Damage, Cost, & Getting Epic / Legendary Schematics in Palworld

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I'm going to be going over the benefits cost and how to acquire these rare epic and Legendary Plans for armor and weapons in poal hey there sport wanted to sit down and uh chat with you a sec powwow sesh Uncle Austin he's a smart guy but let me tell you something not as smart as you'd think you me and every other human on this planet we're not smarter than the collective knowledge of all of us together now you might be sitting there thinking wow this is where you supposed to be doing the intro of the video why are you giving me a real heartfelt sentimental discussion because before you go in the comment and say some like he's wrong don't follow this just think to yourself who's that comment for if that comment is for someone else who needs to learn something it doesn't help them because they don't know what's wrong if the comment is for me I don't know what's wrong if you ever see something in a YouTube video of mine or someone else's and you know for a fact that something isn't correct point it out that's the difference between constructive criticism and being a dick all right sport now go on and why don't you have some fun with power world for the next two weeks until the next thing on Game Pass comes around that you care about yesterday's video had amazing feedback and questions and tips and tricks and everything else and golly I'm I'm just going to make a mega video of all that put together today we're going to talk about these bad boys these are different levels of Rarity of the different pieces of armor and weapons that you're going to be able to find throughout the game the very first thing I want to talk about is what is the cost and benefit of you actually getting these rare epic and legendary plants I have found all of the different levels of crossbow between its base which you unlock in the tech tree and then the plans for the uncommon rare epic and legendary I've crafted all of these different crossbows and mark down all of the different results first let's talk about the base damage of the crossbow which comes in at 2 80 which is pretty reputable but then once you get to an uncommon even one step up that goes from 280 to 364 which is a 30% increase in damage the durability goes from 300 to 400 a 33% increase however the materials to craft it is double you go from 50 wood to 100 stone is 40 to 80 ingots go from 10 to 20 Nails 5 to 10 and that's going to be the common Trend that you're going to be seeing is that anytime that you get a little bit more damage it's going to be a little bit more durability and significantly more materials because the number one thing that you're increasing is your damage per second DPS for the crossbow you're only going to be able to shoot a crossbow at the same rate that you're going to be able to shoot a crossbow but if that one crossbow arrow is going to be doing 30% more damage and you're going to be able to go another 100 shots before having to repair it granted repair costs are also much higher for that time period that's what you're getting the most bang at of your buck once you go to a rare level we go from 280 to 406 a 45% increase in damage durability goes up an additional 200 points that's 2/3 better materials is 300% of the cost once we get to an epic level it's 60% more powerful double the durability and materials are 450% of original cost and once you get to the best level the legendary level you're at 490 damage instead of 288 75% % increase more than double the durability and 6.67 times the material in order to craft it and repairing it is also very pricey the higher level that you get the more bang for your buck but significantly more expensive that kind of makes sense and because of that it's important to think about what are the best weapons to upgrade in my opinion and Everyone's entitled to their own the number one weapons that you should be actually spending the time and getting better ones of are the ones that you're going to be having for longer periods of time the crossbow in my opinion is one of the best weapons for you to actually go ahead and get a rare legendary or epic level up because you're going to be having this once you're in the end game this is still the best use of your regular arrows that you're going to be getting for free finding all around the world the musket is going to be taking coarse ammo however so is the m shift gun and because that the MX shift gun getting that at a higher level is going to your best use of coar ammo if you wanted to be let's just say Frugal about your ammunitions that you've acquired looking at your final weapons as far as your handgun that takes handgun ammo your single shot rifle which takes rifle ammo your pump action shotgun which is better than the double barrel shotgun as both of these require shotgun shells to Fire and the final two best weapons that you may want to go ahead and farm up is going to be the assault rifle which takes assault rifle ammo and the rocket launcher which takes rocket ammo so far I got myself an epic handgun and I don't really use the handgun that much but a lot of enemies happen to drop handgun ammo and a lot of chests have it so that's the reason I hang on to one my assault rifle which I got a rare plan even before I unlocked the assault rifle and I'm carrying around the Giga grappling gun and Lily spear which is just a great melee weapon in this video there are three main ways we are going to be talking about and going over the different types of schematics that you can get the first and easiest way is to be going to these wildlife sanctuaries all throughout the map come around this giant Circle and start just farming up the chests that are around the outside around the outside that's right right on the outside you don't have to have an endgame flying pal it just makes it faster like we just got a metal Helm schematic that number one refers to which level of Rarity it is the one is going to be uncommon some of these are really difficult to find as in tiny nooks and crannies and then just in really weird spots on the Rocks another of the same exact handgun schematic here's also where you could get high-grade technical manuals because once you're in the end game this is how you're going to be able to get technology points once you don't get any more for leveling up and as you can see there's still lots of stuff that I have not unlocked at the final level at the top right of the map these are the spots that I actually go to so if you want to Mark these down on your map go for it in addition to this there's five or six that always appear at the base level in the shape of a hexagon which are the bestag gons at the bottom row you have one on the rightmost side one in the middle one on the leftmost side we're just getting some move fruits over here and some sapphires on the second level we have one on the left and we have one on the right more high-grade technical manuals and on the third and highest floor there's going to be one chest up here unfortunately no plans on all of those since this is a wildlife sanctuary if you were to get off of your mount it says criminal activity underway they might be like oh wow there he is and it plays totally not the Metal Gear Solid sound and then all you have to do is just go away you can pretty much just go back to your base and as long as you have some Pals and you don't actually uh open fire on these guys you're going to be just fine you could also repeat this at Wildlife Sanctuary 2 which is located just above the volcano area once again there's going to be five or six chests in the shape of a hex gon on the inside and these are locations of chests I found on the outside and at Wildlife Sanctuary 1 again hexagon in the middle these are the chests on the outside from here the second way for you to go about getting yourself these rare plans would be the chests in the large Frozen area all throughout this top left region and in the caves as well some of the chests that you're going to be finding outside are going to require keys but not in the dungeon and once you know all of the different ways to make your way to the back room it's going to be very quick for you to just go ahead and get back there inside here you can find yourself treasure rooms that typically have smaller chests that have uh Pooles and ammo and coins for me you're also going to be finding dead end chests like this one right here that have uh pretty much the same stuff this one is a small purple chest with just more handgun ammo and coins and because of all that that's why I typically just make my way to the back room now it's up to you if you want to go ahead and take down the alpha that resides in here or uh with a current glitch that's going on you can just sort of throw your ride pal on the other side of the wall get on top of your ride pal open up the final two chests we got a life pendant level two and a diamond a future technical manual which is three technology points sadly no plans but if you look right here on the map all the locations of the pickaxes those are the locations in which you're going to be able to find these caves if you know where they are you have a fast ride pal you can make your way to the back room very quickly and while this glitch goes on with the whole wall you could do this as soon as you get your first ride pal granted you're also going to need some cold equipment as well and these ways are well let's just say less consistent and you never really know what you're going to get and if you're looking for the highest grade of these specific plans there is a way you can go about getting them easier thanks to information that was Data mined and post on Reddit by a Reddit user called fading black 43 this is a list of all of the different weapons armor and headgear that you can get as a drop from Wild Alpha Pals I then decided to bring it inside of here and sort it by armor headgears and weapons and most importantly the tech level at which you're going to be getting these things when it comes to armor at the beginning of the game if you're able to take down chillet who is level 11 you you can get the cloth armor which is tech level four and the next better armor is going to be at level 12 and that's going to be carrying you until Level 23 once you start getting into your metal armors you're also going to be able to take down elizabe for metal armor aagon who is level 48 for the heat resistant refined metal armor ly knocked at level 49 for the cold resistant refined metal armor and the best two armors in the game you have to take down paladis and necromus who is going to be dropping you the heat and cold resistant pal armor there are four different types of headgears in the game between the feathered hair band Metal Helm pal metal Helm and the refined metal Helm with the refined metal Helm being dropped by menting and as far as Weapons if you take down Bushi you're going to be able to get the legendary crossbow schematic Beacon is going to be dropping the handgun suzaku is dropping the pump action shotgun blaz aut is going to be dropping the assault rifle and Jet Ron is going to be dropping the rocket launcher there's also these Pals who are going to be dropping random accessories if that's something that you're going to be interested in now that I'm at level 50 there's a few of them that I'm going after which is pretty much just the best armor of heat and cold resistance the best headgear these five weapons actually I've never really used the shotgun it might be good it might not be good but it's not something I'm actually really actively going after the crossbow be nice for you know me just using my arrows higher durability stuff like that in my opinion these are the two main game ones that those weapons can be used in the endgame at all and now Gamers full transparency I already got the crossbow schematic 4 and the refined metal Helm schematic 4 and then my computer crashed I actually found out what my recent problem was because of settings that I changed a long time ago for fan speed my graphics card was hitting 100° C and then just my computer would turn off so I have a mod installed right now that is going to show us the exact drops that you can get from these Pals so say for example there's a specific weapon that you're going for I would recommend every hour that that pal is going to be respawning you go ahead and you take them down and you might get lucky and get yourself the exact plan that you're looking for but I would definitely recommend going and choosing to catch them rather than defeat them if you decide to use the butcher's knife on them there's a chance that you're going to be getting their drop again see here I have my two blaz M Huts that I've captured so far and I know that this one has better individual values because that attack and defense at level 49 is better than his at level 50 I'm just going to go go ahead take our level 50 guy and use the butcher's knife that is a very large sensor [Music] okay and there is a chance that you are going to be getting the drop once again it is in their drop pool however it is not likely to happen there's no exact numbers it might be a 10% drop it might be a 5% a 2% or a 1% but just as you're going through and as you're taking down the alpha Pals and as you're using that for experience farming one of the things that you can get out of that well great guys I hope you found this information helpful on how you can go about getting yourself some of the legendary level of armor and weapons in the game and a bunch of different ways you can go about it if you found this information helpful do me a favor hit the like button down below if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications and for Austin John gaming until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 57,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld Criminal activity underway, Palworld updates, Palworld schematics, Palworld Rare schematics, Palworld legendary schematics, Palworld epic schematics, Palworld Butcher, Palworld How to butcher, Palworld Legendary accessories, Palworld Weapon their list, How to get Rare schematics, How to get legendary schematics, How to get epic schematics, Where to get Rare schematics, Where to get legendary schematics, Where to get epic schematics
Id: 0aelvfDlHes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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