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if you don't get this fixed i'm done it's getting bad um the water is just pure iron after i shower i smell like pure menstruation look at the sponge the sponge is even turning in orangey irony color well what are we doing about this it's getting so bad clean the sponge with another sponge so bad [Music] i already paid three thousand dollars to put a brand new pump in this well there's multiple wells on the property this one is 41 and a half feet deep three grand we thought we would get sweet water and it looks like i'm gonna lose my sweet george you realize it's gonna cost twenty thousand dollars to hook up into the town water that's not cheap twenty thousand dollars just to get fresh water so you can wash your hair did you see your bald spot that's because of the iron all right i'll make you a deal you let me get 24 ducks and i'll give you 20 000 bucks deal yeah this is the location of the old water meter three quarter inch and we need two inches to get eleven hundred feet out that way literally digging into the main there's the main pipe right there you're gonna have to connect that in that's another 2600 i think i'm paying just to connect after a long day of work that's the old meter and they had some issues but there's the truck the new meter is in that is a two inch line now to go 1100 feet back into the woods it's gonna cost twelve thousand dollars i need a break from bleeding all this money george even if we do smell like blood right now doesn't mean we can keep bleeding it out so you know what i think we should do what we should go to a storage unit auction and see if we can bleed some money that way well captain fumble nuts did it again uh we just spent about a half hour getting the truck and trailer unstuck from over there if you look over there we were literally touching that u-haul plus the yellow right there and those yellow poles now if you follow me this way uh about 20 people got us to the point that uh we're all the way back here in this facility we are in jacksonville right now we're in jacksonville florida and that ranger is blocked by by me and um this f-150 is blocked and then you have this beautiful beautiful the trailers definitely looks familiar and you have ramses and we cannot we cannot make the turn it ain't gonna happen this is what happens when you try and make a turn so yellow pulls right back into the no dumping and then right around the corner and even if we could make the turn because of over here we still can't because of the transit 250. we literally are stuck and we have trapped everybody in at the auction there's 41 units that hasn't even started yet we're going to give it another go george is out there we're trying to get people to move vehicles so we can get out of here what did you say i said if you end up making this turn once you make that second turn it's gonna be just as tight over there yeah but i'm just trying to get out of everybody's way right now i'm not nobody can go anywhere once they all get out i can actually get out of this death trap this was insane i don't even know how we did it there were a few casualties but we got the truck we got ramses and one of the trailers out of the bend and the predicament but we're still stuck we're just a little less unstuck they're everywhere everybody is by my truck right now [Music] it's jam-packed it's stuck in there let's see if we can get somebody to soil their pants [Music] we got one this is so stinking insane look at this how i have to try and get out of here i got inches guys i'm going to get squashed guapo is inches away from the seriously like instead i really can suck it in get started breath there you go there you go hold it in a little bit longer you're doing great you're doing good you're doing exhale oh my gosh guys that was you're alive you don't understand i could have been crushed it's very tight up in here oh my goodness wow look how tight he is look how tight it is on this side pros of a trailer trailer guys legendary teamwork legendary teamwork since we have time can we talk to you about your extended car warranty yes please so weird robbie called us and said we needed to come over immediately we don't know what we're getting ourselves into we did get in the truck not sure why come to think of it after driving an hour and 20 minutes but uh he said there's some kind of surprise it's driving me crazy that he won't tell us we have no clue we have no one else he's up to no clue z dog what is your dad up to i have no idea i'm just for the ride yeah right i'm kind of nervous you should be we all know robbie from get swamped is a bit nuts so he's crazy as he's sure what he has in store for us i think he's i don't know what he's doing now i'm even more confused i think he's definitely working on cages but i have no idea what the hell she's up to oh i see a camera crew he's got a camera crew here and everything any guesses what he could be up to i have no idea no telling with robbie george come on we got a big surprise for you guys let's go get in the truck truck in the truck where were you i'm coming i was saying hello to my favorite mort i'm your favorite jeremy you're my favorite human mort's my favorite lemur took second place weeks ago where are we going dude we're going down by louie's cage i got to show you something okay this is really louie is another lemur not george's favorite so this is okay we'll go there i sense a little jealousy no a lot oh wow you guys got five giddy heads you got guinea hens i got guineas we've been calling every rural king to see if they have guinea hens and they're all fresh out they're a hot commodity here in florida they are wow so i'm gonna give you five for the ranch and i'll give you males and females so you'll always have more perfect how long does it take for them to imprint home two weeks to three weeks we're gonna leave them locked up look we took out all the fencing in the middle here made one big cage and we're gonna leave them locked up for about two weeks then we're gonna let them out so we'll do the same thing we'll use the we'll use the actual chicken coop we'll keep them in the chicken coop because of that bird brain you have to imprint uh think of it think of it as like gps when your gps is rerouting it gets all screwed up and it goes okay i gotta re-route you literally have to imprint on their brain it takes a few weeks where home is gps and then once they know where home is they always stay there they always come back but do you know how they associate home no clue whatsoever food it's like me me too me too home is where the bellies happy yes yes it is yes indeed robbie do you think jeremy's jealous of me and mort i think they're much not no more there might be a slight not jealous not no more robbie just hooked me up with five new chicks come on where are we going we got to go we got to go see how the water is running at our place you coming or not because if you're not i'm i'm going without you one way or the other i'm coming you know how much i hate that water it's destroying my skin it's destroying my hair it's making my nails black because of the oxidation and the minerals and the iron really it's irritating my skin especially my cancer scar we have to do something you told me it was you or the water this is what 1100 feet yes 1100 feet of trenched line looks like we've got a huge water line coming in when you make big plans you've got to have big utilities flowing flowing flowing keep that water going the guys are just about done with the water we should have water to the house this is going to be interesting to see if we actually have water you know what i think i think you would make me run plumbing around the world if you thought you had to just so you could wash your hair and not smell like blood do you or do you not want to poop and be able to flush the toilet i can do that with anything not to mention i was okay with using the bucket you were not see this here george we've got multiple of these here on the property you see that right there that is a two inch ball line can you see it can you actually see it yeah that's for future expansion so this one up here on the front of the property we've got so many expansion projects that are going to happen here uh many that we share so many more that nobody even knows what's going to happen you see this one here oh that one's green yep our favorite color the color of christmas eat christmas christmas all right see this one here this one also feeds for future projects for massive massive expansion which you can see the two inch line right here for that but then we reduced it because we're actually feeding the house on this one so now until we build these future expansion projects we gotta go test and see if that water is crystal clear like you wanted so bad this is probably the best thing i actually did though i went ahead and had the well which i already spent the money on feed all of the outside spigots so that's going to continue it's going to continue to be well water remember all this is getting dozed eventually anyway only the fresh water goes into the house and into the camper that is fresh town filtered water even though it's not drinkable because our town still can't even get to the point of drinkable water we still have to put it to the test uh no no no no no no no the iron stain i spent the bucks now you owe me the ducks george then there were trees they just want a little friend to play with look at that they love the splash when you get when you get a bunch of brand new ducklings what you don't want is deep water okay but the shallow water to play and the splashing look they're splashing they're playing they love it um they're doing other things in it as well this is this is like a dream come true this is a duck playground as a matter of fact um george george let me see what we have here let me see george and then there were three more all right let's see how they do playing look at that oh look at them all playing is that not the cutest thing in the world how many did you get uh we had a deal look at this look at this here um george oh my goodness overload if you've never had a duck you have no idea how cute ducks actually are oh they're gonna have so much fun playing um george there we go two more oh my goodness are you gonna tell me how many you got you're about to find out look at them all playing look at them all playing oh my goodness life with ducklings um i don't know who's living their best life me or these [Laughter] [Music] oh my goodness look at them having so much fun playing oh my goodness let's name them all george all right you start naming them i have some other brothers and sisters to grab here to go out and play george moore my goodness what did you do buy the entire store of ducklings uh uh george moore we've got ducklings it's play time um george when does it end jeremy my goodness oh my goodness it's not over yet look at them playing oh my goodness if that isn't the greatest thing in the world i don't know what it is [Music] um look at this one this one's looking for water they spill all their water out because they want water so bad they like the way they can't get enough of it oh man look at this if that do the wattle dance water water if that's not cuteness overload i honestly have no clue what is all right start naming them all right that one's george which one the dark one okay the the little uh the little orange or yellow one with the brown is jeremy okay and then that one is george okay and then that one is george yeah that one is daffy which one that one's daffy dassy dappy-gappy and then daphne where's daphne right here how can you tell that stephanie i don't know this is look at them playing and having fun i mean it just literally doesn't get much better than this they're having so much fun they can't remember remember this was worth twenty thousand dollars for fresh water right what do you think they'll do if i put a rubber ducky in there um should we try since ducks like water so much check this out right here we went ahead and we built them a custom swimming pool let's see what happens duck number one now duck number one is always going to be peeping looking for duck number two and let's see if they go swimming duck number three let's see if go swimming oh it's just a matter of time now duck number four they're eyeballing it like do you feel you guys bring your swimsuits do you feel like this is duck duck goose duck number five let's see who goes in the swimming pool first duck number six that's where the term there's their food there's their water like a duck out of water they're so awkward out of water that they're they're that cute that's what makes them so cute that is the and they love the water they can't get enough they actually they drain their water bottle because they try and try and swim in their water bottle so we're gonna give them a custom we're gonna give them a custom pool this part of their part of their it'd training interesting to see who goes in first big old duck party they're so cute oh nope he got pushed in the one duckling i want to see who goes because they want to go swimming oh oh oh we got one we got two two in there look at this look at now he's like what do i do what do i do with my web feed we didn't have a pool before look look now he's partying not without that little's coming to join the party you coming chicken little to join the party here goes the pool party they'll have that empty they'll splash that all around they'll have that empty in probably two minutes if even that everybody's joining the pool party now look everybody wants to get in on the action you know what george we need some music oh that's my favorite one he's got the tough on his head or her i had one like that years ago my kids named him spike so that's spike and that top never really goes away it'll grow into full feathers as well look at them all having so much fun at the party george give me a little dj mix rubber ducky rubber ducky you're the one i said you're the one i i might have done a little something else uh oh what do you mean oh boy no could be girl oh my goodness could be a girl you don't know if it's a boy um oh my goodness i love the pattern on the fur what fur these are birds look at the fur on the feet this one has fur on its leg there is no fur those are called feathers the little furry legs you think that one's cute it's fur now and then it becomes feathers look at this one is that not the cutest chick you've ever seen hello hello ladies hello ladies might have done something else oh no how are you doing there i'm running out of room but i think they're loving it because they're keeping each other warm well they're gonna love it a whole lot more because oh boy poor girl hello it could be a girl you don't know could be a girl goodness it could be a girl could be a boy this one's so cute likes to hide out back here look at this little guy oh my goodness oh i'm running out of room what do you mean you're running out of room my hands are only so big that's all you got i think i'm maxed out chicken nuggets going what the hell's is going on so it's chicken little chicken littles over there uh we're not done yet look at this one here you got another uh oh uh oh you good to go no no tuck it right in there oh my goodness yeah i think they're loving it look they're they're all falling asleep they're falling asleep to the warmth of each other's body and the warmth of my hands somebody is definitely jealous outside the screened in porch oh here comes chicken little and chicken nuggets look at them creeping like um excuse me excuse me look there's guapo and there's chapo and then here's the rest of the herd the brood the pack because we're turning our chickens into pack [Music] animals [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 141,360
Rating: 4.9087257 out of 5
Id: Bvsbi1s7FR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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