IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of The INTERNET

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ah hello there good morning welcome it's nice to see you here it's keith from the keith speaking academy um looking forward to starting today's live lesson with you of course so today we're going to be talking about the internet what a popular topic in ielts speaking and what a great topic for conversations i think it's a really hot topic today right the internet the good the bad the ugly the vocabulary the grammar the idioms we'll be looking at all of that um but before we do um let's enjoy well let's enjoy a little bit of this [Music] [Music] [Music] hello my friends and welcome it is great to be back back in the middle of winter it feels like winter to be honest um freezing cold raining cloudy last night we had a thunderstorm all the lovely things that you enjoy in winter and well today we're going to be talking about this the internet whether you're surfing on your phone or you're surfing on a laptop or whatever we're going to be looking at all different aspects of the internet um safety privacy what it's used for children and the internet there's a lot to look at right now just in case you don't know me my name is keith and uh i run the keith speaking academy which is at and basically there it's helping people improve their spoken english so you can speak better english and for those of you preparing ielts i focus on ielts speaking so you can give better answers and get a higher score in the ielts speaking test also i am on facebook if you want to follow me on the facebook page it's at keith speaking academy there is a facebook group that we have which is the keith mastermind community it's for ielts speaking only for speaking so we're not looking at writing or reading and listening but just sharing ideas with each other and kind of motivating each other to do well in the test so um now we're broadcasting on youtube and facebook today but if you're on youtube do remember to subscribe turn on that little notification button to find out about up and coming um lessons on the internet on my channel soon great what else um i just want to let you know that if you enjoy studying with me you can follow my online courses um particularly the ielts speaking success get a band 7. um i've also got bundles now so you can get not the black friday bundle but it's just the regular bundle if you want to get all of my courses together you can get them in one bundle through the website um if you've not been to the website do go and check it out i'll give you the address again keith speaking academy it looks a bit like it looks a bit like what it looks a bit like this right we've got information about the test evaluation different speaking topics common topics part one two and three and we've also got the free live lessons which is where you are now and here you can just get hold of well the pdf of the latest lesson you can study the lesson um you can join the library lots of interesting stuff there and all the recent or past it's all here if you want to collect the pdf and the lessons if you're interested in books you can get the lesson directly on the website or on your phone you can also download the pdf there so you can get all the notes or you can just study everything there on that page so that's it that's a quick view of my website there's also a blog and different resources you'll find out about my online courses up there if you're on the course already you can log in directly from the website that's just for people who are already taking one of my courses there you go lovely duffley let me check in let me see how you are here um hello abdulmuddin from bangladesh jimin hello leila again hello dear keith thank you so much for your efforts to teach you thank you so much for coming to the class um hello from tehran great to see you here um and also from iran mohsen ato atarodi great to see you lolita hello bunny hello interesting name zaini gusty hello sir hamdi limam nice to see you people from all around the world welcome all of you it's so good to see you here so what are we going to do today well let me give you a click a quick explanation of today's class right it's going to be about an hour and a half um i'm going to swing over here because i think in a minute they're going to swing over here we've got homer not the ulysses homer the other homer so the internet we're going to be looking at the internet today right um and teaching people like homer how to use it what else we're going to be looking at vocabulary um the kind of vocabulary you need to talk confidently about the internet we'll look at the internet and you we've got a discussion about how the internet affects you your life your work maybe your study um everything right lots of interesting language and resources um i've got a toolbox i've got a really interesting podcast that i want to share with you today which will help you improve your english we'll also be doing a listening task so you can develop your listening skills but it's really good for building vocabulary as well right and then idioms of course i enjoy a good idiom um so for example i wonder if you know this idiom i got it from the horse's mouth hmm i wonder if you know that one well i'm not gonna tell you because you're gonna find out towards the end of the class today okay so we've got all of that boom boom boom back to the internet and back to me good got more and more people joining hello facebook user from q8 great to see you christina hello hello from oman somebody on facebook and kingdom fam hello teacher hello you as well great so listen let's get straight into it let's begin i'm going to have a look at if i can get my notes let's have a look at some vocabulary first right um so we're looking at ielts speaking the internet we're going to look at some vocabulary and expressions let's begin with the basics right when we talk about the internet we talk about being online i mean all of you now are online um you can go online right so maybe after you've been walking you come home and you go online to check your email or you can get online it's easy to get online so to get and to go more or less the same to be honest to be is just the state to go and get is the action to to move towards being online bear with me i need to turn my phone off sorry about that um now of course if you're online then the opposite is to be to go or to get offline right of course so maybe after the class so you are online but after the class you will go offline and go and wash the pots or you will go offline and go and tidy your house or you will go offline and go and buy some chocolates for your partner if you're a good partner um something like that okay now browsing what do we do the browse browse can be a verb but it can also be a noun so obviously as a verb right just make it clear to browse um to browse is to go online to go on the internet and use a browser to get information right i like to browse um cooking websites you can browse the internet i browse the internet [Music] for an hour a day to research i don't know something to research my classes let's say for example so browsing you can say to browse a website to browse a website to browse the internet um and of course a browser is it's the thing that you use so when you're i guess the easiest way to explain is to give you the name you've got chrome is a browser safari firefox um all sorts of browsers right so let me just make that clear i'll take browser down here and put browser along here a browser eg chrome safari others firefox there are others i can't remember all the names i'm a luddite i'm not a digital native i'm sure you guys can tell me great azinee says you are a superhero zainee you're the hero for turning up today well done and for posting e eyebrows and that's the one i was thinking of the um internet explorer right i.e internet explorer [Music] which i think is the windows one if i'm not mistaken ie 11 is the worst opera is that another one maybe it is yes sajan says i think opera is another one it rings a bell it rings a bell it rings a bell is a great idiom that sounds familiar opera it rings a bell it sounds familiar it sounds familiar there there's a little idiom for you it rings a bell it sounds familiar um you get that a lot when you're talking when you're down the pub with your mates and you're having a drink and you're talking about i don't know the football or the latest um music that you're listening to and somebody says have you heard of blabla fulubaba and you go oh blah blah blah i'm not sure it rings a bell but i can't remember who it is it rings a bell it sounds familiar blah blah blah blah come on keith is making this up as he goes along i am indeed so there you go um let's continue talking about the internet to surf um so you surf the internet as if you remember at the very very beginning right we had this great picture you can see the guy surfing the phone well that is surfing the internet right that's what it looks like when you surf the internet it means to go online basically to explore is probably a good word to explore the internet um there's this great expression a silver server surfer a silver surfer that's not easy to say even i get confused because it's a v and a a silver surf can you see the difference right silver sir the first one is voiced it's you can feel if you touch your throat silver and the other one surf there's no voice surf that's the difference a silver surfer can you say that a silver surfer good so what is it keith oh yes i forgot a silver surfer is an elderly person no not me somebody even older than me usually people who are retired and they love going on the internet they like to go online browse different websites get online and surf the internet if you're retired maybe 70 or 80 years old you're a silver surfer because right your hair is going gray silver surfer i guess it should be a gray surfer but it doesn't sound so good silver sounds much better and the color is similar right although we say gray hair i've got some gray hair i haven't got much hair i know i've got some gray hair but silver surfer i guess in about a few years time i'll be a silver surfer hooray now come on another 15 years of work left in me yet i fear okay to surf right what's going on i'm just checking your messages as we go down my dad is 53 then he's a bronze surfer yay i love it thank you very much i like that um the idea of silver bronze and gold right yes bronze with an n i'm gonna add it in but thank you very much for sharing that my dad is 53 he's a bronze surfer you know what i'm 54 so i must be a bronze surfer as well great moving on privacy so these these are other things we need to look at with the internet privacy and safety um privacy is the noun i'm not sure that this is big enough for your screen let me just make it a bit bigger so privacy is the noun and private is the adjective notice the change in the the the pronunciation is well this is british english right in british english we say privacy privacy but private i i private for example you need to respect everyone's privacy we talk about digital privacy so you've got real-life privacy like closing the curtains so no nobody can look in your house and digital privacy where people cannot come into your um your zoom meeting without a password for example so digital privacy keep your password private that's the adjective a private password keep it private or secret maybe um but you can use privacy and private very common words we're using on the internet we've also got safety and safe so again um safety is the noun safe again that safe there's no voice safe safety internet safety common collocation internet safety sorry that should be a small s is of prime importance that's a nice expression of prime importance just means very important the most important actually most important [Music] there you go internet safety or keep your passwords safe again you can keep them private keep them safe slightly different things um how do you keep a password safe well don't put it in a word document on your computer um don't write it down well don't write it down i actually disagree i think it's a great idea to write it on a piece of paper because digitally nobody's going to find it or you can trust one of these software like um las pass who control all of your passwords um the mac systems control your passwords if you can trust the world to do it great um keep your password safe oh interesting question from sachi quick question not incog oh handy very good incognito also a good word to share in there sachi says what is the difference between american spoken english and british spoken english right well the difference between american spoken english and british spoken english the the main difference is the accent and the pronunciation um so the americans tend to make the vowels longer right that's the main thing um if i could just come so instead of saying hot they say hut hut hat it's a heart it's a longer sound instead of hot which is quite short um so vowels tend to be longer the t is different so instead of water it's water uh instead of better it's better so the t becomes a flip a flap or a flip a flap d a d water water it's like a d sound in american english british english we like to pronounce the t normally not always but normally hot hotter better so there's accents so different but also vocabulary can be different instead of you know we say a pavement on the road um the americans call it a sidewalk there are different vocab different vocabulary and there's a slight difference in grammar we use the same spoken grammar but for example the americans tend to use the simple past more more than we do um they might say well did you eat yet did you eat today and a british person would say well have you eaten yet have you eaten today so there are slight differences but i would say 90 the same and you know very very mutually intelligible so we can understand each other most of the time good so good question thank you sanchi interesting question safety and similar to safety we talk about reliability being reliable or reliability just going through i'm a big fan of word families so the reason i put this is because this is a word family you've got the verb the adjective the noun listen carefully rely reliable reliability can you see that the stress changes rely reliable reliability bill reliability so this means that you can you can trust it right it basically means can be trusted something can be trusted um reliable that actually is better here so to rely is to trust or to depend or depend on something slightly different meanings but here we're talking about the idea of trust so for example the bbc is a reliable source is the bbc a reliable source i'm going to change it to a question i think the bbc 90 is reliable source no it's a very reliable source they're a very very good company um but i'm just going to make it a question is the bbc a reliable source i'm not sure about the reliability of information on the internet okay reliable reliability um because some information is totally made up fake false some information is true but you never know if it's accurate like when you're researching ielts on the web you get lots of websites that tell you these are the new questions and they're not or that this is the best answer you can give and it's not um and you just don't know it's very hard to know how reliable different websites are talking about synonyms when you're preparing for ielts it's a great idea to build up synonyms but try and be clear if the synonym is exactly the same or similar because sometimes it can be used in a different way here i would say reliable and trustworthy and dependable are the same reliable information trustworthy information dependable information valid is similar but valid is more about that it's correct and true for what you want so it's a similar meaning but slightly different and the use might be slightly different um it's valid it's valid means yes it's correct it's true it's accurate so similar but these three i would say you can use the same it's reliable it's trustworthy the bbc is dependable um things like that okay great let me see how you're doing salyam says sir you're the best teacher i ever met on the internet thank you very much that's great practice of the internet yes right pradeep says i guess the bbc is a reliable source though it's absolutely rely on a piece of information yes yes it absolutely relies so remember um you're taking rely as the verb it absolutely relies on one piece of information yes well good reporters and good journalists should have different sources but you're right sometimes maybe a journalist will just take one source on one side of the argument so it's not always a hundred percent reliable great great good thank you for your comment [Music] yes and your says yes it's a reliable source i guess because it keeps me on my toes interesting keeps me on my toes i wonder why you say that here it keeps you alert right it's convenient to get breaking news yes instead of that you would say we count on you yes so yeah you can count on something that's right yes so that's a good um alternative as well as saying it's reliable you can say i can count on that source of news or i can count on the bbc i can count on you keith to teach me english right you're reliable i hope i'm reliable great okay um moving on just a few words that are very negative words but it's worth knowing them absolutely you need to know the good the bad and the ugly right so we've got troll so troll as a verb is to troll is to make an an offensive online post offensive i mean insulting or attacking aggressive right something like i don't know if somebody puts a message saying keith you're an idiot then they are trolling and they are trolling me or they're trolling the chat um session so that can be as a verb to troll um it can be a noun the person right that's the person so the person who trolls is a troll it's not troll like um like the film it's not well it is i mean a troll right is like lord of the rings it's it's a big beast it's a big animal and then it also became a cute little pink thing from the film that the i don't know if it was disney who made the film the children's film and then it became the digital troll which is the person who uh attacks you aggressively a cyber bully so a bully is somebody who attacks somebody weaker but online a person who attacks let's say attacks uh weaker people i don't know how you identify weaker but so typically for example at school the stronger boy may bully the weaker boy in real life physically but on the internet digitally maybe by trolling them or sending nasty comments something like that and then you've got a predator so a predator is the person um who stalks other people so to stalk um right is to to follow but not like hey i'm following you no to follow with a bad intention maybe they want to attack you often the predator will stalk you online and then attack you in real life so a predator may find out where you live they may then come and find you and attack you physically so that's a predator it comes from of course a predator in real life is uh an animal that eats another animal so the lion is the predator and the the what the what does a lion eat cows not cows what does a lion eat it eats for example maybe a zebra right so the zebra is the prey so the lion is the predator so it's following and wants to maybe kill you or attack you so that's a predator a stalker not a stoker a stalker s-t-a-l-k yes dear thank you my dear vihangi it's a deer yes lions eat dears predator stalker stefano hello stefano great to see you here predator stalker that's the one which can be in real life or in in digital life as well okay excellent good nice so i'm looking at all the vocabulary right i'm just going to have a quick look at some slang i want to test you guys oh before i do that phrasal verbs let me make these bigger as well i just got four phrasal verbs because i noticed when we talk about the internet a lot of vocabulary is actually phrasal verbs scroll up and scroll down is this scroll down scroll up scroll down scroll up so i'm using my mouse my nice ergonomic mouse to scroll up and to scroll down that's to do it to click to click on can't do it course you can't you idiot because it's not on the ground there you go you can click on click off click on click off so that's just when you press the button on your mouse to print that's interesting we say to print out i don't know why because to print something when you're yeah i mean in the office we say to print let's print a document but i think the idea that when you're printing from the internet you're printing out you're taking out the paper we tend to say print out so you could say print but we tend to say print out can you just print out this pdf and to shut down is to turn off your computer right there's another one to turn off your computer so shutdown has lots of different meanings your shops can shut down when they close because they go out of business but to shut down as a as a transitive verb look at that is to shut down your computer oh come on to shut down to turn off your computer in this context okay great it's good good here's another one yet this is good from aldi hamid we can say swipe through my feed let me add that because that's nice you can also say swipe through you can say swipe up swipe down swipe through swipe up swipe down swipe left swipe right if any of you are on tinder i only know that because of the films swipe through my facebook film my facebook feed excellent very very nice good good to log out is a good one for reba very nice log in log out that's another phrasal verb log into the website log out selena says it's because the printer is an output resource spot on i like it selena thank you now pattisha this is really really interesting and thank you very much for sharing this um i just scroll down my internet now you can't scroll down the internet you can scroll down a page you can scroll down a website but you would scroll through the internet or you would you would surf through the internet i wouldn't say scroll down the internet i scroll down website pages in my leisure hours right so it's only the page scroll down the page or the website internet i surf through the internet um yeah i think that would be better but thank you patricia thank you for sharing that spot on this is exactly how we get better this is exactly when you try something and a teacher can say just make a small change and you've just helped 900 people learn that so thank you very much brilliant letitia good um donna quick question keith how can i join your speaking course please that's an interesting spelling of please is that latin maybe all you need to do is very very simple right is just go to the keith speaking academy and when you go to the key speaking academy just click on the um courses and you'll see them listen i'm going to show you because it's a really good question go to this go to the home page right keep speaking academy um you can click here my courses the prices are going to rise in january so you can click here get them now and that will take you to the the courses page and you just click on the course that you want you get a bundle they're all there okay keyspeaking academy that's the place to go a little advert thank you for that good so we've got phrasal verbs let's move on um i've got i'm gonna test you internet slang okay let's see how many of you are digital natives you probably know this better than me i had to look up one of these i knew the others internet slang can you just in the message box um type down what you think these are just one or two of them tell me what you think they are right sandeep says [Music] i log out from facebook it's a big problem isn't it sandeep says i've already brought your course it's very fascinating 100 thank you sandeep thank you very very much great right let's put on some uh pop whilst you're getting the answers lol [Music] [Music] let's see i'll just share a few answers as we're going [Music] giovanni [Music] it's a shame on facebook i can't get your names i think there's a way that you can i'll find out there's a way to register so your name will appear here i'll try and find out how to do it [Music] spot the gamer [Music] come on that's so kind thank you very very much thank you any others lol nice [Music] laugh out loudly or laugh out loud i think actually mia i think it's laugh out loud yeah right who's got the lmk anyone else ah mina you're spot on nice any others we've got uh imho [Music] red i can't find anybody with the others anybody i like this meme i know it says typing mistake laugh out cloud that's really funny because of the cloud that's great maria nice nice we've got it alexandra okay brilliant i think we i think we're there so so let me just write them up it's um laugh out laughs no it's laugh out loud it's strange right because it should be laugh loudly we say laugh loudly but we say laugh out loud um brb be right back btw by the way lmk let me know in my honest well in my humble there's two right you can say in my humble or in my honest in my honest opinion there you go we've got it um lovely you guys are all digital natives i think i've talked about this last time but i am a digital immigrant it's an interesting metaphor i don't think it's an accurate metaphor but it's quite a popular one the idea of digital natives if you grow up with the internet and a digital immigrant somebody who didn't grow up with the internet when i was a kid we didn't have computers or mobile phones i got my first mobile phone when i was about 20 21 never had a computer as a kid they didn't really exist um gosh i was it was the amstrad or the amstrad or the camcorder one of the first computers um but the idea of if if you're coming from a foreign land to a new land you're an immigrant digital immigrant it's not strictly a good metaphor i think because it makes it black and white i mean the odd the the truth is um there are older people who are better digitally than some younger people right it's not black and white it depends a little bit but as an interesting metaphor and something that's used quite a lot digital native digital immigrant so you can talk about that brilliant good so um internet slang what's up next ah i'll tell you what's up next let's come back to um this guy over here we've been talking about the internet and we've looked at vocabulary right i love the kind of shadow that's over here look at that that's so cool i don't know how i do it the internet and you like so we're going to talk about how the internet affects you your life your work your family your children everything right um and i'm going to begin with some collocations first of all so let's switch back to my little notebook how has the internet changed our lives and our work and our families what are the possible collocations here right we can talk about remote blah blah blah for example you might say remote working right those are two words that go together remote working um remote working there are different possibilities here what can you say for virtual papa online diddy video access blank easy to do we're talking about the internet and families so keep that in mind what do you think are some possible collocations once again if you can write down your answers in the thing we'll put them in here we'll share them handy says a virtual machine okay good remote control for the tv that is funny funnier yes uh yeah it could be for a computer maybe yes that's i guess that has changed because we now have internet tvs right we have smart tvs virtual reality absolutely remote working i think i gave you that one habishek online course interesting great virtual world we've got some somebody virtual platforms nice so i'm going to add some of these in as you're adding them up here virtual world platform reality thank you good somebody else in reality aniwat said reality as well remote studying that's good remote working and why not remote studying it's exactly the same thing remote study remote studying right oh i'm gonna throw this in this is a lovely comment from benoit just to change the um the rhythm keith took my test last weekend received my results yesterday i still can't believe i got 8.5 in speaking wow brilliant well done gosh excellent thank you coach my pleasure binoy well done i'm very glad i could help and spot on good i hope the future goes well for you whatever you're planning to do great strive to thrive strive to thrive but motivational virtual classes that's a nice one this is a bit of a virtual class isn't it virtual class video game from sushant let's put that one in here yep virtual aspects reality we've got remote area yes um what else have we got karim a virtual assistant that's a good one virtual assistant who can help us with our work our online business remote meeting brazilian world brilliant rewrote meeting thank you very much video streaming it's a good one video game video streaming anything else online courses ah of course layla yeah online courses brilliant anything else virtual life we do talk about a virtual life don't we it's a virtual virtual life no need to run or hide what else have we got online shopping karima you're ahead of the game online shopping ebay hooray online shopping amazon virtual video calls is a nice one this is a good one from uh and yep i've mispronounced it but sorry virtual video calls good what else access let me come down i'm sure there's lots of others down here online help desk yeah remote learning remote learning we can talk about okay i'm going to move on because i think i haven't got many for access or easy dating online dating video series access area access mode strict access you could have access mode access area possibly yeah online banking that's a good one thank you who was that oh you've gone sorry the messages go so fast okay great so there are different ones here so remote working virtual world online courses video game blah blah blah okay good some that i put down here i think i had remote working virtual meetings online games video conferences access information so access information i was thinking of the verb to access information to access as a verb easy communication was the other one i was thinking of okay but all of these are absolutely spot-on fantastic right there's a lot more you you're sharing which is absolutely brilliant there's loads here all of these are possible collocations to talk about how our life has changed now um there is a website here and i'm going to share this with you if um if mehdi and paula you're the moderators could you share the website um i'm just going to show it to you briefly but if the those guys will share it in the in the chat box it's neo experience it's quite an interesting one it's about 10 ways that the internet has changed the way we live and i'm just going to talk a little bit through this because it's interesting and you'll see some of these collocations coming up right so the 10 ways the internet has changed the way we live let's just have a look what it says i'll pick up the main points as we scroll down it's well worth having a look at it talks about research right so it's changed the way we do research whether you're collecting information about a product or looking for an answer we use search engines so our research has changed communication so we talked about video conferences virtual calls with our family um so here it talks about chat rooms and the forums the spread of smartphones and social networks shopping you talked about online shopping amazon ebay online marketplaces right that's quite an interesting collocation um and what else search for information online compare prices these are all good collocations right traveling or travels it talks here about virtual reality so not so long ago the essence of travel was the idea of discovery and especially now with covid a lot of travel can happen through the internet i mean you can look for hotels and flights on the internet but you can now get full 3d immersion with virtual reality of course you've got airbnb and google maps has changed the way that we travel entertainment do you remember when you had to visit the video store to rent a vhs now the millennials are going vhs what's that well a long time ago when we didn't have streaming we used to go to the shop to rent a video and there were different kinds of videos right vhs was the most popular with the internet you don't need that right you have the new generation of gaming consoles uh movie streaming music streaming and so on financial services have changed something you could talk about if you asked about this relationships you do not need to feel the pressure of playing all your cards in a few minutes that means playing all your cards to play your cards right is to say the right things and do the right things to get your girlfriend or your boyfriend now you can find the love of your life by simply downloading an app yes so online dating somebody talked about that online dating healthcare of course this has now changed um that of course there's the risk of misleading information we talked about that reliable information or misleading information but now doctors can diagnose you you've got wearables technology which helps you diagnose um different possible for the doctor different illnesses marketing has changed the way we communicate changes employment of course so we talked about these virtual meetings remote working things like that all of these great that's it just a few ideas it's well worth um having a look at it it'll give you ideas for this question about the internet often in um in part three of the ielts test there are questions about how have things changed in the past or how has the internet changed your life how will it change in the future so change is a really important idea to grasp and with the topic of the internet that might come up so explore that website go and have a look um hopefully it's been shared already the guys the moderators have shared it it'll be in the in the video description later so do remember this video is being recorded and it will be put it'll be put um on the youtube channel and also in the facebook group so you can come back and watch it again right good actually you know what i need a drink but that's better excellent good so we've done lots of things there what's next what's next keith what comes after the internet and you i think it's um the toolbox now the toolbox is great and the toolbox is great and i'll tell you why because with the toolbox i've got this really nice little video that i like to play [Music] that's so cool i love it great so the toolbox this is where um i like to share a tool that i have discovered with all of you to help you learn english better so what we've got here is a podcast right and it's called the digital human and the digital human is a podcast that began all years ago it must have been four or five years ago they've had about 20 series and some of the early ones are really really good but even the new ones they're looking at how the internet changes our lives because we are digital people now we we must live online as well as offline and it just it it's just um it explores that whole notion it's uh alex kratosky and she's a canadian lady a great reporter and she goes into depth about all the strangest aspects of digital life from working to eating to eating disorders to death to sickness to um celebrations and how we do this online it's from the bbc again we'll share the link with all of you guys if the moderators could share the link so you can see this um and basically i'll just show you very briefly and give you a flavor give you a taste of what it's like right um so this is this is it it's the called the digital human if you can see up there you can't see up there at the top can you i have to bring it down the digital human it's on bbc radio 4. nobody listens to radio 4 except me so the latest episode fleeting um wow how this has affected our attitudes to ephemera f morality f morality is the um temporary nature of our life but it also look there's ones about the ai industry um the digital world unfocus encrypted about when people have encryption and the good and the bad guys um something about the relationship between content creators and their audience hello that's me i'm a content creator and our relationship with the audience i should in fact i'm gonna go listen to that let me download that right now go for the higher quality i'm going to listen to that on my um my walk this afternoon in the rain nice love it there's all different ones i mean you can go here and have a look if you look at all the episodes i mean it's just a bit crazy there are loads of them look there's 146 episodes which is just mad if you go back look years and years and years uncom every topic you can imagine it's on here they're short they're easy to follow nice language that's my recommendation that is my tool of the week the digital human go and look for it look for it on your podcast software whether it's apple or google play the digital human i think you'll enjoy it i hope so and it's good for your english to boot nice eh good so what's coming next after that from the toolbox that was a quick toolbox let's move on uh we've got a listening task so here we're gonna i'm gonna have you listen to somebody talking about the internet and children right the internet and children because there's a lot of concern and worry about the internet and children is it a safe place when they're researching for school tasks um you know is it is their privacy looked after is their safety taken care of are they protected from predators are they aware of cyber bullying is the information reliable dependable valid for their work right lots of language so we're gonna listen i'm gonna show you over here before we listen let me ask you right because the question is does the internet have a negative influence on children we're going to listen to somebody talking about this issue right but i'd like to know first what do you think do you think the internet has a negative influence on children and why sajan goodbye nice to see you here see you next time okay think about it think about that question and as you do we'll have a bit of strange country music [Music] i'm not sure about learning french my friend children has attacked [Music] interesting maria yeah hi from 19 yes [Music] not mature enough good it does distracting them from books yep at some point yes [Music] in my opinion the kids need more info from the internet but under the control of paris nice very nice very very nice hamid it causes distraction and destroys time destroys time um destroys i know what you mean um we don't actually say destroys time do we it causes distraction and takes up too much time i know what you're trying to say like it time disappears but i think more naturally i would say takes up too much time yeah hatties internet has absolutely terrible effect on children ah interesting has an absolutely terrible effect on children tell me more tell me more no one can deny it sounds like you're writing english rather than speaking no one can deny sounds a bit written but i get it good no one can deny the internet has a precarious impact which inevitably maintains a credible threat for children it's a good answer i think that's yeah that's a written answer but good because you're writing that's absolutely fine great felicita it depends if regulated it has a lot of benefits if regulated you mean by the parents or by the companies or both or by children maybe aileen it depends on how they're using it right good rule says the internet makes our new generation couch potatoes well yeah right some very good ideas thanks guys those are really really interesting um it seems to be a common thread or a common theme that it depends on how it's used let's find out what our speaker says so i want you to listen um and as you're listening watch the video right um think about which of your ideas appear in this listening passage some of the speaker may have some very similar ideas and then also i want you as you listen to find the collocations used with these words consider many blank learning blank blank safety heated blank blank your skills okay so you've got two things to do number one check which of your ideas appear in the listening number two find the collocations what are the missing words to make these collocations okay great consider many blank learning blank something safety heated blank something your skills maybe you can guess some of these and a great strategy before you do the ielts listening is to look at the question and try and guess the answer and think about the different possibilities right you see learning blank you go oh learning um opportunity learning problems learning atmosphere learning and you get all these words and then your brain is much more ready to listen and get the right word so it's a good strategy when you're doing listening right okay good you're writing down some of the answers that's great let's listen and let's try and find out the answers here we go ready ready keith whenever you are come on keith i was ready a minute ago here we go so does the internet have a negative influence on children well this is a really interesting question and quite a complex one as there are many aspects to consider right in a nutshell i guess the short answer is it depends on what you use the internet for there are many activities and opportunities that the internet offers um and a large number can be beneficial for kids sure and they're learning such things as doing research communicating with teachers and other children making shareable presentations playing games all of these can provide valuable learning opportunities of course teachers and parents need to be wary of children's privacy and safety online you know they need to do their utmost to avoid cyber bullying and predators and these are key things that need to be passed on to children talking about games well there's a lot of heated discussion and disagreement about video games especially violent ones and how they can nudge children to become violent in so-called real life but there are many studies that actually show this is not the case almost the opposite in fact these shooting games help students hone their reaction skills and improve hand to eye coordination i suppose the big concern nowadays is more about social media on the internet and the detrimental effect it can have on young adolescents so from what i can make out it seems that social media conditions them to compare themselves with others and to present their perfect self and it's no surprise then that this leads to reduced self-esteem and significant mental health problems for many young people so i guess it's a double-edged sword right it's all about how you use the internet well good so very very interesting um you're coming up with some interesting answers i think you can see that some of the ideas are similar to those that you said as far as it depends how you use it right it's a complicated issue and there's no straightforward answer really so excellent good uh let's have a look at some of the things that you've said there are a few answers coming up many aspects learning opportunities online safety heated discussion something your skills fiden talks about aspects doing research online safety discussion reaction okay good let me just come back actually to the the questions what else have we got anybody else with all of them we've got asana aspects opportunities children [Music] safety for children heated discussion okay um anybody else roberta oh what a lovely avatar roberta great consider many aspects learning research okay online safety heated discussion boost your skills oh very close aspects opportunities kids safety heated hand perfect your skills well you can boost your skills you can perfect your skills but it's not what they said uh discussion improve again yes but it's not what they said okay so you've got some great answers coming up i'm going to share with you actually the answers okay he said to consider many aspects there were learning opportunities talked about the safety online or online safety heated discussion and hone your skills right to hone is to improve so to hone your um he talked about what skills was it your reaction skills hone your reaction skills improve your hand eye coordination when he was talking about the games right and all of the games that you can play okay so well done you got very very very close most of you i think some of you got all of the answers but excellent nice so that was the listening i won't play it again because of time and the beauty of online learning is that the learning opportunity you can go back and listen again to this in your own time what i will do is i'll just go through the script um so i got the scripts here just to show you some of the interesting language that came up i think it might be useful so there are many aspects to consider right that was the first answer in a nutshell is a lovely expression um just means in short i think you've heard that before but just in case it means in short or in a few words i guess the answer is it depends there are many activities and opportunities that the internet offers and they can be beneficial for kids learning right somebody did have that kid's learning ah that's interesting so yeah we talked about learning opportunities kids learning is also there actually you're right doing research communicating shareable presentations is a nice uh collocation as well but the one that we got was this one was learning opportunities to provide valuable learning opportunities nice language right of course teachers and parents need to be wary of right it means to be be aware of and be careful maybe not aware of be careful with it's more about being careful with right be wary of children's privacy be careful with so i'll just highlight this again you can come back and read all of this later but so children's privacy safety online was the other one nice collocation you know they need to do their utmost do their utmost what a great expression to do their best right basically it means to do their best do their utmost do their best to avoid cyber bully cyber bullies and predators that should be cyber bullies i think and predators these are key things that children that needs these are the key things that need to be passed on to children to be passed on right to be given to children talking about games so video games there's a lot of heated discussion that was the one and disagreement about games especially violent ones and how they can nudge children to nudge somebody right it's just to push or encourage to gently push or encourage somebody to nudge some children to become violent but actually it's not true there are many studies show that this is not the case this is not true this is not the case this is this is not true okay almost the opposite these shooting games are actually beneficial help students hone their skills and improve hand-eye coordination and then we talk about the big concern about social media on the internet the detrimental effects or the detrimental effects it can have on young adolescents so adolescents are teenagers basically in case you didn't know that teenagers is another word for teenagers you don't have to say young because all teenagers are young right but it's relative from what i can make out that's another nice expression from what i understand right from so i can make out has lots of different meanings but here it means i can understand so what can you make out from this conversation what can you understand from this conversation nice it seems to condition them to compare themselves with others and present a perfect self it's no surprise it's another good expression of course it's not a surprise it leads to reduced self-esteem good collocation and significant mental health problems yeah okay and that was it so lots of interesting um collocations you can pick up um some nice expressions as well of course remember these notes over over here these notes over here um are published on my website at the end of the class i'll show you later where you can get them okay lovely so that's it listening i hope that helps you with building your vocabulary go back and practice remember once is never enough to really get these words in your head do the listening again and then start practicing make your own sentences with all of this language that's the way to move forward okay okay excellent i'm going to move forward we've got two things left right i want to do a short session on idioms and i want to do a kahoot today we're going to come back to kahoot so we've done the listening task and then after that idioms like i got it from the horse's mouth what does that mean to get it from the horse's mouth well listen let's find out what these crazy idioms are all about trying thank you love your lessons great thank you you're welcome brilliant awesome collocations they are they're lovely columncations margin yes great so idioms um let me make this a little bit bigger if you've got any do share them but we're talking about the internet um so the first one to get oh come on let's get it bigger can we make it bigger to get something from the horse's mouth [Music] equals to get something directly it's to get not something right it's to get news or information directly so the example is this is reliable information i got it from the horse's mouth right so the example could be you're discussing something with a friend and then your friend says um did you know that my neighbor mr jenkins um he's having an affair with the lady at number 23 and you go no come on really how do you know that and your friend says no no it's true i got it from the horse's mouth mr jenkins himself told me he's having an affair with the lady at number 22 3. he told me directly i got it from the horse's mouth so that's it to get something directly so this is reliable information i got it from the horse's mouth good to talk about the information right on the internet we talk about information at your fingertips or at the click of a button right which just means very easy to access or to get that's the case right when you when you're shopping you can compare prices because you can do this at the click of a button or you have all the prices and the comparisons at your fingertips you just click the button it's easy to get the internet is a double-edged sword a double-edged sword is it's a bit of an old-fashioned expression but it's still used um and you can still use that in ielts speaking it has a good and a bad side it's a double-edged sword so the internet can be great on the one hand because it's good for students to research information but on the other hand you don't know if the information is reliable unless you get it from the horse's mouth and so it can be a double-edged sword right another one i can't get my head around it means i don't understand it i don't understand it if something is very difficult to understand whoops especially software or i.t you can say i can't get my head around it it's idiomatic it just means you can't understand it right this software is too complicated keith i can't get my head around it i just can't i can't understand it okay great those are the ones those are the four that i came up with i could only think of four actually um let's see any others oh right the sword with two sides brilliant for those of you learning italian there you go brilliant thank you for sharing keith can we use this passage in writing i don't know um it's definitely speaking um ah wait a minute why won't you go away not you my my window not you can one um i i i'm not sure about that so the way i did this is i spoke first and then i wrote it out um i had some notes that helped guide me and then i wrote it out i spoke first this is primarily speaking english spoken english i i think there are some bits you can take for writing but uh i'm not sure i i can't say yes a hundred percent it's an interesting question um i had a lesson like in french same word yes brilliant teacher ever that's very kind thank you very much what a nice comment lovely okay so that's it four idioms brilliant um i'm gonna finish up today with our last activity which is a kahoot and kahoot is a way in the last five minutes we're just going to review some vocabulary from today to see if you were paying attention and help you learn even deeper some of the expressions we've looked at do remember the note as i mentioned if you go to the key speaking academy you can get these notes on my website so today's notes all you need to all you need to do is go to the website look for the free live lessons at the very very top when you go there click on the free live lessons and that will take you and in about four or five hours it takes time to re edit the notes and to get them ready and to upload you'll find the new notes here for today's lesson right and if you want any of the old ones then just go down here and you can find loads of materials for every possible ielts topic and if you like the way i'm teaching you can join me on my online course you can click here in fact you can click anywhere on the website and go and find out about the ielts speaking success get a band seven it's a nice little course um i think you will enjoy it okay good so kahoot in order to play kahoot how do we play kahoot you guys need to go here and i'm just going to set this up many of you i think know this if you're new this is just a way to practice it's a fun game takes about five minutes and we'll just practice some of the language from today okay when you go to you need to put your name in and a number so you need to still watch me here but maybe on your phone or on another window or tab um go to the there the kahoot right so let me just set it up it just give me two ticks to set it up we're going to play i'm going to teach it layla i hope so i hope you can right get ready to join am i teaching face to face online am i teaching face to face online that doesn't make sense face to face online i'm not teaching one-on-one no but i'm teaching through the courses yes so i'm not doing group teaching no here we are let's get in there kahoot here's your pin so if you put in your name and the pin is eight four eight oh three four oh maybe paula and medi if you could share the pin as well that would be great and people can join us funnier can we use a click away yes you can leah you're welcome i'm passing ielts this sunday wish me a bit of luck best of luck and chap i can't pronounce your name but best of luck thank you paula for sharing it so we've got lots of people coming in great how many we got so far 61 good um i'll give you a minute or so to to join if you can't join don't worry you can just put your answer in the chat the same it's absolutely fine steve um there's no live lesson next week no the next live lesson is in two weeks on the 23rd it's a good point i'll make sure i remind everyone okay i'll just give you a few seconds to get in there right okay guys let's get this going let's get the show on the road let's start here we go first question a silver surfer is a person who and you choose the correct answer is elderly and uses the internet the blue one makes money on the internet the yellow one trolls people on the internet and the green one never uses the internet choose your answer you've got 30 seconds to answer right well well done everybody look at that is elderly and uses the internet 73 got it right i am impressed nice well done moving on the scoreboard amt duong is at the top conley second and annie is in third place question number two which is the odd one out reliable trustworthy invalid dependable hmm well done yazra anja well done sk head well done right excellent 85 if you got the right answer is invalid invalid means it's not correct not accurate all of the rest reliable trustworthy dependable mean that they are good accurate great let's see the scoreboard amt is still at the top rosetta has moved into second place medi into third place and pooh bear is that poo poo bear with the christmas tree in fourth question number three i'm always trying to blank my coding skills hope home whole home what do you think well done tao nilo far well done yen tracy well done cool some well done great i love it some of you saying green as well green is correct it's hone with an end to hone your skills of course means to improve your skills excellent great how are we doing on that leaderboard dwang how do you always get to the top media and poo are still up there and alfred and pedro are coming up close and the hand of god has a streak with three correct answers in a row i wonder if you're from argentina here we go the last question you can trust this information i got it from the blank mouth dogs hares horses elephants now is the information reliable can you trust the information here oh brilliant 92 of you got it right it's the horses of course i was being a bit cheeky and a bit naughty because i put the picture of the elephant to distract you um to make it remind you it's unreliable you cannot trust the pictures you see but well done 92 of you got horses fantastic which means let's look at the podium third place poo next medi which means first amt wrong nice well done [Music] uh excellent good so guys that's it well done all of you for participating you're doing a really good job making lots of progress and i think today you've learned well lots of new vocabulary lots of stuff and i hope it's all a big help today we've been through the internet we've talked about lots of vocabulary including phrasal verbs clicking on clicking off we've done also some slang internet btw imho and we've talked about the internet and you and how it's how it's changed our lives the way we work the way that we live basically the toolbox go and check out the digital human podcast um the listening task i think has helped you build up lots of collocations go back and listen again and really practice your your listening we've done some idioms as well as well as just a general review so as i mentioned the notes will be on the website it's down at the keith speaking academy give me and my assistant about three hours to get everything ready and uploaded um if not if you're in bed you can come back tomorrow and get it check out the facebook page as well um and you can come and join us in the group we have the uh facebook facebook group you can look for keith's mastermind community for ielts we're there come and join us have some fun get motivated with your learning remember to subscribe on youtube and do check out my course if you want to study more with me but in your own time at your own pace everything's in the course there it's different from youtube i mean people ask me the difference there are several differences one difference is the course is structured youtube is just random b is that the content is different so youtube is very much about tips and advice whereas ielts speaking success is based on model answers so for all well lots of topics you've got model answers and analysis and helps build up your language um and there's no distractions right you're focused in one place it's not like there are adverts and then you go somewhere else on youtube helps you keep focused so if you want to study more with me go and check it out or go and get the bundle get all three courses um the prices will go up in january slightly just to cover things so maybe now will be a good time christmas present give yourself a christmas present go and get the course and help your studying if it's right for you if you don't need it don't buy it but if you want something extra it's there listen thank you so much for joining me today um it's been a lot of fun i hope you've enjoyed it and i hope that you're learning lots with me the what am i saying next week there is no live lesson but there will be a recorded video on the set on next week saturday um so that's a week on saturday our next class will be the week after so the live lessons will be every two weeks um so that means it will be on the 23rd of december for the next live lesson okay which will be kind of coming up to christmas it might be a christmassy kind of a live lesson a bit of fun and enjoyment as well as learning lots with me so that's it thank you very much again for joining me take care all of you anyone yeah any of you taking the test best of luck right we're all behind you i'm sure you'll do a great job all right my friends that's it take care we'll go out with a little bit of a hip-hop uh cheerio now bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 65,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice - tips for learning vocabulary 1, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking internet, ielts speaking internet topic, ielts speaking internet vocabulary, ielts speaking internet part 1, the Internet ielts, the internet ielts speaking, keith speaking academy
Id: tvBvhz8YR3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 23sec (5723 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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