MONEY PYRAMID Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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this is taken forever and almost all the money why George why oh why - in the pyramid of cash the money pyramid is surrounded by but it's a wall it's a wall all right you think you can take that wall down and they all want to see you take the walls down and win tons of money even if you lose make sure you subscribe it's a foul icon so you don't miss a video just like the bell goes off when she pushes a lot of money [Music] starting with another $25 in quarter she's got a good $50 dollar 50 in there already let's see if she can buy some ice cream what's the tactic today the same as it was earlier to the left again everything's gonna fall backwards and it's all it's all gonna fall backwards look there's $100 boxes look the box is actually their doubles you have to get it all through the wall no you got a pill they're just phones you gotta you got to push paper money through the steel money although I guess let's not steal because we know it's not magmatic [Music] you think so paper scissors what wins well that one will push that one won't push because it's way to tell Javier it ain't heavy it's my brother my brother Joe from another mother oh you actually you got something fall forward that we need intense how in the world is paper money no way that one just fell forward that did I don't think it was supposed here correctly how's the Hales do you get them to fall forward when you know they put it in for everything to fall backwards just like the paper money did we've already mastered I think they put a blog date up there so that you would run out of quarters and yet you somehow knock pillars forward the combination of mind power no sometimes by the way some people think that where it was popcorn that's actually the marquee lights go off so once you get enough in here the marquee lights go off like crazy and if you ever hear like there are bells in the machine to so when you get a good push so when you get a good push down there at all strange little celebration bells oh man it does make me want more popcorn sounds like an applause next somebody on the other side just had a good push and they're eating my popcorn come on I can't believe it so sometimes usually when she starts she gets down really really really low it's gonna be extremely interesting like this is gonna be that was your last quarter let's see you lucky Bank how many holes how many holes are in lucky bag nothing to me oh look at that look at that every time it stops it still falls and sometimes we even miss it should we pull that is super unusual we can't believe it $2 not at all because it never starts that way you actually have more than what you started Ashley and that you're not that you stuffed with more than double that time that's quite you seem pretty lucky in age well maybe it's the lucky love is that what it is luck was walking do I ever told you about about one time when I went lock directions well there was one direction there was one time that I decided all I was gonna do I just wanted to go on a random adventure and I decided every single intersection to see where I ended up where I started it wasn't lucky on the edge that had to remember 700 there you have hundreds back there you got what five hundred bucks and twenties what one piece of your items you know I don't even know who that is but that is a challenge to count that high stuck on the glass she got her first piece of paper couch so after this do I go on a little ride go all rights instead of loves every intersection we go right once you turn right you know once you turn right you drive all night that's some part well if you keep going right right end up in Graceland he's going running you'll probably get you know fine [Music] why is gonna take us all the way to Graceland when do we go to Florida they go by property Oh help us to sing you guys come this is Sam all right we need you guys we need your help we need your help shake shake shake Oh Elvis isn't doing enough we need you at home Chicka Chicka Chicka 85-inch thank you appreciate it we hope that didn't break the TV when you shook it remember shake it don't break it [Music] effort aftershock why do I love the less so much I know [Music] oh this has been so good to me lucky bag has been so good to me you know like your middle name is George you know my middle name is Elvis nice if we go by Elvis right now that's new news to me that's new this whole time I thought your middle name was up there now what do you think my middle name boys Archbold Richard dull Wayne that's pretty interesting some pretty intense [Music] there right now focus on the latter [Music] Wow well we won't swap want we want if every push look just like that everyone [Music] oh wait I'm not allowed to play yeah you can play I'm a lot to play but the challenges are met you're so close to plane you're off by like two seconds [Music] all you got to have a hundred plus dollars down there right now just in court reporters that whole wall backfired on them if we get including this money - no I'm just like different quarters to the wall backfired most of it fell forward yeah I'm sure they anticipated a default back like always I don't know how you do that mind control thing working at them yeah that's right I have my mind fit for Google and we got to give us credit three quarters no business think everybody should be she could shoot you Chickasha code yeah come on Elvis is doing his job to yours come on come on come on No there's and holy cow and be hauled and lucky bag 96 75 holy cow that's not a hundred but I was wrong you got to be able to get a ton of money with that yeah I need some some major weights and some major pushes because I'm pretty sure I can get boxes to fall at the same time okay how many boxes have the fault and before I can play well so it's three that's weird because earlier today that was like oh what if three coins fall at the same time no it's gotta be an object coins are objects [Music] okay how about all those pictures fell that like tenable that's account [Music] look at that $100 box right in the middle yeah just still got boxes up there I'm gonna push those off next get them off of the first ring yeah [Music] Oh got the twenties there's that's a full box yeah and there could be some something good in the middle something good on the inside we love a good mystery box [Music] it's best when you fight some here in a mystery box for those who haven't seen our latest storage unit we respond in a tone of truths to brain and mummies this like this all right guys all right everybody put your cute push with Elvis are you ready on the count of three and one two breathe and three now I get to play now right I guess are you kidding after all of them and I don't get to play three boxes at the ball at the same time oh this should be easy there's so many [Music] I'd saved up a hundred dollars that soft sugar foam [Music] if I could get to to fall on the right and to to fall on the left at the same time I'll let you play we just went from any three need the faulty knocks before the fall here's something close it happens about to have a bow I'm gonna have a heart attack if you can't even play with George I mean by the quarters I can easily get four and fall down at the same time oh really yeah yes really lucky bag again only because I'm wearing lucky socks [Music] [Music] kinda creepy just a little oh just did that you sing to the sock and the sock provides anything to do oh yeah [Music] are you sure throws for I think that was for because know the hundreds that are in a box so that turns us to so that's to in itself plus a third one that's three I should be able to play you originally set up threefold [Music] and then I said if I can get to the ball on the right suit upon the wax okay everybody in the fiends all right is everybody ready done it you got a rapid place you got a rapid fire we need everybody's help those home you know we gotta give charity a hard time we're gonna count it down this we're gonna go let's shake on threes and three no 1 1 2 ok ok ok you guys offer nothing shake apparently what if we just sneezed really loud at the same time that would probably be pretty gross the good tries of actually that was an aftershock of their shake nice job that was there after after Sasuke just like a shamrock shake but it's an aftershock sake MacDonald's gives them out all the time there [Music] what's your favorite some peanut butter for that down [Music] there's probably something that looks like peanut butter in my belly love might even smell like peanut butter it could be peanut butter four years ago damn on you're the ones sniffing it all the time what you'd like to smell my old moldy peanut butter smelling bellybutton [Music] goodness this money all bunched up small fun story here too is mother heaven and everywhere there happen to me like do not fall at the same time is me because we don't want Jeremy to play oh now the money's against me too I mean it's pretty ami look Briana was that for the war at the same time for at the same time for I get to play the next one didn't let me finish this is expired [Music] yes I'm going to we should have a competition whether you get the most money now that this one or I get the most money out of the next like that I get the play he'll what's winner let us know in the comments below hashtag Jeremy's gonna make more money for Patton tank Joe's George is gonna make more money so the compass in my house this this game against top play in the next game lucky bag versus [Music] look sock about it going on the Franken stitch what you just call my spine what you call myself the character what's your mouth my sauce doesn't matter I'm playing no matter what so I don't even need to count anymore because now I get to play yes you might as well just hand the bag over and let me put it in the sauce and let me play now because you won't wear the booty with a secret camera my putting on you are [Music] like the foam camera strap does never fit it'll be [Music] come on big money big money big money everything pushing and shoving each other every piece for you big food big oh my oh my that might the pile up over there to the right oh nice nice nice you're in it you got at least knocked over another hundred bucks no I'm gonna play to the right I'm just saying that to prep you up a little bit but time to attack the right because once you go right you finally went right that rhymes why everybody know that does rhyme maybe we should say once you went right you finally way [Music] I was kind of watching Olympic reporters or language and orders let's see what you got that was almost $100 you just played let's see we get $100 back what come on come on big boy English big Bush big Bush oh man we have got to get that cash that's a nice stack of cash here's all your coins it's heavy a hundred and $14.50 go get it get it get it get it get it get it get it all right what are you going for - to the right good plan I like that plan yeah I need to break them up sounds like a lot of confidence in your voice I think maybe you set those words before [Music] excuse me what no distractions without the singing nice nice nice that stack of cash there's like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 in that right corner there are 11 boxes and at right corner one of them is $100 bill bombs it's too many the odds that come to mind you know what that is not social distancing that is definitely not 62 partly an excess part [Music] you do what you gotta do George I think I will [Music] and also was so close [Music] you got one you got one and this fat boy was punching over here to the one that's in the corner has a ton of quarters yeah there's a ton of quarters waiting sounds like a quarter smell back it's like they can hear us baby this one is climbing [Music] like we haven't lost so much before remember yeah that was a bad day man that was a bad day but then when the other when the other ones knocked off the $100 bills didn't that was all paid up for you yeah we have you never know what the bills are gonna see this Patrol nice nice you never know what the hell's are going to see any day on this on the program come on good idea or a bad idea Thunder was [Music] pretty bad I'm so addicted I dream of this probably a good idea because I don't think you're the only one that's addicted nice upper hang on their channels they're so addicted there's some other channels so addicted to us that they're outputting putting coins and anything and everything like they say drop coins in the pinky banks and they're like they're putting coins in the back of the toilet and then pushing and they're wondering oh and they're wondering why they're not getting anything else [Music] I don't need cereal you know I eat an apple every morning first here we have one day does one what is an apple a day do a whole day [Music] finish my sentence you're so good at the runs away [Music] got me some bubble guts but shows ready not cool all right guys everybody let's do this together three two one that was epic nice shake guys nice shake that was amazing oh my goodness you're a [ __ ] to shake shake shake shake the viewers at home they like to watch on the big screen by the way for those of you that are at home watching on your big-screen TV unfortunately you can't subscribe or get your Bell notification itani mall you can't read comments you're gonna get on the laptop computer phone tablet subscribe hit the bell all notifications that way YouTube will tell you every time we upload a video which is every single day Monday through Saturday and then we go live every Sunday night 9 p.m. Eastern Standard so it'll tell you when we we go live you don't subscribe until all notifications well yes that would be the first step Joe if they're not already but you can always watch on the big screen while commenting is another good to tell this push there's a lot of money still on that table nice a lot of money and you've got plenty of coins to knock it off with [Music] make fun a big money big money bit Mona how much you want to bet that $100 box will fall before these because they're so crammed together you still have you've got nice nice you got that $100 box and that $100 box they're still so that's the four way $100 still on the table that's a lot of cash out there but you've got money at points the bushes just attacking and aggressively going at it one quarter at a time George Washington or one rapidfire at a time that worked well too did I tell you the time where I rapid-fire that tell you that story yeah you may have saw me again well that's how money that's not my drawers got all holy the coin pusher relaxes me ASMR and that I just feel like it brings your life it takes it all from everything it's all come out like when I wrap it fired oh here we go alright come on guys we're gonna do it again alright on the count of three we're gonna all shake together okay one two and [Music] but I like the big strong yeah you know they address the ones are you talking about me [Music] all I thought it was all going right there I thought all the castles falling I don't think you have ever I don't think you have ever started so successfully to get so many quarters right today a bright day a proud day for the house of George [Music] you know I could just wrap it fired you need me to do that my help like back in the day like back in the day job when I got my logging doors to all their rapid fire no thing hold the rapid and the fire [Music] [Music] [Music] after you but I mean I'm just saying this money looks pretty tied up in the corners and lucky socks are probably freaking take care of it portal where we can give it a whirl Oh looks like you got it pretty get it lucky song I just had lucky song oh man this is crazy I mean I'm not doubting lucky but yeah you are oh you're throwing some shade alright [Music] come on Tonto man that is a lot of money still on the table for as many quarters as you been planned I'm pretty sure I've taken down more than half doing things oh no for sure these two are jiggling and shaking oh there they go one is a little stuck come on playing that edge get that mundo come on come on come on come on oh nice nice I think that hundred is gonna fall next take a knee playing it there that's gonna fall nice for sure for sure and there it goes now I got to get that in the hundred [Music] no lucky son let me finish playing restless back I have this many this many shiny quarters another 200 quarters now this is probably the luckiest you can ever play the start is there isn't double your money in your first poll that completely backfired on the house and you know everything was supposed to fall backwards and then you got it somehow to fall forward I've done it I've found it as well I'm not afraid it should be all fake we need a push we need a puss we need it for all the stars there we go here we go [Music] oh man [Music] that's a ton of cash for so we're down to seven faxes one two three seven boxes but these ones are all caught up and they're all four quarters you just played over $100 sir Maya don't remember [Music] it's a lot of cash stacks on stacks during that second hundred dollars on that later one hundred and eighteen fifty right there and lucky bag look at that hole all right you got more cash you got to give us new this what's the plan of attack what if you attack both sides at the same time so rapid fire both sides same time yes so right and left right right and left all right once you go left and ran at the same time you attack both sides and mange campus okay let's see what kind of magic happens oh that was magic do you buzzy you've been magic you got a double fisted George Oh Elmo saying here we go rapid fire it's working I see things moving these things working Metamucil is hittin the system this is called the Metamucil type 100 this is the Metamucil technique left right left right left right B a start that might be our viewers are you being serious right now I think we're getting a lot of young it's the greatest invention since it literally is [Music] [Music] [Music] get that $100 box get that hundred dollars [Music] oh yes everything to ship it like who cares about the 20s I feel like I am and I would abandon them invite your good said new adopted mommy here the adopted mommy for the 20s I am also close [Music] Oh you've got to get that hundred it's ending its way closer to me [Music] right now you're taking them all oh come on big money big money big money you can knock that knock down hundred by the way I thought you said you were gonna let me play me and lucky soft and yet here you are going after them on those clean slate right that's that's one way to look at Elvis holy dry let's rock [Music] blah [Music] the dollar dollar bills down guess from rapid fire [Music] because they feel so close now this is taken forever and almost all the money [Music] do you even try for that one anymore that thing has been stuck forever I say just a brand the minutes of 20 let's pull it down holy cow believe it one thousand one hundred forty dollars and it bills what about coins whoa and you're leaving them behind [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 186,906
Rating: 4.8973179 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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