The BEST Pal Spheres to Use in Palworld

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this is the part of the video that I say what the video is about which is just me repeating the title and you just waiting for the intro to play Austin John gaming I'm dizzy I was recording and uh my computer just crashed like I don't know it turned off and now my world is missing I also recorded the entire video and because I didn't finish recording it all of the files are corrupted so now I can't do anything so now we just have to go into the backup files we go to here we copy this local data and after restoring the files yay there we are again in today's video we're going to be talking about your spheres oh I just realized you have shorts under here good good good job devs there are six different spheres you're going to be getting your hands on throughout your time playing Power the pal sphere the megasphere the gigas spere the hypersphere the ultra spere and the legendary sphere the pal spere you're going to be able to craft to the beginning of the game as far as level two the megasphere at 14 Giga at 20 hyper at 27 Ultra at 35 legendary at 44 and their power is somewhat diminishing the megasphere from the pal sphere has a catch rate twice as high gigas spere is 43% then 30% then 23% then 16% but that number is not nearly all that's factored into how a pal is actually caught whenever you go to catch a pal in the wild your ability to catch it depends on a few different things one the species of pal two the current level it is three the current health amount that it has left four if it has any statuses like on fire shocked what type of sphere you're using also makes a difference as well as if it's facing you or it's facing away how many lift monk Effigies you already have and some few other things like is it an alpha or is it a lucky this level four cat CA has a back bonus of 31 and this non- lucky cattiva has a back bonus of 40 this level three cattiva has a back bonus of 45 and right here I have a breakdown on the total amount of resources that's required for you to go ahead and craft these spheres this is the amount of resources to craft 10 spheres mostly because some of the later spheres require cement and that's made at a rate of 1 to 10 so for these to be even numbers 10 just seemed easier you're also going to have the option to craft carbon fiber using wood which you should absolutely never ever do unless you have an extreme overabundance of wood you should always reserve your wood for charcoal I'm going to assume that you are going to be making your carbon fiber via coal for you to go ahead and make 10 pal spheres you're going to need a total of 80 Stone and 30 wood some of the stone is going to be converted into pal fragments and that's how all of these numbers are actually written up such as ore is going to be required to make ingots so once you're making megas speres you're going to need 20 or to make 10 ingots for 10 spheres so we have 20 or listed here this is your most basic resources that are required for you to make your spheres in the game so anytime that I'm throwing spheres and they have a 10% chance to actually catch I'm going to be throwing the base sphere it's only once it's below 10% that I'm like okay the next level up is always better now an important core concept is that this guy right here Vixie if Vixie is working at your camp and going over to a Ranch then anytime that Vixie is going to be present you're going to be getting pal spheres as well as arrows and coins absolutely for free that has to do with vixy's ability which is called dig here and it sometimes digs up items on the ground when it's assigned to the ranch in my mind as long as you have a Vixie you get free pal speres the bast level ones not like you know anything better than that so because the base pal spheres are in my mind completely free when I'm over to a l ball and has a 51% chance to catch I'm definitely 100% of the time always going to throw a base pal spere and honestly I'm not even going to wait around to see if it's going to catch this level one cattiva 57% great I'm just going to move on I'm just going to go to the next pal and I'm going to Rapid Fire through everything I'm going to catch all of these Pals or not actually doesn't really matter I'm just throwing these pal speres if they catch they catch if they don't they don't that's absolutely fine the fact that a lot of these pals are timid in their attitude if I don't initiate combat and they're just going to run away making the back strikes even easier sign me up for all of that see that one deflected for uh cuz he aggroed on me but we're still at 51% thanks to my Effigies that guy up there what's your catch rate 1.79% and with a level two sphere 177% so in that situation I would definitely use a level two because I've already unlocked level three at 34% the ultra sphere is at 86% and the legendary is at 93% because that Ultra sphere to that legendary sphere is somewhat of a uh diminishing return I am probably just going to be going for regular Ultra sphere at the 86% nice and the sooner you actually go through the beginning of the game and you start doing this Reckless catching the sooner you're going to be powerleveling through the beginning of the game which I definitely 100% of the time recommend oh great got pal speres in that chest the only reason I don't have over 100 pal speres right now is because of corrupt footage that I already did all of this so many times and even if the math made it exactly the same the same amount of resources for the same amount of percentage chance that I can catch the one thing you're not Tak into account is your actual time your time is valuable whether you only have 2 hours a day to play video games or 12 hours a day to play video games your time could always be better prioritize somewhere else so once you hit Level 20 and you have the opportunity to start crafting gigas speres no longer make megas speres your number one priority soon as you hit Level 20 should be get your iron in order start making as much iron as you can pick a location that also has coal or a second location that has coal that way you can prioritize get your dig chice get your a nuus start breeding up breeding down getting the traits that you want before you start jumping onto your higher levels and chances are just by doing all this Mining and resources you might actually just hit Level 27 and have the ability to make hypers spheres now once you start getting into the hyper and Ultra spheres at level 27 and 35 you start running into a little bit of an issue because you have to have the bone and the pal fluid now if you called yourself your level one wandering Merchant at the starting area fantastic if you don't have yourself a Wandering Merchant here in the middle of the desert it's going to be a little warm so you have to have heat protection I'm pretty sure level two in the middle of the day but once you make your way over here whereas a lot of the wandering Merchants that you're going to be finding in the wild are level 30 or higher this guy's only level 12 meaning that you can catch him at a much lower level and if you're level 27 and you have hyperspheres that hypersphere with a back shot is a 15% chance to catch and that's before any damage or anything else oh I didn't expect you to do that rhound okay cool let's let's get out of here for you know crime and stuff after you catch him he's going to be selling you bone and that's going to be half of your battle and then it's only a matter of you getting pal fluid for you to actually make cement now pal fluid you get that anywhere you want but just like how I was showing before with recklessly going and throwing those base pal spheres and if you took my advice and unlocked the other starting areas here at the Forgotten Island you're going to to be able to find celer in the water everywhere these tant back bonus I'm at 46% 37% at a level four these celeres they're timid they like to run away 41% and even without increasing my catch rate or increasing the drop rate of items or anything else I'm going around I'm getting all these power fluids that I need in addition celer do have the ability to breed down to Anubis and other high powerful Pals 10 out of 10 recommend these are the guys that you should be using anytime that you need more pal fluids that quick trip that I just did uh 10 pal fluid so that's enough for 50 hypers spheres or 33 Ultra spheres or 20 legendary spheres once I unlock hyper I make pal Giga and Hyper but once I unlock Ultra I immediately stop making hyper yes it's more Stone yes it's more ore but it's also more coal and as long as you're not using the Ultras for everything and you're still also using using the gigas you're going to be absolutely fine on your resources now Austin should we talk about the sphere that's in the games code that lets you steal other people's Pals maybe in the game's code exists this this is called a radar sphere it's currently not able to be purchased or anything else it's considered rank three so uncommon and the internal code is pal feere uncore robbery and its description is a sphere that captures Pals when thrown though it has a low chance of success it can forcibly capture another person's pal this seems like something that this seems like something that they developed and maybe they plan on using it in the future maybe it's going to be something that you have the option to turn it on for multiplayer games because just having that and being able to steal a random person's pal seems very strange and with the current state of how the server needs to communicate with your local data seems way too easy for you to just cheat make everything 100% catch right and then just steal other people's Pals I mean that's the purpose of this maybe they plan something for those Tower bosses for you to be able to capture those Pals there's no specific information on what these spheres are when they plan to be implemented or if they are at all however since this is a video about the Spheres I figured I would mention it now once you're at level 44 immediately stop making Ultra spheres cuz then you're going to significantly reduce your amount of coal cost from 140 down to 60 and you're going to be like me and if you developed this base over here at 190 by- 36 you're going to start covering some of your coal spaces cuz you're getting too much coal coming in and you're going to want to start saving that for them just digging up more ore cuz now you need twice as much there's also a lot more stone cost but stone is free and you probably have a lot of Anubis doing work already in the end game I'm only using pal speres and I rotate some trixies in whenever I need more they also have arrows which which I don't really use but okay for you know lower level guys gigas speres because they don't require any bone or Pal fluid or coal barely any ore it's just going to be Stone and wood you can make that for free in fact it's been a while since I made them how much can I make right now without even trying 66 and what's the only thing holding me up I haven't refined padium fragments from my stone which I have 31,000 of every time I come back to base I do my lap of gathering all of my items put it into the cooler make sure everyone's actually doing their job and picking stuff up seeing how many padium fragments I can make which right now is uh oh I can I can make the max amount which is 2,000 my general rule of thumb is however much Palladium fragments I can make I typically make 2/3 of it if I can make 300 I'll craft 200 and that seems to be the healthy distribution between Palladium fragments Stone making ore great example right here with charcoal I can make 1,300 of it I typically make 2/3 of that number also devs if you're listening I would like to be able to hold this left button and uh and it goes down that'd be so very nice I then make sure I have 30 40 50 gigas spheres and then I put the rest of my resources into my legendary spheres I see what I'm going to need more of in the future which is plaum fragments I just told them to make more and we're good and there we go those are the Spheres that I actually craft and the ones that I don't craft cuz they're not worth the investment in items the investment in time going around and Gathering the items and if you're playing casually and enjoying yourself you probably don't want to be bothered with that stick to your base spheres stick to your gigas spheres that are going to not cost any cement and then whatever your highest tier of sphere that you can craft is going to be do that but then again it's your game it's your playthrough it's your experience feel free to play it however you'd like this just seems mathematically the best for your time and resources this video was actually requested by someone in the comment section which if there's anything you have a question on or you already discovered the answer for yourself but throughout your time playing the game leave it in the comment section down below back in radio there was a mindset that was anytime that you have a caller who calls in that caller is asking a question that a thousand people are thinking and you leaving that comment are going to be asking a question that a thousand people are thinking so whenever you leave a comment like that and it's a great question heck yeah I'm going to make a video on it because heck it might have been something that I thought about myself too like this math is actually something I did the day after release and I just shared it with my buddies and I you know didn't have this channel then but now that we're here and it's a real Channel we're going hard in the paint thank you so much for being here till next time for Austin John gaming Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 93,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sphere robbery, Palworld radar sphere, Palworld vixy, Palworld Where to find vixy, Palworld vixy location, Pal spheres, Pal spheres levels, Palworld Pal spheres, Palworld Equip Pal spheres, Palworld Pal sphere Drops in the ranch, Palworld Types of Pal spheres, Palworld best Pal spheres, Palworld Catch rate Pal spheres, Palworld Catch rate fixed, Austin John gaming, Austin John, Austin John palworld, Palworld breeding, Palworld breeding Generator, Palworld Palpedia
Id: l1rDdPS7Lf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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