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have the property officially okay so here's what's going on it's been a hails of a crazy day i've literally been on the road all day i was at a discovery channel celebrities home all day you'll get to see that video soon probably in two days i have a ton of editing to do i'm at the camper i just got back five minutes ago we're headed over to the property we're going to the 70 acre ranch now here's the thing with the 70 acre ranch i legally owned it yesterday we're headed there now but i've been way too busy to actually get over there so i got back here after being at the uh the celebrities the discovery channel celebrities home today and hanging out through the chickens in the back of the truck we're getting the chickens on the ranch today okay so instead of just making a normal video today and releasing a video at 5 30 you're gonna be right here with me shotgun right along as the what the hell's family and we're headed over to the ranch for the first time the first time since legally owning it it has not been an easy stretch trying to get the property by any stretch of the imagination uh even getting down to the actual location you guys know we had the blowout we were promised to be on the property early closing was supposed to be december 23rd closing got pushed to january 13th which is today so we actually closed yesterday and i had to bag the clothes yesterday because i knew i would be gone all day today that even had its own challenges closing yesterday because the money had to be wired this wasn't this wasn't contingent based on financing this was a cash offer deal and so the money had to be it had to be wired an account from an account most banks will not let you wire money unless you're there at the bank to actually sign documentation all right turn it on to the road now we're not far i'm gonna show you some of the challenges that i have to deal with now all of this here take a look all of this here this is all infringing on my property all the way down this pathway here all of this this is on my property this is tomorrow's first project this hoarder having all of this crap all over my property that's going to be a major issue and this right here this is the hoarder sun so i'll talk with you tomorrow so this is the hoarder sun right there and the hoarder sun is actually living right here in this trailer and then grandma is living right here this is all part of part of the frontage of the property that i'm dealing with that i'm gonna have to deal with as far as neighbors now right here this is frontage that i own this is frontage that i own right here up on the road the goal being to actually own it all i'm going to show you something really cool too if we look over to the other side i'll show it to you there's a vehicle coming here this is an historic old church right there this is owned by the african methodist and i'm gonna see what i can do to actually purchase that property and then this property right here is actually owned by one of the children and now we're driving in so here we go we are on the property we're driving in now there's things on the property such as you see this truck here that looks like sierra maybe looks like a sierra by the way i'm not reading any of your comments i can't right now because i'm actually on the phone yeah that's a z71 uh why the hell's is that on my property no stinking idea we're headed back to the actual home by the way the fence look at this you see this this is hogs that's hogs that's wild hog now previous video george and i we did some joking around saying it was deer that's all hog right there so that's hog we can't wait can't wait to actually get the hog on video for you all right we're headed back i know it's going to be bumpy the tractor shows up tomorrow all of this all of this here i know it's hard to tell but all of this is going to be cleared all of it that's going to be the front yard and the tractor is coming for that we are finally getting these chickens where they actually belong this is this is pretty historic this is pretty epic for for what the hails 1400 watching right now all right i'm gonna set you down i'm gonna set you down right here and we're headed back to the home okay and we are we're gonna get inside the home i'm gonna show you i'll show you where the office is gonna be for now on i'm going i'm i'm right next to the actual alligator pond right now show you the alligator pump i'm gonna here we go here is the alligator pond right out there there's the gator pond now i've been with gators and crocs all day all day and you'll get to see that video later i had i had a hails of a day today it was the most amazing thing in the world and there's going to be so much more coming but that is the gator pond and there is a dock well i'll show you you can see the dock right here okay i'm gonna try and show you the dock all right here's the dock right here that goes to the gator pond oh i hear chickens okay so that's the dock that goes to the gator pond so here's what we got to do uh we definitely have to get the chicken set up chickens are no longer going to be at the camper and we're going to get in the house i'm going to show you where where where the magic's going to happen in the house as well anybody send super chats thank you so much appreciate it appreciate you guys watching appreciate your support and i just can't see all the comments yet all right we are here okay it is just it was crazy it was crazy even trying to get to this point to purchase property in florida yesterday my bank broke all the banking rules to let me electronically wire money while i was here in florida instead of having to fly home to ohio that was a huge blessing that they they said you know what we've done so much business with you we're not going to require you to come in and they got it all done i even got all the electric transferred into my name yesterday wouldn't have didn't have time to get on the property but didn't by the way anybody who says i'm afraid of chickens and chickens and alligators no obviously if you're watching my videos that's normal florida life here so chickens are going to be fine with alligators alligators are fine with chickens the whole deal as a matter of fact right down the road one of our viewers she might even be on right now they have free range chickens and they don't have a coop they just run all over the property all day right around the corner okay so let's i got you on the tripod i have no idea how well this is gonna work but here we are here's the house okay let's we'll get the chicken set up but let's see first let's see if our j and no this j does not stand for jk or i would have put a k there there's our j that we hung up right there marking the home that was from i think that was the 575 unit and then here are the chicken mansions we're gonna get the chicken set up here today and then you're gonna be with me as we get the chicken set up and then this is the home okay now keep in mind this entire home is eventually it's all going to be knocked down uh but it's going to be temporary headquarters while we're getting all set up and prepping for building the one thing i have come to a conclusion there's no way that floridians are going to move as fast as i want them to move for everything that i want to get accomplished and done so this is the home and then the camper is going to be temporary home right over here but this will be temporary warehousing and then the the 10 000 square foot warehouse will be over there and then this will also be warehousing too so let's go look this is big it's a miracle i'm actually finally on the property this is huge huge there's so much work to be done and i can finally dig in and start getting work done this is gonna be this is gonna be epic okay let's take a look at the office this is this where florida and while it is and while it is the coldest winter in 20-25 years uh the whole office is going to be set up right out here so this is the screened-in porch area you guys can see all that there's a door over here and if you remember from the videos this is the gun cabinet no gun and then if you saw something lift the screen bam you're good all right so this is where i'm going to set the office up you see we have outlets here this is what we call really really strong security now that we own the house but the whole office will be out here on the screened in porch and i'll i'll get rid of the the satellite dish flowers that are that are popping up and probably even the old tire dragon but being able to work out here come on please be on still yes we still have power that's good so my biggest fear yesterday was that they would turn off the power and then there'd be additional fees to turn on the power i got everything transferred i mean yesterday was just intense was crazy crazy intense for me i was driving all over the place i was everywhere anywhere and everywhere i had so much to do yesterday and then i still made it to the town hall meeting on time so that was pretty miraculous i didn't think i was going to actually make it after i got everything else done but this will be the office set up tables chairs you know some of these chairs obviously if if it's on the property when you buy property if it's on the property you own it so let's uh let's let's head out here let's take a look at the chicken mansion oh i i guess the door you know what i don't even know how my door works i think there we go there we go all right so this facility is temporary but the chicken mansions well chicken mansions last forever right so the chickens the chickens are going to be boom tonight they're going to stay right in here one way or another that door is going to close they have higher nesting boxes up in here and i'll work on all this stuff later obviously but for tonight the high nesting boxes or snakes come in but for tonight this is their home as a matter of fact what we're gonna do i'm gonna i'm gonna set you guys up right now i'm gonna set you guys up right here to watch so i got the tripod i'm gonna set you guys on the tripod i'm gonna go get the pins and while i know that the video is all over the place which is which is rough this is not our highest quality video we've ever put out but hey that's what happens when you sporadically just end up going alive okay i'm gonna put you up on the tripod i'm gonna put you to where you can watch the chicken coop and wow you guys have sent 12.87 that'll that'll help put a better door on the chicken coop all right let me grab the chickens okay all right here's one here's one now if if you don't know how to actually calm a chicken down this is how you calm a chicken down you take chicken's head just like this i'm not hurting the chicken even though some of you right now are thinking oh man you're hurting the chicken tuck the head underneath the wing like that and now the chicken stops wiggling the chicken stops you see how calm the chicken is now look at that chicken is mesmerized in calmness so now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take big red here i'm gonna put her inside her new home oh there you go girl oh i see i see we can close this they got a piece of wire okay so we will be able to latch that up tonight until i get to work on it more let me grab another chicken oh they're gonna they're gonna love this she's the biggest she's the biggest of all the hens and uh she makes the biggest the biggest uh eggs which can't even keep up eating all the eggs right now so she's going inside as well wow she's going to be happy she's going to be able to stretch her legs now what's going to happen is during the day during the day the chicken coop door will open so chickens will come out they'll free range and the chicken will always go back to where they roost at night so the chickens are going to roost in here at night they'll free range during the day they'll be able to roam around i just have to teach them where home is so they have to stay there tonight let's see here we go all right that's two let's grab the others so oh you guys are gonna love her this is the baby and she's not really a baby she's just she's just the tiniest of them all but uh she's also she's also the noisiest uh if that doesn't relate to people i don't know you know tinier the person the louder they are it's typically the way that it goes so she's she's pretty much for me and i have a huge hand she's pretty much just a handful for me cocky's what about gators yeah gators aren't going in the chicken coop no matter what it is that you think you've seen on tv or what you think you know about gators gators aren't going to be jumping up into the chicken coop but the chickens are definitely going to be in there so here she go got a couple more i have spent the past month and a half hanging out with the best gator specialist the best croc specialist today i was with them again oh my goodness i had so much stinking fun you guys you're going to get to see a croc i'm going to upload a 15 second uh story you're going to get to see a croc literally was surrounded by lemurs today and hand feeding lemurs it's just it just keeps getting better and better and better i love it i love it so all right now those who don't think chickens can fly she was just flapping like crazy chickens can't keep flight but normal chickens who don't have a coop who are out in the wild which they're everywhere those chickens would roost up in the trees at night that's what keeps any uh predators from getting them she's just flapping like wild she's also a pretty good one there too and she's going inside she's going back in the new home good there look at that she's trying to fly all right okay one more one more chicken she's a pretty small one too she's pretty one she's got the tail feathers boom just like that she's just clawed me pretty good but a lot of people think oh man chickens they'll peck you they'll hercha this chicken it may peck just like you have hands so she may peck just to see what's in my hand or what's going on but she's not she's not doing it intentionally to hurt not only that her beak is just like your fingernail so if she does it she doesn't have enough strength to hurt to draw blood or anything like that normal chickens don't and she has no intentions of actually eating me and she's going into all right [Music] okay chickens are all set uh i've got their water in the back of the in the back of the truck so i'll take care of the water i'll take care of the water after the live stream and i've got their their food in the back of the truck too okay so i'll take care of all that but the biggest thing was was getting them off of the camper property getting them out of the dog cage and actually getting them into an actual appropriate structure for evening for roosting again remember chickens in the wild chickens in the wild aren't aren't going to a coop they're not roosting they they jump up into a tree so i don't have to have them out here in a coop i could just let them run free oh my goodness there goes a blue herring over the creek oh we should we should probably go look at the creek what do you guys think should we go look at the creek or should we look at the gator pond in which there's gator ponds everywhere uh well at any rate so this is what we're starting with for the chickens there are obviously multiple chickens here but this one's already enclosed i don't have to do any immediate work so i can get them off the property now this is the shop here okay this shop again is going to be temporary all of this will be removed from the property as we expand the entire property is going to be cleaned up the coolest thing you know what i'm going to need a flashlight as this miracle is happening and we're finally on the property and i finally get all that junk out of the camper and actually have space to move you know big people need a lot of space and now i can finally get some so let's uh let's check this area out this is one of the coolest things about this old shop again keep in mind everything is going to change there are some things that we're going to keep for historical value and we've kind of shared that in another video i'll share that in a little bit it would be the george washington or no it's the ben franklin stove but in here i get my old light so look at all this that's already in here oh look at that you guys see that they this is a bank uh we're going to be going through all the structures but there's a table saw they left a table saw uh they left a ton of stuff now the craziest part is i found this out later one of the six kids lives right up front i drove past her house to get in here all right this is another structure but here's what i want to look at right here in the shop in the shop is a shower and a sink now at some point i would think there was a toilet but you know what for guy that's all we need right there that's all we need so in the shop there is an actual bathroom so that means there's plumbing already there which i'm sure i'll utilize that plumbing in some regard some way somehow but you'll see there's literally there's stuff everywhere here's stuff over here you know there's stuff down here and this is not my kind of living this is garbage it all needs to be cleaned up now some of this stuff i'll save for distressed look like the chickens the chickens are going to get upgrades to the coop and some of this stuff i'll save for a distressed look that's on the property but a lot of it it's just going to end up going to the dump as we look over here there were definitely herd animals in here at some point there's a feeding trough there whoops okay again not the best quality in regards to to video right now but we're making do with what we have this is just one of the outbuildings and i've got to figure out what to do with all of this stuff and how to clean it all up there's another outbuilding over there and that's by the gator pond and you're saying why are you calling it a gator pond we have not seen a gator there yet but we do know from the locals that there are plenty of gators that are in this creek which is one of the reasons why we bought it whether you're into gators or not if you're not into gators good luck or you know what if you're not into gators it's okay you didn't spend the money but i i am so it was my money to spend all right here's what we got to do uh and i wanted the gators so here's here's a side shot of the house you remember this whole house is coming down and we just have to build first here's the back shot plenty plenty of stuff up on the roof now there is a well here on this property and that is the next thing i have to do tomorrow morning i have to get i have to get the well tested to see if the water is okay and i've got to get it up and running there that's the softener right there but as you can see the entire back wall is all destroyed i'm sure it has to do with moisture and i'm sure it has to do with salt and if i had to guess the wall head is under here but i'll figure i'll figure all that out later you can see it's just a tremendous amount of work but we didn't buy the property we didn't oh man look at this see all these holes in the back wall i mean there's definitely there's animals in there didn't buy the property for the house we bought the property for the property this is where i want to tie in the water for the camper which as you can see the the well is not running and therefore there is no water right now but the goal is see this beautiful oak right there actually i don't think that's an oak the goal is to pull the camper in right here it's flat and then tie into the water electric and sewer right here and then do the work as the work needs to be done i want to go check we'll get inside we'll get inside it's getting dark pretty quick here i want to go check the creek really quick so let's go let's go take a peek at it there's actually more than 70 acres here and by by the way george if you're watching which i'm sure you are i don't hear a single dog in this town out here not a single dog so i know that's going to make you happy did hear some chickens though and sometimes they can be more annoying than dogs so we're gonna head over to the edge of the creek now we've shared with you in the past that this entire town is named after the creek and that creek runs through the property and i'm on the property i'm on the front we'll just call it we'll call it the front front 40 something like that and the power lines run through here which is good they have to maintain that property on that easement and then let's see what's the best way you know what i think the best way let's just let's just go for we'll go for a little walk we'll go for a little walk you see all this you see these power lines the property line is way way way down there and that's exactly what i wanted space wide open space as a matter of you know what i have my ruger out here with me i actually i probably should have some fun with it and i i brought i brought the mosquito for george and about 500 rounds for her so i'll have to set up a little range for her but the cool part is we've got so much garbage on the property that it won't be very difficult to set up a range to just start having fun now we may jump up deer i probably should have brought the ruger with me out here just in case because we don't know we don't know about uh the wild boar yet we know the wild boar all over not really i'm not really concerned about them typically a wild boar is going to run away from you not run at you unless it's mamabor protecting babies so that's not really a concern or a fear and i think i think you've probably seen i think you've probably seen enough of our videos to know there's not much that uh i typically fear anyway and remember fear fear isn't reality fears in the mind so there's wisdom i mean you got to protect yourself against things but you need to use wisdom in those things for example if there was a 15-foot alligator up on this pond bank right now i would not i would not be walking towards it but this is part of my creek this actually is my creek you see here they would come back and they would fish the creek i'll be back look here's an old trap so i don't see anything right now so one of the things i'll be doing this week even is we will be we're gonna we're gonna be treasure hunting for indian artifacts and uh in the area that we're at and the artifacts are everywhere and so a lot of you guys said hey you really need to hook up with paleochryst george and i have already met up with paleo chris we didn't do a video yet but uh we we we we're getting together this week and we're going to start looking for indian artifacts one of the one of the indian artifacts that paleo chris found the highest amount that he ever received it was a spear or think of an arrowhead but a spear for a hunting mammoth he found it in this city where we're at not the property an adjacent property he sold it for 25 000. now if i find a handful of those on the property well the property the property paid for itself already just in indian artifacts which is pretty amazing when you think about that but paleochris and wild kyle are coming out this week again they're youtubers as well and we're going to start mining the property for indian artifacts we're going to be looking for sharks teeth and all that and one of the areas that we're going to is these areas here in the pond because what happens is during the winter time the water levels go down in florida and you get to actually see you know what's in there but we're going to actually be in the pond sifting all kinds of things those who have sent super chats i see 75 dollars and 94 cents has come through thank you so much i appreciate it i can't see everything you guys are typing or doing but uh that's because number one i'm too excited to be on the property i might as well just sleep out here tonight and then uh i'm on the phone doing this impromptu live with you i wanted to get on the property as the first time as the owner but i thought it was appropriate for for what the hills history that all of the what the hell's family is out here too so we do it all together the 70 acres is amazing for treasure hunting now future plans and we have shared some future plans with you this property adjacent to me this is owned this is owned by uh an actual hunting club and it's sold a few years back and frank i would love to have it and then there is another 80 acres behind me there's another 80 acres behind me owned by a logging company and i would love to have it but we've gotta we've gotta work with what we got to that point the creek the creek oh this creek is so amazing the creek flows all the way back through the back of the property and if you saw the video titled about an abandoned ranch that's where the giant cypress tree is it is huge it is huge and i can't wait to get back there and actually find more so couple things that are going to have to happen tomorrow number one tomorrow first things tomorrow and you will see video of this and it's going to be at a later date and time though number one i have to go address the hoarder that has garbage all over my property i am not a garbage dump she's not paying to actually store anything that is going to end immediately number two we have to address all the explosions that are happening and frankly a lot of those are already dying off so that's pretty big bonus there but still going to be addressed number three private property no hunting signs will be placed up all over the property as well as cameras so camera system is going to be put up all over the property as well tomorrow number four i've got to get everything out of the camper into the house so that i can actually live in the camper and not be trapped in the camper with all the stuff all the stuff stored under the camper into the house and then number five the tractor is coming so with the tractor some of the areas we're going to start cleaning up first we're going to start cleaning up the pond area with the gators which again i don't know that there's gators in there i would assume that there's gators in there and i'm learning how to uh figure all that out which really isn't all that difficult come to find out so we're going to clean that area up we're going to clean the area up around the house make a radius there and then we need to start cleaning the area up around where the where the warehouse is going to go now with the warehouse where my aggressive my aggressive uh maybe work ethic ideals whatever you want to say timeline of trying to get the 10 000 square foot warehouse up this winter season and to get a small efficiency apartment in i've come to the conclusion there's no way that's going to happen here in florida during this winter if i can get a cement pad down for the 10 000 square foot warehouse and get the the shell of the structure up frankly i'm gonna be happy i'm gonna be happy if i can get that far during this season because then i gotta get back to ohio and what i'll have to do we're gonna go inside now we're back at the house that's where the bathroom is i've gone to the bathroom all day and then on the road um what i'll have to do once i get back in ohio i'll have to line up all the contractors i'll have to line up i mean i'll have to line up a lot of things which isn't the easiest thing to do when you're not on site so i know i'm probably going to have to fly back and forth quite a bit and there's adjacent property that trying to get as well let's see all right that power light doesn't work let's see if we have power up here i mean i just may sleep out here tonight just for the fun of it okay see that there guys we're locked we're definitely locked you guys know how to get into a locked door anybody anybody at all okay one moment you know what here's what here's what i need your help with you guys you guys hang out right there uh i'll be right back i gotta figure out how to break in here this would be a lot easier if you guys were here breaking in with me nobody called the police okay i'm breaking in it's legal i own it up yeah i'll let there be light baby all right all right i found the lights i got the lights on we did not lose the lights so that's perfect that was my biggest concern was losing the lights if i didn't get the power transferred into my name soon enough okay this is the kitchen area again current kitchen area there are mice all over in this place we already know that i've already trampled on quite a bit so things like this i don't want the dish set i'm sure the family doesn't either or they wouldn't have sold us the house with it especially with the family member being right up front on the road so a lot of this is just going to become storage george has asked well asked isn't the word george has told me that this is going to remain here this island in the kitchen area so that she can package on it uh so what i wanted to do oh there we go what i wanted to do is put that island and you can see it's the island right here what i want to do is put that out on the screened in porch there's got to be more lights and that way and that way we're in florida and even though it's chilly now this isn't this isn't normal so i want to put as much out on the screened in porch so we can actually work from the screened in porch every day and not from inside here but we got lights here here's here's the cow that so many of you have requested there it is we'll do a whole another video just on what we find inside the house because what's gonna happen there's another set of lights there's another set of lights okay so this is the one thing that we absolutely want to keep there's benny boy ben franklin we want this to go in the new house kind of preserve some of the history but as you look around this wall is going to be knocked out this is going to be knocked out all these walls are gonna be knocked out for storage all of them all of them now there is a bathroom back here again we don't have water yet oops this is the bathroom this doesn't look like a great bathroom right but there is elbow room for pushing there's elbow room for pushing this is an upgrade from the camper this is going to be great so this is going to be another another major project from the beginnings getting the water up getting the bathroom ready to where we actually can come over here to go to the bathroom use the shower over here instead of in the camper and that way we don't have to mess around with with the bathroom in the camper campers are great okay and i'm thrilled to have with the camper but uh space when you are six one and two hundred and whatever pounds i am right now space is is a premium so all of this stuff is getting ripped out i know some of you are going to say you want the hutch but i'm pretty sure you're not here to claim the hutch you've got closets over here this is where we saw a mouse last time there's the mouse nest all of this will get ripped out that might be keys to the door i may not actually have to break in anymore all of this will be ripped out remember this is all going to be storage space so what they did is they kind of just lights don't work there here i what i do with the flashlight i don't know oh there it is i found a flashlight so the the goal is rip as much of this out as possible turn this space so i'll give you you know a glimpse of everything so i want to rip up as much as possible basically gut this place and then it's going to become storage for everything that we find this was an add-on bedroom let's see if we have light oh we do have lights all right this is part of the well system right here so let's let's turn it on we just turned it on well i just flipped the breaker switch on and uh nada i didn't hear nothing didn't hear nothing james says keep some load-bearing walls don't worry load-bearing walls will stay but remember all the walls are coming down eventually okay let's see what else we have in here all right more bedrooms again this is is it's just it's all gonna be storage space everything is gonna be storage space if it's not a load-bearing wall it'll be knocked out and then here's another they were canning so they were canning if if it can be saved for shelves if it can be saved for distressed decor uh it'll stay but oh look at that elongated toilet seat that's my favorite that's my favorite so it'll stay if it can be used for those things if it can't be used for those things it's got to go so that so that we can actually do what we need to do in here and there's adventures with the hudson's they're coming down in february they'll be here soon um hopefully jim and beth when you guys get down here you're going to see some major major changes the tractor the tractor is supposed to come tomorrow there's a whole video coming out on the tractor purchase so that'll be coming out i've got like five videos that are all in the works and not done yet and today's video is this this is your video today so instead of releasing a video today i went you know what i'm going to rush back i'm going to go live get the chickens in before it gets dark take care of the chicken and then hang out with you guys yeah somebody just said canning jars are going to sell fast they'll sell really quick but this is old florida so many of you have been trying to guess where we're at this is what's called old florida this is also the armpit florida there is so much rich history here i can't even begin to describe to you how much money there is to be made here and and frankly the locals have no idea whether it be indian artifacts whether it be megalodon teeth whether it be just the antiques whether it be the land whether it be it just goes on and on and on and on and so many of you have been guessing where the hails we are uh let's hear your guesses right now in the chat where the hells are we what's the name of the city i'm curious i'm curious those who have tried to figure it out we've given so many clues so many clues every single video has an easter egg for you an easter egg for all of you treasure hunters to figure it out and there it goes boom boom boom boom boom boom i'm seeing most of it boom boom boom boom boom boom some of you are right some of you are wrong we are in the historic town of otter creek it is otter creek so many of you have asked where are we staying we are at shady oaks campground and that's owned by brett and teresa and they've been phenomenal host for us and uh we just can't say enough if you want to check out cedar keys which is a which is a major up-and-coming uh tourism area it's just an absolutely gorgeous tourism area it's an area that boasts uh a one of the kind of dolphins there's about 500 dolphins in that area they're the only dolphins known to hunt the way that they hunt it's just it's amazing absolutely amazing as a matter of fact in two days you're going to get to see on what the asmr a beautiful asmr video that i took yesterday of all the pelicans on cedar keys cedar keys is absolutely beautiful otter creek is absolutely beautiful old florida is absolutely beautiful this entire area is two hours or less than every major city and there are so many so many treasure hunting opportunities here it's just it i i it just blows my mind it literally just blows my mind how much opportunity there is here and if you're an up-and-coming youtuber it blows my mind realizing how many major channels are actually in florida how many how many people we've gotten to meet already uh it's just been it's been amazing absolutely amazing it's getting dark uh it's a miracle we actually got it all done again it was officially done yesterday property was paid for deed was recorded i could have gotten on the property this morning at 12 01 a.m i think i went to sleep last night probably about 10 30 10 45 i went to bed early and then i knew i had to get up really early to go hang out uh with another floor didion and again that video will be coming out soon he is a discover channel uh personality celebrity and you'll get to see all of that happening especially if you love if you love lemurs if you love reptiles if you love animals and wildlife as much as i do uh you're just you're gonna go crazy with it all i mean this is this is in my opinion this is the place to be and this piece of property has so much potential to be so much more than it already is and i'm already in love with it so that's a pretty good thing too lots of cleaning up to do tomorrow there will be lots of videos a ton of videos videos from neighbors to arson yes arson uh there is a video coming out with local arson that happened and it's just been waiting for us to get on the property there'll be videos of the progress of the property and it'll go on and on and on this is just the beginning for what the hails florida edition
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 93,280
Rating: 4.9274158 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: -WqlG0pPXGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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