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[Music] now that we actually have the tractor here at home on site time to go for a little road trip time to go visit the neighbors with the tractor get the markers up and i'll move everything it's not get the markers up you just told me your mom knows she's encroaching you know mom's encroaching i do so if you know okay so i'll tell you what i'm going to do here's what i'm going to do i'm going to hook this up first the log splitter i'm going to hook it up to the back of my truck it's coming with me can you say plot twist because this whole story has done a 180 plot twist on us check this out michael contacted a local resident and asked me to give him a call so we're going to give him a call anytime we give a call we always block our number too many people are always trying to get our number so we're blocking our number and we're going to see how things go here jeremy yes how can i help you michael uh i got a roll off dumpster i moved all that wood last night okay when i got done with my stuff i had to do i went back over there last night with my trailer okay and got all that wood out of your way i appreciate that thank you very much uh i got a roll-off can coming and i was wondering if i could use that access rope to get it back there in the back of the yard yeah are are you there right now or are you at work no sir i'm at work right now you know what time you'll be back uh i don't know jeremy it's probably today's probably looking like maybe a 4 35 o'clock date but i don't i can't really tell i got my trucks out it's all according to what the bills my the damn thing about what i do is i'm all i'm it's the meals i can't control what meals are doing sure we haul wood into the meals and if there's if they get hung up or the meals something you know it's just courtney who's in the mill well i'm trying i'm gonna try to get out of here 4 35 o'clock today okay let me see if i can meet with you i i'll swing up there i'll swing up there five o'clock 5 30. i need you to show me where you're thinking because we can't we cannot block american tower that's part of their lease they have to have access so so if you can just show me where then and then i can tell you yes or no i'm obviously i'm going to work with you i want you to be able to do that so if you and i can get together and you could say right here and i can go yeah i'll call american tower and i'll say hey there's a there's a dumpster but you should be able to get through there no problem let's see if we can make it work together does that sound all right i mean it's not something that i'm i'm wanting to fight you on i won't i want it cleaned up just as bad as you do you know i'm all for cleaning up well then i'm i'm all for you cleaning up as well i want to make sure that i can help you guys you know whatever it is that you guys need to help with whether that's looking at a spot to put a dumpster whether you need me to pull the tractor over there to to help move something you just you know let's see i don't know i don't know why man you got off on a bad deal there but you know i don't know you and you don't really know me you know but i i don't i don't understand well how we got so our wires got so crossed up there well i'm not the person that i'm being portrayed to be well let's let's let's see if we can talk you know i'll come over there tonight yeah i'll try and come by tonight if i can just give me a call around five and i'll let you know and i can give you a better time frame we'll meet there with my granny okay and uh we'll just go from there all right that sounds like a plan i appreciate it michael all right all right thank you bye-bye he wants to make things right that's good he's on board with cleaning up the street it's really good things are going extremely well now that's not to say that the locals aren't telling us that things are being said such as you're going to be run out of town and they're going to do this and they're going to do that but we haven't heard that firsthand so for us that's just hearsay we don't even put any value into it we're going to go see if we can help any way we can we're about to thank him for the roll-off this is blinding so don't be don't look right in there it's really really so you think i'm back in here as long as as long as it can be put in a position because american tower has to have access in here that's what they pay for so as long as it's in a position you think you think in just bringing it in to drop it back here or you think i'm right on the road just access yeah that'd be fine like right in here or appreciate you getting all the wood out of there i saw that the van has been moved too i appreciate that back here okay so you basically you just want to have permission for access to come put the roll off and yeah that'd be fine after my previous videos michael was a bit camera shy and that's to be expected but we have to remember in our current culture the only way and it is literally the only way to avoid being recorded in today's world is to lock yourself in at home if you leave your door someone somewhere is recording you brian didn't think that this was mom's or this was mom's but i just told him well i'm gonna haul it off right away then if it's not mom's if it came from somewhere else you got any idea on that so you know so don't haul it off yet or is it mom's i'm not you turn the camera off and i'll i'll tell you more detail i mean you got to work with me and i'll work with you you understand sure all right i'll tell you what let's go up front i'm not trying to blind you i'm i'm saying yes you have absolutely have permission to come in here put a roll off in here you're just gonna put it right here you promise me it won't block the drive right okay absolutely you have permission permission absolutely yep go ahead and do that and then we can go up front to the road i'll turn the camera off okay and i think where was that steak before we go up there where was that steak brian was showing me your your aunt gayle she showed me the back property line on her place so i'm going to go back in there too oh right over here okay yeah that's the fence mr clark put up yeah that fence goes all the way down so all right let's run out to the road from that point i did honor michael's request i turned my cameras off we had a heartfelt conversation michael got to know me more i got to know michael moore and frankly i think we'll work well together so i made a little bit of a deal with michael michael keeps up his end of the bargain in the situation getting everything cleaned up and making sure there's no trouble whatsoever and then i keep up my end of the bargain in the situation no more focal point of michael on the videos now that's not to say that michael's not being recorded if he's on my property there's cameras there and he's got dumpsters coming in and out and things along those lines but you're not going to see any more focal point videos of michael particularly he keeps up his end of the deal i keep up my end of the deal we keep moving forward to make a new friend definitely have made a new friend over here on the property this is miss bella sweetie she's so good and she's loving everything look at that every second of the round oh my goodness look at that she's so good yeah so everything has been actually going really really well you see here all of the firewood is gone and uh and that's good because they heat with the fire what we're gonna do we're gonna come over with the tractor just to help clean up a little bit we're gonna scoop all this up we'll take that back to our property we'll dump well it is our property but we're going to take it over to our fire pit we'll dump all of this which will be good that'll help clean that all up lots of progress has been made such a huge this is a difference again uh we appreciate that and i know i know the boys have been michael and brian have been crucial in that and then other family members and other help check this out back here there's the camera and the sign that jeremy posted the best part about the cameras is we love humor the best part about the cameras is this the two-way audio we can hear everything and we can speak if we want to the fun part is just listening all right come on back if you were a fly on the wall but instead it's a camera on a pole [Music] there's a dumpster yep might have to jump in there and crush some of it down you know we could even take the tractor bucket and we can push that down for them yeah so if they want our help pushing that down we can we can make a whole lot more room if you can squeeze a whole lot more down now if you remember remember there was a random truck back here as well yep so what had happened is some of the locals just went well you know we're gonna we're gonna trash stuff here because it's a free-for-all it's free-for-all nobody there to keep anybody accountable so one of the locals actually dumped their truck here no engine in it and michael and uh well all of his help they got it out of here and that's back with them the boat is still here which i don't think will be he still needs to be we're not taking that out on the water but uh i'm not sure do you want to live or do you want to sink actually it would be kind of nice to actually go underwater and scuba since we are working on getting our scuba license so it actually could be really really fun we might you know what we could do we could just put all of the all of the bark and the leaves in the boat and we'll just haul the boat yeah that might be the best thing to do might be who the hell's nose hey michael it's jeremy hey i see your dumpster is pretty full you want me to take uh the bucket on my tractor and push that down so you can get more in i got a man supposed to be there tonight he's gonna move some stuff around for me okay he uh i'm gonna pay him to move some of that bigger stuff around for me now okay perfect appreciate it okay no problem at all all right and then um the other lady i i don't know her name i apologize but she's been working on the the wood pile she mentioned uh i just talked to her and she said she said you know can i burn this here and i told i would just bring the tractor over in a couple days i'll just scoop all that stuff up if he unless he's gonna move it well not the wood wood just like the bark you know it's the bark and leaves on the edge she asked she said can i just burn it i said i don't want you getting in trouble by the by the town you know i can scoop that up for you but that's fine yeah just what i told them is i'll get all the big stuff picked up all the big stuff picked up and then you can come you know that should be satisfactory if you want to come scoop some of that stuff up i don't know what what are you planning on doing with it garbage dump okay all right yeah that'll be fine i mean i don't know i should be able to get that dumpster pretty full that guy's supposed to need it back saturday i'm trying to buy a little bit of time with it yeah it's uh it's pretty full as it is that's why i was gonna say i'll push it down if you guys want me to but yeah just let me know and i'll try and get uh that debris that little bark and all that she was talking about the leaves and debris and bark and stuff in the next couple days all right all right i appreciate it jeremy all right talk to you later all right bye-bye [Music] you ready to go to the neighbors i'm ready actually we're going to our property ready to go pick stuff up here we go you sure you're ready george [Applause] we asked if we can help and here's our contribution to helping up the mess we're using the tractor's bucket to pick up all the dead leaves and the debris look at that one scoop shoot [Music] [Applause] looking good in that green tractor [Applause] got it in the bucket [Music] i'm gonna try and level out part of the driveway [Applause] not sure what you're jeremy or the big green tractor [Music] he's getting good getting good with this tractor [Music] get it looks great [Music] oh yeah [Music] foreign
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 184,400
Rating: 4.9368987 out of 5
Keywords: cops called, live pd
Id: toX7cX3cf9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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