IELTS Speaking Band 9 Interview Kazakhstan with subtitles

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[Music] welcome to ielts test preparation videos you will now see ryana from kazakhstan score a band 9 for her performance on the speaking interview wearing a face mask after the interview i will give you tips on how you can also score high bands even with a face mask on as well i will share information about rules and regulations to follow for your ielts exam during the pandemic again we have partnered with cambly a world-class app that lets you connect with a native english speaking tutor 24 hours a day seven days a week anywhere and anytime simply download the app and begin practicing for your next ielts exam cambly has been generous enough to give us this discount code also in the video description to save on 1 3 and 12 month plans with this code on a 12 month plan you get 4 months of free english speaking practice and don't worry when you cancel any unused minutes on 3 and 12 month plans cambly will give you a refund try cambly for free and save up to 40 with our discount code begin learning for success today now watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test and i will record this for marking purposes may i see your identification yes my pleasure here is my passport please take a look thank you and what is your full name my first name is ryana and my surname is aliva just as it is written in my passport please call me ryana okay brianna here is your passport back the speaking has three parts i will give you instructions for each for part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic what do you do in your free time well since i'm really into makeup and beauty products in my spare time i enjoy sharing tips on these products i even have an instagram account where i regularly post videos how did you get to this exam today i took the number 10 bus for 8 stops and then i walked another 10 minutes to get here it was quick and convenient and it gave me the chance to do a bit of last minute review of my notes let's talk about languages why do people learn languages well the primary reason for people to study languages is to communicate with others within this people require languages for work and studying and living in foreign countries i've learned english so that i can do my higher education in the uk how often do you use english i use english on a daily basis whether i'm talking to my international friends or colleagues using social media or watching some shows i'm constantly using english where do you use english frequently definitely at my workplace i work in marketing at an international firm and i have co-workers from all over the world so the workplace language is english who do you speak english to the most that would be my co-worker and friend amina she's from morocco and we work on many projects together also we hang out outside of work and our common language is english how have learning languages changed languages has changed a lot in the past few decades because of considerable improvement in technology and rapid globalization it has become much more possible to study from native speakers of language both locally and through the internet i've studied a lot of english with native tutors and using apps if you could learn another language what would it be and why i would like to learn a bit of arabic if i have a bit of time not only because i could speak and practice with amina but it is also widely spoken around the world so it would be very useful that's the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two there's a card in front of you don't turn it over yet you will have one minute to look at the questions on the card and there's also some note paper and a pencil you can take notes in that one minute if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start when to stop all right ryan your one minute preparation time starts now go ahead ryan your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking a tool that is quite dangerous which i have used before is a chainsaw this is a gas powered wood cutting tool that has a handle and a motor with a metal bar extending from it and around the bar there is a chain with sharp teeth the motor and handle have a plastic cover which is a bright orange color the last time i had used the chainsaw was about 10 months ago when i was helping my uncle clean up around his property and get some firewood ready i used the chainsaw to remove some dead branches from trees around property and i also cut down a couple of smaller trees that were either dead or overcrowded a chainsaw can be quite dangerous if it is not maintained or mishandled it is a very powerful cutting tool which can slice into a person's knee leg or food and cause a lot of damage to tissues and even bones and also if the user cuts into hard material like metal or rock or if the chain is worn out and not replaced the saw can break and the pieces can come apart flying pieces of the chain or the material being cut like the pieces of wood or pebbles can damage the user's eyes and even blind them so whenever a person is using a chainsaw they must wear the correct safety equipment the most important are a nice pair of boots preferably with steel toes ear muffs to protect the ears from the loud sound of the engine and safety glasses there are special pants which can protect the legs from the chain and also a helmet is a good idea to protect the head in case of falling branches i will stop you there ryan your time is up please put the notes to the side as well as the card just turn it over and the pencil and now we will continue with part three for part three i will ask a question related to your response and some questions connected to the topic of part two who taught you how to use a chainsaw oh my uncle noor islam taught me the way to use it about five years ago he saw that i was quite interested in it when we were visiting with my dad and he showed me what to do with it and what to be careful about let's talk about dangerous objects what are some common objects around the home which can be dangerous when used incorrectly there are quite a few household items that can be hazardous to health if not used well immediately a blender a kitchen knife and a hairdryer come to mind these items can either cut burn or electrocute the user i know i've cut myself with a knife a few times in the past which of these most often leads to injuries i would say that the kitchen knife is probably the one that most commonly injures people just because it is frequently used i mean there are probably thousands of people around the world right now cutting a finger while i'm finishing this sentence where are some common places where people can encounter lots of dangerous items well aside from the kitchen at home um construction sites come to mind like where a new building is being put up there are many types of heavy machinery which can be quite dangerous if people aren't careful how has technological advancements reduce the danger of certain tools new innovations have made a lot of equipment much safer than in the past new types of sensors and materials reduce the likelihood of getting injured can you give a couple examples of this yes like the chainsaw that i had talked about it has a safety guard added to it and my uncle's table saw will turn off as soon as a person's hand is too close to it also safety gear like helmets and clothes are much brighter and stronger than in the past let's talk about user safety what should people do before they use an object that is potentially dangerous it is very important that people read the safety instructions and user manuals before using an object that can be dangerous also i think it is a good idea to watch some safety videos online and get the right training i think it would be a really bad idea to start up a chainsaw without knowing how to use it correctly why do some people not do this well i think it's mostly ignorance times people are in a rush and just want to get a job done so they do not pay attention to safety this is usually when problems happen what kinds of objects are commonly found around the home that help people to avoid injuries that's a good question please give me a moment to think oven meats safety glasses earplugs and bicycle helmet are some items that many people have around the home which can minimize the risk of injuries where should people store objects like these i think it is a good idea to keep these items stored in easy to access and visible places so that people always remember to use them i keep my bike helmet on the hook next to my entrance so whenever i go out biking i always remember to put it on that's the end of part three that concludes the speaking portion of the exam you will be able to see your mark online in about two days and you will have your official mark with the other sections in a couple weeks time have a great rest of your day ryanna and remember to take your identification with you thank you thank you thank you bye bye so why does ryanna deserve this ben nine expert user evaluation for her performance on the speaking interview well clearly ryana is very proficient she's fluent she doesn't hesitate to answer any of the questions she's confident throughout the interview also ryana uses a broad range of vocabulary and grammar in the subtitles we have underlined some of the words and phrases that show a band 9 level make sure to go back and check these ryan is also natural she gives accurate and detailed responses to every question she answers explains and often includes examples to support her ideas her responses are clearly original and not memorized templates from books or videos this is what you need to do in order to get these high band scores on your next ielts exam make sure to practice these steps now let me give you a few important details about what you have to pay attention to when you sit your ielts exam during the covid pandemic ielts test centers are taking several precautionary steps to make sure that you and everyone else stays healthy on your test day for these reasons you will not be allowed to enter the ielts test center before your given time you will receive an email from ielts telling you what is the earliest time that you can enter the test center as well this email will include all of the following points firstly you will have to wear a face mask at all times during your exam as soon as you enter the test center as well you will have to wash your hands and use a hand sanitizer you can bring your own hand sanitizer which is a good idea but it must not have any writing or it must not have a label on it as well they will check your temperature if you show any symptoms of a cold or flu you will not be allowed to sit your exam if you are feeling ill before your ielts test date make sure to contact your exam center and ask for your exam to be rescheduled in addition you will have to bring your own pen pencil and eraser your eraser again must not have a covering or have any writing on it as well you should bring a water bottle the water bottle should be transparent and again must not have any label or writing on it pay attention to these details and arrive to your test center early dress according to the weather so that you're not hot or cold if you have to stand outside for five or ten minutes you should take with you some speaking scripts that you can leave in the coat room which you can use to practice with other people who are waiting to enter the exam center make sure to pay attention for that email that ielts will be sending you with all of these details read it carefully at least a couple of times and be extra certain that you're prepared on exam day of course watch many of our videos and practice our strategies to ensure that you can get the high band scores on your next ielts exam good luck when you sit your test remember to download and try cambly to improve your speaking for your next ielts exam also to get many more video lessons like this one as well as a fully interactive course original practice exams and tips and strategies to get those high band scores visit and join our premium package at also download and link the app academic ielts help begin learning for success today subscribe to our channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our ielts hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 572,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, vocabulary, computer, interview, test, Kazakhstan, practice, subtitle, cue card, part 2, band 7, band 8, band 9, grammar, tricks tips, phrases, word, 2021, new, sentence, high score, IELTS speaking, British, accent, part 1, pass, words, part 3, fluency, sample, example, explanation, question, types, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, marking, descriptors, understand, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, tutorial, easy
Id: 5DjHMLyRm7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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