IELTS Live - Speaking Part 3 Band 9 Response Analyses

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class i'm adrienne and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada victoria's on vancouver island and is the capital of the province of british columbia nice to have many of you here with me in today's class we are continuing everybody with ielts speaking part 3 band 9 response analysis so we've been doing a lot of focus on the speaking section of the ielts exam a lot of people have exams coming up welcome arda hi nien hi mikwai anish manny sun jar nice to have many students in the class today again students this lesson is brought to you by for academic ielts success definitely visit us there join our courses for the general ielts visit us at or on both of these websites we have tons of tools materials to assist you in your ielts learning this is our general ielts website here with the green background you can click this uh red button that's just above my head here to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access it supports uh our efforts to bring you lots of great material doesn't cost very much we are a certified british council ielts test registration center and certified british council agents so we know exactly what we're doing when it comes to ielts and registering for schools or applying for immigration uh for the academic outs it's this blue background here at again just these buttons above my head click those to join our premium package we will be using these websites today for this lesson to interact with our students meaning we will use these websites to talk with our students today just like a real examiner would for your ielts speaking and i will ask some speaking part three questions and give some feedback and analysis for all of our students hi harwinder muhammad niranjan nice to see many students in both of our channels uh students uh to follow us on instagram for daily vocabulary and tips and tricks and questions follow us ielts underscore ae help for academic outs um gl's help for general ielts so good to do that and if you have questions about the ielts exam or about english or about school applications or immigration you can send me an email to adrian we are happy to answer your questions you can get our exam books from amazon we've got lots of classes this week for you so we'll have more speaking tomorrow then we'll have some writing for members more speaking throughout the day we'll have some or throughout the week we'll also have some reading for members later on so this is our schedule you can see our schedule on our instagram or on youtube so make sure to subscribe to our channel so that you can get all the recent updates for classes and for what's going on with ielts all right um so students uh we are doing speaking uh today again uh this is uh going to be speaking part three um the ielts speaking section is a speaking interview um it's face to face uh sometimes they do it through computer now as well especially during covid they started to introduce this computer method but even for the computer if you're doing your speaking with a computer you still have to go to the exam center so no you cannot do it from your home computer it doesn't work that way unless you're doing the ielts indicator but let's not go into that right now um so for the official ielts the standard outs you do have to go to the test center most of the speaking is done face to face in a room with an ielts examiner who's a native english speaker they could be british they could be canadian they could be australian american kiwi new zealander so uh be ready for different types of accents um so we're going to practice and the speaking has three parts uh part one general questions part two you have to talk for two minutes on a topic mini speech and then part three will be some more specific questions um about uh part two's topic so this is a speaking class everyone so make sure to uh speak and repeat okay so speak and repeat uh copy what i say uh try to copy my intonation copy my pronunciation copy the rhythm the style of my speech i speak with a west coast north american accent so if you ever travel to the west coast of canada or the us like vancouver victoria seattle san francisco los angeles you're going to hear kind of my style of speaking um east coast north america so like toronto new york miami orlando it's kind of similar to west coast um central us canada has a little bit of a different style southern us is a very different style so west coast east coast kind of similar you'll notice some differences but kind of similar it's a clear crisp form of english so it's easily understood and it's also the english of most um hollywood movies and films and shows because of course a lot of the movie industry comes out of the west coast of uh north america so you're very familiar with it um okay so crafton umar says speak and repeat um harwinder the ielts indicator is kind of like a substitution exam that ielts has created for covid and it's only available in places where you cannot do the official ielts exam so um it's less and less common now but um anyway jabroni says i've been to portland oregon i'm guessing and uh britain suits me better yeah a british have an easy time with west coast north american english as well so um that's why okay all right artist says i want to volunteer as well okay so we've already got lots of volunteers before we start taking volunteers and live calls let's just uh review a little bit from our last class right and so um last class tips okay so here are some big tips um and if you didn't get them all last class or if you're just joining this class don't worry about it you'll get the hang of it so big tips one answer plus explain plus example um big tips two that i gave you last class is use quantitative language meaning numbers right and i gave you some more tips by analyzing some of our students so do do not over speak okay so don't just keep talking don't overspeak number four start general then go specific right so that was another important tip that i gave you okay another tip that i gave you is use the grammar of the question so if the question is in present perfect you should answer in present perfect everyone okay if the question is a conditional use the condition right like if you had a million dollars how would you spend it well given that i had a million bucks i would buy a house here in victoria because that's all a million dollars gets you in victoria these days is a house well all i mean that's a nice buy but um it's how much a family home costs in victoria where i live a million dollars um so yeah so use the question um and use the grammar of the question in your answers okay so that's what you want to focus on uh let's practice one uh question together and then um we'll uh do some voice calls and we'll analyze some speech and do some practice so this is kind of on a similar topic as what we have been discussing so in the last class we talked about objects of safety like face masks or gloves oven mitts for taking hot food out of the oven we talked about work boots first aid kits so talked lots about medical equipment now uh this is speaking part three starts with uh let's uh talk about dangerous circumstances circumstances is just a fancy way of saying situations okay let's talk about dangerous circumstances okay um so the first question we're just going to type it okay i just want you to warm up here warm up your thinking your communication again answer explain example so uh what types of threats are the most likely these days for people around the globe so around the world what types of threats are most likely these days so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one um and then we'll take a look at each other's answers i'll give you some feedback and then we'll start doing some voice calls okay so i'm going to type up the answer you type up the answer put it in the chat and then we'll analyze okay so all right um kindu sundu says there are ample threats around the globe however the biggest threat is pollution which is actually having a bad impact on the lives of individuals such as health problems okay can do good that's a good answer um maybe mention one other threat so when you see this um s in the questions when the question is dealing with the plural like what are the most common threats um then you want to say at least to like pollution disease uh natural disaster uh miyen says today many people around the world need to face lots of danger such as uh car accidents natural disasters and the most significant situation right now is the coven 19 pandemic in vietnam people also have to cope with the situation and that's why i wear a face mask to the speaking test now very good me and that's a bad nine answer as long as you say that nice and fluently shaheen says covet 19 is one of the most dangerous situations that has been happening nowadays this is very dangerous for human health my neighbor who has overcome kovid 19 is suffering from damaged lungs shaheen i'm sorry to hear that if that's true yeah again shaheen make sure that you say more than one so really pay attention to the plurals it's a little tip hint there to get that higher band score okay so again the question that we're looking at is what types of threats are the most likely these days for people around the globe and then here's my answer the most frequent kinds of dangers for most people around the world are disease like the covet 19 pandemic that we have been dealing with these past couple of years as well as natural disasters like floods and earthquakes there seems to be more and more of these each year and then stop okay don't keep talking because if you keep talking the examiner will interrupt you you won't really clearly hear the next question the conversation starts to become awkward so you don't want to do that okay all right craft with umar says the most common threat is global warming it's increasing day by day um another of the most dangerous situations is the coveted pandemic that we are facing okay uh good and then you keep going all right craft with umar um good um it's a great start yep and definitely you want to finish that and then stop don't just keep talking and talking right uh jai neil says nowadays uh the most uh frequently happening kind of danger for individuals on mother planet are pollution uh animal extinction natural disasters and crime like um theft and robbery okay janil good a couple of slight oddities there but i was making corrections while reading so okay jabroni says i reckon environmental issues are the most hazardous courtesy of climate change um ghg emissions damage the atmosphere uh creating greenhouse effect which causes lots of natural disasters and extinction of species okay jabroni good a couple of small mistakes but a couple of nice uses of english as well the expression courtesy of climate change is very very good okay so um you've got the right idea everyone okay answer explain example use the um use i'm still getting over this nasty cold um use the question in your answer uh reflect the grammar and off to the races so you're doing a great job okay all right so um we're going to do some uh voice calls here with students and you're going to hear my conversation with the students just like we did last class and then we'll get into some deep analysis and feedback on how students do so i know lots of students are waiting to volunteer which is great let me um just give you the instructions here on how to do this okay so here are the steps to speaking with me okay um so number one is you can register a free or get a paid account from or so basically let me just kind of switch between scenes here so this is uh the academic here you can click this big red button again it's just right there to join our premium package one-time payment lifetime access it's really really worth it um or you can just click that green button that's just below right there and then get a free account and then once you do that you'll have that my student account that's uh way up there at the at the top okay click on that my student account all right and then you're in this my student account here you've got lots of uh materials videos uh interactive courses application for your phone um and then you have this student partner speaking that's again just right above my head there okay and by the way if you like the student partner speaking that we're doing and you want to do a full ielts practice interview with me through zoom of course it's a paid service but it's worth it then just click on that speaking interview practice that's above my head there but right now we're going to click on this student's partner speaking it's easier to do this if you're on a computer but if you're using mobile it'll kind of look like this okay so you click on that student partner speaking that's right there and then you accept that you're going to be kind and friendly with other students or with me um ariza the way that you can pay with debit card is if you buy our app through the app store and then link your web account okay all right um so here we have our uh volunteers okay so once we're in here and you want to keep this window open um then i will ping you okay so please don't call me um i will call you and we have lots of people already in here by the way students practice with each other as well okay not just with me but with each other so we have amrit paul manaj siraj ansar and lots lots more um okay and here is me uh me um i see that you have to go in 10 minutes and you really want to volunteer so let's take me let's see if um i can get a hold of me here i'm gonna downsize this a bit there we go i'm gonna send me a message and then we'll go with me and i believe uh there was uh somebody else in here as well that i promised we would do one with so we'll go step by step everybody i'll try to get as many students in here as i can so hi me um would you like to start i know that you volunteered before in the past so you know how it works now students um we're only doing audio so don't try to video call me or don't try to video connect because the video is being used by uh youtube and also when we are talking so if i'm talking to you make sure to mute youtube so you're not getting feedback into your microphone and such okay all right so me says sure okay me so i'm gonna call you here we go hello sir hi me how are you doing i'm good thanks how are you i am doing much better than uh last uh on the weekend anyway i was quite sick so i needed to rest but thank you for asking okay me so um i'll ask you a couple of questions in just a moment and i see that you have to run off somewhere and so we'll get right into it so again just do your best don't rush right you can take your time so you don't have to speak super fast you can get a bad nine even speaking at a slow comfortable speed uh you have to focus on a good quality answer okay me um so um here we go we'll do that first question one more time okay so um that's the end of part two now we'll continue with part three for part three i will ask you some questions related to the topic of part two let's talk about dangerous circumstances what types of threats are the most likely these days for people around the globe um today many people around the world need to face with lots of dangers like natural disasters or some like car accidents but the most significant situation here is the confidence in pandemic and many people in the world need to deal with the situation and so as vietnam and that's why i have to wear a face mask to take the speaking test right now um which threats do people likely not need to worry about that's an interesting question let me think about it for a moment for me there are no such kinds of press that people need do not need to worry about like i mean it is called threat so it must be dangerous and therefore people need to find out the reasons the effects and the solution as well to solve these kinds of press just like the copic 19 people have to wear a face mask and be fascinated all right um okay um thank you so much me so let me give you a little bit of feedback okay so for your first answer you would be easily at a band 8. okay it was very fluent very clear very accurate the grammar was good you used the question you had good fluency good grammar good lexical resource um your intonation was a little bit awkward and that's totally normal may i ask me are you from vietnam yes i am yeah and um i know that um in vietnamese the intonation of the language is quite unique it's quite different from english am i correct when i say that like it's quite different the way yeah and that intonation comes through in english right so it takes quite a bit of practice to to get rid of that so what you want to do is you want to kind of copy podcasts or tv shows like friends and you want to just kind of copy their intonation because you have this kind of like quick stop quick stop quick stop which is common among vietnamese speakers like you're like too many people around the world have new views so you kind of feel what i'm saying like it's this quick stop quick stop yeah and that's common in in the vietnamese language so that's a little bit odd and you might you know if you have that throughout your speaking you might lose a half ban uh for that as part of your kind of pronunciation feature but otherwise your pronunciation is very good so your words are very clear i can understand them okay um and it's nothing to stress about okay it's like band-aid is a fantastic score um okay uh i like how you gave multiple answers so you said natural disasters car accidents but the most dangerous coveted 19 you gave a nice smooth example the next question when i said which threats or when i asked you which threats do people likely not need to worry about [Music] you did something really well which is you bought some time and you said that's an interesting question let me think about it for a moment and you actually took a moment which was really great okay um it's a good idea to do that and this is kind of a weird question like you know it's people don't ask you every day like oh hey hey me um so what kind of threats like don't i need to worry about these days right you're like what excuse me um so it's not it's not a common question and for this type of question it's okay to say well that's an interesting question let me think for a moment and then you want to think okay now your answer was a little bit tricky because you said that for me there aren't really any threats that people don't need to worry about um i think that's it's kind of a false answer like i'm sure there are people there there are you know kind of um different situations that people get scared of but we don't really need to be scared about them and i'm sure you can come up with some you just have to keep your thoughts simple okay so let me ask you this again me um what kind of things do people get scared of where they don't really have to be scared of it think of kids for example like kids are often scared of certain kind of situations that don't exist what's that ghost ghosts yeah for example ghosts okay so yeah and again it's you know maybe some people will tell you ghosts exist and you should be scared but you can you can make that up right so it doesn't have to be the truth it just has to be your truth right so ghosts okay ghosts and monsters uh anything else that comes to mind um blind or dark uh sorry can you say that again the dark the dark yeah yeah dark yeah yeah i got you um the dark yeah it's we usually say the dark right so it's the dark um yeah the dark yeah absolutely another one for instance if i'm searching kind of my own experiences and this is what you want to do is search your own experiences think about like if i ask a hundred people if i ask children men women what kind of answers would i get what would be some popular answers kind of think about that when you're practicing and you'll come up with these really quickly so ghosts monsters the dark um airplanes right a lot of people are scared of flying and airplanes but we actually know that the chances of dying in a plane disaster it's very rare it's very unlikely like they say it's one million times less likely than a car accident or something like that so even though many of us do get scared when we're flying we know that planes are actually pretty safe especially big planes so ghosts monsters the dark airplanes alien invasion i don't know about yumi but i'm not too scared about aliens coming and taking over the planet are you scared about that no no not really right but we have tons of movies right that show aliens are coming dinosaurs right are you scared of dinosaurs um no no i don't think yet yeah we're not scared of dinosaurs right we have movies that you know we shouldn't be scared of dinosaurs but we're not scared of dinosaurs so um it's usually better to answer positive for the questions in the ielts because positive answers are easier to talk about as soon as you say i don't think there are or no it doesn't work that way it becomes so much trickier to explain yourself clearly even if you're a native speaker okay so that's why you want to kind of avoid negative answers does that make sense okay okay let me yeah let me just try this question one more time and think about the answers you just thought of and then again think answer explain example and we'll try this one more time okay so which threats do people likely not need to worry about that's an interesting question let me think about it for a moment for me uh the press that people do not need to be scared of that is the scared of airplanes like many people think that they will be die or they will have a plane fall if they travel by planes and that's not all always true um like in the world only about one percent uh chance that uh the airplanes may fall okay pretty good pretty good i would keep it even simpler all right i think you got a little bit carried away with the planes there and um instead just focus more on the other parts as well oh gosh me i hope it's not one percent it'd be like point zero zero one percent but but that's okay yeah the truth doesn't matter so don't worry about the truth if you say one percent is totally fine um okay so uh let me give you a sample answer and then repeat after me okay so uh that's an interesting question let me think about it for a moment um well for me situations that people don't really need to worry about are ghosts monsters dinosaurs or an alien invasion because these are not real they're just in the movies also being scared of flying there's very little chance of an airplane crash so people don't need to worry about that i don't worry about it when i fly to the states or other parts of asia okay so just like that a b c d connect and keep it simpler okay one more time which threats do people likely not need to worry about um that's an interesting question let me think about it for a moment for me uh the threats that people not really need to worry about are like something like ghosts monsters airplanes alien invasion because they are not real they are just in the movie and um and and for example for the airplanes there are only a really small change to have the airplane accidents uh this is just about 0.5 percent to be injured in airplanes okay and then just so stop there so once you feel like you're talking so much that the examiner might interrupt you don't then even just skip the example so there you should be feeling like okay that's enough i should stop there because if i keep going the examiner examiner's going to interrupt me so just save your example for the next one in that case and that was good that was much much better so that answer would be an easy 7.5 to a band-aid okay all right okay me that was fantastic i'm not sure where you're going but i hope you have a great day wherever you go thank you so much for volunteering uh everybody give me a nice uh applause and a thumbs up she was very brave to be the first one in this class to volunteer keep up the good studies me okay thank you sir okay thank you for volunteering all right we'll take another volunteer here in uh just a moment so let's see who is going to volunteer and thank you for the thumbs up janil um arda wants to volunteer i want to give some new students a chance to arda before we take some other students so just give me a moment here um let's see so um ozzy's back um let's try to reach out to us back i think i didn't have any a good chance to get a hold of him last time uh yeah as he's back says i've been trying to connect for a long time okay let's try to connect as he's back so hi um are you ready so i'm gonna try to connect with azzy's back here for a couple of questions i know aziz beck has really been trying to connect for a long time so let's try to do this obviously okay i still have to ask i don't know what's going on in real time where you are so okay aussie's back so here we go let me reach out to you all right so we're calling aziz all right it's ringing make sure you have your microphone and your speakers enabled for the website on your browser you have to find that in your browser settings it'll say enable microphone and speaker for the website all right so for those of you who are just joining we're doing ielts speaking part three i'm just calling some of our students and um we're asking answering questions and analyzing the speech um it's ringing ringing but no answer so you have to check your system and what i suggest does isbeck is try it with some other people in your area you might have country limitations on chat software like skype as well so check for that okay yeah so in some countries students unfortunately your your countries might limit uh the use of certain chat software so you have to be uh careful about that okay sanjar here i believe was very very patient so let's reach out to sanjar hi sanjar would you like to volunteer let's see if we can get a hold of sun jar okay and i see harshit is as well so i want to give sanjar a chance here first let's see if sanjar is still uh with us and then okay there's sanjar all right sanjar so here we go i'm calling sanjar hopefully hi sanjar hello how are you i am doing great how are you doing i am good thanks ah awesome and where are you right now sanjar now i'm from uzbekistan in central asia okay you are in uzbekistan are you in the capital are you in tashkent yeah of course i don't know you could be from another place in uzbekistan right it's uh it's got some nice big cities uh tashkent i'd love to visit there someday it looks absolutely incredible um okay sanjar so um thank you for volunteering uh i'm going to ask you a question or two and then give you some feedback and estimated score are you ready to do this yeah sure i will try to do my best awesome that's what you want to do okay so just use the question give an answer an explanation a smooth example and that's it all right so uh here we go um how can governments and society let me just start that one more time how can governments and society minimize the possibility of dangerous situations happening okay it's a good question i haven't saw it before and let me think a moment i think the government should increase should increase the rule of the traffic because of uh there may be a lot of accidents by the cars and any of um people and just they must try to solve all questions all problems as possible as soon does this always work i think it's all so does it always work when governments create more traffic rules that it solves traffic problems it is a first time i'm participating so i have some shiny and not a problem at all it's actually a great way to overcome your shyness by doing this so you're building your confidence and that's one reason everyone that it's really good to volunteer for these kind of questions because you build your confidence and that's what you're doing right now so don't worry about it at all okay so your estimated band score for these two questions would be about a four okay um and the reason is is because obviously you got stuck a couple of times and your grammar when you were speaking and giving me your answer your grammar was a bit confusing so i actually understood what you said so i did understand that for the first question you said that one way governments can [Music] minimize uh dangerous situations is to create kind of more traffic rules or to control the traffic so there's less car accidents so i did understand you and that's basically a band four so if um the examiner asks a question in part three and the student can understand it and can answer it that's a band four okay um if a student cannot answer questions in part three then it's band three or less okay um if a student can't answer questions in part one then it's a man one or less um but if if you can't answer them in part three then it's band three but you did answer it so that was pretty good okay um it was a little bit unclear so i had to kind of think twice about what you were saying and the grammar was a little bit off it was smart of you to buy some time at the beginning so you said okay it's a good question i haven't thought about it before let me think about it a moment so you said i think governments should increase your idea was good let's just clean it up so i think uh governments uh should increase the uh number of uh traffic rules um instead of rules let's use the word regulations it's more common okay so should increase the number of traffic regulations uh to uh decrease um car accidents to decrease uh the amount of car accidents um and then let's give another one um so in this kind of a question you want to give at least two okay so also society has to make vaccinations for kovid uh mandatory even if you don't believe in it it's an easy answer everybody's talking about it it's in the news so in the ielts you don't have to speak the truth and you don't even have to say what you believe okay to the ielts can uh to the ielts examiner i mean it sounds terrible but you're just a number they even tell you your number at the beginning like they'll say this is candidate number seven three five nine one two okay so to them you're just basically a number so don't be nervous okay to to them you're a number and then the next number is coming okay so for you the most important is just to pick the easiest path the easiest way to get that high band score and a good way to do that is just choose popular topics or popular ideas that you see in english all the time these days like people are talking about mandatory vaccination all over the place right so you can say also society has to make vaccinations for covet mandatory to save people's lives and then you can give a smooth example you can say um in uzbekistan in uzbekistan um vaccination is now a must uh and there is basically no covet okay even if it's not true you can just say that okay the examiner doesn't care they just want a good answer a good english answer okay um so uh let me read the question and the answer again and um and then you can repeat the answer after okay so here we go how can governments and society minimize the possibility of dangerous situations happening um okay it's a good question i haven't thought about it before let me think about it a moment i believe governments should increase the number of traffic regulations to decrease the amount of car accidents and also society has to make vaccinations for covid mandatory to save people's lives in uzbekistan vaccination is a must and there's basically no coven okay so let's try this one more time i'll ask you the question here we go so how can governments and society minimize the possibility of dangerous situations happening okay it's a good question i haven't thought about before let me think about the moment uh i think government should increase the number of traffic regulation uh to decrease the amount of cars accidents uh also society has to make a vaccination for call it mandatory to save people's life in uzbekistan for example vaccination is now a must and there is basically no call it okay so that would be your bad nine answer now i could tell that you're reading which is totally fine for practicing in fact what you want to do when you're practicing at home is when you give an answer record it on your phone then type it out just like i did find the mistakes correct it say it correctly and then try to say it without reading and it's a good way to program your brain to fix some grammar mistakes is that clear yeah okay thank you your all advice i will try to do my best you are very very welcome sanjar and keep it up remember your brain is a learning machine and a really good one at that so um keep going keep going and you're gonna get really good at english and you'll be successful okay okay i appreciate your help for me thank you a lot you're very welcome okay everyone so please give a an applause and a thumbs up to um sun jar um he was very brave and of course it's very very brave for people to share their english uh with others i can only imagine um trying to speak uzbek as a second language and sharing it in a live class um like this okay all right tanya saying thumbs up so that's fantastic all right um okay i'm gonna take uh some more volunteers here so let's take uh another person here let me see who we have um so we have arslan bundita here at the top we have arda um okay let's take arda i know art is being patiently waiting one of our members so let's take arda artist says i'm down to volunteer okay let me ask you already then are you ready okay if you're still here with us let me see if arda is ready to go for a quick question or two here okay arda says yes so i'm going to call arda and if i remember correctly artist english is quite good hi arda hello sir how are you doing i'm doing good what about you i am recovering from this i think i don't know what kind of a cold or flu it kind of reminds me of uh strep throat but uh anyway i'm getting better so thank you for asking i hope you get better and better yeah no i'm drinking uh lots of tea and i took jay neil's advice i think janil was the one that says i i should drink uh hot ginger with some lemon and a bit of salt and i did that and it worked really well so thank you gianni i also advise you that was that warm beverages yeah like so thank you for those those uh home remedies they're called home remedies is the collocation for that um okay so um arda i'm going to ask you a question or two uh and um again just focus on a clear complete answer once you feel like you've answered the question completely then just stop okay yeah okay okay so um arda when you're doing a good job in part three there is a chance that the ielts examiner will introduce kind of a secondary topic of conversation because they will definitely uh fill their 12 minutes okay most likely so they might say something like let's talk about survival in a crisis [Music] where are some common places that people may escape for safe refuge some places that people may go to for safety in dangerous situations could be underground tunnels and crowded places what i mean by underground tunnels in second world war nazi germany bombed britain and british people had to go to underground tunnels to avoid the bombs coming from the sky by planes which are called the blitz and which of these kinds of places is the safest and why um the safe the safest uh the safest place to go in a threatening situation it would be a police station because there are people who work to save and secure people from danger okay very good um okay very nice um yes you're definitely uh yeah i remember your speaking is quite strong artists so you're swinging between a band eight and a band nine for sure okay um at the high high band scores it's really um tricky to predict whether you'll get a band 8 or an 8.5 or maybe even at nine depending on your examiner and how strict they are how experienced they are if i were if i were your examiner i would give you a ban 8.5 um i i think i'm kind of in the middle for examiners um so some examiners are a little bit more lenient than i am so they might give you a band nine and there are definitely some examiners that might be a little bit stricter and they will say okay well that's an eight because i had a bad cup of coffee this morning and i know where there could be some uh fixes um so i really liked your answer so the first um question was where are some common places that people may escape um for safe refuge okay uh safe refuge means for safety and you got that okay so even if a person hears like a kind of a tricky word that they might not be familiar with like refuge okay um you don't have to get scared or panic go with the word that you know so may escape from your safe right and you say you know it's like okay it's a safe must be kind of like a safe place right and you're correct in that assumption so you understood that from context um if the word was new for you okay and then you said some places where people may go to in a dangerous situation or underground tunnels or uh and then you said a second one i didn't quite catch it but it was fine crowded places or crowded places yeah i wasn't quite sure why people would go to a crowded place um because in isolated areas lots of thing can happen to people like kidnapping and you know okay and there's no one to help right so there's less people who can actually assist you when you're isolated or far away from others so that might have you know you might have wanted to explain that a little bit clearer to the examiner of why you mentioned crowded places because in some situations people run away from crowded places as well so it depends i talked too much yeah and and you were correct so you realize that your example of underground tunnels in nazi germany seemed like it was going a little bit too far into storytelling and then you stopped yourself and that was actually really good okay i like how you stopped yourself because if you hadn't definitely you'd be getting interrupted okay so if your example starts to turn into a story the examiner even with your level of english the examiner will interrupt you okay now if i wanted to be really really picky what is the technical term for an underground tunnel there's another way we call that there's a one word that's a specific word for an underground uh tunnel that that has food supplies and other survival equipment so underground tunnels or rooms um with food they're called something it starts with a bee you probably know this word it just might not not have come to mind yes it didn't come up to my mind do you know the word ah i don't know it starts with a b oh saeed tour in our chat just used the word saeed says the word is bunker bunker yeah i know this word yeah yeah it's called a bunker i just couldn't remember yeah exactly that's why and so you want to use it right so as soon as you you're like oh yeah the word is bunker that's where you can guarantee yourself those band nine lexical resource marks right so you're like what i'm talking about here is like a bunker or an underground shelter right um okay and then i said which of these is the safest and why and you said the safest place to go in a threatening situation is a police station because there are people there who are trained to assist uh others in difficult situations um and that was a really good answer and that's where you might want to throw in an example like um there was a strange person chasing me last night on my way home from school so i stopped at a police station and waited there and they helped me right so even if it's not true you can kind of make that up yeah make it up mm-hmm so um let me give you a sample response to uh the first uh answer and then um and then you can repeat after me okay so notice how i'll simplify your example here so where are some common places that people may escape for safe refuge well some places where people may go in dangerous situations are underground tunnels or crowded places uh they might seek out a bunker in case of uh wartime as people did during world war one and world war ii um when cities were being bombed and they might go to a crowded place uh when there are dangerous threats from others so that they can have assistance from their friends or family okay so try that um here we go the question one more time something similar it doesn't have to be the same just follow the same concept okay your english is fine so you don't have to repeat the same words that i use just the same kind of concept i'll just try yeah so where are some common places that people may escape for safe refuge some places where people go to for safety in dangerous situations could be underground tunnels and crowded places people can go to bunkers in some situations like the second world war uh when germany bombed uh england and england people had to go to these bunkers for food uh supplements and um and they might even need to go to crowded places in a situation uh when someone is trying to kidnap you or okay good so much much better um you can shorten your um examples even more right so he says when uh when germany bombed england that's enough you don't have to continue after that so you could have left that next one or two sentences out and then they can go to crowded places when somebody is chasing them or threatening to attack them to kidnap them and then just stop right so that's what you want to practice so you've got you've got the english you want to focus now more intensely on the communication elements because for those high band scores the band-aid band 9 they're no longer really just looking at your english but they're looking at your communicative style exactly exactly okay that's why it's a ielts is a proficiency exam not an esl exam right that's exactly the difference okay um arda thank you so much for volunteering again it's very useful i'm sure for other students learning also um we'll take one more student for today so one more one more i want to give somebody else a chance so give arda a nice applause everybody again he's very brave he's got great english but it takes a lot of courage to voice yourself in front of so many students so thank you arda okay all right so we'll take one more person so uh let me see what's going on here um we've got [Music] richard and george in here those almost sound like english names we have sean nanthan what an amazing name um okay and we have shaheen let's see if i can um um let's see if i can reach out to uh shaheen okay so yes uh shaheen um are you ready let's see if uh shaheen is ready to volunteer and then we'll reach out to shine i promise everyone that in different classes i'll try to choose different students so we've got a speaking part one class tomorrow and um if i didn't catch you today like our ceylon i'll definitely try to catch you tomorrow okay our salon so i'll keep your name in my head um okay so shaheen i'm calling you now let me see if we can get a hold of shaheen hello hi shaheen how are you i'm doing great thank you how are you i'm learning very well am i pronouncing your name correctly shaheen yes that's true okay great yeah i meet with a lot of names from around the world and sometimes they're a bit tricky it's a it's an arabic name kind of arabic it came from arabic to my language okay and where are you right now azerbaijan awesome okay um how is how is the weather in azerbaijan it's kind of hot today than other days what's what is the temperature what's the exact temperature uh 10 degrees i'd say 10 degrees celsius okay i see i would have guessed it might might be a little bit colder than that but um okay all right so i will ask you one or two questions um again give me a full answer as soon as you feel like you've answered the question just stop okay because otherwise the examiner has to interrupt uh so focus and use the questions so one way to do a good job with your answer is to use the question in your answer okay okay all right so um here we go how has technology being used to increase the security of shelters in emergency situations oh that's uh an uncommon correlation for me let me think about it a little bit uh technology has been used to maximize the security of bunkers in a dangerous station in the way that to help people's health in safe for example in denmark there are shelters that government to get their people in there when they have missile attacks or other situations and these shelters are very moderate okay that was good um so that's great i'm going to uh discuss that before we go any further because i think you did a really good job okay um especially this the start of it so the first half of your answer i think was like a strong seven seven five easily okay um and then the second half of it was a little bit lower the second half of the question was like more of a six it was a little bit more confusing so if i'm just looking at this question and your answer i would easily give it a 6.5 okay your fluency was quite good what you have to work on is you have to make sure that your whole answer is clear not just the first part of it but the whole answer actually i was stuck when i heard this question because it's kind of not for me yeah it's awkward um and and you know sometimes um like some of our students will say oh adrian i took the al's exam and my questions were um easier than what we practiced and then sometimes students will call in or they'll they'll email and they'll say oh it was the same or sometimes they'll say oh i got like almost the same questions and then sometimes they'll say mine was actually more difficult so it's hard to predict how how tough the questions will be and the examiners are actually choosing the questions based on the candidate also so they have a list of questions and if the candidate has good english they can ask more and more questions and the questions become more and more difficult they become more and more complicated so if you're a band eight you're going to hear some more challenging questions if you're band nine you're going to hear the most challenging questions so you have to be ready for all of them especially if you're going for those high band scores does that make sense yes yes so the more time the examiner has the more fluent the candidate is the more challenging questions they have to ask right it makes sense actually that was my first time and i was a little bit stressed out yeah and and you came in you know as our last uh person in the class so you're getting like the more challenge you're getting the last questions on my sheets you're getting the most challenging question but you you did some you did some um steps very well uh for instance you bought some time so you said oh that's an uncommon question for me let me think about it a bit and then you use the question and you use the present perfect you said you said technology has been used to maximize the security of bunkers in a way that helps people's health and that was perfect that was a very high band very good answer okay and then you said for example in denmark so your explanation and your example were connected which is okay don't say for example okay it's just because examiners they get scared when they hear for example they think this person's gonna talk talk talk so just just start just say uh in denmark shelters have special programs that send text messages to citizens in case of danger they're also built with special titanium that can withstand uh major shocks of earthquakes or explosions okay so um this has been very efficient to save people's lives okay and then just stop all right so i'm going to read the question give the answer again and after i finish just repeat okay so here we go how is technology being used to increase the security of shelters in emergency situations oh that's an uncommon question uh i don't know much about it but i will do my best to answer technology has been used to maximize the security of bunkers in several ways to help people survive in denmark shelters have special programs that send gps and text messages to citizens in case of emergencies and they're made of titanium to withstand a shock from earthquakes or explosions okay you don't have to say the exact same words just copy the idea okay i'll ask you the question one more time so how has technology being used to increase the security of shelters in emergency situations oh that's an uncommon question for me uh just let me think about it technology has been used to maximize the security of bankers in a way that uh help people's uh survive in denmark there are some shelter programs that sent to text messages or gps to the people to get them avoid from a natural disaster or other or perfect and then just stop there if you feel like okay if i keep going and i'm keep getting stuck they're going to interrupt me then just stop there and even though you were kind of getting stuck at the end there to find the correct words you still gave me a very clear answer so you would still even with that kind of broken fluency at the end you would still get a solid seven seven five because the rest of your answer was very good okay um so that's what you want to do and then you just want to work on speeding up your language and making it smoother and that comes with a lot of practice so make sure you come back to our website and try to connect with other students okay like arda and practice with them so you ask a question then they ask a question you ask a question they ask a question okay okay all right um so everybody um please yeah thank you give a round of applause to shaheen he did a fantastic job and what a great um answer on the second try so that was fantastic thank you um for volunteering um okay everyone so again we're using our website here for this and we're using the student partner speaking and the my account so uh i recommend using this okay it's free and the students here are all focusing on ielts there's lots of you in here right now do the same that i just did so send each other a message first be nice with each other be respectful with each other the services to help you improve for the ielts exam okay i will take some more volunteers tomorrow tomorrow we're doing speaking part one so a little bit easier questions and uh great way to build your confidence by volunteering in these classes as well so um again uh this was speaking part three uh for lots more help with the academic ielts uh make sure to visit us at ae help dot com uh join our premium ielts package it's well worth it okay so click on that red button that i showed you um and um keep up the practice you're all beautiful brilliant people don't ever let anybody discourage you okay you're all hard working people that's why you're here spending your time right now with me studying and learning so keep it up i'm adrienne i'm signing out from victoria canada the west coast of canada for now i'll be back at the same time tomorrow with another live class and some more speaking uh tips and strategies to get those high band scores bye for now everyone
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: 6z9z_jeXRA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 42sec (4062 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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