Palworld - The BEST Main Base you can Build for Infinite Ingots and Resources! Set this up NOW!

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in today's video I'm going to be showing you the ultimate and I mean pocket pair should probably delete this location from the game because it's so good ultimate main base location in the entire game in this spot you have access to eight or nodes six Co nodes plenty of room for all of your production lines including sphere weapon and item production as well as everything else you need for unlimited endgame resources except for sulfur but your boy aagon well let's just say he's got that one covered more detail on that later in the video I'm going to show you everything you need to know about where it's located the infrastructure in the base itself needed to get everything going tips on the general layout and all of the broken Pals that you're going to need for a smooth operation including methods to get them early if you finally realize that dig toys is just terrible and you're ready for an actual endgame mining base this is going to be your guide to get it done okay so where is this base located if you open your map and you look at the plateau of Beginnings for reference it's going to be just slightly Northwest of the plateau Beginnings the coordinates are 188 and -39 now as a general rule whenever you find a spot and it looks like it could be main base location material don't touch anything get off of your Mount recall your pals get completely naked remove all of your weapons and make sure you don't mine any of the nodes or any of the resources that you see on the map because if you do that and you do destroy them and you end up building on top of them they will not respond the idea is to build around everything that you want to farm so that you can have your base operating and have these respawn every day when they respawn so you can Farm them over and over again a best practice is to find where you think the center of the base could be on the map and go ahead and place a PO Box there but don't build it next get on your flying Mount and fly up to check your work what you're looking for is you want to make sure that funky blue circle on the outside fully encompasses every resource in in the area that you're looking to farm once I feel like I found the center of any base I always like to put a four square of stone with stairs on either side of it just to make sure that I don't have any problem traversing it that the pals don't have any issues traversing it as well and it just offers a better cleaner aesthetic if you're spending a lot of time on a base you want it to look good so this is something that I certainly Implement in every one of my bases so what do you actually need in terms of infrastructure well let's take a quick tour the first thing I did was build the living quarters now what I did was I built a two-story building being sure to have each wall at least two stone walls high so that my yman tides and everything else that's a bigger pal can actually fit in here I've got a medicine production bench a repair bench and then this table here is used for crafting all of the pal gear stop using the luxury pal beds I mean they look amazing but they take up way too much space and I haven't really noticed a difference in terms of pal performance that would impact the operation of your base stick with the middle of the line fluffy pow beds and you'll have everything you need with virtually no loss in performance while we're here let's go up to the Second Story to take a look at our production operation I've got a production line for everything including weapons uh additional items sphere production I also have over here a smelting machine so that I can smelt ingots and I am sure to have little chest next to those so I can grab High volumes of items and then just store them right away without having to feel like you're walking around like a dig toys waiting for your grappling hook to recharge over on this side I've got virtually the same setup here with the same smelting machine but over here I'm actually smelting pal metal ingots instead of regular ingots and that way you can have two different smelting operations going at the same time with a chest here respectively to store everything whenever you're over encumbered I hid my electricity generator in this little pocket here as well as a little toolbox now if you didn't know you can actually build little items like this toolbox the stump and Axe and the pickaxe helmet as well as a water fountain to help with efficiencies the large toolbox helps with handiwork the water fountain helps with watering speed the stump and ax helps with logging speed and the pickaxe and helmet helps with mining speed I've seen other channels set these up in rows but I personally subscribe to an open floor concept just cuz I think it looks more attractive just like how you look more attractive if you subscribe to the channel I like this concept because you have plenty of room to organize your thoughts with all the different items you can produce all at once and I also like the fact that whenever pals come up the stairs they don't get stuck on anything to get to the production line so this is just a very clean way of doing it and I personally think it's the best way to do it moving along downstairs to the left in clockwise fashion I've got both of my Spas set up here I would recommend the highest grade Spa just to make sure that your pals have plenty of time to relax and that their sanity is replenished as quickly as you can possibly get it replenished you're going to need a lumbering yard or at least a ton of trees because this base is also going to be used for creating charcoal and you smelt wood into charcoal up at the smelter so go ahead and set up one of of these and you're going to have everything you need moving forward from the charcoal Department I actually set up a ranch now I'm not cooking cakes here okay I'm not cooking cakes but I do put one pal here to create high quality cloth and that pal of course is cix now if you don't know cix's partner skill is that sometimes it produces high quality cloth when assigned to a ranch highquality cloth is a necessary ingredient for crafting all of the end-game armor materials whether it be legendary or just regular pal metal armor resistant armor cold metal armor I like to stock up a bunch of the high quality cloth so that in case I have any buddies jump onto my server I can go ahead and craft them the best armor so they can have that starting from level one and maybe you can do the same moving on I have actually two Crushers here now why do you need Crushers well these palum fragments are an endgame item used for crafting spheres and other amazing items that you're going to need moving forward in the game so you're going to need a ton of these paldum fragments now maybe two Crushers is a bit Overkill you can start with one and taper it upwards if you need to but I went ahead and put my water fountain here to increase watering because these are created through watering I actually put two Stone cories here with the mining card on the right to increase mining efficiency and the reason I did this is because stone is actually what you need to put into the crusher to create the palum fragments so I set this up this way so that I can come here collect 9999 turn over here collect 9999 and then go ahead and store them in the locker here and as you can see this has been extremely efficient for creating as many stones as I'll probably ever need moving along here to the agriculture side of things it has been tested that salad is an S tier pal food it has the highest sanity replacement value and also causes your pals to work faster and more efficiently because it's so good you're going to want to make at least one lettuce Plantation and at least one tomato Plantation just to make sure you have a steady income of materials needed for making salads you don't need berries or flour here since you're not Bing cakes so just leave it at these two now the the easiest way to get yourself some tomato seeds and lettuce seeds would be to fast travel to the very bottom left portion of the map called Fisherman's Point go ahead and fast travel there once you get there go up the steps here and you're going to be looking for a Wandering Merchant but it's actually not this Merchant make a quick left go down to the end here and you're actually going to be looking for the one that is dressed in all red once you see him go ahead and talk to him and in the kindest nicest most humane way go ahead and purchase some lettuce seeds and some tomato seeds oh he's got highgrade medical supplies and bones and horns you saw nothing and he Swift 2 3 4 okay so that's it for the overall infrastructure of the base itself and as you can see everything is nice and neat and orderly and all the pals have complete access to every or node and there are no obstructions at all the first pal that you want to go after just to make the rest of your pal search go much easier much smoother would be to find a yorman tide ignis you want Yanti ignis because of its level four kindling ability the only problem is he's kind of difficult to get but I have a way for you to get him early in the game all you're going to need to get yourself Yan tide Ignus super early in the game is simply a flying Mound and some heat resistance as soon as level 9 you can craft yourself a tropical outfit to have level two heat resistance which will prevent you from getting burned by the volcano simply jump on your flying Mount which is probably going to be Nightwing as your first flying Mountain at level 15 and you're going to want to go to the very Southwest part of the map over here I always like to start at the of everlasting summer what you're going to be looking for over here on this island is a huge dragon egg which is the black and purple egg pick up every egg that you see because once one of them spawns it never changes and the only way to get it to change is to pick up the existing egg so pick up every egg that you see and revisit here every couple days until you find yourself a huge dragon egg go back to your base incubate it and now you have yourself a Yan tide ignis this is probably the single most important thing to do early in the game because now you are leagues and leagues ahead of all the competition if you don't already have yourself a tany go ahead and pick up one of these over here in the starting area and this location just Southwest of chillet because you're going to use that pal to get the next pal which is the most broken farming pal in the entire game take the yide ignis that you just got and breed it with this little guy right here tany that is going to create for you a patalia now all you have to do is travel to the Manda Forest just south of the new base we buil find yourself a Manda and kindly invite to come to your base with you forever breed that patalia with masanda to get the most broken farming pal in the entire game lilene is easily an S tier pal and is essential to have everything in terms of food production running at your base optimally be careful though because if you were one of those naughty Pou trainers that found a way to capture the tower boss how did you get there that lilene the tower boss lyen actually has worse efficiencies than one that you can either catch in the wild or breed for yourself if you look here this Tower boss has three three planting and two handywork and this normal lilene has four planting and three handywork definitely make sure you get yourself some normal lyine drop at least two of them in your base and you're going to have everything you need for all of your planting all of your Gathering and all of your medicine production needs if you wanted to have some fun you could also capture lilene at this Sanctuary here in the very upper right hand corner of the map but it is high level it's a bit of a challenge uh but if you're up for it you can certainly do it it's very fun to catch them for your own in the wild watering the absolute best s tier pal is going to be yorman tide similar to yorman tide ignis's level four kindling this yorman tide has level four watering and it's the reason why everybody is after it to get their watering needs taken care of again you're going to need watering for both The Crushers to create palum fragments as well as watering all of your crops to make sure you have a sustainable food supply for all your pals if you didn't know you can actually get yman tide super early even as early as level 20 pretty easily by simply fast traveling down to the atic falls just Northeast of fang lope here as soon as you spawn in turn around get on your Mount and catch yourself a relax sorus as soon as you see one once you have that go back to the Fast Travel point and you're going to Simply travel up to the quivver so sealed Realm of the wing Tyrant here just south of quern once you spawn in look for the jet dragon statue and the circle with the glowing blue light simply enter the dungeon and all you're going to do is catch yourself this quivver now all you have to do is breed that quivver that you just caught with your relax orus that you also just caught and you'll have yourself a yman tide the best watering pal in the entire game the only problem with yorman Tide is that he gets stuck on literally everything so if you find this to be a problem just replace him with two pen Kings until pocket pair fixes yman tid's AI pathing for electricity just stick with a jol hog jold hog is Tiny it doesn't get stuck on anything it has no issues powering this thing up all by itself and it only has level one generating electricity as a work suitability so it's not going to get distracted with anything else you might be tempted to use something like this or zerk for generating electricity this is my baby right here he's got perfect passive skills and he's maxed out so he's got level five uh generating electricity but he's a little bit bigger than jol hog and he also has other efficiencies that could potentially get in the way I found that it's safer to have a small jol hog to keep the power up in the base at all times and you don't need something like an orer which could potentially be big enough to get stuck on other Pals and create issues throughout the base now before we get to the main pal for mining production and transport I have to tell you something I already know I'm going to get some spicy comments for this one but don't waste your time with dig toys because he's awful and just be honest do you really want to hear this all day in your base no and don't even think about wasting your time with aagon because he's way too big he gets stuck on everything and he Farms all day and all night so his sanity and hunger is just completely out of control don't get me wrong though I use aagon every day aagon is hands down the absolute best pal for manual farming in the entire game let me show you a little secret what you want to do is Farm up skill fruit trees until you find yourself lightning strike and teach it to aagon your third base should be a complete throwaway and you don't need it because all you really need is a breeding base and the main base that I'm showing you today so go ahead and place your third base all the way down here at these coordinates 742 - 447 and fast travel get yourself some heat resistant armor throw down your aagon and stand about right here then cast lightning strike and now you've got more sulfur than you'll need for a long time to make it back up quickly simply grapple to your pow box and fast travel that's the quickest way to get 720 sulfur that you've ever seen and that's why I always use aagon as a manual farming pal rather than for a base pal that being said the absolute best endgame pal that you need to be shooting for is going to be you guessed it Anubis just use Anubis he's easily the most broken pal in the entire game hands down and you want to get him as early as possible because he has level four handiwork what this enables you to do is take something that would normally takes 7 minutes and 33 seconds and build it almost instantly as long as you have one with the right passive skills you can use him for creating weapons and ammunition and crafting legendary spheres the beautiful thing about Anubis is that yes he has level four handiwork so he can craft anything in your base almost instantly but he also has level three Mining and level two transporting this means that he can mine all of the or nodes and all of the coal nodes and he can also work the stone quaries and he can transport everything that he mines into the boxes that you place around your base Anubis is small enough to where he doesn't get stuck on any kind of geometry and he runs so quickly so he gets stuff done fast and it's really easy to breed Anubis cuz all you need to to do is simply use the relaxa orus that we caught earlier in the video and then grab yourself a cell Ray that is all over the starting location breed cell Ray with relaxa orus and you will have yourself your very own Anubis and further if you've seen my previous breeding guide and the breeding base that I built you can build your own Anubis to have it suit your exact needs so this one here has Sirius which is work speed increased by 20% Artis which is work speed increased by 50% and work slave which is increased by 30% so you've got here a 50 60 70 80 100% work speed increase bonus on top of its already level five handiwork I actually bred myself two different variants of Anubis for the base because I actually bet you didn't know this work speed does not work on actual or nodes because it doesn't have a progress bar when your pals are attacking it but where Works speed does come in handy is in something that has a progress bar like this Stone Corey so the only reason this Anubis is mining so quickly is because its work speed is so insane but if you take that same Anubis and put it on this ore it is not going to be mining nearly as fast so work speed does not work for ores but what some people are speculating is that ATT attack actually has a better weight when it comes to farming or noes and so what I did was I actually bred myself another Anubis to be more efficient with farming ore assuming it attack actually does have an impact this Anubis has almost double the attack of my previous Anubis if you notice this one here has 542 because it has a drawback from work slave it reduces his attack by 30% at the expense of gaining 30% work speed which again doesn't work on or noes and this one here has over a thousand attack because his passives are as follows Swift for increased movement speed Artisan for work speed whenever I'm building stuff and I just need an extra hand Legend which gives you a plus 20% attack and a plus 15% movement speed so he gets to and fro faster and also lucky which increases work speed and attack so this variation here makes him fast and strong and it still doesn't sacrifice too much work speed it's my theory that that Anubis is going to be best to assign to or noes and the other Anubis that have perfect passive skills for actually work speed it's going to be best to assign these to the Rock quaries but there's still a little bit of testing that needs to happen but again breeding yourself the perfect Anubis with the perfect passive skills is not entirely necessary it's going to be faster if you do what I did but you're going to be just fine if you take your relaxa orus and breed it with cell R and create for yourself an army of Anubis for the logging site I've searched to and fro and I actually come to the conclusion that the absolute best logger is going to be ik deer simply for the fact that it only has level two lumbering and it won't be distracted with anything else I've seen other loggers that have higher stats but they're either too fat and get in the way or they get distracted with transporting and they don't actually cut down Lumber so I would rather have ik deer on the logging site at all times instead of have a wo or wo baton just rolling around the base getting in the way and blocking other Pals another pal that you could consider putting in is going to be Blas mut he actually has level three kindling which is amazing and he also has level four mining I actually prefer to use a Blas mut in the base because if you remember I have two different machines here to smelt ingots and it could be helpful to have Yanti ignis up here cooking one and blasa over here cooking the other and then as soon as the blaset finishes cooking it can go down and help the Anubis with mining now if I had my preference I would just fill my entire base with the nubis and have them destroy all these or nodes and have them do all the transporting and everything but if if you do play on a dedicated server and you notice that ore is just being left on the ground and they almost can't transport it fast enough something that I would recommend doing is filling your base with at least two hell zers now why do I say that hell Zer only has level three transporting so it will not get distracted with anything else it's also a flyer so it doesn't get stuck on Geometry and it's nocturnal so it's going to be working through the night if you find that your base is dirty and you've got ore everywhere and your Anubis are doing a great job of creating the ore and Mining it but they can't transport it go ahead and throw two hell zers into your base and you're going to be well on your way to and span floors now that all that's been said let's go ahead and place our Pals into the base small oversight mistakes were made all you need is one rot Corey or else you're going to have six Anubis farming the same thing okay so these Anubis are making quick work of each of these or noes looks like they're going around and just destroying them and then the hell zers are transporting and as soon as they finish clearing everything out they're going to get to transporting as well so this this looks like a really good operation last thing I forgot to mention is you're going to want to make sure that you don't blow up your base with your jet dragon but you place salads in here on the very left most slot just so that all your pals can come to a centrally located area get food and then get back to work so that's it guys thanks for watching hope you have a great day
Channel: Dauntus
Views: 974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, dauntus, dauntus gaming, palworld breeding farm, best breeding base, best breeding base palworld, ultimate breeding base guide, palworld breeding base, perfectly optimized breeding base, tagbacktv, austin john plays, austin john, austin john gaming, palworld best main base, palworld main base, palworld base guide, palworld best main base guide, how to setup a main base in palworld, best main base in palworld, best base for ingots in palworld, ingot farm in palworld
Id: fCWzK49kYJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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