THIS HURTS SO BAD ... I Can't Believe He Did This To Me

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our body parts are on fire right now thankfully i did not wear shorts [Music] robbie just called apparently something else is going down who the hell knows what he's getting us into this time you ready george i'm ready i'm not sure i'm ready but not sure what to expect but here's robbie we go george just opened the door right up on the tree do you recognize where we're at you recognize where we're at yeah this is where we saved all of the turtles and then where we adopted our three and there is there's miss colleen hi miss colleen look at her look beautiful we'll have to go see what's going on all right let's let's roll are you gonna tell us why we're here why we're here let's see we came to visit colleen hello again look at her she got her hair done oh yeah i noticed that i noticed that right away we got her hair done it was time to get it done hi sweetheart those animals are so happy they're doing so well everybody's great all the food you gave us they're eating it like crazy it's almost gone i try to stop jeremy from eating it yeah i've been snacking you can tell right there i've been snacking on it and then i snuck a few cans myself that's that's my videos and beef rally only right there my girlish figure so back to why we're here okay so colleen is selling the place can i buy it colleen yeah oh is it already sold yeah the guy across the street is buying it and he's gonna just clear all this out and there's so many beautiful plants that he had here that we're going to dig up a lot and then there's a bunch that are still potted and i'm going to give you guys a bunch and then whatever can grow in your area we'll send with you because we're we're further we're further north than we'll see and then whatever doesn't can grow in our area we'll take and we'll fix up around the enclosures and everything over there larry loved his plants too didn't he he did oh yes he did look at he has he has like a garden of eden back there it's it's amazing it really is amazing you know what i got for my phone i got a app so all we got to do is shoot the plant and it'll tell us what kind of plant it is oh nice it's pretty cool nice jeremy yeah let me let me see your thumb okay that doesn't look too green it looks more brown to me but um plant joke z you got plant jokes too uh yeah he's being a real thorn in my side who jeremy or robbie i'll let you decide if you need to see get to work we're all set we're ready to go let's go dolly madison that's what i told you to bring not this dolly mamas and cakes how about you take me down to the paradise city where the grass is where the grass is green and there are no girls there pretty no no no no no no it's a little piece of paradise back here i love it this is super cool [Music] see this is too dangerous he's like my evil twin and he beats me to it that's because i'm younger he can't move as fast he got says gator juke moves but but he's only got that for a spurt i've got it for the long term this is something cool grab that pot pull that one out this one here yeah is it poison that one right there so we have to figure out which plants will survive up north because we're about an hour dude is that real look it's there that's not real that's real no it isn't real that is 100 you put that there didn't you that's 100 real jordan george back up back up switch back up [Laughter] but jeremy doesn't even pay attention he just reaches down and grabs the thing and it hits the ground before he notices how is that lasik who gets to keep apparently not good enough who gets to keep that that's all you you can plant it in your no it'll scare the chickens yeah yeah they'll go crazy eating it oh god they'll go they'll start they do that now yeah but when they see it they'll go crazy all right let's get to work oh look at the caterpillar just crawling well it's called robbie this is a it's called a snake plant or a mother-in-law's tongue which is pretty much this exact same thing in our reality yeah so this will definitely survive up in otter creek if you plant it under a canopy see how this is a canopy yes it keeps it warm during the winter we have a ton of canopy areas right jeremy yeah but you want to do one an area where it's gonna you're gonna you're gonna use okay you know where you're gonna utilize that's a big word how do you spell that y o u u 2 t w o u 2 lies l i i z no e s e i i e s why not z l b list ok yeah you're right you're right see i didn't win any spelling bee championships too heavy too spiky too spiky look at this spiky and awkward you see that i mean i got my protective gloves on but this is uh robbie what's this one called i don't know but let's find out oh he's gonna use his app that's called spiky trump i don't know that's that's why silk floss tree nice there ain't nothing silky or flossing about this tree you could use one of those spikes to floss this thing is so inappropriately named it's ridiculous who came up with that name i would have called the spikey trunk z dog with the machete he passed it off to the rook are you sure you want to pass it to jeremy i was passing it to chris put your head chris rookie's got a machete this one the root went through the plastic potting and right into the ground there you go first try one swing are you impressed he's impressed now he's shaving i'm bad not bad weren't we cutting up rotten meat last week yeah but she'll never know all right chris you're gonna have to grab the top you've got the gloves oh that spike in the shoulder does not feel oh careful okay we're stuck on something yeah i see it behind jeremy's oh you got to get between behind him i'm trying not to i can't do a pulse there we go there you go oh you guys are going right over right over the fence that's actually prank quicker than good thinking [Laughter] i would have cut through all this and been tangled up for hours i probably would have did the same thing that is one spiky tree the guys got it we got a 20-foot trailer for storage units you guys think this is gonna work no yeah i'm not so sure it's gonna work either let's get it off the dolly and if we could put something under the up under here to keep it up that way it won't have to lay flat that's hey blockhead that's z dog gonna be standing there for hours if not days just holding that a little higher just holding that thing there you watch tells us to get blocks and what's he doing i didn't say to get blocked i said something so important looks like a line it's a lime tree slime tree well it actually bear fruit yes huh the lime tree has spikes like that yeah lime trees have the big spikes really put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up see that one's rooted too isn't it they all are they're all my goodness where's that machete i get the machete every single one is rooted see this right here it's rooted everywhere holy cow is that rooted that's the whole base of the trunk right there all right you watch your head time right there watch your head i don't want to cut it off that whole trunk goes down in there i think we need to change it not in that sand here i mean i don't care it's not my control oh he just likes to steal [Laughter] were you gonna cut the route yeah and then jeremy just took it didn't even ask politely for it here we go z dog okay there's gonna be more over here ow spike to the head so you took a spike to the arm already and to the head arm head and the day just started that was the bald spot too don't worry it's turning in red it looks good z z just took dolly out dolly there we go there we go here lies dolly okay all right i don't know if she'll survive but that should survive i think so yeah you know what hardy no dolly taking it like this put that all the way from corner that one's your guys's you mean by front you mean all the way towards the truck right yeah that's the front of the trailer so the spikey one that we just did the silk you're taking that yeah yeah but we had to put that well after it would leak so get in okay did you say have fun with the ants the ants oh i'm more worried about the mother-in-law tongue and what the mother-in-law's going to say than the ants hey you're safe with that it's almost as good as becoming an electrician i'm so close to being certified bonafide grade a electrician i just have to shock myself a few more times if there's any jobs you want done out here like we turned the water off last time if there's anything you need done out here you just say hey try can you can you do this can you do this and we'll tackle that for you too okay colleen now that your house is sold where will you be going up to pennsylvania pennsylvania that's that's our neighboring state we're originally from ohio legacy yeah so when we're in ohio maybe we can come visit what part of pennsylvania the amish country we love america right next to amish country in ohio so we we we appreciate it very much yeah that's perfect you're going to love it there guys what are we doing here we're chit-chatting with colleen let's figure it listen this you too get out of it on thursday boss this is the boss listen this is the boss listen i need help got out of that on thursday because of some bad i might have to run away he's going to be he's going to be cracking the whip on me all day chris get that bull whip out of the truck all right i'll get to work all right get getting to work what is this this is called a uh let's see right here queen of the night and it sends off a flower but it only blooms at night for a couple hours so this will survive up by yes it says 20 degrees jeremy are you going to be digging this up you don't have to dig it up there's one in the pot there's one in a pot there i just got to get the pot oh i thought it was i thought that you found that in a storage unit oh my goodness i found that so many storage units [Music] um yeah that doesn't work like that yeah definitely not gonna work like that too heavy definitely not gonna work like that get the wider one all right there it goes ah there we go round won't stay on flat oh round stays on flat don't you worry round stays on flat if you lay it on his back baby what now rubber tree if there's any more in a pot throw that one in the van does that girl like weeds it should put that back seat under the back seat like so we don't sure hold on let me give you some a couple more so that'll survive up my ass yeah it should we're gonna pull it up and pot it give it to you guys for all those florida sunburns let's see you need a knife george i mean uh jeremy george knife i think not do you have a sunburn you want to apply that to put it on your nose look at that we're out in the florida sun the turtles love eating that don't they see that i'm just gonna tortoises put that right in there but look but smell how good that smells smells like boogers how did i know you get them every time it smells like boogers it has the texture the smell and taste of the taste too you like that smell and taste tastes oh delicious they just came right out for you chris yeah he has the gold bro at this i'm not going to pull that other big one in this one and we'll put those in the van for them [Laughter] you think it's a century old no but look that that pricker will stick india for a century when you have daughters you plant this under their bedroom window oh yeah that way i've got two daughters i got two daughters it's a scary thing that way nobody can i'm gonna put that under george's bedroom window for her dad for baba i'm putting that under her window for baba that'll do the trick [Laughter] do you need jeremy to lift you up i don't know need no stinking lift up he's wrangling with a with a plant like he would wrangle a gator dude that was impressive he put some butt into that i got some butt you put your back into it there's some big old there was no back into that it was all butt you see him lean back and fall back that was all but all right you want this in the van right yeah got one for easy that one's rooted look at them go do you need the machete i don't know go forward with it or would you rather just manhandle it this one's coming with us what's this one called again robbie a loquat a japanese plum all right i'm gonna go hide this in jeremy's plants we'll see if he falls for yet a second hurry before he comes back where are you gonna hide it i don't know up in the pot okay okay hurry he's not looking he's not looking george i got it right there okay [Laughter] george oh my god look it's a jungle in there it's a welcome to the jungle look at you and your dance moves your dad dance move z do you have dance moves like that and he said no you don't have the [Laughter] we got everything you want as long as we know no [Laughter] do you need some bengay for your knees i need the jungle no you're moe he's curly get that one up pick two he wants you to get the plant out of the black pot we're gonna put it in this thing he looks confused that black pot is rotted it doesn't fit it fits your hands perfectly i see yep exactly it go to it no you're mo chris is curly no jeremy's careful z wants to be larry z really wants to be larry so we'll give him that all right that makes them curly then that makes jerry curly jeremy take off that one curly the one with no hair yeah watch out that's a glove nice who's gonna plant all these near you lord knows you ain't gonna do it i'm uh gonna see if the ducks will take care of it perfect chiquita bananas are these mini bananas i don't know what kind they are i like a banana in the morning because george does not do minis i like the minis yeah i'll have it with my coffee the ladyfingers you don't like ladyfinger bananas yeah have you ever had the apple bananas apple bananas yeah they taste like apple huh it's pretty good i've had a great bowl it tastes like an apple and grape i've had aren't they good dude if i lied to you ever there's no way this you just plant in the ground and it takes there's no way i'm telling you jeremy doesn't have confidence mama said my mama said what are you cutting first you okay [Music] [Music] he's telling me he can literally chop this thing chainsaw no roots no ball whatsoever he's telling me you put this in florida soil and somehow some way this is going to survive you're in god's country i don't believe him one bit one bit there's no way have i ever steered you wrong uh well should we talk about the time where we're in sobek's pin and you yelled run because he almost killed us all i warned you to run but did you die that's true you're here i can feel you this literally will survive yes yeah look see how it's growing out of a part that already was cut off you see that jeremy [Music] is see all these runner roots yeah there's a bunch on it and you get those in the dirt that'll grow right there so you're saying this whole thing is a root yep so the whole trunk is actually a root right so you cut it anywhere yeah you just got to get enough wood on it heard that before i found one of those reachers yeah no i just i'm going to try and get all this stuff off of jeremy's next one for jeremy you know it's got stickiness on the back right it's working it's working is it break time already another break um coming from the queen of breaks uh you work for the union i'm pretty sure and isn't it you get a break every 15 minutes every nap every 30 minutes snack every five minutes anything else that you negotiated in your contract the only thing that's true about your statement is the snacks who brought the snacks she always brings snacks sure they are they're i do have snacks i know she has chocolate in the truck no chocolates too today too hot it would have melted it is never too hot for chocolate who likes the taste of melted chocolate me it don't matter what it tastes like it's chocolate i'll remember that the next time you taste the chocolate starfish too look at this one jeremy that's all you that one is all you you have the chainsaw dude that's a lot of tequila right there that thing is huge that's what she said that's a lot of gaza gabalada got a lot of gaba bush right here if it's gardenia or what it is it gives white flowers that's a gardenia right there we got his trailer full the van cool larry had so many plants here i know and he was always taken care of between the animals and the plants yep you can tell you guys very much for doing what you've done and if you want to come back for more just let me know oh that's very kind of you colleen time to eat lunch yeah before bath time yeah where are you guys going she gotta go get some eats probably to kearns nobody else is open late around here you know what colleen i think you and me go out to eat we go out on a little date we leave these guys behind what do you think what do you say i'm paying colleen says i'm ready if you pan yeah you pay not me you got your hair done i'm looking smooth myself over here it's all on me what'd you say colleen you got into your arms we are we are attempting nature's remedy because we just found out agave plants are toxic they're not only tequila but they make you itch so our body parts are on fire right now thankfully i did not wear shorts but uh z dog's face is on fire z dogs swell dog is putting aloe vera on his face robbie has it all over his legs and they're not on fire but they're not on fire so your arms must be centered my arms are on fire they look red and swollen and irritated it feels like fire ants is biting they were looking at me going what's wrong and i went is there something about this plant i need to know i'm on fire and then moments later they're on fire and the plants are right here we're using the actual aloe vera from the garden of eden here and is it working it's calmed it's cooled it down a lot it has z is it working on your face it's working on my face but i'm still working on my arms too you're on fire oh he's got his arms too so it's not um don't do this like at home after you go on one on one with agave and you get yourself all cleaned up the blisters are gonna start getting worse and worse and they should be popping soon and then maybe this is the best part of my arm maybe oh it hurts so bad you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 139,159
Rating: 4.8941102 out of 5
Id: 4DosDMv2JgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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