94 Partner Skills to Level Up in Palworld

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in power world there are many different partner abilities that the various Pals have today I want to go over which ones are good which ones are useful and which ones you should consider upgrading in power world oh my God it's a Charlie puppy update some of you may have seen the 2500 subscriber update that included the puppy reveal of Charlie and you feel Bamboozled that you didn't get any more Doge picks quick update Charlie went to the vet he's doing just fine he's extremely energetic and somehow he learned how to pole vault from this couch into the other room and when I was like well how did you do that he was very happy to show me how he did it just to let you know he is absolutely fine 100% fine we moved this couch we moved things out of the way and we're going to need to get a bigger fence and we move this chair out of the way and I don't want him to be able to do this because then nothing in the house is ever going to be safe and as a puppy we're told to keep his world small while he wants to break down the barriers of his wall and owning a puppy is a magical journey every day okay Austin Johan gaming uh tomorrow's video I'm doing tips that you guys have learned throughout your time playing there's already a bunch of great comments that have been left that are going to be featured but if there's anything in particular you've learned throughout your time leave a comment down below with the words one word Pro tip p o TI i p and then what your tip is is that way I can feature these specific comments and who actually left them and I think it's going to be a fantastic learning experience for all of us great there is a very long and detailed Google sheet accumulated by the data Miner who's doing most of this in power boob blade and it's going to be available on a Reddit post that I'm going to link down below I saw this and this is information that is so good that I do not want to change the interpretation of or come up to my own results of because how it is summarized here is absolutely perfect I previously talked talked about all of the different mounts that are going to be getting speed boosts from increasing your partner skill level partner skill level being when you go to the pal condenser there's a variety of different Pals that when you get them up to partner skill level two which is one star three four and five which is fourstar these various pals are going to be having an inherent speed boost to how fast that they are going to be moving this does not increase their stamina or the amount of time that they stay in the air it only increases the distance that they cut over that stamina time if you want a much more detailed video on how these Mounts work the speed that they can go to and which ones you should be focusing on there's going to be a card in the top corner so check that out at the end of the video I still think it's so weird that there are so many that are going to be on the ground and there's only one wall flying and it's Nightwing maybe because it's so slow that it needs that 20% boost I don't know and as you can see once you capture four additional Pals and condense them you get a 10% boost and then it's going to be a marginal increase of 2% % 5% until you hit the final level which is another 5% considering this needs four this needs 16 this needs 32 and this needs 64 that four is very easy to come by let's move on the next portion to talk about is a hidden stat of player attack boost while mounted chill's partner ability makes it so when you attack you're going to be doing Dragon damage univolt electric Pyon fire Pyon knock dark also Merra is dark vegan electricity ragna Hawk fire aerob water although I would never want to actually sit on that thing cuz then I have to hear it move and heler is going to be dark it's not just an elemental switch it's going to be an elemental switch and a damage boost it increases the players's attack by x% and additionally changes the player's damage to element meaning that if you were to mount a chillet who the alpha is going to be at a level 11 you're not only going to be doing Dragon damage you're also going to be getting a 50% boost to your your attack damage that you do now if you happen to be attacking a pal who's going to be weak to Dragon Keep in mind in your player guide on the options page it tells you all of the elemental advantages and disadvantages dragon is going to be super effective to dark not only are you now doing one and a half damage to dark type Pals your element changed to Dragon which is now super effective and now you get another boost on top of that this makes a lot of sense considering that now the opposing pals are going to be focusing only on you and your pal it's not like you can keep distance and use one to kite or bait and you're not going to be having two separate entities attacking instead it's one unit so that 50% boost kind of makes sense once you learn how to balance your three different attacks with your pal and your actual damage whether you do using a crossbow or some sort of firearm you're going to be able to do amazing damage that way it's also worth noting that the legendary pal Frost alion and frost alion knocked also swap the player damage type to ice and dark respectively but there is no attack bonus and once again like we saw with the different mounts that first level of just sacrificing four additional Pals you're getting that 50% boost your next 16 is only a 5% boost and then a 10 and then a 15 and then a 20 there's going to be three different Pals who have partner abilities that's going to increase the damage that you do it being Elemental damage and you do not have to physically Mount that pal that being Knox wixen and Anubis Knox for dark wixen for fire Anubis for Earth however the Boost to the damage is significantly less level one is only a 5% boost to your damage level two is 6 7 8 and then level five is 10 so really really big diminishing returns on these but once again if you are going to be attacking a pal like you have a wixon and wixon's run around doing a whole bunch of fire damage now your attacks are also going to be fire type as well and if you're attacking a grass type pal you're going to be doing fantastic damage now if you were to combine that with the idea of using poison arrows now you have poison arrows who are doing fire damage and you're getting more banged for your buck as your DPS damage per second ver Dash everyone's favorite grass type Cinder rase is also going to be granting an elemental swap to grass but with a movement speed to yourself and to it starting at 20% and landing at 40% instead of an attack increase carry weight in my video that went over early game tips I mentioned aadaa is the best first pal to get just cuz of the variety of things that it can help you with at your base one of of those things is that it's going to increase your carry weight and at level one which requires no additional poer increases it by 50 lb kilog 50 units of weight and that gets upgraded to 60 70 80 and 90 also there's going to be lunaris Brun Cherry it's Aqua variant kingp Paka Ice King Paka Wombo and WBO Boton with WBO and Wombo Boton having the largest carry weight increases of 120 that scales up to 160 while editing hearing myself say Wombo so much the only only thing I could think of is Patrick saying you know SpongeBob Wombo I Wombo you WBO he she they WBO that's the only thing I keep hearing in my head maybe good for your quarts and sulur runs wbo's there for you do those stack right now my base carry weight is600 these videos are a great motivator to make sure that I go around and get all my technical manuals and I make all of the different Saddles that I need with the wo saddle my carry weight now goes to 1720 and with the Wombo Boton it now goes to 1840 so yeah I could have both of them in my party and without even mounting them or taking them out or anything they are going to be increasing that carry weight drop rate this is a very handy one so every single one of these Pals who's going to be increasing the drop rate for specific types of Pals is going to be activated when you have them as a pal and then increased by their Star level pen King is going to be increasing drop rate bonuses for fire pess for normal Valle for Earth aladan for dark aladan Aqua for fire cry linkx for Dragon Blaze howl for leaf what is it actually called Leaf have I not do I not know this Blaze howl knocked also for normal Menace sting for electricity feris for ice and orer for water Ah that's probably why people are in the tips video say that they use orer for farming up all their power fluids that makes a lot of sense just having them is going to be a 40% increase at level one then that increases to 50 60 70 and 80% with how the in-game multiplier works like for pal appearance rate making it 1.5 that basically means you're always going to have that one times and then a 50% chance at a bonus the original poster also believes that it's going to be following the same idea that fox Sparks has 100% chance to drop exactly one leather and with partner skill level one to pen King the drop rate is going to be boosted to 140% since this exceeds 100% your guaranteed one leather plus you have a 40% chance to get one additional leather we also have a category here called mounted element boost which percent increase to element type damage for example grin tail is normal Dino awesome Leaf Dino awesome Lux electricity you could read the rest of this thing ending with frost Stallion and frost stallion knock being ice and dark respectively level one is a 50% increase to damage and level five is 100% increase to damage now this bonus applies to both the mounted pal and the trainer if the trainer has an attack that matches the ele boost it will be boosted too the important part is that the pal itself receives this bonus as well meaning a mounted pal with this boost will do 50 to 100% more damage with their attacks that match the element bonus type this makes these pal as combat mounts with the manual ability usage especially powerful better than letting them fight automatically and there's a Synergy with frost Stallion and knock because both are going to swap the players damage type to ice and dark respectively just without the attack increase that typically comes along with that this means that the player's attacks would fully benefit from this element damage boost to 50 100% as well this makes Frost ellion good for both mounted player damage and mounted pal damage so while Frost alion and knocked don't give you a 50% boost to your damage and change the element it changes the element and therefore gives you a 50% boost to damage same same but different but still same now we get on to party Buffs these bonuses apply to any matching pal that comes in the condition in your party the buffer only needs to be in your party to apply these bonuses to your active pal these bonuses stack additively if you have multiple buffers for example if you have spark it then all electrical Pals in the party receive a buff Ruby is fire hooker tees is dark kemis normal so on and so forth keep it going down and down the base is 10 all the way up to level five being 20% making a full team of buffers combined with one strong active pal as a way to make the absolute strongest single pal you can combine that with the mounted element boost above for an additional 100% % damage to deal the highest possible pal damage four foxic and one Frost stallion mounted is probably the highest pal damage outside of special moves like the penguin launcher there's a lot of Elementals in here except for two of them that's going to be specific different Pals beard for elizabe and S for swea S wall and team sweepa stats will be increased and if we look at sweepa we could see that its attack goes from 190 to 212 in addition its defense goes from 136 to 179 that has to do with the 12 % from the sweet and 20% from my passive skill Burly body now I would be remiss if I didn't also talk about that there currently exists a glitch that wall on top of a sweeper you drop a sweep from the party move away from it Dismount pick up the pal get back on top of the sweeper and you're going to see that the passive skill is going to stack if I wanted to do it again I drop the S move away from the s i Dismount collect the s i get back on top of sweepa looking at sweeper stats it has G up now to 36% and yes you can do this over and over and over and over and over and over probably not how it was designed to work just saying it's also worth noting that for elizabe and sweepa themselves as opposed to Bard andu if you increase elizabe or sweep's overall level to a total of 8% increase but 5% at level two which is weird that there's nothing at level one oh level one makes it possible level two gives you a 5% boost all the way up to 8% at level 5 Mak sense let's talk about farming animals upgrading the partner skill of farming animals increases the number of items they find they have a minimum and maximum that they can find as displayed here so when Lambo is going to be finding wool at level one the base level it's always going to find one but as you upgrade that to level five it can find as little as one or as much as five every time that that skill is triggered at the ranch chickp is going to be finding eggs kremis is going to be finding wool but at a much higher rate than Lambo so if you're ever in need of wool you should definitely take lamble out of the ranch and switch it to kemis when you can it's going to be two three at a base level and to six at the highest level Mao and Ma Christ are going to be finding money anywhere from 10 to 50 coins a not great way to make money mozzarita is going to be finding milk 1 through five wiip pop is going to be finding sweets CA is going to be finding berries all of these are 1 through 5 melpa is going to be finding wool at the exact same rate that kemis is so you could switch to melpa as well and you probably should because they're even in the starting area Bard is going to be finding honey at a rate of 1 to5 flamb Bell is going to be finding fire organs 1 to 5 fantastic for making fire arrows and CX is going to be finding cloth at 1:1 all the way up to five now find cloth is actually the higher cloth it's not just wool so you're going to be finding the nice refined stuff that's what you're going to need for those nice pow beds later on Vixie however has an increased pool of items that it can find at its base level it's is going to be finding one sphere or Arrow or 10 money at level two that increases the quantity from one sphere to 1 to two spheres 1 to two arrows 10 to 20 money at level three we're looking at 2 to three spheres 2 to three arrows 10 to 30 money level four is interesting because now your pal sphere resets back down to only finding one arrow goes up to 3 to four money goes up to 10 to 40 however now you can also find Megas speres level five is not going to increase your mega pal sphere level but it's going to increase your pal sphere arrow and money and now some last and final touching notes there are two Pals that increase your defense as little as 5% to 10% for war sect or 7% to 14% for Menace ding Run's work speed bonus applies to the weapon workbench and weapon assembly 1 and two oh it increases its efficiency well that's hot garbage the mounted bonus to logging SL mining only applies to the pal itself and not the player using your pickaxe from the back of am Mount gets no bonus okay gumos gives an increase of 10 to 20% % increase for player logging if there were multiple levels of wood in the game I could see that being helpful but there's not life steal from lavander and felbat heals for 2% to 6% of damage dealt I mean combining that with things that can actually boost your attack might be helpful the weak spot damage bonus from Robin quill and Van worm is increased by 20% to 40% note you must be mounted for Van worm's weak spot bonus to apply warx partner skills description is incorrect it does not make the players attack fire instead it increases the player's fire resistance by 5 to 10% increases players defense and applies fire damage to the players attacks yeah no that is not not proper phrasing that's not what that does at all okay and gorat's attack bonus while berserk is massive 50 to 200% I mean it's fantastic just having all of this information in one place and now you have it in one place as a resource if there's anything you need to see in particular some of these things should have deep Dives on and and I may be trying out some of this stuff here in the future guys if you found this information helpful do me a favor hit the thumbs up button down below again if there's any big helpful tips that you have for players in this game seasoned and new use the word Pro tip in the comment when leaving a comment on this video and I'm going to be doing that video tomorrow thank you so much for being here if you haven't done so be sure to subscribe until next time Austin John gaming out
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 254,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld Tips, Palworld Tips & Tricks, Palworld Partner, Palworld Partner skill, Palworld Partner skills, Palworld Skill list, Palworld passive Skill list, Palworld Partner skill list, Palworld all Partner skills, Palworld best Partner skills, Palworld pal skill list, Palworld Upgrade Partner skills, Palworld Partner skill level, Palworld pal Condenser
Id: DxOYlruh0v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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