Palworld IVs Explained & Breeding IVs for the BEST Pals

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in pal World there going to be variations to all of the individual stats that the pals that you catch are going to be having whether you want to call these IVs individual values inherit values or the game's Eternal code Talent values we're going to be talking about those today in today's video I have a lot of things to go over hey um did you did you make an intro no I I didn't really have time to make one this kind of took a while hey the only reason I'm shouting you out and trying to get you sub subcribers is is because people love it when you do random intros all right but I didn't have time to dude I'm do you have any idea how much work went into reading all these videos too listen I have stuff to do you have stuff to do when Pokemon's day comes around you can sit in their chair and you could do the plays but until then I'm doing the gaming okay this guy yesterday I put out a video after breeding 176 instances of two different groups of Pals and posting my studies on that and there were two different types of comments that I want to talk about one which is a few comments that said I was wrong and had absolutely no evidence or statistics to prove me that I was wrong just that quote they were out a whole bunch of eggs and two all the people who asked about IVs now the term IVs inherit values individual values and many similar things is a term coined from from the Pokémon community and the individual stats that a Pokémon would have in this game the internal values are called talent talent values really sucks to say so I'm going to call them IVs cuz that just rolls off of the tongue a lot easier there are four values that are going to be changing between every single pal that you capture an HP value a melee attack a long range attack and a defense value these different values are absolutely invisible to the player but there are many different calculators that you can find online who can tell you how to calculate these exact numbers every single one of these values could be as little as zero but as much as 100 I found that anytime that I'll have two or three of the four traits being as little as 20 30 40 I'll typically have the fourth or third in some occasions value being significantly higher like 80 or 90 so it's not going to be common for you to find a pal who has all four stats being very poor in fact when averaging all of the pals that I have it's very common for the average of these four numbers between 0 and 100 to be in the mid-20s to mid-50s however Alpha Pals and lucky Pals that you've encountered in the wild typically have higher values I have yet to find any lucky or Alpha pal that I have captured who has a value less than 50 the averages between all of these that I've run the teston are between the mid-60s to the mid to high 90s the highest one that I've captured is this necromus who has a 100 in HP a 98 in attack an 84 in Long Range attack and a 97 in defense it is possible yet statistically improbable for you to ever find a pal with a zero IV in every single category as much as it's impossible for you to find a pal with 100 in every single category in addition it's kind of impossible for you to breed a perfect IV pal there are always going to be trade-offs because of how inheriting IVs is going to be done I'm going to talk about that in a moment right over here I have four test chickpeas one of them has a zero in every single stat and one of them has a 100 in every single stat and you're going to notice at level one there's pretty much no difference between them because well they never had a chance to grow up yet however once we look at them at level I tried to get them to 50 but I just ended up at 48 once we get them to level 48 you're going to notice that the HP value of a zero pal is at 2,180 and a 100 value is 2,612 likewise the attack stat is 316 and on a 100 it's 380 on a defense stat it's 266 and 330 so the difference in HP is going to be a value of about 20% attack is about 20% and defense is about 24% depending on the specific species of pal that you are going to be finding out in the wild those numbers are going to be fluctuating it's never really going to be higher than 30% ever possible some people were saying they get a HP buff of 50% that's just wrong it's never going to be higher than 30% plus you're never going to be finding a pal with zeros chances are you're going to be finding a Pals with 20s 30s 40s or 50s so that overall reach being 20% is going to be closer to 10% now there are many passive skills that are going to be increasing the attack and defense of various Pals none of them are actually going to be modifying the HP though so that's just sort of a fixed value as it is and considering you're only going to be seeing at most a 30% increase in attack well you can get that from one trait so by definition it's far more important for you to be breeding Pals with better traits than Pals with better individual values un like another creature catching game that you may know me for that is not the most important thing it's not IVs and then everything else instead in this game it's everything else and then IVs except for the pal Souls that's that's very very last in fact you know what I'm just going to not talk about enhancing Pals and pal Souls because that's not even related to IVs that's just going to be another bonus on top of IVs I want to take some time going over how individual values are inherited from parents while breeding I decided to run two tests on this because one wasn't good enough I took a whole bunch of catas there's two in here that are labeled as the parents here we go here's mom and dad I took their individual values not by using a calculator but by using pal edit which allows me to view the exact programming information of the pals so here I have cat of a mom and Cat of a dad I have the attack Ivy percentage of melee and ranged the defense IV and the HP IV of both of these Pals I then bred four catas and I realized that there was some wild inconsistency so I did 46 more and I made notes on all of them then to be extra thorough I did a completely separate test with gobin here is a female gobin and a male gobin that I decided to breed all of these down 50 times and make notes on them and holy I absolutely hate the sound that this fun guy makes when it walks around it makes this horrible sloshing sound you know what all water sounds in this game are the absolute worst oh my God why do you have to slush around like that the worst part is I haven't found a good replacement for you yet cuz suzaku Aqua just keeps getting stuck on stuff maybe maybe after the update it doesn't get stuck on stuff I don't know here are the stats of the male and female cataba that I did the testing with and here are all of their numbers going all the way down there's something unique that every single Offspring has two different attack value for melee and for long range however they're always equal so that's the reason you're only seeing one attack value here and the interesting part is at no point did 1 or 79 ever show up but 75 and 96 did a lot when we look at the gobin test over here here is attack value number one and attack value number two and attack value number one the melee attack never ever showed up only the long range attack so I guess the melee attack value just never ever passes down this 49 and 91 never ever shows up whenever you're breeding wild Pals their melee attack value never ever passes down only the long range attack so let's look at the HP stat over here out of the 50 of them that I bred down 44% had a value of 77 for HP and 28% of them had 21 as a value for HP the rest were 2 or 4% of random various numbers for the attack value 54% of the time we had one of the parents values 14% of the time we had a different parents value for defense 24% of the time we had had a parents value 18% of the time we had another parents value strangely enough we had a lot of 4% on this one including two of them had a perfect stat in defense looking at the 50 gobin that I bred down we're looking at 38% and 32% had an HP stat 30 and 28% had an attack stat 32 and 22% had a defense stat let's draw conclusions from these numbers down here is all of set number one up here is all set number two where we could see the h P values that passed down were 38 32 44 and 28% the times that a random mutation of a value showed up was 30 and 28% for attack we had similar numbers at 30 and 28% 54 and 14% which seems like kind of an extreme however the mutations were still 32% 33 and 22% for the defense value 24 and 18% for the defense value of the other test in my previous video people got mad when I used rounding language so I'm no longer going to use rounding language I then came up with the averages minimums and maximums of all of the different values between all of the tests and here are my results strikingly the average that a parent trait would pass down to an offspring was exactly 30% out of all of the different tests and all of the different values out of the attack HP and defense stat between both individual tests that were ran it equaled on average 30% exactly the minimum value that we saw between one test was 22 the minimum value on another test was 14 the maximum values were 38 and 54 but once again the average is exactly 30% what can we draw from these conclusions if you were to breed down parents there is a 30% chance that it's going to be having a value from one of the parents and there is a 70% chance that it is going to have a random number not associated with either of the parents there was a statement going around that it was going to be an average of the two parents individual values that information is 100% false at no point did a hp1 and hp2 IV stat average out to a number that showed up at any sort of pattern and why 4% of the time in one of the tests we got a mutation of 100% I don't know it's just a random number that happened someone might say that oh the reason that that number showed up for defense is because both of the values were so low no they were 47 and 62 and in this test the values were 56 and 6 so you think that there would be a higher likelihood of larger numbers but there wasn't really a higher likelihood of larger numbers there was just a less consistent passing down of numbers okay well what about this 7 9 5 and 96 these are higher numbers is there a higher likelihood nope absolutely not this test now granted 100 is a limited sample size if you want to run this information with 1,000 eggs or 2,500 eggs through the course of 10 different parents and submit that information that'd be fantastic but until then in this sample size the fact that we're looking at a complete average of every single thing being 30% that would be a very strange coincidence Austin the video is getting a little long and I know you love your viewer retention time but you're not even monetized and there's people with Xbox game pass watching and those aren't patient people we need to get to the conclusion what is the best way to have the best IVs on the best Pals with the best traits give us a damn answer already all right fine a lot of comments in my last video were asking if it's better to have both sets of parents with all four traits that you want or what I recommended which is to have two parents with two traits each after my last round of 50 gobin eggs I then did another test of 50 gobin eggs both parents having all four desired traits and while I only did 50 eggs and that's not a very large sample size I only had four Offspring who had the desired results as opposed to my previous testing where if one parent has two traits and another parent has two traits you're looking at 66% chance to pass down the traits 66.67% to the power of four we're looking at a 20% chance to have all four traits as opposed to one parent with four traits and another parent with four traits you're looking at a 6.25% chance to have all four traits the reason I'm harping on this exact number right here is because now there's another variable that you're introducing which is a 30% chance to pass down the three desired traits 30% to the power of three is 2.7% and we're multiplying that by the chance to get all four desired traits you're looking at one out of 188 eggs will have the desired traits and and IVs now not that's not saying perfect IVs I'm just saying the three IVs you currently want parent one with traits am B and parent 2 with trait c and d one out of 188 eggs that same 2.7% times 6.25% you are now looking at 1 out of 593 eggs for you to have the desired traits on the desired pal with the desired IVs parent one with ABCD and and parent 2 with ABCD so when looking at parent 1 ab and 2 CD let's actually put that into terms now we're looking at a male with Runner and Nimble and a female with Legend and Sprinter you're then going to be breeding that male and that female let's say 100 eggs and you have a 20% chance to get Pals that have all four of these traits and they may pass down the stats you may get random mutations of stats at 70% and you might get something better but you might also get another male who's a runner and Nimble or a female who's a legend and Sprinter who has better stats and then you can swap them in breed down better stats and hope for the best unfortunately there's not a good or solid strategy that's just swap one out keep going swap one out keep going and you might get lucky along the way you might get the one out of 188 you might get a 1 out of 188 chance for you to get the desired pal with the desired traits if your base is just going to be this pumping out while you go on your adventure awesome it's nice passive experience you're going to be having plenty of slots for Pals to make all of the supplies for cake and you're going to be able to get yourself a fantastic pal with fantastic IVs I never intended my time playing power on Austin John gaming to be about genetics but here we are and I hope you found this helpful if you did do me a favor hit the Subscribe button I need more subscribers at 20K I'm still not monetized I have volunteered my time for all of this information thank you so much for being here if you watched an advertisement on this video Google made money but I didn't and and for that just do me a favor hit the like button thank you so much for being here until next time Austin John gaming out
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 57,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld breeding, Palworld breeding Generator, Palworld How to breed, breeding, Palworld Palpedia, Palworld Palpedia breeding, Palworld Breeding combo, Palworld breeding traits, Palworld breeding calculator, Palworld breeding combo, Palworld Best breeding Combos, Best breeding Combos, Palworld Tips, Palworld Tips & Tricks, Palworld, Palworld pal, Palworld pals, austin john gaming, palworld IV, palworld iv explained, palworld iv breeding, palworld breeding iv
Id: desNP_YOxDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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