How to Get the BEST Mining Pals in Palworld (Get Anubis Before Level 20!)

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somewhat early into your time playing Power you're going to learn that your limitation on how you're going to be able to progress in the game is linked directly to how efficiently you're going to be mining resources particularly or so I'd like to go over the easiest way that you can get yourself some of the best mining Pals early as possible in power world as soon as you start off the game you're going to be having katava who's going to be able to help you do mining as well as Gathering and a whole bunch of early tasks very very easily also at the beginning of the game you can get your hands on a rush or who's going to be mining level one but more importantly they're dedicated to mining level one however once you get to about level 10 11 12 13 you're going to get access to theud who's your first level two Miner level two miners can not only mine Rock but they can mine iron ore as well he could also do a little bit of watering and transporting but the mining is really what we want him for right around the same level and a little bit after that you're going to be getting access to tomat who's going to be level two mining as well as gather gaing and transporting what's also great about tomat if you're playing on a server with multiple people on there is tomat also works nocturnally so at night time while everyone else is asleep tomat is still going to be mining and moving your resources around but the absolute best miners in the game there are two of them first is going to be dig toys whose partner skill drill Crusher makes it so that way you can mine resources in a small area very very quickly and easily he's also the first pal you're going to be experiencing with mining level three he's fantastic for bringing out in the field and Gathering resources however he's not the best for being at your base because he's slow he has a wide figure and he's cumbersome with Callum to the party gather your ore and go about your day the best pal is going to be Anubis Anubis has handiwork level four so amazing at crafting mining level three and transporting level two the only Pals in the game with mining level four are going to be some of the legendary pal pal and near endgame Pals that require you to be high level 30s low level 40s and their models are significantly larger than Anubis he's also super fast he does he does Zoomies watch him he's going to Zoomies yeah look at him he likes to Zoomies and you could get some amazing passive skills through breeding such as serious increases work speed 20% Swift 30% movement speed diet lover decreases hunger by 15% work slave which increases work speed by 30% and Artisan which increases work speed by 50% all of these things together are absolutely fantastic and I'm going to be going over that so the first very important pal for you to get a hold of is deud who's going to be a fantastic minor at level two they're going to be the first pal that you have access to is's going to be constantly able to mine iron ore for you or strangely enough internally the game says copper ore and then you smelt it and then it becomes iron ingots I don't know exactly what's going on with that anyways even before you get the ability to fly with your first fly pal you can get yourself a deud at a lower level by one of the spawning Islands at the top left you're going to be having the ice wind Island and located right in the middle is a level 14 deud this dud is an alpha and it's going to always be there every time that it respawns but I'm going to assume you're already 15 and you have the Nightwing saddle Nightwing is the first pal that you're going to be getting access to who you're going to be able to make a saddle for and fly on and from the starting area the plateau of Beginnings you make your way to the small settlement and then the game I think kind of expects you to take this left Island past the level 25 falope and then if you just speedrun your way through here you're going to be getting access to the investigator's Fork once you're here if you head directly north you're actually going to be seeing one of the later towers that you're going to be taking care of there's a camp on your left but if we come up to the top of the hill right about here I'm right here on the map you're able to just slide down this way use your glider get a good amount of distance and make your way directly into the desert this desert area is considered a hot biome but all of the pals that spawn in the desert biome including the deud that we want and if we're lucky we could find a drill toys now considering that you're finding this guy at level 18 and you're also finding drill toys here at the same exact level oh there he is dig to what' I say dig to you're going to be finding at level 22 and there's a Syndicate Thug Camp here this is a fantastic opportunity for you to beat them to attack this dig toys over here and bring its Health down because you might just be level 15 and you can do this at level 15 H this is so much more difficult at night damn it okay I didn't know that that she had a AOE attack and it knocked out my my dig toys anyways you you you guys get the point right the entire desert area can have dig toys so from where that deud was on the ice wind Island if you see the level 18 Nightwing over here you can find dig toys on this Coast as well and this might also be easier for you to find one it's definitely a priority to go ahead and capture yourself a dig toys but then it's another priority for you to get four more that way you can consolidate them and increase your partner skill for drill Crusher that's going to allow you to use your dig toys to farm from materials even faster quick side note I have completed the entire pal deck I am level 50 and I have unlocked all of the ride Pals and I have to say uh riding Nightwing again is the absolute worst but I remember when I first got access to it and I was like oh my God this is revolutionary this is lifechanging that I can fly from places and after you catch dig to be sure to get the digo headband which is required for you to use that pal skill by holding the F button then he spins in place and he does his job but since you're already at level 19 you can unlock the breeding farm and pretty much everything associated with that which is also how you're going to be able to get the other best mining pal in the entire game as early as level 20 you can get yourself an Anubis just by a simple amount of breeding one of the most common Pals in the game at the very beginning of the game and that's celer if you've unlocked the multiple fast travel points from the different spawn locations I'd recommend going from the Forgotten Island spawn point to the ice wind Island spawn point until you have some celer spawned in I'm going to be throwing out my dire how just because he's how I like to get around early and with just basic pal spheres you can go around and catch yourself a bunch of celer you're going to be finding them between level one and level four as you're going through here and with a crossbow you can get them down to about a 60% catch rate pretty easily shooting them on the fin is one of their resistance points so it makes makes it much easier to trim their health down these pals are going to be spawning readily and everywhere as you're going through just be sure to grab aggro from a distance that way they don't start swimming away quickly and as an added bonus of this entire process celer is one of the many Pals that are going to be dropping pal fluids which you're going to need in great Supply later on in the game so if you go ahead and get yourself a bunch of celery you can then have them all inside of your box and then take a look at who actually is going to be compatible and who has different traits that you would like like if you want dainty eater so that their sanity drops slower that's pretty nice holig again would be horrible for work speed but good for attack motivational leader is also a fantastic thing to have on an attacker but I'm going to be focusing on Strictly a working Anubis I have one celer who is a female who has Runner which is going to increase their movement speed by 20% and I have another celer who is unfortunately slacker which increases their work speed and work slave which increases their work speed so now that I have a male and a female they are going to start breeding and we're also going to need some cake now cake is very easy for you to make mozzarita the cow pal who's going to be dropping milk for you when assigned to the ranch is going to be found here on the map if you need to find yourself a beard they can be found pretty readily available anywhere that it's grassy on this entire Island located at this biome on the map these guys are only going to be level 20 when you encounter them however they may be with a queen bee a liiza bee at level 28 the nice part is you may have some free pal Alliance devouts who are here who are bothering you and if you bring them over toward the Beards they may initiate combat with one another and it would be optimal for you to go ahead and catch yourself a beard but if they self-destruct they're still going to be dropping their sweet delicious honey on the ground and that's all you need for a little bit of cake the level 30 wandering Merchant sells eggs milk red berries and wheat you could find one in the small settlement right here on the map so if you don't want to be bothered with setting up the whole ranch or you need a lot of these ingredients in bulk this guy can hook you up and in case you don't have them already this vendor also has wheat seeds for you to make your wheat Plantation so I went ahead and set up this base location which has pretty much everything you could possibly need to have a dedicated breeding area plenty of sleeping a breeding area a ranch that way you have yourself a chickpea who's going to be making eggs for you we have a mozzarita who's going to be making milk for us we have a bee guard who may be one of the more difficult Pals for you to actually get a hold of but they're very common in eggs once you're level 15 you start flying everywhere we have a berry Plantation here and a wheat Plantation here and we have a mill to make our wheat into flour and with all this setup I have myself an egg incubator using the ancient civilization parts that you get for defeating or catching Alphas or lies or your main story Tower battles these guys are going to be making eggs and essentially it just comes down to a process of keeping the good traits and weeding out the bad ones I don't know the exact numbers I don't know if they've been figured out but it kind of seems like if a parent has a trait there's about a 25% chance that it passes down but if both parents have the same trait there's a 50% chance that it passes down think of it like a punet square you did genealogy or I don't know figured out how to make blue roses in animal crossing right if you're playing online mode or default settings these eggs take about 5 minutes each I'm playing an offline solo for purposes of this video I decided to take my egg time down to zero so eggs instantly already now this is funny because we got one celer who has the one bad trait and we have one celer who has both of the good traits so before they're even able to make themselves another uh another little bundle of joy egg I want to take out the female because that's who has both of these good traits swap it in and we are just going to be breeding these guys down once you have one celer who has all of the good traits that you want as this one has Runner and work slave you can stop here but if you're just producing cakes you may want to keep breeding these guys if you're playing playing online in a server these eggs Take 5 minutes each but the next step to make Anubis eggs those take an hour to an hour and a half each so this may be the perfect opportunity for you to crossbreed as many celeres as you want to get the perfect combination of treats for you to then pass on to your much more timec consuming egg now once you're happy with the celery that you want from your breeding the next step is to get the pal that's required for them to breed with and that pal is going to be relaxasaurus I just like to look at the map and when I see relaxasaurus Lux as the alpha I just know that this is one of the Fast Travel points that they might just be there as soon as I spawn in we found a single relaxasaurus now even though this guy is level 20 he's very strong and has a pretty low catch rate so you may want to come here with a good amount of spheres on level two because base pal spheres when he's on a low amount of health is only 3% and with my Effigy I'm up to 14% oh wow okay there you go you miss 100% of the shots you don't take Wing Gretzky Michael Scott Austin John the relaxasaurus that we just caught has Glutton and work slave work slave is a random trait that it had and I'm fairly certain that relaxasaurus has a guaranteed Glutton trait when caught in the wild our female has Runner and work slave our male has work slave and slacker so we need to keep breeding these guys down until we get a male celer with the runner treat and our very next egg was exactly that we have a male celer with Runner and we also got a random trait of Burly body which is defense plus 20 not too helpful for a resource pal but not bad at all so this male celer with Runner slacker and Burly body and this relaxasaurus with Glutton and work slave let's go ahead and assign these two to the breeding Camp okay and this Mana Ray and this brosaurus went ahead and made a huge Rocky egg if we go ahead and put that inside of our incubator keep in mind this egg usually takes about an hour to hour and a half you get yourself and Anubis oh and luckily we got both of the good traits that we wanted with Runner and work slave we also had Burly body pass down which isn't too useful for us and unfortunately we got Glutton passed down but these guys are going to keep going and keep making more eggs but once I start to get Only the Good traits passed down those are the parents I'm going to be replacing it with in order to get the undesired traits like Glutton and Burly body removed from the genan pool but having your first Anubis at your camp this guy he what are you oh wow you that that's some weird weird hit Boxing he's standing up here and he's attacking the iron ore down there I mean I'm not mad at that just kind of impressed really by the way celerate isn't the only breeding combination that can get you in Anubis it's just the easiest one for you to obtain so I also want to include some others just in case you happen to have a lower leveled pal that actually has some great traits that you want to pass on if you have a rush or you can breed that with a blazah Hut which is admittedly a very mid late level pal which is at the very top right of the map this is the sanctuary number three from the deep Sands Dunes if you have a pen King which is very readily available as an alpha at level 15 and you happen to hatch a bushie from a fire egg that's going to result in an Anubis as well a mozzarita which you absolutely have to have in order to do this process cuz of the cake and you have to get a prim knocked from an egg or a beacon either of these two Pals can breed with a mozara if you happen to get one of the larger verdant eggs a Manda may be in there and you could breed that with a blaze howl or a catc so here's a few Alternatives that may be helpful for you on your journey to get some of those preferred traits passed down so my next video I'm going to be going over all the places that I set up these little shops for Mining and resources and if you're enjoying these videos and you find them helpful do me a favor leave a like down below if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe turn on notifications here on Austin John gaming until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 68,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin john, austin john plays, austin john palworld, austin john gaming, Palworld Early game Tips, Palworld Tips, Palworld Tips & Tricks, Palworld guide, Palworld digtoise, anubis, anubus, Palworld breeding anubis, Palworld Easy anubis, Early game anubis, Palworld best mining pals, Palworld mining pals, Palworld all, Palworld Level 2 mining pals, Palworld Level 3 mining pals, Palworld Level 4 mining pals
Id: zolntHCM0Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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