IELTS Live - Reading Passage with Band 9 Results

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a superb week and i hope your weekend is off to a fantastic uh start welcome everyone hi a laser hi prachi welcome to our moderator shamshina good to see many many students in the class deep cover i'm doing fantastic thank you for asking students in this class we are looking at an ielts reading passage uh and we're looking for those band nine results so i'm going to be using a passage from one of our exams we will go over the passage the questions the answers and we're going to talk strategy on how to get those high scores excuse me all right um for academic ielts and for general isles visit us there to get access to our premium ielts course this is academic here click that big red button up there to join the premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access everyone so you are in great hands with us we're a certified ielts test registration center and we are certified british council agents so we know what we're talking about we train hundreds if not thousands of students every single day to get a better ielts band score general ielts green background gals help calm where you can just type in general and click that big red button to join the premium package um there all right sg workout says i want your classes for free sir is it possible because i'm not financially sound um you can click that green button to try it for free sg workout and uh yeah give it a shot all right so everybody um the uh yeah a little bit of extra help here if you don't have uh a lot of funds um like sg workout um you can use the code uh r4tyj which is just right beside my head here right there um to get a 20 discount from those courses you can also try out our apps academic ielts help and you can try out the app general ielts help both of those apps linked to the websites excuse me and the tail end of this cold is just getting at me but i'm almost over it all right and good news is we're virtual so nobody's gonna catch that cold no you wouldn't anyway i'm through it i'm over it all right so um instagram ielts underscore ae help and gl's help to get daily vocabulary and follow our live class schedules and if you have questions uh adrian you can send me an email and i will give you answers to your questions about our products and ielts there's some blessies thank you and thank you carolina okay all right rajat says you are getting bald rajat i think i am it's gonna be many years yet but we all do lose our hair as we get older thanks for that okay everyone so um let's take a look at uh the reading here in just a moment uh by the way uh members tomorrow you're going to have a q a session that's questions and answers about the alex exam and about the english language and we're going to do a uh speaking part three class as well um all right so we have the reading for today and our reading looks like this this is coming from our second exam um and uh here we have the title lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong the very very first step uh when you get to the islets reading passage step one is read the title and make inferences okay so you want to kind of predict what the passage is about so here uh we have this title uh lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong so we want we want to kind of try to predict based on you know what this is so lotteries are a type of gambling um usually at the government level okay it's kind of like where you have to pick some numbers you know on a card from 49 here in canada we have the lotto 649 so you have to choose six numbers from 49 numbers if you get all six numbers correct from the 49 numbers you win like 10 million dollars or something like that 10 sometimes more million dollars so that's a lottery um and then you have this question here okay and pay really careful attention uh when the title is a question mark because that means that this um writing will not only try to answer that question but they'll also try to debate it from both sides okay so positive good or unnecessary wrong all right eugene i'm doing fantastic other than a little bit of sneezing and coughing okay um so positive good or unnecessary wrong okay so lotteries gambling at the un at the government level uh maybe good for people that win and bad for people that lose words that come to mind so when you think about when you think about this title uh lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong what kind of words come to mind that you think the um author is going to include in this passage what do you think okay give me some ideas here what do you think will be some of the words in the passage if you wrote a passage about lotteries and about people playing the lottery uh what kind of words do you think might be included so jack wandzy says gambling um yeah shaheen says lucky yeah so those are some words so think about these words lucky gambling okay we've mentioned that one advantages disadvantages risk uh shimran very good shimran says jackpot okay that's the prize money all right prize all right alex alaikuang says maybe cheater yeah i'm so cheat for cheating okay uh anushka says money yeah uh ani uh very good anirban it says addiction okay says red black yeah if you're playing roulette maybe but i don't think so much in this all right gratification very good winner very nice okay so think about these words when you read the title all right okay everyone so now we want to look at um the questions and here are the questions okay so question one to five reading passage one has six paragraphs a to f which paragraph contains the following information so here we have to match the information with the correct paragraph and note by the way you can use any letter more than once so you could have uh two of these coming from the same paragraph okay so pay attention to that um you can't skim read for this kind of question students it's a complete waste of time because if this first sentence is coming from the last paragraph that's crazy that means you have to read the whole passage of skim read the whole passage to hopefully find this response okay now when you're at home you want to practice um paraphrasing these so the problem of gambling addiction um so how can we paraphrase that how can we say that in another way okay let me give you an idea here so the difficulties of being obsessed with games of fortune students paraphrasing is an extremely important skill in the outs exam and in good communication so you really want to do this on a regular basis where you're paraphrasing questions and answers okay so here we have this the problem of gambling addiction and then here i have my paraphrase which is the difficulties of being obsessed with games of fortune all right uh mal says issues that gambling can manifest well that's very good i would take it one step further now and say psychological issues psychological issues that gambling can manifest chapala says risking money and betting yep as becoming a dangerous habit an addiction is usually a dangerous habit as well okay all right bundita very good so bandita says the consequences of lottery compulsions bishal good luck on your exam tomorrow hi riyad give me some nice paraphrasing okay all right bakram you have to read the whole passage if you want to get a nice um high score okay all right okay so you want to keep doing that so here's the next one those less fortunate are more likely to play the lottery so um people with less money have a higher chance of buying lottery tickets all right the legality of lotteries the laws uh which govern um games of luck okay the financial incentives for governments to run lotteries um the monetary benefits for national authorities to host lotteries okay community initiatives are funded by lottery proceeds okay so profit from lotteries are used to assist the goals of society all right and then here we have true false not given don't worry about that we'll look at that later why because we don't know what's true we don't know what's false we don't know what's not given so you cannot read that question or you should not read that question because you're wasting time you're confusing yourself it's not helping you in fact it's just a negative so don't read true false not given before you read the passage it's pointless okay so if you use your 20 minutes in a smart way you can do it all in 20 minutes um here we go everyone so lotteries as reverse insurance okay so reverse insurance so something about insurance here also it's kind of an important one uh this is a summary completion so it says complete the summary all right well i'm going to do that and so i have to fill in these blanks uh with uh these words okay i don't know what words are going to be in the passage so i don't worry about the words but i read this summary okay all right um so here we go the reason why people play the lottery can be each month so they don't have to pay the whole price of the something done like the lottery corporations insurance companies turn us something in the long run with insurance we pay small amounts to avoid paying a massive amount with the lottery we pay small amounts so we might win the something from this perspective the lotteries something makes a lot of sense all right so i just skimmed me this clearly there's something in this passage about comparing lotteries to insurance lotteries we want to win a lot of money insurance we don't want to lose a lot of money so there's some kind of a similarity between these two and we're going to find out what that is all right okay so now that we have a bit of an idea of this passage and about lotteries we're going to read and students this is reading so read let me put that in a little bit of a different spot but read students read so don't just listen to me because then it would be a listening exercise and this isn't just a listening exercise it's a reading exercise so try to uh not try to but read read with me okay uh mclemon is asking how much time should we use to read the questions eight to ten minutes okay eight minutes is ideal but if you're a little bit slower ten minutes is fine okay all right okay um so here we go everyone uh we are going to read this passage okay all right somebody says you can't hear me but um for me the sound looks to be fine on my end uh is everybody else okay with the sound i'm actually going to play a different audio here anyway but your sound should be fine i didn't turn anything off okay yeah so i think yeah so it says it's fine so uh the sound is okay on my end you have to check on your end it could be the internet um on your end yeah so audio is perfect on my end yeah we're broadcasting around the world i mean that's incredible if you think about it um and a lot of moving parts here um here we go everyone so for this reading we're actually going to deal with a british reader here okay we're going to read with the british person okay cool so let's go back to the website this is coming out of our academics so i'm going to switch to my academic ielts website here at ae help dot com or academic ielts help if you search for that log into my student account at the top here where i've got all my goodies my computer-based practice exams my fully interactive course and then i have my audio cds and if i go back you'll see that in our exam books we have the indication for the audio so up here you'll see that it says uh reading audio cd to track five so for those of you who are using our premium ielts package to listen to this audio just go to the audio sections and then um we'll go to uh cd to um track five because it's passage one and it says right there reading passage one okay everyone so get ready to read and try to follow with this reader now this reader is a little bit faster so they read it in seven minutes okay um here we go everyone so reading passage one lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong a lottery is a form of gambling where contestants purchase tickets with one or more tickets being drawn as winners at the end of the competition period often there is a jackpot winner who wins most or all of the prize pool today national lottery jackpots can range from millions to hundreds of millions of dollars it wasn't long ago that lotteries were outlawed almost everywhere in the world today lotteries are legal in north america australia and much of europe and asia a question is raised over what has changed to make something previously seen as negative for society become common across the globe if gambling is bad why are lottery so popular and why do government support them people buy lottery tickets for one chief reason they want to win the jackpot in the long run lotteries are a bad bet the odds of winning are always stacked against the player that is to say the long-term expected return on the player's money is significantly less than the money paid for the tickets this is how the lottery corporations make money on the lottery the payout is far less than the revenue of the ticket sales and the government takes the difference if one million tickets are sold at five dollars a piece and the jackpot is three million dollars then the government has made two million dollars of profit in the process we are forced to question why lotteries are so popular given their poor value for players it's because of the thrill of possibly winning the jackpot the anticipation of a life-changing win for the ticket purchaser is worth the money it's the same reason why people gamble at casinos many people know they are not going to win in a long run at the casino but the short-term thrill makes up for the long-term losses the main argument against lotteries is that it acts as attacks on the poor and such a tax is unfair this is because statistics show that poor people are by far the most common purchases of lottery tickets there are two reasons why this could be the case first poor people have the most to gain by winning the lottery second poor people are arguably less likely to have a statistical understanding of the lottery they are less likely to realize that it is a bad bet the main argument in favor of lotteries is that it is a harmless fun which results in tax income that often go straight to community programs such as sports or the arts many community programs rely solely on lottery finances to operate so in this sense the lottery is a positive good however there are many people often poor people who become obsessed with gambling and the lottery and it starts to take over their lives for these people the lottery is detrimental one interesting way to look at the lottery and why people participate in it is to imagine it as a kind of reverse insurance people buy insurance for their home or car so that if something bad happens to it they do not have to pay the entire cost of the damage in other words they pay a little bit each month so that they don't have to pay a large amount at one time they pay these smaller amounts to insurance companies and those insurance companies make money in the long run so paying insurance is not a good bet either just like the lottery with the lottery we pay little amounts every once in a while so that maybe we will hit the jackpot with insurance we pay a little to save a lot and with the lottery we pay a little to win a lot when looked at in this way the popularity of the lottery is more easily understood when it comes to it lotteries are a choice yes they amount to a tax but so do the monthly fees we pay to insurance companies if people want to pay a few dollars here and there for a little fun excitement and a small chance to win a monstrous amount of money then what's the harm additionally lottery money funds many valuable community programs which otherwise would have trouble operating playing the lottery responsibly is fun exciting and maybe just maybe extremely profitable all right everyone so that is the reading in seven minutes and you know my favorite band um eight the siberian and bengal tigers are two of the most well-known types of tigers then um it's fine if you're able to read it that fast but you can still get a really high band score even a bad nine if you read it in eight nine maybe even ten minutes so i just stopped the audio um by the way again students so we're using our website here you can search for this academic english to find our website as well we are one of the only websites that gives audio reading for all of our reading passages because we think it's very very useful for students to improve many parts of their language so make sure to use those audio cds when you have our materials to help you improve your reading skills and they're all british english speakers okay so um here we go everybody uh let's go back to our reading and uh we're going to read it one more time this time i'm going to read it and i will stop at the end of each paragraph and do a quick summary of what each paragraph is about and then we're going to answer the question so when you're doing practice at home what you should do is you should read and listen like this to the audio to improve your reading fluency and your reading speed and then go back and read the passage again paragraph by paragraph now of course you're just doing this at home because in the real ielts you're going to be smooth you're going to read silently and so on okay all right stay focused students so here we go lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong a lottery is a form of gambling where contestants purchase tickets with one or more tickets being drawn as winners at the end of the competition period often there is a jackpot winner who wins most or all of the prize pool today national lottery jackpots can range from millions to hundreds of millions of dollars it wasn't long ago that lotteries were outlawed almost everywhere in the world today lotteries are legal in north america australia and much of europe and asia a question is raised over what has changed to make something uh previously seen as negative for society become common across the globe if gambling is bad why are lotteries so popular and why do government support them okay so here when i finish this paragraph i ask myself what is this paragraph about and this question will really help me to engage my active reading and to answer all of the questions to train my mind to think about absorbing the information okay all right um and i can see a few students have passed their outs which is great i did see that comment by the way harsh um that you got a good score in uh your aisle so congrats send me a testimonial okay so what is this paragraph about um it's about the history and the laws around lotteries worldwide okay that's my answer so this is my answer to the question what is this paragraph about and then i move on so the next paragraph uh people buy lottery tickets for one chief reason they want to win the jackpot in the long run lotteries are a bad bet the odds of winning are always stacked against the player that is to say the long-term expected return on the player's money is significantly less than the money paid for the tickets this is how the lottery corporations make money on the lottery the payout is far less than the revenue of the ticket sales and the government takes the difference if one million tickets are sold at five dollars a piece and the jackpot is three million dollars then the government has made two million dollars of profit in the process we are forced to question why lotteries are so popular given their poor value for players it's because of the thrill of the possibility possibly winning the jackpot the anticipation of a life-changing win for the ticket purchaser is worth the money it's the same reason why people gamble at casinos many people know they are not going to win in the long run at the casino but the short-term thrill makes up for the long-term losses so what is this paragraph about answer with me students so don't just wait for me to kind of spoon feed the answers but what you want to do here is you want to think about the answers so engage yourself engage your mind okay all right so what is this paragraph about i'm going to type it up you tell me okay so arjun xing says it's the long-term losses i don't think arjun that that's the main focus of this okay but nita says it's the passion for gambling even though it's not beneficial it's part of that um it's actually more specifically the reason right there are multiple reasons that are given like winning the jackpot the thrill of it okay [Music] and it's also about the way governments make money or the way they run the lottery right so the business of lotteries okay all right so again it's very important that you're able to come up with these answers all right okay uh let's go to the next paragraph so the main argument against lotteries is that it acts as a tax on the poor and such a tax is unfair this is because statistics show that poor people are by far the most common purchasers of lottery tickets there are two reasons why this could be the case first poor people have the most to gain by winning the lottery second poor people are arguably less likely to have a statistical understanding of the lottery they are less likely to realize that it is a bad bet okay so what is this paragraph about ask and answer the question answer to this one it's about uh reasons uh poor people play lotteries and this is unethical or bad yeah so it's bad to kind of trick uh some people into playing the lottery right hopefully i'm looking at the chat everyone it is in front of me here so i'm looking at your answers yeah so mohina bonu says reasons uh behind poor people choosing to gamble simran says the same reasons why poor people gamble and it's bad too right uh bandita always um look to give the sentence not the question so don't say why do poor why do poor people play lotteries instead of that say the reasons poor people play lotteries okay so always look at the sentence all right here we go with d the main argument in favor of lotteries is that it is harmless fun which results in tax income that often go straight to community programs such as sports or the arts many community programs rely solely on lottery finances to operate so in this sense the lottery is a positive good however there are many people often poor people who become obsessed with gambling and the lottery and it starts to take over their lives for these people lottery the lottery is detrimental okay so what is this paragraph about be specific okay so the trick to answering a good in a good way so you get lots of correct answers is be specific so when you answer your question a be specific okay b uh concise so say it in a short way right uh c as a question not as a state or sorry as a statement not as a question so don't say why do people okay right the better you can do this the better your score is going to be all right so um the positive of lotteries to fund community programs and the negatives of gambling addiction so this is kind of like the most concise way that i can say it while including all of the information so this paragraph talks about the positives of lotteries and the negatives of gambling addiction okay all right um so here we go paragraph e stay with me so one interesting way to look at the lottery and then why people participate in it is to imagine it as a kind of reverse insurance people buy insurance for their home or car so that if something bad happens to it they do not have to pay the entire cost of the damage in other words they pay a little bit each month so that they don't have to pay a large amount at one time they pay these smaller amounts to insurance companies and those insurance companies make money in the long run so paying insurance is not a good bet either just like the lottery with the lottery we pay little amounts every once in a while so that maybe we will hit the jackpot with insurance we pay a little to save a lot and with the lottery we pay a little to win a lot when looked at it in this way the popularity of lottery is more easily understood okay so what is this paragraph about it is about comparing lotteries to insurance to better understand the reasons uh people pay money for uh both okay that's what it's about right it's comparing insurance comparing lotteries okay yeah and shaheen says that so shaheen says comparing lottery with insurance buckrad says lottery is more popular than insurance i don't think so bahrain insurance is very popular also so careful not to come up with different information okay f um last one here when it comes down to it lotteries are a choice yes they amount to a tax but so do the monthly fees we pay to insurance companies if people want to pay a few dollars here and there for a little fun excitement and a small chance to win a monstrous amount of money then what's the harm additionally lottery monies fund many valuable community programs which otherwise would have trouble operating playing the lottery responsibly it's fun exciting and maybe just maybe extremely profitable so what is this paragraph about it is about the choice of playing lotteries for good or bad so we don't actually get an answer to the question are they good or are they bad lotteries but we kind of get this answer of well it's your choice and it depends on how you play the lottery and what happens with the lottery okay all right so we are ready uh to um answer some questions now here's our first set of questions which paragraph contains the following information write the correct letter a to f in boxes one to five on your answer sheet uh number one the problem of gambling addiction uh and then here remember i paraphrased it the difficulties of being obsessed with games of fortune and i actually remember reading the word obsessed i didn't read the word addiction so much but i read the word obsessed now i remember so when it says read these six paragraphs ada f i remember that if i really summarize it one was laws uh two was the system um three uh was a negative so poor people uh four was uh community programs and addiction five was insurance and 6 was personal choice okay question everybody did you remember this from reading this so were you able to uh kind of catch and hold this information now you're thinking like oh what like how did you get that right um but i got that by doing that question the what is the paragraph about so if i if i take my question and answers like what is this paragraph about um and i want to summarize it even further then the very first one would be laws okay that's how i would do it okay um and and so on so that would be like my super summary just one word okay mal says some of them yeah so here uh paragraph d says um however there are many people often poor people who become obsessed and here's that word obsessed remember people it's also in uh paraphrasing okay so you're not skim reading for it because the word addiction is not in there but my paraphrasing is in there so i know that the answer for this one is d okay so d is the answer all right prathamesh says yes and d is correct okay so uh okay um let's do this number two which paragraph talks about this those less fortunate are more likely to play the lottery people with less money it's poor people right um so less fortunate or more likely to play the lottery uh which paragraph talked about um people with less money playing the lottery bakrat and graprit say c i agree um if i have this uh here then i can see that right so i'm kind of the numbers are there we go yeah so number three which is paragraph c right was about people who have less money so that was c okay all right um and then here we have the legalities of lotteries so we're on this question here the laws which govern games of luck so legalities of lotteries which one talks about that so i now see when you get it and when you figure out this system it works really effectively right so you start to get all of them correct and simran says that one was a bandit agrees that was a yeah it was about you know the different countries that allow lotteries and about the history when lotteries were not allowed okay uh good the financial incentive for governments to run lotteries the monetary benefits another way to say monetary benefits right is the profits uh so which uh which paragraph talks about the financial incentive so we're on to i'm going to highlight these green the questions so let's see what are the original questions we're on to number four here uh the financial incentive for governments to run uh lotteries that's the one that explains right if they sell a million tickets of five dollars kamalidin and shaheen are all correct you're all saying that was b right so that's the system right the system is the the way that it works absolutely okay so the correct answer there was b okay so so far the answers are uh d c a and right now b okay for this passage okay um number five community initiatives are funded by lottery proceeds so uh the money from uh lotteries goes to the community uh profit from lotteries are used to assist the goals of society which one was that one that one was about the communities and that was a pretty clear one as well okay that last one number five very good student so it's d again yeah d again and uh pay careful attention sometimes uh you will get the same paragraph for two of these okay and in this case uh number one addiction was d and uh helping communities was also also d okay let's go on to true false not given so true false not given um true if the statement agrees with the information in the passage a false if it contradicts like if it's the opposite if the passage says it's good and the statement here says it's bad it would be false and then not given if we have no idea according to the passage so the passages basically just doesn't talk about it or doesn't give us clear information about it okay so here uh we've got four questions and there's a very good strategy for true false not given everyone a lot of students i know are kind of scared of true false not given but you shouldn't be because true false not given um you're it's just got a couple of clear steps so step one figure out if it is uh given or not given by asking if it's important let me show you this lotteries are outlawed almost everywhere so is it important for this passage to know whether or not lotteries are legal and if you think about the full title positive good or unnecessary wrong that makes this answer even easier right so shaheen says yeah it's important so yes it's important so it must be given okay now there's no answer that's given right only not given um so now my second step then is after i figure this out step two is figure out if it is true or false okay uh and very importantly pay attention to detail okay all right pay attention to detail so again lotteries are which is present tense lotteries are outlawed almost everywhere so second question is it true that lotteries today are outlawed almost everywhere and rajinder bakraj shahib khalad are all saying it's false right it is because they're legal in most parts of the world right in the past they were outlawed but today they're allowed almost everywhere so it's false so you put false or if you're computer-based you click false and you go to the next one okay so same steps for uh number seven eight nine okay all right send me an email and i'll give you some information about why you might not have your um ielts scores yet yeah absolutely okay um so let's go for number seven so number seven in the long run a person who plays the lottery should expect to lose money okay so is it important to know whether or not you're going to win if you keep playing the lottery yes it's important always ask the full question when you're practicing at home so it's given okay dot dot dot is it true that people lose money in the long run answer is it's true yep right so number seven's absolutely true i mean think about it um mira mir abdullah the title is lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong of course the passage is going to discuss whether people will lose money or not okay of course it will so it's definitely given you there is no way that you should be thinking that this is not given okay if you write in a passage about lotteries there's absolutely no way that you would not include this information okay so this is true all right very much true all right uh lotteries are popular because they serve as a pleasurable diversion from everyday life is it important to know that lotteries are a distraction from people's stress i don't know but it'd be interesting to see how many people are playing co uh lotteries during kovid maybe i would imagine even more but maybe not because people aren't allowed to go to places where they buy lottery tickets i don't know i'm curious what the statistics are for lotteries during coven interesting to know um so people are losing money they probably want to win but you can't go and buy a lottery ticket so i don't know who knows i'm probably different in different places okay so anyway number eight um yeah no it's not given right so is it important nah it's too much detail and it's awkward right so here the answer is not given when you have this you don't even need to go to the second step you just know that it's not given okay and there's a lot of nod givens uh in the chat so a lot of people got that they're like yeah that's too much detail um okay so number nine uh many people play the lottery without an understanding of its statistical background uh yeah so i mean the passage said a lot of poor people play it without understanding it is it important yeah absolutely so important so it's given dot dot dot is it true yeah it's true a lot of people even if they read it somewhere they're like oh i have a 1 in 40 million chance of winning the lottery um people don't really understand what that means 40 million okay 1 in 40 million that's crazy that means like if you played the lottery every single day of your life you still would have almost no chance of winning because we don't have anywhere near uh 40 million days to live okay so there's 365 days in a year let's say that you live to the beautiful age of 100 right um then you're still playing lottery just 36 500 times and there is a huge difference between um 36 500 and 40 million okay so think about that when you play the lottery if you played the lottery every single day and you played the exact same numbers and the odds of winning are roughly for the average lottery one in 40 million 36 000 if you divide 40 million by 36 000 you still have a very very little chance of ever hitting that jackpot so that's and that's every single day nobody really plays the lottery every single day because they don't even have lottery draws every single day okay so think about that all right so um that's what that's what we mean when we say people don't really understand the statistics even if they know the numbers they just can't really get it right like what the chances of that are you have a one in three million chance of getting hit by lightning do you know anybody that's been hit by lightning i don't okay so it's no surprise that i don't know anybody that's won millions of dollars on the lottery okay um so is it true yeah so it's true okay so our answers to these questions are false true not given and the true again this type of uh question students you should only answer once you've read the entire passage okay shaheen says probability is amazing yeah the study of probability shaheen in english is called finite math finite think about the word infinite means there's no end and finite meaning that there is an end there's a start stop okay all right so um here we go last question lotteries as reverse insurance try to always answer this on your own first okay all right so here we go uh the reason why people play the lottery can be viewed in terms of what is called reverse insurance we read a paragraph about this so it's good people buy insurance in order to prevent an accident from making them bankrupt they pay small amounts each month so they don't have to pay the whole price of the something done of the losses of the damage of the problem let's see if something matches there damage there it is popularity now even though it looks like this one right away is the correct answer i'm still going to read all of the other ones just to make sure there isn't a better word that fits even better but i don't see one so i'm going to stick with damage okay so i'm going to put the letter a in here and then move on okay make sure you if you're doing the paper-based exam ladies and gents uh make sure that you're not writing the word damage because you'll get it wrong so be really careful okay that's where the computer-based is a little bit more forgiving because you usually just click and drag and drop so it's less likely that you make this mistake okay here we go like the lottery corporations insurance companies turn uh something in the long run i would say profit or turn a gain benefit in the long run let's see popularity good bet jackpot insurance benefit profit profit was my first choice so i'm going to stick with profit benefits a little bit awkward profit is the better word always choose the better word so i'm going to go with f okay you turn a profit in the wrong long run and that's actually an expression student so learn that okay to turn a profit turn a profit means make some money so make some extra cash okay so learn this expression here turn a profit okay with insurance we pay small amounts to avoid paying a massive amount with the lottery we pay small amounts so we might win the jackpot there's jackpot so that's g jackpot from this perspective the lotteries something makes a lot of sense the lottery's uh fun enjoyment popularity uh damage popularity hey look there's popularity uh fun entertainment it's not their good because that would be really confusing um so c popularity is the answer for that one students that is a reading passage and that's how you approach these types of questions so we looked at matching information to paragraphs we looked at true false not given and we looked at completing the summary okay with this passage that's how you do a practice these steps at home you can do it really fast once you get the hang of it you can i don't want to say easily do it in 20 minutes but you can do it in 20 minutes okay it's possible to do in 20 minutes all right okay uh students i i hope that you really kind of enjoyed this and uh if you have questions you can send me an email um i'll show you my email address again for questions so this is my email right here uh you can send me questions there adrian like if something was like really confusing just be like what um and then i'll i'll give you some answers okay thank you carolina for moderating the chat um students for a whole bunch more reading passages help with the reading strategies for all of the reading questions um people love the kind of strategies we give them because we don't give them nonsense strategies like just skim read for the key words if you do that you're going to get stuck at like a 6 maybe 6.5 okay don't just skim read for keywords it doesn't work there's too much paraphrasing there's too many different question types mixing you up so yeah you need better strategies um you can get that on our websites at um so go to click the big red button join the premium package do yourself a favor give yourself the best chance to get those high band scores and make sure to follow us in these live classes as well so come back tomorrow we've got a couple more we've got a question and answer session for our channel members and we've got a speaking part three coming up tomorrow where i will actually speak with you um the students so i will call you through our website and uh speak with you and assess your speaking you're very welcome schnewin uh anthon awesome good to see you in the class again and again that's the way to do it um mal um i'm still gonna be here on saturday although thank you for the weekend wishes eugene i'm doing fantastic i did see your question at the beginning of the class and i still love those emojis they never get old so keep that up all right everybody have an awesome awesome rest of your day much love to all of you wherever you are in this incredibly unique world that we live on i'm adrienne i'm signing out from beautiful victoria for now bye everybody
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers, line graph description ielts
Id: zbSC-A-vFHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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