The Best Flying Pals in Palworld (Speed Tests)

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one of the most engaging parts of the pals and power world is that you get to ride them around but out of all of the different flying mounts which ones are actually worth it and what are the best ones that you can get throughout your journey today I'm going to be talking about the statistics and the math on all of the different ride Pals that you're going to be getting in power world I would like to [Music] you John me [Music] my piano is so Out Of Tune today we are going to be talking about the different flying Pals that you're going to be getting access to now there's two different categories of flying Pals considered flight plus hover like Nightwing over here that if it completely ran out of stamina while it was on top of water it would be absolutely fine it would just kind of hover above the water as opposed to Pals that are considered flight plus ground like frost stallion over here if Frost stallion were to run out of stamina while on top of water it would drown the only thing you're really missing out on is that you're you're pretty much just flying a pony in the air today I'm going to actively be comparing Nightwing who you get at level 15 van worm who you get at level 21 heler that you get at level 33 Beacon that you get at level 34 ragna Hawk that you get at level 37 feris that you get at level 38 ven worm Chris did you get at level 41 and jet dragon did you get at level 50 jet Ron Jud Dragon however you want to say that and what I did for my test is I set up this shape right here and this small stool I started all of the pals on this small stool and if you look to the north I have a marker 274 m in the distance I went to my Max height and then I rode the pal all the way to the end I did this as one test and then I also did the same test with them sprinting toward that North marker I also decreased their stamina by 50% that way this would be a faster test and I could do some of these tests three or six times times over I also compared a few different things such as if I were to have a pal who was not an alpha versus a pal who is an alpha if I had a pal with no beneficial passive skills for Speed as opposed to if they had Swift if they had Runner or if they have Legend I compare to the Cris variation of Van worm to the regular version and also I compared if they had zero powered up stars or one powered up star and some of the results were pretty interesting and after running these tests time over time I came to some interesting conclusions first of all there's absolutely no difference if a pal is an alpha or not my Nightwing versus my Nightwing Alpha the time that they came in was within half a second of each other and the total meters per second was uh hunds of a second off I'm going to round that to human error it's exactly the same secondly the regular van worm versus the vorm Crist despite this being level 41 and the regular being level 21 there is absolutely no difference in its speed coming in at [Music] 22.45% second compared to 8.94 m/s exactly 30% faster and the other one was 7.93 versus 9.44 again 20% faster the duration in which they remained in the air was exactly the same but the amount of distance that they covered in that time was 30% further so any of these speed up traits that they get like Swift or Runner they're going to be going faster over the same amount of time once I was able to cancel out a lot of you know the similarities I then started running all my tests on the sprinting speeds inside of the data mine you come up with the actual sprinting speeds like there's actual values for them however that doesn't Direct directly correlate to your experience while flying one of these Pals because you're going to be jumping up which takes stamina you're going to be moving some distance before you actually hit that sprint button so your actual experience compared to just this flat number is very different there's also some Pals I did not include in this as far as suzaku and suzaku aqua because right here in this column I've created what I consider the value of that ride pal meaning that aon's speed being 800 and unlocked at level 47 its value as a ride pal is 17 compared to feris over here whose SP speed is going to be 1,400 unlocked at level 38 its value is 37 it's a it's a real rough chaotic number but it kind of gives you a good idea van worm Chris being absolutely horrible unlocked toward the last nine levels of the game just cuz it's a fun rainbow color and the suzaku are immediately outclassed by things that are uh even for it just because it's going to be a higher level does not mean that it's going to be moving further or faster so on screen are the numbers on the amount of time that they remained in the air the total distance that they covered and the calculated me/ second but none of this information is helpful without the takeaways let's get to the takeaways I then also decided to calculate all of the speeds of every single one of the pals in this test with mostly their Sprint range and Sprint speed being the most important things I'm looking at cuz that's what you care about the most and then also calculating if they had the runner trait or the Swift trait or both of them because I don't want to exclude any specific types of play Styles you may be on a server that has reduced ex gains for longevity of the server and here are the final takeaways you're going to be unlocking Nightwing at level 15 if your Nightwing doesn't have Runner or Swift soon as you unlock van worm at level 21 immediately upgrade to him however if your Nightwing has Runner or Swift then that Nightwing is going to be able to go not as far but faster than that van worm and honestly the distance isn't typically the problem when it comes to ride Pals in the air just don't Sprint and you can go much further if you were to get a van worm with Runner SL Swift it's going to obviously outclass the Nightwing with Runner or Swift but it's going to be beat by Ragnar Hawk the difference is that's 16 levels that you have to wait this is a huge jump up in levels right here so if you're going to be playing in an experience that it's going to take a long time to go from level 21 to the 30s like if your exp gain is reduced from 1 to.5 two whatever it is you may want to breed yourself a vanor with Runner and Swift it's going to be immediately outclassed by Ragnarok heler and everything else but for those 16 levels it's going to be your best friend and then we get to the mess of mid-30s mid-30s you're getting access to heler ragnok feris and Beacon all four of these now if you get any of them with the runner or Swift trait that's going to be fantastic I wouldn't go out of my way to get those traits on any of them except for ragna hawk or feris because feris is going to be the best one that you could have with Runner or Swift or even better both of them before you hit the level 50 jet dragon legend pal however I would recommend if you were to breed and actually like do a lot of work in order to get one of these to be really good ragna Hawk you will utilize at level 50 even after you have a jet dragon you will still use a wbred ragn hawk and you want to know why that is caves caves is why that is if you want to make your way through these caves as fast as possible your ride pal uh jet jet dragon does a fit he doesn't fit through these entrance ways but ragna Hawk as long as it is not an alpha is going to fit through these cave entrances no problem he can just hop on your bird make your way all the way to the back and immediately be in that final room when you're in the later caves in the Ice Area your ability to get to the back faster is going to make your time going through them so much more enjoyable ragnok can you murder things please thank you soon as you're done take him out toss him back down get your loot and get the heck out and absolutely none of the other pals are able to go through caves that easily now there's one other small detail I would like to talk about and that has to do with a partner skill level you're going to see this van worm Cris over here at level two versus level one for Arial Marauder right Arial Marauders say can be read as a flying Mount increases damage dealt to enemy weak points while mount level two same thing this does not increase any sort of flying speed stamina or anything else for any single one of these ride Pals except Nightwing Nightwing's travel companion can't be ridden as a flying Mount is the only flying hovering flying pal that you have that if you were to get more of them travel companion becomes better now how much better does it become I actually managed to get a Nightwing who has Runner so he's going to be the base of my testing I bring them up to the point and then we Sprint forward and I make a note of the very first frame that they begin their fall animation we do another second test of them just walking forward let's go ahead and consolidate and upgrade this bad boy and now we recreate our test so from the data mine it just said that after you upgrade it it says Nightwing 10 12 15 20 and I had no idea what these values are are they flat numbers added on top of that but after running these tests with Nightwing at a sprinting and walking speed at level zero and level one it was pretty much exactly 8% now this also includes me doing that jump up to altitude which includes a jump which does deplete stamina so I'm starting to think that this 8 and 1/4% we're looking at 10% that 10 that it said before 10% so a level four Sprint Plus Runner Nightwing clocks in at 54.3 y range and 12.9 m/s that makes us faster than a base heler at level 33 also faster than a Base ragn Hawk at level 37 and faster than a level 34 beacon in fact the only thing that puts us behind is feris granted our range of 54 is worse than everything else but you know if you really need that range just go slow and you can squeeze it out of there there cuz our no Sprint range we're looking at 201 M and we come on par of pretty much everything except for feris which is obvious cuz feris has ridiculous range so if you're on a server that is very taxing and very punishing on how far you can actually go as far as your experience getting a level four Nightwing with Runner and Sprinter is probably worth it so that's the one exception to this entire chart that I talked about before on who you should get and when you should upgrade great well guys I hope this video was informative and helpful on which ride Pals you should be choosing on your journey in po world if it was do me a favor hit the thumbs up button down below if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe here Austin John gaming Austin John's non- Nintendo content until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 85,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld jet dragon, Palworld Flying pal, Palworld flying pals, Palworld Best Flying pal, Palworld Best flying pals, Palworld fastest Flying pal, Palworld fastest flying pals, Palworld best mount, Palworld faster Flying mount, Palworld Fastest Flying mount, Palworld Nitewing, Palworld Vanwyrm, Palworld Helzephyr, Palworld Beakon, Palworld Ragnahawk, Palworld Faleris, Palworld Jetadragon, palworld tips, palworld advanced tips, palworld guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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