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she would owe me over a million dollars in lost income this is the actual courtroom this is our judge over the case this is crazy almost one year actually a little bit longer almost one year to the date and a little bit more here i am at the warehouse in worcester ohio and i'm pretty sure i'm still locked out i had to fly back to ohio because i have a pre-trial date for all of this i think before we go to court we ought to see what's actually going on in the warehouse all right that's still locked remember remember when we had to have patients crawl through here to actually get us into the building yeah this building the whole foundation it's so dilapidated i mean the entire thing is dilapidated uh that's crazy when we had to have patients do that let's go check the front door see it wasn't all that long ago when i got a call from patients and christians saying hey the warehouse front door is locked got to the warehouse this morning with christian and patience there's patience and there's christian and my key is not working in the door so i gave it to christian to see if he could solve this problem for me and christian is trying to get into the door and for some odd reason we are completely and totally locked out of the warehouse that i pay a premium for every month so i'm not just i'm not the foolish one it's not working for you either nope okay try the other key the other keys to the other building but all right all right let's go try and see if we can get in the other building we have one key for this building and we have one key for this building give give patients the key maybe it's a maybe it's a guy thing all right patience one key is for this building oh and one key is for the other building okay and see now that one goes in the tumblers were changed i guarantee you the tumblers were changed we got this individual here there's marilyn so there's marilyn who you've heard earlier so this is the person that you've heard earlier and she will be on the channel and then we've got the police here as well so as marilyn's attorney do i have access when i don't have an actual eviction notice you're already on youtube sir [Music] would you like to share your law firm and your name i have a lease in the truck doing good good and i'm not sure what it is um he kind of explained it but i you know he's familiar with the situation and you must be as well too so i'm in the middle so they have a so basically they they have a partnership dispute and i'm a tenant i've been a tenant since april 2018. and what i know is her lawyer filed for preliminary injunction and for a permanent injunction instead of an eviction okay and my lawyer is aware of that and good so you have an attorney oh yeah all set my attorney has been in communication with her attorney the only thing that i see normally i try to find like a court date for you sure the only thing i see is it just says um required to serve upon the plaintiff's attorney which i which is that doug yeah doug jerusalem um your answer or whatever yeah she's getting yeah she's getting counter sued okay very good that's it my friend who locks the front door on a paying tenant we're still locked out look we got a sign here entire property is under current litigation furthermore the landowner has not given legal 24-hour notice for viewing we're still locked out apparently the only one who can get in what's her name barb is that barb barb wasn't the only one that got in though remember when mitch got in no it's just it's it's least warehouse space that's what just comes up that's why i'm so curious i won't go in i am going to the property but i won't go in until they get there yes sir okay stay tight these three things they tried to steal they said these were taken out of the warehouse ryan did he call you guys he called me okay the security systems caught him they staged these three items out here friday night they definitely went inside again came back out brian probably pulled up they probably ran and brian probably went after him that was definitely i'm sorry yes it was it was right in front of the window so like if you walked by the window you'd see a mannequin and this would have been pushed back you guys have any change in here no there was nothing in it those were also something that he got from storage units and he had emptied the change whenever he got him if i turn if it does anything let's say happy way to make it bigger i think get that one right there on the side there that big there we go i guess this is back because that's the end of the video let's try from the beginning tank top one in the bathroom again it kind of looks like here you might he's gonna look at the camera because okay he grabs it well it stops here then um actually i if i can just see this there's got to be another video then right but i think i think i know who he is here you can identify him just by he's got a standing tattoo on one of his shoulders okay let's try to get another video again real quick you got an idea i do but i need to i just i don't want to sit here you want to confirm it blast him on youtube here or whatever you know he's going to walk back because he's going to grab it he's literally walking by 50 000 worth of brand new tools and no clue you know who he is 35 or 35 other units looking at the video footage it reminds me of mitch arnholt mitch arnholt he actually put the security camera that's in the toilet dude your camera's in the toilet is that him that's him there he is we just found him on facebook there he is mitch wasn't he wearing the same outfit arnholt red shirt though that's him definitely there's our there's our thief there's our burglar i would love to have caught him we better get to the toilet sorry barbara all right there he is is it in there oh he sure did there it is that's still work still working this is probably the best part of the warehouse i have hundreds if not thousands of dollars of rocks right here right around the telephone pole that's a petoskey stone right there and nobody nobody in this area even knows well unless you're watching this video right now we've tried to settle this with maryland before we actually went to pre-trial and before we go to jury trial on may 10th i've offered maryland 50 000 for this property cash she's counter offered at a hundred thousand dollars cash we can't seem to come to an agreement and this is one of the reasons why maryland has dumped so much garbage on this property it's literally everywhere and if you look behind you look this is a 40 000 square foot condemned building this all has to go down i have to invest over a quarter of a million dollars in this property just to get it clean and then i have to fence it because it's right in the heart of the homeless community in worcester honestly there's probably homeless in here right now see the broken windows typically what they do they come in they break the windows try and get out of the cold here in ohio or they just go straight on in now if i open that other is there a couch down actually a couch down there there is a couch down there so reality is there is probably somebody in there right now all right trailer 20-footer you guys know how i got to have a 20-footer and it's got to have the ramp door this looks okay doesn't look like anybody's been trying to break into the trailer recently this looks okay this one looks good too this one's all faithful this one was this one was the second uh cargo trailer that i ever ever bought we do still have i need to get i need to sell this thing somebody needs to buy that but looks like we got some furniture over here we got some furniture over here still christian what do you say we go inside the only way we we can we have to break in all right all right i got us in remember remind me to edit out how we actually get in okay now here's the crazy part i've had to let go two employees i have lost over a million dollars of income based on being locked out of this place one of the issues is i have no utilities as you can see right now i have no power nothing let's check the lights right now wait we don't have to because they're on maryland has not paid the utility bills uh probably the worst thing and i'm guessing uh it affects you probably the most christian is we have absolutely no plumbing nothing now this isn't the greatest bathroom in the world but when you gotta go you gotta go and now my employees can't go well reality is is they can't even get in to go if they needed to go look at all this i mean i literally have tens if not hundreds frankly i've got about a million dollars of merchandise in here you've heard it said before you're hearing it one more time look at this it's all brand new brand new look at this milwaukee side right there brand new the whole dozer i can't do anything with it right now look at all this this is antique shade right there i can't do anything i mean i've got stuff literally everywhere do you believe it or not i mean it's it's it's everywhere let's see how the moose is doing ah man the moose to lose the moose look at look at there it is oh my goodness i have missed the moose the moose alone this moose alone which came from a storage unit that is probably roughly four to five thousand dollars now that's if i get it graded and i actually haven't got it graded yet but that's become the mask out of the warehouse that and look at all these precious gifts look at all these beautiful ghostbuster gifts from all of the fans here's the ghostbuster display and we don't even have light to actually enjoy it right now i mean that's the probably the part that hurts the worst there's so much cool stuff in here nobody can even get in here to see it here i am i'm at the wayne county municipal court ready to see what exactly happens anything literally anything could happen my lawyer potentially thinks that she's going to be ready to seal a deal and get this all out of her hair remember i'm suing her counter suing when i set the counter suit 250 000 that was almost a year ago right now if the judgment goes in my favor she would owe me over a million dollars in lost income for what she's done that's where all the action is gonna happen it's courtroom number two wayne county court municipal court and this is the pre-trial there's always a pre-trial before the actual trial the hope always is is that the lawyers and the magistrate or the judge get together and they come to a conclusion but in this matter who the hell's notes really who the hell knows what's going to happen okay so jeremy we're here for the pre-trial what's going to happen is we're going to talk about the upcoming trial i'm going to be in the courtroom with the other attorneys who are on zoom okay we don't usually have clients in there for the pre-trial i won't be on soon either then no correct you'll be out here again this is just the pre-trial for the trial we'll be in there and we'll be a part of everything but this is just to talk about you know any settlement or whether we how we're going to do the trial on the witnesses you know is it going to be a jury trial all that okay um but the judge did say if you want because that's all off the record sure i can understand that you can go in the courtroom and take a quick film of the report if you want yeah we'll do that all right let's go this is the actual courtroom this is our judge over the case so this is where the jury would actually sit so this does go to trial it's a jury trial and the jury would sit right there we're actually waiting for marilyn to show up we're five minutes away from pre-trial time so we haven't seen her walk by see right there that's where we're peeking we haven't seen her we haven't seen her lawyer maybe she won't even show for pre-trial wouldn't that be interesting wouldn't that be even more crazy she doesn't show for pre-trial you notice what i notice what the gong for the courthouse just went off it was like [Music] 9 00 a.m and there's nobody outside courthouse number two nobody so that can mean one or two things marilyn didn't show or it means marilyn and her lawyer may be on the zoom app i'm guessing you know what it's probably best not to guess probably best let's find out what happens all right so the pre-trial was over um so maryland didn't even show up right no i mean the way we do these so she's just attorneys yeah okay that's how we always so in all reality i didn't need to be here no but i wanted to see you okay i can understand so um we got a trial scheduled in may may 10th currently scheduled for a jury trial it'll probably go forward that day there's a possibility the judge could have some criminal trials that week that could interfere with it but in all likelihood if this case doesn't get settled before then we will have a jury trial that day how many people are usually on a jury so it's a jury of people from wayne county okay and so they'll come in here we do it's called four deer where we pick the jurors and then but they'll actually be asked do you know of what the hails did you see the video of what the hails which the entire county have seen the videos of what the hails with the police and maryland will that be good will that be i mean will they try and throw those people out those people could yeah if they have an opinion or know you usually will try and not be involved in the case because we want objective people who don't aren't picking aside for the case that's gonna be really interesting so that video between facebook and youtube right now has over five million views it's going to be interesting for sure so from here we just go forward see if we can get this thing worked out if not we have a try [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 353,676
Rating: 4.8539777 out of 5
Id: ZuB_vAZ_uSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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