I Bought An Abandoned RANCH In Florida Where People Died

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i think it's time to let them know george take a look down here we bought oh that's got thorns on it we bought an abandoned ranch with horns oh oh my goodness that hurt [Applause] you ready old girl i wasn't talking to you i was talking to the camper it's time i hope you guys are ready too let's go to florida day two early morning george up on the third floor being crazy like usual the chickens oh yeah they seem to be doing great they had a great camp out look at that they're already having their coffee in the morning we're gonna get there today ladies shredded tire two and a half hours away from our destination two days driving and it just so happens we pull over next to a smashed armadillo can't say this enough i have eerie insurance i pay for extra insurance for flat tires for two hours we waited on erie insurance they didn't come and rescue us but a local company rudy's tire did the only one that would leave them an incredible online review make sure the world knows how incredible they are can't believe what they're doing for us they're literally getting us back on the road and to florida you saved us george are you ready to show everybody where our new home is you're not because before we show you we want to show you why why the hell we buy where we bought how's that uh popcorn chicken them chicken balls not tasty how would the chickens feel about that are chicken allowed to have chicken that's just so wrong but where we got it is the place that was most important to george she wanted to make sure nearby was a grocery store only 20 minutes 20 minutes we're in the middle of nowhere yet 20 minutes we have our walmart it's in the middle of everywhere look at this in walmart local walmart and santa claus calls me out what did you say i said jeremy i'm a huge fan george is out in the parking lot look at that am i in the network am i on the naughty list or the good list this year i think you're on the good list i'm pretty sure yes yes one of the things we hopefully did well is we put ourselves in a central hub of all the major cities of florida so as you see tallahassee jacksonville orlando tampa we're in the middle and about two hours away from all the major cities all the major buying all the major treasure hunting one of the biggest selling points for us is that this is so close to the property we're here on the golf i think we might go do uh boy that tide is really low right now it's very very long what do you think should we go look for dolphins how far away from the golf are we 15 minute drive we are literally in the keys let's go see dolphins or sharks what do you prefer oh let's find both what's that first sighting of a crab claw uh oh george has crabs we gotta get to the property but before we do did you see what the ornaments are made of on this giant huge christmas tree bobbers yeah bobbers fishing bobbers all of them fishing bobbers fishing rope and fishing boppers you ready to go see the new home take a look down here we bought oh that's got thorns on it we bought an abandoned ranch with horns oh oh my goodness that hurt look at these beautiful palms look there's part of the fence property but that's not the best part about this property is it what's the best part in your opinion oh it's a business part you know which part you ready is it me um you ready to go for a ride all right let's go for a ride and let's find out what the best part is the best part is we are less than 30 seconds away from the local post office and we're here every day the post office is part of our daily lives they have no idea how many thousands of packages they're gonna hate us yeah one of these boxes is ours we just don't know which one yet on second thought george you're right you are what am i right about you are the most incredible thing about this place see this right here live shrimp live shrimp that's you five two i'm a shrimp yeah you're shrimp and you're alive while we wait for all the paperwork to get done we're staying in the camper so it's lacrosse luxury light touring edition it's built for living out of let's just go take a peek now we have done videos before on the camper you can find those on the channel but it's a bit crowded it is um until we can actually there's my bed right there until we can actually get on the property and start building well we're going to be a bit crowded so it's nice for living you just have to downsize everything we have back here yep george's room and here we go here is the office sunday dinner is in the crockpot george is ready to go see the property you ready george uh-huh yep looks like she's ready and she's the one that put dinner in there not sure what she's doing now awkward very very awkward one of the best parts that we haven't shared with you yet we are at a campground that's less than one minute yeah one minute around the corner from our property how does it get any better than that we buy property and we have a campground right around the corner pretty amazing if you were one of the ones that guessed the 70 acre lot you were 100 correct and this just came out of our 575 dollar unit i think uh gun parts yes i think it's time to christen the property there we go this is now j bone makes it official that's official all right here's what we're going to do we're going to scope out the property we're going to lay out the plans we're going to figure out exactly what we're going to do with this abandoned ranch remember the former owners passed away the story of this property gets a little bit more intense george you see this we got i think that's red orange why we got like wait there's a sign down here okay we love you granny marie okay so basically what we've heard last year around this time right here on the property that we purchased somebody had a four-wheeling accident kid was on a four-wheeler flipped it over died right here on the side of the road in front of the property that's what these ribbons are so the parents died who owned the property then we had a death out front non-relatable the whole plan was buying this property was to actually take the camper onto the property use the utilities that already there we have a well on the property that kind of decreases price as far as water if the well water is good water we have to have that tested but we have utilities on still as far as electric and then septic is on here somewhere so what our goal is is to actually take the camper we're going to pull it into here because our realtor jenny said that's the best thing to do and then we're going to hey jenny we'll tie our septic into this line right here so i have to put a t with an opening in here which that'll be a piece of cake we'll actually get water from right here but we're going to have to put in a 30 amp service on the wall so then what we're going to do we're going to go into the house well you know what let's just go into the house we'll show you what you're going to do with the house if you guys remember that was the shotgun you scared me now here's what we're gonna do this entire place everything from here to everything if you look around i'm gonna turn the o light on let me give you a double pump all of this is gonna be ripped out gutted out see this here there's about five or six different stair steps up and down with concrete tripping hazards definitely not levels only thing that we're planning on keeping is we want to restore the the actual wooden stove so that's what we're planning on keeping the wooden stove that'll go in a new facility uh the cow jenny you can have the cow would you like the cow you can have the cow you can keep them for yourself so what we're actually gonna do everything in here that can be ripped out is gonna be ripped out every wall this is gonna be the temporary warehouse we're building a 100 by 100 foot structure we already have the steel structure locally it'll be a 10 000 square foot warehouse with an efficiency apartment that's season one season two when we come back we'll be building the actual custom home out of cedar trees so this all becomes temporary warehouse everything is going to be ripped out and gutted until the actual warehouse is built and then this all disappears except for the wood stove although jenny says she wants the cow here we'll show you what jenny was talking about he wants the cow right here is that a cookie jar that is a cookie jar oh wait wow oh whoa any cookies in there there's actually something in there 1993 93 must have meant something to somebody now it means something to jenny i know you all think i'm joking about stair steps with concrete's on the floor look at this here here's another one there's the size of my hand this goes up you literally have to take a step up or a step down in every room that's not the best part of this bathroom floor though check this out george linoleum linoleum hey it doesn't get much better than that in florida what are we looking at look at over here oh wow this is most likely a sinkhole but we're okay with that we want it we actually want it it's the beginning of a beautiful pond for wildlife future wildlife so a lot of viewers have said oh no you have to watch out for sinkholes you have to watch out for gators you have to watch out for giant mosquitoes how many giant mosquitoes have you seen so far zero zero not be here during mosquito season we'll only be here during the colder months back up in ohio in the summer and we on purpose want sinkholes now i don't expect people to understand why but that makes us more money as far as a business because of what we do for a living so a lot of people don't understand that a lot of times well the reality is a lot of times there's a lot of dimes out there telling a lot of dollars how to be dimes and when you're a dollar you need dollars to tell you how to be a thousand dollars so our goal is to turn this property into lots and lots and lots of dollars one of the best ways for this land to make money you see that back there that's a cell tower if you know anything about cell tower leases on property there is a lot of money to be made a lot and it's usually on a monthly basis unless you took a lump sum up front for a 50-year lease unfortunately the original owners of this property took a lump sum which is so much less so so so much less than if they would have taken monthly lease payments so a 50-year lease expires in 2058 while we won't make any money off of the actual lease from the cell tower the future generations of what the hails will make tens if not hundreds if not millions of dollars off the lease on this property another incredible reason why to buy this property and we're full-time youtubers we gotta have connection we have to have the mother load of towers take me to your leader i just don't know how it gets any better than this look i have this giant mature pine look how huge that thing is and then i have my own little piece of paradise i've got little ponds i've got creeks running through the entire property look george right across the little pond you see the palm trees there's a palm tree right there there's a palm tree right there i'm gonna have hammocks all over this place i mean wherever i go on the 70 acres hammock place to rest how fast do you think we should go when we're on the property we secure the property we get to inherit this 10 mile per hour speed limit sign look at that and it even comes with bullets we know we're in the back woods of florida now check that out you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go 11. this is where george is gonna send me when i get in trouble that is one chicken coop look at this this chicken coop literally has a fenced-in yard and somebody has already claimed it somebody from nasa would somebody say to you about your nasa hoodie in walmart the other day nasa did you work for nasa i'm like yeah i used to best job ever he's like oh my god babe that's so cool he's talking to his girlfriend um george has never worked in nasa but right now she's prepping the chicken coop so this is one of two chicken coops completely and totally sealed there's a nesting box nesting box it needs a good cleaning there's some more nesting boxes up there but i have a feeling our chickens are going to be happy i mean they get a gated front yard even what chicken gets a gated front yard our hoity-toity chicken george come here what is this this is abandoned but it's got a high fence to keep gators out because it is florida look at this i found a whole another structure this is the chicken oh my goodness this is where they go this could be the chicken play pen this is chicken care this is where chick care even this is where they go to play every day while we're working and then we'll come pick them up at five o'clock and we'll come home and for dinner we're having crock pot chicken is this a proud moment i just i've dreamed about this since i was the age of three and i've always always wanted to have a cypress tree but now on the 70 acres we have a cypress tree grove check this out like an entire village let's go find the the highest cyprus need let's find the tallest and the thickest jeremy yeah a minute ago you're just crying what are you doing now oh i had to take a knee cypress knee brace knee i see what you did there look at this right around from dad jokes even in florida look at right around from the cypress tree palm tree i love me some palm trees now if i did want a timber because we bought property we made sure we bought property with mature trees on it if i did want a timber i could bring in an additional fifty thousand hundred thousand dollars i am not planning on timbering anytime soon so that being said the force is saying as it is i love trees i don't hug them but i love them the back 40 and literally it's about 40 acres has a full creek running through it it is a beautiful creek we're going to look at it in a moment but that area is going to remain untouched we've already invited rob wanker's tv out to go hunting with us some other friends are probably going to be hanging out there as well that all generates income your goal is always to make investments that generate more income you want your purchase to make you more money make your money work for you not you work for money that is going to work and pay for itself right there now what are you doing i feel like i'm on survivor so right now i'm using the leaves to wipe my back and on survivor to survive you always have to build a shelter this area here this is where we have planned to build a 100 by 100 a 10 000 square foot facility that will be our warehouse two stories it will also have an efficiency apartment that's a one bedroom apartment open plan for a kitchen and then a bathroom and then at a minimum we're putting four rv hookups in it as well it's going to be absolutely amazing that's what we're going to build this season while we're here during the winter and then we will transition into a house next winter overall the property looks like this with the back 40 right up through here the front 40 right up through here here's the current buildings in the house this right here that's where the new warehouse is gonna go check this out look at this you see that there that's deer this is all deer now the the soil is so sandy in florida especially where we're at that they can just tear the ground up the benefit for that is literally i can do all the landscaping just with a tractor and a front bucket as a matter of fact we're gonna go look at one today so it's awesome for wildlife and it's awesome for landscaping i like sandy soil george i think i found our first abandoned bounce house george your feet are ripped by a snake don't scare me like that what is that a hose nope that's a giant python and our buddy rob from second sense has taught us that you can catch giant pythons in florida and tournament for money and we're hoping our 70 acres are filled with them because we're gonna turn them all into the state make a ton of cash there let's look under here that's what my career has become let's look and see if there's a snake anything anything uh just a bunch of abandoned stuff a bunch of abandoned stuff unfortunately because the property has been abandoned a lot of people have been dumping garbage on the orange right here that's where the new home will go with the expansion of the gator pond all the way here in a kidney shape with a covered porch and decking going down into the pond you feel like you're in a paradise i do a little piece of paradise what are these palm tree bushes behind you what do you call these things tropical plants um well tropical plants for a tropical uh female i just need a pina colada virgin pina colada uh let's keep walking down the trail not sure what it is about moss but i love moss i know what it is i love it on the old oak trees it makes them look vintage and we love vintage old things it makes them look so bearded and so unique unique with wisdom i absolutely love it's one of the most beautiful things in florida one of the most not the most what you what you all blushing for what did you find now i didn't know we were getting a bonus motocross bike yeah an abandoned motocross bike yeah on our 70 acres check it out we're on the back 40 and i i'm just in love uh we saw this property the first time and i fell in love immediately not only is it perfect for making income not only is it perfect for doing youtube not only is it perfect for being in the perfect location and getting to everywhere we need to go but it's perfect as far as the landscape we have our own creek running through the back look at all the cypress knees you see them all george uh-huh we have cypress groves everywhere look at all just just look up and down here look up and down here this is all wildlife wildlife has been through all of this look at there on the ground wildlife has just we are saturated with florida wildlife and with that comes some issues as well i think there's an issue right down there let's go check it out whenever you buy a piece of property this huge and a piece of property that's been abandoned for a long time people start getting on your property especially when you have wildlife you know what this is george some type of feeder this is a feeder they were baiting the wildlife now for us we're not going to bait the wildlife to shoot them we're going to bait the wildlife to shoot them film them we actually want to film them for the asmr channel this is just an entire oasis in the back of the property which is just going to be perfect for doodles and reptiles and you name it if you can think of it this is going to be the place where we escape to to film for what the asmr the back 40 right through here with the creek flowing through and the branches here this will remain undeveloped and this can generate quite a bit of income with selling hunts and this will be our getaway this will be our escape for actually creating the asmr here's the creek that runs right through two branches of the creek here and up here we have to go look over there i see something amazing so we just found this makeshift bridge in part of our creek we're going to cross the creek we're going to go see what's over there let's see if i can even make it all right careful hopefully a gator doesn't come up i think i got this you got this boo boo you got this got it and if a gator comes got that too this is the biggest and widest cypress tree i have ever seen in my life jeremy have you seen this thing help where are you help george help look how huge this thing is we found a clubhouse all right here give me the camera give me the camera look at this it's hollowed out it goes straight up this is amazing here's the best part about the property we chose this location to make sure we could get to every other location and the state is making plans to make sure that their toll road that gets you to every location all the great beaches in florida is probably not a hundred percent yet but probably coming straight through and guess whose property it's going to be next now you're thinking no i wouldn't want a toll road right next to the property well it's not going to be right next it's going to be a couple miles away but that means tourism and tourism means prices of value of land go up way up so hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property all of a sudden turns into millions of dollars worth of property this could be our greatest investment ever [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 144,749
Rating: 4.9202881 out of 5
Keywords: how to, treasure hunting, real estate, live real estate auction, sheriff auction, investment property, how to invest in real estate
Id: 5GQcCvPlI0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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