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so my friends I've got a little bit of a problem today my problem is that my base up here is entirely pointless you guys pointed out in the comments over and over again that well meows don't work with skills on ranches that's kind of annoying because I spent 8 hours trying to breed lucky charm and his friends yeah evidently these skills that he have to make his work speed faster that doesn't work on the wrench they just dig whenever they want to and not only that but if I come down here to my iron mine I have a another problem these dig toes are actually terrible at digging look at that they only do two damage per time at these rocks now it does add up over time but it's not as profitable as making an Anubis Farm which we're going to do today but before we start this Saga of breeding the perfect Anubis I'd like to thank Guild Saga vanished worlds for sponsoring today's video Guild Saga vanished worlds is a brand new Tactical RPG for PC where you're a newcomer to the heroes Guild and chosen for an important mission to enra the mystery and make your way towards an Uncharted continent that's full of danger and opportunity and as you can imagine the game is full of fantasy elements that bring players complex combat customizable progression and it's all set in this really fun unique pixel art style the gameplay Blends tactical turn-based combat with deep player customization also there's a ton of fun little companions you can get with you and they have a ton of customization as well so you can really carvo your own distinct path through the game's rich and mysterious Landscapes also Al there's loot lots and lots of loot which I love I didn't mention it before but there is a free demo for this game that you can play today if you click on that link Down Below in the video description you can try out the free demo for Guild Saga vanish worlds on Steam you can also add the game to your steam wish list while you're there as the game does come out later this year in April so this is kind of one of the exploits that'll probably get fixed in the future but if I build up a nail here and then I quickly build it my goodness they made that so fast we can take that nail to a merchant like this wandering one over here and sell it to them for a solid 160 gold each which is actually pretty insane that kind of makes me want to bring this Merchant home with me hello Mr Merchant would you like to come home with me I better get something that's not as damaging as a legendary weapon for a level 10 so let's just kind of mine you for a little bit uh-oh wow everyone immediately got mad at me hello I just need this Merchant guys it'll be okay I promise here you join me with a legendary sphere that's not very good that's a 16% chance oh balls is going to be hard isn't it I swear I just want the not you I want the merchant oh it'll be okay just give me the merchant nobody will get hurt I promise all right maybe I need a different sphere hypers spheres I don't want to waste all my legendary ones ooh yeah that's the same percentage chance why are you so difficult right now no shoot well we'll get a different one at a different time excuse me fellas I'm out of here it would be a shame if follow those people came back to my Camp here and were immediately destroyed by my overwhelming Army yeah the anubis' are having fun my goodness wow all right even the black market trador is deciding to attack them nope he's just standing there he's like I'm totally going to collect you and we bring you back for science problems this gives me bad ideas this gives me really bad ideas but that might be in a different video and we attempt those other ideas I hope more don't respawn I think we may have just won the battle now everyone's hungry same so essentially what my idea is that I want to create these anubis's and make them really really strong I've been doing a little bit of breeding off screen but I think we need to start with having some good ragna Hawks not like this one who's just kind of dumb and stuck over here you're not smart but maybe one of your babies will be smart artisan and work slave that's actually the exact one I wanted it's kind of crazy when you get both of them having the same stats like that but since I do have a few more eggs I might as well eat incubate them too and if you were wondering ooh that one's Swift as well if you were wondering I have the world settings so there is no timer for incubation it just makes it easier when I'm making videos also don't play on public servers just don't so I'm hoping since this cim moth is a lucky then we should get some good stats here on this large egg come on let's see let's see let's see get lucky artisan and works slave Artisan Works slave Burly body didn't get lucky on there sorry Manda you're not the one I'm looking for also I need a better glider do I even have the better gliders unlocked there's the Giga glider I've got a good feeling about this egg though a really good feeling about this egg I just need a Spider-Man my way over there I don't know why I don't move that breeding thing like why do I run back and forth every single time I have to climb up on the roof and then sit here and incubate the egg I need to move it and it gives me o Lucky in logging foran that's not quite it either but that lucky is super nice why don't I just put this you know you know somewhere a little bit closer get out of the way van worm nobody likes you for real this time I just need you to move and not just flap in place go play in traffic or something drum roll lucky Artisan work slave with bottomless stomach that's a pretty good combination okay so if I combine that one and Y with I believe it is a CIS with a CIS like one of these I always think cesses are female but I have male Cates so that's not quite the M Moss Panda I need so I could just put some Moss sandas together and I think these things are adorable they're one of my favorite just because they're big and goofy looking much like myself so let's incubate another Manda egg and give me something cool lucky Artisan work slave conceeded that's actually the ones I need are you a male or a female buddy you are a male is that what I needed I physically don't remember okay so my other male is lucky work slave Artisan this one's lucky AR it's the same they're the same thing all right looks like another egg is ready hopefully this is a good one this has got to be close over here too nope never mind but let's try this out large egg I'm just hoping for the four skills that we need and Artisan serious work slave cold blooded that we we have that one like they're almost identical except a little bit back anyway it's time to change things up here a little bit I'm going to put all of these guys to the pasture cuz they extremely unhealthy right now ah it's so much more peaceful here now except for when your dumb Dum get stuck on the Rock I'm not sure where I want this but I totally am going to build a production assembly line here somewhere maybe up here in these trees this could be a good spot for it like right about here very nice is anyone going to help me oh yeah whatever pal that is is coming kit soon wixen that's what I said that's what I that's what I meant I'm also wondering if this thing requires electricity I didn't think about that not enough electricity balls I'm assuming the electric furnace needs electricity too so I'm just going to have the anubis's start mining I'll be real none of these are very good like at all that one's got serious skill that one's a glutton okay we have one that's yeah okay you're going to go here you're going to go here we have one that's serious oh that's so much faster this is looking nice we actually don't even need the van worm or we could I like how we have the bosses in here too by the way that's the only way to capture these to go take out the bosses my goodness these guys are good at this I want to see what happens when all of it gets done this is so much faster and these aren't even leveled up nicely they are just destroying those rocks and I think once they do it they're just going to grab all of the resources and oh my word immediately haul it instantly that is so cool look at that army of Anubis now we need to level these guys up all the way they're having so much fun look at them all go and the brong chair is like I just like walking but I am going to build up a power generator I'm not sure exactly where to put it let's put it next to the bathtub because nothing could go wrong with that I want to see them build this thing too yes I'm going to sort actually I'm not going to sort I wanted to sort by element type there's the rhound which is a level two the univolt is a level two as well we have the Grizz bolts which are level three but this guy the or or orir yeah he'll work now I'm hoping you're going to run over there and start generating electricity who's that a boy yeah oh wow he enjoys that a lot okay one more egg give me oh man why do I only get three of the four I need all four come on come on come on come on come on give me all four give me all four I want all four lucky diet L that's not any of the ones I wanted but what I do want is to turn these primitive furnaces into little better furnaces give me that give me that and then I don't have enough polymer to make this but we'll just make one of these real quick that should be pretty good I'll let these Bros finish it off in just a second my goodness you guys are good at building things and Mining things all right I feel like we can turn one of these Anubis into a a fire pal and if we do that we might as well take a nice one like you your mantius now F it's going to be your job to burn all of these ingots into well all of it into ingots I think I don't know Max start production come on over here Dingus not you wixen you're not you're not great at this wixon about to be fired okay I mean you're not too bad I just don't need you when we have a giant dragon here with legendary fire skills not not you either van worm we don't need you either there we go Dragon time look how fast that dos all right I'll take 130 you're so fast we're going to put these over here and make these nerds turn it into Nails okay that's going to be 465 Nails my goodness this is going to be a lot of money all right friends look how fast we're making the nails hot dang that's incredible this is going to weigh a lot too which is entirely why I hope this Merchant has respawned sorry not sorry oh yeah I got a mad at me EXC I'm just assaulting one person thank you all right let's get some hypers spheres going get captured please I'm stronger than all of you combined plus I have literal dragons on my team why did I use lift monk figes why did I use them my capture rate so bad oh nice shot oh no not quite what are you doing up there friend come on come on get captured watery Merchant I got to run excuse me sir don't mind me your guards are he's actually that guy needs to be fired and out of a cannon oh yeah I wanted to bring him back here just to see what kind of Madness would happen if all of these anubis' just went to town oh my goodness that guard is getting destroyed down there even I killar he's like yep I'll just shoot my little ball at you is that all of them do we did we end them do we end their careers all right fellas you've had enough play time get home and start working again the guard is literally up here you dinguses fellas over here I got to refresh them cuz their brains are broken it's working it's working I thought it was working they have the Dums in them thankfully pathfinding at my main base is a little bit easier and we took out all the guards also we have way more eggs that's fun you guys have been busy that's what in breeding's for please just give me the four things that I need the four that I need that's one you can't count very high that's what happens when they get inbred it is so hard to get the perfect skills it really is oh that's pretty good but not what I need the good news is I can let this watery Merchant go free here at the base there you are just wandering around why are you on fire I can pick up the 930 nails and then zipline over the wondering why are you taking damage are you taking damage are you just going to go commit sidoku give me this I have some good items in stock me too they're called nails and they worth 150,000 money that was good also we have 250 7 more ingots which means I can make up an entire buttload more Nails oh my word look how fast it's going oh that's pure money being rain right there so that took all of about 37 seconds to make 500 Nails also my weight capacity is way too much but I have the grappling hook so it'll work out just fine no no no no no no come back here you're walking so fast why are you so fast oh you turned I'm going to cut him off yes that's another 82,000 beautiful now I do need to buy more ammo ooh fire crossbow beautiful 400 handgun ammo in my pants and now the trouble is getting the right candidates to make the perfect Anubis could this be the egg that we're looking for Lucky Artisan work slaves Zen mine that one's not bad and since we have a money Farm that's working way better than this one unfortunately we get to destroy it and if we're going to destroy it we might as well combine all of those Pals into one if I can find the pal condenser there it is not going to lie I almost feel bad I almost just barely because all of these things are going to go be combined into this guy right here all right lucky charm I'm sorry about this but you're lose all of your siblings yeah those will all disappear all right so lucky charm is now a two star which is pretty solid his friends weren't so lucky though now I have to clean up all of this mess find it funny I spent eight hours so I can generate 7,000 gold per second or per per hour and I mean it kind of worked okay but not nearly as good as a nail Farm is especially when I get better anubis's in there not going to lie I'm a little bit sad about this because it took forever to make oh hello dig toys what are you what are you doing here are you helping me what are you oh I'm so I'm so big here have you lucky charm help nope wait what am I doing why don't I just stab him with a sword or shoot him in the face with a pistol I forget how to play this game sometimes hello Mr wandering Merchant I have a question for you would you like to come visit my base permanently if I shoot you in the head you're going to explode ooh actually level 16 might actually be able to take a few hits let's try a legendary sphere in the back all right 15% chance that's really expensive I knew it wouldn't work all right come down here don't allert any of your friends a balls I'll just use hyperspheres instead yeah that's the same rate I'm going to hide over here here please don't hit me I didn't do anything wrong I just want to go kidnap this person do I say that out loud it's actually working oh hot dang two spars yes thank you I really appreciate that you came to visit us now I can buy unlimited amounts of pal oil whenever I want to it's high quality stuff and since I you know just have like pretty much unlimited money now wow I can make $9.99 I really only want like a couple hundred so I could tell my dinguses to make up some polymer and it would be so helpful if we had better anubis's and I really want this egg to have all four things on it so I can make a better one oh bottom okay serious that has three wait actually that might work perfectly depending on the gender let's have a baby reveal party we've got a girl does that mix with this one ooh okay serious Artisan work slave Artisan work slave ah I need lucky on there I need a lucky serious one and I am not getting it come on Lucky serus come on luy lucky Sirus come on Lucky serious that's a serious ferocious that's just as much as not wanting it good news everyone I just got a lucky serious male I'm not sure how that's going to work with that cuz two males can't make a female or something a why actually if I put these two together would they make me another lucky serious they might so we're going to attempt that make a baby so I just came to check on the Anubis Farm it's kind of weird but they man man to uh they mine everything when you're not here but they forget to haul it until you get here I have no idea why that is it's like they travel in a pack mentality look at the little fellas go they run back and they run forth then they run back and they run forth then they run back and they run forth and then I come over here and I tell them to well make up a bunch more ingots like such as maximum 212 it's totally not even the right number but you know what I meant I just love their stupid little anime run they why why do they have to run like that it's also crazy how much xp that uh MOS fanda is making oh level 16 well done thank you for that and we'll take this we're going to make some Nails out of it because everyone's cleaned everything up and our friendly Moss sand is just speed leveling this look at that go also look how fast those nails are being created that's incredible this is definitely way better than the Diggy boys that we had before now where is that salesman at would you like some more nails bet you would oh yeah that's awesome the other fun thing is I'm really close to getting a good CIS here and then we'll be able to combine the CIS and the Manda to build the anubis's Artisan work slave that's exactly what we needed and we got the bonus XP sick so I've got two Artisan work slaves here one's a male one's a female I also have a lucky serious male and female so these two together switch these two together should be able to make all four of the things we need just get in there you Dingus actually we got another egg too okay then you two make some sort of weird mutant child and the same with you too I'll just not watch because it gets awkward plenty more cake for them to have fun with and now we have a quest to make the best Anubis ever but we don't have Legend yet we'll get that in the next video all right I'm pretty excited for this we have oh we have a few of them I went farming for some pal fluids not here at the farm that'd be even more Awkward than this has already gone today but we do have three eggs and I'm hoping for Artisan lucky serious and I don't know Works life that's the other one we got two of the four I'm also hungry like in real life not just in the game okay luckily and fragrant foilage why why is that a thing come on Lucky work slav so that's two of the four that we need hot dang we're getting there so I might let these guys breed a little bit while I stepped out to lunch and oh I keep forgetting I have a few eggs yeah it'll be exciting I promise there's a lot of anubis' here this one is oh work slave lucky diet lover all right I don't care about Burly and diet lover o Artisan serious my goodness this is going to get weird hopefully we get just one of them that's the right things that one's definitely not that boy's just serious and oh great this is going to get really bad isn't it none of these are going to work and I'm going to sit here for another hour and at least I'm getting lucky on them which is not natural in the world ooh serious and work slave that's two good ones oh there's two again we're getting there we're so close all right a lucky Artisan is a good one that's really good and work Slave serus oh those two together with the lucky Artisan that could create a a four star not a four star it's kind of what I'm calling it though all right I got to organize these so good news I have four of these that have well all four of the traits lucky works slave Artisan serious this is the same lucky work slave and an artisan serious so I'm going to put these in and start making babies like this where' that one go oh here you are whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why do you run so fast get in there you filthy animal stop no not with the Manda that's weird no way no way no way it's just I just got it I just got it I've been breeding so many flipping eggs all day long oh that's it lucky serious Artisan Works life actually got it hot D look at look at all of these Anubis that I've read there's there's uh 6 12 then 50 there's a bunch of them we got it oh my goodness lucky serious Artisan Works slave that's the perfect combo right there we have plus 20 + 30 + 15 and plus 50 so 115% work speed on this thing I need to know I need to know for science purposes how fast does it actually build things um let's see select a recipe should we just do one pal spere okay someone else is coming over for it but you won't make it and it's already done hold on do it again Ready Get Set start production instantly all right uh how about a ultr sphere oh my goodness are you kidding me right man that's incredible all right I need to I need to do like a stack of legendary do I need here I have an idea here buddy you come here you're going to be building me some carbon fiber I believe I have some uh not with coal we're not wasting coal but I should have some charcoal ready oh yeah plenty of it carrying too many items no I'm not not when I can fly all right slap that in there all right Mr Anubis Mrs Anubis sorry uh I'll just try this max out and and oh we don't want coal here we go charcoal Max the charcoal it is stupidly fast look at that XP gain too like every one of these going up is another level like how the bar doesn't even go to the end it's like yeah good enough you've completed it there we go carbon fiber for me carbon fiber for free now let's see how long it takes him to build a couple legendary spheres all right here buddy have fun these things take like a minute each usually it's like 10 seconds that's so great oh my word that took forever to get now the question is can I clone him her can I clone her so this is its first Offspring let's see if it gives good stats or not it's probably just going to be like something dumb lucky yeah why those those even exist on you H I'm not exactly sure but I did have something interesting to think about here if I grab that pal Metal Ingot I want to show how slow this is to do by hand and you can compare to the other one oh but I need three more we'll try one more of these eggs before we go Mass uh produce or I don't even know condense Mass condense Our Queen lucky Artisan that's another one is that a male is this a male if it's a male then we have a pair I don't even know where it is right here we have a male and we have a female that's literally the same one isn't it ohang hold up hold up come back here sir this is awkward I know the game doesn't have proper genetics and all but I believe this is called incest love is blossoming between the pair oh look away look away that family tree runs deep or maybe I should say shallow I don't know all right the first baby is here just popped out of nowhere I don't know how that works but we're going to see if this gives me all four I'm going to be so happy yeah I didn't think it would the game doesn't uh want to do nice things for us but I do know one thing I should look at both of these and figure out which one I want to modify because let's face it I've got like 1150 Anubis in here there are so many of these stupid things I'm wondering which one's better does it matter I mean this one has a already a higher level we should do that one we're going to name you uh Queen Anubis and my pal deck is entirely plus the 40 that I have at other bases so let's let the condensation begin all right pal you go in here this is so wrong but we just get to start combining everything I don't even know I kind of just there's so many bad ones there's so many good ones I'll just get rid of ones that don't have any good stats or only one of the good stat there we go up to Max health of 2,000 already condensation complete thanks to the noble sacrifices of all of its companions wow so we got a three star our queen of nuis here that or a nubi um and I don't know how many more like I need to breed a bunch more just so we can satisfy the Quest for 64 more but that's not quite everything because well I spent another few hours afking last night building up more eggs and check this out I did it got her up to four stars but look at this handiwork five and Mining four I didn't realize the work suitability got updated as well this thing is straight up insane go ahead pump over there and let's see if you can make one of these I need some pelium fragments hold on thankfully there's eight in here this is crazy how fast that she can work also Dingus fe's head over there don't worry still working all right you ready for this let's just max out to production we can only make three right now but all by the queen self oh the others have joined in these legendary spheres were done in like three second seconds isn't that crazy we've done it we should actually take you hold on follow me we have to go make some Nails I did have them make some nails when I was AFK too a thousand more hello sir would you like to buy an industrial quantity of spiky metal things that's just $168,000 sell real quick that was great but that's fine because I've got 1,600 more ingots here my goodness maximum maximum over drive go make look at how fast those snails are being built my goodness every one of those is $160 even the crafter the merchant wants to join in had 1,000 we're at 2 minutes and 35 seconds in this recording I want to see how long it takes to make them all and that was 25 seconds to make 1,000 Nails this is so fast probably be faster if we remove that Merchant too also the fun thing is I have eight of the perfect anubis's now I even Nam some of them like save one and save two but there's eight of them with perfect stats hello sir would you like to take these off my hands that's right we just made 526,000 money in a grand total of 1 minute that is so much fun anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video of pal world if you enjoyed this one make sure you do check out Guild Saga vanish worlds down below and thanks again to them for sponsoring this video thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch at you next time and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bread do c scer d Mr GLE one Pon please fussy badge missing sniper lank H Kyler J Nitro VR Nitro y H Auto da Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M codo R La Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer ra BC engineer scarx Spencer te whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 550,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld anubis, palworld anubis gameplay, palworld anubis best
Id: jKInxIbKyok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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