IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 Band 9 Super Responses

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and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful british columbia the capital city victoria you're on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having an awesome week so far i hope you're all staying healthy and you're being productive welcome to this class everyone in this class we are looking at ielts speaking part two this is the long part answer the cue card where you have to speak uh for two minutes after looking at some questions and we're going to focus on getting a band 9 with some super responses for today's question this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch welcome mohammed i'm doing great thank you for asking hi carolina welcome to our chat moderator it's nice to see you students this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success check us out there uh for the general ielts visit us at on both of our websites we have tons information to help you improve for your next ielts exam um this is our um academic ielts website here let me just show this to you here we go this blue background is what you're looking for when you're studying academic ielts you want to click that big red button up there to join our premium ielts package which includes six original practice exams over a hundred hours of hd video lessons a fully interactive course an app for your phone and lots lots more you get this my student account and here you will see all of this computer-based ielts practice exam the full outs course and the rest of it we will use this today for some students speaking as well in this class and in the next because after this class we have speaking part three uh coming up so we're going to use that speak student partner speaking function welcome mahi welcome genyo welcome to our members hi juliet hi alan shearer nice to see many many students in the class already that's fantastic okay students so again um for general ielts it's this page here at g it's the green background click this big red button to join our premium ielts package on both of these websites academic and the general it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's really well worth it and we're continuing to give this discount it's r4tyj to get 20 off from the price um it's not expensive so check it out uh you can also access the website and the content through getting the app for your phone um you can search for academic ielts help on your app store or look for general ielts help download the app install it if you like it upgrade to the full version and link it to the web account so it's easy as that you can also get free vocabulary and news from our instagram profiles ielts underscore ae help and giles help um for questions uh if you're curious about some elements of english like grammar for instance um or if you're curious about ielts or our products just send me an email to adrian that's my name at and again students we've got speaking part two right now the cue card and then speaking part three will be right after the part two class with a short 30 minute break and then tomorrow and on uh saturday we've got more classes so make sure you check that out uh subscribe to the channel you can see the schedule always on our uh community posts let's get into ielts speaking part two so yesterday we actually did speaking part one and uh that part of the speaking interview takes about four minutes five minutes and then the examiner will say that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for this part i'm going to show you some questions you will have one minute to read these questions think about your answers and then you will have two minutes to speak in the one minute you can take notes there's some note paper and a pen in front of you and that's exactly how it goes it's a mini presentation so members make sure that today you're speaking and you repeat it's very important to practice so don't just listen to me listening is good but take it one step further and also copy what i say copy the way i say it it's excellent practice all right everybody um so uh here we go uh let's uh cover step number one so everybody what is step number one let me write it up here so step number one and students still forget to do this i was doing an interview with somebody just the other week and uh they forgot to do this and they spoke off topic and i was like sheesh um good english but not a good answer so you have to be careful because if you're speaking off topic if you're speaking about another idea or a similar idea but still not the right idea you're going to get a bad score you have to accurately answer the question okay so this first step is really important and for some reason students really easily forget this i don't know why but it's just it seems to be an easy one to miss okay um so arda says read the questions and arda check out what bakarat is saying bakarat says read the questions carefully twice yeah so read the questions carefully and twice okay it's so important even if you have great english even if you have good reading skills just read them twice really really pay attention because the more accurate your answer the higher your band score okay so twice everyone twice especially this uh topic statement okay so um this uh topic says uh talk about an object that you borrowed one more time talk about an object that you borrowed if you start talking about an object that you lent to somebody like i lent my car to my friend you're going to get a very very low score if you talk about an object that your friend borrowed or that your brother borrowed you're going to get a very very low score so you have to really really pay attention um to the key elements of these questions okay and then what is this item what did you use it for when and who did you borrow it from notice the double question here this is kind of a tricky one too when one line has two questions okay often students will miss one of these so when and who did you borrow it from why did you decide to borrow it and was it useful in the end so again you have a double question okay so really pay attention um to these double questions when they're in the same line so you actually have six questions that you have to answer here what what did you use it for when who why and then was it useful okay so you've got six points to focus on all right so uh the next step everyone and i'm going to move through these steps a little bit faster because i want to give chances to our viewers and everyone to practice this so after you read the question carefully uh step two is to identify the category and the tense of the cue card okay and in this case um let me get this a little bit higher so you can see this and you can write with me so you can give me these answers while i'm doing this so in this situation we're talking about an object okay and the tense that we're using is past past perfect uh uh present perfect maybe some past continuous um so these are your target tenses for the grammar right because you can see here that the question is saying talk about an item that you borrowed so past tense uh sometimes students ask me about this strategy of past present future like hey if i talk about this in the past the present and the future will i get a great score not always this question is focusing more on the past so look at the topic sentence here borrowed and then even here later on you have was it useful obviously was it is looking into the past so two minutes when you're accurately speaking is not necessarily enough time to talk about everything from alpha to omega meaning from the past to the future so again your answer the more focused the more accurate the higher your band score especially if you're going for those high bands like seven five to eight buckrad says it's past simple past perfect present perfect yeah absolutely okay all right everyone so it's an object so when we talk about an object we want to talk about its appearance so give the listener a bit of an idea of what this object looks like it will make your speaking that much clearer okay even if it's just a short quick introduction of what it looks like right so i borrowed my friend's minivan it's a red gmc um about three meters in length it seats seven people okay so give it a little bit of appearance so we can picture it and then um it's origin so where did you get it from here obviously it's the person you borrowed it from okay so talk about its origin talk about its function so how do you use it uh why did you use it and then talk about it your experience and the value okay so why is it valuable for you and when you answer these questions for an object you're basically answering all of the questions or most of the questions on the cue card i mean look at this right so you've got appearance you've got origin function experience if you think about it what is this item is kind of the appearance right like what does it look like uh what did you use it for is the function right when and who did you borrow it from that's kind of its origin like where did it come from okay and why did you decide to borrow it that's kind of also its value and its experience okay so as long as you focus on these points for the object that's on the cue card you're likely going to do quite a good job all right all right and i can see that buckruts on the ball today answering nicely in parallel with meme which is great okay um so uh we've got the object we've got the tense and then we go to the next step and the next step is a really really important one okay and this is another step that students just sometimes seem to forget to do and no matter how many times i remind students it just seems like students tend to forget this crucial step um what is this step everyone so muhammad bakrat arda what's my step number three and this is a very important step when you are um getting ready in your one minute preparation time and students these steps are fast okay so step one and two reading the question identifying the categories that's just seconds that's 10 seconds 15 seconds okay step number three you should spend about a good 10 seconds on it okay maybe even 15 seconds so um let me kind of you know i'll give you some time parameters while you're telling me this so step one uh would be like let's say 10 seconds okay read the questions twice all right um step two that's very fast because if you practice that's going to take you just three seconds okay and then step three maybe another 10 seconds so you still have about um about 37 seconds for step four and five uh okay so jyoti says think about two to three items romaine um you're not look jotting down notes just yet okay so romaine look at um what jyoti is saying um and look at what bakrat and jun are saying they're saying come up with some ideas yeah so it's it's kind of dangerous to go with the very first idea that you have because it might be tricky to talk about so it's really important that you come up with um with at least two ideas but ideally three ideas okay so think of uh two to three not one uh two to three uh possible ideas okay uh pick the one that is original easy to talk about um and lots of content okay so you don't want to say like i mean i don't know i borrowed my friend's phone um yeah okay maybe every student is borrowing their friend's phone uh so pick something that's a little bit original and that's easy to talk about and has lots of content think about common situations right so what are some items that we borrow from people okay so give me some ideas here members um what kind of items so let's say you're in the hot seat okay that's an expression in in uh english you're in the hot seat it means that the focus is on you okay they're paying attention to you so you're in the hot seat um you've got this one minute to prepare and you uh went through the first couple of steps just fine and now you're on this third step and you're brainstorming about two or three ideas you've got 10 seconds um what are you borrowing um so carolina says a ladder it's great that's a great idea carolina ladder okay i like it yeah i think a ladder is something that we often will borrow from people um janelle says boro lp or do you mean like a laptop computer for presentation i think that might be a popular answer daniel but i'll put it up here okay i think we've already done laptop once in the past yep so laptop you might borrow a computer for a presentation okay buckrat says shoes um jacket uh motorbike okay uh light and pen buckrat um maybe a motorbike uh could be possible okay uh jyoti says why not a tool like a shovel yeah so ladder shovel those kinds of tools um flashlight sure all right that could be one as well all right what else uh could we borrow think about what you have around the house think about those situations where um we don't necessarily have that tool okay uh rahmani says how about a digital camera mohammed says boxing gloves okay yeah um so muhammad that's very clever uh sports equipment is often something uh that will um borrow from somebody right like a football uh which of course is uh an american english or canadian english soccer ball right okay or a screwdriver absolutely okay um so that's those are good okay um think about you know gardening maybe for the shovel um okay think about maybe cleaning your roof or fixing the roof for a ladder right so you have to think about the purpose of why you're borrowing this as well all right students so i'm going to kind of reduce these to um some good answers here and then we'll pick one of these okay so i'll reduce the ones that i think are all possibly good answers and then um [Music] will boxing gloves i don't know if i'd borrow boxing gloves it's kind of gross but putting your hands in the boxing gloves of another person but that's fine okay um so let's go with these three so ladder flashlight and football uh one of those three okay one two and three and let's take some votes on it so um choose one of the three that you think you'd like to uh talk about today that you'd like to borrow from someone else and then the one that's the most popular answer we'll go with that one for today and we'll go to step number four uh which of course is useful notes okay and your useful notes you can take easily like uh let's say uh 25 seconds for that okay it's lots of time as long as you know you know what you're doing okay all right um jai neil says three bandita says number one carolina says number one jyoti says number one um so number one seems to be the most popular answers so far atharwa says sir i gave my speaking yesterday it was awesome congrats otharwa um a tharwin when you have your score definitely share it with us and and maybe some details of your experience i'd love to hear it okay and so number one still seems to be the most popular i like number one personally i do think it's a very clever answer a ladder is definitely that p it's probably one of the most borrowed objects uh worldwide if uh if we took some statistics so um it's a clever one and i i don't think a lot of people would think about ladder for the ielts okay so useful notes um let's talk about the latter i like it okay so borrowing a ladder ladder okay watch the pronunciation on that make sure you can pronounce it it's a ladder so the appearance of the ladder um what does it look like okay i'm going to um start in and then you give me some ideas we'll combine our ideas okay so this ladder is going to be a three meter folding aluminum ladder okay uh janil let's just stick with the lateral a stool or a ladder it's kind of the same concept yeah a stool but let's just stick with the ladder okay um miles says made of wood or metal um yeah so mal uh i absolutely agree with you you have to decide on one i decided on metal and in fact more specifically on aluminum so ladders are usually made of aluminum because it's lightweight right so probably only weighs about say like eight kilograms okay so that's the nice thing about or maybe 10 kilograms if you want to keep it simple so that's the nice thing about aluminum ladders is they're they're light uh so romaine says gray color gray or metallic okay all right um danielle we wouldn't say silver plated aluminum that's a bit awkward it would be chrome if it's like kind of bright or shiny okay um then it would be chrome okay uh if it's three meters probably has about i don't know maybe eight to ten steps okay they're actually called rungs it's the rungs of the ladder okay so that's where you know vocabulary can be a little bit tricky if you said it has eight to ten steps the examiner wouldn't dock you but if you said rungs um then the examiner would be very impressed they'd be like wow now that's lexical resource you know the specific name of the steps of the ladder it's rungs okay good so that's the appearance um all right um the origin uh so where did you get it from i mean here you don't have to overthink it keep it simple like where do we usually get a ladder from right um so i would say neighbor okay my neighbor frank 10 years uh maybe he's a carpenter okay all right so quick thinking right who would likely have ladder and other tools somebody who works um with their hands maybe an industry like somebody like a carpenter right again you're building your vocabulary your neighbor frank you've known him for 10 years building up that grammatical range right i have known frank for 10 years he's a great guy i needed this ladder right so um okay all right so yeah and i can see a lot of people said neighbor yeah of course right and oftentimes uh we'll uh get it from our neighbor now this is the person of uh who we got it from right so at the same time you also want to do uh the when right so um when did i borrow it uh maybe in fall to clean my gutters okay so i'm going to kind of build this up but don't worry keep your ideas because you're going to have a chance to speak so fall clean gutters leaves the gutters students are those parts of the house on the roof that let the rain water drain down so those are called your gutters it's on the roof and it helps the water to go off the roof into a specific direction but if you don't know that you could say something like roof as well right so the roof of your house okay for instance okay and maybe i collected apples okay so maybe i have some apple trees and i collected some apples or i have some kind of a fruit tree and i collected uh some fruits okay sorry i'm mixing um function here so this is bad this should be function okay the reason why is i'm jumping ahead here so fall um end of september uh for a week okay maul says to fix the fan yeah or maybe to change some light bulbs that are up very very high okay um romaine said he had to dig it out of his attic or he got it from his garage exactly romaine so that's good keep those in mind because i'm going to be calling some of you and we're going to actually do this in a little bit okay all right uh very good so it's for cleaning gutters uh from the roof the leaves okay all right uh be sure that you're able to separate the appearance the origin the function and the value right so why was this valuable okay uh only once so i only needed the ladder once right i don't need it all the time cheaper okay saves the roof okay keeps it clean also i got some apples from my apple tree at the same time so i'm able to stay healthy make an apple pie okay maybe give it to my neighbor all right so i'm just visualizing this right so um what did i borrow i bought a ladder why did i borrow this ladder to clean my roof my gutters get some apples and then what did i do with that maybe make some pie or my wife made some pie and i'm able to do that in 25 seconds as long as i'm good at visualization i'm able to do this in 25 seconds okay and then my next step step five is to have my first sentence ready so i can start right away okay so my first sentence here would be immediately answering the question okay again here's the cue card talk about an object that you borrowed um and then we've got all these questions and again i need to answer this question right away okay and i hopefully i'm remembering words like lent which is you know my neighbor frank lent it to me so that word should be in my head okay all right um so right away i have my first sentence um last um fall i uh borrowed a ladder uh from my neighbor uh frank okay just like that make sure your first sentence is absolutely clean clear without mistakes okay don't necessarily get too fancy in the first sentence because a lot of students are quite nervous for part two and it's easier to make mistakes at the beginning so make sure that you uh you just keep it clean and without mistakes okay all right so uh here we go members and students okay uh rahmani says cutting some tree branches rock money if you're cutting tree branches you're you're pruning okay you're pruning okay that's called pruning the trees when you cut the branches there's a special verb for that okay mohammed says it could be to clean windows as well yeah so there's a lot of different activities that we can do with ladders absolutely all right um so last fall i borrowed a ladder from my neighbor frank um this uh was a three meter aluminum uh ladder um lightweight about um 10 kilos with approximately 10 rungs and just big enough for me to do some important cleaning and gardening so notice how i'm starting like kind of general and then i'm going to get more specific right uh so janelle says an object that i took from my neighbor jay a week ago is a ladder okay you didn't take it janelle from jay you borrowed it use the actual verb of the question gineal for your first one or two sentences and then you can use some other verbs afterwards okay all right uh meanwhile ithara is sharing a bit of the experience of the exam so atharwa says part one was subjects at college part two was favorite tv shows and or sorry part one was college favorite tv shows and headphones part two was a famous person that i know and then part three was uh celebrities um okay thank you thorough for sharing that it sounds like part one was quite the range of questions so that was those were the questions but they don't repeat so students don't be like okay i'm going to study these because i'll get these it's author was really awesome for sharing these but it's most likely that you're not going to get these kinds of questions on your next exam because they tend not to repeat them so careful with that okay all right so here we go again so last fall um i borrowed a ladder from my neighbor frank uh this was a three meter aluminum ladder lightweight about 10 kilos with approximately 10 rungs and just big enough for me to do some important cleaning and gardening frank is my neighbor and i have known him for over a decade he has worked as a carpenter so i know that he has lots of great tools and he had no problem uh lending me his ladder for a week back at the end of last september the um reason i needed the ladder um is because or was because my gutters were getting clogged from fallen debris mostly leaves so i had to clean these clean these gutters to avoid damage to my property also i have a large apple tree in my yard so i needed the ladder to reach the higher branches and also to do a bit of uh pruning okay so once i have all of the information like once i have all of my notes right um then it's just a matter of really going through these notes and i've gone through these notes i've gone through these notes i'm going through these notes and now i can go through these notes as well okay so my first step is always to go through my notes before anything else and once i've gone through my notes that's when i check the questions because my notes hopefully answer all the questions but i want to always double check the questions okay it was really great that frank uh lent me his ladder because this saved me time and money not having to get one myself these ladders are quite expensive around 200 and i really only need it once or twice a year uh in fact to show my appreciation i made um some apple pies from the fruit [Music] which i collected and i gave one to frank when i returned his uh ladder okay all right um so now at this point i can take a look at the questions and make sure that i've answered all of this okay so what is this item i answered that what did i use it for i answered that when and who did i borrow it from really answered that why did i decide to borrow it and was it useful yeah i've answered that and if i want to emphasize that if the examiner is giving me some more time um then uh i can definitely add a kind of closing sentence um so this folding ladder was not only useful but crucial in the end because it helped to keep my house and garden in good shape and ready for the fall and winter seasons okay so there we go now i've finished and now the examiner will likely stop me so when the examiner feels that you've answered the question accurately and you've answered all the questions on the cue card there's a good chance that they will stop you that's why they say that you will speak from one to two minutes they stop you in the following cases if you go off topic if you're speaking about the wrong idea if um you keep repeating the same ideas if you're completely stuck for ideas or if you've answered all the questions okay so these are kind of the scenarios where the examiner stops you okay i'm gonna write these down for you because i haven't really done that in the past so examiners uh stop you when a you go off topic b run out of ideas and stop speaking c repeat the same ideas it's kind of the same as b over and over and d um which is the best scenario of course this is what you want okay you have answered all the questions well okay so um that's what you're focusing on all right everyone so here we go um we're going to uh go over this so i'm going to read the question again and then i'm going to read the answer and let's do this together so here we go everyone the question is talk about an object that you borrowed what is this item what did you use it for when and who did you borrow it from why did you decide to bore it and was it useful in the end you go through steps one two three four five and then the examiner says okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking last fall i borrowed a ladder from my neighbor frank this was a three meter aluminum ladder lightweight about 10 kilos with approximately 10 rungs and just big enough for me to do some important cleaning and gardening frank is my neighbor and i've known him for over a decade he has worked as a carpenter so i know that he has lots of great tools and he had no problem lending me his ladder for a week back at the end of last september the reason i needed the ladder was because my gutters were getting clogged from fallen debris mostly leaves so i had to clean these gutters to avoid damage to my property also i have a large apple tree in my yard so i needed uh the ladder to reach the higher branches and also to do a bit of pruning it was really great that frank lent me his ladder because this saved me time and money not having to get one myself these ladders are pretty expensive around 200 and i really only needed it once or twice a year um or i only really need it once or twice a year in fact to show my appreciation i made some apple pies maybe i could probably replace with baked some apple pies from the fruit which i collected and i gave one to frank when i returned the ladder the folding ladder was not only useful but crucial in the end because it helped to keep my house and garden in good shape and ready for fall and winter and then the examiner will say okay that your time is up and now we'll go to part three okay and that's how it works everyone so that is how you answer all right um i hope everybody was following and repeating because now members guess what you have a chance to do this part three with me so um let's go to our website members and i think all of our members or most of our members know how to do this now um what we're going to do is you're going to do this part too okay and first let's try it just with the latter before you come up with a different idea okay so here we go let's go to the website let's go to ae help dot com because i'm already logged into my student account here and then right above my head i have the the student partner speaking okay so let's go to the student partner speaking and hopefully i'll get a volunteer today uh to practice this speaking part two uh with me okay uh romaine the the expression at the end of the day it's considered good english right it's not necessarily high level but it's good english you don't have to really be super fancy romaine to get a band 9 you just have to use a broad range of vocabulary so lots of different kinds of words okay so i want to give our members the chance first to practice this part too so jyoti mal bhakrat romaine um carolina atharwa i'm looking for you in the chat here please send me uh there's june as well so please send me a message saying that you know you'd like to practice this uh part two and then i'll give you a chance to practice it as well and kind of come up with your own version of the answers so june i see you in here and i know you were in the class as well um okay and you can write it in the chat to members if you want to uh volunteer here with me okay i see there are some students okay in here so let me know um be brave okay this is a great way to improve uh for your ielts exam and whoever volunteers i will give you feedback on your score estimate um and uh i'll give you some feedback on uh on what you can do to have a better part to answer okay so um we have bandita we have abdul rahman um okay there's june so let's see i think june might want to volunteer here june's one of our longtime members yeah and june says i'd like to talk about another object if i can sure june that's okay okay so um sure let's start all right okay so i'm going to call june june says i want to talk about a different object all right june i like your courage and ambition so here we go hey morning adrian can you hear me right now i can absolutely hear you nice and loud and clearly june um that's awesome okay awesome and good morning to you as well i think you're at around quarter after seven if i'm not mistaken yeah exactly okay june is one hour away from my time zone in calgary i believe okay june um so um yeah you can practice with a different object absolutely i'll just read the questions when i finish reading the questions i'll just say your one minute preparation time is up and then you can start okay so let me uh hop back to the questions here okay so uh talk about an object that you borrowed what is this item what did you use it for when and who did you borrow it from why did you decide to borrow it and was it useful in the end okay your one minute preparation time is up please speaking okay uh it was 10 years ago that i borrowed a textbook a textbook named basic college mathematics from my math teacher at that time i i was in grade 12 and preparing for the international mathematical olympiad a contest that could help some high school students get admitted to some of the top universities in china in fact this exam was rather demanding because it included some questions that required certain knowledge in college math which i hadn't learned yet so i asked my math teacher mr lee for help and he lent this textbook to me and told me that it covered most of the difficult questions the contacts would have well that was actually quite a thick book with nearly a thousand pages looking a bit intimidating the moment i received it from mr lee however the content was not that challenging and very soon i got the hang of it and i was able to solve the problems in calculus and statistics which were definitely beyond my abilities before i cracked this book i spent about a month and a half carefully reading this book and then took the international competition as a result i passed the exam with flying colors are ranking top two percent among all the candidates and won the admission to picking university okay i will stop you there your time is up okay yeah all right so i forgot to say that the fifth scenario where they will stop you is when your time is up so they will stop you in two minutes okay so that's your two minutes is up okay okay so so that's why it's important to answer all the questions within the two minutes okay okay and i was looking at the clock and that was uh two minutes okay june that was really good so june um you would easily get a band eight uh for that uh response i would even probably score you at a band 8.5 other than a couple of very subtle mistakes that were unnatural like like you said at the beginning it was 10 years ago you borrowed this book named basic college mathematics books we don't say they're named basic college mathematics do you know what the correct word is instead of named a title that's right yeah titled yeah so the correct verb is titled so when you make so okay i under when you say named right i understand it it's not like i'm confused i get what you're saying but it's not the accurate verb right so the accurate word will be titled and when you make those kind of one or two mistakes like that um the examiner won't be able to give you a band nine but all of the other vocabulary that you used all of the other grammar you had lots of really nice expressions uh like i passed the exam with flying colors okay let me teach this to the rest of our viewers so june said i passed with flying colors to do something with flying colors means to do an excellent job or to do an outstanding job okay um and so you used a lot of vocabulary like that and that was very clear for me that you're clearly a band 8.59 in that in that range so it's really just those kind of small little nuances that you have to fix but june that will happen you interact with english on a daily basis and that that will happen right i mean that's not something to worry about at your level it's more important to just keep focusing on great communication and the other pieces will fall into place over time so um may i ask did you prepare for that answer did you just randomly respond just to write down write down a few notes yeah like yeah i thought about it yeah like for a little bit yeah just during this class or before the class you prepared or kind of uh 10 minutes before the class i thought a little bit yeah okay good for you probably a little more than one minute okay that's well i mean that's how you should do it when you're practicing right that's at home that's exactly how you train your brain to become competent and quick at doing this right so that's why it's so dangerous for someone to just walk into the ielts exam without any preparation because this part too is very tricky if you don't prepare for it like what you're doing so it's very clever um yeah so thank you so much june for sharing that response with us i thought it was a fantastic uh response and i really like how i was a little bit worried that you were going to go off topic and talk more about the competition and mathematics but you actually did a very good job of coming back to the book telling me that it has a thousand pages telling me that there were some valuable questions there for the competition and so it was very good that you came back to the object because that's so important right yeah so that was really good okay uh thank you so much june uh keep it uh keep it going and uh we'll talk to you later okay okay all right thanks a lot june have an awesome rest of your day yeah you too thank you bye bye okay so that was june everyone give june an applause i think he did a fantastic job there um and we'll take another volunteer so i'm looking for members right now because this is a members chat class everyone if you want to become a member of our channel click the join button beside the subscribe button so i can see that um bakrat wants to volunteer carolina said excellent a thara good reluc on your listening reading writing tomorrow okay thank you for the applauses everyone okay uh so let me see if i can see bakrat in here anywhere okay there's bakarat okay bakarat so i'll give you a chance here just let me reach out to you okay so baccarat says i want to volunteer okay bakarat are you ready and bakrat you can go with either the latter that we just covered in the class or if you really want like june you can come up with your own topic if you prepared for it okay dr valon says i want to speak as well daklad i'm not sure if you're in here i didn't really see you in here okay um bakrat says he's definitely ready so i'm reaching out to bakrat okay bakrat here we go hello hi hi bakrat how are you doing i'm good awesome okay bhakra so same idea okay as with june um are you planning to talk about boring a ladder or are you going to go on with a different topic uh so i'm going to talk about same the latter yeah right okay that's great i think that's really clever to do it first with you know with the practice topic and then try something different right okay so i'm going to read the question again and then uh i'll let you know that your one minute preparation time is up and then you can start speaking okay so just give me one moment here all right so i'll go through the questions one more time here we go so talk about an object that you borrowed what is this item what did you use it for when and who did you borrow it from why did you decide to borrow it and was it useful in the end your one minute preparation time is up uh please begin speaking okay uh an object that i borrowed from my neighbor mark is a ladder last weekend uh noon for one hour to change the light bulb uh in my store room uh it's made up of iron rod um black in color and it has 10 to 5 links with 5 kg weight his family are living here since last three years he had great bond we have great born to sharing items each other he has a 12 month experience as carpenter we work out of town as well i landed for one hour because my rest room electricity cut off i have to replace the effective light bulb at the top of corner of the door to clean the uh restroom i borrowed ladder because it goes around hundred dollars and i need it for only at least six sixty month 60 minutes it was very kind and helped me out to change the bulk light i took it back after completing my work and it was great company with mark i'm thankful for him to save my time okay and your two minutes is up and i'll stop you there uh bakurat i'll take back the questions please put the note paper and the pen to the side and now we will continue with part three for this part i will ask you a question or two related to the topic of part two and some questions on this topic okay so back right that was really good all right so i would easily give you a band 6 to 6.5 for that response um so your answer was quite good the reason why i would give you a band 6.5 even is because you answered all the questions and it was coherent for the most part about 10 percent of what you said i had to really kind of focus to try to figure out exactly what you're trying to tell me um there was a little bit of repetition uh in what you were saying like uh you repeated the fact that you borrowed it for one hour uh i also thought that i'm also repeating michael yeah you felt that there were some parts that you were repeating right like boring it for one hour boring it for one hour boring it for 60 minutes um so yeah you want to kind of avoid that repetition um there was you know you use pretty good vocabulary of course there's always you know better words for certain situations like you said i had to replace a defective light bulb i'm guessing um you have to replace a burnt out light bulb so light bulbs burn out when they stop working usually you could say defective because there are defective light bulbs but most of the time we're replacing burnt out light bulbs so defective is okay though so so that was all right i think you spent a little bit too much time talking about mark um maybe just a little bit less so he's been my neighbor for the past five years he's a great guy and then that's enough focus more on the light bulb right so why was it useful you could have said something like there was no way so there was no way i could have reached this light bulb without the ladder safely okay for instance and then once i replaced the bulb i finally had a good light in my living room okay for instance right so um so that's why it was valuable for you okay so uh think about um the um the questions right why why was it good why was it useful well of course when you replace a light bulb you can see again and you can have that bright room again so that's why it's useful right sometimes people stand up on chairs and tables to change their light bulbs and it's quite dangerous so it's much safer to use the ladder so that's another point that you can think of but i think overall you did a fairly good job um what's important buff red is that you keep speaking lots so that you can build up your fluency because i think had you said the same information but like 20 faster you could have even gotten a band seven okay so you don't need to speak really fast but you do need to speak a little bit faster to sound natural does that make sense yeah i got it okay all right buckrat thank you so much for answering i i like how you use ladder which we were talking about but you took a different approach and you talked about how you needed it to change a light bulb which is great right so take it and change it a bit that was really really good okay but hopefully i'll see you in the next class as well that's coming up um thank you thank you for allowing me to answer this oh absolutely yeah keep volunteering that's it's fantastic keep practicing okay all right thank you so much everybody please give bakrat a an applause or a thumbs up um and uh keep going bakrat that was really good i am you're improving for sure okay all right thanks bakra okay so that was bakrat all right everybody so um that's part two and i'm going to stop there for now but don't worry because i'm coming back in uh 30 minutes and i will be back with speaking part three which will follow this part to cue card and devolve hollande i see that you want to speak so make sure you uh register an account on our website and uh and then uh you'll be able to uh volunteer for the speaking for the next class because we're going to be uh taking uh volunteers and the way to do that everybody is to go to our website that looks like this and you can click that big red button to join our premium package mahi thank you for your super chat donation i see that it's really awesome okay um all right mahi thank you and i see your uh comment as well so i appreciate that okay everyone so join us at for academic ielts click that big red button it's definitely worth it or general ielts it's this green background click the big red button and i'll be back in 30 minutes with speaking part three thank you carolina uh for moderating uh the chat thank you members for your support thank you everybody in the general ielts i'm adrienne i'm signing out from victoria for now but i will be back in 30 minutes very soon with part three bye everyone
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: oIBT3NaPgE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 10sec (3670 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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