HIDDEN ON LAPTOP / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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i knew eventually you could sniff it out sniff out the hp hp envy 4m entertainment pc slim and powerful let's see if there's any power try and see if there's any juice left we have had the fbi show up at my front porch based on some of the stuff we have found oh yeah that was crazy and we are back at the doomsday preppers unit so much to find in here we still haven't found the actual firearms that go with the cases we have found ammo we found more alcohol than we know what to do with we have found um so for adults only items so many preparation items you know what let's just dig right in and find out what the hills we're gonna find today george i can't believe it we're at our first our first live auction in 2021 let's do this some of my favorite words climate controlled that means quality units that one is labeled pref is that prep barter what's that ac radio do you think this is a preppers maybe you know what i bet you this is a doomsday prepper unit could very well be all the medical stuff [Applause] okay sleep is that a sleeping bag that is oh wow george oh my oh my there's all the gun cleaner there's guys george look at all these back here and look at this here is another another totally another tote labeled prep okay wait oh my goodness there's another one there is there's three say one there's more and who the hell's nose what's gonna be in those toes oh my more first aid kits yeah we've got more first aid than we're ever going to know what to do with george i'm thinking let's see what's in here this might be more doomsday prep yeah look at this jumper cables jumper cables so that's a kind of a preparation emergency prep thing what do you think this adjusting case look at that get it just in case no what [Laughter] totally went over your head uh there looks like there's emergency items everywhere in here flashlight yeah how many how many bug out bags bug out totes emergency this emergency that can you have so maybe i don't know maybe one of these goes in a trailer maybe more jumper cables i don't know i don't we're going to have to we're going to have to go through all this here's another another first aid kit as if that tote didn't have enough for the world yep all brand new nice nice nice i never have enough first aid kits well yeah you kind of just like how you can never have enough bug spray once you're dead you're dead i mean you can't do anything else with more first aid kit right there right there we got duct tape sometimes i like to use the bug spray and spray it out beautifully you know what if we can find the flare the flare gun that'll be fun that would be fun brand new water this is this is another this was probably in a vehicle because they were afraid of doomsday i'm guessing this was the vehicle tote yeah this was the there's a tire pressure gauge down there and all kinds of fluids this was the emergency vehicle oh there's your packaging tape that you love right there that's actually my favorite that's your favorite colin dibs on that scotch is my favorite you know what you know how i feel you can never ever be too safe safety first right safety first yep yep i was thinking oh man that was more medical supplies okay i was thinking george that what you're thinking well i was thinking why not just pull oh i made a mess why not just pull some of these okay right into the light office i got to see what's under here i have to okay oh man this is all right all right i sneaked a peek okay let's see what we have here we'll start over here and yep usually these these thinner coats typically are going to be family photos things like that okay do you want a snake take a sneak peek first before i show it oh you're good you're good i already did take a sneak peek okay so we got super tape laboratory boom there's one on the old radio shaft uh what else do we have in here we've got carving a dream we've got we don't this toad has that vintage smell oh yeah it does great i like that smell great lakes we've got dental records so we do have dental records as well from 1983 so um i was one we got i got some good stuff right there i mean who doesn't want dental records from 83. george what remember the label maker food don't even think about it we're both hungry but don't even think about it you're the one that's getting angry i am getting angry and boom no food so wait what is this coupon bible cuban the brook book okay what is all this this is so interesting uh there is a flag down there there is okay that's medical stuff i'm not going to share that and this is i'll see what we got here probably more coupons yeah you're probably honestly you're probably right yeah it's probably equal facts it's just a ton of paperwork so let's um the coupon bible unless there's a barbecues coupon in there george probably isn't gonna use it so let's see what we have in the office over here okay george come on over to my office all right step into his office have a seat make yourself at home here we go oh we're already super sizing in the office check that out now one of the things i've uh is that a bank bag i was moving it over to cover the name on that folder yes it's a bank bag is it locked it is it's didn't we find keys we did earlier we did but i'm not feeling anything in it right now i'm not feeling anything okay i was literally moving things and all right walgreens super size all right so they're all gonna be family photos one of the things i've always wanted to do this is usually where we find um little mary jane seeds we usually have labels one of the things i've always wanted to do there's beads and charms is i've always wanted to take undeveloped film yes and i wanted to actually get it developed and see what's on there there is a memory card yep there's a memory card we'll save that you might be scared what's this what does this pin say here check that out right there air care air care yeah okay so usually what we do on our sunday night lives we share with you what we find on memory cards i'm gonna set that aside okay so we can figure out what's on there and that'll probably give us a better glimpse into oh look at all the locks you guys looking at you guys who are viewing right now are probably like you know what is he so excited being in the storage unit lines being part of he will have to cut it off because he will lose the key this is a hundred dollars in locks right here that i don't have to spend nine yes i score 550 this is actually pretty exciting this for us it is because we use it on a daily basis this unit has been awesome okay let's find out what else is under here we've got whatever that is snoozy oh you know what i bet that's an alarm clock it's probably an alarm clock oh george oh man this is awesome let's go back a little bit okay this is exactly what we needed because we didn't bring an office with us so this is actually look at that stapler you're going to be blair that's a swing line i did remember to bring my stapler with me did you remember to bring your size matters eraser i don't make mistakes really because if i start erasing i won't even have an eraser in my hand anymore and that's just from this morning on the way here okay this morning on the way here i was sleeping it was a two-hour drive look at all the erasers there cool we got more tape we got a mouse that's always good i bet you uh i bet you we're gonna find we'll find the uh what do you call that reader part or the usb am i boring you again george sorry bran i didn't have caffeine this morning brand new packs we have to get on the road at like 7 00 a.m seven on the dot and george for the past two months has not even been up at 7am i wake up between 6 and 7 30 because i have to take my cancer medication jordan so take that back no this is not waking up and then i don't go back to bed and then it's hard to go back to bed so then i'm really within a moment's instant bam is that what i look and sound like exactly exactly a bit over exaggerated the office is gonna be great for us what do you think this is what does that say d mom d meme d look at that michigan so do you think they came from michigan duo to florida i almost said ohio forgot where we're at maybe okay let's see what's in here d mem it's gotta be memories d what would d stand for basic practical it's gonna be department of the united states of the navy okay so she was from the military this is a placard made by the navy for the individual that was in which explains why she's packing and prepping and ooh she's partying the girl scout too she was in food service she was serving at food service at universal studios i bet you she was a nurse for the navy squad that'd be my guess what do you think that yeah all right let's see what this is i bet you we got some collectibles here these are the d memories if that's japan it doesn't say made in japan i think this is a uh a flower pot but it's an older one that's got to be worth something we've got oh my goodness george what george george george george george george precious moments nurse doctor oh look at that and it still has the tag on it still has the tag look at that all right somebody probably gave that as a gift as they were serving let's see what else is in here okay socks christening socks uh pics we got all kinds of picks picks um we got triple triple x right there so yeah we're kind of used to that we got beanies nice we got beanies and we got babies how many beans uh quite a few actually let's see what else we have we have this is a handprint oh man that is sad so that was andy remember we had andy had his own prep yeah so [Applause] now right now my guess is storage unit life just became real for a lot of people when you see the handprint of a child and you go oh man this is horrible it is it is a very difficult thing which is why we love to restore the love every opportunity we can remember if we don't buy these items the storage unit facility actually just puts them in a dumpster and it goes into a landfill they do because they have no room to store it so we absolutely can look into attempting to restorage the love but the sad fact is some people don't want it back many people don't want it back other people can't take it back 90 90 of the time they're incarcerated so they could never take it back and if depending on what they're incarcerated for or if they've passed away obviously they can't have they don't can't take it back family don't care like we're not gonna we're not gonna unload that next to ken they don't want to have no room for here is all right here is a diane from 1977. so family members are usually looking at like that's a lot of work number one i don't want to move it and i don't have anywhere to put it sell it yeah and so a lot of our viewers may look at it and go oh man that's sad get a bit back to the family we can't even recount how many times we try to give it back to the family they don't want it they literally do not want it we've had people outright tell us we're ready to give it back all right tell us i intentionally abandoned it and went let it go up for auction i don't want it i don't want it it's all junk and we're like um okay old tins old tins so as many times as we try we can't always succeed honestly many of our attempts are futile because they just don't want it okay a teacher makes a difference uh interesting totes i'll tell you what yeah let's load these up and let's grab some more okay george wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what what what i think i think i see something down there let's look through here real quick okay oh just for you there's some pepsi once that one was opened this one when did you give up years and years ago how many years ago well over did you give up cream of chicken once we got chickens yes yes i did i think not i just drink water and i also drink sweet tea you do once in a while a lot of sweet tea once in a while i'll drink uh canada dry the cranberry canada dry yeah um what i thought was in here more water was more water but no that's not actually what i was looking at i thought we had a laptop down here but what we have the keyboard is the keyboard a mop top and it looks like something else here what is this this is well it's a bunch of stuff for the house okay that's kind of just household stuff i thought there was the laptop in there i bet you it's still in here somewhere [Applause] i knew eventually you could sniff it out sniff out hp hp envy 4m entertainment pc slim and powerful let's see if there's any power try and see if there's any juice left well wait hold a second what if what if we can find the battery in here and we can charge it there's that's for uh shooting shooting ear protectors if we can find the charger then we'll just plug it in in the in ramsey's why we're doing the rest of this okay and then we'll find out for sure there's some weird stuff there um i'm not seeing the charger okay somewhere else in the unit i'll tell you what we we will we will let's just do it right now we'll see what happens all right there's a bunch of pet hair and see if there's some juice left it's got beats audio i think nah i'm pushing the button okay let's um let's definitely let's find the power cord because i think i'm pushing it's hard to tell with thick gloves so let's find the power cord and then let's find out what's on this thing okay remember the last laptop that we got oh we had to burn it it was so bad yeah that one was rough so bad we have to burn it uh for those who didn't see that episode there was uh illegal adult entertainment on that one yeah that one was bad okay let's see what else we got file folders you know file folders are good those come in handy yeah let's see what's in this tote here we got this more bug out bag stuff bug out bag bug out bag hot and cold bug out bag come on show me the firearms all right these are all these are all like coolers coolers and storage bags i mean i guess this could be part of their bug out plan yeah right yep i mean in all reality so here's another bag over here i'm just gonna throw that one in and with these ones here oh there's a cord some airborne earbuds [Music] okay let's okay here is maybe another tackle box oh maybe another first aid you think it's first aid again yeah all right let's find out it is it is first aid again oh my remember remember those earplugs are those earbuds we found yes some shaving cream what's in here a pill crusher let's see if they left any residue note pill crusher was in there um all kinds of first aid stuff all kinds i mean i i truly believe this individual probably thought the world was ending yeah we'll come to find out they were in the medical field we're also seeing everything from 2013 2011 2012. here's more brand new scotch what was going on in the world back then do you remember 2011 2000 what was going on that was we needed to prep what year did 9 11 happen that was way before then about 2 000 i don't remember i don't remember now you know what we usually find when we find the bible in here right you know what we usually find sometimes we find money in the pages let's check those no i didn't even look oh there's something anything okay a decal i've got a little bat here there weren't those bats in the traps in the prep there's a tower nice you think it still has power let's see if it's got some juicy juice all right let's try this one now power on no but here's the cord here is the cord right here all right we definitely are going to charge this in the hook it up in the truck why we're doing the rest of this or we'll find a charger here in the hall but bam charger right there we are going to show you what's on there now we just have to find the charger for the uh laptop if not then your most hp chargers are universal right ain't that right the eagle has landed out why are you saying that's exactly why i thought you were saying all right so we've got we've got radios which ebay just banned uh radio devices yeah that's so weird george is that another tablet oh it's dvd player portable player i thought we had something else there those are handy when you're traveling on the road you want to watch a movie pencils you never have enough pencils okay what do you think's in here you okay yeah i think a little bit of dog fur went down my throat you got to be careful not to eat dog fur all brand new look at all that brand new pencil lead right there george oh okay i'm okay shake me shake me and look 50 gift cards that 50 gift card might be in here somewhere let's see if it's back here this thing is labeled 50 gift card from to andy from all of us and let me just dig a little bit here dig in dig in dig in okay we'll go through that better later let's um i want to know i don't know what these are right here what do you think these are those are brushed nickel something one way to find out george only one way you know what this thing is finally gonna come this thing is finally gonna come into good use now stored for years and now finally being used to save the day here in the storage unit i'm guessing curtain rod what are you guessing yes and it is definitely some type of rod it is a maybe a shower ride you know what that's a handicap rod ah you're gonna need that you've done you're done getting really old and feeble here you're gonna need good things we have two of them two of them we got two of them one for george and the other for george george now that we're home i found you a pet lizard and for me we gotta get that we gotta get the the laptop out of there there it is let's take it in and let's see what we got i got a cord from my other laptop this is from my dell not my hp even though this is an hp and i did bring an hp here with us to florida and this fits it fits now like a glove now let's find out if it turns on all right it's got some juicy juice three [Music] two we have found some crazy stuff absolutely crazy stuff on laptops and flashlights yes we have so much so there you go hp is coming up stuff that you can't unsee on these we have had the fbi show up at my front porch based on some of the stuff we have found oh yeah it's it's been crazy okay now let's see this could here we go there it goes it's thinking it's spinning it's spinning it's thinking it's thinking come on [Music] here we go look at this rs i don't know what that is futuristic whatever it is but somebody somebody likes their um what would you call that aircraft ufo whatever it is all right let's dig in deeper are you kidding me oh wow i see bitcoin crypto bunker bunker ideas grand master top 10 preppers we've never actually found we've never actually found any bitcoin on anything before btc wallet info coinbase ethel i don't know what those stand for private key usd wallet info oh man this is insane that was crazy we've got some homework to do tonight this is insane our viewers always tell us make sure you check for bitcoin we have never ever found bitcoin and all of a sudden there's a possibility this is 21 is our year 2021 just might be our year [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 68,387
Rating: 4.9265203 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: fqmA6AMF2R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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