay and so it's just voice call only are they because i'm using the video for youtube here so i'm reaching out arda okay yes kevin you'll be able to volunteer too hello hi arda hi how are you doing i'm doing good what about you i am a little bit under the weather to be perfectly honest with you but um i think i'm on the mend i'm getting better so uh thanks for asking um okay yeah yeah it's kind of that season here in canada it's cold season all right um okay artist so i'm going to ask you uh some questions okay um and again just focus on answer explanation example importantly when you feel like you've finished the answer make sure to stop and give me a chance to ask you the next question okay so don't just keep talking sometimes like some um instructors say oh just keep talking until they stop you that's really a bad idea okay so don't don't do that okay all right all right okay so uh give me one moment let me just hop back to the questions here okay all right so we're going to start um from the uh part one let's talk about the internet uh how often do you use the internet well i could say i use the internet almost all the time when i'm at home because i can cheat myself up by watching a video or listening to music on the internet and i do that quite a lot when i'm bored yesterday i watched a gameplay video of forza horizon 5. okay uh what are some of the sites you visit frequently uh the websites that i visit frequently are definitely to bend amazon on youtube i can find tons of useful videos for both relaxation and getting better at english on amazon i can buy lots of items fast and easy i just buy with my new headset from amazon for a good price okay very good arda um so arda uh your band score would be a band 8.5 for that so far okay which is nearly a perfect score uh it's very very challenging to get a perfect score so an 8.5 is like super great okay yeah i'm okay with that yeah i bet yeah and you know even um so even some native speakers if they sat the ielts exam without any practice would only score like a band 7.5 to eight okay um just like somebody who goes into a job interview without any kind of training you know might not be the best or might not get the job right so you always have to train for the situation right and that's why i recommend even for students who have really good english like yourself you want to train for the ielts and for the speaking section just so you understand the type of communication that you have to produce and clearly you're in these classes that's what you're doing you're learning um the right kind of communication techniques with answer explain example and and it shows so it shows okay um your fluency is fantastic your grammatical range accuracy is very good um the only place where you're losing that half band because you're probably like well okay adrian where am i losing half a band right yeah um so it's a good question so you're losing that half band and just a couple of slightly awkward pronunciation features even though your pronunciation is like almost a bad nine there's just a couple words that are slightly off like you're sounding like amazon yeah like you're sounding like uh yeah a native speaker yeah you're sounding like a native speaker that's just a tiny touch off like a little tiny touch off and you're making a couple of really small mistakes in the um in the grammatical component like there's just a couple of oddly placed prepositions or kind of nuances in your language like a half a ben is it's really a very picky kind of point um to go on but uh that you will just pick up from using the language more and more so basically i think for you at this point you you can sit the ielts exam at any time to get a grade score and then arda what's your plans like where where do you plan to use english and ielts in the future well i actually want to like migrate to the uk and study at the university there that's my dream i can say yeah so i think that um you know once you get to the uk and you're there for and i'm sure you'll get there ielts will not be a problem for you so once you get to the uk and you're there for like a year to two years and you're using your english you will iron out all of these small little oddities in your language so that will just come from that immersion into uh the language and then you'll lose these little kinds of audits okay yeah exactly but i definitely wouldn't worry about it before your ielts exam so i wouldn't i wouldn't stress about that too much okay so let me just um let me just look at one of your responses okay so i said what are some of the sites you visit frequently firstly you did a really good job to talk about two sites not just one so you recognize that there's a plural in this question okay and that was very clever of you that's very accurate okay so um you said the websites that i visit uh frequently if i wanted to be really uh picky you could have paraphrased the word frequently with often yeah or um several times each day so the websites that i visit several times a day are definitely youtube and amazon on youtube i find videos to improve my english and to have a good laugh and on amazon i purchase a lot of my clothes and electronics yesterday i bought a new headset okay try it one more time um and kind of the same um advice that i gave to me you can go a little bit slower like five percent slower that might help you to take out those kind of slight oddities in your response so i'll say it one more time arda and then try okay so the websites that i visit each day are definitely youtube and amazon on youtube i look for videos to improve my english as well as to have a good laugh and on amazon i buy my clothes and electronics yesterday i picked up a new headset the websites that i visit each day are definitely youtube and amazon on youtube i look for videos uh to improve my english um and on amazon i buy some clothes and electrical devices like my headset which i bought with yesterday very good perfect so that was like almost perfect you would probably get a nine for that see like there i was really listening for okay what's that little oddity and the little oddity there would be electronical devices a native speaker wouldn't really say electronical devices they would say electronics or electronic devices okay so that's like that that's the one thing that was just a slight little bit like okay if i'm being super picky right but again don't worry about that okay you have great pronunciation great english i can tell that you've studied lots and worked really hard to reach this level so congratulations for that okay arda uh thank you so much for volunteering i hope you volunteer again in the future and i'll see more of you in the class okay all right yes okay take care thanks a ton all right um so uh so far so good students and i'm hoping that everybody's kind of picking up the advice that i'm giving to different students okay um so i'm going to choose another student here let's take somebody else who else would like to volunteer let's take a look and i see that we had a super chat donation from jitendra who um donated 20 rupees so i'm guessing maybe jatendra is in here and would really like me to pay attention to that let me see jatendra if i can find you in here if that was you just being super nice um okay i don't actually see you let me go back everybody can see kind of the list of students here okay so let me see if i can find jatendra because jatendra was nice enough to do a super chat donation for this as well so it's only fair but that was just i think jatinder was just doing that just to say hey thank you which is really cool um okay let's see if i can find another volunteer here okay yeah arda for sure i'm i'm glad that i helped you overcome some of your shyness yeah okay uh ruslan says i would like to speak with you i'm also looking at the chat right now as well so let's see if i if i can see ruslan in our list here ruslan i don't see you i see vishal and i know vishal's been pinging and pinging and pinging so vishal i'm gonna try to contact you okay because i i know you've been really patient so give me a second here and just have to adjust something there we go so hi vishal would you like to volunteer okay we're gonna try to get vishal on the line again everyone remember when you're volunteering uh make sure you enable the speakers and the microphone on your browser okay and when i actually connect with you you should mute your youtube so that you don't get feedback okay i'm gonna have a drink of water here vishal just give me two seconds okay so vishal is volunteering for some speaking let's try vishal here okay i'm gonna find you here vishal pretty quick all right vishal so i'm just calling vishal now hopefully we'll get a good line all right michelle hi vishal hello sir how are you doing quite good that's great thank you for volunteering and i hear that you muted uh youtube so we're not getting feedback right yeah okay all right that's wonderful okay vishal so uh same idea um as with arda and me i'm going to ask you a couple of questions and then we'll analyze it i'll give you some feedback and i'll give you some score estimates does that sound good oh excellent all right let me hop back to my questions here all right so um here we go ready yeah what are some of the sites you visit frequently the sites are the places where we would like to develop our knowledges and explore the things but the sites i visited recently was in my city of infrastructure developing a very huge small and also there were okay um vishal sorry let me interrupt you i'm going to go back and introduce the topic of our speaking again because you maybe you missed it and you're thinking of physical sites um which are around your city but in fact here we're actually talking about the internet so um yeah i o sorry about it i would just join the class yeah that's totally fine and this is why but that's okay because bishop this brings me to an important point whenever students are answering these questions and the speaking and speaking part one always keep in mind the topic that's introduced by the examiner so the examiner will say let's talk about the internet okay so what are some of the websites that you visit frequently there are many sites i used to surf daily like youtube and some of the sites like some of the sites from where from which i can get education related to ielts nowadays i have just completed my graduation and i am no longer studying about that so i am completely doing my study based on the is only so i visited the sites related to ios online do you use the internet at school or at work i use internet at the school only but because i am not i am not working at all i have just graduated from my college and we use internet for our study purposes and many also we use internet for our projects and assignments we are given okay good and you stopped there okay that's what you were missing for the previous question so um you have to be careful about about talking too much vishal so if you keep talking and talking and talking the examiner will interrupt you okay so answer explain example stop okay don't keep talking all right don't keep talking all right vishal so i'll give you a band score estimate and i'll let you know what you're doing well and where you can improve okay so um you would probably get a band score of about six for that okay so um most examiners i think would score you around a six okay plus minus half a band score you have some good fluency okay it's clear that you understand the question that i'm asking you you have some good vocabulary so those band scores would be nice and high they would be like in the 7 7.5 range for vocabulary for fluency your pronunciation is fine okay so your pronunciation is a band-aid a lot of students worry about pronunciation but pronunciation is not that important as long as i can understand you and i can understand every word that you say so every single one none of the words that you used i i never had to be like huh like what is what is vishal saying what's that word i didn't i didn't feel that okay at all so every word that you said for me was like okay that's clear it's clear it's clear that's why i was able to transcribe and write it um as you were speaking so of course your question is like where am i losing marks right why am i getting this score um you're losing marks because number one you're over speaking so i have to interrupt you and it's kind of like you're going off topic and you're there's a i don't know if i like to use this word but you're rambling it's like you're talking and talking and talking when you should just stop at some point and because you're doing that because you keep talking and talking you start to make more and more information mistakes and grammar mistakes information mistakes and grammar mistakes affect your coherence score and that's very dangerous that will drop your mark okay when the information becomes confusing all right i'll show you what i mean so my question was what are some of the sites you visit frequently okay that was my question and then you said um uh there are many sites i used to surf daily okay my question is in the present tense meaning what are some of the sites you visit frequently now not what are some of the sites you used to visit and multiple times you referred to the answer with i used to you said this later as well when you said i used to use the internet at school and um again my question was in the present tense it was do you use the internet at school or at work so that means now where do you use the internet and your answer was really confusing for me because you told me that you had already graduated but you used the internet in school for studying when you were in school so you're answering a different question do you do you see what i mean yeah yeah grammar mistakes yeah and those grammar mistakes make it sound like you're answering a different question a lot of students do this for shaw where a lot of students use the words would and use to incorrectly and if you use the words would and used to incorrectly it changes what you're saying and it's often an awkward incoherent answer so you have to be really careful with that okay while i have you on the line here just hang on a second i'm going to make this note because i've seen this with lots of other students as well so students be very careful with using used2 and uh would so many um students will say i would do this or if i would do that and that's also often changing the information and incorrect so be very careful when using used to and would as this changes what you are saying and is often an incorrect answer okay and that drops your score a lot all right so let me do a correction here um and um vishal here's a trick too you don't have to say the truth so if you used to use the internet at school but you don't because you graduated and the question is do you use the internet at school or work just pretend like you're still in school right so for instance you could do this um okay i'm going to say the question say the answer and then you can repeat the answer okay so do you use the internet at school or at work i currently use the web at school for my learning i use it to research assignments and to look at some fun videos yesterday i was doing uh some research about the environment okay and that's it all right so one more time try it this way stay present tense okay so do you use the internet at school or at work i use the internet at school for using for making projects and assignments yesterday i just prepared on project based on the internet environment right yeah but that's good okay so that was good um much better much more accurate grammar there so there you clearly stayed with the answer and you reflected the correct tense uh notice that one trick that i used to make sure that i stay in the correct tense i use the word currently right like currently i use the internet or the web i was paraphrasing the web at my college so we can paraphrase school with college right um i often uh research and at times i watch uh funny uh videos um while doing assignments right okay so the trick that i used here is i use the word currently which immediately reminds me to kind of stay in the present tense okay or another word that you could use for instance is these days okay so when you hear that present tense you can also say these days and then that reminds you to stay in the present tense okay so really pay attention to that work on that grammar vishal okay all right thank you michelle for volunteering everybody give vishal a round of applause students i really want to see some thumbs up and some applauses for our volunteers because it does take a lot of courage uh to volunteer in front of so many viewers and to kind of voice your english so good job vishal thank you so very much for volunteering and keep watching and keep learning okay let's take another volunteer all right so i know we've got lots there we've got some thumbs up from tanya and a clap from carolina and rashika very good and pancham pancham i know that you really wanted to volunteer as well um yeah i see that you and you said you have a speaking test tomorrow so yeah let's try to find punch um okay our member punch on here has been very patient has not had a chance so punch him i'm gonna look for you in our list there you are okay pancham i'm going to send you a message here okay so i'm reaching out to you right now panchum so hi punjam okay i read that you have a test a speaking test tomorrow would you like to volunteer all right so hopefully i can reach out to punch them and give a little bit of a heads up okay punch and says would love to all right pancho then i am going to give you a call make sure you have your um speakers and your microphone enabled and we're doing audio only okay poncho all right where is punch on there's punch um okay punch on here we go hello hi pancham how are you i'm doing great everyday how are you i am doing well thank you for asking like i said i'm kind of getting over this cold but uh but it's nice to be in class with all of you so um well first of all good luck on your speaking exam tomorrow okay i'll keep my fingers crossed that you get a great score thank you so much and um again just stay calm remember punch i'm show up early to the exam okay so show up like an hour or before the exam starts and find some other candidates to practice with just the same as what we're doing right now okay yes all right okay punch on so i am going to switch back to our questions here and then i'll ask you a couple of questions and we'll discuss your responses sounds good yeah okay so um here we go why do you think people use the internet the internet is okay um i would say people use internet for a lot of reasons um maybe for work or for study i remember when i was in college i used to use internet a lot for my research on my assignments and projects and nowadays since i'm working i use internet all the time for communicating with the clients and taking care of different projects how has the way you use the internet change today compared to five years ago half a decade ago i would say internet was still an upcoming um thought uh there was there was no 4g or uh 5g as we speak now uh most of the things were done in 2g or 3d uh the internet speed was not as fast as we have now and um the users of internet was not as prominent as we have it now if you could make a website what would it be ah um i love cooking so i would love to make a website on uh different types of recipes and um the different experiments i would do in my kitchen and get a lot to get feedback from other people okay good all right good good good um okay so uh let me give you a bit of feedback that was really good okay uh punch on so first of all i think that um an examiner would comfortably score you a band seven to seven five okay i think if you sat the ants exam uh five examiners might give you a seven five and five of them might give you a seven that's kind of how i would imagine um and i think you can get a 7.5 maybe even an eight in your speaking tomorrow so after you do your speaking exam when you come back to one of these classes please let us know how you did after you get your marks because i'm really curious and my guess is that you're going to get okay great thanks my guess is that you're gonna get a 775 for sure on your speaking okay maybe even better um so first of all notice like when i asked you um so the first question that i asked you was why do you think people use the internet right that was the first one and then at first you said yeah so at first you said um the internet is um okay um right and i was like oh what's going on uh so you kind of froze and then suddenly you started going like a bullet train so you would you said i would say people use the internet for a lot of reasons maybe work or study i remember when i was in college i used the internet for assignments and you gave me a beautiful answer it was like a band eight answer right away when you got going okay but at the beginning you froze so this is a perfect example of why you want to show up to your exam early and why you want to talk with other candidates why you want to use english before your exam so that you don't freeze so that you have you're already moving you're already thinking in english and then once you start talking with the examiner then it's just a continuation of that english you see okay got it yeah right so for you it's going to be very important to show up early to the exam an hour early talk to other people use english only don't switch to your native language okay you will get a great score as long as you follow this advice okay all right um so again your answer was very good it was solid uh you had really good grammar you used um a conditional when i was in college i used to so that's a real condition okay you gave me a couple of good reasons people use the internet for work and study you gave me a good example at the end and then you stopped and that was very very good okay so as long as you provide that kind of an answer you're going to do just fine now my next question was how has the way you use the internet changed compared to five years ago there was a bit of a mistake there even though you gave a quite a fluent answer and you presented fairly good english you made a bit of a mistake do you know what the mistake was before i tell you so what was your mistake here no i no i don't know what i said actually okay so what you said was half a decade ago i say the internet was still an upcoming thought where there was no 5g and the internet was not as fast so that's how you started so what do you think your mistake was um internet was uh prominent back then as well i think maybe a decade ago it was not not really not really the truth is not that important um this i'm going to reach out to our viewers here in the chat let's see if anybody can help us out here so does anybody know what the mistake was here so what would be um the better way to approach this question can anybody tell us in the chat so can anybody give some advice here for pancham very good so 31 la yar says he did not talk about himself yeah yeah and carolina says about he so the question was how has the way you use the internet changed um in the last okay and you talked about how the internet changed so even though you produced band-aid level english i can't give you a band-aid because you're not answering the question right so you have to use the present perfect and a couple of students in the chat said that as well that you didn't really use the present perfect has or have and you didn't talk about yourself so in this case you should have said oh the way i use the web has changed much in the last half decade these days i'm using the internet on my phone uh but back in 2016 i had used it more at home on my computer okay and then maybe even throw in a second present perfect like i have been using my mobile because it is much faster now i mean it has a 5g connection okay so that would be the accurate answer to this question okay so let's try this okay one more time i'm going to read the question read this answer and then just copy the answer after okay sounds good yeah okay so how has the way you use the internet changed today compared to five years ago oh the way i'm using the web has changed much in the last half decade these days i'm using the internet on my phone but back in 2016 i had used it more at home on my computer i have been using my mobile because it's much faster now i mean it has 5g connection compared to five years ago when it was very slow okay so i'll ask you the question and then give me this answer it doesn't have to be the same words it just has to have the present perfect and the right idea okay so here we go um how has the way you use the internet changed today compared to five years ago oh the way i use web has changed immensely from when i compare it to the compared to 2016. um back then i used to use internet mainly on my computer at home but nowadays i can carry a mobile phone everywhere and it has 4g connection with it and i can use um use it anywhere for faster internet excellent okay much better so that was an accurate answer okay that was an accurate answer and you were on topic so there you would easily get a 7.5 to an eight okay so my advice to you um is pay careful attention to the questions and remember um that in part one the questions are about you so you're speaking about yourself i me my the way i do it okay so part one is about you and really carefully listen for the question because most likely the question is asking about you for part one okay sorry all right feedback you're very welcome again i wish you a really really good luck on your exam tomorrow did you have a question no no i was just able to say it gave me a lot of confidence for tomorrow yeah be confident tomorrow because you have good english your english is good just really pay attention to the questions okay okay all right good luck bye all right everyone so um again please everyone give a nice round of applause for uh pancham he did a fantastic uh job okay so uh everybody please applaud that was pancham um students uh if you like this kind of speaking and you feel this helps um and you want to do a full 30 minute speaking interview practice with feedback you get a recording of that speaking interview then what you can do is you can click on this speaking interview practice button this yellow looking button and you can book a speaking session with me where basically we do a full interview through zoom so we do face to face with video we can record that session then i give you feedback we analyze it you do a bit of practice so that's what you can do on the website as well and i encourage everybody to use this student partner speaking talk to other students analyze each other's uh speaking give each other feedback i know many of you have good ideas of what you should be doing if you don't know you can always reach out and ask a question from me as well so that's it for today's speaking session everyone i'm thankful for all of our volunteers again um just a quick clap for all of the volunteers for being so brave thank you very much everyone remember that we still have our cyber day discount going on for our premium ielts package when you sign up it's a 40 discount uh just use the code cyberday at for general ielts or [Music] for academic ielts and uh keep practicing everyone you are all brilliant smart beautiful people don't let anybody tell you otherwise your brains are the most incredible machines known to mankind by far you are an amazing learning machine so keep up your studies i will be back tomorrow with writing task 1 for members and then i believe we have some more speaking a cue card that builds up to our saturday's speaking part 3 classes everyone so uh make sure to come back um you can follow our live class schedules you can see it on our youtube posts as well as our instagram profiles instagram is ielts underscore a help gl's help and i wish you all an amazing day much love from beautiful victoria signing out i'm adrian bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: aijcGowkN4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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