GOLD PARADISE Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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[Music] oh hell hello there uh mr presley got my lucky bag filled with my lucky collection ready to play and win big what are you going to win today george i don't know but i know i want to be in the profit zone ha wait wait i have no idea oh check out my sideburns and don't forget to subscribe so you can check out these sideburns even more you want me to comb those two like i comb the hair on your toes yes please [Music] here we go elvis here we go starting off with twenty five dollars in quarters look at this this is this is the tropical vacation we've been dreaming of you got palm trees look look there's two posts in between for a hammock are those coconuts down can look at that look at the back you see that that's the that's the water that's the ocean crashing up on the beach on the palm trees that's the waves that's what i see am i seeing things again yeah yeah you are i thought you said you wanted to go on vacation finally well yeah with this pandemic and everything i do would like to get away we'll be under some palm trees sipping on some coconut juice i see a place for a hammock my feet in the ocean catching me a shark so i can wrestle it let's play i'll catch you all right catch me shark let's see what kind of shirt i think i'm going to go left start off left because 85 of the time left does not disappoint and just to be clear these are not towers we have boycotted towers oh there goes the hammock post these would be trees correct [Music] [Music] i like lumber lady better than lumber joe number ladies not bad but i mean really who cuts down a beautiful palm tree like that no one no we should get a palm tree like that like a bunch of them but in ohio a palm tree wouldn't survive so we should get same palm trees where would you put them the faux ones you put them in the backyard by the fire pit all over all over the property and then in the winter time just bring them back in store them somewhere not a bad idea but why why bring them in why not let them let them uh heat up the outside for a little bit you don't want the winter storms to ruin them really so you bring them in it's kind of like outdoor outdoor patio furniture you bring it in the winter time and then bring it back out once it's nice and warm those trees haven't buzzed yet no but i got two of the hundreds to fall over it's good that you got them to fall making progress it'd be better if you felt the trees making baby steps here the goal is to knock down one of the trees i thought the goal was to knock down both of the trees well baby steps remember baby steps what you talking about a baby you got some explaining to do not that kind of baby you got some serious cleaning to do small winning steps how's that small winning steps forget the baby we're talking about winning [Music] with all this adoption you've been doing lately i don't think i can do any any babies you know what i picked envisioned if i were to have a kid it would come out with sideburns i knew you and elvis were up to something because they would have that middle eastern blood in it and just be naturally hairy yeah you have natural sideburns i can just transplant your sideburns up to my bald spot you can have them if we can make that work take them take them both i give it to you and both my sideburns can i have them in my mail pot of pattern ball absolutely wherever you want them but wouldn't it be better to take your own hair from your lower back to replace your spottiness you want to get rid of my back teeth yes it's a goatee on my back you want to get rid of my back it has got to go that is one of my that is one of my special features you don't even see it you don't ever see it so you all miss it i run my fingers through that hair no you don't [Music] no you don't say like wow this is so lush and thick why can't the top of my head be as lush as my the back the lower the hair on my lower back i did have hair before i met you you had a little bit of hair a little bit a little bit i was lighter and much more what two years what two years could do to you what an egyptian could do to you in two years i used to have a lot of dark hair now i have a lot of gold hair gold and silver hair oh you just dropped something [Music] you got some hundreds to fall or no no 100 100 got some palm trees to drop drop i think the coconuts are on the ground aren't they what are the quarters on top good point okay those are coconuts just fall you've got the lime and the coconut pushing them both out of borders yep i'm out of quarters how'd you get that much i was able to push off 15 quarters i didn't realize you pushed that much off or should i say coconuts coconut definitely coconuts because we on vacation right someone now baby a pina colada um can i be your lotion boy you can be my water boy can i be your water boy yes yes you can we on vacation how's that how's that wave that wave in the back there yeah how does that feel feels fantastical look at all the local wildlife in that wave there's something big and blue i think it's a it's a blue whale back there on that wave got the hunter to roll off the pusher yeah in vacation terms she just knocked down my hammock i thought it was funny recorded it put it on youtube thought it was a funny card i didn't think that was really funny i didn't think that was very funny at all george [Music] did you know that i found a couple hammocks they're at the warehouse really yeah when uh christian and me and i were filming we had to decide which hammocks for kelly's island and which one's for florida oh nice what kind of hammock you know the kind that you hammock in the one that you can get your hammock on yeah that's exactly what nice is it the ropey kind or the fabric uh honestly i don't remember we see too much stuff every day i can't even remember what we did yesterday yeah your memory's getting bad i must be rubbing off on you [Music] i wish all right down to two quarters [Music] you should ask our neighbors then and see if we can rent a boat yeah don't take don't invite them to go on vacation with us just see if we can rent a phone what about that friends and family discount what'd you do with that 20 block that you still haven't shown it's right here in my closet she keeps forgetting i did forget to show you she wants to put corners in and knock these trees over i want to win more maybe we can maybe we can actually rent a boat with that 20. what do you think yeah we can negotiate a little bit did you just say haggle a little bit yeah haggle or snag another term for buyers and resellers for like negotiating haggle is a green term that derives from the [Music] and that's why we do it all the time you just stopped 100 now you just dropped a leaf now nice and you're triggered on the far left is getting ready to drop i just need to drop it leaves for sure [Music] [Music] i think there are technically might be called palm branches down to one quarter make it a good one oh it jumped all the way to the right maybe you should huff and puff and blow those trees down [Music] i'm going down in digits with quarters i've got 9.50 yeah that's scary you think you can bring it back bringing coconuts back [Music] just as long as you don't bring it back with me in a coconut broth because i think we did that a little over a year ago i caught you trying on a coconut brown now i'd actually fit in [Music] it's been a rough winter [Music] like just let it go benny let it go you just got elvis to sing [Music] sweet [Music] come on get a good push get them waves to crash on something that's looking a little better i'm back in the double digits with ten dollars not bad not bad something you're doing is going right even though you're still going well should i go left or center right i i don't know i think honestly i think you go right try and knock that bag over okay and into the palm tree and get the palm tree to fall down i could be completely totally off but and i usually am but maybe something will happen that would be awesome or to get some of those boxes down which reminds me here's the 200 that fell but it's nowhere near the profits moves happens no i don't think i've seen a tree move yet but i might have been blinking a little bit admittedly so [Music] give me a really good tsunami wave elvis that'll take it all down the trees have definitely moved the the leaves are up against the glass now the question is can you groove with the moon that's what we all want to know george are you going to groove and groove it as you move all right last quarter come on give me something good nice 12.25 to push off very nice i'm gonna continue dropping coconuts on the right trying to get that mystery bag off maybe even push some boxes some coconut a fruit or a vegetable it would be considered but it's a nut what just happened wow i got one of my quarters to jump but if you knock the box right in now that would be awesome if a coconut's a fruit why is it called a coconut not a cocoa fruit good question my friend good question your answer i don't question the english language but you're the only master of the english language that i know no such thing no such thing not at all so technically it's a fruit i think so yeah i think it falls in the fruit family i could be wrong could very well be wrong i'm just i'm curious what they call it a coco fruit things that make you say [Music] and coconut is one of them is it don't nuts nuts grow on trees right [Music] so obviously all bugs don't grow on trees not all of them oh there goes the mystery bag boom nice now take that treat out [Music] crash it right into the tree make it wave right into the tree all right down to two quarters make sure none is hiding in the bag only two left in the lucky bag oh there's a good oh oh oh that's full nice there's that hundred bucks you can't beat that 20.75 you are definitely going up now it's time to take a tree down i'm not a tree hugger but i'm all about uh taking a tree or leaving a tree up in reality but this tree has got to go down this particular tree needs to come on down gotta go down you're going down tree i i never like to take a tree down me neither the dead ones i don't mind but i mean i like shake too i love shade as well and throwing shade and catching shade hammock in the shade and making the shade is the best remember the hammock behind my house in the in the goalie that we we were gonna we were gonna fall asleep on one night but we never did never happened but then it broke it did [Music] because my fire pit is right next to the hammock literally right next to it fall asleep to the sounds of the crickets and the fire crackling mosquitoes buzzing in your ears brown bats flying over us eating the mosquitoes now that's what i am talking about i do remember the one time you lit one of those japanese lanterns and almost caught oh that's a good story you should tell that that was our third day right it did happen on day three where you thought it would be a romantical idea to light up one of those japanese uh paper lanterns and i looked at you i was like uh i don't know if that's a good idea those are illegal in ohio which i found them in a storage unit i have no idea that they were legal or illegal or yeah if you don't know what a japanese lantern is it's pretty much [Music] it's paper it's thin paper and you have to assemble it together with like this thin wiring and then you light you light apart the wick on fire and then the heat makes it right kind of like a hot air balloon and so something happened where the paper caught on fire which shouldn't have happened it was floating straight from my pine trees it was floating which are foreign the sap the sap is extremely flammable and so i'm recording this whole thing laughing and while jeremy's in hysterics because he thinks he's gonna light his entire backyard on fire [Music] over its romantic idea and you kept jumping up for it and you kept jumping upward trying to take it down it was an epic fail on my part yeah i still had that video what did you wish for you never told me no i didn't i didn't wish for anything i told her to make a wish she had to make nice your wish just made something come true there that's a nice looking uh hundred dollar box right there box fell as we were pulling in 27.50 i think you got to go to the right that tree is closest it isn't its way closer to the glass yes and from from the angle that i'm standing at right now it looks like it'll fall definitely into my favor that's why i was gonna say that palm tree is definitely [Music] yeah it's going to fall in where you go oh nice oh caught up a little bit on the divider it's going to dance around a little bit but you'll get it to drop oh yeah it's mine you're mine you hear me that's what she said to me on day three that's what i said they wanted to claim you you're mine now [Music] with the evil laughs remember your famous line my my not so convincing scent help [Music] life [Music] look at the waves the waves slowly crashing into the center it's so peaceful yeah if you can shut off the noise of the entire casino and just envision being on a quiet beach way this definitely reminds me of an asmr happy place yes for sure we're missing is a pina colada or a strawberry daiquiri or you can mix up both flavors and that's called the miami vice arabic dishes no it's an americanized drink you take a frozen pina colada and a frozen strawberry daiquiri you mix the two flavors together and you have a miami vice all i know is that was a tv show it's okay grasshopper you don't have to understand everything because i know i don't [Music] good push you like that i like it a lot oh 20 bucks just fell what's it gonna take to get that tree to fall [Music] [Music] i gotta get enough ammo to just rapid fire and then i can get it now [Music] right now i'm just going slow and steady because i want to stay in the game don't hate the play i hate the game oh thank you 120 in paper money and [Music] [Music] okay you got enough you got a rapid fire to the right okay [Music] rapido [Music] [Music] [Applause] i didn't say anything at all i didn't say anything talking so much oh my goodness oh my goodness that was perfect rapid fire that was perfect wow that was [Music] oh that mystery bag it's on the edge it's ready wow it's ready to go wow i'm impressed i have to say i am impressed thank you and thank you for admitting that you're talking smack about i met your hands i was throwing [Music] [Applause] a box just fell and the mystery bag just found you're like you ain't my dad [Music] mystery bag is holding on by a thread you got to get it to drop drop its arms are up like like it's [Music] wow that was an awesome push i'm dropping it down the center so center's the winner now center i'm doing center center left center right that's where i'm dropping these george coconuts don't you don't want to get more ammo [Music] i am i am getting more ammo things are moving on the left and the right [Music] all right i'm down to two quarters what do you think elvis fascination was i can look it up on that google machine yeah i'm not that interested okay nevermind [Music] how heavy is the mystery bag uh it's pretty it's kind of heavy nice it's definitely not lying nice and of course she's not going to let me see 57.50 you're gonna you rapid firing for more quarters to the right you're going to knock a tree gonna try and get some of those for my small hands that tree was definitely just shaking was it oh yeah i feel like you should shake some coconuts for me shake them coconuts shake shake shake [Music] shake them coconuts right out of them so the last time i was in mexico with my uh with my girlfriend's perfect for a bachelorette party um on the resort there was a worker there taking fresh coconuts off the tree there on the resort cutting it open with his machete just giving them out to whoever and then we would just tip them [Music] and then we got straws from the bar and just drank the coconut juice straight out of the fresh coconut it was incredible what does it taste like it tastes like coke have you ever had coconut juice coconut water no it tastes like coconut so you've had the artificial flavor of a coconut it tastes just like coconut but it doesn't taste like chicken it does not taste like chicken [Music] my best guess would be would go with fruit but i could be wrong a strawberry is considered a vegetable but technically what are you talking about because it has seeds because of the seeds and the strawberry technically it's a vegetable but we call it we categorize it under the fruit then what's a watermelon what's an apple same thing what's an orange what's the great i don't think you can use that seed definition for vegetables oh there it goes right down the divider [Music] i mean i've got seed in these loins would you call me a vegetable maybe i'm completely wrong about the strawberry thing maybe i'm stronger than everything hold a second back up can you repeat that please maybe i'm just wrong like i said earlier i might be wrong about the coconut it's a little loud in here i'm not sure what you actually just said i could be completely wrong about the strawberry thing ladies and gentlemen it's finally happened the moment we've all been waiting for that was not my first time a woman just admitted that she was wrong not just any woman a stubborn arabic woman admitted that she is wrong it wasn't my first time definitely not my first somebody called guinness book a rule for world records i almost said world war i guess i didn't say it yeah you did this is a momentous occasion it must be documented it must be preserved for all history t-shirts will be made fake news in an article that i read you do read a lot of fake news articles you're like oh look at this i'm like that is so fake [Music] i i saw it on facebook it must be real if it's on the internet it must be real like jeremy i just read an article on the internet said you're worth 5 to 10 million dollars i was like fake i just write an article on myself and it said my net worth is like [Music] mine is five 500.000 ten million i wish they could narrow it down a little bit like where do they where do they get these figures from the casino it'd be nice if they narrowed it down a wee tad bit by the way for anybody listening george is not worth five hundred thousand dollars i'm priceless she's priceless me on the other hand if i've got a dollar to my name [Music] i'd be lucky [Music] usually if i have a dollar to my name i end up giving it to somebody you ever see the you probably haven't but there was an episode on the family guy when lois was dating peter in the beginning her dad did not want her dating eater at all and instead of saying lois is priceless he accidentally said lois is worthless george is priceless i am worthless [Music] that's my real net worth the funny thing is is we we see on google google autofills and autofill and google tells you what what people are looking at so the top the top search for my name is people trying to find out how much money i'm worth that is the very first thing that people try and research the second they want to marry your name well they want to know if we're married and they try and find your full name my full legal name so they're trying to find out how much money i'm worth if we're married and what your full legal name is which george is the part of my legal name [Music] those are the top searches there's actually a tv show that or not a tv show but a talk show that does that where they bring on celebrities and they look up questions about themselves and what people google it's interesting to say the least and it's interesting what the internet says about it that isn't real yeah that was my last quarter [Music] hello benjamin we meet again hello [Music] 92.75 reporters do you think the viewers actually realize when we say these things that they're inside jokes maybe [Music] let us know in the comments if you guys pause the video to look up our network confession time and then after your answer then put hashtag confession time i can assure you 100 that there is no accurate numbers whatever you saw online there are absolutely no accuracy so far off it's ridiculous yeah [Music] oh it's so ridiculously far off [Music] it's funny it's literally funny that's how far we laughed we left [Music] [Music] i think one of the other questions is is george hales pregnant yes that's one as well yeah people are always trying to find out if you're pregnant if i'm pregnant which is impossible am i just always glowing all the time i don't get it why would they look that up probably because you're always moody we're always hungry always tired always craving something pretty much there that is george in a nutshell like craving buttermilk pancakes i don't have weird cravings i don't think i think they're just normal you did crave pancakes this morning yeah i don't think there's anything weird about that it's not like i'm craving peanut butter and pickles together dip a pickle a baby pickle dill pickle and peanut butter [Music] or like vanilla ice cream and mustard nothing out of the ordinary i wouldn't exactly call you orton just went up by a hundred dollars you saw it here first folks well they won't be able to see your net worth [Music] but they they look up my net worth because they have my full name yeah yes yes they do or they try and look up well they try and look up a lot of crazy things [Music] well i'm getting some good pushes going down the center that's always the best place to put i'm trying to attack that hundred on the right and the tree attack it attack [Music] wow did you see that not only did i see it i felt it made it rain i felt it i've got my i've got my lawn chair with my feet in the water somewhere digging your toes in the sand yes and i felt it rumble we're finally finally we've got that that golden dream vacation we're there on the beach the sand's a little brighter than i thought it would be it's kind of blinding the only thing we were missing was a hammock well and don't forget the frozen pina colada i already forgot that [Music] you know why 100's [Music] elvis is trying to steal my thunder he's like dare only he's like get that weak stuff out of here and then start singing his own song oh now sweet stuff i didn't say an elvis said it [Music] moved a little bit what's the weirdest thing you found googling yourself [Music] the weirdest thing that you're you're not worth no whether i'm pregnant or not i just thought that was odd but they just they just searched i mean in the wintertime i layer up i'll put on a tank top i'll put on a t-shirt i'll put on a long sleeve shirt and then a hoodie on top of that hoodie i'll put on a police jacket so maybe because i have so many layers on and with my hoodie having one of those kangaroo pouches it may look like i have a little bump that's the only thing i can think of all the layers add on uh add on some weight plus the camera adds on 10 pounds uh the camera added 30 pounds to me i don't know where you're getting 10 pounds oh as long as long as you're blaming it on the camera and not me for your week you added 30 more pounds on top of that 30 pounds also well it's simple edition you have here's 30 pounds because i love your sweets and you can't help yourself and you eat too much in one sitting bad and because any time you have food in your hands you take a bite [Music] you boxed the nasty stuff that i would never eat [Music] i mean if i think you're enjoying it yeah i'll shove it down your mouth like here finish it he must really like this so i don't want to be greedy i'm just scared of you to say no oh is that right yeah that's right [Music] [Music] come on baby keep it coming keep it coming [Music] oh so close what did yes just call me a what you heard me [Music] better knock that tree down before i do no i want to give you uh a shot at it i knocked one down you can knock the other down i've heard that before don't believe you it'll be he's got it close give me the bag you don't believe me that would be what i just said but i can repeat it if you need to this is not rapido this is rapido i don't believe you it's called skimming the bag i'm eating for two now see that's how rumors start well those are those are kind of fun rumors for us to laugh at when we see it [Music] online all right i'm getting low on quarters i've got a handful of quarters [Music] all right last quarter oh yeah my turn and two more benny boys decided to join the hales crew we got a few more we still got a rescue was able to push off triple digits and coins 105.75 put me in coach put me in you ready to play yes the goal is rapido [Music] no warm-ups no warm-ups nothing let's [Music] wow you're getting massive pushes already oh yeah that is a massive push keep doing what you're doing [Music] don't stop get it get it don't stop get it get it i've heard that song before believe it or not sings that song the most awkward these are toughies i probably should have stretched yeah all right i'm getting them in my hand here we go here we go i mean it definitely doesn't hurt to stretch and get your finger exercise on all right here we go another one oh i got the popcorn i got the marquee lights we still don't know why those pumps are getting closer and they're not even going for that i'm going for the tree [Music] all right here we go here we go well if you can get that hundred to keep pushing while going for the tree yeah that would be epic that would be kind of epic i'll give you that all right here we go man maybe i should go with mediocre medium [Music] okay here we go [Music] we're going for it we're going to get it to fall one way or another it's all moving what's it doing it's all all of it is moving all across the plane is that good or bad i think it's a good thing um all right here we go [Music] when the lights he's getting tense up in here [Music] what'd you say you want to go camping yeah yeah here we go go lumber it down do what lumber it down maybe this is elvis's way of getting back at you like do you want to make one of my bff and her rapid fire speed maybe maybe it is all right here we go that hundred's really close though one or two more good pushes [Music] maybe he's trying to get back at me or maybe i'm about ready to get even with him even stephen stephen stephen [Music] how did i know you're gonna say that how did i know want that tree all right here we go oh there it goes they just slid down the hopper that's not what i was going for nice work i mean that's a bonus if i got it but the tree's definitely leaning to the right it wants to fall yeah it's like jeremy take the wheel take the wheel jeremy i haven't heard it say one thing oh i'm a coin whisperer value [Music] [Music] you know if i don't get the top of the tree down at a bare minimum i'll get quarters for you definitely get quarters it never hurts to get four quarters [Music] maybe if elvis thinks to it [Music] okay [Music] shocked that it hasn't fallen down yet well that and that's going to the right [Music] movement come on that thing does not want to fall all right go for it again [Music] let's see what happens come on right here right here right now and uh we still got a jam back there all right yeah i got ding dong to the tree let's sing it now all right let's pull and this is the good news benjamin and 122 in quarters bad news when we were counting it fell she decided to take a rest it [Music] we're glad that it fell we're not glad that that jam isn't unjammed yet should i call a plumber i mean you might have to call somebody you got mario and luigi on speed dial or should i call ghostbusters that would be good too [Music] do you know why why because you're too hot to handle the whole [Music] nicely here it comes here comes the boom [Music] that hunter got crushed right in the center [Music] i see two 100 bills on the plane do you see any more so two more to rescue and then boom we're done if if we can rescue him i'm just bumped up he didn't [Music] you do like to watch beautiful things get a destroyed inches later so close come on this has been such a long fight oh come on get it my ears yeah you got it finally a few inches later oh this has got you you got it come on come on come on come on come come on come on we need that last one to make it a perfect vacation it'll be a perfect vacation with that last one oh come on oh my goodness it's so close [Music] you need one really good boom did you say boom or football push [Music] [Music] it is literally just playing with you that's not even right right there it's not even right at all got it that's a nice little haul there isn't it 1 180 vacation money paper money nice holy hair 198 and 50 cents second there i thought it was going to be another record breaker of quarters what's in the bag george what's in the bag i gotta know is it what i think it is is it yeah yes nice one ounce i love it that's what i thought it was [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 261,891
Rating: 4.922924 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: qyY3HiM93JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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