IELTS Speaking Band 9 Examiner vs Examiner Mock Interview

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you will now see me face off with another examiner in the IELTS speaking section for a sample band nein speaking interview after the interview I will give you an explanation of what I did to get this perfect score now watch and learn welcome to the speaking section of the IELTS exam my name is Eva and I will be your examiner for this part of the test the speaking test consists of three parts I will give you instructions for each part and I will record this for marking purposes is that okay yes okay so for the first part I would ask you a couple of questions just to get to know you a bit better and those are some questions on a general topic okay so first of all what is your full name my full name is adrian lee please just call me by my first name Adrian aka Adrian may I see your identification please yes absolutely there you go this is my passport I used it for registration okay that's actually fine thank you Thanks what do you like doing in your free time well when I have some spare time on weekends I like to hang out with my friends do something active like sports I played football with a couple of friends last week and also I like to watch movies to relax and recharge my batteries but you go to relax in order to unwind I usually take a stroll in the park near my home there's a lot of green space there and some benches so sometimes I sit down and just stare out into space and meditate for a few moments let's talk about your home can you describe a flatter house yes I live in a two-bedroom flat with my wife and daughter in the heart of Budapest very close to the Danube River it has of course a kitchen a living room a bathroom and a balcony as well it's bright and spacious what is your favorite room if I had to choose I would say that the room I like most of all is my office just because that's where I do my work and I like my job so I would say that it's my office why can you easily walked it from your home well since as I just mentioned my flat is in the center of Budapest there are a lot of places conveniently available to me just a short walk away for instance supermarket also a big shopping mall with movie theatres and even athletic centers are located just maybe a kilometre from my place have you renovated any part of your home well over the years yes I have just about 16 months ago we renovated our kitchen and our living room these tools used to be separated by a wall which we removed we wanted an open floor concept so that we could socialize a little bit more easily when one of us is in the kitchen and another person is in the living room do you recycle your rubbish why oh why not definitely we recycle as much as possible I make sure to separate my plastics paper metal glass into different containers for the recycling truck to take away it's very important to do this to preserve nature as much as possible and I'd like to think that I do my part in that if you could renovate any part of your home in the future what would it be that's an interesting question and I have actually thought about it my wife and I were discussing this just the other week that come summertime we will likely renovate our balcony add some more space Oh and also maybe some kind of a cover so that we can enjoy year round and have guests over for barbecues okay so that is the end of part one for Part C I'm going to give you a card please don't turn it over just yet there will be some questions on it and you will have one minute to prepare your answers and also you can take notes if you wish so here's some paper and also pass out after the one minute you will have two minutes to talk about the topic I will tell you when to start and when to stop are you ready to start okay before speaking part 2 & 3 of this interview I want to tell you about a really special opportunity to get a high band 7 or more on your next speaking section of the IELTS with the help of lingo des a world-class online language school where you can now learn English for 3 months intensively and get a hundred percent cashback that's right lingo des is hosting its next sprint event starting July 1st but be aware spaces are limited so you have to register before June 15th this means when you join the super sprint event which is one hour a day for 30 days a month for 3 months you can get a hundred percent cash back for your fees and registration or you can choose the sprint event where you have to do 15 days a month one hour each day for three months and you get 50 percent cash back for your fees and registration the registration fee is 49 euros but we have this special link to get you a 10 euro discount I have been learning with lingo des Spanish and so far I'm loving it the classes are small with only maximum for other students and I get a lot of attention from the teachers I can learn anywhere and time even during my lunch breaks and this makes it really effective for me I'm sure that it will for you as well so far more than thirty thousand people have participated in past sprint events and they are now living better and more successful lives because of it it doesn't matter if you're a beginner intermediate or advanced there are lessons that are right for you you can check out the testimonials of people who have successfully completed pass sprint events by clicking that link in the video description now let's get back to the lesson and watch parts two and three of this interview followed by tips and strategies your well many preparation time starts now okay so your one-minute preparation of time is up please begin speaking the dessert that I love more than any other would have to be New York cheesecake I think the first time that I had this dessert was in my childhood probably around the age 7 or 8 when I can remember New York cheesecake it's usually a round flat cake with graham cracker or a cookie crumb base the main layer is made of cream cheese sugar egg and maybe some other ingredients and then often on the top people will put some fruits or some kind of chocolate or fruit syrup I usually eat cheesecake either at home or at a restaurant the reason being is that my wife knows how to make your cheesecake she knows what's my favorite so she prepares it for special occasions such as my birthday and any chance I have to eat cheesecake at a restaurant I always go for it I choose it instead of any other dessert on the menu last time I believe I had it at a local pastry shop called sweets just down the road from my place I especially liked eating it in the evenings after my main meal if I've had a steak for example then topping it off with a slice of cheesecake is just superb I do believe that most people love eating cheesecake as well not only because of its delicate sweet flavor but it's also a light cake compared to some others like a chocolate cake so it's a bit easier to digest and I think that it's sweet flavor and also slightly sour flavor gives it a uniqueness which many people like whenever I meet with my friends or talk with others about cheesecake then they always agree that they love it as well so and I like it more than other desserts for the same reasons okay so you have two minutes parob please give me back hello so the questions thank you and now we will move on to part three in this part I've lost you some questions related to the topic of part two you say okay mm-hmm okay so let's talk about sweets and cakes in general and have people's consumption of sweets and cakes increased or decreased over the last few decades I definitely think that people these days are eating a lot more sugars and sweets than they were in past generations simply because of the availability of sugar I think there are more chocolates and candies available in stores than ever before if I just think about my local grocery store there are two aisles that I came into just these types of food products and also in the past I believe people ate such types of foods maybe once a week nowadays people are eating them even several times a day can you elaborate them yes so if I think about my childhood years my parents would restrict eating candies or cakes to once or twice a month but these days I find myself eating a chocolate bar at least three to four times a week too many sweets can cause health issues for people do you agree with this statement why why not yes I concur with this notion simply because the facts are proven medical reports are now well established that eating a lot of especially refined sugars leads to health problems such as type 2 diabetes as well as cardiovascular disease certain types of sweets and cakes can be very expensive what do you think contributes to the high price of some confectionaries it's a good question the reason why some cakes and confectionaries can be in the high price ranges like 10 20 dollars or I've even heard of some cakes costing in the hundreds of dollars is likely because the ingredients needed to make them are quite pricey such as real vanilla extract and also the amount of training that goes into an effort that goes into preparing these cakes is extensive some of these pastry chefs go to school for years and years to master their craft so is it worth the cost yes I believe that it is worth every penny when a person finds a good pastry shop perhaps a French macaron shop then tasting those sweets their texture and their flavor it's absolutely divine and can be worth what they're asking ok now let's talk about making food how food preparation practice is improved over the decades there has been significant development especially with the technology that's being used to prepare foods such as kitchen appliances blenders mixers and for instance ovens which gives chefs a lot more control over timing and heat thereby preparing meals Ward specifically to what they would like and probably producing better flavors as well do you fear that any of these changes have been for the bus that's a good question give me a moment to think perhaps not with the tools but rather the ingredients there have been certain changes that are nag especially the flavor of a lot of the base ingredients I think in the past there were a lot more organic foods available to cooks and chefs such as meats from farms and real fruits and vegetables that weren't genetically modified I believe these days that's making it a little bit more difficult for chefs to produce the same flavors as before some people say that the tradition of quality home-cooked meals is slowly disappearing why is this hmm well certainly the pace of life has really increased in a lot of the world what I mean by that is people are very busy these days so they just don't have as much time to cook at home also I think a lot of the art of cooking hasn't been passed down from generation to generation over the last 30 40 years the same way as it had been in the past furthermore it's probably more expensive to cook at home now just because good ingredients cost more than they used to what can be done to encourage people to bake or cook more hmm well I guess people can be educated about the benefits of cooking at home such as gaining more respect for food when we're interacting with it more intimately in our kitchens as well as spending more time with our families in the process of cooking and eating as well so I think that governments and schools can really focus on letting people know that cooking at home doesn't lead to happier and healthier life how would it impact society if people cook more at home well as I just mentioned ultimately I believe that people would be and better health because they would pay more attention to what they're eating as opposed to just picking menu items in a restaurant in the short-term that might negatively impact the hospitality industry as people to be spending less money in restaurants okay that completes the speaking part of your exam your marks will be available within two weeks along with the other sections of the test have a great rest of your day and please make sure to take your passport thank you have a great day - thank you 35 so here I earn a ban nine because I answer explain and give examples for all of the questions I include quantitative language meaning numbers like what kind of venues I can walk to within one kilometer from my home also you will notice that I use a lot of complex grammar using present perfect past perfect continuous simple forms adjective clauses and more now one interesting strategy that I adapt in this interview is beginning my answers slowly and methodically visualizing the situation for the question and while doing so developing my detailed explanation whereby I pick up my pace for further fluency once I have the clear ideas in my mind so just like I did this is an effective and powerful strategy for good communication and high IELTS band score z' start your answers slowly think about the question deeply once you have your clear ideas then pick up the pace and more fluently explain and give examples to what you're saying make sure to practice this tip at home before you sit your next test good luck on your exam to see many more sample speaking interviews like this one as well as over a hundred hours of video lessons for all sections of the exam including original practice tests and a fully interactive course visit and join our Premium Package at AE help comm also download and link our app academic IELTS help subscribe to our Channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our eyelids hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
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Keywords: IELTS, speaking, IELTS speaking, examiner, candidate, native speaker, cue card, band 9, score 9, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, tutorial, IELTS learning, easy, brave people, English lesson, English tutorial, English class
Id: ywORet2gBAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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