IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of SINGING

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ah hello there nice to see you this is keith from the key speaking academy welcome to today's live lesson which is all about well it's about the topic of singing i'm not going to sing not today but we're going to look at lots of language vocabulary idioms lots of useful stuff for this interesting topic of singing let's begin with a little bit of a little bit of this [Music] [Music] hello everybody nice to see you here so welcome as i mentioned um today we're going to look at the topic of singing which is an interesting topic right it's part of the topic of music where you may talk about bands and groups but maybe you know you might talk about a singer or your own ability to sing we are today going to be looking at those of you who can sing or may not sing great so listen if you don't know me my name is keith i run the website of the keith speaking academy um you can check it out at lots of information for you all about well the ielts speaking test and also your general english if you want to improve your overall speaking ability in english come and check out the website as well as obviously the youtube channel um if you're on youtube please do remember to subscribe the channel is english speaking success hooray so you know you can describe their turn on notifications to find out about upcoming videos and if you're short on time we'll check out the shorts the shorts is english speaking success short it's another youtube channel and you can check out um one minute videos which will help you with pronunciation idioms short answers to simple questions lovely so listen a big shout out um and a big thank you to all of you who've been using the elsa app to do the challenge on the elsa app now if you don't know elsa i don't know if you all know elsa you may not elsa is a mobile app that you can download on your phone um and it's i mean it's it's great right it's a pronunciation app you practice pronunciation but you also build vocabulary and and i had a challenge on there and i'm just seeing i can show you i had a challenge on the app and lots of people have been doing it and getting some very good feedback in fact let me just see if i can show you um more simply on the app look this is my mobile phone right um i've got elsa on here i downloaded it obviously i use it a lot um because i collaborate with elsa and if you go in there there is the ielts speaking challenge with keith and in here you can practice lots of different things and i'm going to show you that very very shortly um but the important thing today is that with elsa we're going to do a competition hurray so with the elsa pronunciation app we're gonna do a competition live today with you and there are two prizes you can win a one-year membership for free i think it normally costs about 99 or something but you can get two of those well one for each person the two winners will get a one-year membership what do you need to do you need to pay attention that's what you need to do i'm going to tell you what to do um very very shortly but what would be a good idea to get ready is to download the app right because to participate in the competition you'll need to get this thing over here you'll need to get it onto your phone elsa speak um you can download it from the link i'm going to ask the moderators hello moderators please if you can put the link out there so people can down load it that would be great let me just double check that you're in there and that you can get hold of it it's a bit of a long link but if i put it in the uh in there directly you should be able to get it let me just double check yeah paula's put it out there thank you very much paula and if sarah you can do the same on facebook then that will be brilliant guys you can go in there and check it out download the app and shortly i'll tell you what to do um first of all let me see who's in the house who's in the house maria teresa from the philippines hello hazel moe says i already downloaded fantastic um great who else have we got patrick vann happy with the learning good altulia brazanth hello with a big heart thank you uber from switzerland hello i don't think i've noticed any from from switzerland you might be our first swiss student assuming you are swiss i know lots of people in switzerland don't are from other countries but anyway hasan hello m gabor hi there madushi we lovely to see you listen great to see so many of you here today how exciting right so what are we going to do today apart from the competition we're going to look at the topic of singing that's today's topic and let me just go through and tell you exactly what we're going to do all right singing okay so we're going to talk about singing and we're going to go through the elsa competition i'll explain what you need to do and you can win some prizes today also i think early on we'll look at the vocabulary of singing um as promised i will not sing today if i sing the rain will come down in torrance you know what i'm i love music yeah i i don't consider myself a musician but i do play a bit of guitar i do play the violin but singing no no i'm just i'm not a singer right i can't sing for peanuts i don't know why i've got a sense of rhythm and a sense of music nice musicality but when it comes to singing no lock me up and throw away the key we will then be looking at different genres of music um we'll be doing some listening and see if you can identify some genres of music we'll be looking at singing habits if you sing where do you sing oh i've got the toolbox today so i've got a very nice tool in addition to elsa i've got another tool for you to help you learn english connected to singing as well and we'll be looking at idioms we'll be finishing up on idioms like this one to carry a tune can you carry a tune i wonder do you know what it means so we'll be looking at idioms as well so we've got lots of stuff to be doing today all about singing lovely so um i've mentioned the elsa competition i'm going to tell you more shortly but let's kick off with a bit of vocabulary but before i do let me just pull up my notes always got to have notes you know professional news reader always always has notes right um okay before i start let me find my notes please bear with me yes i'd like to do a quick shout out and this was very interesting like the the other day i got home i got home i work from home what am i talking about i i didn't get home from work i was out shopping actually and i came home and my daughter came up to me and said dad you've got a package i said right a package is it from amazon because i buy lots of stuff on amazon she said no it's from india and i said india i don't think i know anybody in india and she said no no it's a package from india look and she showed me and i thought this is curious so i opened it up and inside there were lots of little green things little green seeds almost and it turns out they are cardamom pops pop pops pods cardamom seeds now if you're from india or that region you'll be very very familiar with cardamom um and it's used in cooking and i recognized it because i have used it in the past and the only dish that i know that uses cardamom is biryani right anyway i digress what was interesting is i remember several months ago um i got a message from a student right and this student said to me um he said keith thank you for teaching me i got the score i needed ielts i want to send you a gift give me your address and i said don't worry don't worry really it's the email is enough but he said no please give me your address i want to send you something so i gave him the address and then what do you know like several weeks later the package arrives all the way from india and and this was it i'll see if i can show you look at this this was me getting the cardamon seeds all the way from sanesh in india so a big big shout out and a big thank you to sanesh who sent the cardamoms um he sent me a photo look this is spanish with his family out there um sanesha's a farmer and he actually grows the cardamoms himself he grows them on the farm they without pesky they use different things like goats urine to water them and i'm so happy now my question is thank you saanich but can anybody out there send me a recipe for cardamom any recipe that uses cardamom that would be great great i need some help so if you can send me any you can email me fatima says amazingly cardamom goes with black tea oh that's interesting so any recipes um with cardamom please email me and let me know mia first time to join the lesson welcome mia nice to see you here yes and anna says he was very kind sanise was very very kind i was so touched and uh moved actually it's the first package i've ever got is it legal paula yes it is it went through customs control absolutely aranda says masala tea oh right try making paella sam okay debika send me the recipe please the life and dimension a coffee with little cardamom powder right all of these things i have no idea about this so keep sending me your ideas that is really really nice right cardamom tea seems popular saki says it smells so nice it does it's got a nice nice flavor right greetings from moscow hello my friends we've got corsala says we use cardamom when cooking chicken and fish right chicken biryani is the one that i know actually tan seriously cardamom with muesli oh that's an interesting one okay brilliant good so listen keep them coming i'm gonna go back and check the comments any emails do let me know um we're going to move on for the moment and we're going to have a look at if i get out of the way vocabulary right for singing okay let's kick off vocabulary is singing so singing right is a sub-top sub-top it's a sub-topic of the wider topic of music so i'm just going to focus on singing here we have done a live lesson about music about a year ago so if you go into english speaking success you can find another lesson about music but today we're going to focus on singing now of course let's begin a song right um so the noun we've got is to sing a song right that's what we do to sing is the verb and a song is the noun [Music] in the past sang and in the past participle sung i have sung right i sang last week that's not true i didn't sing last week um i've sung in spanish that is true actually i have sung a song in spanish and it was one by the gypsy kings that's it that's as much as you're getting right so this is the the conjugation if you like of sing sang sung we can also talk about not a song but a tune so it's really the same a song is the music and a tune is very very similar right you're listening to the radio and you go oh that's a nice song or you go oh that's a nice tune right so imagine that you're listening away and you listen to this and you go oh that's a nice tune that's a nice tune great okay now if a song is one that's very very popular and one that's easy to remember we say it's a catchy song right it's easy to remember [Music] some songs just stick in your head they're very catchy uh think of a song right mozart very very catchy melody it's not a song is it that's not really a song because song is lala is singing but a catchy melody or a catchy song is easy to remember do you know any catchy songs let me know if you know any catchy songs sometimes a song is so catchy that it sticks in your head and you go around the whole day with that song in your head and you just can't get it out of your head right so we say i have that song stuck in my head or i can't get it out of my head i was listening to a song last week by katy perry it was called fireworks and i i just can't get it out of my head it's stuck in my head and isn't it so annoying when that happens when the song is stuck in your head whoops and you just all you can do is think about it so there you go i've got that song stuck in my head right tran says is it possible to use a catchy tune yes it is that's a catchy tune yes provided that you spell it right my friend i'm just joking tran let me correct you right a catchy tune yes you can oh here we go you're very right you're very right you're very true mr slick baby shark is a very catchy song right let me just add in there the ah just so that it's clear for everybody exactly catchy catchy uh yosera says i just can't get you out of my head is a song by kylie minogue yes it is indeed it is um catchy means intonation of music not exactly catchy is not the intonation catchy is how how it sticks in your head how easy it is to remember right it's to do with the the melody and the intonation but it's about it's sticking in your head please sing the song baby shark baby shark da da da da da that's it oh the clouds are coming over um peach peach pesh what about catchy melody yes yes brilliant um i love catchy songs because that's easy yep easy to remember jingle bells is a catchy song and i have stuck that song in my head yes not stock right let me help you out because this is really really good that you're practicing it um i'm just going to make your phrase even better and everybody can learn from you young jingle bells is a catchy song and i have that song stuck in my head right remember we've got that i have that song i have blah blah blah stuck in my head i've got i have or i've got baby shark stuck in my head now thanks to you guys uh great we've got from obra the russian hymn is a very catchy tune when you say russian hymn do you mean the anthem i think you mean the anthem which is the national song right because there are many hymns but there's only one national song there's only one anthem yep the russian anthem is a very catchy tune yes yes it is good yeah hazam look at that hazam straight in there from russian anthem well done my friend great bohemian rhapsody great song very catchy catchy song it's a nice song i refuse to sing that because that's high level now talking about songs talking about katy perry and fireworks if you're in the facebook group oh and if you're not in the facebook group why not come and join us right in facebook you can join me i'm on the phone i've got a facebook page at keith speaking academy but if you want some interaction and some fun then come and join the keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking i asked people to guess the lyrics of a song well i gave them the first line of the lyrics which is like do you feel like you're a plastic bag and i said who is that and they said kate perry katy perry which was absolutely right and then i said okay if somebody can sing it i'll give you a personalized video message and would you believe it right 65 000 people or 62 000 people on the facebook group only one person was bold enough and brave enough and fearless enough to sing now then i think that deserves a shout out so here is my shout out let me see if i can show you it was this lady radismela radismela she said listen please don't judge me do you really want me to sing and i said i will not judge only listen and so she says i'm fearless and she recorded herself singing now i'm not going to play the song for you you can find that in the facebook group but i do have a little message for radismela and all of you who are a little shy or not very confident with your english and your singing is to have a go i will not judge you and if anybody judges you forget them right the important thing the really important thing like all your messages is to have a go to just go and do it so here is a little message um to uh radismela just to say thank you for trying and singing it was great it really made my hey radissmeller thank you so much for your um for your recording of fireworks by kate perry absolutely brilliant listen it was great it made my day um i did not judge i only listened i will leave the judging to simon cowell he's better at that than me but listen thank you so much and it's a yes from me oh nice love it so there's your message excellent well done um good now then let's move on because we've been looking at catchy songs um now different ways of singing so we've got to sing plus an act oh no not an adjective come on keith wake up i did that in a rushed inside um to sing plus the adverb so how do you sing maybe you can say i sing beautifully or radismela sings beautifully or katie parry sings like an angel right that's quite an interesting one she sings like an angel justin bieber sings sweetly keith o'hare sings badly [Laughter] so these are different ways of singing i wonder how you sing let's just practice practice with me i want you to repeat i sing beautifully i sing like an angel i sing sweetly icing badly or icing terribly yeah nice very very good well done so you've got some nice phrases there that you can practice and practice the pronunciation you may have noticed um in the north of england we say sing with a gu we pronounce the sing i like to sing it's correct it's just a we pronounce the in the south of england and i think most other countries it's a sing sing it's a blocked sound at the back of your throat without making it complicated sing but if you come from manchester you'll say sing that's fine both are fine of course excellent good what about singing we've got milan says i always sing badly mary jane i hope i sing beautifully jin bao i sing horribly veal says i love to sing but the song don't like me nice great carmela he sing fearlessly sing sings right if i'm not mistaken carmelo he sings fearlessly love it great small planet says icing like jb i sing like an angel i like listening to songs of nicki minaj nice great great we've got rania i sing terribly and also who else sahar says icing terribly oh come on guys come on amanda says i'm kind of tone deaf tone deaf i am tone deaf means that you cannot hear the different tones so the da da da da da da da da da all sounds the same that means you're tone deaf nice expression very very nice i would wish to sing like pavarotti says paolo you need to practice a lot it's pretty good that pavarotti isn't he pretty good right excellent let's push on so to sing plus adverbs now we've got a melody we talked before about a tune a melody is a melody is more like the tune so the melody is not the words but it's the tune right it's the tune not the words so did it is a melody right um you can hum a melody i like to hum melodies right you can tell i like mozart right i like to hum melodies because there's no singing but you can sing a melody of course as well we've talked about a catchy melody but also upbeat is a nice word upbeat is lively right upbeat a lively melody some melodies are very upbeat a lot of the melodies by uh well billy eilish are not upbeat they may be catchy but they're very very down right maybe not so upbeat they're very sometimes melancholic sometimes slow but if you listen to very a lot of pop or rock it's very often upbeat very lively another important word is the lyrics right so the lyrics are the words of a song so the melody is the the the tune or the yes the melody is the tune the lyrics are the words of a song so sometimes i feel like a plastic bag is the lyrics of a song hello the lyrics of adele's song someone was talking about adele before apparently her new album 30 is coming out and they've plastered all of these um banners and promotional posters across the big cities across the world only with the letters the letters the numbers three oh thirty so if you're an adele fan you're in for a treat i think her new album is coming out very very soon okay um anything else i think that might be it on vocabulary no there's more there's more indeed so different ways of singing let's just look at this because so if you sing well then you sing in tune right to sing in is to sing well so that means you're following the correct notes the opposite is to sing out of tune that's me right if you go d d out of tune totally the wrong notes to sing out of tune to sing the wrong notes right to sing well to sing the right notes [Music] to sing out of tune so i would say sing singing it sounds like singing but it's nice like to sing in tune i can sing in tune i can sing in tune the cha right tune again in british we tend to say i know in some i think like in new york they say tune that's a nice tune i can sing in tune but in britain we would say tune i can sing in tune repeat or i can't sing in tune i can't sing in tune maybe i sing out of tune out of out of tune out of tune yeah i sing out of tune listen and repeat when i sing i sing out of tune nice right can you hear the pause when i sing i sing out of tune yeah say that with me again repeat when i sing i sing out of tune lovely good we can talk about to hold a tune this is i guess one of the idioms but to hold a tune is to to sing well [Music] right i can hold a tune it's of course it's idiomatic because you're not holding in your hands can i change my camera keith i'm sure you can how do i change my camera it seems to have disappeared where's the camera choice there we go so hold you can't hold a tune literally but if you can carry a tune or hold a tune it means that you can sing that tune you can sing it and sing it well so if you are a good singer you can say i can hold a tune i can notice can becomes can i can hold because you stress hold i can hold a tune right say it with me i can hold a tune it sounds like i've got a cold achieve a tune i can hold a tune i can carry a tune i can carry a tune what about you guys can you hold a tune can you carry a tune no you don't keep a tune cold you hold or carry yeah amy says adele is my favorite singer great pradio says i can't hold a tune in a perfect way right okay good uh naheed says i just can hold a tune but not seeing every single word exactly that's nice that's good i can just hold i can just yeah let's change your just because that we would put in between the auxiliary the the can and the hole i can just yeah so put the just there i can just hold a tune but not sing every single word exactly nice nade very nice love it good excellent we've got um i can't hold a tune to save my life i can't hold a tune to save my life you can imagine the meaning right it's just i can't do it another good expression is i've got no sense of rhythm so the rhythm is the beat that's the rhythm right or the beat so the rhythm is the beat it's a very complicated spelling r h y even british people find this difficult the rhythm equals the beat of the song um so we do talk about the sense of rhythm and for people who can't sing or can't dance they've got no sense of rhythm right i've got no sense of rhythm another one these are all a bit negative i know but for a lot of people if you can't you can use these expressions and if you're good you just use the the opposite you say i've got a great sense of rhythm i can hold a tune i am not tone deaf right so it doesn't matter if it's yes or no you can always use these expressions tone deaf somebody told us earlier which means i can't sing i can't sing well at all no it actually means i can't sing at all if you're tone deaf you just cannot hit the right note can't sing at all can't hit the right notes the notes of course in music the musical notes great help help come back no yes no yes good other things you may want to say i'd love to be a singer-songwriter so the singer-songwriter is the person who writes the song and sings it so your classic bob dylan as a singer-songwriter who else nowadays i think people i think billy eilish is a singer-songwriter she writes her own songs right i think adele also singer-songwriter and uh other expressions i like to sing along with music so sing along with music is to sing at the same time with the music so some people sing when there is no music if you're good um but if you need a bit of help like me you will sing along with music okay excellent good so all different um expressions we can use with that so a very quick question for you guys is are you a good singer let me know in the comments below um and i'm gonna give you a catchy melody that is a rubbish melody no that is a catchy melody i've gotta change it are you a good singer let's see let's see are you a good singer guys right guiliana says hello i've got no sense of rhythm for singing but i have got it for dancing that's interesting yeah great mandeep says not at all i think you mean not at all right not at all magnesium says i think um right manissa this is a very very common thing a lot of students say but it's not correct um what you should say is i think so right we we don't say i think yes but i think so good uh titia mia says yes of course i am good and very humble to boot um helen is a singer a bathroom singer amar says i have a terrible voice laugh out loud ashley this is very good actually because it helps us understand the expression better i can't hold my no you can't say my because it's not your tune the expression has to be hold a tune but that's fantastic that you're trying to use it and from the feedback you can now learn you and everybody else can learn ah it's hold attune always i can't hold a tune you can't hold a tune right lovely ashley thank you so much for that that's great a big help ever eva yes i am i'm a professional singer please come on the show come and sing for us niger says i reckon i'm a good singer great christine says yes great johnny beck says most people think i have got a perfect sense of rhythm really interesting excellent like it adam i can't carry a tune join the club twinga says i'm tone deaf join the club great shin y says absolutely not i'm tone deaf lovely expressions guys absolutely brilliant all of them i like it very very much okay good um we're gonna move on what's coming up next listen we've been looking at vocabulary right let's move on um let's have a look at well before genres of music i'm going to go back actually because i want to tell you more about today's competition right today's competition is a collaboration with um elsa and i want to because you may not know elsa some people know elsa and a lot of students have actually told me that they they like elsa but maybe i can just explain what elsa is um very briefly okay if i can find my thingamajigs so elsa right is a mobile app um it's a pronunciation tool it helps you pronounce practice pronunciation it's based on the american pronunciation but it doesn't matter even if you're using british pronunciation most of the time it works perfectly um probably you know 95 of students are not going to pick up the perfect american accent most students have something of their own accent the important thing is the pronunciation features you're using correctly and elsa can help everybody with the different pronunciation features right it's really good i mean let me just show you very very briefly how this works um if we've got hmm i'm going to show you my phone again keith michael sabadel come on get that off the screen if you go if you download elsa and again the the guys um in the moderators if you could share the links to elsa so guys can download it if you haven't get it on your phone and then go in um if it asks you to sign up and pay don't pay not yet you can use it for free for seven days and you can access the basics um anyway so you can just download it if there's a pop-up that says sign up or pay just tap it on the side of it you don't have to do that now you can start using it straight away and there is a free seven-day trial um but if you go into the phone and if you find there's lots of stuff right you can practice mixed skills linking sounds intonation hang on a minute not this one not next you can there's videos examples it shows you intonation here glad you like it lesson one so this is practicing intonation let's see if we went to the store oh so you press on the microphone and you have to repeat it right here it's obviously the i went to the store it's practicing that word stress and pronunciation i went to the store let me try i went to the store [Music] oh it says say i less emphasized right because it wants you to focus on the stress here i'm going to try again i went to the store hooray great and it gives and you carry on right it gives you the the phonetics here as well and then you can go on to try i'm glad you like it i'm not going to try more there but i'm going to try and close and quit and come back again i think what's interesting here maybe i can put myself here can we come in together i think we can yeah is you've got all sorts of stuff right you've got um topics so if you come in here there are different topics you can follow introduction topics lifestyle topics common expressions there's my challenge i'll show you in a minute common english slang that can be useful different some teachers have got different challenges something about the olympics the environment food and drinks culture right lots of stuff here and within each topic you get the chance to practice vocabulary collocations different levels easy medium difficult conversations as well and if you're an ielts student well look at this there's a whole ielts section recommended it's down here somewhere you can earn a certificate ielts practice right look at this ielts practice you can practice part one part two or even part three right so you can practice conversations if you're talking about studies and what i love about this right is it does the same as me it focuses on the word and then the collocation or the chunk and then the bigger phrase or answer so you're practicing at different levels collocations foreign language foreign language oh 87 foreign language yeah the j at the end it was telling me it wasn't right let me try again foreign language fingers crossed you sound like a native speaker i should hope so it shows me um all sorts of stuff right you can get you can listen again foreign language you can listen slowly foreign language you can add it to your study sets and different things um what else i like studying foreign languages and now it be it builds up to the different levels right it builds up to sentences as well um and it's nice and it gives you i mean the feedback is good let me try this bear with me i like studying foreign languages fingers crossed now or excellent but so what happens is if there's something that needs improving you can click on it and it gives you the sound that it should be and it says what you said that and it should have been but i said pronounce the e i here with a relaxed vowel ah like the first vowel in about this relaxed vowel has a special name schwa so i said instead of uh so it gives you quite detailed feedback right okay excellent that's it so am i sure i want to quit yes at the moment so there's lots of stuff it's amazing so much stuff you can practice especially with ielts and i think you know one of the great things about it is that you're not only practicing pronunciation but you're building up your vocabulary and if you're doing ielts you're practicing lots there um yeah here we go so really difficult to get 100 right i agree so do remember this is a i it's artificial intelligence i don't think there's any 100 perfect ai at the moment so even when i do it sometimes i get 99 97 sometimes it's because it's a british pronunciation so for example like car in america you pronounce the r car in england we say car so it's slightly different and but sometimes well the good thing is the app will tell me pronounce the r and i just go oh that's okay that's the american pronunciation so it gives you feedback that's the important thing so you don't need to get a hundred percent right but make sure you're getting like 95 96 right he is native isn't he i am native but that's the thing because it's a i it's not a hundred percent right uh is it free should we subscribe to practice um you can get seven days free but then you should subscribe to practice right um and so here's what we're gonna do let me um explain this we're gonna do today a competition um where up here can i just take you off my friend sinatra sinchana so i collaborate with elsa as you can see um i've got study sets in there you can practice we're going to do a competition and give you two prizes a one-year membership for free which is great for a whole year right so what do you need to do what you need to do is download the app so the moderators um paola and sarah if you can share the links again in the chat download the app and practice one phrase and then post your score okay so the phrase i want you to practice i'm gonna show you right now um and then i want you to put your score 96 53 in the comments section you can put it either in the live chat or in the comments after the chat okay so what do you need to do which phrase if you go in let me get the phone up go into the app right so once you go into the app at the very start you should be able to find the ielts speaking challenge with keith look for that yellow photo i want you to go in there and i want you to go to the second lesson number two describing a person lesson number two i'm going to write this down for you so you know lesson two describing a person and when you go in there person don't do the first one do the second one so do the first one person hooray excellent sound like a native speaker um you can do that one thoughtful person do this one the collocation right that's the phrase i want you to do a thoughtful person a thoughtful person hooray sound like a native speaker um you can get the score in the advanced up here right it gives me 99 you see it's the ai but if you take a screenshot or just write down your score then you can add that into the chat um and then you you're there right that's it that's what i want you to do okay so download the app that's number one and this is to take part in the competition practice this phrase go to keith's challenge lesson two describing a person and the phrase is a thoughtful person and when you get your score like 99 for example hey not bad for a british person put that in the comments or in the live chat or in the comments after the class within 24 hours please because this time tomorrow i will choose two people at random not the best score right it doesn't mean you have to get the best score i'll just choose two random people within 24 hours that's tomorrow morning and i will tell you on the community tab and on social media on facebook um who are the winners that's it any questions let's see twen says that's a really great app it is omra thanks for your useful videos you're welcome pradeep says elsa is a perfect platform to create native sounds great i like it yeah says i already downloaded this app it's really great i can practice daily with my kid all right practice with your children wow that is a great idea nice florence says i don't take ielts however i love elsa app yeah it's not just for ielts right it's for english generally so great paula thank you very much there's the link that's in the in the youtube guys you can download it there so power has shared that in the chat with you it's there seen channel says that's great any other questions got lots of comments elsa app is wonderful any questions just type the score yes vicar kira just type the score that's enough and then i can see your name in the comment and i will choose at random i will choose tomorrow morning so you have 24 hours any other questions mostly the topic today is singing but i'm just showing you hey duang nice that's it exactly great okay excellent thoughtful person great so you're starting to post great starting to post good you are a native speaker aren't you yes i am i'm english i'm from manchester i live in spain but i'm from manchester but as i said sometimes i get 99 in elsa i think because of the british accent sometimes there's things slightly different but you know it doesn't matter really mustafi 97 nice this is need to pay um no you get seven days for free and you can practice in the next seven days for free to see if you like it right if you don't like it don't use it if you like it then you can pay unless you win if you win the competition you don't need to pay right but otherwise yes very funny native speaker hello 90 great well peach peach as i said 100 it's a i ai is not perfect right but it's very very very good it's the best tool i have seen with ai and pronunciation wow gayatri fantastic okay lovely now let's move on i'm gonna move on that's great and uh and what so that's it elsa just to remind you okay let's move on what's next um i need to get my cameras working because this camera's turned off elsa competition great well done elsa vocabulary we've looked at genres of music let's have a bit of fun with genres of music okay um we're going to move on genre just means style so the style of music or the genre of music for example pop music okay so i like to sing pop music it's not well it is true i mean i can't hold a tune but i do like to sing sometimes and i like to sing pop music i'm going to play five pieces of music can you see that one two three four five listen let's make it clear come on listen and guess the style or genre of music what a lovely word genre genre it sounds like well it is a french word genre but in the british accent genre genre just meaning the style or the type of music so guys are you ready right in the chat box just write down the answer so if you think number one is pop you write down pop right we're going to listen to five pieces of music and in the chat listen and write down what you think is the style or genre of music okay number one this is number one here we go okay make sure you write number one number two [Music] war [Music] yeehaw oh am i muted no i'm back yeehar that's number two okay number three number three [Music] double bass [Music] oh that that is so laid back love it number four [Music] um [Music] nice hey nice and last but not least number five [Music] wow tricky one right fantastic um listen well done very very good three three five different types of music let's see what you thought um right can i find your answers at the start nobody was putting the number ah okay krishna number one jazz hmm [Music] number one slow rock [Music] pop just to remind you well not to remind you rap [Music] tech tonic never heard of that florence but you know me i'm out of the loop jazz pop well okay number one right this was number one right i don't know if you can see that no you can't see it but it's hip hop right number one was actually hip-hop now somebody said rap um it could well be rap hip-hop and rapper connected um rap obviously is when they're singing so that sounds like it was hip-hop but it could become a rap song as well so hip-hop or rap i'll accept either of those number two what did you have number two we had country country country right number two [Music] we are country sometimes this is called folk music or even bluegrass in america bluegrass yeah country well done absolutely that's country [Music] enough of that number three what do we have for number three did anybody at number three lots of you got country well done oh there are too many comments oh okay number three we got um vania says jazz candy says jazz florence again says jazz mingming says jazz i think that was number three anybody else bobber fond jazz and it was yeah that rhythm unmistakable jazz rhythm with the walking bass line [Music] that walking bass line the syncopated drums jazz nice there are many kinds of jazz but hey we're not on a music lesson we're on an english lesson but jazz will do number four what was number four then if i can scroll down to your comments saphia said pop okay um sahara i think said pop as well ha says pop irene says pop number four was [Music] unmistakable 20 21st century i mean this could be electro pop it could be a techno music maybe yeah but pop generally speaking excellent nice pop number five what did you get for number five guys let me find you r b um interesting rhythm and blues tc says ah i think you mean reggae right reggae right oh we've got a few there reggae says lemoelle saheed also says reggie the spelling is the bit right how do you spell reggae a lot of you said ready good kai as well says reggae elena says rag gay it's the spelling reggie funny because it's a very hard word to spell correctly right um okay i think we've got the right spelling here not jazz but this one reggie swing you've got instead of chas yeah jazz swing is another another way a nice one to say so number five which was this one was reg so it's a e double g but then to get the g you need a e reg reg [Music] again that syncopated ch lovely reggae nice one better than never best of all great so number five was reggae excellent so these are different kinds of music genres that you could talk about if you like to sing any of these right excellent well done guys um there are other kinds of genres you can talk about um let me bring some up here well these are the yeah these are the answers i had exactly the same obviously irish maybe reggae other genres you could talk about gospel gospel is much more the religious music in the church rock of course hard rock heavy rock metal there's classical many kinds of classical there's acapella right if you know acapella do you know acapella acapella is where there's no music only the voice and it's two or three people singing acapella acapella together so somebody goes and the other person goes and the third person and you've got all these voices together only voices right so it's several voices only so there's no instruments acapella is beautiful go and look it up on youtube there are some amazing acapella bands right the names of the songs number four was caballero and number five was oh fire if you want them beatbox keith yes exactly ralph exactly that's great great rohan is getting in there 95 elsa so remember as you're listening to me if you're getting a bit tired or a bit bored you can do your elsa challenge and get your score out there soul is another kind let's add that soul music again it's kind of connected to jazz well there's discos another i'm not sure if disco exists anymore but a long time ago acoustic music that's nice well done i'm just putting these up from different people we've got madushi talks about acoustic music which i'll put up so acoustic means again no instruments sorry no electricity so it's unplugged sometimes we call that unplugged so literally no electricity that's acoustic music you've got classical yeah muhammad of course you've got arab classical music there are many kinds of traditional music from different countries you've got punk says ian we can add that yeah yeah there's different kinds that we can throw in there rulia says i did 97 i'm getting better fantastic well done excellent um alternative music yeah as well that's the last one i'll add on alternative when i think of alternative i think of kind of um i don't know radio head for example a bit alternative a bit different not mainstream so basically it's not popular or mainstream but it's bloody good so different types of music i've got an itchy nose i don't know why what does that mean when you've got an itchy nose do you know when your ears are burning that means that somebody is talking about you when you've got an itchy nose it means something but i can't remember what it means i'm sure somebody will tell me okay great um let's move on right we've been talking about genres of music yeah let me come to the side what's after that after genres of music we're gonna discuss singing habits where and when do you sing well singing habits um here have a look singing habits maybe you sing in the shower somebody earlier said i'm a shower i'm a shower singer [Laughter] uh vania it means you want to sneeze well that's the basic i think it's i think there's something else sora says it's irritating when you want to sneeze it's when your itchy nose means you're irritating by someone nobody's irritating me uh right some of you have to go while driving while driving okay good back to the topic singing habits while driving i sing while driving good i sing christmas carols now and again if you it's are say if you're a christian if you um follow christmas um in britain and i think in a i don't know if in america do you have christmas carols in america do you have this tradition of knocking on people's doors and singing christmas carols i think you do yeah so in england at christmas we go around the streets we knock on people's doors and we sing a song and it's a christmas carol and they give you some money hopefully or not um yes um christmas carols many countries have something similar right in spain they have the they call the anthicos which is a special christmas song maybe you sing in a choir now this is a tricky word a choir is a group of people who sing right [Music] a group of singers basically watch the pronunciation choir it's like it's like you're gonna say maybe i can make myself bigger it's like you're going to say queen queen quie quie que i quoi and then it's a [Music] watch the mouth quiet [Music] choir choir don't look at the spelling because his spelling is totally different english is so silly really sometimes you look at the word and you go what's that c-h-o-i-r oh yeah choir oh yeah clearly so maybe you sing in a choir um what else maybe you sing hymns at church again pronunciation hymns the n silent n [Music] just to make it clear right so again the way to think about it is think about it's him or her him or her it's him and if there's two of them hymns doesn't exist but to remember oh two two hymns hymns that's it it's a strange spelling but we say hymns and hymns are the songs you sing in church right uh hymns i like to sing hymns can you say with me i like to sing hymns great maybe i enjoy going down to i'll say two the karaoke again i think we get this one from japanese so the spelling is not the same as the speaking karioki karaoke and all our japanese listeners are going oh it's not it's karaoke but in english karaoke carry carry your bag carry your bag carry okay karaoke carry okay karaoke we've talked about humming i hum tunes whilst working or maybe somebody said while driving [Music] and somebody's going to say what's the difference between while and whilst and here they're the same really we use them more or less the same great naja says i'm a perfect singer while bathing right nissa no haha it's the same as in indonesian yeah karaoke carry okie oh thank you japanese accent i try my best i've been to japan but not very long um i can't understand british english stay with me keep listening you'll get better and better i love to sing national anthem that's great now just to add here because there is only one for your country then we would normally say the i love to sing the national anthem right brilliant good shireen says i sing in the kitchen clara says filipinos invented carry okay is that true is that true i'm not sure about that [Laughter] right pradeep says i like to sing hymns excellent good thank you very much um what else sometimes i serenade my girlfriend with a song to serenade is to sing a romantic song it's to sing a song in order to make a girl your girlfriend your wife or boy boyfriend husband partner happy so the idea of serenading i'm not gonna serenade you but do you remember romeo and juliet right juliet on the balcony romeo downstairs underneath the balcony and he's got his rose and he's he doesn't but he might sing a song and if he sings a song juliet juliet i love you then he's serenading juliet to serenade he is serenading juliet i have serenade one girl in my life it's not easy serenading because you feel like such an idiot but maybe you serenade your partner with a song and when singing another word when singing i only join in the chorus so to join in the chorus right the chorus is the the middle part of a song it's the catchy part and then you've got verse one verse two verse three but other important words the verses so most people don't know the verse most people know the chorus right especially when singing hymns at church do you remember mr bean at church and everybody's singing right they're singing the verse and nobody knows the words of the verse and then the chorus comes [Music] from knows the virus the verse the chorus everybody knows the chorus right good enough foolery singing lessons let's move on unless you've got something interesting to say ah that's a nice definition teacher grace come and share this with us this is a lovely definition teacher grace says serenading courting someone through music or song and of course courting somebody is to try and get them to be your girlfriend or boyfriend lovely thank you for sharing miles i improved my singing through karaoke yep man a little late but i scored 94. it's not late you've got 24 hours to post your comment oh thank you excellent on the on the ball sarah thank you so much it's spelt versus yeah i was doing the homophone thank you very much abdul just dropping by to say hello thank you keith got band-aid last year cheers from kuala lumpur abdul congratulations well done my friend that is great news to hear excellent good now we're going to move on um what's the next thing that's coming up after singing habits i think toolbox great i love toolbox because in toolbox i get to do this stay tuned coming back in a moment [Music] toolbox is the part of the program the lesson it feels like a program where i share with you a tool and today you've got two for the price of one two two tools that can help you learn english and the first tool is this one it's called lyrics training and here's the link and i'll show you briefly how it works it's a great way to practice english and to practice your singing as well so this is how it works if i can just bring up the website hopefully it looks like oh yeah it looks like squid game toolbox looks like squid game and if you haven't seen squid game you're in for a surprise right oh i'm signed okay well let's do this two different ways um that's interesting i think i know what's going to happen yes so when you go there okay let me pull this up um go into linux training you can download right it's an app on your mobile phone but you can do it on the web if you go to the very very top here you'll see you can do it on the web as well let me get rid of all my bookmarks right so when you come in you can log in you can sign up if you want uh there's a few adverts but basically you get different songs on here you can choose a song what's going now bruno mar bruno mars these are bit old aren't they some of those but i'm sure perfect by ed sheeran just the way you are bruno mars if you're a fan you select a game so you can be beginner intermediate or advanced let's say your intermediate and start the game here and basically what happens is press here to start the game compete with others maybe later and this is what happens right it starts playing the song come on i'm gonna fast forward because it's so slow and what you've got to do you can see is type in the missing words it says oh her eyes her eyes and it's great it stops itself make the stars right look like let's put let's put in the wrong answer him if i put in the wrong answer it doesn't let me falls perfectly and you go on and on great that's it lyrics training it's a nice way for your listening practice some songs that you like filling in the gaps practice your spelling as well it's nice i like it i think it's a nice tool to have a go at lyrics training there will be copyright issues yeah don't worry i've got it under control okay star stars bruno mars well not the best but there you go right um and the other tool that i was going to share with you of course you must know already is the elsa tool because i've talked a lot about elsa today um we've got a competition running today if you've just joined us now then to let you know and just to recap is that we are doing a competition with the elsa pronunciation app there are two prizes you get a free one-year membership all you have to do is to download the app and the moderators again if you can share the links you need to practice the phrase and then post your score um the phrase that you needed to practice let me just share with you over here was this one right go into the app go and find keith's challenge i think it's called keith's ielts challenge i've only got one challenge it's the describing a person lesson and then look for the phrase it's the second phrase a thoughtful person and just post your score in the comments either in the live chat or in the comments after the class because this is a a live lesson that will get recorded and saved in my channel english speaking success and before tomorrow so within 24 hours put your score in the comment and i will choose two people randomly um to win the great prizes that you have which are as i mentioned um two one-year memberships great um also if you are a student of mine and if you don't win then there is a link to get an exclusive discount on uh elsa so if you decide you want to get the app straight away or if you don't win a prize again moderators can share the link there's a special link which will give you a special discount i'll put it in the pinned messages below i'll write a message when the class finishes to let you know that link as well and if you want to go ahead and buy it straight away there is a very good discount you can get um and it's a great tool right i mean if you get elsa in your pocket um you can use it all the time for pronunciation vocabulary and so on and so on so from the guys from elsa very very nice excellent i'm going to move on to our last activity today which is this one idioms like to carry a tune now most of you will know that already because we've already had um this expression came up a little bit earlier right to carry a tune or to hold a tune which means do you remember to sing well or to sing the right notes and to sing well you can carry a tune you can sing well okay um let's have a look at some idioms i've got a few comments i'm going to share with you sahar i got 99 i'm getting better and better brilliant the more you practice the better you get wow that is pretty impressive in fact that's very very impressive emmy is there any difference between rhyme and rhythm yes let me answer this emmy rime means two words that have a similar sound at the end right like potato tomato um uh happy snappy they rhyme the first one but the rhythm is the bum bum bum bum bum bum it's the beat okay good it's music to my ears you're in here again that's a good one yeah which means something is good good news um let's add that one in i mean that's a great one to add in i'm gonna put that down here it's music to my ears so it doesn't necessarily mean it's music it just means it's good news i'm pleased to hear that okay so when a student says keith i got a seven in ielts speaking that's music to my ears i'm so pleased to hear that right great so what was happening there let's have a look some idioms about speaking about singing guys thanks for sharing that absara thanks for sharing the um the offer for elsa for people who want to go in straight away can you do an american accent not very well no as much as i tried i could not carry a tune roya yes and no the problem is to carry a tune is a characteristic it's your ability as much as i try i can't play the guitar as hard as i try i could not i can't yeah it's the could that's confusing me why is it good you would put it in the present right as much as i try i would say as hard as i try i cannot carry a tune i think that's better oh yeah as hard as i tried oh tried as hard as i tried i could not carry a tune okay i'm going to go back i'm it's just i'll tell you why it's strange as hard as i tried i could not carry a tune there's no but there's no but in that expression as hard as i tried i could not it seems strange that it's in the past because you're suggesting in the past you couldn't sing but now you can sing which is a little bit strange but it's possible right either way the expression is as hard as i tried i could not carry a tune okay great to belt out a tune is to sing a tune with vigor or to sing loudly for example jack is a great singer he can really belt out a tune belt out a belt is for your trousers to keep your trousers up but to belt is also to hit or to slap to belt somebody so to belt out a tune is that idea you're hitting the listener with your song to belt out a tune excuse me so repeat with me belt out to tune he can belt out a tune a karaoke carry okay karaoke at karaoke i love to belt out a tune that's nice there's an expression right in english which i love i can't do something for peanuts which means i can't do it at all i can't sing for peanuts means i can't sing at all it's a great expression the idea that you know the monkey will do something to get the peanuts and it's so simple if a monkey can do it then you can do it so if you can't do it you're as bad as the monkey i can't sing for peanuts um i can't dance for peanuts i can't play the guitar for peanuts right i can't do it at all it's a nice expression great good it runs in the family everyone in the family is good at it this is an expression you can use in all sorts of situations right but if you're talking about singing i love singing it runs in the family if it's true so if your mother is a good singer and if your father can hold a tune and if your grandfather you know could carry a tune then it probably runs in the family i love singing it runs in the family great i can't sing i can't do my homework for peanuts ashley yes great we've got this one as well i can't dance for peanuts this one yes very good question it runs in my family everyone i love singing it runs in my family yeah you can say the or my in this case yes brilliant peanuts the meaning of peanuts peanuts is a small nut that the monkeys eat to carry a tune so we talked about to hold a tune uh we can also say to carrier tune don't ask me to sing i really can't carry a tune carrier tune holder tune it's the same there's another expression to change your tune which is not about singing at all it's about changing your mind or changing your idea right um so there are a lot of idioms about music but not to speak about music this is when you're speaking about changing your mind but the expression is you've changed your tune for example why are you watching netflix i thought you didn't like tv it seems you've changed your tune you've changed your idea now okay that's another another nice expression you can use and it's music to my ears i'm pleased to hear that that one we had from emmy as well great okay any other comments mobina says i cannot speak spanish for peanuts yeah exactly very very good i mean good english i cannot speak spanish for peanuts cannot as one word as well just to get your spot on but nice mabina very very good i've changed my tune i'm a spinner now nice um we've got yazura sharing two others here to ring a bell yes if something sounds familiar oh that rings a bell it sounds familiar um have you heard of the the latest adele song called potato oh i'm not sure but that rings a bell i think i heard it on the radio potato like a broken record when someone is annoying you by repeating the same thing yeah so when your um partner says have you tidied the bedroom have you tidied the bedroom have you tidied the bedroom like five times you say come on you're like a broken record i'll do it later great good expressions excellent so guys it's very very late um and unfortunately i do apologize there is no kahoot today everybody walks away in disgust how dare you not have kahoot i didn't have time to make up a kahoot today um but we've covered a lot of ground today right we've actually done a lot of different stuff i mean what we've done today is we've looked at singing um we've listened to people sing [Music] holding a tune um we've talked about the elsa competition so do remember that you know with elsa we've got these prizes you can have a one-year membership there are two prizes put your comments into the box even over the next day up until tomorrow lunch time you've got time um follow the instructions that i gave you right download the app practice post your score and you can hopefully win the membership if not go and get elsa anyway it's a fantastic app it's really good so we've looked at elsa we've done vocabulary right talking about singing we've looked at genres of music hip-hop country bluegrass jazz swing all of them we've talked about singing habits some of you sing while driving others sing in a choir choir and if you like going to church and singing hymns maybe you sing you join in the chorus but you don't know the verse we've looked at that and we've done a toolbox lyrics training go and check it out and we've looked at idioms as well i hope this has been useful and you have enjoyed the lesson so important to enjoy your learning because it just makes the learning much much deeper if you have enjoyed it do come back come and join me soon come and check out the facebook page there's lots of stuff being posted there um if you like facebook come and join the group lots of activity we're sharing ideas and motivation um lots of stuff there you could join and if you haven't been to the website that's it it's the keith speaking academy lots of information the notes from today's lesson will go on the website in about three or four hours once we've edited them made them into a pdf and you can download them from the website for free right all you need to do is to go to the keith speaking academy once again i will show you very belief briefly if you go into the key speaking academy um and at the very very top you've got free live lessons that's where you are now just going to the free live lessons and in a few hours you can download the latest lesson last week it was business people um whoops you can download it here or you can click and study the lesson if you want to stay there but that will become today's lesson and if you want all the past stuff you can get all the pdfs for free huh doesn't get any better come and join the library even more stuff so much stuff to help you learning to help you become a better student speak better english give better answers and get a higher score in your ielts speaking if you're taking the test good luck i wish you the very very best thank you so much for joining me keep posting your i your elsa scores right and i will see you very very soon all the best my friends bye-bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 52,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking common topics, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking practice, live lessons for ielts speaking, ielts speaking practice live lessons, ielts preparation, ielts speaking part 1 singing, ielts speaking lessons, singing topic in ielts speaking, singing ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking singing, ielts speaking favorite singer
Id: wW5tSLTBsrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 20sec (6200 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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