OUR HOUSE WAS ON FIRE / I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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this place is on fire this place is on fire we had a fire here at the ranch and i almost died and we'll share with you how but before we get to the fire i want to share with you what's been going on here at the what the hills ranch a hails of a lot's been going on what's that you hear that magic noise yeah i do that's the sound of bamboo chimes this now this came from the unit that leanne restores to us so that's a beautiful piece there for the property asmr there for you what what else out here and then if you guys remember this piece this also came from the unit that leanne restored to us this was her grandfather's um flower for his garden that was his plower is that an official word plower yeah okay it is now leanne leanne's grandfather's plower flower the flower you remember this piece of a flower the the unit that we found in chieflynn one of the very first ones we bought here in florida when we bought the ranch we inherited this 10 mile per hour speed limit sign and bullet holes were included freebies yeah along with the private road sign bullet holes included as well were all of these license plates were these included the license plate those came from multiple units a couple came from leanne's unit as well uh particularly there's a couple right there from last year you guys remember the french quarter of bourbon street those all came from leanne's unit as well huh where'd the where'd the bamboo here come now the bamboo if you remember this came from the get swamp branch with robbie robbie gifted us the bamboo and the plan for the bamboo is to make fencing with it around the uh the ranch that's a bunch of junk we'll have to get to that in a little bit let's go inside let's go follow me okay now one of our favorite rooms in the existing house is the screened-in porch the one we use the most the one that we definitely use the most now this glider came from a storage unit now that's jeremy's i'm not allowed to sit in that that's his this is his territory who made that rule i'll get in trouble if i said okay apparently she just made that rule up herself all right and then if you remember all of this came from the creek in the back oh and um we will be in the creek really really soon these are all the projects for future videos that are going on right now and those are waiters for the creek and this is also for a future video uh you're just gonna have to wait and see you're gonna love it i promise and then we have palmetto bushes all over the property so i took one and wove it into a basket i'll put the chicken eggs in here until it's time to bring it into the camper where i hand wash it and refrigerate it okay this couch if you remember from a storage unit in gainesville gainesville florida what not ohio it was in florida okay yeah we're in florida are we not yeah we are we're definitely not in kansas anymore check out all of the cast iron pots that jeremy hung up thank you jeremy i'm not that tall that's from leanne's unit as well came from leanne's unit as well yes so yes you can uh you can clean cast iron number one we don't have time to clean it we like the rustic look and we thought you know what it's so expensive to ship it's just it's not worth it to sell and to ship because of the expense we thought it'd just be really cool as a decoration i like it yeah but what else did from liam's unit this also came from leanne's unit her mom used to use this to hang the afghans and you're hanging and we're using it to hang uh raincoats whoa that is a big pile of are you gonna tell us why all that stuff is there yeah we'll tell you in just a bit if you step in here this is this looks different this used to be the kitchen let me turn some lights on for you okay all right let there be light so this way it used to be the kitchen this isn't a kitchen anymore this used to be a more closed-in kitchen okay over here was a counter which that is the counter that you now use for packaging right over there we moved it no no that is the counter that we use out here out here for crafts for story and crafts time yes and if you remember there used to be a closet right over here so there's a big one there we brought in some help we have so many projects going on we brought in some help to to help get some of this opened up there also used to be another closet here where are those closets those went by is that wood that you just saw out there out front yeah that was that okay so this whole kitchen area still a kitchen this was from uh the wolfgang puck that was from a storage unit we just haven't used it yet uh oh by the way this is how much iron is in our well water which we do not drink no nor are we even going to try and treat it we are going to hook up to the town system and then we're going to treat the town system to hook up to the town system is going to be just under 15 000 reason being is because they charge per per foot per foot just to get water back here but we need water for the future projects as well that's makeshift that's makeshift lighting professional lighting you have to give this back this this was uh that's therese is right yeah one of the campground owners she let us borrow so this was the one area when we bought the house that george was like we're going to turn that into the live stream back room it was my job to find a place here that we can use as our studio and bam would you look at that i think this is perfect and we want to keep the wood burner and put that in the new house but if you've ever wondered how do we live stream you can see we use not one laptop not two laptops but where's your third one there it is over there we actually use one two and then there's a third laptop right here there's a camera there there's a camera right there but it'll stand right in front of here and then we use a microphone all of that just to go live every sunday night for you guys now this area we haven't figured out what this area used to be yeah we don't know but it's going to be jeremy's new office okay so one of the things we did did you notice what i what happened while you were gone this looks upside down okay it's completely and totally upside down this is the top of the cabinet that you're using i use now for packaging and what we did was flipped it completely and totally upside down so that i could use this space here for all of my binders because what do i always have to have binders per per project per property per business everything has a binder everything is three hole punched and so then we also then we flipped the the doors here and actually when i say we it wasn't me it was just travis i hired travis i held i held part of this up by travis put it in and then he flipped it all over i started to wipe it down with windex yesterday it's gonna need another coat so i'm gonna finish that up so this little nook what are we calling this little nook this is gonna be jeremy's office so when he's hardly working oh interesting do you wanna be lounging on the other couch and everybody who's concerned about the couch out on the screened in porch that'll come in to right there once it has to with the weather are you gonna are you gonna test the um the love seat there so this is my man cave go into his office and do some work oh really yeah well i was you're so predictable i have a feeling this is going to be taken over by you too just like every other room hello i just had the weirdest dream what was it you were recording me while i was trying to take a nap creeper i do that every day something that i decided to keep from one of the very first units that we purchased here in florida was is that called a sombrero the sombrero i need to find a new home for it i think that that hat actually fits you better now this one i decided to keep as well because for the first time you are asian for the last time i'm not asian so she kept a couple hats what are you gonna do with them you're gonna hang them up back here or remember we're still live streaming up somewhere so this room you literally this was the very first room you took over this was the very first room so i ordered all of my usps boxes for shipping and packaging and shipping purposes this was found in a unit that i threw up you threw up are you okay and then this did you get some medicine this wasn't an estate find one two three four five six seven eight nine good counting there i thought you weren't good with numbers one two three four five it's an eight legged starfish and then there's a sand dollar one two three four five six seven eight eight legged starfish that's an arm so eight legs one arm [Laughter] is my counting off um just keep doing what you're doing more sand dollars got that from an estate sale so how's this system work here uh it was actually jeremy's idea he has the eye for great things so this was moved this was in the kitchen moved in here um and then i get to look at the chicken coop and the other animals out there kyle why we'll tell them why well there's big news careful careful uh that was from a storage unit too and i just tripped on it so there's big news with that pile out there what are all these i also get another window where i get to look out that's where we put the feeder on that side of the house it's the look out at the bamboo and the the swing hammock yes um what's your question why are all these totes in here oh it's more table space until we can get tape it's makeshift tables until we can get tables wouldn't it be called tote space not table space i pretend that it's tables you have a vivid imagination don't you thank you thank you oh that all came from storage units right there that yep pretty much everything in this room except for that guitar right there came from a storage unit what guitar is that that is our sunday fun day live guitar that you like to uh strum every sunday okay let's see what's going on in the back of the house seriously are you on break no busted so this is the existing bathroom that was in the existing house and uh new toilet we only use it to go and for a week we haven't been able to uh for a couple days i wouldn't say a week a couple of days we haven't been able to so we've had to get pretty creative to use the bathroom but if you remember this is the toilet the brand new toilet that we purchased that should be able to flush a dozen of golf balls that was the selling point for us a dozen golf balls but it doesn't flush anything if your septic tank is clogged and overfilled that was the issue so uh they came back they came to the rescue and now we can flush again wait what's this george oh look at that remember which unit we found this yeah that was out of the guy who's in jail for drugs unit yeah that's like a 150 dollar set of clippers that we found it sure is that's a yeah that's an asmr right there just listening to that classic 76 new idea for an asmr video just listening yep don't even have to cut hair just listening are we going somewhere special we're gonna go right in here okay watch yourself please watch so remember everything in this house was a build-on edition of build on addition so everything has another level with concrete we like to call it multi-level home okay apparently we have a multi-level this used to be a bedroom this was this was the guest bedroom as a matter of fact you guys may not or you may remember but the water heater hot water heaters right in here right on a red ant hill literally water heater red ants everywhere okay so so big up shout out to travis who built these shelves back yeah so we had we had travis come out travis willis works construction here locally in our county and neighboring counties as well and so he came and helped us out reused from when you knock the walls a lot of the wood has been reused from knocking all the walls down so there was a wall right here and if you remember all the hanging hangy dangly lights all the look all the uh the cords everything tires and stuff they're moved out of the way they're tucked away more shelves and then we had a brand new expansion pack for well tank for the well which now we're going to get onto the town water what are you putting on all of these shelves now that you have more shelf space than anybody else in the entire town inventory lots and lots of inventory for future sunday night live auctions so she's got one two three four look at that she's even got an area for the small stuff let's just see what she has up there i'm just curious i have no idea what she's hiding up there diary lot oh diarrhea this is her diarrhea a lot right there the diarrhea just remember if your toilet doesn't flush you don't want that lock you want to document it in that diary every sunday did you say diary eastern standard time we have a live bunk auction for you guys for this from the stuff that we find in units here's my tools i got to remember to put those back in the toolbox very cool so this used to be the laundry room yes so there was probably a washer hooked up here now we had major leaks in the outside plumbing and we were hooked up to the outside plumbing so we had to come inside the camper is now hooked up to the indoor plumbing and we got the outdoor plumbing all for the time being for the time being it's fixed here's evidence that there was a wall another wall there jeremy knocked down there was another wall there this part of the house used to be the master bedroom uh no you're not at the master bedroom yet not yet no there was another wall right there okay now you're in the master bedroom that was if you remember right there was the wall and right there is a weird wall on an angle and you jumped right through the door and that was the master bedroom and then this part right here used to be the closet which is now more shelves maybe we should have just left it a closet you think we can go back no are you sure this is the way it's set up now is perfect and we just go wink and let there be led light do you know where your other switch is you know where travis put your other switch for the corner and [Music] so now she's got light there one of the things that we did with the one unit that we bought is george has a dolly for back here in the warehouse space because it's my size it is all the totes that are back here are empty totes so this is the part of the shelving area that we're gonna put empty totes in but so this is all this is all empty totes that we've gotten so far from storage units it'll get full real quick how quick real quick quicker than our septic tank when you do a diary lot george george oh those are the bottles that leanne wants wild kyle to get these massive beams i found in here i actually think those might be cedar and here's all the toys this room we don't know what's gonna happen with this room yet i thought george was over there george i'm right here oh this is i'm being one with the chicken this is not the chicken room it's not the chicken room hi baby they like to follow us everywhere what is this room this is now the workshop where we've organized all the tools that we found throughout storage units okay and everything in here look at that we've got five hammers down there this isn't even everything actually uh sorted through yet we still have stuff to sort through but we're starting to get things organized you come back here okay take a look okay you see all these vintage items this was the cool stuff that i actually found in here when i was cleaning it out and organizing so i thought it would be pretty cool to have a uh a lot of all the old items that were left behind so you would do like you would do an auction lot just for this just vintage stuff from the what the hell's ranch like old stanley look at that old stanley hinge and the old box country gentleman west clock singer singer these are sewing attachments there's an old mickey mouse remember we're two hours from orlando old mickey mouse eraser speedway thin steel that's a razor blade coleman look at these look at these brad nail boxes these are so cool and they're full yeah i think we we both toddler's nails yeah uh some really cool stuff in here for sure just aluminum staples and what is that i don't remember anymore paul bunyan's bow string string um i might even bid on this lot well leanne gave us all kinds of towels boxes and boxes of towels and so we did hold on to those because they're definitely going to be put to use here at the ranch so for the ranch we're gonna use them as we're working on things it'll it'll go to good use camping chairs all of this stuff this is all come from storage units this is part of us building a life in in florida through storage units started from the bottom now we're here holy hails that's a big pile of garbage um george yes you didn't tell me we were selling we're not selling we're not selling this was left behind by the previous owners okay now everything that you see out here actually came from in here so it was all parts and pieced in here we we do have running water if we turn the second well pump on but we haven't done that yet so uh shout out to travis again made plenty of room in uh this area for us and i think this will be the new home for still some things to clean up will the tractor put in here nope but something big something big something big is coming there is a reason why we cleared this all out and you're gonna find out the fans are gonna find out soon now remember he had a water heater in here so this is the second water heater i'm guessing that it works although we haven't tested it and it's because he had a full functioning bathroom in here except minus a toilet so i guess it would be is that called a half bath this would be a half bath minus a no it wouldn't half baths don't have shells actually this is a this is a full functioning bathroom just like our bathroom over at the house has been for the past just for the past week full bath so this is a bathroom we don't know if we're gonna keep it for the time being it's here all right what do you guys think what do you think chicken walk forward if you say yes now walk backwards if you think no there you have it they walked forward they say keep it one of our super fans sent us this sign welcome to george's chicken coop which we hung up the next day established 2021 and then if you remember this chicken coop had a separate dividing wall here jeremy took that down along with wait jordan parts and then we added these steps why doomsday why does the chicken coop have pet steps why not why the hell's not now they have recently within the past two weeks you see the baby crib the doll crib ridiculous within the past two weeks they actually have started to use the pet steps they have a girl and they're actually laying here now and anything in here oh you got them already and they lay there now we better go check on the pigs looks like beauty and the beast just found one of their favorite people let's go over and check it out uh mama george spoiling the babies again yes they love goldfish yeah they love goldfish comfortable cheese crackers cheese crackers are the best go ahead pet beauty she was letting me scratch her earlier look at that all right let's see how beast does see he's still skittish we're working on it we're working on it he's doing getting used to use they're still getting used to us but they definitely know when we're coming with some treats oh my goodness they get so excited when we have treats beast is obviously the more aggressive one everybody says oh no you need to neuter him nope that's not the plan we'll take care of we'll take care of things the way that we want to take care of things it's all about the babies what do you think what do you think beauty the beast is getting look how jealous he is right now i smell i smell pizza crackers wait is that bacon crackers you're not feeding them bacon are you i'm not it's cheesy pizza cheesy pizza george the viewers want to know what happened with the fire oh i got so comfy you got comfy right there so i fell asleep on the couch and i usually like to sleep with the blankets over my head like so so she stole she stole my spot just like she's going to in my new office and and all of a sudden jeremy comes into the camper i just finished my morning meeting i opened the door and i smelled fire there was smoke everywhere fire and he starts screaming this place is on fire this place is on fire and i wake up and i'm like nothing but smoke in this room nothing but smoke and that's where the fireplace is right over here literally inches away from the fireplace so there was a fireplace right in here but i removed it should we show them what happened yes george looked so cold under all those covers before i went to the bathroom i went ahead i switched it on and then all of the sudden smoke started coming out everywhere this this right here is the culprit an electrical fire that literally could have taken absolutely everything if we were not there if we were not there we would have lost the camper the warehouse the storage building my car your car uh the pole barn everything the animals and we wouldn't had a penny to our name because everything was locked up inside there we are beyond lucky we are blessed [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 88,602
Rating: 4.9278879 out of 5
Id: wNiYnM1U2rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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