I Made A Viral TikTok Song

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doja cat the baby little nas x what do all these artists have in common they've all seen huge surges in popularity from having their songs blow up on tick tock with viral dances and trends propelling songs to the top of the charts not just on tiktok but on spotify and billboard artists are trying now more than ever to get their songs to go big on tiktok which is why two months ago i came up with a plan to create not just any song but the perfect song for tick tock a song that would take every element that makes songs popular on tiktok and combine them all into one perfect song for tick tock and disguise myself as a fake artist to release it will the song blow up just as i suspected or will it all blow up in my face ending in ridicule for making an abomination of music a frankenstein's monster of pop culture this is the story of how i created the perfect song for tick tock what's up greg and welcome back to another episode of an attempt that's right i'm gonna be making an attempt i don't know if it's to work out but we're going to see guys i want to make a tick tock song okay that's not a song called tick tock it's not a song about tick tock it's a song for tick tock over the past couple years countless artists have blown up on take time and guess what daddy wants some of that clout but now i'm wondering is it possible to force a song to blow up on tiktok that is what i'm going to find out today or however long this takes me probably longer than a day because honestly i've noticed that a lot of popular tic-tac songs have some very similar things about them that make them so good for tick tock things like deliberately specific dancing instructions make them perfect for people like charlie dimigio and addison ray one line of a song that can be interpreted a million different ways so a bunch of people can make a tick tock with the same song but have a slightly different joke to it i'm going to create the perfect song for tick tock a song that has no choice but to blow up a song that the biggest tick talkers in the world will be lining up to make tick tocks with thus making the song one of the most popular sounds on tick tock thus making it popular on spotify thus giving daddy that clout and i am saying this very confidently knowing damn well that i have no idea if this is gonna work in fact the funny thing about this is i actually tried to make this video like six months ago in february and i said i sort of got stuck because it was too hard and i sort of forgot about it and gave up but i think this time i got all right so how many videos would you think i would need to be viral on tick-tock i guess that's what we have to figure out first like what am i aiming for here after looking at a bunch of songs in tik-tok's own tik-tok viral list it seemed like the songs that go viral on tick tock had a huge range of the number of videos that they have with some even going up to the multiple millions of videos but the very lowest that i could find had around 69 000 videos so i figured a good baseline for like the most baby little tiny viral song would be about 50 000 videos so that's what i decided to go with let's say 50 000. i feel like that's still a pretty lofty goal and i feel like i would be pretty darn impressed if i got 50 000 videos for my song on tick tock and we might not reach the goal but you know what they say shoot for the moon and if you miss at least you'll land among the stars or suffocate in space i suppose the first thing i actually had to do was write the song back in february when my sorry ass tried to make this video the first time i reached out to a few popular tik tok creators for some advice and to see if they thought this was even possible the results were mixed do you think that that could work so what is oh my god that would work so you got this i think that definitely could work um i don't know maybe with your audience and following possibly nevertheless they all had some pretty valuable insight about what makes a song popular on tick tock that would be absolutely crucial going forward you just need something that you can dance to especially like stuff that sounds like throw that ass back ass throw it back you need to dance to go along with it tick tock dances are the same dance just in a randomized form so maybe if i made a song that was like the lyrics are just like a string of dance moves people would like people would just make a dance to that [Music] it'll be like the cha-cha slide of tick-tock one line that can be kind of used in a bunch of different ways yeah i think a lot of beat drops say something that's kind of like relatable so another thing that i've heard is that like artists who want to blow up on tick tock will pay tick tockers to make songs with their tick tocks i have at least six requests on my instagram right now they're like hey man can you make a challenge or something to my audio you have like 2.3 million followers on tick tock how many followers do you have on tick tock now 500 000 somewhere on there so i feel like if you made a tick tock with a song there's like a decent chance that it could like become a trend right yeah i guess so yeah so it's like is that something you would consider doing like taking payment to make a like a song or like a tick tock huh oh oh that's so weird there's 20 dollars in the background here is that something that like you guys would consider if someone was willing to to pay you oh oh my god is it is this like a three-year-old 25 amazon gift card is that a racehorse cafe uh is that for me huh that's weird how'd that get there i don't know would you ever consider like if someone had like a bunch of money when you say a bunch of money do you mean twenty dollars i don't know it could be 20 could be i don't know more or so you might have ulterior motives with this call but curtis come on man we're friends but it's weird as soon as you started talking about my following and then paying someone to make a video and then you pay into the money on the wall it's just all okay now you're agreeing with me but even then i still felt a little bit lost on where exactly to start so i looked up the lyrics to all the most popular songs on tick tock copied and pasted them all into one document and then used that chunk of text to generate a word cloud i figured this would be super helpful in writing the song since i didn't know what to write about plus i really liked this website they had lots of cool shapes that you could make your word cloud like a little cow cloud and a little ladybug cloud i picked a gecko hope you guys like my word cloud as you can see i went for a gecko not for any practical reason i just think it looks cool as [ __ ] especially since the biggest word on the gecko is [ __ ] like it's just this gecko that says [ __ ] on it i think that's that's pretty tight so i think there's some general themes that we can extract from this data we got girls we got booty we got [ __ ] girls booty [ __ ] now that's a winning combination all in all i think this gecko is going to be really crucial in writing the song i'll be looking to the gecko alive i'm stumped while writing the song i can just look to the gecko like what do i want to talk about next booty of course after i'm done shaking my booty i can get to work in and smash it and that's a hit song so i began the tedious process of crafting the perfect beat i worked for days and days crafting the perfect melody making the drums slap in just the right way mixing it until it sounded perfect and i'm just kidding i just bought a beat online it was way easier and it sounded better than anything i could have made so that's what i did oh yeah it was a slapper to be sure then i fired up the auto-tune and got to writing so i suppose the first thing we should do is the chorus because that's got to be the catchiest part [Music] now we can try to come up with words for it so this is like the first line of the song i feel like in tick tock songs where the beat drops there's there should be like an important line there's got to be something kind of badass that makes tick tockers want to be like i'm hot [ __ ] it could also be something funny and self-aware and maybe people would like that too what's like a relatable scenario that people would like to make tick tocks about a time that they [ __ ] up or like were a clown i'm a [ __ ] clown oh yeah okay wait no it could be kind of cool starting off with i'm a [ __ ] clown sounds like it's going to be a dumb song but then like then what if it's like but she wants to join the circus then it sounds kind of cool like i may be a clown but this girl she's kind of a freak she kind of wants to join the circus okay so now i need to figure out something that rhymes with circus epidermis um yeah this is that dermatologist rap we're talking about the epidermis now baby curtis so to maximize my chances of getting this song to be popular on tik tok i wanted to include something in the song for every type of tick-tocker just absolutely squeeze every genre of tik-tok into this one song that i could writing the song was a challenge to say the very least i was totally out of my comfort zone i kept getting writer's block uh luckily though i did have the gecko which at the very least gave me some solid inspiration oh gecko oh gecko please please tell me what to write next uh maybe i should say hello at some point in here is that endearing is that cool so what if i'm a hoe you're not perfect either sweetheart booty i got smash i got pow like pow pow pow i'm gonna make her bud explode like pow pow pow all in all writing the song took about two days and the trickiest part was making a song that had all of these elements that would make it go popular on tik tok while still making it a cohesive song that like made sense and sounded fun and is catchy hopefully then i just recorded a final version of the vocals and sent it off to a mixing engineer to get the final song sounding perfect i'm a [ __ ] clown and you gonna join the circus hitting that dance that she learned on tick tock like clap and slide elbow he'll be running home to mommy hold up none of this lame [ __ ] dude i'm trying to rap bring the beat back that's a glow up what more can i say all right i've done it i've created the perfect tic toc song a song that will appeal to every side of tick tock you cannot convince me otherwise this song is the most tick-tock-able song possible but now it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is because i actually have to get the song to blow up on tik-tok which you know what before i thought that writing the song was the hardest part because it took so long but now i'm starting to think that this is going to be really hard because what are the uh what are the odds that i'm going to get my song to blow up on tick tock that seems almost impossible how many songs are released every day and how many of them blow up on tick tock maybe one maybe not even one maybe a half a song it was pretty difficult seeing any clear path from releasing my first serious attempt at making a viral song to becoming an overnight sensation but after a lot of plotting i came up with a few strategies that i'm going to employ that you'll see in a bit but first i decided for all these strategies it would probably be best if i disguised myself now you might be asking why why is that necessary danny and also didn't you already do this in a different video you disguised yourself and didn't a bunch of your followers figure out it was you like right away well yeah all those things are true but at this time is different and there's a few reasons i think it's important first of all i do not want this song on my youtube channel i don't want to release this as me at all because it sounds nothing like anything i would make i don't want to post this for my followers and be like hey this is guys this is the type of music i'm going to be making now dude what do you think you like it it's about being a clown and a hoe and shaking your ass and honestly actually now that i think about it it does sound like kind of a cool idea for a song but since i didn't want to release this as me the only other real option was releasing it anonymously creating a fake artist identity to release it under but also i want this song to blow up because it's so tick-tockable not because i made it and i already have however many followers and people just want to get in on a song that i made so in the interest of not posting this on my own social media and making it fair i gotta make a disguise how to disguise yourself alright we got a wikihow article how to disguise yourself looking to disappear not at all i'm looking to go viral method one changing your features change your hair getting a drastic haircut is the quickest way to look completely different wear glasses and sunglasses ah it worked for clark kent oh yeah i worked for the superhero in the fictional story yeah everything about that was pretty realistic i'll do that lighten or darken your skin to further confuse people probably not going to do that men should consider dressing up or down in a if you usually dress like a 19 year old consider how your father dresses and start taking cues from him okay interesting could i try to make myself look like an older gentleman that might kind of work imagine if you're scrolling on tick tock and you see kind of like an older man that's already like a little bit weird on tick tock you're kind of taking it back because it's mostly like youth so then imagine seeing an old man and he's like hey guys check out my new [ __ ] track and it's this absolute banger oh [ __ ] how to put together a good disguise according to the cia all right this is gonna have some pro tips i can already tell the cia has a number of ways to change someone's appearance including full face masks but simpler ways to completely change the face are dental facades and plumpers which mask your teeth and even reform the shape of your face what's a what's a plumper the it can reshape your face what is a plumper the act of falling heavily a plumping do people say that when someone falls down that's a plumper an object carried in the mouth to fill out the cheeks oh interesting so it can get maybe give my face like a rounder look if i get some plumpers can you listen to my song on tip top so i headed to goodwill to pick up some new clothes and start crafting my disguise and let me tell you what i was dripping all right this is my disguise so far camo shorts of course with the they're like cargo shorts too they got the cargo shorts pocket then i found this shirt that says common loon and uh i feel like it describes me pretty well because i am a common loon [Music] do i look like a different person i feel like this just looks like i have cotton balls in my mouth it just looks like your cheeks are filled out a little bit okay now because i'm not posting this song on my own account like i did with the zaden thing i wasn't super worried about people recognizing me since i'm posting this on tick tock with zero followers just random people are going to be seeing it not exclusively my followers and tic toc has 800 million users and i have four million subscribers so i figured even if a few people recognize me like percentage-wise it's gonna be so little that it doesn't really matter so i wasn't gonna get super fancy i didn't want to deep fake myself which would take like literal days for each video i just got some new clothes some cool sunglasses and an epic fake goatee made out of real human hair oh yeah nice i feel like i look like waluigi wow listen to my song okay that looks kind of real right yeah throwing the shades oh my god i'm a different dude the disguise definitely started to ease my hesitation about the song a little bit i was worried the song didn't really feel like me so the more i started to feel like someone else the better it felt plus i walked into another room and scared laura because she thought there was a stranger walking around our house so i felt pretty good about that and now it's time to start strategy one [Music] a more recent song i saw blow up on tick tock was curtis water's song stun it and the first time i ever heard the song was in a tick tock that he made where he was basically just dancing to the song and asking people to check it out over the course of the next couple weeks the song went absolutely crazy it became like a huge thing on tick tock and that carried over to spotify 2 where his song now has over 100 million streams on spotify uh daddy wants some of that clown so maybe if i just asked people to listen to my song they would so off i went making tick tocks where i basically just lip synced danced a little bit to the song my editor christian filmed all of these and in the end i had six tick tocks that i could release strategically throughout the next couple days all right so you're probably wondering why there's a baby in the back oh yeah i also bought this baby let me explain why i was a little worried that just asking people to listen to my song wouldn't be enough pizzazz to get people excited about it but sometimes on tick tock i see things go viral that are just like pretty normal videos where something weird happens in the background it makes people want to comment on the weird thing going on in the background they watch it over and over to see the weird thing going on in the background all things the tiktok algorithm loves so i devised a tik-tok where i'm dancing to my song and asking people to listen to it in the foreground but in the background a baby falls out of a tree it's the perfect amount of confusing and concerning how did that baby get in that tree how did he not notice the baby fall out of the tree are there more babies in the tree all questions i predicted would absolutely flood the comment section of this tick tock so a long story short i basically spent 20 minutes throwing a baby doll up into a tree at the park [Music] he's on x games mode [Music] oh my god that's so violent it's kind of disturbing once i got tired of throwing the baby it was time to get to work i got the song ready for release and submitted it to spotify and all the other streaming services including tick tock this is where i had to come up with an artist's name i didn't really know what to put for this but i mentioned foxes twice in the song so i figured maybe foxes are important to this dude and i named him fox season i also decided to make his real name ned flames because i had to put that in like the credits of the song and i just thought that ned flame sounded cool so that's his name within a day or two the song was up on tick tock and i began methodically posting each of the six videos i had filmed stunning in my great crocs she a bad [ __ ] i'm a stone cold fox air force one with the knee-high socks hitting that dance that she learned on tick tock like clap and slide all right everyone phase one is complete and the results are unimpressive right now i've got 11 followers none of my tick tocks have over 20 likes we got 9 likes we got 7 likes we got 13 likes 12 19 9 and that's it that being said i do have a couple of fans already this guy said i like it this person says sounds pretty clean is it on apple music i also surprisingly already had some haters or at the very least some very confusing interactions one person said this better be a joke so i commented back what do you mean as in what do you mean a joke this is my dream my name is ned flames and music is my passion i got another comment from this dude giovanni and the first comment that he left was pretty mean and i responded to it acting like i didn't know it was supposed to be mean and then he actually deleted that comment and then followed me and now comments nice things on my tick tocks he commented is it on spotify he left this comment which i don't really understand he said once more people that like your music see your videos you'll get more famous oh maybe he meant the more people that like your music see your videos you'll get more famous which is i mean objectively true the more people that like my music the more famous i will be now here's the big rep this is something that i suspected might happen if my song started to get popular i did not expect it to happen with only like 11 followers and 70 likes on my page but a couple people exactly one couple of people two people have recognized that it is me one person said sounds like danny gonzalez and another person said is that danny gonzalez and then commented again on a different tick tock and said that's danny gonzalez i know it but with all that being said i am still failing this experiment so it's time to move on to plan b [Music] now it was time for people to really see how good this song is for tick tock so i'm gonna milk it for every possible tick tock i can make with it but since i didn't want to go to the park every time i wanted to shoot tic tocs i decided to get some more clothes go to walmart and get some posters and turn our guest bedroom into ned flames bedroom okay what would make this look more like a young single man's room guitar i had cords on the floor for realism trash on the tv stand and boom it was perfect right before my eyes ned flames was starting to become a real person a person with hobbies passions with dreams [Music] anyway i made some more tic and slash tocs shake the clap and slide elbow shaking and check them out they're pretty good first i just danced to the song like six times that way i could release one every day being like uh dancing to my song every day until it becomes a trend on tik tok then i did a pov i don't want those barbies to walk around like zombies i'll put a ring on it and if your ex trying to stop me he'll be running home to mommy i did a glow up where i took pictures of me from when i was younger and edited goatees onto them so i would look like ned flames and then all of a sudden boom i'm hot that's a glow up what more can i say and of course i had to do a video using the i'm a [ __ ] clown line so i headed to mcdonald's and made a video where i pretended to get the police called on me for scaring the mcdonald's employees i'm a [ __ ] clown i did not actually scare any mcdonald's employees that whole thing was not real i did get the travis scott burger though it was just okay all right things are getting things are getting a little bit crazy so the good news is my tick tocks are really taken off i have 486 followers some of my tick tocks have like four or five thousand views yeah look at 4 300 views 4 800 views the bad news is that it's entirely because people uh have found out that it's me for some reason even though before it was only like one out of every 100 people recognized me now it's like one out of every three people so like all my comments are just blowing up of people being like hey danny we know it's you danny danny i have caught you in your lie this was a pretty crazy development tic toc started off just showing my videos to random people just like whoever happened to be on the app at the time but after a while it seemed like tick tock's algorithm started to realize that most of the people interacting with my tick tocks all had one similar interest and that interest was me my whole plan kind of assumed that the people who would be seeing these tick tocks would just be random people who didn't know who i was so they wouldn't look too much into the disguise even if it looked a little bit fake but at this point tick-tock it seemed was exclusively showing my videos to people who already followed me it was so good at recognizing this pattern in fact that a few people sent me screenshots where if you go to the like suggested accounts under ned flames it would show my account first for a second i thought that my shot of becoming a viral sensation was over but just then i realized wait it doesn't matter in fact it actually seemed to be helping a lot because so many people were recognizing me due to either my voice or my ill-conceived disguise people were commenting on my videos sharing them tagging people clicking on my profile to see more even the chicago bulls mascot was getting in on the action that nasty little freak while people were interacting with my tick tocks thinking that they were putting a stop to my unhinged delusions they were actually fueling them causing them to show up on more and more people's for you page and so they did but there was still one problem i was having trouble converting people from commenting on my videos to making videos with the song it seems like all people want to do is comment they want to comment because they want me to see the comment they want me to put it in this video but no one is making tick tocks with the song that's the whole point i want people to make tweet with it i shouldn't say that a few people have there's 13 tick tocks that i didn't make using this song and they are people doing the dance like this one says do editing this song every day until my boy ned flames gets famous so that's pretty tight this kid has made like three of them which i appreciate i feel like people right now think that this is just a video about me trying to disguise myself on tik tok and they want to get in the video so they're commenting but what they don't understand is if they do a tick tock with the song there's a much better chance that they'll be in the video i think the way to do this is to get back in my disguise and start duetting people who make videos with the song that will that will tell people hey you gotta make a tick tock so that's my plan now i'm just gonna start duetting people who make tick tocks with the song hopefully that'll bump up that number from 25 to 50 000. yep [Music] while i was cranking out these duets i received a notification that made me stop in my tracks it was a comment from a verified account one with 1.9 million followers in fact and he said he was really glad that i wasn't danny gonzalez and after i responded asking him if he liked my song he said he was gonna do edit this was my biggest break yet an account with millions of followers was making a tick tock with my song i was shaking foaming at the mouth even but i couldn't break character i had to keep my cool i responded okay that sounds good and just like that a few minutes later he posted his duet and sure he did directly call me out as being danny gonzalez in the duet but i had a plan for that too i do edit his tick tock and covered up his text with some of my own right after that things went crazy tic toc's algorithm kicked it into high gear dude and my tick tocks went from having a couple thousand views to ten thousand a hundred thousand two hundred thousand a million views the most popular of them all became the glow up tick tock since i was using pictures of myself when i was younger i wasn't disguised at all except for the fake goatee and that combined with my completely undisguised voice made it painfully obvious it was me but to be honest that didn't really matter to me because people were making tick tocks with the song and what more could i really ask for and sure a lot of them were just to get my attention or in hopes of being in this video but some of them weren't a lot of them were like good original tick tocks they got a decent amount of likes and didn't have any reference to me at all this one's sitting at 18k 29k 65 000 likes now to be honest i don't know if any of these people recognized me or knew that this song was mine and were just doing it to be in the video or if they just thought it was a sound that they saw other people using we may never really know to be sure but i would bet that a good chunk of the people who saw these tick tocks have no idea who i am and probably just saw these tick tocks thinking oh this must just be some popular sound that people are using now and maybe that inspired them to make videos with it also my pov tick tock got removed for violating community guidelines i guess threatening to stab your ex's boyfriend as frowned upon on tick-tock and also no one ever really seemed to care about the baby falling out of the tree i put a lot of effort into that and no one ever really no one ever talked about that except this one comment that thought it was a rotisserie chicken anyway the sound kept rising and rising until eventually it plateaued around sixteen hundred videos which is pretty good but it still isn't fifty 000 so it's time to move on to strategy number three [Music] yeah that's right [ __ ] i paid people to use my song at this point the algorithm had kind of stopped pushing my account so i had to take things back into my own hands i had my management reach out to a ton of tick tock creators saying that they're working with this new up and coming artist fox season and before i knew it i had a handful of unassuming tick tock content creators looking for some of that sweet sweet cash and all they had to do was post a tick tock using my song so was it worth the two and a half thousand dollars that i ended up spending on this honestly no all right all the tick tocks that i paid for are posted in total i paid for five tick tocks from a variety of tick tock content creators here's a quick breakdown of how that went there's this girl that posts dance videos in an inflatable hippo costume she has 400 000 followers the video that she posted only got 1500 likes then there's alicat who has 6.9 million followers she used the i'm a clown line in the song to make a joke about burning a pizza her video got 8 000 likes nick norcia has 190 000 followers he even put on clown makeup his video got 7 000 likes love brandy marie has 200 000 followers she did the dance she got 1 000 likes and then this girl mac mj grimsley has 1.1 million followers and came in clutch and got 90 000 likes on her tick tock she used the i'm a clown portion with that being said though since i started paying people on tick tock to make videos with my sound i've only seen the number of videos for this sound go up by like maybe a hundred i feel like even less it had 1600 something before i started paying people and now it has 1700 something so all in all pretty disappointed with the results but with all that being said there is still one strategy that i have not taken advantage of yet and it's something that i didn't want to do from the very beginning unless it was like a last resort situation but it is currently a last resort situation the only option i had left at this point was to come clean so i posted a tick tock basically owning up to the whole thing on my tick tock account which has about 1.5 million followers and hopes that at least a couple more people would make tick tocks with the sound i'm a [ __ ] clown and you gon join the circus so now here we are at the end of this experiment i am about to find out right now how many videos total have been made with this song i could go on and keep trying to get the song to catch on i could pay more people try other options but honestly i've been working on this video for two months now i am i'm very ready to be done with it and now for the moment of truth my song on tick tock the most tick-tock-able song that i think could possibly exist a song destined to go viral and propel me to the top of the charts currently has 1835 videos and honestly that's still kind of a lot like that is almost 2 000 videos when you i mean if you just think about that without the perspective of 50 000 that's pretty impressive maybe i shouldn't have said 50 000 at the beginning of this video because that makes it seem way less impressive but picture 2 000 people like that's a lot granted i do think a lot of people that made videos just did it because they wanted to be in this video so if you did congrats and while i didn't hit 50 000 videos my fox season account did hit 94 000 followers the fox season's kind of popping off so what did we learn from this experiment what are the takeaways well i suppose at the end of the day you can try to cram a bunch of tick-tock-able things into a song spit it over a beat but that's not gonna make it a good song you know and that's not gonna make it go viral except for sometimes when it does if i could go back and do it again maybe i would change things maybe i would just post it on my own account and not have to worry about the whole disguise thing if anything i think this video is a testament to how good the tick tock algorithm is at delivering the right content to the right people it took tick-tock like two days to figure out that i was ned flames like before the vast majority of people did tick tock's algorithm did and started showing all of my followers ned flames videos one thing is for absolute certain though i'm not gonna disguise myself anymore i'm done doing that i i get caught every time i am not good at it and it cannot be done my face is too distinct my voice is too distinct i get it i will not disguise myself anymore or maybe i will i don't know [ __ ] maybe i will maybe i maybe i'm gonna do it again you know what no [ __ ] that i'm gonna do it again if and if i do and when i do it's gonna be so good that no one will recognize me mark my words if i ever make a video like this again where i disguise myself no one will recognize me not one person and i will bet i will bet money on it okay so good luck ever trying to find out a disguise from me again because if because if i do oh it's not gonna you're not gonna figure it out anyway with that being said it's now time to talk about our sponsor upstart there's been a lot of economic uncertainty lately with families and young people not sure when their next paycheck is going to come how long their job is going to last and it's led to a lot of folks having their financial situation complicated even more by high interest credit cards and more specifically 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types of stuff so if you like this video let me know thanks for all the support you guys are the best i hope you enjoyed this video and i think i already said that so i'm gonna end the video now bye i'm a [ __ ] clown and you gonna join the circus you know i'm a hoe but i know you ain't perfect baby if i'm addicted tell me why i make you nervous let these [ __ ] talk let those feelings to the surface hey
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 2,033,001
Rating: 4.9698224 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: Xa4Ge7E-4ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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