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look he's right there literally right there she wants to take this paddle board out and she wants to play king of the paddle board somebody has to push the other person into a gator infested swamp marsh pond pool i don't care what you call it i think there's a gator right there this is the dumbest thing we have ever done i mean it was really like i had it robbie just called again and said we needed to get over as fast as possible you know what happened last time it's getting worse but it's got to get worse in order to get better better the blisters have all popped it's healing much much better who the hell's knows what's going to happen today are you sure you want to be here right now i was just going to drop you off and i'm headed back home what are you doing it's your birthday you i figured we're here at robbie's we're here with savannah we're here with leanne obviously z-dog and then danielle is here too danielle works with all the big cats danielle when's your birthday my birthday is in about three weeks oh perfect we bought you a cake it's a birthday party i managed to keep all the flames burnt lit [Laughter] are we singing i think we gotta sing what you know about rolling oh here we go one two three happy birthday [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday dear jeremy danielle [Music] happy birthday to you did you just say to us yes how old are you 34. oh i i recently turned 34 as well oh is that right 10 years ago okay so are you guys going to blow out your candles together and yeah not bad not bad you did it i'm an old wind bag i can do that kind of thing i remember to bring eating utensils plates and napkins for plates we're going to use this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait a minute that looks that looks familiar but wait a minute what is this supposed to be is there something you're not telling us no this isn't an announcement this is all that we had we found it this looks familiar where where did this come from my storage unit look at that we're re-storaging inappropriate so what you're telling me is this is just the quinky dink yeah yeah we found it in leanne's storage unit it may have been found in leanne's storage unit but i want to get to the bottom of this i promise you it's not an announcement we're going to find out so don't drop it okay all right robin's coming with the birthday surprise for danielle slithers just make sure you hold on to it she's got her eyes closed it is they are closed it's nothing edible don't try to oh my god if you're hungry don't eat it okay okay i am hungry oh my gosh can i open my eyes yep oh it's a baby hedgehog they got so big robbie oh my gosh how old are they now baby six weeks six weeks oh my gosh this is awesome oh my god thank you you're welcome look at that face and he's lucistic you got lucistic jeans yes look at look at all that white look at his eyes yeah that was black he looks extra hedging oh my extra hedgie he is awesome oh my gosh i love him do we have a name yet robbie that's it's a boy right it is a boy oh look at all the poop it's just on top of a gift it just keeps giving i think it's a boy it's a boy yay i have to think of a good name maybe they can help post in the comments below and tell us what you think that we should name this baby hedgehog birthday hedgehog for danielle so excited thank you guys [Music] what you got there george it's lemur feeding time my favorite part of the day you went to go see more again yeah they're super fan leanne shout out to lynn she brought the she supplied the bananas [Music] there's baby you just got to be careful of mort leanne because he's he's he's crazy oh yeah right in there leanne look at this super fan leanne she's going inside super fan leanne that's how i have her saved in my phone super fun look at this if this isn't the coolest thing in the world i don't know what it is he's right there against the door now he's back over there now wow hiding in the back don't think we don't see you spying rooster we see you creeping we see you creeping their eyes are crazy if you stand right there i'll take your picture thanks [Music] usually they sound like gary from spongebob i love gary yeah he's the best ever i love spongebob i want banana i don't want the peel there's some in here look in there give them there you took your banana your peel right there who do you work for who do you work for who sent you this is where jaws lives the snapping the alley are you going in george no listen this water's over george's head it's deep oh and you know i can't swim either can jeremy jeremy can dog pedal don't get close to him because then he'll be like okay so who's going in first you take your shoes off yeah i'm not sure i don't know i wouldn't put a farmer through whatever i would put my bear piggies in there that's just me but you don't want to step right on you guys don't want to listen what am i stepping on you'll know if you step one does it feel good or is it really cool she's not gonna even feel it that's not [Music] fair [Laughter] there is something so dangerous i see a shadow are you sure you want to do this no i'm not sure remember the last time we hung out with robbie and i am i remember i'm still healing from it this one you might not have so danielle's gonna pick this up oh you're a brave woman danielle no brave brave woman nope nothing's under there here's what i do know there is an ancient monster and i think they may have it's one of the biggest ever all right oh there's one right there yep [Music] jeremy are you seriously going to use the ladies as your body shield i'm dumb there you go there's this like a pro look at danielle flax girl is that jaws or someone else that's yours oh he's heavy jaws weighs about a hundred and twenty don't let him get away one eight where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go watch the other one oh no but my toes are up here how are you seeing this right now everything's so mucked up [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] look at jeremy just hiding in the corner get the i don't want to get too too close watch your feet with that female am i too close right now robbie that's crazy not only that there's another one of these in here right now and it could latch onto either of our legs at any time i think she laughed though she gone you got it oh not again where'd that girl go excuse me can i have that oh there it goes some of the juices just hit my knees hey we're making apple cider here i'll take an apple crisp please oh that was my bamboo did you just get bamboozled [Music] african spurs careful be free jaws be free thank you for letting us use you you're swimming right back around to danielle i'm not scared you are yeah you're right i'm out of here look look she's jumping out now jumping down there man get out there call me a big she jumped right out too turtle right out of the water though i love it it's very easy does make a very good point jeremy well i'd like to say that i'm the smartest one here but that's probably up for debate that's probably completely and totally up for debate here mr bill you guys want some leftover apple come get some apple free apple no charge there's marilyn jeremy's on watch our job is to keep maryland over here while they get out there with neil watch this watch this you ready watch maryland savannah's knee-deep in the water trying to record neo who is neo is marilyn's baby daddy yep i gotta keep my eye on maryland oh she disappeared [Laughter] you settle down young lady we're going in the gator pin how many gators are in here there is a total of a bunch a bunch okay there's a bunch there's even a croc in there whoo you you ladies ready to go see what's in here i hate that i'm gonna have to hurt you wait why are you gonna hurt me well i mean if we're gonna if we're gonna do a challenge like oh no we said 500 subscribers she's throwing the gauntlet down now we don't go easy on the guys no oh man that's not little girl that's crazy girl crazy girl that is crazy girl you see her see your teeth crazy she's crazy and he seems really normal robbie's got there's a couple more right up on his feet right there there's teeth yeah oh she's not messing around kiki's a he when's the last time you fed robbie yeah when is the last time he's been fed what zoli about three days ago so they're hungry oh man kiki looks hungry how close does kiki do your foot right now about that close yeah about that close who's this right here ready to chomp on me oh no that's the one we haven't named yet that's the unnamed no named savannah is this intense or what it's gonna be fun i'm excited look at him tracking hey come here she's so close no name is tracking you kiki's coming up to me right now tt tebow's out there in the middle are you scared jeremy savannah has been talking smash talking smack since that date even opened i told you i told you we would go out on a paddle board challenge when we were at 500 000 subscribers and what did we say you had to be at i don't remember what you said 250. you said 250 are you at 250 yet no but i'll still i'll still stomp you am i at 500 000 yet i don't know are you no i'm not at 380. so she's talking trash like crazy what are you thinking so i'm thinking that so of there's a lot of women that i admire in the animal world but danielle is for sure one of them and luckily for me she works with me at gatorland and danielle is a super tough woman so i figured since she came out here today for a birthday anyways we would do this challenge now danielle didn't know we were doing this challenge no idea do you you realize what you're asking us to do you're asking this is what she wants to do she wants to take this paddle board out with look he's right there literally right there she wants to take this paddle board out and she wants to play king of the paddle board somebody has to push the other person into a gator infested swamp marsh pond pool i don't care what you call it it's uh i'll tell you why you've already messed up first of all you don't have shoes on you probably don't know the theory of when you're in the water with alligators you got to tuck your piggies in tuck them like this yeah you got to tuck em like a ballerina okay i wear these shoes because they can go in and out of the water all right you gotta tuck your piggies because that's the first thing an alligator is gonna grab or your feet and if you think you can knock me off you can't cause i got old-school surf skills you're a surfer girl oh my god can't knock her off but i can definitely pick her up who's gonna go against who i don't want to go against jeremy now because i know he can pick me up you're talking smack look at that she's talking smack and then she goes nope nope i ain't even gonna do it you're not gonna do it i'll take jeremy on you seriously seriously me versus danielle wait is this gonna be like this is going to be guys versus girls then right yeah yes yes guys versus girls and i will take robbie out because i already took you out before right remember when i knocked you down laughing dude look at this now she's talking smackdown you don't have much to say today because somebody is obviously just dreaming here when did you take me out remember when i jumped on your head and you fell in the water when it was i didn't fall in you did it clean keep it clean i stayed that clean you went under want a nice clean fight i want a nice clean fight prize who who who what's the problem um we didn't talk about this well i tell you what if it's going to be guys versus girls wait is so it's me versus danielle you versus robbie yes all right so so winner of listen stop right there i am not getting on that paddle board with this question yes you are it's looking like i actually have to fight them both right now you're not going in this is like tag team wrestling baby dog no that's not the game [Applause] and here's why younger right and more agile i've seen him fight the kangaroo i'm not doing it against him it's gotta be robbie savannah versus robbie yes danielle versus jeremy wait don't you we're gonna make it even more epic the winner of the first match and the winner of the second match they have to square off for the ultimate match okay in the middle of the gator pond yep look at that i'm taking my fantastic gator right behind us oh already coming for us they're everywhere they're everywhere the flavor already of the flesh all right who's going first danielle and jeremy first i guess so i don't think you know what you're looking i don't think you understand how tough danielle is i get beat up by george all the time you always say size matters the small ones she you think she's tough the small ones are the toughest she's got low center of gravity i might be going down this is going to be rough all right are you not taking your hat no way you got to come back where are you going [Laughter] cheater you're not even playing right did you not just hear the rules all right savannah here's your gopro okay it's got a strap on all right or a shrapling all right what are you doing what are you doing isn't that why you're supposed to put it banana that's not savannah a little higher up a little higher up i know it looks like a thong it does but uh you're not going to want to wash that later gotcha gotcha gosh you're not going to watch my bad my bad my bad all right oh yeah here we go i don't understand where are you to put it um here try this i can't i can't think of that take the hat off take the hat off put your head in and then actually yeah just like that well we'll strap our arms down and then that way robbie has a fighting chance okay just like that oh yeah there you go robbie's got a fighting chance now looks really weird wait you're worried about the way a gopro looks we literally are going to go fight for king of the paddleboard in a pond filled with gators i'm better on my bottom part half i think probably hey wherever you want to film all right he's right by us danielle you ready all right you ready all right ladies first beat him daniel ladies and gentlemen yeah yeah you ain't getting nothing on the board yet that's cheating look at kiki kiki's standing her ground wait wait there's a gator literally right here inches away from the board oh my god this is the dumbest thing we have ever done dumb equals fun whose idea was this whose idea was it it's the people's idea who aren't on it right now now we fight to death i think there's a gator right there this is the dumbest thing we have ever done she threw a rock at me rematch what just happened i got a rock thrown at me by the birthday girl how did he trick you well first he said he was going to help me and he was being all nice and then he just pushed me in the water that's why you can't trust men nope true true feels good to be a victor and to be alive all right robbie you ready [Music] make me proud make me proud oh no savannah's already taking robbie down come on come on robbie oh right behind you right behind you right behind me what alligator right behind you oh robbie just got up robbie just got up savannah's gonna take him out at the legs savannah's rocking it must have been from from being in the radio business for so long she's rocking and rolling oh that one thing [Music] oh savannah just took robbie out no no no no that means bring it jeremy bring it that means i have to go versus savannah she's been talking trash for months now whoa right by you right by you me versus savannah she's been talking so much trash honestly i'm a little scared there was a gator right by robbie's he was he was right by robbie's foot he almost lost his foot [Music] wait you're gonna sit the entire time i might i might stand up i don't know what i'm going to do yet i can't tell you what my process is z-dog we need a countdown okay sebo come here what are you doing calling tebow why are you calling tebow come on team oh you're awesome oh [Applause] everyone that helped make this video possible i mean it was really like i had it let me [Laughter] you just body dove at savannah she deserved it i just like to thank the academy for this award i'd just like to thank people for having my back over there at pre-p uh what's the crocodile's name robbie crazy it's just crocodiles crazy croc thank you so much for being a part of this and uh you know jeremy i feel sad for you but nope i can see i concede he's bowing down to you savannah savannah is the king of the paddleboard yes and that's what's up just know it my mascara probably didn't even run because you know why i use a lot of primer that's what's up yeah we both let it win you know what the gentleman thing no we're gonna get them we're gonna get them both they have no idea what's coming next this is gonna be good yeah it is this is gonna be good you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 67,602
Rating: 4.8728766 out of 5
Id: M33Cp_iNwkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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