SHOTS FIRED by NEIGHBORS FROM HELL ... I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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so they're shooting at the lights yeah literally with the gun gun shooting yes these guys you hear stories about people being up there and getting shot at you they've stolen power from here one time we're gonna look at that property line right up on my neighbors right right and you guys got some crazy things to share with us about that don't you okay it's gonna get it's been messed up but it's gonna get messed up this line right here you look straight down there this is the whole reason why i hired you guys so my quote from you guys was 5 200 this is the only reason why i hired you guys is this stretch right here so what's happened is all kinds of encroaching and uh dumping and on the property so there's a there's a post right here you can see right here i think this is when mr clark actually had it surveyed okay and then he had a fence and the fence line goes through here now if you follow this fence line straight up and if you look at the county at the the county surveying lines which i know aren't always correct i think they're a few feet off yeah close this goes straight through her shed literally goes straight through the shed and i think you're gonna find the point right through the neighbor's shed well we'll locate all this everything is near this line yeah i need everything on this line this is the most important this is why i'm paying the five thousand two hundred dollars is literally 300 300 that's why that 300 feet is costing me that much money yeah it's a headache man people just take over yeah yep but yeah we can locate all of them that'd be perfect that'll be absolutely perfect the day has finally come we're finally finally getting the survey on the 70 acres here in otter creek we got the whole team here and we're gonna see exactly where our property exactly where our borders where our pins are i have no idea how this works we're gonna see if we can figure that out as well i have no idea how this works russell how do you know you look through this thing i see lasers how do you know you're actually where you need to be it's a a laser measurements all it is really it's he gets some pre-calculated coordinates for us and puts it on our uh data collector so bring it out here yeah so it's in here it's on this oh right there this is the brain of it so that's the brain and so you can you're looking at the property through this thing right here these are all our points that we've already located and you zoom out and see that's like your driveway coming in pretty much the whole the whole layout of the land and so then your laser focuses in on it and then on that crystal that roddy uh-huh you got the rod over there yep and then uh he just takes the shot it stores the data on it's a measurement really is all it is have you found any corner points yet or are you just kind of on the for you i found some some weird-looking corners that i've never seen before welcome to otter creek baby pretty much they're sticking about this far out of the ground wait until i show you the one in the back wait you guys want to go see that one right now um yeah we can actually you know what let's go in the back i'm gonna show this one to you in the back let's go we'll do it right now so this is the one pin that i found so far now to me i think this was i know the property was surveyed in the 90s and i forget who surveyed it so this is the only pin that i found i found it on accident but the crazy part is you tripped over it already here's another pin right here so you think that's the actual actual that's the property marker right here yeah that was the i think that's it without locating it that would be what i would call out as your corner boom right there right there yeah three-quarter inch pipe those are usually that's the standard that's yeah so do you think this was from somebody else that could have been an old old survey back when they did it with uh just like a plumb bob and it pulled chains yeah it didn't close right our stuff now is is so precise thousandths of an inch you're like right on right on yeah so you think that one's right on whoo there's only one way to find out it's the only one that i have found it's up to you guys to find all the others how many how many pins there's like isn't it that like this whole 70 plus acres is like nine lots all together i think so it's like all nine lots together which i want to add more right but you have did you find anything that looks like that so far that's what we found that the uh where the property jogs up front up there um it wasn't that nice looking though it was all beat and bent over so that looks a lot better than what we've found so far well let's get you guys to put some pretty ones in there okay you the normal guy that comes out here is there like the lights oh just the light guy so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a fence up front what what's the process or there's going to be there's going to be a fence along the way and then a gate what's the process to let you guys know about the gate you guys put your own lock on there yes we do american tower will come out and put their own okay on the gate okay so you can call the phone number up there yeah landlord relations yeah so you just do the lights and everything yes sir okay yeah there'll be there'll be a gate going up there i got a lot of encroaching from the neighbors and i'm sure a lot of that guy out there on the corner yeah i'm sure yeah well if you have you been out here before we've been out here several times but normally the lights are shot out at the mid on the mid middle of the tower the markers they're normally shot out but then we change those out to lbd and we haven't had no issues with those yet so they're shooting at the lights yeah literally with the gun gun shooting yeah it's these guys yeah yeah it's these guys right if they hit the lines on the tower that's a felony offense i mean that's 25 years 25 years if they shoot the actual line really that's federal government property really 25 years so which lights which lights oh they're shooting the lights up top there's three lights that are right below in the middle the two satellites and they used to be incandescent glass they were kind of bigger but they were shooting them out and we changed them out to a smaller they're a lot they're about that big around so i mean you got a clean shot you can hit it so basically they can't hit it anymore they can't get it right it's too too small of a target and if they hit a line then it will come out and it depends on what the carrier wants to do sometimes we'll put straws in there same thing police do you know you just put a straw in there and it'll point you right to where it was fired from everything you came yep you can't lie about it yeah it's these guys up here nothing but problems i believe i mean normally have you seen how what a dump it was beforehand i've been forcing them there was a few times we couldn't even get back here because the dump the trailer there at one point there was a trailer up there and i mean you know they moved it for us but it ain't been too bad to pass three visits here so i just got the property in january when i hauled a minivan off and i went and got rid of that parking crap all over my property so these are the surveyors the surveyors are doing the survey fence is going up gate is going up and there's cameras all over my property so if they're out here shooting again the cameras are going to catch them that's what's up that's good to know that is very good enough and if you talk to american tower they'll give you an oh is it's a osl which is an on-site leak technician okay they have a guy that's generally like over an area you know i'm gonna get them for something bigger and put them away longer that's good they are trouble though i mean like meth heads is what i get that's what they are the meth heads yep they're nothing but trouble yep that's what it is shooting your lights out yeah man not insane shooting at the actual line yeah yeah stupid do you have to be yeah i mean some guys i haven't had this man but seriously you'll hear stories about people being up there getting shot at i mean you're sitting dope you're literally climbing and the locals are shooting at you yeah this happened yes sir wow wow it's insane that is it's like you know you know our industry is pretty you know you don't have a second chance you got one shot do it right you know you can either hurt yourself or somebody majorly yep then you got to worry about other fools out there it's just like what in the world my goodness man that's crazy all right well i'm gonna get the fence up get the gate on i'll call them landlord relations and then uh the cameras will be all over here too so if they try shooting anything else any trouble i mean shoot they've stolen power from here at one time too they'll come in at your main breaker and just yeah they do it up here the meter to the breaker pan and it's just like kidding me bro yep it's these guys right up here yeah it's sad it really is sad but thank god you're gonna get it cleaned up i'll take care of it i'll take care of it all right appreciate it man yes sir george have you seen the surveyor guys have you why do you have two pair of glasses on these are my sunglasses and these are my driving gloves oh okay uh the surveyor guys were just back there we're making our way back there to meet up with them what do you think this is this to me looks like it could have been an old feeder this is like a definite another old feeder and there's no doubt there have been people poaching encroaching does anything else rhyme with that poaching encroaching motion is motion a word on the property it is now okay so they've been anything that has an ocean in it uh they've been doing it on the property we're gonna see what we can find we're following them onto the property lines we'll see what else we can find to see if we can find all of our points and then the most important thing we're going to find out exactly how close the neighbors are on our land you see this george yeah what's it look like it looks like some hogs have been through here yeah and guess what we have right above us is that a battery uh this is a battery another another feeder another feeder i'm gonna give you the battery okay now there's no doubt whatsoever this is our property and people been poaching for sure now if this was old if this was really old here's what i want you to see if this was really old the rope would be choking the tree but you see how the rope isn't choking the food the tree's not actually growing around it yet that's not old it's uh it's relatively it's relatively within a hunting season boom so here we go here's another feeder i bet you if we look hard enough i bet we're gonna find some more hunting stands out here we probably will we've already found a couple odd things up in the tree uh yeah i'd say uh there's it well it is otter creek so odd er see that right there pink surveyors tape surveyors love to use pink because you can actually see it i'm color blind can't see purple but i can see pink and i see more pink down there george wave all right george is over there that tree actually has pink on it as well if i were to stretch my arms like this look at george again look there's george and then if you look to the right of george what's up in the tree look at this what is up in the tree up here this is a tree stand on our property hunting that property this is why you pay for a survey that tree stand is coming down now the survey is finally done we got russell and zach all right guys you got all the points of the 70 acres right right okay everything 70 acres we're gonna look at it all and most importantly we're gonna look at that property line right up on my neighbors right right and you guys got some crazy things to share with us about that don't you oh yeah okay it's gonna get it's been messed up but it's gonna get messed up we gotta look at everything then we're gonna head over to the neighbor property line all right there's a hole in this trees yeah there's a rod sticking up right through there right through there yep there's two trees so that's the that's the north north west now you guys your shoes are all clean you were actually you were out there two days ago right there's no sense in you guys doing that again i'm gonna go i'm gonna go find it okay is there anything special i need to know about it watch for snakes what about that that rebar is it really high that rebar is yeah that's nothing that's just a marker all right we're gonna monuments about three inches that's it okay i'm gonna go see if i can find it all right now sure if you can see there's russell zach we got george is over there now they did this already before this is the official marker right there that's the official marker to my back i have almost 700 acres of this is timbering but we've heard they actually turned it into a hunting club and over here there's 75 acres of a hunting club time to go see everything else i can't wait to see what they're going to tell us about the neighbor line the road north otter creek road is right up front there now our property kind of comes back does a jag goes back there's there's a half an acre that's actually land locked in here we're trying to buy that there's another half acre with an old church on it we're trying to buy that but we need to know where our pin is you guys found this yeah we found this which i couldn't tell you so that's just basically old rebar could have been i found it on some other corners i think it was just them marking where the corner was okay i'm pretty sure your tree is overtaken in the corner so the tree would actually overgrow the actual marker so how do we market them we gotta chop the tree down boss will get the couch tighter okay and we're gonna set you and nailing this probably in the tree like in in in the tree oh my goodness hey now you'll have a little dish that'll sit right about here and it'll go boom that's the marker wow gotta do what you got to do and leave a county from that point we just looked at the property line actually goes north and then it goes west you guys found this one yep that's a three-quarter inch pipe it's pretty loose in there yeah it's banked all up it's definitely bent up but you think that's that's the actual that's the original right there that's the original so our property our property does not go that way right but our property goes straight back like forever that way and yeah that tree line thousand feet how many feet two thousand few thousand feet the the tree line not the open grass just 26 that was from up there that's it goes back a long way it goes back a long way now we're at the front of the road so russell you did find something right yes we found another one of those rods so we're sticking up out of the ground about two foot like i said it didn't check with nothing so so it could be it could not be close enough close enough yeah over here over here close enough over there on the other side uh it's got to be precise 100 precise this area looks so familiar fellas this is the big pipe that i was telling you guys about that was in question all right so what's the answer what's the deal with it that's the corner that is the actual corner there it is so there's a pipe behind us five feet that was off yeah how'd you figure out this one was the corner oh just check to our calcs that we had and then it told you a boom that's it yeah so do you think this is like an original where they would take readings off for other properties here in otter creek or what do you think this is probably original when they first divided this property like really yeah yeah like what do you think 1800s or i wouldn't say early 1900s probably what about 900 bc you know somewhere in there maybe maybe okay all right they could have been fighting dinosaurs to set this corner there's dinosaurs on this property so it'd be amazing if we actually found some more while we're on up here hunting okay so next we go up to the neighbors yes let's do this this is gonna be crazy branch branches entire tree all of this just for this line this line right here this is what's most important this is why we're paying the five thousand two hundred dollars to put up uh what is this 200 feet 300 feet maybe okay it's 209 feet fence and gate this entire area this entire area was turned into a dump now i will say that there have been many members of the family that have helped clean it up not the individuals responsible for making the mess but there have been responsible parties of the family who have taken it upon themselves to help and and correct the situation so fellas what are we looking at here all right your property corner is literally right there right there yep okay so the fence is on this side the fence is definitely on the property and then we got markings all the way down here all right 70 feet so we're looking at right over here yeah all right so george is at the property line so we're there right now oh right here like right right here yeah all right so here's the next part of the line this is the stake here so you can see a lot of this still has to be moved we've got garbage from here a lot of this has to be moved still so whether we do it with the tractor whether whether we hire it out and then file lean so we also have all of this okay so all of this is on the property as well which i've already talked i've already talked with somebody about removing this so that is in the works that's an old hog pen uh man alive there's a lot and man that is close to the house okay where's the next state okay we're going right to the house we are going right to the height so all of this this is all on our property this is all installing our property bella this is on the bottom so all of this this engine is on the property there's bella she's a sweetie she's a sweetie okay all right this is our property right here this is the line as you can see this home has been built on our property so this addition right here has literally been built on our physical property all the items here on our property the home is even on the property let's go look at the front pin look at the front pin all right we got another pin up here so one last pin fence is coming in and the pin is over here right here right here here's the pin so you found it how far down about a foot down so straight shot all the way west through the house back to our back the actual pin is literally right there right there that's your actual pin the actual pin is right there there you have it the not only the garbage not only the dumpster not only everything else the vans the vehicles everything else the house is literally on our property let's see where the actual road is now i got to be very very very clear so many people in florida think that this road is a public access road it is not a public access road it is private property it is not a road for anybody except for me the same as my driveway so as we drive we're now at the the access road the cell tower american tower pays they lease the property and access to drive they have permission they pay other people do not have permission to drive park put anything on the property dump and it can go on and on all the way up to building your mom's house is built on my property before the surveyors left they told us a little story of something that happened when they were up actually marking the pins between our property and the meth up house you know the junkyard so apparently a neighbor across the street yells at them and says hey she's had her stuff there for 40 years doesn't that mean anything yeah it means you've been illegally dumping on somebody else's property for 40 years it means you've been illegally trespassing for over 40 years you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 292,097
Rating: 4.8912435 out of 5
Id: TIqHSmlwDdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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