IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing Academic Band 9 Pie Charts

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hi ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend in this class everyone we are looking at ielts task one writing for the academic version of the ielts exam and specifically we will focus on band nine pie charts so that's what we will be targeting today again while we wait for some of our members this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to join this lesson is presented to you by for academic out success check us out there for the general ielts please visit us at g welcome kyber while we wait for a few more members i'll show you those websites real quick this is our academic ielts website here you can click this big red button just above my head to join the premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and we're an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you're in great hands with us we help thousands of students every day improve on ielts you can read our success stories there's lots of them for the general ielts uh you can visit us here it's the green background this is at g again click this big red button to join our premium package there again that's gene and good news students we still have our cyber monday discount going on it's a 40 40 discount code so black friday cyber monday it's kind of our best two weeks for discounts in the year um and the code is cyber monday so sorry cyber day this right here cyber day so if you use this code cyber day that's again just right there above my head um then you can get that 40 discount from our premium package hi pranjal hi jai neil all right um so uh to get our apps uh go to your app store grab our app for the academic it's ielts help for the general ielts it's general ielts help the apps link to the websites so you can learn from your mobile or from your computer from the same account and to follow us learn daily vocabulary get lots of tips follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help and gl's help um and if you have questions i'm happy to help adrian okay all right so we've got a couple of classes for you today we've got um this uh task one class that's yesterday so we'll get rid of that we've got the task one uh again it's the academic task one writing general ielts is different so i see yahavir rumi and toxin our general ielts um lesson and i know we have a mix of students general and academic on both our youtube channels so we kind of show task one on both but again just be really careful about which kind of ielts you're writing general or academic because task one is quite different even the style of the essay is quite different so pay attention to that okay um all right i'm gonna try to get a bit more of the chat here hi rashika okay um maybe some of our regular students can hear my voice is a bit off i'm just getting over a cold so hopefully my voice lasts but we'll see um we're gonna work through this uh essay together here okay so let's get into task one while i still have a voice um all right so if you hear my voice crackling popping it's not the microphone it's actually my voice so you can have a good chuckle about that and then uh we'll move on okay chineal says me too yeah it's that time of the year it's it's cold season um okay definitely not coveted it's not a dry dry cough or a cold that's for sure um okay um so everybody here's academic ielts task one writing let's get into this uh first step always okay you just finished the reading section you took an hour on the reading maybe by the end of it you were rushing you're reading really quickly and now you got to the writing section so very importantly everyone when you get to the writing section um just take a moment and slow yourself down you have to read the question carefully okay so read the question very carefully good morning june all right so here we go let's read this question let's work through it so you should spend about 20 minutes on this task the pie charts below show exports between the us and vietnam summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant it's a very very very typical kind of question for academic task one and you have to write at least 150 words that's minimum so just again a reminder for those students that might be watching this for the first time and kind of getting an idea around this band 7 2 9 essays are closer to 220 words for task one okay so you don't lose any marks for going over the word limit in fact you'll get more marks if you give good detailed information but you do lose marks for going under and they do count it a lot of people who are sitting the computer-based uh exam accounting is very simple because the computer does it so the computer will actually show your word count while you're typing so you can check your word count okay you can actually see it during your exam all right so you can keep an eye on that hi joe t all right um all right no worries art i hope your volleyball games went well okay so uh we read this um this question and then the next step everyone is to look at the diagram here and i know my head's covering a part of it but that's okay you'll see it in a moment i can shrink it down um okay and so here we have exports between the us and vietnam and i'm trying a new tool here today students so bear with me uh there we go so we have exports between the us and vietnam always pay attention to the title okay the title is very very important and then here we have exports vietnam to the u.s so it's vietnam is sending to the u.s and for instance right away here as i'm looking at this if i'm thinking vietnam is exporting to the u.s then what is the u.s doing if we're looking at it the other way with vietnam so vietnam is exporting to the u.s and the u.s is verb from vietnam so uh what's the verb there and this is the kind of thinking the recognition that you want to have going on while you're analyzing this kind of a graph okay uh jabroni says does it mean that if my task one is around 107 words there is no chance to score seven to nine band uh jabroni there is a chance but it has to be perfect writing um you might not score nine but you could probably score a seven maybe an eight if you wrote a perfect essay at 170 words uh we've talked to lots of examiners and they said that yeah usually essays that are 150 160 70 words just don't have enough detail they don't mention enough of the graph okay all right punch them i hope your speaking went well today yeah exactly so janiel jabroni's uh jabroni uh daniel is answering your question as well so danielle says no but the chance to get a high band is lower for sure you have to really have an extremely well written concise essay at 170 words it's almost easier to write 200 words and get a higher score than 170. okay the vex says receiving our winner says exchange rashika says import yeah no us is importing right so exactly rashika that's the word i was looking for um so if vietnam is exporting to the us um then the u.s is importing from vietnam right so now we can write two different ways about this pie chart and kind of the same with this other side here so uh the us is exporting to vietnam where vietnam is importing from the us x exit going out m in coming in import okay all right um and then we take a look at uh the actual um let me see how i clear this there we go so we look at the actual graphs themselves okay so here are the two pies and at the start you don't really need to really get into these small pieces like rice 4.3 see food 4.4 you don't need to really pay too much attention to that and we're looking in millions of dollars okay obviously here but we don't really need to look at the small details yet we just kind of want to look at the slices okay so um here we have one slice here we have another slice here we have another slice so basically we count the number of slices okay all right um and we can see that um there are uh one two three four five six slices for vietnam's exports to the us right and we have one two three four five six items mentioned for u.s exports to vietnam so what i'm doing here is i'm collecting the information for the introduction and the overview of uh this uh graph okay so both of them have six and the other um part that we notice right away is that um you have some uh um kind of big slices and then you have some smaller slices and you have that for both right so you have some big slices like this and then you have some smaller slices like that as well right okay so that's all i want to do again just to reiterate so i pay attention to the titles okay titles are very very important the titles of each of the pies as well and then just kind of the main features okay for the overview so now i'm ready to write the introduction okay and the introduction um anybody know what the introduction is so i think some of our members have a clear idea what we need to include in the introduction the introduction has two parts okay for this type of essay all right and what is that what does the introduction include let's see if any of our members here have an idea um just so all of our viewers can see here are the members chatting i'll put that in there okay so um [Music] the introduction has two parts for task one okay task one has just for some people before we get into the introduction even so task one is an expository essay it explains data okay it is in third person author voice okay hi mian nice of you to join okay uh so it's in third person author voice yeah um and it has four parts okay so the four parts are the introduction overview body or we also call that the analysis okay and a summary and yes the summary is important if you want to get a high high band score okay all right um so uh some of our members are saying for the introduction the two parts that we have to include are the uh paraphrasing with details that's right so we paraphrase the question and give it some details okay so to make it a little bit clear i'll call this components okay so two components paraphrase the question and give some more detail using uh the titles and main features of the graph okay in clear english so um here we have the pie charts okay so in my introduction i want to say how many pie charts okay remember numbers are your friend especially in task one expository essay so these two pie charts okay instead of just saying pie charts now i'm not going to say below okay because it's weird to refer to the location of information on paper in an essay some students do that but that's not a good idea so don't write below okay instead of show i'm going to say illustrate okay there's a lot of different ways to paraphrase the word show you can write illustrate depict represent indicate okay lots of different ways all right and we have some of our members here already paraphrasing um kyber writes these two pie charts provide information about six kinds of goods that the united states is importing from vietnam and the u.s exports six goods to vietnam inversely okay that's very nice kyber that's a good start you have some details there there's one detail kyber that you're kind of missing and um that should be included it's important think about what that is okay so go ahead members and go ahead students paraphrase this question if we have some academic aisle students or even if you're a general out student and you just want to challenge roomie or emmanuel then go ahead and paraphrase this as well okay so i'm going to do the same and then we'll compare okay so these two pie charts illustrate um six um kinds okay you don't kyber you don't need to write various kinds because it's just six kinds okay um of imports going from vietnam to the u.s and inversely going from the u.s to vietnam okay and here i would actually write another sentence uh the data is provided actually instead of seeing the data i would write here the volume of merchandise is um given as millions of u.s uh dollars okay so that's the other important part here students remember what i said that it's really important to think about the uh the um the title of the pie charts here so here it says in millions of dollars and because it has just one line going through it i know it's millions of us dollars okay so exports to vietnam in millions of dollars okay all right and we have lots of different um items here so we have garments oh that's really big um we have we have uh garments um uh we have uh rice we have seafood we have fruit and vegetables cotton so i'm not going to list all of those you could though so if you listed those in your introduction like vietnam exports these um us exports these that's okay you could do that okay all right okay but you definitely want to mention the measure the millions of dollars okay so mentioning the measure is super super important okay all right uh so let's go back up here let's see what some of our members wrote we have some different responses here so june writes these two pie charts compare the value of six different goods exported between the us and vietnam in the unit of million dollars okay in the unit of millions of dollars the products exported from vietnam to u.s consist of coffee fruit and vegetables seafood rice garments and other while those from us include aircraft parts machinery fertilizer cotton cars and others yeah so june you list the different uh exports and imports and that's fine you could do that okay so just give that extra bit of detail gineal says the two pie charts depict the six categories of goods goods imported and exported in millions uh between the united states and vietnam in millions of dollars danielle you need the measure because we don't know if millions means millions of units or millions of kilograms so you need the measured dollars okay that's an important piece there the dollar okay and otherwise it's quite good okay um one other correction janil the two pie charts depict the six categories of goods imported and exported it's a passive voice because it's imported by the government or buy businesses okay yeah danielle i see your correction there at the bottom in millions of dollars so that's good okay uh fantastic so now we want to look at the overview okay i'm just going to grab my introduction here and i'm going to put it underneath the um underneath our chart here yep there we go okay and so here's my introduction okay and now um for the sake of ielts uh we want to do the overview as a separate paragraph okay so the overview is basically uh the main features that we can kind of see okay and so um so what can we see so what are the main features and the main features um when you're looking at it you want to just kind of look at what really jumps out at you without looking at a lot of detail okay so let's see what really jumps out at us all right so for me this big slice this big slice really jumps out and then this slice here jumps out and this slice here jumps out and then we've got kind of this slice here and we've got these three smaller slices there and here we've got four smaller slices there now another part that kind of jumps out at me as well is um this and this so specifically this number here let me switch here so this number and this number okay so if you look at these numbers there's something else that kind of jumps out okay all right and there's a number here that's kind of hidden underneath my pen but there's something that should jump out at you so what is that so there's a couple of kind of key features um that really kind of pop out at us looking at at these okay okay so uh pranjal says coffee and aircraft okay all right um yeah that's okay um janelle says both have big and uh small slices yeah giannio that's good absolutely so both of these pie charts have kind of these bigger slices and then they have kind of these smaller slices so there are a couple of uh two or three exports that are kind of the primary exports and imports and then we have kind of these secondary imports and exports right um that's definitely one part that jumps out at us so you can write that i'm going to write this as well and then we'll compare okay so this all right um so here uh just to kind of um put that into words those uh smaller and bigger pieces right the coffee the aircraft fruit and vegetables here we have machinery right so i wrote at first glance it is clear that both countries have some primary exports that are worth a large proportion of their exports now i don't want to repeat exports so primary goods that are worth a large proportion of their exports as well as some smaller valued exports that contribute to the total value okay all right so um that's me putting that into words all right there's different ways to say that so let's see if some of our members are coming up with some different ideas or some different ways to state that first point and then there's another point here okay so okay so also by looking at the specific dollar amounts it is evident that the u.s exports at least twice the value of goods to vietnam as what they import okay um so this is what i was saying here with uh this uh 72 versus 23 in fact it's much more we could almost say it's uh three times okay so let's be accurate here and let's fix it okay when you notice things like that you want to fix it so it's at least thrice okay thrice means three times okay all right um kyber let's see what kyber wrote so this is what kyber wrote here okay so kyber writes upon initial uh intersection um it's not intersectional so careful with your words here kyber make sure you've got the right word inspection okay it becomes evident that coffee and aircraft parts uh are two popular exports between these two countries um this is unclear here because we don't know from this sentence kyber who's exporting coffee or aircraft so you have to make this clear okay so upon initial inspection it becomes evident that coffee from vietnam and aircraft parts from the us are two popular exports between these two countries while rice seafood fertilizer machinery are relatively uh much lower in value okay so that would be the correct way to state that kyber however um this isn't the most effective overview because you're kind of getting lost in details and you're missing some information as well okay so um you're missing the other types of uh smaller exports this is something more that you'd want more for the body paragraph so something that you want to save for the body paragraph okay all right uh let's see what pancham writes here okay i'm gonna grab that punch um for the overview so we're looking at the overview here everyone and i'm just taking some of the the overview that members have put into the chat here and just giving it a quick analysis okay so kyber your overview with these mistakes because it's not the most accurate overview and it has these mistakes it would only be considered about a band five level writing okay so it really makes a big difference especially the information that you're including all right okay so let's take a look at um the overview for uh pancham all right pancham let's have a look at this so let me make this a bit bigger okay and then i'll review it here so pancham writes overall it is evident that both countries you don't need the um both countries have some chief contributors to their exports that's some nice writing there with chief contributors uh to their exports and also some secondary exports which make so that's the plural singular it's not makes it's make make up the total value okay so not too many mistakes it's quite clean here pancham um however this is too simple okay for an overview you'd want a little bit more information here okay so this would be considered like a band six maybe a band seven depending on what you write for the rest of your essay because you know there's not too many mistakes so it's quite clean if you if your the rest of your essay has a lot of good detail then fine but if you're lacking uh detail in the rest of your body paragraph as well you're only going to get a six simply because you're not giving enough analysis okay so this would be a band six let's say okay this would be a band five okay again for kyber there okay so uh let's uh let's take one more here um so i'm going to take one from june i see june has one here as well okay and let's grab that so i'm just pulling this out of the chat everyone from our members and giving it a quick analysis just to give some feedback here so let's take a look at june's uh overview okay all right both countries here agg will look at the the pie charts here in a second so you'll get an idea okay so this is what june writes um overall it is noticeable that the distribution of the percentage of exports uh careful with information um that the distribution of the value of exports we don't actually have percentage here june we have value okay we're not getting the percentage right of exports and imports and even though it's of the whole um you can't say percentage when we're not given percentage that would be considered an information mistake and that would hurt your score june so careful with that okay so overall it is noticeable that the distribution of the value of exports and imports between the two countries follows a similar pattern good with primary products worth with it's two of them here you have s so careful with the uh with primary products worth just less than half of total values okay so you have values there that's good okay followed by some other goods that take up smaller proportions okay good all right um so june that would be like a band seven okay um simply because of this critical mistake here and also because uh you're not really including this piece here so this piece is a pretty important piece for the um for the overview okay so let me take that out so we can see it so notice again that here we have 72 million dollars in aircraft parts and coffee's only worth 23 million so the value of u.s exports is much greater than the value of uh vietnam's exports and it would be a good idea to mention that in your overview okay all right everyone uh rashika jainil i see that you've got some writing there too keep writing i'll take a look at yours for the body paragraphs okay so once we have the uh introduction and the overview let me just again everyone these are the pie charts that we're looking at here it's the exports uh between the us and vietnam it's two pie charts pie charts are used to represent data from a whole so here from the total value and millions of dollars and then we have our introduction and our overview so here's the introduction these two pie charts illustrate six kinds of imports going from vietnam to the us and inversely going from the u.s to vietnam the volume of merchandise is given as millions of u.s dollars at first glance it is clear that both countries have some primary goods that are worth a large proportion of their exports as well as some smaller valued exports that contribute to the total value also by looking at the specific dollar amounts it is evident that the u.s exports are now let me take off my correction here r at least thrice the value of goods to vietnam as what they import okay and instead of as what they import uh vice versa okay that's a nice way to say back and forth the opposite as vice versa okay so this is my introduction and my overview here and now i want to go to the analysis okay so for the analysis all i'm going to do is i'm going to look at my points of comparison so it makes sense that um this is my first point of comparison okay so this is my number one comparing aircraft parts to coffee uh then i'm going to so okay let me ask you this instead of instead of me telling you so um my second point of comparison what would that be okay what would that be my second point of comparison my first point of comparison is coffee um and aircraft parts okay that makes sense thanks kyber i actually feel pretty good students it's just my voice and it's really annoying that i'm all raspy today hopefully it'll be better by the end of the day i'm gonna rest my voice um so janil says machinery and fruits um machinery from the u.s and fruits yeah so that might be a good second point of comparison i definitely wouldn't do others from the us because uh we don't know what that is and that's a group right so that would be my second one for sure okay and then my third point of comparison uh would be maybe these here okay and then this would probably be my fourth point of comparison okay others from the u.s it's kind of the last piece okay all right so we're going to have to do a little bit of math here comparing and contrasting and just nice and smooth so let's do this together let's analyze together pay attention to your multiplication tables so and um look at how much of the gra of the pie is made up by a certain slice so look at how much coffee makes up from the hole right look at how much aircraft makes up from the hole as well okay all right so let's uh take a deeper analysis and let's start with number one with aircraft and coffee okay so here we go okay this is our body paragraph you do not need to write this um it's your analysis okay and um let's get into it okay so rashika and um i think it was janil yep i'll be paying attention specifically for what you're writing here because i missed your overview and i have to do that members i have to keep switching it up otherwise we won't get through the essay right so let's um let's really get writing here on these points okay and uh and then i'll take a look at different members for different parts here okay all right so here we go all right so so looking at this data in more detail okay you i think it was 72 million yeah so over three times at 72 million dollars okay so keep writing here members um this is what i wrote so uh here we have the coffee okay so again coffee here we have aircraft parts and these are kind of similar proportions so that's what i'm explaining right that's what you have to do when you're doing comparisons of similarities and differences and so here is how i describe that okay looking at this data in more detail it is evident that coffee makes up nearly half of the total value of exports for vietnam to the u.s at 23 million similarly aircraft parts makes up about the same ratio it's not ration it's ratio of u.s exports to vietnam however the value is over three times that of coffee at 72 million dollars okay all right um yeah i'm looking at the chat here i'm looking for what you're writing okay i'm going to continue writing but as soon as i see your analysis come up members i'll take a look at one okay so now i'm looking at the second which is machinery and fruits and vegetables okay so um the second biggest export or kind of goods or merchandise for the us is machinery it's not other because other would be an amalgamation of many other types of exports so even though some people might say oh the second biggest for the u.s is other it's not really because that's not one export that's many different kinds of exports so you have to be clear on that for any single export it's machinery here okay so the second largest valued export from the u.s for a specific category is machinery at 30 million dollars now here students when you're doing the ielts exam don't waste time writing the word dollars over and over again so what i would recommend is using the symbol for it which is that right there okay so use this symbol to make it shorter okay at 30 million dollars which is worth twice the amount of the second highest uh valued vietnamese export and that is uh fruits and vegetables now um fruits and vegetables can be paraphrased um what's the word everyone how can we paraphrase fruits and vegetables okay export which is what so how can we paraphrase fruits and vegetables and the ielts examiner will love to see this word replace fruits and vegetables so this is what you have to pay attention to you're always paraphrasing okay meanwhile i'll take a look at what miyan is writing here me and being our member now thank you for joining me in so this is what mien has written let me grab all of this mian and take a closer look at it okay how can we save fruits and vegetables simply in another way with one word which is hopefully somebody comes up with it produce okay so fresh produce um you're talking about fruits vegetables possibly meat but in this case you know we know it's fruits and vegetables okay um so which is produce all right now for the rest of this okay so for this part here all right um we can uh compare that to this part here okay and that's roughly a quarter okay so that would be my next point of comparison all right think about that so roughly a quarter here all right and we'll write about that okay all right let me take a look at what meehan wrote here okay mian so let me give you a bit of feedback uh here we go so mian writes uh looking closer to the charts looking closer at the charts uh one can see that coffee is the most important merchandise that are exported from vietnam to the us we don't know that okay we don't actually know if it's the most important we know it's the most valued but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the most important so be careful mian with making assumptions or inferences that might not be true okay so looking close at the charts one can see that coffee is the most valued okay right instead of valued you could also use the word prized because money is often referred to as prize so it's prized um appraised prized okay but important doesn't work as much so valued merchandise that are exported from vietnam to the us with the revenue um with a cost it's more accurate of 23 million dollars while the us exported a large number of aircrafts it's not a number because that would mean that they're actually exporting like units of aircraft so be really really careful mian with your measurements okay uh large value of aircraft parts and it's not aircraft it's aircraft parts maybe you didn't see the the graph or didn't remember that but be very careful with the information aircraft parts to vietnam at 72 million dollars yeah and if you can me and just a reminder again to use um the uh dollar sign um which is threefold compared to coffee okay good all right so me and that would be that writing would be valued at about band five just because you're making some information mistakes information mistakes students are very very costly on the isle so you have to be really really careful um with um uh with that um june i meant prized um but um but you could use the word priced as well so priced instead of prized yeah okay all right so i'm going to go back here and now i'm going to compare uh these components here okay i'm going to leave other as the last piece okay um so that's roughly let's say a quarter maybe a little bit less okay so let me write that okay i gotta get going here so um let's move along here so uh three types of products make up just under a quarter of the total value of exports for both countries namely seafood rice and garments for vietnam worth a total of 4.4 plus 5.3 let's round that up to 9 plus 2 is 11 million dollars okay and um fertilizer cotton and cars and let's add this up nice and fast so that's 28 plus six is 34.5 okay so priced at 34.5 uh million dollars okay um so and then last but not least is other okay and i can see that uh the other for vietnam is a very small amount it's just two million and other for the u.s is a very large amount it's 35 million so here we have a very very clear contrast okay and bear with me here members because i'm i am losing my voice a bit here and i want to get to the end all right a major difference in the trade between these countries that i use countries or nations before i did use countries so i'm going to use nations so a major difference in the trade between these nations is the value of um other goods um which is only two million dollars for vietnam but a whopping um was it 32 million 35 million dollars for the u.s okay and let's not forget our dollar sign okay and now i need to write a summary as well and i'm going to do that okay nice and quick so again students for band-aid and band nine uh strongly consider writing a summary even if you hear people say oh you don't need a summary for band-aid and bad nine you should consider it a good essay good expository essay does have a summary if you ask an english teacher an english professor they will tell you that good expository essays do have a summary it's some kind of a take away information okay so do consider writing a summary all right so and simply just started as in summary in summary there are a number of different products traded between these two countries and clearly vietnam spends much more on u.s exports then america spends on vietnamese imports okay so that's kind of it's almost like a paraphrase of the introduction but not quite okay and yes we have reached the summary danielle because i'm not only running out of time but i'm also running out of voice so for two reasons this time but i will read the full essay okay and at home you can work on making it more concise all right me and yeah if you write a bad summary it will have a negative effect on your score absolutely so you want a good summary okay all right so here we go um let me read what we wrote so these are the pie charts that we're looking at here exports between the us and vietnam in millions of dollars we have coffee aircraft we have these other components here so these two pie charts illustrate six kinds of imports going from vietnam to the us and inversely going from the u.s to vietnam the volume of merchandise is given as millions of dollars at first glance it is clear that both countries have some primary goods that are worth a large proportion of their exports as well as some smaller valued exports that contribute to the total value also i would probably change value here uh total worth or total revenue okay also by looking at the specific dollar amounts it is evident that the u.s exports are at least thrice the value of goods to vietnam and as vice versa looking at this data in more detail it is evident that coffee makes up nearly half of the total value of exports for vietnam to the us at 23 million dollars similarly aircraft parts makes up about the same ratio of u.s exports to vietnam however the value is over three times that of coffee at 72 million dollars the second largest value export from the us for a specific category is machinery at 30 million dollars which is worth twice the amount of the second highest valued vietnamese export which is produce three types of products make up just under a quarter of the total value of exports for both countries namely seafood rice and garments for vietnam worth a total of 11 million and fertilizer cotton and cars for the u.s priced at 34 million a major difference in the trade between these nations is the value of other goods which is only 2 million for vietnam but a whopping 35 million for the us in summary there are a number of different products traded between these two countries and clearly vietnam spends much more on u.s exports than america spends on vietnamese imports okay all right so that is your full essay and that's how you do it thank you for bearing with me even though my voice is quite a bit off today getting over this cold uh great writing everyone keep it up finish the essay at home on your own you can always email me your essays for a band score estimate so you can send me an email to adrian and we can give you a band score estimate so we can let you know roughly like how good your writing is or what you would expect on the ielts um remember everyone uh to check us out at for academic ielts and for general ielts and use the code cyber day gives you a 40 uh discount for the next couple of days so check that out okay uh the general alex website looks like this click that big red button to join and the academic one looks like this click that big red button to join there um thank you meen joon kyber mal harwinder for joining the class hopefully i'll see everybody in 30 minutes hopefully i'll still have a voice for speaking part two uh take care everyone and i'll see you shortly after we take a little bit of a break we'll be back i'm gonna have some tea the throat lozenge hopefully get some of my voice back see you soon everyone bye
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: ifFydhaiXgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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