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you got about three seconds to get off of my property before i put pretty disturbing footage huh george very disturbed yeah we've got cameras going up all over the property everywhere some cameras we put up a sign right it's pretty evident if you can read it's a smile you're on camera and then we have so many more so many more hidden cameras all tied into a network all goes to the cloud and we caught a poacher on the camera poachers are gonna poach roaster's gonna roach the poach huh yeah it didn't make much sense but you kind of get where i'm going with it right you so funny jeremy why you know very funny whenever you're treasure hunting or trying to catch a poacher you got to have the right tools right george you definitely have to have lights and not just any lights we love the brightest and the best what is it george oh no the old light check it out always try and help you make money and save money they got an incredible sale going on it is january 25th 8 p.m to the end of january 26th it's kind of the uh valentine's sale so if you want to get something for your lover make sure you get them the light and we will you know what let's just go ahead we'll put a link in the pinned comment for them they can save a little money on the sale and have a whole lot of fun treasure hunting our gift to you guys let's go get the individual who's a poaching before we get to our poaching project there's a couple projects we want to do around the ranch so here's a wind chime that we brought from the camper that we're going to hang out here why would we hang it out here because that's it just cuz just cause all right outdoor desk we're gonna get some music here we go the nice thing is this hook is already existing nice and she's going for it too tight too tight bam there we go okay so now oh man with every breeze now we've got a nice angle dangle and george george is making her palmetto leaf baskets right there with the music that's my egg collecting basket of the land you like have your personal asmr wind chime right here yeah i like it i like it a lot all right next project is mine uh george you're gonna need some safety for this next thing for me well yeah safety first you know that so go ahead ear protection okay all right and then uh you're gonna need some eye protection what i can't hear you um yeah right there yep some eye protection so george is gonna put some eye protection on here and okay do you feel safe now there she goes are you ready a lot of our viewers don't realize that i have actually been a weapons instructor for quite some time so now what we need to do well this is just the half and half this isn't like twisted which by the way the twisted iced tea guy my hometown where i grew up where i still own homes alleria ohio but we're in florida twisted iced tea this is for drinking we got something else to show you have an audience it's the chicken if they were smart they would run uh everybody thinks george likes swords and connives but it's actually me who's been knife throwing for quite some years i love knife throwing at my height i could hit a mark at 30 feet away behind my back through my legs we got to pick a nice throwing tree are you ready george let's do it all right here we go did you find one i'm thinking this might be a good one even with the split right down the middle even better i'll split it even more look george three out of four ain't bad for being a little rusty george is getting her tractor on again she said she's making me go up there the old tire swing the rope was just all rotted it came down so instead of sitting on a tire swing george has been coming out and working on the tractor just sitting there so i thought we need to up this annie we got to do something even better i grabbed the old sheffield knife that we found in the house i'm gonna go cut the rest of the rope that rope is so noosed around the branch well you know what i'm just gonna show it to you and then we're gonna do something even better i made it i made it oh man i lost the knife already the knife it's down on the ground george i'm not joking i i don't know how it happened but it happened the knife dropped out she found it yeah just throw it like i taught you how to throw knives right here look at that completely grown into the tree what we're going to do we're going to slice that out and then we're going to put up the new area for george secret surprise for you behind my back what's behind your back do you want to guess what it is chicken egg it's my butt but there's more back there as well all you have to do you have to lift me up into the tractor into a bigger tree with more shade and more sun during the sunrise which you love and you'll be able to see the sun set how's that sound pretty good sounds good let's do this this quite frankly might be one of the most scariest things i've ever done i'm letting george she's never done anything with the tractor before oh now she's correcting me she grabbed the log she's trying to say i'm along and here oh man here we go here we go oh man this is actually pretty scary this is pretty scary i am in the tractor bucket oh oh i almost got poked at the head oh all right i'm up here that's good kill the key hopefully i don't die i don't want to die all right we're all the way up here we're in the tree okay it's time it's time to get to work i got something big planned you ready to see what i just built for you see what yeah that's what i said are you ready to see what i just built for you see senor uh senora now all right take them off let's see look at this you got me on camera no i got you me oh you know what that is that means you'll be using this more than anything uh that means that means you'll you know what let's just get you right up in there right now and let's give you a good little hammock swing pushy push you know i get motion sickness right this should be interesting then ready all right you're gonna have to hold the bottom wrong bottom hold the bottom of the hammock right like that and three two one get in there you know i can get up here by myself since when is it because i'm short it's because i'm short put your legs in there crisscross crisscross there you go you're gonna need that no help let's see how high george can fly send help asap i don't like this i don't like this in three two yeah now we're talking tire swing what tire swing what george george how is it open up i'm gonna vomit okay is it the is it better than a tire swing do you wanna do you wanna work on the tractor or in the hammock okay um tractor or hammock swing all right and you know how much i like to decorate with lighting right i know how you like to georgify everything let's hook up the screened-in porch with the led light leds led so you want to led the entire thing actually that actually might be pretty cool for the evenings it will be hanging out here on the porch in the office look at that look george has four bread trays what are you gonna do with those we're gonna use those for future sifters okay but this first and then we're taking that poacher down we're coming for you 200 feet i think i have this set up right all i have to do is press this red button that says let there be light nice check this out i can increase brightness i can decrease brightness look at this i'm going to go to yellow is or is that green i'm not sure that's like a lime green okay here comes red red red like district here comes white i like i think i like just the plain white you like the white yeah this is gonna be incredible out here we we we got a hammock swing we got the outdoor office view getting things done we have led 200 feet of led lights by the way george this these are uh look at this wi-fi wi-fi control we can actually control these pretty cool we're not sponsored by these people from our phone no we're not sponsored at all actually they sent them to us because companies send us products all the time and they want us to use them and test them and make a video but we haven't even heard back from them so i guess they're like hey here you go i don't even know who makes them but uh check this out color color color color color wait there's got to be a way to make them dance or something let's see what this does m plus look oh george look at that i'm figuring out the remote i'm figuring the remote out remember that remote from earlier yeah it's awful dark in here all right you ready okay i'm ready [Music] it's on random oh george you are you are i think a chicken are mesmerized this has got to be one of the coolest things ever so we're going to hang out here in the evenings what's your favorite color i think just the plain white and then blue is second you're a genius i gotta admit you nailed it with this one thank you i'm gonna catch him and i'm going in camo style you see the front i mean i'm all green anyway but a little extra green never hurt anybody you're gonna blend right in little brown a little something under here something under here we're gonna tear it all down cameras are gonna go specifically where they're poaching and we're gonna make sure we keep them off this property see this right here now there's probably game running this trail as well but i think there's more than game there's the most dangerous game there's somebody going and running through the trail right here so we already have them on camera we're just gonna bust him and bust him big time bust him so big bigger than what he is because he's a big big boy this is just insane to me look there's a water softener tank i mean who does this that's probably a hog feeder would be my guess we we just went into the trail dr scholes steps in to the right and bam all this this is here this is just so disrespectful liquor bottle you know i i don't have any problem whatsoever teaching some respect this is just uncalled for completely and totally uncalled for you see this there's another one of those thingamajiggers so this could be from mr clark feeding the feeding the pigs and the deer but we don't know that a hundred percent for sure this could be from anybody and we blazed a trail back in here i saw something out of the corner of my eye over there let's go check that out and then we'll get back on the tractor that's what i saw out of the corner of my eye good eye alcohol people with guns drinking alcohol on my property never ever ever gonna be a good mix let's go find that poaching stand it's right up there it's in the middle of the hammock hammock is a nature term it's uh it's a raised level of foliage trees um fauna in a in a wetland area which we have the creek back here which we love so we got to sneak up there a little bit you see turn around george you see that right there these are major major game trails here so we have cameras all over the property anybody who steps foot on this property doesn't matter where on the property is being recorded at all times all times how foolish to step foot on this property let's go tear it all down this hollowed-out area this buttonhole this is from the local wildlife there's wildlife out here everywhere there's an abundance of wild play and wherever you have an abundance of wildlife you typically get an abundance of stupid people who illegally poach hunt i mean all that's illegal it's stupid it's absolutely stupid you're gonna get yourself caught you're gonna be busted why why the hell would anybody put themselves at risk like that is it really worth that much to tell your buddies oh i got one you see this what is that like some type of plastic pipe yeah i don't know what the point is i don't know why put the pipe and then the screws this has probably been in here these these screws are going to get rusty real quick so this is from this year i would say absolutely it's from this year and it's bolted on and it's not the only one that i've actually seen but i have no doubt i mean number one why put it on a cypress knee and it's bolted on through here somehow and then what's what's the point i'm not sure i know what the point is yet but they seem to be everywhere in this area where we found signs of poachers you see here george all right this is all i mean the flordinians they call this mud we call this this black sand you see the hoof marks here and here and then there's a point here and here this is a buck so this is a major game trail for the deer on the property there's no doubt whatsoever and well right behind me is where they're poaching the deer because this is the game trail the game trail of the property is right here now well and there's where they're poaching oh right let's go take a peek george you love heights right uh-huh and uh what what goes better than guns heights and more bush yeah so this is just one of the areas and what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna actually leave this here we wanna lure the poachers back and we're gonna put a camera literally right in their face right in their face but before we do that i gotta show you some of the other things that are out here come here come on okay george you know i can see you right oh i thought i did a good job uh camouflaging myself uh you know what the poachers didn't do a good job of hiding these hiding these chairs exactly and another one right there so how blatantly foolish do you have to be to bring the brightest blue chair out they were literally just sitting on the game trail line so chair there gun pointed one way chair there at least that one's camo gun pointed that way and waiting and you can see here this is all hog right here not too far from the tree and the creek is right back there and the trees stand right up bam there look at this trail this has got to be the hottest game trail in all of levy county and i bet you if i keep following it it's going to lead me to somewhere or someone else let's keep seeing what we can find this video it's a macaque oh my i don't even know how to say that let alone this is he set up feeders this is the feeder and this is our neighboring property that is so stinking cool all right we got to see the biggest bore what do you think about that it's huge wait till you guys see this thing i was thinking the mcca how do you say this oh the monkey yeah monkey that is a monster man your friend is how tall six for 270. wow man i think there's something close to 400 pounds so there's definitely bacon in this area or is it tougher meat yeah i mean i would sausage the whole thing like like it's eaten yeah it's good so this is the black bear wrecking my feeder how many how many bear have you seen we'll get probably one a year one a year will come through i never see them in the woods i only see them on cameras have here um sardines someone is out here baiting let's see what we can find back here okay down here what do you got a kitty chair yeah he had a mini poacher too and a hoe i didn't think we'd be finding hoes out here i see a rake i didn't think we'd be finding leaf breaks out here either and there is the uh the ground steam the ground blind right there look at that they tried to actually cover it up and hide it from us but we found it [Applause] i can't believe it [Applause] see them crawling they're living in the rake yeah all right let's get the hidden cameras up you see the red motion sensor going off yep like crazy so the nice part about this is every single thing that sets this off it immediately goes to the cloud so that video is forever doesn't even matter if they destroy my camera it doesn't matter i always have the footage to destroy them and then it goes straight to my phone so no matter where we're at we're in florida we get notifications all the time in our buildings in ohio if we're in ohio we get notifications in florida we get notifications no matter what and the video footage is forever let's hang this baby up that's the beauty of technology oh i love it and this is one that is isn't even camouflage this is one that we're going to let you know you're a and we gotcha you need to hold anything while you go up probably are you going to put it in your pouch just hold hold my pants up i'm losing a lot of weight in this just for the heat remember this is the one to let them know we got you it's all the camouflaged ones that they'll never see and that's the goal get them to run straight towards those a little bit of a branch issue here we'll get that out of the way and we'll just go down there pretty sturdy right about there we go and then i thought i was gonna fall didn't you no yeah you did and then we're gonna let them know to smile because who wouldn't want to smile right smiling is my favorite is it yours well if you're going to be on what the hells you need to smile it's just one of the things we do and i can promise you you're gonna be on what the hells that's absolutely gonna happen because you didn't know who the hell's property you were poaching on oh you gotta follow instructions not too bad not too bad at all so you got about three seconds to get off of my property before i put three bullet holes in your head uh you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 91,666
Rating: 4.9276295 out of 5
Id: jZTvMbjN_Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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