IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing a Band 9 Table Response

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great week and i hope you're all looking forward to a fantastic weekend everyone in this class we are looking at an ielts task one writing specifically we are going to be looking at a table and we're going to be focusing on writing a band 9 a table response that's a perfect score and of course that's for the academic ielts everybody general ielts is letter writing you have to let it write a letter to someone and academic ielts you have to analyze a graph a chart or a table and then you have to write a response to that uh welcome couture hi kyber hi nolan anthony good to see some new members in today's class students this is a member's chat class so everybody is welcome to watch only members are able to uh use the chat if you would like to become a member just click the join button next to the subscribe button on our youtube channel page hi mahi welcome love preet um students this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g the reason we separate these two into two websites is because they're slightly different materials and it's very different goals right academic is more for university general ielts is more for immigration so task one is a good example of this they're different in the two exams the websites look like this this is our academic ielts website here with this blue background and you can click this red button that's just right above my head there to join our premium package our premium islets package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and we have lots of help to improve your ielts writing for you there including editing services for the general ielts it's the same idea it's a green background and you can click that big red button right there to join the premium package we help lots of students every day we are an official ielts test registration uh center and certified agents so you're in great hands with us when you access our full course then you'll have this my student account and in your my student account you have loads and loads of help so you have the computer-based practice exams and then you have some courses of course with strategies you have lesson videos and lots lots more so check it out students it's well worth it and we have this code r4tyj to get a 20 discount again it's a one-time payment so great investment for our apps download the app academic ielts help and the app general ielts help you can get those from your apple or android app stores and you can follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help and gls help if you have questions about the ielts exam we love to help students around the world you can send us an email um the email is adrian all right we've got more students joining in hi bakarat welcome uh jai neil get to see so many students in the chat okay everyone so today we are looking at this table tomorrow we'll have reading um or sorry we'll have reading a little bit later today actually after this class the reading everybody will be able to join the chat and then tomorrow we'll have a question and answer session for members so members uh get your questions ready for tomorrow for the class and we'll have speaking part three tomorrow as well but for now let's get into our um ielts task one writing and again just a reminder here it is academic so if you're studying for a general i mean it's still good to practice your english but it's going to be a different kind of question for you in the general okay all right everyone so this is a table we haven't done a table in a long time and here is the question so step number one of course is to just read the question really really carefully okay it's ielts task one and for ielts task one you should spend about 20 minutes on the task so it's pretty quick so it's important to know what you're doing okay you have to use that 20 minutes wisely and to use it wisely you do have to know what you're doing that means you have to know how to use a table how to analyze data on a table um so here we go let's read the question first the following table shows the number of factory workers for a given time period in germany report the main features and make comparisons were relevant yeah so you'll find that task one question sometimes read uh fairly simple and then you have to write at least 150 words and then you have this table and in the table uh you take a look at the columns the columns are the uh these cells which are going downwards okay so this is called a cell and then this whole piece here is called a column so you look at these columns and you look at the titles okay so here um let me just clean that up a bit and then it'll be clear okay and so you look at these uh you look at these columns and specifically you have to look at the titles in the beginning okay so we've got uh male uh employees we've got female employees we've got the total number of employees so that's basically uh this plus uh this equaling that right and then uh you have the number of factories so 225 so here you have uh 477 100 people looking working in 225 factories okay and then of course here they don't give you the title but really what you're looking at there of course is the year okay all right so that's what's most important and then you got the years here and um these going downwards are the column uh titles of course um and then here are the titles of the rows okay so this is a row and um again these are the titles of the rose so really really pay attention to that all right when you're doing this because that will be important for your first few steps okay so um when we are doing our ielts task one the very first step everybody is to begin with the overview okay and before we get to the overview just a couple of important notes here all right um members uh what kind of an essay is academic ielts task one so there's four types of writing if you will in literature one is persuasive writing that's task two of the ielts okay persuasive writing means that you're trying to convince your reader of some idea so it's like an argument essay for instance okay it's called persuasive writing okay so four types of writing right there's persuasive and then um another type is descriptive that's where you describe something okay then you have narrative where you tell a story that's task one of the general isles so if you're writing a letter um telling the story of your neighbor playing their music too loud or something then that's a narrative yeah and then you have the fourth type which is expository and uh bacharach says it's an expository essay writing task one of the academic and kyber says it's an expository essay where you have to explain the provided data in detail so yeah so task one academic uh is um expository absolutely and an expository essay everybody it's where you basically describe explain and interpret data uh for the audience hi nafisa i just saw you join the class so uh that's where you explain it okay and very importantly with that um you must not give your own opinion okay so you can't you know say to somebody that like this is this is why right um so i'll give you an example of that right so here notice how uh you have 477 000 factory workers and you have 225 factories and then notice how here you have like 126 000 um uh factory workers um and then you have 721 factories right so you have more than three times the number of factories and you have less than three times the number of employees okay now many people would probably say oh okay that's obvious it's because machines started to do the work instead of people so you have robots probably doing the work and even though you're probably right you can't actually say that in your essay okay because that's an assumption you don't know that you technically don't know that information so you can't tell your reader that in 1881 robots started doing the work so there were way less factory employees and way more factories we don't know that robots started doing the work in fact if you think about it really carefully 1881 is probably not that much in the way of robotics so from 1851 to 1881 i don't think that so many robots were invented that it really replaced humans it just factories became probably much much more efficient in many ways right so you have to be very careful with expository essays and when you're going for those high band scores like then eight and nine especially you have to be super careful uh sometimes students do this like they'll give an opinion in the expository essay and that's really bad in university you will actually lose marks or even fail the assignment if you do that because it's very dangerous to make assumptions in science and in data that we don't actually have information for does that make sense everybody so khyber bakrat meme jainil do you get my example that i'm saying here about writing that the number of factories increased and the number of employees decreased because of robots so do you get how like that's you have to be very careful that's not necessarily correct information maybe it's not the robots but it's the procedures or the process just became way more efficient right we don't know that maybe people got a lot faster over the years doing that kind of factory work so or somebody came up with a new way to do the work for those factory workers and that's what made it more efficient okay so there could be other reasons why these factories don't need as many people any more than robots okay so we don't know that it's robots so be really really really careful all right um or for example saying something like the number of factories increased because population increased we don't know that okay we don't know that population increased in germany maybe consumption increased people just started to consume more right so so be really really careful don't assume okay it's very dangerous all right it's gonna let me go oh okay all right so um good so don't assume okay don't make assumptions just discuss what you can actually see all right um so again uh just a reminder that uh you must not give your own opinion okay so just report the data that's there simply interpret the data okay that's what you do all right um so here we have this um uh question the following table shows the number of factory workers for a given time period in germany well uh step one as i know many of our students know okay so task one is three paragraphs usually three to four okay um and it's fairly simple it's like a recipe it's like how to bake chocolate chip cookies okay so number one uh you write the overview number two sorry let's do that one more time so number one you write the introduction which in my opinion is also the overview but ielts like to likes to separate these two paragraphs number two is overview number three is your analyses okay it's your body paragraph the number four if you're really going for those high band scores like band-aid or band nine uh the number four is going to be your summary okay all right and the introduction is nothing really more than a paraphrase of the question with added detail from the graph of the table okay okay so you've got paraphrasing the question with uh added graphic or added details from the graphic so here we have this table okay and uh this table has um uh one two three four five columns and one two three four five six seven rows okay um so i'm going to paraphrase the question and give some more details so especially i'm going to focus on these uh titles okay and then i don't need to focus on this data yet okay so just more on these titles male employees female so that's obviously gender we've got total number of employees we've got factories and then we've got the years and now with the years we've got 1851 um what is 1851 so if i think about 1851 um how can i say 1851 okay let's do it this way so how can i describe 1851 okay yeah very good june so june says it is the mid uh 19th century equals it's exactly that right 1851. okay so that's the mid-19th century um and each row depicts uh 10 years of separation right so you have 1851 and then you have 1861 1871 so you've got 10 years you've got a decade of separation right and you go all the way or this table i should say is going all the way from 1851 to 1901 which is half a century okay and that's what i mean by interpretation when we talk about interpreting the graph that's what we're talking about okay so uh that so keep that in mind all right let's uh let's paraphrase now and give some more details okay all right and athar i thank you for coming back and sharing your um experience of your writing part of the exam that's awesome write me an email on that i would love to read that email okay let's write this introduction so the given table has five columns and uh seven rows which depict the number of factory workers by gender and the total in germany from the mid uh 19th century until the start of the uh was it the 20th century or the yep absolutely okay until the start of the 20th century with 10 a year intervals okay so that is my introduction okay using the table to give some added details so to give some further interpretation okay um so stay focused students uh kyber it says uh the provided table indicates the number of male and female employees with a total in factories from 1851 to 1901 with uh intervals of 10 years comma in germany okay not bad kyber um careful with your plurals you can't say males and females so it's male and female employees okay you don't need the s there on males kyber all right so that is my introduction okay all right let me get it to the bottom here because we'll be working with it from here on out okay um so again there's my table and i've just put the introduction here and then now i can provide you with the overview all right okay uh so uh let's see um we've got some more introductions coming up now janelle says the given spreadsheet nice paraphrasing jaineel on the word table so the given spreadsheet so janil says the given spreadsheet depicts the total number of industry employees uh by gender in germany over half a century from 1851 to 1901 with intervals of 10 years beautiful giant you know it's very different from mine and still very very good okay so that goes to show that you can have two very different introductions but both of them still be a bad nine very good okay jai neil great and maybe i'll drag these out so you can see where i'm reading these from okay so this is where i'm reading these from and this was a gineal right here okay and then june says this spreadsheet compares the number of industrial employees by gender as well as factories in germany over the course of a half a century from the mid 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century with interval with the interval of a decade very nice june again that's beautiful paraphrasing hi andre welcome to the class okay bandita says the given table has five columns and seven rows which illustrate the number of factory workers by gender and the total count in germany starting from the mid 19th century very good so here um bandita says total count which is very good until the start of the 20th century with a gap of 10 years okay yeah with a gap of 10 years is good bandito that's basically a paraphrase for uh say saying intervals of 10 years okay so very nice members i love how many of you have really gotten the hang of how to do this first step all right that's great okay all right um so let's go to the second step me and by the way it's good it's nice paraphrase so let's go to the second step here which is the overview and for the overview we're looking for the most obvious uh kind of change or kind of most obvious uh feature that we can see here okay now i can see a few different ones okay so uh if i'm looking at um the males and the females i can definitely see some fairly distinct differences here okay and then the total number of employees i can definitely see a main feature there as well and i can see a main feature in the number of factories also so there's there's a there's a few different main features that we can immediately catch with our eye just roughly when we're looking at at the data okay what are those so what are those main features that i'm looking at okay let me know what those main features are that i'm looking at there all right i'm going to start um with the overview myself and then let's see if you come up with the same kind of idea so all right so there is my uh overview okay looking at that data just kind of taking that first glance at the data all right so an initial glance that's exactly what i did right i just kind of took a glance at it and looked at the numbers i didn't really look at the specifics of the numbers just kind of looking at the numbers in general so an initial glance that the data reveals that in most time periods there were a greater number of males than females working in factories now notice how i said most time periods that's because i recognize that we do have this kind of one outlier okay this is called your outlier where we have uh more females than we have males right so we do have that one outlier and you're going to notice oftentimes that when ielts gives you these kinds of data um there's always just that kind of one outlier so pay attention to the outliers okay and again same thing so we see an increase for the most part here but then you do see this kind of decrease um at the end there okay so overall you still see an increase over the course of the half century but there are there's some shift in the number of factories right so you have a an increase all the way until 1981 and then you have a decrease in the final two decades but i'm going to explain that more in my body paragraph so i don't really need to get lost in details and that's why i just said for the most part right so you want to be careful with that okay and i can make that correction here as well so while the number of factories mostly increased over the 50 years okay so like that all right uh let's see so this is my overview an initial glance at the data reveals that in most time periods there were a greater number of males than females working in factories in addition the number of factory workers decreased from one decade to the next while the number of factories mostly increased over the 50 years okay sure so let's see um what we have here and remember tables often they're turned into line graphs so you could actually take this table and turn it into a kind of a line graph so keep that in mind okay all right let's see what students have uh let me bring it up here for us i know that the chat is a bit smaller but hopefully you can still still make it out okay um so bakra says uh it can be seen that the number of males and females decreased but the factories the number of factories or the amount of factories increased over the decades you can't say enlarged bakrat it doesn't make sense okay janil writes it is immediately it is noticeable that more males were working in german industries than females during the given period with the exception of 1861. in addition uh more indus uh industries increased or the number of factories careful january with industries industries and factories don't always work as a synonym in that second sentence it doesn't work so in addition more factories were built okay all right so we count factories we don't really count industries right uh june rights uh immediately it is evident that the total number of both male and female factory workers decreased during this 50-year period in contrast with the increasing trend of the number of plants yeah so plants is another way to write factories if we want to make it clear we say production plants okay production because they produce right not to be confused with house plants like the green plants that you put into your home so plants is a good way to paraphrase the noun factories okay meehan writes at first glance it is clear that there were more males working in the factories than uh females most of the time moreover the amount of factories uh increased while the total number of employees dropped okay that's good in the end couple of small corrections but overall not bad okay so the overview is also kind of like the guide to the analysis okay so when we go to the next step which is analyzing analyses for plural then we use this as our thesis statement so kind of just as a guide to um to the body paragraph okay and so the first point that i make is there are a greater number of males than females working in factories okay that's my very very first point so in my analyses that's what i want to do is i want to explain that in a bit more detail okay so first of all i'm looking at these numbers here okay now i can't report on all of these cells okay so don't do that when you're in your ielts exam if you try to report on every single cell you will certainly run out of time and your essay will kind of just really read in a very awkward way that's not very useful for your reader so here i'm just going to start with my first point okay and you really need to be clear on what is your first second third point so this will be my first point and then the change going down here will be my second point i'm going to highlight this outlier here and this will be my second point the totals okay so sorry i should say this will be my first point this will be my second point these will be my third point this will be my fourth point and then this will be my fifth point okay so one two three uh four and then five all right that's those are my points of discussion make sure to be really clear on your points of discussion so here we clearly have a lot of factory workers but importantly what we're looking at here is a lot more male employees than female employees excuse me and it's still the tail end of my cold all right so let's discuss this okay and you'll see how it works all right so uh in 1851 let's just name it right we're getting more specific so in 1851 there were over a quarter million um men working in production plants in germany while there were just under or there were 190 000 women doing um i don't want to say similar work because it could be different work okay so i'm going to say doing factory work right similar work we don't know that they could be working in very different kinds of factories right so again be really careful with making assumptions you have to have clarity only use information that you have okay all right so in 1851 um there were you never capitalize after a comma there were over a quarter million men so just interpreting this right so over a quarter million that's over 250 000 um you might say something like nearly 300 000 as well right i'm just interpreting the data here right so over a quarter million men working in production plants in germany while there were 190 000 women doing factory work okay now the next point so here i'm rolling along really nicely all right and i'm just moving along smoothly so um here i'm going to jump to my next point which is a decade later and a decade later we have a major shift in the number of men and women working in industrial uh in the industrial sector right so uh women decrease but not my by much men it's less than half okay so it's quite incredible all right let's emphasize that a decade later there is a major shift in this statistic with less than half the number of men working in the industrial or in industrial jobs while women remain quite numerous at 160 000 and for 160 000 you can write it with three zeros or you could just write 160 000 okay the capital k denotes a thousand so you can use that just to be a little bit faster and a little bit more concise okay and sometimes you might want to actually write out the word thousand that's okay as well all right i'd never write out the full number like 160 000 it's very wordy and it's awkward right so um a decade later there's a major shift in this statistic with less than half the number of men working in industrial jobs while women remain quite numerous at 160 000. we don't have to say it's less if you have a lot of time and you're really quick at writing you might say something this is the only year where there are more women working in factories than men okay so you might write that so this is the only period where uh female workers outnumber males okay so you might write something like that all right um let's see so uh we've got uh our members putting some good uh analysis into the chat here as well uh jaineel writes in 1851 more than 4.5 lac employees were working in 225 different factories where by approximately one lakh more men were doing factory work than men i'm not familiar with the term lac i think it's coming from lackey janil we don't really use that word anymore lackey but i could be wrong okay all right um i'm not really focusing so much on the number of factories at this point because that will come a little bit later in my analysis so here i'm just focusing on purely the number of men and women who are working in factories over the course of this period for the reader it's going to make sense when we report this data later here the total employees and the factories okay so um okay so now if i'm looking at the data and i'm looking at this data here okay um i'm not going to write about each of these cells that will take way too much time and it's completely unnecessary i can kind of group these these data sorry i can kind of group this data here into one sentence maybe two sentences so all i'm seeing here from 1871 to 1901 is a continuous decrease in the number of both male and female employees with usually more men than women and by 1901 it's 31 000 men and 30 000 women working in factories and that's it okay i'm not going to get lost in details don't get lost in detail students because then you'll run out of time and you won't be able to focus on some of the bigger more important pieces so really be careful about that okay all right um so i'm just going to keep going here follow with me and members keep writing okay because i love checking what you're writing um and again janeil you've made me curious about what the 4.5 lac employees lack i think you're maybe meaning like factory employees we don't really use the word lack though anymore we we do sometimes use the word lackey but it's not really considered politically correct okay so um all right in the next four time periods right so we've got 71 81 91 1901 okay so uh during or in the next four time period there continues to be a drop in both the men and women working in industry with a slightly greater number of males than females in each decade by the turn of the century there are just 31 000 men and 30 000 women employed uh by in the industrial sector okay so uh there we go so that's all i'm doing this is all i have for those uh data okay i'm not going to get lost in the 70 000 80 000 because here um i'm saying there continues to be a drop and there continues to be a drop tells the reader that there's some pretty big changes happening uh from um these time periods here okay all right so we can do it different ways and if you decide well i want to write about the 80 000 to thirty one thousand that's fine so there are some different ways to write for the table it's just important that you get to all of the main kind of ideas and that's why i don't want to spend too much time there okay now i can move on to uh this piece of data here which is the total number of employees and the total number of employees that's where you know i this kind of change also becomes clear so even if you don't go into too much detail here when you get to here this becomes clear because you're reporting some of the information here the totals okay so that's another reason that you don't want to get too lost uh in details in the beginning because often later on you realize that oh you're explaining that anyway with the next analysis okay does that make sense everybody that was a pretty important tip that i just gave you so june um janil mien did you catch that so one of the reasons why you don't necessarily need to get lost in a lot of detail at the beginning of your analysis is because there's a good chance that you're going to touch on that information in your later analysis as well so here when we analyze the total number of employees the number of men and women working in factories from 1871 to 1901 will become clear for the reader as well okay all right me says got it andrew andry says got it as well so i see the thumbs up that's awesome okay all right okay and i can even say that to my reader so i can i can state that change uh for my reader so what i can do as i can see that say that this change in the number of employees is clearly observable when looking at the totals okay and then you can even do it like this there are almost half a million uh factory workers in 1851 this halves to half can be a verb everyone so this halves to 290 000 in uh 19 or sorry 1861 again halves to 140 000 in 18 71 and just uh 60 000 or 61 000 by 1901 okay so i can make that clearer right um this this kind of decreasing number of total employees okay uh and now the the last piece here it's the number of factories right so the number of factories is quite the opposite of the number of total employees so the number of factories are almost kind of the inverse trend right so let's talk about that and make sure you're taking note of some of the vocabulary that i'm using here okay so the number of factories so the number of factories show and in an inverse trend to employees a significant increase [Music] over the 50-year period okay there are 225 production plants in 1851 only two more in 1861 but nearly a triple uh by 1871. okay so i'm talking about uh this uh tripling here okay so 227 to 622. okay now here um there's not a lot of change so yeah we've got this 721 10 years later but then it's back down so i'm going to discuss that a little bit as well so let's go to that okay the greatest number or the most factories are in 1881 at over 700 and then there is a slight uh decrease in the next 20 years okay and i'm not gonna go into more details because i have to be really careful with my word count all right so clearly here i'm already probably like 220 240 words which is quite a bit now again remember students i've said this lots of times before that 150 words is usually not enough to get a band-aid or a band none you have to have more words all right and you have to explain all of the main features and to explain all of the main features and analyze them it's almost impossible to do that um uh in 150 words so 150 words is the absolute minimum for task completion and then you still need a summary okay and the summary is something that's clearly observable um or some kind of interesting information that we can infer or understand by looking at this uh data okay so there's a couple of key pieces here that we can observe um one for instance is even though we have usually more uh men than women working in industry it's not by much so if we take the total number of male employees and female employees right so if we take all of this and add it up down here and we take all of this and add it up down here we'll discover that there aren't actually that many more men than women working in these factories slightly more maybe 20 more okay that's one interesting piece and then of course the other interesting piece is this inverse relationship between the total number of employees in the number of factories okay so let's summarize that okay uh kyber a production plant is a factory okay it's a place where they're producing goods okay so here we go um in summary uh by adding the columns it becomes evident that there are roughly 20 percent more men working in factories than women from uh or yeah in this half century also factories require less employees as the decades pass okay so we don't know why those factories require less employees we don't know if it's because their work is becoming more efficient because they have some new um techniques or strategies for production or because there's more machines more automatization of production we don't know that but we definitely know that the factories require less employees because if you have 700 factories but you have half the number of employees then there's simply no way that you can have more employees working in all of these factories right which is a really really important inference right if we're looking at how to employ people in the future in germany we have to understand that even though we'll have more factories we'll need less manual labor all right let's take a read of this students uh so again uh introduction overview analysis and summary um here we go and you should always review your work and fix it as soon as you complete it so introduction the given table has five columns in seven rows which depict the number of factory workers by gender and in total i should put commas around that in germany from the mid 19th century until the start of the 20th century with 10-year intervals an initial glance of the data reveals that in most time periods there were a greater number of males than females working in factories in addition the number of factory workers decreased from one decade to the next while the number of factories mostly increased over the 50 years a number of plants just because i have the word factories in the same sentence okay in 1851 there were over a quarter million men working in production plants in germany while there were 190 000 women doing factory work a decade later um there is a major shift in this statistic with less than half the number of men working in industrial jobs while women remain quite numerous at 160 000 this is the only period where female workers outnumber males in the next four time period z plural there continues to be a drop in both the men and women working in industry with a slightly greater number of males than females in each decade by the turn of the century there are just 31 000 men and 30 000 women employed by the industrial sector this change in the number of employees is clearly observable when looking at the totals there are almost half a million factory workers in 1851. uh this half to 291 000 in 1861 again half 140 000 in 1871 and just 61 000 by 1901. the numbers of factories show an inverse trend to employees with a significant increase over the 50-year period there are 225 production plants in 1851 only two more in 1861 but nearly triple by 71. the most factories are in 1881 at over 700 and then there is a slight decrease in the next 20 years all right in summary by adding the columns it becomes evident there are roughly 20 a percent more men working in factories than women in this half century also factories require less employees as the decades pass and that's it and if you write that and you make the corrections that i made because i made some important corrections there you are going to get um band 8 band 9 for your writing for sure okay all right quite a bit there students i know these task 1 classes are pretty thick but with all this discussion and analysis and the 20 minutes of writing it takes about an hour all right uh janil bakrat nice work in the chat i'm you know i do read the chat like i when i'm speaking to you i'm actually taking glances at the chat here and i'm looking at all of these uh different uh uh sentences and paragraphs that you're writing so keep doing that okay even if you think members like oh adrian's not even writing what i'm putting in the chat it's not true and you never know when i'm going to read something from there okay so make sure you do that all right keep doing that it's great practice okay members thank you so much for being with me in this highly intense task 1 table analysis class remember everybody that we've got our websites here for academic ielts and g for general ielts and also we have this discount code that you can get for the full premium package doesn't cost a lot of money so check that out um general ielts i will be back in 30 minutes for a reading class and that reading class i think will be very useful for both academic and general aisle students because there is a similarity between general and academic reading it's not the same but there's a similarity so come back in 30 minutes and join me for some reading that's it for now everybody i hope you enjoyed this class keep practicing and see you soon bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,949
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: iwClR3LiEOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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