I built a new base to protect my new Pals! - Palworld (Ep.4)

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I'm really starting to hate my base here in pal world it's just too small and cramped for all these enormous Pals and the base raids here are frequent and getting out of control and I'm also not a big fan of my or base either something about the flow I'm just not a big fan of it so my mission today was to go on a quest over the entire map and search for a pair of brand new base locations one for the primary base and one for an or farming base with my Gil claw getting around was much faster and easier but it was going to take some getting used to but there was definitely no shortage of clear areas with which to build a base upon it was just a matter of finding the right one the one that spoke to me along the way I encountered a bunch of new creatures and also creatures that I had seen before that I needed to capture among them was this elizabe but once I captured her I think I realized that this is not the one that produces honey so I had to go back out again and get the B guard but I figured I could put her to good use in the breeding pen so I tossed her in with a MOS that I just recently caught it would be a bit of an experiment for me I just wanted to play around with this and get comfortable with the breeding system before I commit to a detailed breeding program but then it was back out to get those be guards we'd be needing at least a couple of beards in order to produce honey and honey to produce cakes and cakes to produce eggs in the breeding pen but then I realized that there was no breeding going on because I had two females in the same breeding pen and that's just not how biology works so I scooped up this big boy and put him straight to work and with my one birthday cake that I had made so far I prepared for my first egg which would be some sort of fire creature we'd have to find out what that would be later on and with that cake production was pretty much well underway and I believe that egg turned out to be this Pyon right here although I could be wrong honestly I have so many eggs I can't even keep track of which ones come from where but this Blaze howl knocked right here I know where I found that I found that in the volcanic region a couple of days ago and this was my third one back out on the exploration path I came across a level 30 War sect and I did engage him in battle for a little while but it became very clear to me that I was way out of my league so there may have been a tactical Retreat right there there was this clifftop mining site up here but it seemed a little bit dangerous for the pals at least during all this exploration I was able to encounter several bosses like this marshmallow body level 17 Grint tail who I quickly added to the collection and I got a couple of views like this which were just stunning showing the far reaches of the map like this place the desiccated desert I pushed in a little ways and found this Des ated M shaft and I just had to see what was at the bottom of this a level 44 menting which yeah this is not happening so I noted directly out of that situation besides I had just run out of food and I had to get out of here fast I made my way to the Dune shelter but there was no time to explore I had to fast travel back to my base as soon as possible on my next exploration run I stumbled across this site right here and this one was perfect defended on all four sides by Cliffs and only accessible via a wooden rope bridge I was immediately sold on this as the site of our next ore mining operation so I marked it on the map but all the while I was trying to level up as much as possible just to get access to more technology and better gear and what better way than trying to kill or capture as many bosses as possible I continued to find nice Base building sites but none of them really resonated with me there was no special feature to any of these places I didn't even necessarily know what I was looking for but I knew that I would know it when I saw it back at the base I managed to hatch a ragna hawk again I'm not sure if this was from breeding or from something that I found I sort of lost track of everything but this guy looked mean and he would actually be a great Mount other than the fact that I'd have to be like level 36 I think it was to make the saddle for him so perhaps further on into the future but I also captured this hell's fire creature which would also make a great Mount but again can't make the saddle for it just yet I found this in a nearby region but it was the middle of the night and I could barely see myself and then since we're on the topic of flying creatures I had found this large electric egg which turned out to be a beacon we were going to be set on flying creatures in about 10 levels but again with these stupid base raids man they're happening every like 30 minutes not that they're particularly dangerous just more of an inconvenience on my next exploration run I went into the Arctic biome for the first time and I came across this creature right here a rain DX which at level 27 would be one of my most powerful creatures yet but the Arctic biome sure is cold and I was just about to freeze to death when I unlocked this fast travel point just in time back at the base it was time for our second breeding pair at this point I'm just selecting Pals randomly I know that there is a resource called the pal pedia and you can go through and select your combinations and I'll go through this on my own time a little bit later on for now I'm just playing around trying to get comfortable with how the system works and then it was back out for another exploration run and this time I found the perfect base location surrounded on three sides by water and perfectly flat and clear in the middle this is going to be where I would build our final permanent base there's even a skill fruit tree nearby which I do believe will respawn skill fruits for us every once in a while there are even five bosses nearby for us to farm ancient parts from it's situated right here on the map it's west of the initial spawn location and it's on the southern half of the map at this point I can still only make two pal boxes so one of them had to go so that I could build this one at the new site but given the amount of Base raids that I'd been sustaining lately my first priority was getting a defensive wall up being out in the wide open like this I decided to go with a 360° wooden palisade Wall much like a m Bailey from medieval times eventually I'd have to get this upgraded to Stone but I did make myself a couple of stone towers and on top of them I put mounted crossbows these can be used by Pals that can do handiwork to help defend the the base and I couldn't wait to give it a try although I haven't sustained a raid just yet and then it was time to tear down the old base and say goodbye to the beginner location once and for all so over the course of the next several days I moved everything over to the new base I got all of our furniture and crafting stations rebuilt over there and I even got the new or base built so let me show you how that all turned out so what do you say we start things off with a little bit of a base tour this is what it looks like rolling up from the outside the blue bits are just the boundary of the pal box there but we have two Stone Towers I wish I could do more maybe in the future there will be some building materials I can kind of dress things up there on the top but I do now have access to the Stone Gate I think it actually the stone wall and the Stone Gate will follow soon behind so I'll probably have to rip this whole wall down and do the whole thing over again in stone but these should function as a good little lookout tower in case we sustain any sort of a raid and I do believe that let's just get airborne a little bit I do believe that any raid is going to probably come from that direction over there or that direction over there so basically everything should funnel right in to where we have good Tower coverage we will see in the future but have a look at the whole base here I built myself a little bit of a house in the middle although I don't think it's the best idea because I think Pal's just really end up getting stuck on stuff like that um the base would probably function better without any structures inside like just having pal crafting stations but here you can see the breeding Zone over here and I have 10 egg incubators and even that really isn't enough to hatch all of the eggs that I have and then we just have a farming operation going on over here with the beds and crafting stations and storage kind of scattered all around the building system here in pal world is um not not as complex I guess as I was expecting and that I was hoping okay so cook cooking zone out here and I did a little bit of interior decoration we got a nice bar to hang out at a dinner table campfire and this is my bedroom over here with a uh you know storage locker and everything nothing fancy the the most fancy thing about this bace is that I made this Switchback staircase that goes all the way up to the rooftop which gives us some real estate up here to build on or there's this like defensive Tower where I can kind of supervise the activities and maybe you know light up a couple of arrows here before I shoot him at any wouldbe attackers at least you know that's what I'm telling myself in my head over here we have the sphere production line which currently is not working let's see if we can get anything crafting here we'll get some uh some hypers spheres let's get maybe five of those start production and someone should come over here and start working on this this does require base electricity though and so I did a little bit of breeding I used a spark it and a relaxa surus and got myself this guy and he's been powering the base by zapping this thing over here all right let's zip over to the ore mining operation and check that out the location for that is over here next to chillet it's actually right next door so let's teleport over uh often times when I come over here I just zip over to chillet and knock him out real quick takes like two shots basically and get those um ancient civilization Parts off of him real quick okay so you know nothing exciting here I simplified the whole operation basically my I before I had a farm and so I had to have like gardening Pals and you know harvesting and everything so no we're not going to do that I'm just going to bring some baked berries over here the baked berries are good they give them plus one sanity so uh as opposed to the regular berries which don't give any sanity and it's nothing but a little thing for someone like ragna Hawk to roast up some berries real fast currently these guys are working on this Stone thing over here but um my strategy is I can just destroy this when I don't need Stone anymore and all of these guys will go over and start mining The Ore I did need Stone though we were basically out so let's uh haul most if not all of this stuff back home so as of yet I have not sustained a raid in either location so I couldn't tell you how things are going to function yet we'll have to wait it out let me just check on the egg situation over here make sure that we're good I have I just have found all of these eggs I don't think any of these are eggs from things that we're breeding ourselves how many times do I have to tell you blaz Howell not to hang out on the rooftop the one thing I was looking at getting is an Anubis through breeding and it shouldn't be too difficult to do so there are a lot of different combinations that you can get this and we have an incin do you think we have a serent let's try that combo first nope that would be a bad combo we only have males for that combination here's a potential one right here ik their deer and Beacon uh-oh I'm just shopping for ik deer here and getting my beacon together and um oh hang on we're getting raided uh it's a bunch of air Pals there are speaking of Beacon there are a bunch of them in this group over here oh my first air raid okay also there are Gail Hawks and Nightwings okay where are they coming from I thought that they would have to use the rope Bridge here but I think that they think they nope they're going to get stuck okay so that is that's whatever I'm not even going to bother with these guys then fair enough as long as we're safe up here all right there you go let's give these guys some privacy and we'll see what kind of an egg they spit out and I'll deposit in a couple of extra cakes here how are we doing on cakes anyway 16 now up to 20 and I've noticed that they do not spoil in the breeding farm so that is convenient all right it's time to go on a little bit of a mission I've been calling this guy van wyvern and not van worm i' I think I've just been using those words interchangeably but I do like like van wyvern better so you'll have to excuse me on which which one comes out of my mouth sometimes I just don't have control oh I wanted to check on that fruit tree back there because I did Harvest it and no I don't see any extra fruits there just yet it might take a little while for that to happen yeah Barren it's it's not permanent is it let me know if these things will regrow eventually oh and I wanted to show you my new favorite pal is the ray Hound mostly because I a greyhound owner I have Greyhound pets and this is obviously a play on the the Greyhound and it is ultra fast and it has this double jump which is just great whoops into the drink okay so the the place I need to go is to the West we're going to go to the foot of the volcano and we're going to do some exploration over here in the volcanic region see if I can pick up a few extra eggs because I got the blaze howl knocked eggs over there and there might be some creatures or bosses or you know basically any number of things over there that would be worth my time so that's where I'm going yes this is the spot right here how do you like that statue that is pretty cool right there Wonder What creatures are fighting each other in this statue here I don't recognize either of them all right but that's kind of where we're going we might have some weather issues here I have been encountering some regions like the desert and the Arctic biome that are brutally hot and cold and um I don't have the armor I mean I can make it it's it's no big deal I just haven't done it yet oh what is that repo all right well level 35 okay well vorm is 29 but I don't think vorm's going to be able to Target his weaknesses and rhound is not going to work well against a ground creature what can we do here maybe we could try King Paca here let's try it also I have this stun baton which increases your capture chance if you can get them stunned with it all right buddy come on over here so having Gail Claw is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me cuz he's going to go for like a close range attack and look I can just evade with Gail claw even though I have another pal out it's just fantastic I don't think I'll ever leave home without my Gail claw not to mention just the travel time get him King Pekka nice hit yeah it dramatically cuts down on travel time across the map that's why I was kind of inspired to do a ton of exploration and try to find some good base sits how are we doing on capture 5% even with the hypers sphere okay maybe we're not going to get this guy definitely not going to be able to get close enough to um do the stun baton thing what about now only 6% now look out look out what do you say we we give it one more shot here in the leg and see if this can weaken him and then 6% chance I'll try like two spheres yeah otherwise we're going to have to come back when my capture chance is higher I think come on come on come on come on come on we got it we got it we got it yes nice magma likee blood runs throughout its body if a large amount of water is thrown on it the water rapidly Heats causing an immense Vapor explosion cool beans all right our first new power of the day the first of many I hope I don't know about you guys but I am totally addicted to this right now the the um like the dopamine Rush that you get when you capture a new Palace it's awesome oh there's one of those pyrons up there I hatched one of those out of an egg I've been having a hard time keep organizing the eggs though I don't know what's coming from where at this point every time I return to the base I've got like 250 lb worth of eggs to hatch and yep unfortunately we are losing daylight got a scorching m shaft here and if that's anything like the M shaft I found in the desert there's probably some sort of a huge boss down there is it showing up on my map yes blasa mut level 49 is down there okay well I'm getting very very hot what I'm going to do I'm going to head home and sleep for the night and I'm going to see if I can craft myself a set of heat resistant armor so that we can withstand this region a little bit more effectively and I'll meet you back here tomorrow morning okay I have returned to the scorching Min shaft let's go down here and get a look at whoever this was down here I have on a new set of armor it's a bit reddish and it helps with cooling might as well ride in style since we're here with the ray Hound ah oh there he is right there yes blasa mut okay this is not happening today level 49 we are definitely outclass although I did bring two water Pals with me but they're only level 17 for the gobin and 26 for the azero not going to going to happen today I just wanted to get a peek at him wow this place is definitely a volcano it's very otherworldly also there's a boss Tower up there I'm going to set that as at least my final destination I've got to get to that Tower there should be a Teleport up there as well oh what's going on over here people just playing in the lava here we go finally found a Teleport up here let's grab that in case anything bad happens and looks like we have an egg perch to top this when I was back at the base last night I did get two I think there were huge Rocky eggs that were hoping to be a pair of new Anubis for us oh look out don't fall in that lava for sure so those are incubating should take 2 hours and by the end of the day today should be able to find out what those are I mean I think we know what they are but should be able to put them to work I should say but look at the scorching eggs man they're all over the place over here that's one that's two chest Effigy another chest and this is where things get tricky then we have these jeez I don't even know what you would call these these metallic walls I some kind of a structure although it it um it looks like you know there's a metal it's called bismuth and it forms crystals just like this so it might be a natural formation Believe It or Not ah yes I'm at the top nice this is as high as it goes right here oh look at that place right there what is that is that an arena or something where is that aagon there's a level 48 boss that we passed right by on the way here he might be in a cave somewhere down over that way uh but it looks like there's an island out here somewhere oh there's another one way out in that corner over there and that's kind of close to where you spawn in you spawn in on that big hill Straight Ahead okay maybe maybe we will go to one of those islands and explore them at some point but for now oh boy let's see what we can get into over here I think this is a sulfur deposit down here so potentially a spot for a sulfur mine and this should be a boss battle I guess the question is do we want to jump in and see what's going on here or what I mean I didn't come all the way out here not to so that answers that question I will have to activate this teleport though okay let's jump in here and see what's hiding Axel and or zerk all right a um it's a dragon electric creature so the two water creatures that I have would just absolutely die in the process here okay that's a that's a pal ball let's just get a creature out borm could you get to work please no okay down to 100 hit points all right let's less than 10% of my hit points are left at this point already oh hiding behind the NOP that didn't work okay I think van worm had the day off today but he didn't notify me cuz he didn't do Jack during that battle thank goodness for fast travel oh I'm immediately hot though yes immediately then get some clothing on okay well vorm you've been a complete disappointment but I am glad that I came up here to see what's going on and we've activated that boss battle so we know what we're getting into funny cuz the first boss battle that we did against Gris Bolt he was an electric creature as well so going to have to figure out what uh how how what creatures I can counter that with it's going to probably be a ground creature but I honestly I don't think I have any good ground creatures nor have I seen any okay it's a tad bit disappointing that I didn't find any good creatures around here but um there is the whole other half of the mountain if we check the map here you know what's on the Northern Western and Southern Coastline of this place and are there any creatures or bosses that we should encounter down there I suppose there's only one way to find out maybe what I'll do is I'll zip over there to the end of that the metallic wall and I'll then zip it around in a counterclockwise motion that way all the way around at least so that I can chart the island okay and I no more just said that than I have encountered some new creatures here some gobin ignis I have a gobin with me the regular gobin let's see how they do again each other all right I need to get involved here with some gunfire and 9% capture rate not good enough whoops killed him ow oh yes hot cin also is dead Okay as AOE get out there you're next oh and the brothers of Eternal fire here waa get out of here all right one last try with the hypers sphere and then we are getting out of here probably oh come on come on come on a crap yeah I'm going to have to go back to the base and craft myself some more heat resistant armor cuz I'm going to die here in about 60 seconds or so ah oh just coming back up to my stuff here you know it's okay we can die like this once in a while it's not too much of a hassle it only took me a couple of minutes to get back here and get all of my stuff back including 200 lb worth of eggs but o we could try this Blaze howl here we have the blaze howl knocked but I'm sure the blaze howl has some interesting breeding possibilities so I'm going to also try to capture this guy this time the area is relative clear though so that's important get over here buddy a crap you're too powerful well everyone got a bunch of XP off that so not too bad going to enhance my stats I've been taking a lot of points into stamina let me know what you're taking points into I'm not sure what I should be taking because I don't think attack or work speed are particularly important probably just weight and stamina honestly maybe a little bit into Health aha some wild ragna Hawk out here nice and finally made it over here to the coast line which is mostly temperate area I guess all right now Begins the long flight around Mount obsidian what the heck is that thing the legendary Celestial Dragon it moves with such Grace but I want nothing to do with it right now don't need to die out here again especially with both of my sets of hot armor Okay so we've made it um almost about twoth thirds of the way but we're in like a interesting desert biome here on the southern half there's a cave over there I might check that out there's also this falope right here so and it's all alone I figure we might as well give it a try and try to capture it see see what we can do here 36 probably going to be too high of a level for me right now I don't think I'll have the capture power or the correct Sphere for it all right and he has 0% capture chance okay I guess that was never going to happen what about this cave over here I'm going to assume that the boss is ah level 40 a level 40 boss do you think we could take a level 40 boss between uh like it just depends on the type really I mean I've got a kind of a full Squad here I guess we could try it we just have to be really careful because um there could be really high level creatures and really high level people in this cave oh Manda mosa forever mosa I think that's the where the name is derived from wakanda forever and we've got the Cognito uh let's just get my cave Rider out here this guy's great for the caves and see if we can track down the boss just going to bypass these guys they seem to be really confused jeez out of the frying pan and into the fire oh my come on come on let's go go go oh and another one over there oh my goodness what have I done where am I going I don't even know okay here's the boss it's a it's the too toos damn Toco toos we need a dark creature which is basically vanm and even vorm I think he only has one dark attack but that is their weakness they're weak to dark okay it is only a level 37 didn't it say 40 on the front door maybe that's a range I like the headbob that's kind of hilarious all right get out of there vorm you are pathetic I'm going to put you in a box and never take you back out again could you please attack my target oh this Toko Toco attacks uh with the bomb thing uh did we win was that it that didn't even hurt any of us well I'll take it cool well at least we can say we did it any good loot in here no because my inventory is full okay we've got to probably sacrifice a few of these old eggs and in this one over here Innovative technical manual no idea what that is a book that contains secrets of Cutting Edge technology use it to obtain technology points sure we can use that free points and I think we're moving on check out these shipping containers that I found what is this sons of the forest now finding a bunch of garbage on the beach here oh there's a whole like Shanty Town up ahead there and I think there is a Teleport Beacon from what I saw Yes the PF officer okay I'm on their side I think the fisherman's Port right looks like we got a few Merchants we can talk to not selling anything particularly good though oh and this lady here just gave me some stir fried veggies thank you very much I'll put that in my number three food slot we'll eat it someday okay and it looks like we're nearing the end of our little adventure around Mount obsidian I'll probably go home and get some Pals and then I want to go out into the ocean and see what this thing out here is all about all right that there is our destination I've got a couple of new Pals with me going to be bringing the repo the most recent big Beetle like turtle thing that we captured and also the rain dcks that I got up in the Arctic area number one Wildlife Sanctuary jeez all these skeletons doesn't look like much of a sanctuary to me more like a graveyard oh the azero okay oh level 20 as well much more in my range here that makes me feel pretty comfortable what's that ik their dear Terra oh oh yes it's a ground creature as well we need ground creatures as many of them as we can get since all these big bosses seem to be electric creatures okay okay oop oop criminal activity underway what's am I being arrested or something what is that like the Wanted Level when you shoot a civilian or something all right I swear to God vanor worm is totally glitched out today vanor worm is good for nothing oh those flowers are those the flowers that I can Harvest wh look out and just get my baton ready we'll just stun baton them if we can come over here no you're going to be captured whether you like it or not I know you don't like it oh he might be resistant to the stun baton cuz he's a ground creature and they resist electric stuff that would make too much sense right all right well despite the fact that I'm a criminal I have captured a new pal just tell me these are the special flowers beautiful flowers they are I need these to make um a garden of some sort back at the base what was that called again the flower bed which will improve Gathering speed PF infantry okay so these guys are like protecting the animals from being poached it would appear oh there's a pen King over here okay well I'm going to go on a bit of a tear then and see how many of these guys I can bring home with me and that is it for pen kings that was my 10th pen King so I should get a massive XP boost for that otherwise uh this place is kind of boring cuz there's only pen King aerobe and The Ether deer Tera up here so and I don't know what's going on with the criminal activity thing is that like am I going to have to pay a fine for this later or what well anyway I I think I'll probably head back home from here pretty much done all right we're back in the base and to close things out today I think what I want to do is open up all these eggs here are the huge Rocky eggs that should be Anubis there's another one over here everything is ready let's find out what we got wo that's a new pal actually oh van worm Crist basically the cold version of one of these guys that's two new ones in a row I think a lot of these are like frost eggs from my last trip in into the snow biome so this is actually a pretty good hall for us oh a cryo linkx I remember trying to fight one of those guys but he was too high level and this should hopefully be Anubis yeah we got a new worker we're going to have to maybe get some more of those so that we can get positive traits on them though got a Bushi I think that's kind of a play on Bushido and Sushi you know another vorm Crist cuz there's like a pun to every single name so I'm trying to like figure out what those are as I go along there's another Anubis both of them got the downtrodden trait though I think one of their parents had that and that was a uh suzaka aqua and we got a whole bunch of Pals to check out here in just a second one more egg to open up another vanw worm Crist I might have to ditch my vanor worm cuz honestly he's been ticking me off today all right I got 10 fresh eggs to put in from the catch today most of them are large scorching eggs so next time we'll be able to find out what all of these are and a couple of extra birthday cakes came through up to 26 on the cakes now I just need to sit down and figure out what kind of a pal I want and you the correct combination to achieve that all right let's take a look at the new creatures from the hall today the egg hul at least oh the color on this guy yep I'm going to have to train one of them up and use that as my primary Mount uh granted can I no I can't fly him or her I can't fly her I don't have the saddle yet do I have access to the saddle what level 41 to get that no you got to live in the Box buddy I'm sorry but I'll bring you out someday for sure who's next cry links o look at this guy he looks like he's a warrior oh his um special ability is while fighting together our creatures that we kill will drop more items which is interesting also good to know we've got Anubis Anubis is just who he's just getting busy already he's a fast mover isn't he yeah we might have to get a few of those for as workers for the base so wait if I wanted you to come over here and say get me 10 more hypers spheres no no no no no mandas guy guys no mandas I don't need mandas over here o that got a lot faster though when a nubis got here okay good good guy to have around for sure who's next suzaka aqua oh man another cool flyer that I'm not going to be able to make a saddle for that's an aquatic flyer too and we've got wo Oh My Wo you are huge was not expecting that do I need to leave the gate open for you guys or something get back to work that's why no one's been cooking the cakes all right I think I'm going to welcome cry links to the team full time try to level this guy up and see if he's any good wimo is going to work here at the base as well as the rest of these guys I am going to focus on trying to level up for a little while while and seeing if I can unlock some further things what are we trying to get here for the base upgrade we need the highquality hot spring and the weapon assembly line and all we really need to do is level up to level 32 to get that weapon assembly line so that's what I'm going to work on that will allow us to craft our third base finally so that's what I'll be working on over the next week and next time I'll get you all caught up on what happened in the meantime and we will go on our next adventure but anyway my friends thank you very much for joining me on my adventure today and I will see you hopefully in in the next [Music] one hey everyone I just want to say thank you for watching for leaving a like but most of all thank you to the long list of amazing supporters that you see right here I hope this episode has earned your subscription and I can't wait to show you the next one best wishes to all and [Music] goodbye
Channel: Guns, Nerds, and Steel
Views: 52,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld preview, palworld review, palworld game, ark survival evolved, palworld information, palworld release date, palworld early access, palworld gameplay, palworld download, palworld news, pokemon like games, palworld what we know so far, is palworld real, palworld pokemon, palworld details, palworld trailer, when does palworld release, palworld info, palworld, bollywood songs, new games 2024, what is palworld, pokemon sv, monster hunter rise, tears of the kingdom
Id: v9h3edGXqwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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