IELTS Speaking Interview Indonesia Band 8 and 9 Strategy

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[Music] welcome to ielts test preparation videos you will now see elon from indonesia score a band 7.5 for his performance on the interview afterwards i will explain the good and the bad with detailed examples for lots more help with your next exam with over 100 hours of video lessons of fully interactive course and original practice exams get our premium package at use this discount code also in the video description to save ten percent now watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrienne i will be your examiner for this part of the test and i will give you instructions for each of the three parts what is your full name my full name is elan dermawan but you can call me along okay along may i see your identification please yes please this is my passport that i used to register for this exam okay here's your passport thank you for part one i will ask you a couple questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic how are you feeling today i'm feeling a bit anxious because i really want to get a good grade for this exam otherwise i'm feeling good what do you plan to do after this exam after we've done with exam i'm planning to go to the beach with my friend let's talk about the weather how often does it rain in your city um italian is quite a lot in jakarta um it um could be a hundred days in a year um just like this past week it trains uh cats and dogs what do you like to do when it's sunny um as i mentioned before um i really like to go to the beach um and hang out with my friend so um today i actually planning to go to until beach when it's sunny how do you keep yourself cool on hot days i usually try to stay in the shade as much as i can and also i i usually drink a lot of water usually i always carry a bottle of water everywhere i go if you could make the perfect weather what would it be and why it's kind of funny question but if i could have a gut power like that um i would make the weather partly cloudy uh and gentle breeze um in that way i could feel comfortable without getting sweaty and invented by the sun have you ever seen snow and if yes where yeah i have a couple years ago i went to new york new york to visit my uncle and it was during december and i saw snow for the very first time when i was there it was aging but magical that's the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two here is uh note paper pencil and there's a card with some questions don't turn that over yet you will have one minute to look at the questions on the card think about your answer take notes if you wish in the one minute and then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start when to stop okay your one minute preparation time begins now elon your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking okay um so one object that uh come into my mind when i saw these questions is a motorbike helmet um it is a headwear plastic it's black and red and it has fizer to shut my eyes and also it has a chin stripe to keep it in place i got it about two years ago in a motorbike shop close to my apartment and um it's um it's about 1.5 million rupiah which i got it in the same time when i get my my new motorbike every time i drive i always wear it because it's actually mandatory according to indonesian road rules to wear helmet and for for the motorists uh who do not follow uh the the rules they will get uh trouble like they get fined which i don't want to and however um the much more important reason for me to wear a hot motorbike helmet is because i want to protect myself and my health a brain injury resulting trauma is no lovable matter i actually read an article saying that 80 of motorbike saying that brain injury caused by motorbike accidents can be prevented by wearing helmet and in my opinion a pudding helmet is an at least at least a person can do to ensure that they do not injure themselves and also others such an injury will not will be devastating not only for us but also for for the people who love us okay i'm going to stop you there milan please pass back the note paper the pencil thank you and now we will continue with uh part three for part three i will ask you some more questions related to the topic of part two let's talk about safety equipment what are the most common types of objects that people use to stay safe on a day-to-day basis there are a lot of that equipment that people use on a daily basis for example the motorbike helmet that i just mentioned before other than that safety glasses and boot commonly used in the construction site in the office or environment also nowadays you see a lot of people wearing face masks and then gloves to prevent them you know to get infected by the virus which of these is used more than any other um i'm not quite sure but um i think a car seal belt are the common safety gear equipment that people use all around the world which types of problems can occur if people don't use certain types of safety equipment in dangerous situations um when people are responsible and do not wear a safety equipment for example a car seat belt when they are driving they may get seriously injured such as a broken bone severe burn or even diet how does this affect society it has horrible effect to a lot of people for example you know it can cause a not only financially but also emotionally damaged um you know taking care of um injured people costs you a lot of money and then also the most important thing is the feeling of sorrow that it may cause to the people who love us how has technology improved safety equipment um it improved a lot for example um it met they they made them even more stronger and then also lighter and more much more effective can you give an example yeah um for example a car sorry an airbag system it helps to reduce the uh the impact when the accident happens to the driver and also my helmet it has keflar which is a plastic but it's uh it's a lighter stronger compared to any other you know confidential conventional plastic let's talk about acting responsibly what should people do before engaging in dangerous activities um when when uh when when people plan to do some kind of you know activity like a hiking for example they should do uh a lot of research about uh the place they're going so that they can plan and better know you know about the area and then any kind of you know situation that may happen and also to check their safety gear equipment just in case why is this important to do it is very important because when uh when the adventure seekers do these preemptive measures they can prepare for any kind of situations and to maximize their safety and in case of you know accidents it means it minimize the harm people often say that we are responsible for each other not just ourselves why is this and do you agree with this statement um yeah absolutely because you know human are social creators we live in a group and you know one actions uh can also impact others or society for examples when people are they feeling not carefully uh they can uh they can cause uh um you know uh trouble not only for themselves but also for others and um as i mentioned before um when when people get a brain injury they cannot rely on themselves they need others to taking care of them how can society encourage responsible behavior um i believe that authorities and governments should work together to create you know some kind of campaign um you know showing how people exercise wearing a helmet or any kind of safety gear equipment before they're driving instead of showing you know people smoke in in any other media that is the end of part three that concludes the speaking portion of the ielts exam you will have your mark in about two weeks time with the other sections along remember to take your passport with you and have a great rest of your day thank you okay bye bye elon gets a band 7.5 for his speaking interview because he is somewhere between a good and a very good user of the english language he is clearly above a six six is simply someone who is fluent a good user is someone who has a wide range of vocabulary can give good answers and explanations as well as examples a very good user is someone who makes fewer mistakes who is even more coherent and has to think less about their answers let me give you some detailed explanations and examples using elon's responses firstly elon uses a wide range of vocabulary this means that he is able to often paraphrase the words in the questions and also come up with some good collocations and good idiomatic language in part one to express the idea that there is heavy rain in jakarta he uses the idiomatic expression it was reigning cats and dogs furthermore he uses quite a few collocations in the different parts of the speaking interview he uses collocations like social creatures preemptive measures and safety gear accurately however at times elong is stuck searching for the right word this is noticeable when he uses the phrase you know especially in part three where the questions get more difficult you hear him say the phrase you know several times this isn't just simply a part of his diction but it's a way that he stalls for time in order to come up with the right vocabulary this shows that even though he long has good vocabulary he's not able to access it as quickly as a higher level speaker it is bad to use the pronoun you in your ielts speaking interview this is because you do not want to speak directly to your examiner it's common for people in everyday language to say you like you should do this or when you go downtown when you watch this movie even when we're not actually talking about that person however using you incorrectly in context leads to bad communication a lot of students do this but you must make sure that you avoid using you in your owl speaking interview again elong does this a couple of times and it does lead to awkward communication for example in part 3 he says taking care of injured people will cost you a lot of money well in this case i'm not really the one taking care of injured people it's society or it's the people close to those who get injured so it's awkward and incorrect to say this when you're doing your practice pay a special attention to this kind of pronoun mistake don't use you avoid it in your interview so you have to be careful to use a more accurate noun than you one strategy which elon uses that is very good in the speaking interview is to use quantitative language this means using numbers to give clarity and coherence as well as to build fluency in part one when he explains how much it rains in jakarta he says well it rains about at least 100 days in a year when he talks about his motorbike helmet he explains how many rupiah it cost him this is really good to do in your speaking interview make sure to practice quantitative language before you sit your exam another good point for elon is that he does use a broad range of grammar throughout the interview however one of the bads is that he doesn't always reflect the grammar of the question some questions are asking in the continuous form of the verb while others are using present perfect like this example here how has technology improved safety equipment in this case elong does not use the present perfect in his response he simply says it improved a lot instead he should say it has improved a lot technology has made safety equipment safer and stronger you can definitely bump up your score by reflecting the grammar of the question pay a special attention to the past and present perfect forms elong does give a couple of bad or awkward responses where his grammar is off and it makes it a bit tricky to understand exactly what he is intending to say grammar mistakes can really cost you because they lower both your grammar range and coherency scores for instance when elon is talking about what happens when people don't wear helmets in indonesia he says this will get trouble instead of saying this will get a person into trouble also when he's describing the helmet which is good he says the helmet has a visor to shut my eyes in this case he's using the wrong word instead of shut he should be saying to protect my eyes these kinds of word choice mistakes and grammatical mistakes definitely affect scores negatively the big bad in elon's interview happens in part two where he becomes extremely nervous you have to control your anxiety you can tell that when elon becomes nervous in part two his fluency decreases as well as his coherence when you start to feel anxious during your ielts interview take a deep breath focus yourself remember that the sun will shine tomorrow you're there to do your best and you can't ask more of yourself try to visualize and imagine that the examiner is your grandpa or your grandma smiling at you feel comfortable with them remember you're likely not going to be the best candidate or the worst candidate on that day just do what you can and keep calm good luck the next time you sit your ielts exam to get many more video lessons like this one as well as a fully interactive course and original practice exams visit and get our premium package at use this discount code to save 10 percent also in the video description begin learning for success today subscribe to our channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our ielts hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 166,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, Indonesia, interview, section, examiner, candidate, official marking, band score descriptors, cue card, band 9, score 9, British, accent, part 1, part 2, master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, IELTS learning, easy, English lesson, English tutorial, English class
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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