IELTS Speaking | Super Methods with Jay!

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hello everybody my name is J I'm one of the expert IELTS teachers here in e to language I took the IELTS again recently and while I'm not going to reveal make other scores because I'm going to challenge them again I can reveal to you that I got 9 again in speaking and I got 9 in speaking because I used the PPF method which worked beautifully on test day I can really tell you that in terms of when you do part 2 when you have the 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to speak the PPF method method was excellent it was excellent in that 1 minute preparation time because um that is a crazy little 1 minute and it goes so quickly you really don't have time to write anything down apart from PPF which I'll show you in a second and then this speaking itself while using this method allowed me to speak for 2 minutes and to not go round and round in circles to make sure I hit the task and I told the three very interesting stories in the past in the present and one in the future so it worked well and I just got my result and I got there 9 so that's good so let's have a look at IELTS speaking part 2 and we're going to do some practice of the PPF method so just to refresh your memory on test day the examiner will give you a task card that task card will be about who knows what it will be about it could be anything shopping communication what was mine about mine was about an advertisement that I had seen so I had to talk about advertising right it can get pretty complex so they give you the task card you have one minute to prepare and then you have to speak for two minutes on that task card there now I've seen some other YouTube videos that tell you well I can you can see that some teachers most teachers if not all teachers have never taken the IELTS before because the advice they give you can be completely misguided there's a very popular ion's teacher on YouTube whose method for the one-minute preparation is to write is to take notes and write down your story it's so different on test day that one minute feels like one second or it just disappears and your anxiety is usually a lot higher so you're thinking a lot less clearly you need a very very simple preparation technique because I can tell you on test day it's a different story it's a different feeling all right so you might get a task card like this and we're gonna practice on this one it says talk about a piece of art you like you should say what the work of art is when you first saw it what you know about it and explain why you like it now I don't know about you but yeah I like art but I'm certainly I better do that again that sort of made a funny word there arts there you go I don't know about you ah how am I going to talk about art for two minutes what whoa crazy stuff let me show you a technique alright so I want you to tell three stories not just one because if we tell one we're gonna go round and round in circles so we're gonna tell a past present and future story like this so we're gonna look at this task card and we're gonna write down one idea about a past story one idea about something that's happened more currently in the present what you're currently doing right now maybe you saw some art recently for example and in some art you would like to see in the future but it says a piece of art talk about a piece of art talk about one piece of art well as I said I've used this method now and I got a nine it works I'll also tell you this which is interesting I spoke to an IELTS examiner can pause the video if you like and read this I spoke to an IELTS examiner who confirmed that you can speak off-topic slightly it's not a problem in fact you're not even graded on speaking on topic it is not a part of the grading system in IELTS speaking to speak on topic in writing you must write on topic in speaking you can go off-topic it's not a problem let me show you how your graded here whoops so you're granted just very quickly you're graded on fluency and coherence so that's that's how smoothly is big how will you structure your story or stories lexical resource means vocabulary grammatical range and accuracy means grammar and pronunciation is pronunciation there's nothing in here about topic and this is what the IELTS used to grade you and I did it and I got nine so it works let me tell you that but I don't have three stories about art well this is where the one-minute preparation time is important because you need to make up the three stories based loosely on past experiences let me give you an example so when I look at this what my mind says is talk about a piece of art you like okay that's fine now it doesn't need to be a painting or it doesn't need to be you know the Mona Lisa or something like that it can be something different for me I remember a picture book when I was a child that had these beautiful pictures of it was like it it was like a mythology picture book mythology I had all these amazing pictures in it so I'm gonna tell a story about that so what the work of art is was a picture book from my childhood when you first saw it well when I was a child what you know about it well it was about mythology it was about Norwegian mythology of Norse mythology with like Loki and Thor stuff like this was pretty cool explain why you like it well when I was a child was very captivating blah blah blah lucky I've got three stories because if I just told this story I finish in about thirty seconds but using this method I can to spend 30 seconds here forty seconds that's fine because then I move to the present at the moment well I'm sort of interested in fashion at the moment and in fact on Sunday I'm thinking about going to see a fashion show which by where fashion can be considered art so what the work of art is well I'm going to see a fashion show when you first saw it well I'm going to see it this weekend actually what you know about it blah blah blah and explain why you like it blah blah blah so I can spend about 40 seconds here so let's say I spend 40 seconds here and I spend about 40 seconds here and if I spend 40 seconds here well that brings me up to the two minutes doesn't it so that's cool and I've talked three interesting stories so in the future I would like to go and see the Mona Lisa I believe that the Mona Lisa is housed in Italy if I'm not mistaken that would certainly be an interesting country to visit I'd like to see that art because la blah blah blah blah anyway this is what one minute feels like it just on test day 58 57 and your mind is kind of I don't know because it's a bit of a scary situation it's very hard to think and you can't come up with a perfect story for each of these so you have to sort of bend the rules a little bit you have to make that task art and work for you that's why I came up with these three stories what about a picture book one about fashion and one about Mona Lisa because I don't have three exact stories about art in fact I'm not an artist I'm haven't studied art blah blah blah anyway now I want you to do it okay so I'm gonna give you one minute to prepare I want you to think of three separate stories based on this task card your time starts now you okay now you can begin your stories or your that's what the examiner says to you now how did that one minute feel you probably noticed that there's really very little time you certainly can't take extensive notes you can really it's enough time to sort of think write down three things take a deep breath because now you're about to tell your stories for two minutes so let's do that whoa before we do we need an introductory sentence in fact so this is what I said on test day I said I looked at the examiner and I said about the advertising remember mine was bad at advertising I said okay so I would like to tell you three stories about advertising first when I was a child bla bla bla bla bla bla that's how I started so you might want to say so I would like to tell you about three pieces of art that I like let's do it you have two minutes to tell you three stories about art starting now [Music] okay I'm just reading some of the comments on YouTube live here very interesting how did you go did that make it easier telling the three stories did you have three stories I mean maybe your 3 stories went perfectly related to arts maybe like me I spoke about it a book that I saw when I was a child that had beautiful peaches it's still art fashion still art and in the future I'd like to see a painting by whoever painted the Mona Lisa Michelangelo Leonardo ah I can't really it doesn't really matter you don't have to have completely relevant stories just needs to be loosely based on that task card telling three stories makes it way easier let's do another practice because this is what you need to do on test day so look at this task card here describe a piece of advice you recently received you should say when you receive the advice who gave you the advice what the advice was and explain how you felt about the advice now I can tell you again on test day when you're nervous and the examiner gives you that card and you have one minute to prepare your brains probably gonna stop and you're not going to be able to just write down the story like some teachers tell you to do is that's not what happens psychologically psychologically you'll probably be able to think ok ok Pastore Pastore some advice and some advice some advice ok yes I remember my friend told me this recently recent advice recent advice recent advice Oh yep yep yep yep and then future advice what would what would I like somebody to tell me um maybe ok write that down right that's about it and then you sort of take a deep breath and the minute is over and you have to start speaking but that's cool because you've got those three stories in front of you and that's fine let me show you what my advice my three pieces of advice are so in the past a friend told me not to be a flake which I thought was a really interesting piece of advice to basically - if I'm going to pursue something then pursue it deeply and properly don't just do something superficially so I'm gonna talk about that relating to this task card that will take me about 40 seconds now present recently I've just been receiving lots of advice on Facebook about how to improve eetu language calm that's great advice blah blah blah might spend about 40 seconds on that one and then the future in the future what somewhat sort of advice would I like to receive okay maybe advice about how to raise children in case that ever happens because I have no idea how to do that so I can relate that to the task card now of course it says describe a piece of advice you recently received ER in the past but again that does not matter you can manipulate this to tell three stories so let's do this I want you to prepare you have one minute start now okay you can now begin talking about advice for two minutes cool again I just saw another question on YouTube live saying how can we talk about the future when it talks about the past again please watch the beginning of this video not only have I confirmed this with IELTS examiner's but I've done this twice now and got nines both times and I use this method so it does work there is there is no you do not get graded on speaking on topic this task card is there just to guide you of course you can't just memorize something completely different and talk about that because you will lose marks for vocabulary but you can tell the three stories it's really not a problem okay it's up to you if you want to just tell one story go round and round in circles fine if you want to get a high score I highly recommend this method all right well done I hope that helps let's do one more or okay one more so this time describe a trip that you went on that didn't go as planned whoa that's tough you should say where you were going how you were traveling the people you were with what happened and explain what you would do differently all right all right all right now I've got one minute to prepare what am I gonna talk about I'm gonna talk about in the past I took a road trip with my friends now it didn't go as planned it did go as planned but I'm just going to make up a story that we got lost okay because I don't have to tell the truth here I'm telling stories and that's very different to telling the truth okay recently recently recently a trip that didn't go as planned okay so I was going to my brother's house I was traveling on my scooter I was by myself and I got pulled over by the police and I got a fine so in the future I would not go as fast as I was going okay cool I've got a great present story the future a work trip okay next week I'm going on a work trip I'm gonna travel on the airplane I'm gonna be by myself hopefully nothing will go wrong because I'm gonna plan it very carefully and again I'm just gonna plan it well okay so I'm gonna manipulate this task card to fit my needs to tell three excellent stories cool your turn to prepare for this particular task card starts now okay whoops say you can begin speaking now you cool how was that did it help did you speak for two minutes tell three stories I should just tell you something else here is you may not get to your future story you may not make it to the Future story but past and present is fine when I did mine I told one sentence about a future story about future advertising something I said something like in the future I would like to see more advertising done digitally something like that and then the examiner said okay you can stop because a minute this was up but at least constant in future or graded on B in grammar not topic now I'm just looking at the chat here and I see that Dharma SH when preparing for this broke down three things okay about the trip that didn't go as planned Daanish wrote down Goa Capote ara and Mount Abu so three places that's it and that's really all you get time to do in this preparation time that one minute you'll write down three things that's it and then because it'll take you like 30 seconds to wrap your head around what's going on you write down the three things the three places you take a deep breath you look up the examiner says okay you okay I would like to tell you about three travels or three journeys that I went on that didn't go as planned firstly I would like to tell you about Goa where I went three years ago bla bla bla okay cool cool so why is 9 why IELTS no no at least that's what we want to head towards even if you don't make it that far that's fine what are the four things that you're graded on fluency structure how well you structure your story vocabulary the words you use grammar the rules you use pronunciation how clearly you speak nothing about topic here and structure refers to coherence in terms of firstly I would like to talk about this bla bla bla then this happened lastly this happened so that's what coherence or structure means they're cool guys if you need help with your IELTS in any way please check out a two language comm will certainly help well one thing that we're doing very soon starting not next week the week after if you're watching this on youtube you can just check the website we're going to run intensive writing and reading online courses the idea is this you'll sign up to e to languages budget package which is the cheapest one the least expensive one you'll get full access to the course but you will also get a downloadable PDF booklets right because in the exam you need to use a pen and paper and it's very different to typing so you need to get familiar with writing and writing and reading of the hardest what's going to happen is there's going to be live classes every night Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday we're going to run 5 academic writing task 1 classes 1 every night we're gonna run 5 writing task 2 classes for the advantages/disadvantages problem/solution opinion discussion etc all the 5 essay prompts and we'll do general writing as well the 3 lettuce plus we'll do reading we're going to look at all the reading question types all you need to do is bring your PDF sit down at the computer turn on your computer I'll teach the classes I'll teach you how to write the essays I'll teach you how to do the reading you sit there with your PDF and do it this is going to be a cool way to learn in a very fast and effective way to learn so if you're interested in that do sign up as a free user so you'll be notified when we're doing these live classes ok I hope that sounds good right now I might just spend a few minutes err answering some questions if you have any questions please put them into the chat here's a good one what should I do when we get a give a surprise question for part two for example a dangerous situation situation when you have when you have been helped by someone great question all right there is a very good chance on test day that the examiner will give you a task card and you just simply won't have any stories for it for example talk about a dangerous City a situation when somebody helped you out I don't know I don't have any stories like that not that I can think of however I can think of a story when I helped somebody out so I'm gonna change it like that and I'll just tell the examiner I'll say I'm gonna tell you three stories about not when I was in danger but when I helped somebody else in danger that's fine remember topic is loosely based on the topic is no problem and I once I saw a car crash and I helped these two people out of the car it was scary blah blah blah and I can begin talking and the other thing is you can just make up these stories okay may not have happened to you may have happened to your brother or your friend you take that story make it your own remember you're not there to tell the truth you're there to tell stories you're there to use your language good question any other questions any other questions let me check in the webinar here Oh what time in the live classes that's a good question they're going to be in the evenings Melbourne Sydney time so in India around 2 p.m. Middle East around 10 a.m. but just check the website to find out which date to the reliant classes run we're gonna start on the sign up as a free user I'll let you know they're gonna be good okay yeah well here's here's the question of the day my problem is that I just don't have any ideas when I want to talk what should I do you need to practice you apt it sounds like a simple thing to sit there and just tell a story for two minutes it's not it requires you to practice this and requires you to practice a range of different topics as well so yeah cool all right guys I might leave it there thanks very much for coming hope that was helpful good luck on your test day I hope you nail it in a high score and never have to do it again that's the plan see you soon you
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 2,066,807
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS general, IELTS academic, IELTS e2, IELTS reading test, ielts writing task 1, ielts academic writing task 1, ielts speaking, e2 ielts speaking, ielts, ielts speaking part 2, e2language ielts, ielts course, ielts test, listening test, ielts preparation, ielts practice, e2 ielts, ielts e2, e2 ielts online, learn english, esl, tips, how to say, ielts test preparation, method, conversation, ielts 9, e2, listening, writing, ielts e2language, english, e2 jay, exam, e2language
Id: qXPSgMo0C1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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