IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 Good Band 9 Answers

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a fantastic start to their week students in today's class we are doing an ielts uh speaking part one and we're going to be focusing on some good band nine answers i'm going to teach you some strategies on how to do that how to get those nice high band scores this lesson everyone is brought to you by ae help dot com for academic aisle success visit us there for the general ielts visit us at there are lots of students in the class welcome uh sun shkar nice to see you welcome to our moderator carolina who's in the class hi tharwa thang huh good to see many many students already here so as i said everyone we are using our websites today as well which are here this is our academic ielts website uh you can click this big red button to join the premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and i have some good news if you join today or tomorrow you can still get our cyber monday discount which we extended for this week it's 40 percent off so you can use the code cyber monday when you purchase and you'll get 40 off the regular price which is an excellent excellent deal and for those of you who do not have our full course definitely try out the free version if you'd like by clicking this green button the try demo button and then you'll have this my student account and in your my student account you have lots and lots of goodies and there's one that we're going to be using today which is actually right here by my head um which is the student partner speaking we're going to be using this student partner speaking today to speak with some of our students analyze their english for the ielts exam i will give some estimated band scores and some feedback we do this regularly now in our speaking sessions so again use the website lots of goodies there for the general ielts it's this website here with the green background at again you can click this big red button it's a one-time payment lifetime access we are a british council ielts test registration center certified agents so you are in great hands with us welcome jai neil hi maul hi arda welcome paulo uh jabroni sammy good to see uh many of our regular uh members in today's class as well we've got lots and lots of classes for you this week everyone so um we've got uh two classes tomorrow we'll have speaking part one 1 we'll have reading and then we'll have more classes on friday and saturday so we'll have lots and lots of speaking as you can see people really seem to enjoy these kinds of interactive speaking classes so we're doing lots and lots of them if you have any questions suggestions about ielts these classes send me an email to adrian and um you can of course get our uh class schedules by subscribing to our youtube channel and also by following us on instagram ielts underscore ae help or gl's help um and you can also get our apps academic ielts help and general ielts help so uh we've got everything you need to get ready for your ielts exam all right apollo says got an overall band seven last saturday's test six point five eight point five six point five and seven paulo congratulations a band seven that's superb okay that's really really good i have a feeling that's going to be enough for your application hopefully so great job thumbs up okay congratulations well done um and uh if if anybody has uh some great scores like paulo send us an email we'd love to get your testimonial okay we we love hearing uh success stories of our students so good job uh paulo that's fantastic all right everyone uh so let's get into today's speaking so here um we go with today speaking for the ielts exam um and because it's speaking make sure to speak and repeat so copy what i say copy my intonation copy my pronunciation my speed my fluency if you have to read the answers uh and the questions but if you don't try to do it from listening only first okay i'm using a natural speed of english so if you use this speed during your ielts exam you're totally fine you don't have to speak faster you don't have to speak slower in fact sometimes i speak pretty quick in these live classes they're natural thank you paulo i see that so yeah so just copy me okay and speak nice and loud don't mama don't mumble like this okay so don't mumble speak nice clear and loud enunciate okay that's the first step to good communication is enunciating i know it takes a lot of bravery it takes confidence and courage but you can do it okay you just need to get going it's kind of like a train confidence is like a train it's slow to get moving but once it's going it works okay so build your confidence just like a train builds speed and then you'll have lots and lots of confidence for your ielts exam okay all right so uh you show up to your ielts exam one hour before your test not 20 minutes they tell you have to be there at least 20 minutes before to register which is true um but you should show up one hour before so you can use your english you can practice with other candidates and then you register 20 minutes before your test they will ask you to put all of your belongings into a plastic bag they'll label it they'll take a picture of you they'll check your identification your passport the one that you used to register for the test make sure you have it and then you wait another 20 minutes in that 20 minutes so between your registration and your speaking interview you have 20 minutes so in that 20 minutes continue to use english and continue uh to practice with someone else okay there's definitely a chance to meet another candidate say hi are you here for the ielts speaking test and they'll say yes and then you go would you mind practicing with me a little bit before we have our interview it will help me to be confident i'm sure it will help you as well and we'll probably do much better and then you should practice and practice some speaking part one maybe some speaking part two and three questions as well okay so it's really really helpful and then go to the washroom like five minutes before your speaking interview have a sip of water and then um you go to your speaking interview and you will be met by an examiner in a room by person kind of like me they could be american canadian new zealand or kiwi australian or from the uk or just a really fluent speaker from your own country okay so be ready for different accents and then the examiner will say this they will say welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test this is candidate number 957321 we are currently conducting the exam in washington dc at the time right now is 14 o'clock now we shall begin i'm going to record this for marking purposes firstly may i see your passport please okay in some countries you can only register with your passport so they might directly ask you to show your passport so may i see your passport please give me a nice full sentence answer for this and as a first tip everyone you want to answer in full fluent sentences this is not a chit chat okay so you want to answer in full complete sentences like yes of course here it is uh please uh give me a moment to flip to the page with my credentials uh please take a look so um i see uh janiel says yes of course here's my passport that i used to register for this exam a couple of weeks ago please have a look very good john neil um joy deep yes you can absolutely use slang uh while speaking in fact it's a good idea to sound natural okay use a slang naturally yeah it's absolutely fine so using words like wanna or gonna are absolutely okay arda says gladly here's my passport that i used to register for this exam a couple of weeks ago please have a look very nice sami says yes certainly here is my passport which i used to register for this exam a couple of weeks ago through the online portal please have a glance oh just one sec let me flip through the pages with my personal info here it is we wouldn't say personal data sami i know it sounds like it's okay but it's just unnatural personal info okay personal info information info all right uh sethu says yes here's my passport which i used for registering for the exam a couple of weeks ago okay very good um so my sentence here may i see your passport please yes of course uh here it is please give me a moment to flip to the page uh with my credentials please take a look okay again just make sure to repeat everyone all right okay and then the next question they're going to ask you is what is your full name okay so while you're still holding your identification because if kovid they won't take it they won't touch it you'll be wearing masks okay practice with the mask on they're going to ask you for your full name you have to say it the same way that it appears in your identification if you say it differently then they might get suspicious and you have to explain why there's a difference so i don't recommend going down that route um just say the exact same that it shows in your passport some people say well my passport doesn't show my family name um but i have one in that case you might want to say your family name and then explain that my passport just doesn't show it okay um so what is your full name okay so those are the first two questions for every student may i see your identification and what is your full name okay um so girl gamer says my family uh name is uh tashmina and oh sorry my given name is tashmina my family name is akthur please call me by my first name okay girl gamer be really careful you can't say my family given name is tashmina akhtar that doesn't make sense it's in fact very confusing so be really really careful vibe hub says sir my first name is vybhav and my family name is saini and then let the examiner know what you want to be called if you don't say it they'll actually ask you so they'll say what should i call you or they'll go and what should i call you okay so that will be their follow-up question so just tell them that information right away all right uh rahul preet says my given name is rahul preet and my family name is manga please call me by my given name rahul preet okay good and i'm not sure rahul if you ever go by your short version of your name the rahul but if you do you could say you could just call me rahul for short okay and lorenzo says my name is joy ann and please uh call me joy anne okay uh you should give your family name as well uh joy and especially if it's in your passport okay so um you can say this a lot of different ways but again just be really fluent okay so my full name is peter sampson uh please uh just call me uh pete uh for short it's what i'm used to okay uh so there's another way um if you have a nickname if your nickname is different than your actual name you have to say nickname don't say short okay if you use a short version of your name like tom for thomas for example or pete for peter or dave for david then you can say it this way okay so repeat after me what is your full name my full name is peter sampson please just call me pete for short it's what i'm used to and then the examiner will say okay pete for part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic and then they will ask you a question like this it's a very common one do you work or go to school okay so right away students what you want to do and i keep reminding everybody about this is you want to answer okay explain and give an example and you need to remember this basically throughout the entire speaking interview okay so answer explain example answer explain example that's your ticket to a high high band score on the ielts exam all right so give me an answer for this one do you work or go to school all right okay uh shaheel is asking can i wear a cap in the speaking i don't actually think so i don't think they let you wear a baseball cap uh or something like that into the speaking and i don't recommend doing that either it's a bit disrespectful in western culture so if you're wearing a hat or a cap definitely take it off okay while you're in your speaking exam that was kind of an interesting question okay kindu shandu says currently i'm a student as i'm pursuing my graduation in dev uh samaj college um okay good uh hindu um finish that with an example i just finished a chemistry class before i came to this exam okay so you can add more information pancham says currently i'm both a working professional and a student i work as a systems analyst for stratagent technologies and after work i'm attending classes for my gmat exam punch on very nice okay that's a nice full response with explanation and that's what you want thirty-one allah says i have completed my school education in 2016. presently i'm working as a sales representative at mnc i've been working there for the last two years so here i'm going to take your answer um and uh just boost it a little bit okay so let me show you guys what 31 allah answered here uh okay so this is your answer i have completed my school education um so it's done it's completed okay in 2016. so you have to change this to past perfect this would be a grammar mistake um 31 so it has to be i had okay i had completed my school education in 2016. presently and this is where you would want to use the present perfect progressive i have been working as a sales representative in the mnc it's fine uh i and then you continue with the present perfect have been working there uh for not from for the last two years in fact i just finished a long uh 10 hour shift last night okay so that would be your band 9 answer with accurate grammar okay so really pay attention to that but otherwise it's a nice full sentence okay so one more time do you work or go to school uh i had completed my school education in 2016 presently i have been working as a sales representative in the mnc i have been working there for the last two years in fact i just finished a long 10 hour shift last night boom that's how you do it for that high band score okay um and then we have another question here what do you like about your workplace or school now another tip is reflect the question in your answer okay alright so reflect the question in your answer maybe i'll make these a little bit bigger for everyone so it's a bit easier if you're using a there a mobile phone just a tiny bit bigger but hopefully it's helpful okay um so reflect the uh question in your answer um paraphrase the key words okay so here the key word is like okay enjoy love okay and others so there are many ways to paraphrase the word like okay in your answer you want to uh paraphrase it so the aspect of my education that i really enjoy for instance okay would be a nice way to reflect the question and do some paraphrasing okay so if you combine that with your answer explain example then you're getting a great great score all right so um sammy says i especially enjoy interacting with customers and helping them um in resolving issues as well as educating them about um banking updates uh i've been doing this for almost five years even yesterday i was all right sammy it's a great answer you want to be fluent miyen says i really love the teachers at my university they are always so energetic and passionate and i get along with them very well okay and me and you might want to give an example there as well right like uh yesterday i spoke with my biology prof uh mr smith after class and it was very refreshing and educational okay so me and just a smooth example uh to make that oh there it is i see it so yesterday i went to the coffee shop with one of my teachers and she taught me some useful tips for ielts speaking today and i appreciated that there it is me and very good i just saw it right after okay great job thumbs up arda says i mostly like my friends at my school we enjoy playing volleyball and table tennis together um at the break times so we get refreshed before having our next class we just played table tennis for an hour very good blueberry says i'm uh the kind of person who prefers a calm atmosphere and a green environment having said this my school has ticks all these boxes in fact yesterday i had a stroll around the school yard okay so you like the ambiance of your school blueberry all right okay so be direct okay uh very good um so here we go this is sami's response i'm going to just jump back to that and then copy it in here and show you how you can boost that a little bit more sammy maybe you can put the rest of the example up so i can see it all right so this is sami's response here and it's quite good it's a great start for sure i especially like so here the question uses the word like sammy so you want to kind of paraphrase that and use the word enjoy okay you're picking up lexical resource marks when the examiner hears you paraphrase you get lexical resource marks for a higher band score okay so i especially enjoy interacting with the customers and helping them okay so uh the reason that you want to put the ing here is because of parallel grammar so even in speaking we will often have parallel grammar so notice how here you have ing interacting means you're doing it continuously and here you're helping you're also doing that continuously all right so i especially enjoy interacting with the customers and helping them resolve issues now this is where it gets trickier resolve issues okay you're constantly helping resolve issues the helping is the continuous act the resolve is the non-continuous within your helping right it's the helping resolve issues as well as educating them about banking updates that's fine and that continuous form is good there it's a bit tricky i know practice will help and more naturally we would say i've been doing this for almost five years just yesterday and i saw that maybe i'll catch your example here somewhere in the chat if i get a bit lucky sammy i don't see it okay all right um so even yesterday i was helping a customer set up a new type of savings account okay so that would be your example to finish that sentence and that's how you get that high band score let me uh get that above my head so you can see it clearly okay um so here we go everyone um i especially enjoy interacting with the customers and helping them resolve issues as well as educating them about banking updates i've been doing this for almost five years even yesterday i was helping a customer set up a new type of savings account it was really um successful and and good okay all right so that's what you want to do uh answer explain example reflect and paraphrase the question now the examiner will introduce part one uh general topic questions they'll say okay let's talk about daily routines okay daily routines are your habits they're your regular daily activities all right okay and for this i'm going to voice call some of our students and we're actually going to listen to people uh in our live session here so i'm going to explain how to do this everyone just give me one uh brief moment here um and i will put the instructions into the chat okay so this is what you have to do everyone i'm putting the instructions into the chat and we're going to do some live calls i'm going to need some volunteers everyone uh for this okay so we're going to be using our uh websites and you'll see the steps there in the chat to really do this here okay all right so let's go to our uh website okay please go to this one here with the blue background the academic one so what you want to do is you want to first log in i know many of you have a student account again this is at okay so you're going to this website here at you can create a free user as well so you don't have to pay okay you can use the absolute free version of the website to do this okay and then once you're logged in you're going to see this my student or student partner speaking okay if you're using a mobile phone it'll kind of look like this okay and you click on that student partner speaking you have to accept the agreement it basically means that you're going to be professional and use a nice clean language and respectful language while you're doing this okay and i can see that we have md hamid dual rahul preet prabjat harsha bhakthan anna already in here now let's see if we have any of these people in our chat who are willing to volunteer okay so i'm looking for volunteers sammy i know that you wanted to volunteer last time so i'll be looking for you as well um and i know we have a tharwen here so let's see if i can reach out to a tharwa okay and then hopefully um i can get a hold of a thar when arthur will volunteer for us let me just try to uh message a third way here so hi atharwa um would you like to volunteer for some live class speaking let's see if i can get a hold of her okay all right again i'm waiting for some volunteers here and make sure that you enable your um uh make sure that you enable your uh uh audio your microphone and your speaker students okay and we're doing just voice chat so i'm going to call you then author well i see that you're good to go so let me give you a call let me try to get a hold of you okay uh here we go so atari says fine let me try to call you okay here we go with a tharwa hello atharwa hello how are you doing i'm finezo awesome so author we're just doing a live ielts class are you okay to answer one or two questions and then i can give you a free score and feedback that's fantastic thank you okay so uh let's take a look at a question here okay so um let's uh talk about uh daily routines what is the first thing you do after you wake up okay i usually wake up at 7 00 am in the morning and and then i just freshen up i do have quick workout like i do yoga for a few minutes like 15-20 minutes then i do some meditation after that and furthermore i just watch sorry just read some novel or motivational books and i also do listen to some interactive podcasts where do you usually go for lunch okay so basically when there is a party or any special occasion so the basically uh so like two or three kilometers from our hometown there is a very famous restaurant called aroma so we and my family or sometimes with my friends i usually go there for uh occasions like birthday parties all right atharva thank you for that um so i'll give you some feedback okay um everybody you can give a tharwa a little clap that was very brave of atharawa to be the first one today and it was nice fluent answers in the third while you were very confident um which was great okay it was so much fun thank you so much yeah it's great to hear that kind of a confidence okay um so i'm going to give you a little bit of feedback you would probably score about a band 6.5 so far for your speaking but i think you could do much better like i think with your english you could even score like a band um 7.5 maybe an even an eight you just have to make a couple of corrections and i'm going to explain your mistakes and how to correct those in simple ways okay because your lexical resource your fluency your coherence they're nice and high they're banned 7.5 but you're making a couple of critical mistakes let me explain that because i know many students make similar mistakes as well so uh my first question was what um is the first thing you do after you wake up okay and then you started by saying i usually wake up at 7 00 a.m in the morning which is okay um and then i just freshen up and i do a quick workout okay so you're already giving me two activities which is freshen up and then doing a quick workout and then you gave me even more activities you said then i do a meditation and then i read and when you're saying that author well you're actually going off topic because all i'm asking you about is the first thing that you do in the morning okay so you only want to answer that question and then you kept talking and talking so you probably realized i interrupted you right and i was like okay you were really confident so i was i was okay to interrupt you but that's what the examiner does if you just keep talking and talking the examiner will interrupt you and maybe you realize too that because i interrupted you it was a little bit hard to catch the question the second question that i was asking you and the second question that i was asking is where do you usually go for lunch um and you started to say so basically when there's a party or a special occasion which is off topic and the reason you were off topic is because you didn't really catch that question because i had to interrupt you okay so atharwa you really want to avoid the examiner interrupting you okay and the way to do that is you have to answer and then stop talking okay so answer accurately and stop talking so i'll i'll show you how okay so what is the first thing you do after you wake up i usually wake up at 7am in the morning and then i just freshen up i take a quick shower a quick shower and i brush my teeth okay this helps me get ready for the day and this is exactly what i did this morning okay so and then you just stop right so this is what you do right after you wake up you answered it you explained it you even gave me an example and then you just stopped and then i can ask you the next question where do you usually go for lunch and then you can say i usually go to a sandwich bar two to three minutes from my school because it's usually right you probably usually don't go to a restaurant that's two to three kilometers away from your hometown so i usually go to a sandwich bar two to three minutes from my school and have a delicious tuna sandwich okay like three to four times a week okay um it's healthy and gives me lots of energy all right and then you just stop okay a thorough so that would be your band nine answers so and making sure that i don't interrupt you okay all right so i'm going to repeat this one more time and then just repeat after me just the answer okay so here's the question again what is the first thing you do after you wake up i usually wake up at seven a.m in the morning and then i just freshen up i take a quick shower and i brush my teeth this helps me get ready for the day and this is exactly what i did this morning okay uh try this answer okay so i'm going to ask you one more time atharwa what is the first thing you do after you wake up uh so i usually got up 7am in the morning and then i just freshen up and i take a quick shower and i brush my teeth after that uh and this really helps me to get ready for the day and i really enjoy that where do you usually go for lunch so i usually go to lunch with my with my friends it's like two or three minutes from my school and we have like delicious tuna sandwich there i usually go there like three to four four times a week and it's also healthy and give me a lot of energy perfect okay i thought what that's exactly it and then i would ask you the next question so that's what you want to do okay you're staying on topic you're giving me clear answers explanations now you're at an easy band seven to seven five maybe even an eight depending on the examiner so that's what you want to do so don't just keep talking okay answer it and then stop give a chance for the examiner to ask you the next question atharwa that was fantastic and i think that helped a lot of other students as well so um students give a tharwa a thumbs up he was very brave there to voice himself in front of so many other uh viewers maybe a little bit of a clap and we'll take somebody else for the next question so thank you so much again author when we'll continue seeing you in class i'm sure thank you thank you okay everyone um so again um some important points from this example don't just keep talking and make sure to answer the question only don't answer other questions okay so answer explain example all right let's see who else we have in the class today or in the chat i should say so we have uh rahul preet okay we've got lots of people let's see who's volunteering uh marjona says please choose me okay marjona there you are okay i'll try to give you a call because i know marjona i've tried before as well um so let me let me message you first margina make sure that you have your microphone and your um uh headphone enabled so hi marjona uh would you like to volunteer for a couple of questions okay let's see if we can get a hold of marjona okay so marjona i'm just messaging you right now um the chat does work in most countries some countries by the way might have some restrictions students so just like with skype or whatsapp using this in some countries might be restricted don't be surprised by that in that case the only way you'd be able to use this service on our website of course is with a vpn or a proxy network okay so marjona if you're there let me know i'll give you uh a couple of seconds more here to give you a fair chance i know somebody is pinging me so i'll check out who that is it's aziz beck aussie's back has pinged me a couple of times there's sammy i'm gonna try sammy because i know that uh sammy really wanted to do this so um oh there's okay marjona first all right sami i'll keep you a mind second so hang in there sammy all right okay let me call marjona and then and then we'll do this so don't call me please okay just give me a second um okay marjona i'm going to call you one second here but shawl's trying to call me please don't call me okay marjona i'm giving you a call right now um please uh pick up if you can okay so i'm calling you right now all right we've got lots of students in here um arjuna you have to enable your speaker let me just try one more time okay marjona i'm going to call you one more time okay here we go marjona all right hopefully my jonah can pick up again students make sure to enable your speakers and your headphone on your browser when we're doing this okay hello marjona i'm not sure if your speaker is enabled you want to check that okay um while you're checking your settings marjona i'm going to give sammy a call because i know sammy's been really patiently waiting um in the last class as well okay so let me find sammy here all right so here we go uh there's sammy okay sammy says yes sure all right sammy i'm going to give you a call so be ready here all right here we go sammy hopefully we'll catch another student here bad okay and i see a couple people marjona says the internet isn't working all right marjo now that happens all right all right sammy i'm giving you a call here see what's going on i'll give you a couple more rings here ozzy's bag says please pick me all right i'll try one more here okay as he's back i can see that you're there okay as he's back let me uh let me message you first okay so i want to volunteer okay so i don't have to message you i'll just call you all right okay so here we go hopefully we'll get a hold of azzy's back hello ozzy's back can you hear me it seems like you picked up but i can't hear you [Music] do you have your microphone enabled okay and ozzy's back hung up so i'm guessing maybe there's something there with um with the uh the microphone okay let's see what rahul is doing so rahul says take me up sir if it's possible okay all right let me try rahul hopefully it's not on my end i'll have to check my headphone if it's on my end hello rahul can you hear me can you hear me rahul i cannot hear you okay let me just do a quick uh refresh um on my page and then we'll see if we can maybe fix this so just a sec rahul i'm not sure if you guys can hear me if you can hear me let me know in the chat okay all right okay so let me give one more chance here um carolina are you in the chat by any chance i just want to check and make sure that uh it's the issue isn't coming from my end for um this so uh carolina if you're still in here can you please join the chat on the website and then i can ping you and we can check it out okay so here's rahul let me try to pick it up here okay hello rahul hi rahul can you hear me okay all right um all right so carolina says one moment please um all right rahul i cannot hear you so i'm not sure what's going on okay um we can only use the phone option everyone so here we go okay um all right as he's back can you hear me hello hello i cannot hear you okay all right i'm just gonna do a quick test with carolina from argentina everyone are moderators so just give me one quick second okay all right please don't call me students because that way it's just a mayhem here okay so all right don't yeah don't call me it's too many calls coming in so okay carolina i'm gonna give you a call let me just see if it works with you because i know it should we've used it before so hi carolina are you ready okay all right so hopefully we can figure this out okay carolina i'm just going to call you and make sure that uh the system is working as it should okay and this is only phone call everyone don't use video okay because i can't use youtube and video at the same time hello hi carolina can you hear me yeah i can hear you can you hear me i can hear you just fine so yeah the system's definitely working but i think maybe there's just a lot of students calling so carolina since i have you uh in the call would you like to do a question together you can give a chance to uh to any student yeah if i mean if you don't want to i'm not going to force you um do you want me to just try to pick another student then yes please okay all right so carolina's being really generous and she's giving up her chance to somebody else so i'll connect with somebody else um again students make sure that you have your microphone and your speakers enabled and you have a good internet connection and use the audio function only okay carolina thanks for showing me that everything's working fine on our end so we'll try with another student then okay okay all right and thanks again for moderating no problem okay all right so let's uh let's try someone else here um all right uh fatma says can you try to call me um fatma if i can find you i'll try to call you okay or maybe i'll try sammy one more time here we go sammy let's try this one more time because i know you've been super patient okay so sammy says for me it says permission denied yeah you might not have your browser enabled correctly okay all right yeah please don't call me students i'll call someone okay so here's fatma all right let's try fatma all right so um hi fatma are you ready to volunteer for a speaking question all right so we have time for one more so hopefully we'll get a hold of fatma here okay um hi fatma hi okay i got a hold of you that's fantastic um fatma so you're okay to volunteer for one or two questions okay i got a hold of you that's fantastic maybe turn the um volume down for youtube so we're not getting some feedback into your microphone okay okay okay just maybe turn the um volume down for youtube so we're not getting okay perfect that's much better okay so i'm going to ask you a couple of questions and then just answer the best that you can be confident relax and give a full sentence answer okay okay i'll try all right that's all you need to do okay so um here we go so who are people that you meet with each week uh okay it's an interesting question the people that i meet with each weeks are the teacher of my kids i am a mother of four so i can say that i every morning meets i every morning meet the teacher of my children another people that i meet on a regular basis or the owner of the store the convenience store that i visit regularly to get my daily grocery like the bread and milk my husband and my neighbor i have uh why is it important to have some routines in life i believe it is important to have a routine in life because uh when you wake up you will know what you want to do you know you will have the plan set up already for you so you won't get confused or you won't need to sit and think of what you're gonna do unless it's something new or something come up but the routine i guess especially for me it will keep me uh organized and when i go to bed i know i have my room okay i'm going to stop you there so that was good okay that was good you were brave and you got really going there by the second question especially so good job everyone give a round of applause for futma she's doing a fantastic job there okay um i'm going to give you some feedback so you would get a band 6 to 6.5 for that okay um and you kind of made the same mistake that atharwa made before where you're speaking a little bit too much so you have to stop you have to feel like you've answered the question and when you feel like you've answered the question you have to stop okay and you want to be a little bit more fluent so i can actually tell that you have some pretty good fluency um but it took you a minute to really get going so you were slower and a little bit more broken in the beginning maybe you were a bit more nervous and then you got more confident and comfortable and then you really got speaking that's exactly why you want to show up to your ielts exam early and talk english with other people who are there so you get past that early stage of fluency okay okay so that's really important for you so i think you know if you go to your exam early and you talk with other students and get more comfortable and more fluent you can easily save yourself like a half a man or even a full band score okay so that will be really important for you okay the other uh kind of corrections or suggestions okay so my question for you was who are people that you meet with each week right people that you see regularly and you started by saying uh okay that's an interesting question is it the really like is that an interesting question it's not really it's kind of a common everyday question so you wouldn't really want to say that's an interesting question when it's kind of like a boring question right so um so you it's okay to say um okay that's that's fine but don't say it's an interesting question when it's not really an interesting question so just save save it's more usually for part three where you want to use that kind of an expression um and then you said the people i meet with uh are the teacher of my kids um keep it simple the people that i meet with each week are my kids teachers i have four of them i see the teachers before and after school also i see the convenience store owner when i pick up my groceries and of course my husband and my friends and then you stop okay and that's it so you want to be more concise you want to keep your answer a little bit faster a little bit shorter okay i'm going to do this one more time and then just repeat after me so who are the people that you meet with each week um okay um so i meet with my kids teachers each week i have four kids so i see the teachers before and after school also the convenience store owner when i stopped by for groceries on my way home and of course my husband and friends okay so just try that as best as you can okay i'll ask you one more time so who are people that you meet with each week i see my kids teachers every morning i have four four children so i meet them every morning i also see the convenient store owner where i pick my daily grocery and besides i see my neighbor and my friend and of course my husband much better much better okay that was at least half a band to a band better than the first time it was more fluent it was clear it was quick it had reasoning so you gave me an explanation of why you see those teachers because you have four kids so that was better so that's what you want to do okay and then you want to just work on those small little grammar mistakes or naturality mistakes and then you'll be golden okay so that's exactly what you want to do very nice okay all right um so keep it up and keep coming to class okay and keep practicing and i'm sure you'll do fantastic all right so thank you so much for uh volunteering um and um keep up the good studies okay everybody uh please give a round of applause for uh fatma thank you fatma thank you so much thank you everybody okay so that was fatma all right um let's try one more i know we're almost out of time but i really want to give everybody a chance so i'm going to try to do one more quick one hopefully i can get one more volunteer here okay so let's see one more volunteer um uh i see there's some students in here let's see if i can see someone in the chat who wants to volunteer here new and says i want to volunteer i see you here he ends so i believe he ends from vietnam so we're going to try to reach out to him here okay and i'm going to send you a message so hi hyen um would you like to volunteer okay and then hopefully we can get a hold of him here now he and remember it's just audio chat we're not using video so don't try to video chat me because the video is being used up by youtube at the moment so it's not gonna work that way okay all right so he and if you're still there and you are then i'm going to try to reach out to you so i can see that you've and you're going to want to mute your youtube just your youtube so you're not getting feedback into your microphone okay so i'm calling hen here hopefully i can get a hold of the end all right hi hian hi how are you doing i'm pretty good thanks all right awesome han and i hear that you muted your youtube which is great okay and so you want to do one or two questions with me here in this live class okay all right awesome okay um and again just answer in full sentences uh do your best don't worry about it be confident it's just for practice right so okay yeah yes all right okay so here we go how have your daily routines changed over the past five years um well as my memory serves me right like five years ago i used to sleep very early at night like i used to sleep at 9 00 pm but now as a teenager i was i am snowed with a lot of work school work so i burned the midnight oil every single day so i stay up library i stay up late every day the i think but i used to uh work out a lot because with my friends um i we we went working together but now we don't have time to do it if you could change one part of your daily routine what would it be um uh well i think i want to change the thing that i want to change is that i want to sleep earlier because sleep as staying up late really have detrimental effects on my health so i want i really want to change that because but however that um my schoolwork don't allow me to do that okay awesome that was really really good all right so um i would say that um you would also get a band score of about six so your mistakes are a little bit different than fatmas but you could also correct them to get a higher band score i think you could easily get a band score of even 7.5 you just have to make a couple of small corrections so first of all your lexical resource mark would be very high your lexical resource score would be like a band eight okay um you're using some well-placed idioms um so for example for example burning the midnight oil meaning that you stay up late uh you're also using some nice vocabulary like detrimental which is accurate in the context as well okay so i'll go over it a little bit step by step and give you some more feedback but that was really good overall the other mistake that you're making is that you're repeating yourself unnecessarily so a couple of times you basically said the same phrase over and over but it wasn't necessary because the first phrase that you said was was correct it was accurate okay are you still there yes okay all right you're just listening all right okay so um the question was how have your daily routines changed over the past five years and you said um well as memory serves me right five years ago i used to sleep very early at night at 9 00 pm that was a band 8 band 9 until that point because you used a really nice natural expression memory serves me right and that's correct i'm asking you about the past five years ago you can also say half a decade ago five years is half a decade so half a decade ago i used to sleep very early at night at 9 00 pm it was really nice that you added 9 p.m which is quantitative it's measurable it's a number that's really good but now as a teenager i burned the midnight oil that was really good too okay that was really really good and then you kind of went a little bit off topic and it was a bit awkward it was a little bit difficult to understand what you're saying after that just keep it simple next time okay so all you want to do is say um well uh if memory serves me right half a decade ago i used to sleep early at night at 9 00 pm but now as a teenager i burn the midnight oil i stay up until 11 12 p.m doing my homework just last night i had to stay up till 11 30 doing math assignments and then you stop okay and that's it okay that's that's all all right and it is routine so it's plural so you might want to add one more but if you stop there you're gonna get a band-aid for sure okay um let's try it so let's try this one more time i'm going to say it one more time and then just repeat me okay so how have your daily routines changed over the past five years well if memory serves me right half a decade ago i used to sleep very early at night at around 9 00 pm but now as a teenager i burn the midnight oil i have lots of homework last night i stayed up until 11 30 doing math assignments okay so let me ask you one more time how have your daily routines changed over the past five years well as mr member serves me right a half decade ago i used to go to bed early at around 9 00 pm but now as a teenager i burn the midnight oil every day um like last night i stayed up late until 11 30 to doing my math science great that would be a band 7.58 for sure okay so that's exactly how you want to answer okay so answer explain example keep that nice natural language with great lexical resource and you will do just fine okay that was very very good all right so keep practicing that at home okay and don't repeat the same phrase again and again once you've said a phrase your language is quite accurate don't worry about correcting it so just stick with that phrase keep that phrase and then continue with the idea immediately use a connecting word like because or as or and and then that will help you to keep flowing forward into the next idea okay thank you you are very welcome have an awesome rest of your day um please everybody give a nice round of applause for hien she was very very brave uh and um uh thank you for sharing with us here and have an awesome day again okay yes you too thank you bye-bye all right so that was hen and students we have run out of time in fact we've gone over time but you've all been uh fantastic today and i will choose more students the next time we have lots more of these speaking classes coming up during the week so make sure to keep watching subscribe to the channel and again you can use this kind of speaking function on our websites okay so uh go to ae help dot com and uh sign up there it's uh again we have cyber monday going on right now for the premium package okay so you can use this code cyber day to save 40 on our premium package all right um the next class prenia will be tomorrow okay we're gonna have more sessions tomorrow we have um reading for members and then we'll have another speaking part one for everyone tomorrow so more speaking coming up tomorrow at the same time everyone so make sure uh to check back and again go to our websites sign up for the premium packages click on those red buttons i'm adrienne i'm signing out from victoria for now but i'll be back soon thanks again to all of our brave volunteers all of our members and our moderator carolina have an awesome rest of your day everyone i sure had fun with you today and stay safe stay healthy i'm adrienne signing out for now bye
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 52sec (4132 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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