IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 Band 9 Strategy and Practice

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada welcome everybody in today's class we are looking at ielts speaking part one and we are focusing on band nine strategy and we're going to do lots and lots of practice in today's class i will be reaching out to students and we will be having some uh speaking part one conversations giving an estimated band score and analyzing the responses welcome arda hi nien alohar wender welcome to our members welcome carolina our chat moderator and welcome to many of our regular students shakshi shanju brsb nice to see so many of you in the class today this lesson everybody is brought to you by for academic ielts success definitely join us there and join the thousands of students who succeed with us on their ielts exams every month um and uh for general aisles students visit us at that's generalised help dot com on both of our websites we have tons and tons of information and materials to help you pass your ielts exam this is our general ielts website here with the green background at g you can click this big red button that's just right by my head here uh to join our premium package we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you're in great hands with us for the academic ielts it's this blue background we separate the academic and the general into two different websites two different applications because it makes sense if you're studying for the academic you should only be focusing on the academic if you're studying for the general you should focus on the general the speaking and the listening are the same for both so of course it's great to pay attention to this lesson regardless but for the writing and for the reading there are some important differences and again just click that big red button there to join our premium package when you do you'll have this my student account and we're going to use this website today in this class to speak with some of our students so there's a lot of really cool functions with this website um so we're going to actually use this in a few minutes okay everyone uh so uh yeah um i decided to just kind of uh give a little bit of extra help and for those of you who decide to get our premium package today um you can get this 20 discount code here which is r4tyj so you can use that to get a 20 discount off of those uh premium packages okay uh reza if you sent me an email regarding the premium package i'll definitely check that out and i'll get back to you or one of my colleagues will get back to you for sure okay if anybody has questions about our products or about the ielts exam just send me an email and we'll get back to you in short notice my email is right there um adrian so you can send me an email there you can follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help for academic gl's help for general and you can also get our apps from your app store academic ielts help or general ielts help the apps will actually link to your web accounts so you can learn from the app or your web account you can switch between them which is a really cool and useful function as well so um we've got lots of classes this week all the way until saturday we will have live classes okay we'll have uh some writing tomorrow for members and we'll have lots more speaking and some reading as well in the week um students this is a speaking class so i strongly encourage you to speak whether or not i'm speaking directly with you in the class don't worry about it just speak so copy my sentences even what i'm saying right now like say even what i'm saying right now so um just copy what i say copying is it's not the perfect way to learn to speak but it's a good way to practice and it's a good way to improve intonation natural sounding language flow and fluency so definitely speak and repeat uh during this class so my voice is still a little bit off i've been getting over this bad cold and i gotta be careful because i love to yell and shout as some of you know but i should try to save my voice a little bit so so speak and repeat okay speak and repeat copy what i say i speak with a west coast north american style of english that's kind of like what you would hear in many movies you would hear in los angeles san diego san francisco portland washington the state of washington not washington dc vancouver victoria and i'm in victoria okay so everybody um ielts speaking it's a 12-minute interview it's a very very short time to prove your english so you have to do your best you have to practice you have to learn strategy and you have to show great communication okay 12 minutes is unfortunately not a lot of time to show your level of spoken english it's kind of unfair but it's the only logistical way for ielts to do it um if they spent an hour talking to you yeah that would be way better but then the exam would probably also cost more like a thousand dollars instead of three hundred dollars um so you've got 12 minutes so you really have to be um top top from the beginning all the way to the end so um here's a nice idiom to kind of uh start you off with this in ielts speaking or in the speaking interview you must put your best foot forward right away as you only have 12 minutes to show off uh your english level okay i've actually included two idioms here using some idiomatic language is a really good idea we're actually releasing lots of vocabulary videos and we'll be doing idiomatic videos as well um on our instagram and on our youtube and youtube um shorts so check those out um the idiom here is uh put your best foot forward it means to show [Music] um your best possible self right away okay so that's what that means and show off means to display um and it usually means to display uh with confidence okay so put your best foot forward and show off your english all right that's what you have to do anton absolutely it means to do uh your best okay all right um so uh how do you do that right that's probably your next question is like okay adrian that's good tip and what i do to put my best foot forward and show off my english in 12 minutes while there are definitely a few important points to remember there's a lot of information there we're going to talk about these strategies and practice them today okay so tip number one walk in there with confidence and one way to do that is show up early and practice with other candidates another way to do that is what you're doing right now it's to participate in this class and volunteer to practice your speaking with me um in these live classes that will definitely build your confidence to speak in english so it's fantastic and we'll do that in a little bit okay uh so show up to your exam an hour early okay and show your fluency right away so that's another important step in putting your best foot forward is show your fluency uh right away and what i mean by that is speak in full sentences and use the question or the questions in your answers okay um the next uh tip here is when you get stuck especially in um part one uh give examples okay uh especially when you get stuck okay and a third one and now this uh sorry a fourth one and this fourth tip now is very specific to speaking part one is talk about yourself okay so speaking part one is going to be about you uh so you want to make sure that you use the pronouns i me my myself it's great way uh to start your responses okay sometimes people talk general in um part one like they'll say people do this and individuals like this but you have to be very careful because most of these questions maybe all of them are actually about you so you have to be talking about yourself sometimes people will say oh you know you do this and you do that that's bad okay you're not talking about the examiner don't say you say i okay so in part one the questions are about you so use the pronouns uh i me my myself okay and definitely don't use the pronouns uh you or don't use the subjective nouns people okay all right um so let's get into it let's get practicing so you walk into your ielts speaking interview and you're feeling confident you showed up early and you will be met by an examiner who's kind of like me um likely a native english speaker if not definitely an expert user of the english language they will be professional they'll have professional clothes on um if it's a guy you'll usually see a dress shirt and a tie maybe even a blazer if it's a woman you'll see a dress or maybe a tie in a shirt as well and they're there to do a job so are you okay so do that job and they're going to be professional so they will start by saying welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test the candidate number is 79531 we are conducting uh this interview in london the time right now is uh 15 o'clock and now we shall begin i'm recording this for marking and clerical purposes um may i see your identification the first question is always this one may i see your identification they need to match you with your identification and your registration paper so um give me a nice full sentence for this one students okay write it into the chat i'm doing really well mohamed thank you for asking i'm on the mend for sure um says we want you as our examiner there are lots of examiners janine who are very very similar to my style my the examiner i had when i sat the alts exam he was pretty much like me just had a little bit more of a british accent okay so artist says gladly i'm here let me just grab arda's response here to speed this up so this is arda's response here [Music] let's make this a little bit bigger so artist says gladly just a moment please here is my passport that i used to register for this exam please have a look at my credentials very good and that works and that's nice fluent language okay all right me says certainly this is the idea that i used for registration a couple of weeks back please take a look now students definitely practice different ways to say this so that you're natural and say it nice and fast you don't have to talk quickly throughout the interview but the questions where the examiner knows that most students should be familiar like these introductory questions you should be able to say them nice and fast okay so sami says yes certainly here's my international id card that i used to register for this exam uh four weeks ago through the online portal please have a look uh one sec let me flip to the page with my personal info here you go okay um sammy that was good it's nice and long definitely say it fast if you're saying all of that and uh careful there were a couple of corrections that i gave you there okay aziz beck says yeah sure here's my passport that i utilized for enrollment a few months ago please take a look aziz beck it's it's okay but it's unnatural so i understand it it's clear but it's unnatural [Music] native speakers wouldn't say i utilized for enrollment it's just awkward so uh don't force words okay don't force awkward words into your response um keep keep this a bit simpler okay you don't need to go over the top so don't overdo it all right that sounds awkward and you'll actually lose marks even though you're using good vocabulary okay all right uh shaheen says indeed here's my passport i used for registration please have a look great okay so you're showing off uh your fluency your ability to be natural to be original very good all right and then the next question always is what is your full name and there's kind of a hidden question there um the examiners will ask you this if you don't say it so they'll also ask you and what should i call you and they literally say exactly this and what should i call you if you don't say okay and what should i call you okay and so um [Music] again give a nice full sentence answer and answer that second question don't wait for it okay so what is your full name and what should i call you okay gurpreet says um my full name is gurpreet shinshama as my first name is gurpreet uh xing and my family name is shama um and you address me by my first name gurpreet singh okay it's a bit of a mouthful gurpreet uh let me make a correction here so you're being fluent but you want to be natural as well so this is what gerprete is answering um let's transform this let's change this a bit so that it's a bit more concise so by being fluent you don't want to be um wordy okay wordy means speaking unnecessarily so don't speak unnecessarily so my full name is gurpreet singh sama you don't need as just simply my first name is gurpreet um you wouldn't unless it's gurpreet singh as one name if it's two names then your middle name is sing okay so it's a bit confusing here definitely avoid that kind of a confusing communication so my first name is gurpreet and my family name is sama sorry if i'm not pronouncing these names correctly and you address me by my first name is really awkward we've got grammar mistakes tense mistakes here keep it simpler and keep it polite please address it's general it's not past tense please address me not by my first name you've already said that so asgard okay so here i'm saying exactly what you just said gurpreet um just more concise more natural without mistakes okay so uh one more time here we go um what is your full name my full name is gurpreet singh sama my first name is gurpreet and my family name is sam please address me as capri okay gurpreet for part one i will ask you some questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic okay and remember it's all about you okay all right so we've got lots of good answers for this pay attention don't make mistakes in the beginning okay so remember you're putting your best foot forward um if you're making mistakes in the very beginning it will hurt your mark okay i'm not going to lie about it some people say oh but i'm not getting marked for these first few questions yeah you are technically maybe not but the examiner is already making judgments based on these answers okay everyone um we are going to um do some live speaking here and i'm going to call uh some students so i'm going to give it as much of a chance for people to speak in today's class as possible and i will analyze uh your responses okay and let's uh let me show you how to do this okay so i'm going to be looking for volunteers and we've got tons and tons of amazing students in our live class today we've got over 400 people watching right now which is fantastic so i'm sure we'll have some volunteers and um i've decided to do something special we're actually going to raffle some full course winners from our volunteers um and i'll tell you about that later on as well okay so it's good to volunteer because you'll have a chance to win one of our courses at the end of each week it's kind of something we decided you know it's a nice way to repay our volunteers for being brave um so here are the instructions as you can see i've kind of put these up here okay so to volunteer for speaking you want to follow these steps first you need to register a free or paid account okay this can absolutely be free you don't have to pay for it so register a free or paid account on our website okay and here's our website and uh you can register an account by a paid one by clicking the red button i think it's absolutely worth it so um especially with that discount code today or here this green button there to register a free one and then once you have that then you have this my student account which is right up there above my head okay so you go to your my student account and if you want go through the tour at some point and then in your my student account you have tons of materials practice exams computer-based exams interactive courses videos lots lots more and then you have this student partner speaking it's just up there okay the student partner speaking is absolutely free you can practice your ielts speaking with other students it's a chat program it's like whatsapp or messenger where you can chat with other students and by the way if you like doing this and you want to do a full ielts speaking practice interview with me and you want to get feedback and practice it's a 30 minute session then you can use that paid service which is the yellow button the speaking interview practice okay um so you click on this student partner speaking okay you have to accept of course that you're going to speak politely okay and then once you're in here um you will see lots of other students so right now i can see that arcilan niyaz me bandita lots of other students tons and tons of students are in here which is nice to see okay so we're going to practice with some of these students i'm going to try to practice with students that haven't had a chance yet so i know that shaheen has been patiently kind of waiting to practice let me get my headset on here now again just a couple of important steps as we set up for this practice everyone make sure that you have your microphone and your um speaker enabled for the website okay so when your browser says allow this website to use your microphone yeah okay we can't do it any other way um and when we are actually speaking with each other just um uh mute your youtube so it's not coming back into your microphone okay so i'm going to reach out to uh shaheen here and um message shaheen just to make sure shaheen's there okay uh i can see shine says i want to volunteer i'm just going to write are you ready okay shaheen so if you're ready i'm going to call you and we'll connect and then um we'll get going with some questions okay all right so shaheen says always all right shaheen um so i'm just going to call shaheen here and we'll get going hello hi shaheen how are you today i'm doing good thank you how are you doing i am doing very well excellent uh may i ask where are you right now i am in home right now okay and uh which city which country are you in uh i'm from azerbaijan and baku aku in azerbaijan all right hello okay excellent all right so i will ask you a couple of questions and again speak in full sentences these questions are about you and then i'll give you some feedback about how you did okay okay all right shaheen um so um here we go where is your hometown i'm sorry [Music] where is your hometown my hometown is baku where is capital city of azerbaijan it's the biggest city of my country what do you like about it uh i really appreciate my city's central street which is called nizam street there are a lot of activities that you can hang out with your friends or your family there are some there are some restaurants and other entertainment place in this institute okay um all right shaheen excellent so um that would be about a band 5 to a band 5.5 let me analyze what you did well and what you can do to improve and actually i'll reach out to some of our students that are watching as well maybe they can give us some good feedback also does that sound good okay all right okay um so my first question was uh where is your hometown now um in ielts um you can answer truthfully or you can just make it up you can talk about the city where you're living right now or you can talk about the city where you grow up okay or you grew up you just have to say it's my hometown okay um so when i asked you this question uh it sounded like you didn't catch it at first so at first you weren't really sure what the question was asking i didn't hear your question firstly yeah and i got that so you said i'm sorry what okay um it's a bit awkward so if you want and that happens in the aisle so sometimes we don't catch the question or we don't hear it clearly even as a native speaker so it's natural and it's normal and it's okay to ask for a question uh to be repeated but you have to ask for that in a clearer way okay so i'm i'm sorry what it's kind of it's almost rude it's a bit awkward it's like i'm sorry what right so you want to say it a little bit better um so you want to say something like i didn't catch the question could you please repeat it okay it's just much more polite and it's more fluent as well okay and then and then the examiner will repeat the question so they're allowed to repeat it some examiners won't some examiners will just go to the next question uh if they do that don't worry about it just keep going okay but usually examiners will repeat the question okay and then you said my hometown is baku where is the capital city of azerbaijan um simplify yourself so my hometown is baku the capital city of azerbaijan um okay and you said it's the biggest city uh in my country you said of my country it's in my country don't worry about prepositions okay so this is for many students out there i know a lot of students worry about you know saying in at on correctly um don't don't stress too much about that prepositions are challenging in any foreign language so you will kind of learn them as you practice okay um and um where is your hometown you want to be a little bit more specific so you gave a nice full answer but um especially like for me i'm not too familiar with azerbaijan or the geography of it and the city of baku is it in the center of azerbaijan is it in the southern part is it close to the ocean can you tell me a little bit more about that of course i can it's the uh east part of azerbaijan and it's the coast of uh hazard sea heavy earth hazard hazarsi i'm not familiar with it but now i am so it's in the eastern part of the country on the coast of hazarsi hazard hazard see yes i have heard of it yeah i have heard of it yeah okay that's going to get you a much um uh better band score when you say it like that okay now i'm going to get to the next question as well here and analyze that a little bit um so the next question i asked you is what do you like about it and you said i really appreciate my city's central i'm sorry it's called in english caspian see casp of course yes i am very familiar with the caspian sea yes caspian sea very good yeah you want to be accurate for sure caspian see that i know okay all right so um what do you like about it you said i really appreciate my city's central street central street i understand it but it's a little bit awkward we would say main street okay main street i know it's tricky like when you say central when you say main but in this case it's main street or main strip um and you might want to actually say the name of that street okay so i really appreciate my city's main strip um it's a big street with lots of activities okay um and there are lots of activities okay that's good uh and then here you said where you can hang out with your friends or uh your family um students uh what um does shaheen have to do a little bit differently here and i gave this formally hang out with his family uh yeah just to sex shaheen so i think you're starting to figure that out let's see if any of our students know what the mistake was here in this part where you can hang out with your friends or your family so shaheen should have used a different word here to make this a little bit better and then given an example yeah so arda if you look at the chat um and mia and a couple of people are saying you're saying you and your family shaheen so many students do this so uh so many people say you and yours right but we're not talking about me we're talking about you my question is what do you like about it so instead of saying where you can hang out you should say where i can hang out with my friends and my family okay so my friends and my family and then you give an example you say last saturday i went to a great japanese restaurant there and ate sushi okay for example so that would get you a much better mark okay all right so shaheen we're going to do this one more time and i'm going to read the question read the answer and then you just repeat the answer okay ready all right so where is your hometown my hometown is baku the capital city of azerbaijan it's the biggest city in my country it's in the eastern part of the country on the coast of the caspian sea so where is your hometown my hometown is baku the capital city of azerbaijan it's the biggest city in my country it's in the eastern part of the country on the coast of caspian sea what do you like about it i really appreciate my city's main strip it's a big street and there are lots of activities where i can hang out with my friends and my family last saturday i went to a great japanese restaurant there and ate sushi what do you like about it i really appreciate my city's main street it's a big street and there are lots of activities where i can hang out with my friends and my family last saturday i went to a great japanese restaurant there and ate sushi okay and shaheen that's what you need to do to get those higher band scores so those would score you uh very very high band even um as high as band-aid band nine does that make sense yes yes okay so that's what you want to practice okay shaheen thank you so much uh for volunteering and helping others learn as well so mistakes are common among students shaheen so the mistakes that you're making lots of other students make them as well in their speaking and communication so thanks for helping everybody uh give a round of applause students to shaheen because that was really brave you're very very welcome shaheen um okay we'll take another volunteer um sorry shaheen you hung up and i'm calling you back there we go okay um so we'll take another uh volunteer um and uh thank you for the collapse for shaheen indeed he was very very brave okay i'm trying to think of who i haven't spoken with so um samia i'm gonna try you again because i think we've had trouble connecting in the past so sammy i'm going to reach out to you hopefully i can get a hold of you i'm really giving an effort here um i hope you had a chance to test the speaking with some other students one way everyone that you can make sure that i can connect with you in these live classes is try to connect with other students and make sure that the system is working for you in your country and your microphone and speakers are set up correctly okay so let's try it with sami so sammy are you ready and of course this system will work better on a laptop or a computer it should work on your phone as well but um it's a bit easier when you've got just bigger equipment okay sammy's ready so we're going to call sammy here okay sammy one of our long time members hi sammy i can hear the feedback sammy can you mute the uh youtube yes hi adrian hi sami how are you good how are you i'm doing good thanks finally we're able to connect i can hear your voice yes yes i'm so happy all right okay sammy um so may i ask why are you taking the ielts exam i'm taking this ielts exam because i would like to migrate to canada to work there as well as to have a better life okay fair enough yeah life is pretty good in canada especially if you're willing to work hard and enjoy every moment so that's a great goal and i'm glad that you're part of our membership and you're attending these classes so it's great to have you here okay so um sammy i'm going to ask you a question or two and then uh just the same we'll go through it and we'll analyze it and i'm sure everybody will have uh some good strategies and tips to pick up uh from our conversation okay sure all right so um let's talk about parties how often do you go to a party i go to parties um twice in a week and recently i went to my friend's wedding that was on uh 10th of november and it was located in city of chiang mai i enjoyed a lot in that wedding which is your favorite kind of party i like birthday parties of kids because i like kids very much and whenever i go there i can see lot of children and i play and talk to them it is so it makes me so happy and i think two months uh ago i went to my uh brother's son it um alan's birthday and it was so nice all right um so good okay i'll analyze that so that would be about a band 6.5 maybe a band seven sammy okay uh you're nice and fluent and um i would say probably a 6.5 closer to a 6.5 so again um speaking is very subjective some examiners are a little bit harder than me some examiners might be a little bit easier than me so band scores can really kind of swing like half a band up or down so if somebody's tougher than me they would give you a band six um and maybe one or two examiners might give you even a band seven but you can get a band seven i think sammy as long as you make a couple of small corrections in your responses okay so my first question was how often do you go to a party and um you said i go to parties um twice a week so you went right away with the quantitative which is okay uh i always recommend saying qualitative and then quantitative what i mean by that is i go to parties um quite often or quite frequently if i want to paraphrase i'd say twice in a week okay and then you said and recently i went to my friend's wedding so you went from the answer right away to the example try to always include an explanation okay and the way that you can do that is as soon as you give the answer you immediately follow with the word because and because we'll force you to give a reason okay and your brain trust your brain okay so your brain is really good at coming up with reasons because that's what we do all our lives no matter what country we live in if you look at children you realize that from a very early age we become experts at giving reasons for our actions and our thinking so i go to parties um quite frequently i'd say twice a week because i have a big family okay so that will come to your mind and then you can say and recently i went to my friend's wedding that was on the 10th of november and then you said the city um which i can't remember but i'll just make one up in mumbai okay yeah yeah all right and then you can stop there all right so you don't have to keep speaking you kept speaking there a bit and i let you speak but a lot of examiners won't be that kind they'll interrupt you if they feel like you're ranting and you're going off topic okay so it really has to be just answer explain example and keep your example short and to the point okay sure all right um and then i asked you which is your favorite kind of party and you said i like birthday parties of kids it's a bit unnatural to say it that way um so uh keep your adjectives and your nouns simple so i like kids birthday parties okay okay so i like kids birthday parties it's more natural it's simpler i like kids birthday parties because i like children very much try not to repeat the same word especially if you know other ways to say it so try to paraphrase yourself i like children very much because they're full of laughter and fun okay and then you can say i went to my brother's sons allen's birthday party last week again you want to be a little bit more natural here sammy so um brother's son who is your brother's son to you nephew mm-hmm exactly yeah exactly nephew that's right and i bet a lot of other uh people that are watching uh students today were thinking that they're like oh we should have said nephew um yeah because nephew is clearer it's more natural and it's lexical resource marks so you're picking up many more marks by finding the correct word right so um i went to my nephew's [Music] birthday party last week and it was a blast which is a nice natural expression okay all right and that's how you would push so not a lot of changes sami so i'm not changing a lot i'm just simplifying what you're saying and changing a couple of words i know you're like well yeah it sounds easy but it's not that easy to do that right it takes practice okay so um let's do the same so i'm going to read the question the answer and then i'll read the question again and give me the correct answer does that sound like a good idea yes certainly all right okay here we go so how often do you go to a party uh i go to parties um quite frequently i'd say twice a week because i have a big family and recently i went to my friend's wedding that was on the 10th of november in mumbai how often do you go to a party i go to parties some quite frequently i would say twice in a week because i have a big family and recently i went to my friend's wedding that was on 10th of november in the city of mumbai which is your favorite kind of party i like kids birthday parties because i like children very much since they are full of laughter and fun i went to my nephew's birthday party last week and it was a blast which is your favorite kind of party i like kids birthday parties because i like children very much because they are full of laughter and fun i went to my nephew's birthday party last week and it was a blast okay and that would be so if you were to say it exactly like how you just did that would be a bad nine okay so your pronunciation there your fluency and i kind of felt like you were reading a bit but that's okay that would be an example of uh band nine and notice how i even replaced that second because with the sentence just to not repeat myself however even if you repeat a couple of words like because it's not the end of the world you can still get a band-aid band 9 as long as you have that level of accuracy fluency natural language okay okay all right sammy um again thank you for volunteering everybody give a an applause or a thumbs up um to sami uh it takes a lot of courage to volunteer in these classes um and i'm actually going to make a note of who's volunteering so sami i'm going to make a note that you volunteered here because as i said at the end of each week we're going to have a draw for a full course for one of our lucky volunteers okay so i know that for this one it was shaheen so i will make a note of that as well and then we'll figure out how to do that okay sami thank you so much and i wish you the best in your studies and on your journey to canada to making that big move okay thank you very much adrian nice talking to you nice talking with you as well all right um so let's take another volunteer and thank you um gurpreet and uh shaheen and others for acknowledging uh sammy for being uh brave that was great okay um i'll take another volunteer here and i can see that there are lots and lots of uh students so let me try to find somebody here um all right uh somebody okay um we have huang an here and i know huang has been uh in our classes a number of times here so let me reach out to huang okay let's see so huang says i'd love to volunteer okay let me see if hong is still with us i'm just gonna see if huang is ready okay and i'm going to do my best students to keep track of who's volunteering in these classes so i can find different students at different times so i'm reaching out to huang let's see if huang is still with us and hong is still with us huang says yep and by the way students when you're using this on our website this is how you should do it so at first just reach out to someone um and here um like kind of up above there you have speaking scripts that you can use to practice as well okay all right hong i'm going to give you a call here and then we'll go over a question or two hello huang hello adrian how are you doing uh am i audible to you you are loud and clear hong absolutely okay okay all right and how are you doing today okay uh sorry i i was just playing um i was just putting like two taps on so um you know i think that they there was some latency in the the the sound uh back there so i'm just uh close one tap uh can you hear me well now i can definitely hear you well now yeah okay sure all right um thank you for having me by the way yeah absolutely thank you for volunteering so um uh hold on may i ask why are you taking the ielts exam well i think just like many other students and those who are working i sit the ielts test to further both my education and my employment um as a matter of fact in vietnam at the moment um having sterling performance in the ielts test is one of the major credentials for people to go up the korea ladder or to get into top universities okay yeah so for um career and educational development to reiterate what you're saying um yeah absolutely and that's becoming very very common around the world and there's a good reason for that huang a lot of people actually don't know this but a recent statistic i was reading about states that about 95 of all the money in the world changes hands using english 95 and of course that's because all the big contracts that are worth millions and billions of dollars are usually always in english but um still that's an incredible number even if it's uh not accurate and even if it's let's just say 80 still just imagine right 80 of all the money in the world absolutely i think it's i think it does make sense because uh there's this concept of english as a lingua franca so yeah absolutely okay um i will ask you a couple of uh questions and then um uh give you some feedback uh does that sound good okay all right so here we go uh where is a fun place to have a party i think an exhilarating location to throw a party or to come to a party is perhaps uh at a local pub because on the one hand um you know party guards don't really have to clean up after themselves as the party ends and on the other hand they can just go the whole nine yards you know like ordering all the booze or uh the services that they build up to and playing music as loud as they can as a matter of fact i had my birthday party my 25th birthday party organized in this way who do you usually invite to your parties well people that i would love to i mean that i asked to come over to my parties are my social circle course because we we have a lot of common grounds uh hence um conversation starters or topics to uh talk about other than that i would like to have new faces you know like people from all walks of life to have a bit of a variety at my party um i think when i when i when i think back at my 25th party which i just just told you a few minutes earlier uh i did have a few um you know uh friends of my uh classmates uh over and we we did gossip about um you know their their daily lives yeah okay so uh good good all right very nice very nice um okay so right away your band score uh definitely between eight and nine okay so eight on the low end nine on the high end comfortably in eight point five i think uh you're you're very very fluent um it's uh very clear for me that you have a very high lexus so your lexical resource uh mark your vocabulary is clearly a bad nine uh your pronunciation is good um so your your words are very very clear and um your intonation sounds very english so you do not have that kind of typical uh vietnamese kind of rapid up intonation you've you've kind of mastered that smoother stretched english intonation as many students are hearing in my voice as well when i'm speaking sometimes i stretch my words and take these kind of slower pauses in english that's very common um asian languages they tend to be more rapid in their intonation at times so so you've done a good job of practicing that i can tell that you've had a lot of experience practicing and using the english language you do make a couple of slight mistakes in your grammar and your word forms and a couple of very slight oddities that let me know that you're not a native speaker of english so if you didn't have those then i would almost believe that you might be a native speaker of english just in some other part of the world okay where english might be a second language okay so that's an incredible praise so thank you yeah you've earned it i mean you've worked for it so um so here i said where is a fun place to have a party and you started off beautifully by paraphrasing a fun place to i think an exhilarating location exhilarating location is a really good paraphrase and it's nice advanced vocabulary and instead of saying have a party you right away started to use an expression which is throw a party and that's very good we do say that in english quite often we don't just have parties but we throw parties and that immediately shows me that you are an advanced user of the english language you don't need to repeat yourself so you said or to come to a party that was actually a mistake you would want to say or to go to a party not come to a party okay so um don't repeat yourself so once you've said the verb like once you've said throw a party you don't need to say or go to a party it's fine it's clear okay so trust trusting your first uh response okay yeah yeah i mean when i was speaking to you i i was admittedly a little bit i was trembling a little bit in here i think um you know i didn't so when i was listening to other students speaking i didn't really feel that but uh when i actually you know took the plunge i did feel the you know the test jitters here but yeah it's tough to be in the limelight as they say so it's tough to be in the limelight or put on the spot right um and then you said um so continuing with your answer you said on the one hand party goers again a very nice expression partygoers don't have to clean up after themselves and on the other hand they can go the whole nine yards which is a nice idiom whole nine yards means all the way right so they can uh do the the full the complete so they can go the whole nine yards it's a expression from american football um i believe and they can order all the booze they want they can listen to music loud um and then you said as a matter of fact i went to a pub for my 25th birthday and then you stopped which was really good so you kept your example short and that was a really good idea to keep your example short uh so that i could ask you the next question and you connected part one back to yourself because it's about you okay so that was a really critical um way uh to finish that for a nice high band score okay adrian thank you so much um as a matter of fact this is this is kevin boyce speaking actually oh this is kevin okay kevin all right now i'm putting two and two together now i now i understand why you've uh yeah and your estimate score yeah your estimate score is absolutely correct i just got the test result i think i i i texted you and that that was actually my speaking score so was it yeah i remember was it 8.5 then yeah yeah yeah so and it doesn't surprise me which is incredible um 8.5 just for everybody who's listening that um long got is um outstanding because um it basically means that you are just about an expert user of the language and that's even better than most native speakers to get an 8.5 you have to have really good communication that's cool that's anyway i i i do have to chalk it up to you mr adrian because initially my my english level i mean it wasn't really up to par but i did you know attend your channel i've been a regular member and yeah some clear progress all right thanks thanks i appreciate the feedback maybe some of our some of our viewers are starting to think that you're you're a planted uh speaker here but uh i know that's not the truth okay and then i ask you the second question here who do you usually invite to your parties and then again very nice paraphrasing so you said well people that i asked to come over to my parties are my uh social circle which is again a very nice collocation social circle because we have a lot a lot in common we wouldn't really say a lot of common grounds although i understand it i would just keep that a little bit simpler a lot in common hence we have lots to talk about okay so i would have just simplified that a little bit um careful uh kevin not to go over the top with idioms and expressions it can get awkward if you have too many idioms and expressions it's usually not something most students have to worry about but you you don't want to have too many idioms and expressions in your speech as well so hence we have lots to talk about um and then you connected that was really good you connected to your previous response you said when i think back on my 25th party 25th birthday party uh which i just told you about earlier this was the case okay so you can just finish that a little bit uh simpler okay i'm just going to take one of these questions kevin and do a repetition exercise with you so we'll take this first one here okay so i'm going to read the question the response and then afterwards just copy the answer okay so here we go where is a fun place to have a party i think an exhilarating location to throw a party is at a local pub on one hand party goers don't have to clean up after themselves and on the other hand they can go the whole nine yards i mean they can order all the booze they want listen to music loudly as a matter of fact this is what i did for my 25th birthday just last month okay where is a fun place to have a party i think an exhilarating location to throw parties is at a local pub because on the one hand party goers don't really have to clean up after themselves as parties end and on the other hand they can just go the whole nine yards more specifically they can't um order all the goods they want and you know um enjoy music at max volume i actually had my 25th birthday uh organizing this one okay that's great so again yeah you're doing a good job so i think you realize that yeah you don't need to add that extra one or two phrases at the end so you can just kind of stop and go to the next idea right and that's how you can push it to an even cleaner form of english and get that band nine so make up that even that half banned um so that's fantastic okay well kevin it was really really nice to uh hear your uh voice and thank you for participating and um giving a good example make my day thank you all right awesome well i hope you have a great rest of your day then and um thanks again for volunteering i appreciate it juan okay have a good one too thank you bye-bye okay so everybody give uh huang a round of applause there that was fantastic um so that's how long and that's a great example of a nice high band level as you all heard um huang did sit his ielts exam recently and got a ben 8.5 for his speaking and that's what i evaluated him at so the predictions are pretty accurate in these live classes a lot of students do come back and say yep that's pretty much what i got okay everyone uh so that's all the time i have for today um i'm going to make a note of uh huang here kevin bowie um as i said we will be raffling out some um of our courses to our class volunteers um uh in the coming weeks so um that's uh how you do it and that's how you practice and practicing your speaking is the true and one way to really improve and improve quickly for your next alex exam and you can do that for free on our website so using the exact same software that i was just using with everybody um that's uh that's what you can do and that's free and you can do that at for academic ielts and for general ielts and again students if you um want to speak with me then in your my student account you have this yellow speaking interview practice so if you want to book a speaking session with me you can do that okay of course that's a paid service keep up the good studies everybody thank you so much carolina for moderating this class helping to keep the flow of our chat effective thank you everybody for participating a special thank you to our volunteers i will be back tomorrow with more classes tomorrow it will be um some tasks too for members and some more speaking part one for everyone so i'll catch some different students tomorrow for speaking practice make sure come back and hang out with me thank you so much everyone have an awesome rest of your day much love to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 11,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: R_mkuczHjyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 44sec (3824 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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