I FLIPPED MY TRACTOR OVER ... Extreme John Deere Tractor Tipping

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what in the hails just happened i'm taking a break you guys are supposed to be feeding animals [Music] leave it to me i made a huge promise to robbie over at get swamped i promised him i would bring the tractor and that we would do some brush hogging in the gator swamp and you know me captain fumble nuts i broke the tractor and i had no idea what the hell's to do and then guess what ag pro john deere crystal river yet again look we got john this is the one the only john deere right here john came to pick up the tractor they're gonna get it fixed in the spot they're gonna haul it to robbie's and robbie doesn't even know we got a special surprise for him here's what i did i was brush hogging trails and that's our hydraulic line our draw line goes right up there into the box that's the technical term the box actually john deere john deere what is the technical term for this what is it uh they said our oh w r long that's what it is so i snapped the fitting that went into there it was a clean snap i lost all of the fluid unfortunately but that's okay they came to save the day did i break it off good you seem worse or you seem better you've seen worse that's encouraging that's really encouraging you ain't you ain't been in the former long enough [Laughter] it's seen worse yeah i got really lucky the fitting was a very very clean break if i was gonna break a fitting that was the best way to do it and what happened is a branch got in there and just went does it take a special hydraulic oil john you going to be with us at robbie's at the get swamped ranch too tomorrow you have no idea you have no idea what you're in for man oh you have no idea what you're in for look at that hulk smash is going again they're going to load it up they're taking it to crystal river tonight then we're heading over to bushnell to go see robbie we're headed out to robbie's ag pro crystal river is beating us out there i'm going to call the guys right now make sure they're on their way farmer mark are you done farmer mark i'm headed i'm headed out to robbie's you guys leave yet no i'm getting all the brush and limbs leaves yeah foliage you might want to say trees logs uh pretty much all of us i've never seen so much stuff on a tractor in my life i had to i just now power washers i'm still covered on the warranty though right i'm still covered on warranty right yeah they don't they repair any kind of uh uh tearing off that you do under your own what you call recognizes or whatever yeah they cover all your mistakes uh operator errors they do not respond here does not cover operator errors okay hey one thing one thing you guys have to know when you show up okay i'll introduce you to robbie and you know these hollywood types they're a little crazy you know so what you have to do he'll extend his hand and when he extends his hands he's kind of finicky about this you need to kneel down on on one knee grab his hand kiss it and call him the gator father and i can promise you that you will never get on what he is any man's hand and i might have george's but not his but then you'll be accepted into the gator fold if not he may feed you to the gators so that's the cost of entrance you have to get on one knee kiss his hand and say thank you gator father wait for him to say you man i thought maybe just a simple fact that i went down and picked your tractor i brought it and got it fixed and brought it up here just want to holler all their team with fuel and any clean tracker and all that out here that's probably uh enough to get me to the gate i'm just trying to keep you safe man i'm just trying to keep you safe just wait for my head nod one knee thank you gator father kiss of the hand we'll cross that bridge when i get there all right we'll see you there shortly all right bye-bye there's robbie standing in the driveway what what the hells what you did you trying to say i forgot something your tractor doesn't fit in the bed dude i brought i did bring something look i brought you rainforest cafe and these glasses oh dude those glasses are killer shades you see those glasses and cups of this one of our videos all right this is perfect they look great on him we thought the cup and the glasses would be pretty uh appropriate wait i brought i brought the adventures with the hudson's right there oh cool what am i missing the tractor where's the tractor where's the hole where's the hulk i had them in my back pocket you just add a little water and it like there is hawk smash oh she's so beautiful she's so beautiful what is this oh my goodness look at this gator they brought out to the gator ranch look at this gator oh man look at that bad boy oh and it's savannah she just brought us all kinds of toys i tried to cut them off so you could get a good shot but i was like no i'll just pretend like i did it savannah with gatorland don't mess around she brings all the good stuff robbie robbie what the hells check this out oh my god these guys didn't mess around look at this four-seater gator now do you have a gator like this on the property um no definitely not oh my god could you imagine what we could get into with that oh my goodness uh i already know we're gonna get in here's what we're gonna get into trouble probably that's with a capital t yeah holy there's farmer mark what's up you're putting me to work already yes look at that they're putting us to work ag pro crystal river does not mess around and it's the one it's the only it is the john of john deere it is the famous john of john deere the famous beer guys where's the hawk smash this isn't my tractor it's too clean this this is way too clean this is definitely not my tractor i'm like jeremy i thought you were doing work how could this be your tractor this thing's clean yesterday i thought it'd be covered in mud up to here knowing you oh it was a little higher remember what i told you i told him um [Laughter] robbie and i'll say you may approach me put your hand out the other way and say you may approach me we did it we did it that was your entrance for you welcome to get swamped gator farms now you are one with robbie you were one with robbie [Laughter] what do you have in there oh just a little gift bag for my new king of the swamp here [Laughter] what is this and you'll have to open it [Music] look at that oh cool what is it what is it here i'll hold the bag while you have one john deere oh nice that was left over from last year though spoiler alert that was last year's design oh yes that's gator green right there baby green baby that is gator green right there check that out this is awesome that is actually a really good color what size do you wear robbie extra large yeah thanks a lot jeremy yeah i was i was wrong i was wrong jeremy i screwed up it'll shrink i caught him i said how big this definitely will fit the dad yeah hey you will grow into it you will grow into it and we got the koozies baby the john deere koozies yeah but this doesn't this doesn't match what we brought you right what did we bring in the mug and the broken oh yeah yeah yeah the broken glass is in the mud we found it in a storage unit for you robbie we are gonna have so much fun today check this out john deere you know the weight of my heart look at oh my goodness he's an invitation i'm pretty sure it was your invitation not mine just like so i think you get front z dog we get back i call shotgun shotgun robbie got savannah in the bucket headed out to the gator bar mark we're in the marsh it's bad you're hearing those noises yes i think it's the little baby gators when they call mom and dad it could be it could be how many gators do you think are in there i would guess like probably a hundred or so i almost saw a whole land of gators go in but that land of gators is is hiding now so how many gators do you think are in there combination of both alligators and crocodile oh 150. robbie how many gators are in here you were close i got 25 you were close over 500. robbie does the zipline work sure climb up the router and try it robbie do you know i build zip lines i build them all over the world yep over gator pits that would be a first that would be a first what are we doing okay all right here's the plan when you don't have a real we're back by the marsh and robbie's telling us how he wants us to blaze trails through no he's not telling us anything he's just having he's just having an epic moment he's just like here's the plan okay pay attention here's the plan here's the plan i'm gonna look epically out over the horizon and now you will be thinking what is robbie thinking okay we're gonna cut a road okay we've got to redo this road this was all demolished to the hurricane this was hurt we had a tornado come right over the property all right two years ago so we haven't seen some tlc yeah we haven't been able to cut this road through that's a lot of downed trees yeah and they're big ones so cut it all the way through there we got to go so do you mark and john do you think the whole what do you guys think do you have any concerns i think the hug will be just fine i think you've asked my concern several times about jeremy's operating experiences on a tractor it's going to be tore up hey don't don't worry savannah's here yeah i'm here to save the day i don't know why you guys talking about a licensed [Music] if savannah's driving we're good probably not there's a lot there's a lot of stuff to hit still savannah hey she she's at least as good as my brother stephen would be the one good thing about this though is that tractor no longer belongs to us so we're going to be getting revenue off of this for the next 20 years put this in forever it's funny because it's so stinking true it is it's so true are you going to see jeremy dane i said yeah they go oh boy gross is going to go up today isn't it i said not as much as the service department they found a dead dead tree okay i hear it good job good job those aren't ants those are termites oh whatever dance there they are our friends they're getting so big every time we come to visit they grow so much bigger every week hi babies come to mama come to mama let me love you [Music] here we go starting to blaze the trail it definitely needs some tlc tons of logs that need to be moved [Music] damage from the hurricane and the tornado that came through how's he doing good mark is unsure of his skills his john deere writing skills doing a great job so far honey how do you feel about it how do i feel look at all this debris i feel great but i'm a little embarrassed because uh my buddies are out here from ag pro they're supervising you i'm not real happy either i spent about 45 minutes while i go uh detailing this tracker just for this exact video you power wash this thing and now look at it there's a little bark for you another question jeremy what happened to the top up here oh yeah yeah about that and if you all remember from the last video i didn't think it would last this long but it's still up there that right there yeah a little love tap look customization custom customization right there it gives it personality character yes yes yes if that's the only thing it gets in it i'll i'll be surprised cause last time you predicted what an hour no we got it on thursday didn't we and i said he'd have it off by saturday saturday it'll be off today i guarantee you it's going bye-byes but you have one on back order though right no i've got one there at the shop oh it's there just in looking good so case [Music] i find that when i try to interact with with animals that i try to act like them uh-huh being one with them yeah so maybe we need to snort okay ready yeah all right oh look it's working it's working whatever we're doing it's working you're big pig let me get a selfie with your food here pig so you see how she's digging and into the dirt like that i found you more walking out there all that part of the ground that was torn up was from them doing that so they do it with their snails they'll do it with their snout they'll do it with their feet and they just like roots right yep they're just looking for something to snack on all right savannah it's your turn to drive the hulk okay so top secret between uh just us uh-huh i have no idea how to drive a tractor oh you'll be fine you're a quick learn you're a quick learn right i learned right away plus i gave you your license yes written in crayons yes and invisible [Applause] crayons savannah's definitely got an audience right now she's got an audience [Music] oh my gosh it's so much power and i love to use power tools [Laughter] it wouldn't sound right to say girls and their toys it doesn't match yeah like boys with their toys girls and their curls [Laughter] we'll take it we'll take it what the hell is going on how does this thing ride what do you think it's awesome on a scale of one to ten how would you rate this thing this is a twelve a 12. this is a 12. a solid 12 not just a 12. and it rides so smooth i'm like where'd the tree go [Laughter] it go it's gone bye felicia gator versus the tractor who will win robbie are you going to race the tractor [Laughter] you threw bigger stuff than i can he's got a higher ground clearance he's got an advantage in this case size does matter size definitely does matter yes yes indeed robbie where are you going we're going out where the gators go it is a gator are you gonna see if it could swim we're gonna find out sink or swim i know i can so if you see a top floating out there and that's sitting on top it didn't swim he just said he's thinking robbie is nuts john i need an update how's jeremy doing he's getting way better he's getting much better much better with your supervision and your mentoring my expertise yes your expertise yep rob robbie we're stuck no way robbie's gator license uh-huh revoked revoked he wants his license back jeremy get the guy back just take the key away from him what does he gotta do to get his license back for the gator all right robbie here's what you got to do to get your license back stop eating that banana that way rule number one number one stop the creep faster number two take your lithium oh we just left the gator match and then now we're getting some snacks i love snacks we love you [Music] shout out to grandma beth for all the snacky snacks our bellies are happy thank you you're welcome you had some good bacon didn't you oh my gosh grandma beth it's grandma betty white why is it grandma betty white let me show you just say these words i hope the crocodile gets your deputy i hope the crocodile gets your deputy i thought you well dude close your eyes and that's totally bad it's betty white i hope the crocodile wins wait a minute back over here oh okay well you broke your own would you like to know my maiden name just tell them what you're made of my name is beth white see i told you you knew it you knew it i leave for two seconds to get a snack what is this this is the uh visual leveling bar for the bucket it fell off oh uh fell off after we unbolted it because he ran through some vines so a vine pulled it apart oh yeah we're in trouble aren't we yes we are jim do you mind telling me what's around your neck part of the hook oh my goodness the hawk is just falling apart today i struck gold what is that i don't know it looks like southern sweet tea to me go ahead and taste it definitely not sweet [Music] [Music] oh tree versus tractor [Music] we're definitely getting the bark there what is all that this is what they make sweet tea out of here in florida it's that southern tea huh yeah it really is it's a florida southern tea oh it has a smell look smell it no you're gonna give me a poop stash i would never do that yes you would fresh poop it smells like have jeremy smell it have jeremy jeremy come here jeremy this is what we get sweet tea from here in the south smell that i knew you would have did that to me that smells like chocolate it does what in the hails just happens i'm taking a break you guys are supposed to be feeding animals poor hulk look at him taking a break you guys are supposed to go feed animals you are an animal look at the tractor well he said he needed a new tire so [Laughter] o m g there's the babies they see us coming hello oh this is so sweet uh cage right here they're all raised by the truth so they're all friendly you guys are gonna go in and we'll let you get in and give them a couple bananas you want to come to me i don't have treats for you yet oh her hands are so soft i'm gonna come out so there she goes i told you i'd have a treat for you mark did you feed him yet not yet i'm kind of cautious here about sticking my hand up here yeah just give him one slice they're very gentle oh what about you john do you feed one yet i've been feeding this guy john's eating most of his bananas were you hungry john and you eating up your banana this might be the mama of the troop are we paying attention to what jeremy's actually doing they're more concerned about jeremy's safety than female lemur she's trying oh she oh oh oh get it get it get it got it she got it all right these are watching like my turn my turn what's up oh look at him holding on to your hat oh how sweet all right your turn are you ready now oh my god because they do turn into vampires oh it fell do over redo yeah all the other little ones stole it we just put that all in this little one says i know how to do it get out of my way and by true born you mean like these oh god all right you got one hidden down there yeah all right who are you going to give it to you baby baby baby this one's just for you where you going you don't want it look this one's coming like i'll take it [Laughter] bye baby it's good seeing you see you next week tell your mother hello for me oh my gosh he's so cute he senses that you have snacks do i smell like peanut butter bombs or bacon bacon bacon he smells the bacon no out of the van right next to the driver's seat he's just holding on i thought he was gonna jump on me he's very excited yeah we can tell i got a picture of it oh jeremy wants a bite he hasn't eaten lunch yet are we sure oh no jeremy didn't get any popcorn no bread no popcorn look robbie and i are twinning uh-huh you're one with one uh it was it was z-dog and savannah that taught me how to be a wallaby you're killing it look at him grabbing it is it roughage too a little bit was that good little robbie he's like let me finish the piece in my hand [Laughter] i'm gonna get mark ready [Laughter] got you good did he wet himself no he's good that's good that's for taking my warranty from my tractor how did you let him do that because it's funny it's not funny i'm sorry he may have pooped himself there's two in here oh here they come wait no no look i'm missing it you're missing wait he's coming i think mark is scared right here under the water you scared mark am i scared yeah what just happened what did we make there goes the board and these two are soaking wet i thought i was being cool if your phone had a cover on it yeah yeah you're okay it's iphone 12 worth it you're right savannah oh good that's good to know because that's what i just have to drive home wet um broke my nose nobody was recording this is fall number what today um i've fallen a lot today so what i've decided is i'm going to skip that whole zipline bid i was going to do just because i feel like today's not the day for that and then i'm going to revisit it later okay so so savannah says we'll do the paddle board challenge for real on top of water not underwater when what the hails gets to 500 000 subscribers and gatorland vlogs gets to what 250. we'll take 250. she says 250. she'll do it again and this time we'll film we'll give you a redemption redemption you don't have the balance he does you have to do the knee first knee first yeah okay bring it back i'm gonna try again oh turn the camera's on down camera's on camera's on everybody camera's on camera's on she's doing it again you got this she's got it this time yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] how's she doing robbie uh i think you're supposed to stand up on it he didn't start back here so okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go back here i'm gonna do it again and then i'm gonna get up i'm gonna surf back to you guys okay three two [Music] one she got it that time not in the water yet my dismount was was not as good as i thought it was going to be her head it looked perfect until she hit the tree it was going to be good we'll revisit this jeremy we'll have a contest yes we will but i need to be barefooted the boots were definitely a hindrance yeah i blame it on the boots blame it all on her boots she pulled out robbie's roots when she grabbed his skull you know that thing an alien where where it jumps on people's faces i was like i thought my nose was bleeding i could feel it just start gushing and i was like that wasn't a here hold this a second remember earlier when we told everybody savannah fell in but nobody recorded it what else what else is in there i lost my keys um i must say you you're looking pretty fly there those are nice pants where'd you get those i got these from what the hails nice that's a nice shirt where did you get that largest pants i know that on camera i look bigger but that's just because the camera adds weight they're actually george's pants and they're really baggy um to me so they're extra small that's what it is uh we're lucky that adventures with the hudson's actually brought their magnet fishing i usually have mine in the back of the truck but i have them at the house right now so you're drying it out from the last time where you think right out there somewhere huh right around there it's gotta be right right right about that stick yeah now what if the keys aren't magnetic i was more thinking what if you got scientific here i was you guys i'm freezing i just fell in the water i'm freezing cold it's cold i was thinking what if the gators hear the splash and uh jim actually catches a gator and not your keys because gators aren't magnetic that's true they're not unless you count the iron in their blood oh man well i know that the that it was on a carabiner and i know that's magnetic unless it's aluminum aluminum or not nothing on the magnet guys you finding anything besides gators yeah a lot of those little balls with spikes in it spiky balls that are not massaging right no ow hey what are these yes my keys oh my gosh she just she just lost them again no thank you thank you i don't have anywhere to put him and put him in the pocket sorry unbelievable well thank you for finding you drop your phone i gave you a present peace offering peace offering yep get to hold max here hello max the nile crocodile you remember holding max i do remember look he's smiling for you hello hello max his tongue is has like a yellow you think that's a yellow color is that his tongue they don't have a tongue crocodiles do not have tongues alligators do that's just skin interesting that's just skin he's so incredible my buddy pure muscle and his whole body just feels like honestly i mean it's got a it's got to feel the same as when you grab me right yeah you feel cold and scaly i was going for the pure muscle part [Laughter] whoops not the cold and scaly [Laughter] it's a beautiful brush it's a bush hog is it a it's it's beautiful oh my god what is it it says right here john deere brush hog it is a brush hog it even has a little hog there that's a that's a domestic hog right there we're all in your face mark for all you guys on what the hell channel this is not called a brush hog it's called one or two things a bush hog or a rotary cutter so let's not get confused you are but it says right here it does not lie it says it right here that's an aftermarket sticker that did not come from the factory was that a black market decal customization the hulk is loaded up on the trailer they're going to take him in for service because he's been through a lot of abuse today you agree i would say mark here's the rest of the hall uh you definitely need some of the hulk for attention you guys go take them to get pampered mark john deere do you guys think you can take care of uh the smash hawk here uh the work order's getting longer after today but you know maybe we can have it done by early next week john deere just needs a spa day okay can we make that thing do those exist john deere spas if you pay enough they do everything has a cost right or the right price sure you're gonna fix her feet oh no i thought the hulk needs a good petty and manny so does mark soda so does mark if you don't get your toes done yeah do my toes look like i go they actually look like they could swoop from the sky and grab supper actually robbie what'd i tell you about these guys dude absolutely amazing these guys are phenomenal they've taken care of us from the very beginning and then they're out here helping taking care of all your reptiles as well so uh can't thank you guys enough mark farmer mark farmer and the one the only john deere hello nice to meet you ag pro crystal river we can't thank you enough robbie do you agree absolutely what a fun day right it's amazing day and if you need john deere equipment go see these guys go see mark don't go to any ag pro if you're in florida make your way to ag pro crystal crystal river and i have a feeling george is making me go back to buy a gator [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 79,963
Rating: 4.904778 out of 5
Id: uWHvOR_3kkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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