GEORGE QUIT What The Hales

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i decided that i was going to leave what the hails we're back one of the coolest places in florida we love the get swamped ranch and that was from leanne from the restores the love unit fort lauderdale spring break 85. do you think we can get robbie to wear this mid-drift we'll see all right here we go let's give it a good old hails of a try [Music] robbie we didn't come empty-handed we brought you presents oh look at this this is scary you look epic on his face look at that epic look already um you ready here we go bam wham look at this oh my god dude this is hilarious does this bring back memories i was actually in fort lauderdale for spring break in 85. are you serious i swear are you serious we're 83 84 85 we were in for spring break in fort lauderdale do you know leanne's brother i may have run across him and they is yeah you might know some of his ex-girlfriends because he had he had a lot of them he did he did have a lot of them why don't you go ahead and put it on robbie we're going to have to put this on oh yeah here we go now we're talking oh wait wait i hold z dog shield my eyes this is the x-rated part here we go look away mid-drift oh man oh yeah oh yeah baby now we're talking now [Music] when your belly sticks out further than your booty do i got no booty so i had to make up for it with the belly spring break 85 baby we're bringing it back i brought you a gift too now it says barbed staples listen listen yeah i don't use barb staples because those you got to put in with your hammer and i always i'm clumsy okay i hit my thumbs and it's bars you're about to find out with caution yeah very slowly very slowly very careful very cute no likes for reals don't pop it up all the way just open it slightly no what do you have what do you have look at them yellow rat snake look around the yellow out there yeah well out there so just to confirm he's not venomous correct uh out there no but when uh down here about 15 minutes from your place yes yes okay i was like how the heck did you guys have a yellow out there we just made a killer deal and uh you'll see all of that in a future video and this was part of that killer deal this was thrown in as the bonus he said get it out of here this was thrown in as a bonus so i paid a thousand dollars you'll find out what i spent a thousand dollars on and then the yellow rat snake was thrown in as a bonus he was a whole lot feistier earlier and now we re-homed them to you robbie that's awesome watch it oh he'll he he didn't mind doing that before you don't even want to bite he did 30 minutes there he goes he had his mouth open and everything with jeremy he was biting all over me he almost got he's been he was biting himself he almost got me in the family jewels he's a treasure hunter too [Laughter] he was looking for some jewels robbie you didn't tell me you hired a new mechanic dude he comes cheap and he does good work he's the best he's the best he's the best of the best i heard that's your new hair stylist oh well do your hair today here he comes cheap and he's the best and he does great work too look at that that's mr deville right there that is mr deville what are you why are you giving her weapons why she's gonna help through the bamboo i thought she was going after the buffoon we're here in the lemur cage and uh we're gonna give them fresh bamboo that's what you're going to use that for using the machete yeah they were stuck all over my coat if you can if you can machete one of those things robbie's throwing at me and not slice my face you're you're a warrior princess george do you do you notice what i notice over here these old girls are pregnant these girls hey baby it's more mort is the father he's the fashion daddy right there yeah who's your daddy there's your daddy look how pregnant she is totally preggers when do you think they're going to give birth robbie right now all right let's see what happens it could be today but probably a couple weeks okay she's she's big but she's not huge yet and her belly hasn't dropped right before they give birth like a couple days their belly is way down here um george what did you just do more just like mart is going after george mort's like i ain't done woman i ain't done i do like mort apparently he likes you too who's this who's that so you're going in george last time george went in she quit what the hails and said she was gonna she was gonna raise start raymond she's gonna be our uh i decided that i was gonna leave what the hells and join robbie full time to take care of the lemurs she's gonna help the mama lemurs that's fine you know what raise their babies robbie's new channel get hails that's what he's gonna get he's gonna get hails enjoy it's gonna be called get george we're taking the hills out of it it's all about it always has been all about wednesdays it's get hails yeah and there you go and then the other day it's get george oh there goes baby there goes baby well if you're gonna if if you're gonna get george you better get to work babies hi babies all right all of this bamboo we gotta pull all this bamboo out and we're gonna give them nice brand new fresh bamboo now i would have thought george would have been in here since robbie just hired her but uh no george is still on the outside watching me work uh her and more are still doing their thing apparently she's gonna be my new best friend it's gonna be what the mort okay and who who's this fella right over here who's that fella hey tell your mother i said hello that's the daddy of the troop tell your mother i said hello you want to sniff oh look at baby sticking her head in the in the oh there's that sweet baby and she's going she gone she gone now that all the bamboo is out the whole family they're actually inside they're just waiting waiting and anticipating for us to bring in the brand new bamboo brand new bamboo bamboo bamboo bamboo bamboo look how happy they are they're like all right you guys do your thing we'll do our thing bring me more bamboo look at this george is communicating again with the locals and the locals have rejected her as part of the tribe now she reaches out she tries to make one she tries but the youngest tribe member the youngest tribe member knows that is forbidden to bring in outsiders but george continues to try it's a fruitless effort because none not even the young will allow her to be one of with the tribe wait is there somebody accepting her into the tribe is there one ready to be won with the george nope not yet they're waiting for you to bring them bamboo yeah two families in here doesn't get much better than this this is living your best life in florida look behind you hi baby oh baby wants to let me be part of the family okay baby i'm in they've accepted me as their own i am now i'm not i'm not sure what kind of pose this is wait they've they've declared me their leader i'm now the lemur king [Music] baby the bamboo is here yeah freshly chopped by the one and only robbie roberto chewed through it if he used his teeth if you're gonna be if you're gonna be working here on the get swamp team yeah then uh better get going huh yeah you better do something what are you doing out here yeah exactly dude i'm telling you every day jeremy get to work george slacking just a little bit and z-dog just locked me in he literally just locked me in yeah now i don't even get any bamboo to snack on all right quit your nagging i'm coming to work all right come on in but um it looks like a z-dog actually doing the work though looks like okay all right we got george in here now it's teamwork it's all about the teamwork all right now you know what to do with this fresh bamboo right yep okay it's got to go up in those this is where the bamboo those pole holders wow it's a jungle in there george and [Music] oh man telling me are you tall enough i don't know if she's tall enough she's got a the hard part is getting the bamboo to bend into the poles to bend and conform and break to your will yeah hmm well i'll tell you what you need help yes all right here you hold this okay it's so odd that you have such a hard time getting things to bend and break to your will and yet here i am making it look easy peasy no here i am look you just lost a bamboo no that's what you you just lost one here i am breaking and bending to your will doing what you're supposed to be hired for here at the get swamped ranch hey you in the bamboo you planning on pulling uh two paychecks as well you're double dipping aren't you you're double dipping and you know it [Laughter] what z wait you're getting a paycheck he goes wait you're getting a paycheck and i'm not [Laughter] yep you gotta go over i'll just supervise i think i'm better at supervising i thought that's what you always do anyway yeah i'll just stick to what i know best jeremy don't do that there it goes jeremy don't do that jeremy put that there how about put that bamboo there right here that looks great there yeah you happy bob fresh bamboo all of the lemurs seem to be missing where do you think they are they're hiding you happy boss why are they hiding they're hiding from you they're hiding from you did i put too many and nope we're doing good yeah he's a pro at this two in this one two and that one two into that one wait now i'm confused who's the real boss here who's really supervising wait i better get confirmation am i allowed to put two here yes two okay okay there all right robbie two there i got as long as boss man tells you boss boss lady said i can put two there because she got me to do her job for her and then boss boy ain't lady the truth all right boss lady last two bamboo right in there oh my goodness look how happy they are brand new fresh bamboo they're going to town already look at that and baby decided to just jump over and say hi to me too baby is a year old still not named that's why she goes by the name baby i love their noises they love it they love it i don't mind doing george's work if this is the kind of work i get to do how's the job you want me to get robbie to hire you too for get swamped i mean get george yeah can you sure see if you can work that out baby wants some spanish moss oh baby doesn't want some spanish moss nobody gives baby spanish moss except does somebody just steal her spanish moss yeah jeremy's trying to lure the baby in with some spanish moths oh she's using your arm as leverage hey baby get you some spanish moss baby [Music] i am inches away from cuteness cuteness overload oh someone's fighting that's because they want my spanish moss who wouldn't want your spanish mouse come on baby come on oh they keep fighting come on baby look they're pulling her back like don't you eat that moss you better bring some for me [Laughter] look at that hand that's mort's hand that's more more give me high five baby where'd you go come on come on come on right over here there you go baby baby i see it baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby careful more it doesn't get you baby come on baby come on come on baby come on baby come on baby come on come on baby there you go baby that's my baby what you got mort's my favorite because he's crazy kind of like you oh really kind of kind of you see the way he grabs it that aggressiveness that's how you take food from me when i feed you really what's the last thing that i oh wait we advised his personality to show you holy cow i said jeremy to get moss form yeah and he comes back with that z dog comes back with some uh spanish monsters z-dog don't mess around please please now everybody watching is like they've already left comments they're like no don't touch the spanish moss you'll get chiggers chiggers uh robbie how many triggers have you gotten from spanish moss i honestly god can say i've never had chiggers all right so around this time of year so here's the thing number one chiggers don't climb trees and get into spanish moss to my knowledge i might be correct it's when it falls to the ground it settles to the ground there's potential of that you could get ticks ants chiggers but uh this yeah we're good wasn't on the ground we're good this is fresh harvested this yeah this was just farmed up in the trees actually z dog climbed all the way up there didn't he you got all the way to the top he he like a monkey he was like a spider monkey z dog where did you learn your climbing skills spider monkey school yes spider monkeys goals figures all right look at more more what are you doing look at mort bagan look at him he's like give me give me your baby what's up baby baby sneaking around look everyone else is so gentle and polite and much just like i love it though because his his personality reminds me of yours you want some my hair he'll take it too you want somebody he's like yes please no you eat the moss not my hair i heard your hairs were selling on ebay for ten thousand dollars per strand per strand yes yes you want some too yum yum yum for whatever reason for whatever reason they're loving the spanish moss i think it's safe to say that lemurs love absolutely love spanish moss like a fat kid in chocolate cake these lemurs are eating it like candy how do you know i like chocolate cake so much well i was actually talking about myself in chocolate cake you're gonna be all showy now everett's getting a little hissed off but that's that's normal that is one well-fed gator they eat even in between meals how long would you say this one is he's 10. he's a big boy yeah he's been eating he's probably about six to seven hundred pounds wow he's getting his son the the the sides is that the jaws yeah that's their jowls double chin yeah in his case it's like quadruple chin how many how many chins do you have i have three i have [Laughter] i think he's winning oh chase oh he's just moving so why is why is his jowls yellow it's just he held a lot of juvenile color and that's not typical no that's typical is what you saw with everett yeah and like with these guys look how dark their tails are now chase if you look here he's got yellow in his tail still right in there he's got yellow through there he's got yellow there yellow and white now to be clear this is not a domesticated trained gator like tebow this is a 100 wild nuisance gator that you moved here them here and the usually usually you find that gators aren't aggressive unless unless you do something stupid dude these gators they don't even have fear of humans but all they know is we come in here and dump meat so it's dangerous in here because they could attack you because they they equate you with you're right it's not like tebow in that group where i spend at least an hour every day yeah you're hanging out with them whether i'm feeding or not you go pet your dog with tebow over here they see human they think food which is typically why they're here in the first place because humans sort of like when you cook dinner and george smells it well war cry happens all the gators are gone now there they all go they're all gone look at them all swimming through the duck weed over here yeah they're everywhere one two three four five six right here seven eight nine ten there's 11 12 13. and that's just what we can see and look the birds are all coming in they're starting to get ready to build their nest so beautiful oh my goodness during the spring and summer this is a rookery all these birds will build these would you just call me you're just a rookery you're right i am i'm right now you're that's why you're teaching me so i can't so i'm not a rookery anymore you're just a rooker teach him the ropes gold wise one jeremy it's time to feed again your favorite time i finally have a knife and george is hungry so i got her some steak right here look at that she's getting angry skirt steak here here i i'd say this is probably right there did he just i missed it i missed it you let him get that close look at that that's a lot of meat where's the beef look are you guys looking for the beef it's right here look at that robbie where are you you should make a heart shape let's do those in the bucket we'll give that to the cayman all right the smaller chunks we'll give to the cayman because there's it's boneless cayman get the small chunks and they'll they'll get a lot of other stuff too but we'll save the big pieces we'll give sicario and tebow and see if tebow come up it's been warm today today was 81 degrees and we were just looking we were just looking at the um the weather and it's probably going to be 90 on sunday oh my goodness which means we're going to be going on gator calls heat wave gator calls i just had liposuction look george it's all gone they let you keep it push in push in push in see oh god the gators are getting it it's a miracle check this out this is probably my he's gonna make me kiss his ring i thought that was only for farmer mark on one knee jeremy did he hurt you heck no so tell me more about this ring they call me robbie walnuts where'd the ring go this this ring is so cool if you ever heard of a comedian his name is sam kennison this is his ring he gave this to me for my birthday before he died he's vomiting your pinky finger he did he like regurged my pinky help save me save me let me out i'm just looking like a peacock right now is this is this silver yeah all right let's see what are you looking for the marking i just want to know if it's marked they don't do now remember a lot of custom jewelry whether well it's just not marked you need to you need to be able to notice the tarnishing the whole deal but that's that's it's got a good weight that's got good weight too that's probably a good four ounces i would think now it's got meat well it's got meat in it too so that adds a couple little so so so uh the meat for feeding that wait wait we gotta clean his teeth look he's got some meat in his teeth he's probably gonna need the floss after yeah we're gonna have some broccoli in there i think we gotta take him to the dentist though he might need a root canal he might need some work if you watch any of the old sam kennison comedy stuff he's got it on his pinky you know sam's sam's the guy who goes what's this it's sand we have sand in america we just don't live in it you can't grow anything in it he he was the comedian who yells all the time and it's because he used to be a a preacher you know anybody like that yeah you do look at this this is amazing you see that there that's some of the sweetest tale you can get here in florida and it's oxtail do you think this is lucy or is that ricky this one is who is it and then that's lucy this is ricky very good am i right you got it so i'm gonna feed i'm gonna feed ricky now we gotta be extremely careful because ricky can actually scorpion up three-point you know you name it he actually jumped tripod that's what that's what you call it yeah all right so i missed it i missed it you missed it yeah can i do it again robbie will he's ready he'll stand up he can actually get my hand over this fence so here we got to be careful here we go oh you missed i missed him oh man i got too nervous oh ricky over here there it goes ricky over here over here ricky is right there here throw that one by it ricky ricky it's your boy good boy ready ready ready come on come on ready oh your aim's off today i am horrible at your age let's all off today okay redo freedom here we go here we go wait i gotta see i gotta see if robbie's aim is better now with lucy okay there you go you got it ricky ricky good boy good boy okay ready here we go right next it got him right in the snout but he didn't open oh did you hear that on the bone i heard it look at that he's gonna crunch it and swallow it something i learned last week's crocs don't have tongues no alligators have tongues listen to them crunching crocs now he's now he's thinking about biting you george he's like don't you dare come near my my tail is it going down or is it gonna it's going down boom and it's gone just like that that's sheer power 1500 pounds to 2000 pounds per square inch biting pressure on wow can you imagine if that was your arm you're talking about this is about 5 000 pounds per square inch pressure and then jeremy woke up i woke up to ten thousand pounds per square inch pressure right there right there crunch crunch crunch swallow was that good lucy you get two for the price of one we're gonna go see sobek and if you remember last time we went to go see sobek robbie yelled run [Laughter] it's not even april oh my goodness i knew he was gonna do that you're predictable robbie he's more interested in coming up after me oh got it oh man wow look at that tail coming out in the back george look how huge he is listen to that crunch my goodness listen to the power wow he's just trying to position it yep he's got that big bone in there he's got a break listen to that that's so intense this is so crazy look at the agility of his mouth them teeth you don't mess around he's breaking it up moving it around breaking it up that's some good eating hustle back would you like some a1 sauce worcestershire did you bring the a1 sauce um i just i'm so scared right now i just made some a1 sauce sobek you want some ketchup jeremy brought ketchup jeremy never leaves home without his ketchup he's getting a little uh nooky look at the breathing he's on top of her look at that don't stop recording we got to get in close z dog is unlocking the fence right now i can't touch the phone george you're all in on this all right who's got the barry white music going he's def leopard playing pour some sugar oh my god are they gonna be upset with us for intruding look at this look at that he's definitely he's got her pinned down wait is that him pinning her down yeah her pinning him down now this is neo and maryland right yes they are definitely gator wrestling they they uh yeah croc wrestling she's getting her croc on no doubt about that check that out and you've got the waterfall set in the ambiance can you feel the love tonight [Applause] tebow definitely he was in the back cubo once he's looking he heard it look at them they know that it's time to feast they know it's shovelling i see one two three four oh my goodness look at how beautiful these guys are come on t tebow here here uh he started to come come t he got tired oh here he goes he's getting a little bit closer now come get you some num nums t you already had your nap num nums time you know what he was doing back there what he was watching the crocs he was watching the crocs next door look there's another one coming down t here up up let's go come on come on buddy is that t right there yep right in here biggest one in the in the pond back here he's the leader of the pack he's the one that robbie takes naps the big boy here he comes come on buddy come on t up let's go he's halfway here he's like am i hungry maybe uh shovel full right there he's getting closer come on oh he's creeping is he usually this slow no but it's because you guys he's just getting to know you guys uh-huh so he'll be really shy about it don't be shy tebow we won't bite yeah tebow george will bite excuse me george bites no jeremy false come on team here he comes up come on buddy come on big boy go t we got an extra fancy special steak for you t look at this that's a nice big t-bone it's a t-bone how do you like your steaks raw for real the same way come here t up let's go come on zolly do another shovel come on t come on buddy come on come on tivo don't be shy come on buddy don't be shy come on t he brought gifts dee come on you brought a twig thank you oh come on buddy he's scared of your door shovel right there joey should i go hide behind the bushes stand right over there george on the side okay we'll see if he'll come this way come here tebow come on up come on buddy good boy come on up let's go up up come on come on what is this come on come on boo good boy oh he's here come on hey here t come on up take it nice oh oh boy and they say alligators and crocodiles are stupid false definitely false you see how gentle he took that out of my life he was very gentle they say what the hails is stupid true true you got a point you do have a point come on big boy i'm in here with you dummy they can't come get you come here oh let's go you want that good good boy he's so polite he's got great pond manners he does it's incredible and people think these guys are just killing machines and they're not this this just shows you i work with this group for over a year now every day for at least an hour and there are crazy ones in here is crazy but as you can see most of them will leave they're not going to come up and attack me and this is a feeding frenzy i hear a bull frog oh wait that was oh i was gonna any ghost peppers a couple days ago side effects i thought maybe it was a gator fart i know that that was a robbie tummy after 20 ghost peppers look at this it's a red belly turtle hello oh was he just hanging out he came out watching the gators eat she came out of the water and she's uh probably gonna lay eggs we're gonna move her to the cayman pond okay because the cayman won't mess with her we've got other red bellies in that pond i like turtles [Music] don't you [Laughter] that is nice that is not a handle and nor is that on the menu oh that yeah feel free feel free she tried to bite your butt well i believe it when you're putting her right next to it he's so crazy all right i'm gonna let the turtle go in the cayman palm because the turtle's too big and the cayman can't do any harm to it jeremy you're going to go down to the edge here dump it right on the edge of the water and the ground and they'll start coming up and eating that one goes over there yeah that one's down there oh wow coming in hot coming in hot for some ground beef i saw one so far i see another head a third head one came in a two came in well look at this one's teeth this one was a rescue that someone had bought and kept it in an aquarium with just a regular light bulb that one right there getting any vitamins oh wow no vitamin d so it's teeth are all funky all messed up yeah but now look how big it is it grows it eats it it does great it's just always going to have those funny keys oh i see it now it's kind of like a snaggle yeah oh i see forehead [Applause] whoa i have an ex-girlfriend like that with those teeth with the snaggle teeth yeah that's what i call their snaggle hello you got chase last time no i did the chasing wait wait were you chasing me well me okay just to be clear jeremy i am not aggressive far from it whatever you say robbie you still got that bowl yes ma'am sorry ma'am whatever you say oh we got the meat we have the meat i didn't get too much in the water there that doesn't matter they'll come up and get that they'll come up and get it it's too dark for the butt uh coming already there's one grab some a piece right there there's the meat do we see any floating heads yet there's one with a big piece of meat in there oh yeah oh she just disappeared you can follow the meat though follow the meat you know what i'm getting right now fear farts i'm out of here jeremy jeremy let's go it's getting late leave some meat for the gators come on jeremy [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 160,124
Rating: 4.8843598 out of 5
Id: -pbu4A2NJkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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